Studies of this system by [1988Pre] gave an isothermal section at 497 °C (770 K), depicting several ternary compounds. [2001Gum] identified new ternary compounds and refined the structure of the previously known compounds. They constructed an isothermal section at 597 °C (870 K), depicting seven ternary compounds and significant solubility of the third component in several binary compounds. This system is included in the review of Al-Cu-RE systems by [2004Ria].

Binary Systems

The Al-Cu phase diagram [1998Liu] depicts a number of intermediate phases: CuAl2 (C16-type tetragonal, denoted θ), CuAl (η1, orthorhombic), CuAl (η2, monoclinic), Cu5Al4(LT) (ζ, orthorhombic), ɛ2 (B82, Ni2In-type hexagonal), ɛ1 (bcc), Cu3Al2 (δ, rhombohedral), Cu9Al4(HT) (γ0, D82, Cu5Zn8-type cubic), Cu9Al4(LT) (γ1, D83-type cubic), and Cu3Al (β, bcc). In the above, HT = high-temperature and LT = low-temperature. The Al-Gd system [Massalski2] has the following intermediate phases GdAl3 (D019, Ni3Sn-type hexagonal), GdAl2 (C15, MgCu2-type cubic), GdAl (ErAl-type orthorhombic), Gd3Al2 (Zr3Al2-type tetragonal), and Gd2Al (C23, Co2Si-type orthorhombic). The Cu-Gd phase diagram [Massalski2, 2004Ria] depicts the following intermediate phases: GdCu6, βGdCu5 (D2 d , CaCu5-type hexagonal), αGdCu5 (AuBe5-type cubic), Gd2Cu9 (monoclinic), GdCu2 (CeCu2-type orthorhombic), and GdCu (B2, CsCl-type cubic).

Ternary Phases

[2001Gum] identified four new ternary compounds in this system and refined the crystal structures of two previously known compounds. The structural details of seven compounds, numbered 1 to 7 by [2001Gum] (denoted τ1 to τ7 here) are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Al-Cu-Gd crystal structure and lattice parameter data [2001Gum]

Isothermal Section

With starting metals of 99.95 mass % Al, 99.95 mass % Cu, and 99.5 mass % Gd, [2001Gum] prepared 38 ternary alloys by arc-melting under Ar atm. The alloys were annealed at 597 or at 497 °C for 1000 h and quenched in water. The phase analysis was carried out with x-ray powder diffraction. The same seven ternary compounds were found at both temperatures. The ternary compound GdCuAl3 reported by [1988Pre] with the Al4Ba-type tetragonal structure was not found by [2001Gum] at 597 or 497 °C. The isothermal section at 597 °C (870 K) constructed by [2001Gum] for Gd content up to 33.3 at. % is shown in Fig. 1. Along the Al-Cu side, at this temperature, the liquid phase (L) is present instead of θ. The ternary compounds are shown at the compositions listed by [2001Gum]. The binary compound GdCu5 and GdCu2 dissolve up to 50 and 4 at. % Al, respectively. GdAl2 dissolves up to 5 at. % Cu.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Al-Cu-Gd isothermal section at 597 °C (870 K) [2001Gum]