
It is well known that transition metals are present in steelmaking slags with different valence states. The quantitative treatment of the slag/metal reactions requires a good knowledge of the redox equilibria of these metals. Previously, we have investigated the oxidation state of vanadium[1] and chromium[2] in silicate slags as a function of oxygen pressure. In this article, we present such data on niobium.

Niobium can occur in solid oxide phases in the divalent, quatrovalent, and pentavalent forms (NbO, NbO2, and Nb2O5).[3] At 1873 K (1600 °C), the Nb/NbO equilibrium[4] is at an oxygen pressure of about 10−14 atm (1.0133 × 10−14 bar), which is much lower than the range investigated in the current study. In aqueous solutions, the trivalent (Nb3+), tetravalent (Nb4+), and pentavalent (Nb5+) valence states seem to exist.[57] With respect to oxygen containing liquid steel, niobium is a (moderate) deoxidizer.[8] The deoxidation phases are FeO·Nb2O5 at low niobium contents (≤0.165 mass pct Nb at 1873 K (1600 °C)) and NbO2 at high niobium contents.[8] In liquid slags, the oxidation state is usually taken to be Nb5+. Several studies of the partition behavior of niobium between slag and metal have been carried out at temperatures between 1473 K and 1873 K (1200 °C and 1600 °C) using graphite[912] or magnesia crucibles,[13,14] assuming that the niobium oxide in the slag is Nb2O5 (Nb5+), except in a study by Tsukishashi et al.,[11] in which also the valence state Nb4+ was considered. The Nb5+/Nb4+ ratio of approximately 3 can be deduced from the capacity data given in this investigation[11] for a CaO/3CaO·SiO2 saturated CaO-SiO2-CaF2 slag at 1573 K (1300 °C) at graphite saturation and under carbon monoxide gas \( \left( {\log {\text{p}}_{{{\text{O}}_{2} }} \left( {\text{atm}} \right) = - 16.6} \right). \) It seems that no other equilibrium data of the redox reaction between niobium species are available for the basic steelmaking slag systems and at higher temperature.

We have determined the oxidation state of niobium in calcium silicate base melts with selected CaO/SiO2 ratios as a function of oxygen pressure at 1873 K (1600 °C). The investigation was confined to the range of relatively low niobium contents in the slags from about 3.7 to 8.5 mass pct. The results are reported in the following text.

Experimental Procedure

The experimental procedure was similar to that described in the investigation on chromium, and the reader is referred to Reference 2 for details. The oxide samples of 1.5 to 6 g were melted in platinum-rhodium crucibles and were equilibrated with gas phases of controlled oxygen pressure, and then were quenched and analyzed chemically for total niobium and tetravalent niobium. The content of pentavalent niobium was obtained as the difference between the contents of total and tetravalent niobium.

The gas mixtures were composed with capillary flow meters. Starting gases were high purity carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Subsequent purification was carried out as usual.[2] The oxide samples were prepared from reagent grade CaCO3, SiO2, and Nb2O5.

In most experiments, the applied reaction times were 4 hours. At the beginning of the investigation, time series were carried out to check the rate of the oxidation/reduction reaction and the extent of evaporation. It was confirmed that the equilibration of the sample with the gas phase occurs fast so that the oxidation state pertaining to the oxygen pressure of the gas phase is established in 1 hour or less.

At the end of the reaction time, the samples were pulled into the water-cooled brass head of the used Tammann furnace and quenched to room temperature under the reaction gas. The samples were powdered under carbon dioxide in a glove box to prevent oxidation and pick up of moisture. As the first step, about five times an amount of Fe3+, compared with that of total niobium, was added to the slag powder. Then, the material was dissolved in a mixture of sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids (1/1), which was performed, under purified nitrogen, using a closed vessel made of polytetrafluorethylene. The Fe3+ oxidizes the Nb4+ to Nb5+ and forms an equivalent quantity of Fe2+. The residual hydrofluoric acid was complexed with oxygen-free boric acid solution. Then, the Fe2+ was determined by potentiometric titration with Ce4+. The total niobium was obtained by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The accuracy of the Nb4+ analyses is estimated to be better than ±5 pct and that of the Nbtotal analyses better than ±3 pct, yielding an uncertainty of the derived Nb4+/Nb5+ ratios of less than ± 8 pct. This error can be considered to be small in view of the change of Nb4+/Nb5+ ratio by a factor of 15 in the covered range of oxygen pressure. The experimental data are listed in Table I.

Table I Oxidation State of Niobium in Calcium Silicate Slags as Determined by Chemical Analysis of Quenched Samples*

Redox Equilibrium of Niobium

The reaction to be considered is

$$ {\text{Nb}}^{4 + } + \frac{1}{4}{\text{O}}_{2} = {\text{Nb}}^{5 + } + \frac{1}{2}{\text{O}}^{2 - } $$


$$ {\frac{{{\text{Nb}}^{5 + } }}{{{\text{Nb}}^{4 + } }}} = {\text{Kp}}_{{{\text{O}}_{2} }}^{{\frac{1}{4}}} $$


$$ \log\, \left( {{\frac{{{\text{Nb}}^{5 + } }}{{{\text{Nb}}^{4 + } }}}} \right){\text{ = log}}\;{\text{K + }}\frac{1}{4}{ \log }\,{\text{p}}_{{{\text{O}}_{2} }}. $$

The factor K in Eq. [2] contains the activity coefficients of the metal ions and the activity of the oxygen anion. If the ratio of the activity coefficients of the niobium cations and the oxygen ion activity approach to constant values, then K will be constant at given contents of majority components of the slag, and the log–log plot of the Nb5+/Nb4+ ratio against \( {\text{p}}_{{{\text{O}}_{2} }} \) results in a straight line with slope 1/4. This slope is so to a close approximation as shown in Figure 1. But there is an influence of total niobium content on K, as seen in Figure 2. The effect of CaO/SiO2 (basicity) is not clear, Figure 3. There is an increase of K from CaO/SiO2 = 0.66 to 0.93, which corresponds to the behavior of other transition metals, e.g., an increase of Cr3+/Cr2+ and Cr6+/Cr3+ with basicity as observed in the preceding investigation.[2] But from CaO/SiO2 = 0.93 to 1.10, there seems to be a decrease again, which indicates a maximum of K in the K-basicity function.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Ratio Nb5+/Nb4+ as a function of oxygen pressure in niobium containing calcium silicate melts at 1873 K (1600 °C)

Fig. 2
figure 2

Effect of total niobium content on ratio Nb5+/Nb4+ in niobium containing calcium silicate melts at 1873 K (1600 °C). Basicity = 0.93. The symbols are explained in Fig. 1

Fig. 3
figure 3

Plot of Nb5+/Nb4+ ratio vs mass pct CaO/mass pct SiO2. Calcium silicate melts with about 8 mass pct total niobium. 1873 K (1600 °C). The symbols are explained in Fig. 1

Mention should be made on the possibility of other valence states of niobium in the slag. Particularly, it should be considered whether divalent niobium Nb2+ might exist because NbO is a stable phase in the Nb-O system.[3,8] In this case, the equilibrium

$$ {\text{Nb}}^{2 + } + \frac{3}{4}{\text{O}}_{2} = {\text{Nb}}^{5 + } + \frac{3}{2}{\text{O}}^{2 - } $$
$$ {\frac{{{\text{Nb}}^{5 + } }}{{{\text{Nb}}^{2 + } }}} = {\text{K}^{\prime}}\text{p}_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }}^{{{3/4}}} $$

would be established. In the limiting case that only two species are present rather than three, there would be Nb2+, instead of Nb4+, and Nb5+. But this alternative can be excluded. The potentiometric titration method that we used for determination of Nb4+ (via Fe2+) cannot distinguish whether the slag contained Nb4+ or Nb2+. If Nb2+ existed instead of Nb4+, the Nb2+ concentration obtained from the titrated Fe2+ would be one third of the Nb4+ concentration. The Nb5+/Nb2+ ratio would just be about three times the value of the Nb5+/Nb4+ ratio. But in a log–log plot against oxygen pressure the slope 3/4 should arise, which is not the case. The slope is ¼, which proves that the main species are Nb5+ and Nb4+ and not Nb5+ and Nb2+ in the range of oxygen pressure investigated. But possibly Nb2+can exist at lower oxygen pressure.

Color of The Quenched Slag Samples And Transmission Spectra

The solid slag samples containing transition metals have characteristic colors that depend on the state of oxidation of the transition metal. This is well known and has been elaborated for chromium containing slags in the preceding article.[2] Figure 4 shows the colors in samples with CaO/SiO2 = 0.93. It is evident that the slags are violet with the color intensity increasing with decreasing oxygen pressure or increasing Nb4+ content of the sample. In the transmission spectra, there is a minimum in the range of wavelength from 530 to 575 nm[15] caused by Nb4+, which has been found previously for niobium Nb4+ containing fluoride salt melts,[16] for Nb4+ containing nonaqueous solutions,[17] and for Nb4+ containing Nb2O5 films.[18] The minimum becomes deeper with decreasing oxygen pressure (increasing Nb4+ fraction) and increasing total niobium content.[15] The color of a transparent slag represents the complementary color of the absorbed light. The absorbed color is “green” for the range 495 to 570 nm, see Table VI in Reference 2, making an observed color of "violet-red violet", which agrees with that found in our slag samples (Figure 4). The transmission spectra are given elsewhere.[15]

Fig. 4
figure 4

Colors of the niobium containing calcium silicate slags. Basicity of samples: mass pct CaO/mass% SiO2 = 0.93


This article presents the experimental results on the dependence of the redox state of niobium on oxygen pressure, in calcium silicate base melts at steelmaking temperature. Such an investigation has not been carried out hitherto. It was confirmed that niobium is mainly pentavalent in liquid slags, as is usually assumed in the metallurgical literature. A small fraction is tetravalent. The apparent equilibrium constants of the redox reaction were determined. The experiments were confined to oxygen pressure above 10−9 atm (1873 K (1600 °C)). It might be interesting to perform similar measurements at lower oxygen pressures to check whether divalent niobium can occur. The phase NbO is a stable solid in the binary niobium-oxygen system. Possibly, niobium can exist in liquid slags in three valence states (Nb2+, Nb4+, and Nb5+) as is the case for vanadium (V3+, V4+, and V5+) and chromium (Cr2+, Cr3+, and Cr6+).

Niobium colors the slags violet; the intensity increases as oxygen pressure decreases or Nb4+ content increases.