The Ga-Pt phase diagram in [Massalski2] (solid lines in Fig. 1) was thermodynamically assessed by [2006Li]. The result is shown with dashed lines in Fig. 1. The phase boundary data adopted by [2006Li] in their assessment were essentially the same as those adopted by [Massalski2] from [1976Gue]. Noticeable differences between [Massalski2] and [2006Li] are as follows:

  • GaPt liquidus: The [Massalski2] diagram is too asymmetric. [2006Li] is more likely although [Massalski2] agrees better with available experimental data.

    Fig. 1
    figure 1

    Ga-Pt phase diagram

  • Ga3Pt5: [2006Li] assumes a line compound whereas [Massalski2] shows ∼5 at.% solubility range. This disagreement must be settled experimentally.

  • γGaPt3: The difference in the width must be examined experimentally.

  • \(\upbeta\hbox{GaPt}_{3}\) and \(\upalpha\hbox{GaPt}_{3}\): These phases were not taken into account by [2006Li].

  • (Pt): Experimental data are not available to support either [Massalski2] or [2006Li].