
Hydrogen reduction of mixed oxides enables the formation of an alloy containing a low melting metal (e.g., Au) with a high melting metal (e.g., Co). For example, in the reduction of cobalt aluminate (CoAl2O4) by hydrogen,[1] to form cobalt with Al2O3 particles, indications were obtained that at temperatures higher than 1273 K, part of the alumina was reduced and the produced aluminum formed a binary Al-Co alloy. Similarly, in the reduction of ZnWO4 with hydrogen, a new W-Zn phase was obtained.[2]

The reduction of MoO3 with hydrogen has been subject of numerous investigations[37] with contrasting opinions on the kinetics of the reduction of MoO3 to Mo. For example, Hawkins et al.[3] studied the reduction of molybdenum oxide by hydrogen in the temperature range 573 to 723 K and found intermediate suboxides between MoO2 and MoO. Orehotsky et al.[4,5] separately investigated the kinetics of hydrogen reduction of static powder beds of MoO3 to MoO2 and MoO2 to Mo at temperature ranges of 732 to 877 K and 686 to 1083 K, respectively. The activation energies reported for both processes were approximated to 70 kJ/mol. Arnoldy et al.[6] investigated the reduction of MoO3 and MoO2 by varying parameters such as heating rate, sample size, H2O content of the reducing mixture (H2/Ar), and precalcination temperature. In this study, the reported activation energy values ranged from 80 to 405 kJ/mol. Du Sichen and Seetharaman[7] carefully analyzed the hydrogen reduction of MoO3 and MoO2 by using thin pellets of the oxides placed in crucibles with relatively high walls. The activation energies reported by these authors were 211 kJ/mol for the reduction of MoO3 to MoO2 and 85 kJ/mol for MoO2 to Mo. On the other hand, there does not appear to be much information in the literature on the kinetics of the reduction of Ag2O by hydrogen. This may be due to the fact the Ag2O starts decomposing at about 473 K. Indeed, the kinetics of the thermal decomposition of Ag2O has received large attention.[8]

Silver alloys and silver composites find application as electrical contacts due to their high thermal and electrical conductivity. To ensure high electrical conductivity and strong wear resistance, the properties of silver are combined with those of other materials. Powder metallurgy provides a suitable route for the production of refractory alloys especially when the components of refractory alloys have greatly differing melting temperatures, limited mutual solubility, and different densities. Moreover, the powder metallurgy processing route is highly economically competitive. On the synthesis of Ag-Mo base materials, only one reference has been found, Stolk et al.[9] These authors synthesized Ag-Mo composites by heat treating silver molybdate (Ag2MoO4) powders in H2 atmosphere to address the thermal properties of the product material. Silver and its alloys have excellent electrical, thermal, optical, or catalytic properties. An investigation of the reduction kinetics of silver molybdate would be of considerable value. Thus, the objective of this work is to study the reduction kinetics of Ag2MoO4 by hydrogen aiming at the rate of the chemical reaction as the rate controlling step. To obtain the silver molybdate phase, Ag2O and MoO3 powders, in stochiometric ratios, were ball milled to ensure a uniform distribution of Ag and Mo ions.


Silver molybdate (Ag2MoO4) was prepared at the stoichiometric composition by mixing Ag2O (99.0 pct Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA) and MoO3 (99.5 pct Alfa Aesar) powders in required proportions followed by mechanical ball milling using a shaker ball mill (SPEX 8000, Metuchen, NJ). Stainless steel balls were used in the mill, while the ball-to-powder weight ratio was kept to 10:1. The milling process was limited to 5 hours to minimize iron contamination.

Isothermal experiments were carried out on Ag2O and MoO3 powders, while nonisothermal experiments were employed on Ag2MoO4. Both types of reduction experiments were carried out using a horizontal thermogravimetric apparatus (Metller Toledo 581e, Mexico, D.F., Mexico), which has an accuracy of 1 μg. The balance was controlled by a personal computer through an interface. The weight change during the reduction experiments was recorded by the computer at 1-second intervals. An alumina crucible with 8-mm inner diameter and 1-mm height was used to hold the sample. Typically, about 35 mg of powder were used in each experiment to just form a thin layer. The crucible containing the sample was placed on one end of an alumina rod from the balance. The reactor was made of dense alumina with 16-mm inner diameter. The temperature of the furnace was controlled by a Pt-13 pct Rh/Pt (R-type) thermocouple placed just below the crucible. The fluid flows of the inert gas and reactant gas were individually regulated using mass-flow controllers. Argon and hydrogen gases (99.99 pct) were used in the reduction experiments, which were not further cleaned; however, the influence of the impurities in the hydrogen gas over the reduction kinetics should be well within the limits of experimental error.

In the isothermal experiments, the reaction chamber was flushed with argon gas for 30 minutes after introducing the sample. Then, the sample was heated to the reduction temperature at a heating rate of 25 K/min under a constant flow of argon of 0.1 L/min. Once the reduction temperature was stabilized, the argon gas was stopped and hydrogen gas was introduced into the reaction chamber to start the reduction process. After no more weight loss of the sample was recorded by the computer, the experiment was terminated by cooling the furnace to room temperature at the highest cooling rate (∼50 K/min). In the case of a nonisothermal experiment, the reaction chamber was initially flushed with hydrogen for 30 minutes after introducing the sample into the furnace. A constant flow of hydrogen gas (0.3 L/min) was maintained throughout the heating cycle. The sample was then heated at a constant heating rate. The experiment was then terminated in a similar fashion as in the case of the isothermal reduction. To eliminate the effect of mass-transfer effect through the powder bed, i.e., gas transport resistance from the bulk stream to the bottom of the crucible, an optimum amount of powder was determined by examining the reduction rate as a function of the mass sample, which is proportional to the thickness of the powder bed. Moreover, to help focus on the rate of chemical reaction as the controlling step, a hydrogen flow rate of 0.3 L/min was established, as it should be well above the starvation rate for the reduction reactions studied given the small amount of particles used.

The phases of the products obtained after ball milling and hydrogen reduction were identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis using a Siemens D5000 diffractometer (Mexico, D.F., Mexico) at 30 mA, 50 kV, and 0.02 deg/s step size using Cu K α radiation. The particle size distribution of the oxides was determined using a Horiba centrifugal particle analyzer, model CAPA 500 (Irvine, CA).


The average particle size for the starting powders, Ag2O and MoO3, and the milled powders were 0.15, 0.69, and 1.2 μm, respectively. The XRD spectrum of milled powders along with the identified phases are shown in Figure 1. As it can be seen, powders mainly consist of Ag2MoO4 with small Bragg peaks of MoO3 and Ag2O. The presence of small amounts of MoO3 and Ag2O could indicate that the milling time was not sufficient to completely form the Ag2MoO4 phase. However, the former two phases should be distributed uniformly within the mixture, which would be favorable for the subsequent reduction process.

Fig. 1
figure 1

XRD patterns for Ag2O-MoO3 mixture (1:1 molar ratio) after ball milling

To better elucidate the reducing mechanism of Ag2MoO4, isothermal reduction experiments were individually performed on Ag2O and MoO3 powders. Figure 2 shows the isothermal reduction curves of Ag2O by hydrogen at different temperatures. The dimensionless mass change X represents the ratio of the instant mass loss Δm t to the theoretical final mass loss Δm , the latter corresponding to the loss of all the oxygen atoms from the oxide. As it can be seen, the reaction rate increases with increasing temperature with a suitable temperature range between 348 and 398 K. Figure 3 shows the reduction rate of MoO3 by hydrogen as a function of temperature between 893 and 953 K. To avoid uncertainties in the experimental data, the maximum reducing temperature of MoO3 was limited to 953 K due to the dramatic sublimation of MoO3 solid occurring at temperatures above 973 K and below the melting point of MoO3 (1055 ± 5 K). In each reduction curve, a distinct change in the slope is observed in the range X = 0.2 to 0.3. The change in the slope is expected at about X = 0.3, as the complete reduction of MoO3 to MoO2 should theoretically correspond to X = 0.33. To verify the effect of gaseous diffusion between particles on the reaction rate at 923 K, the powder bed height was increased by increasing the weight of the sample from 35 to 50 mg, as shown in Figure 4. As it can be seen, both reduction curves are invariant of the bed height (i.e., sample weight) from the beginning of the process toward the complete reduction of MoO3 to MoO2 (X = 0.33). After the complete reduction of MoO3 to MoO2, the reduction curves tend to separate from each other, indicating the dependence of the reaction rate (dX/dt) on the bed height.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Isothermal reduction curves of Ag2O

Fig. 3
figure 3

Isothermal reduction curves of MoO3

Fig. 4
figure 4

Effect of powder bed height on the isothermal reduction rate of MoO3 at 923 K

Because the temperature range for the reduction of MoO3 is higher that that for Ag2O by about 500 K, it was deemed necessary to study the reduction kinetics of Ag2MoO4 under nonisothermal conditions, because an isothermal process would require a very wide temperature range that is not suitable for the evaluations of activation energies. Thus, Figure 5 shows the nonisothermal reduction of Ag2MoO4 at different scanning rates. As it can be seen, the reduction curves show a similar pattern independent of the heating rate. Distinctive changes in the slopes indicate that the reduction process goes through intermediate steps. The reduction steps toward the completion of the reaction depend on the heating rate, because there is no overlapping of the reduction curves. Toward the end of the process, the reduction rate becomes slower the lower the scanning rate.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Nonisothermal reduction curves of Ag2MoO4


Isothermal Reduction

In the present work, the reduction curves of Ag2O by H2 show no discontinuities in their slopes, suggesting a one-step process according to the following reaction:

$$ {\text{Ag}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}\, + \,{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} \, = \,{\text{2Ag}}\, + \,{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$

Because the reduction curves shown in Figure 2 clearly indicate that the process is sensitive to temperature, it is logical to assume that the chemical reaction is the rate controlling step under the given experimental conditions.

Figure 3 shows the reduction curves of MoO3 at different temperatures. It is evident that these curves present a change in slope at about X = 0.3 being clearer at lower temperatures. This is an interesting observation as the complete reduction of MoO3 to MoO2 should theoretically correspond to X = 0.33. Beyond this point, the reduction rate shows a sigmoidal trend for the MoO2 conversion. While the acceleratory period in the sigmoidal curve indicates the onset of the MoO2 to Mo conversion, the decaying period would most probably be the result of the diminished reaction surface. Therefore, under the prevailing experimental conditions, the reduction of MoO3 involves two main reduction steps:

$$ {\text{MoO}}_{\text{3}} \, + \,{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} \, = \,{\text{MoO}}_{\text{2}} \, + \,{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$
$$ {\text{0}}{\text{.5MoO}}_{\text{2}} \, + \,{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} \, = \,{\text{0}}{\text{.5Mo}}\, + \,{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$

Reaction [2] would be controlled by the rate of chemical reaction, as Figure 4 shows that the slopes of the reduction curves corresponding to X < 0.3 are nearly the same. In this case, the gas composition at the internal surface of the particles is quite the same as that in the bulk gas phase. Therefore, gas diffusion between particles does not offer any considerable resistance, and only the chemical reaction offers the major resistance to the reduction process. On the other hand, Reaction [3] is likely to be affected by the rate of mass transport due to the fact that the slopes of the reduction curves for X > 0.33 (Figure 4) are relatively different, indicating that gas diffusion between particles proceeds at a slower rate than the rate of chemical reaction. Thus, the resistance caused by the gas diffusion becomes significant.

The existence of suboxide phases during the reduction of MoO3 with hydrogen has been controversial. For example, Du Sichen and Seetharaman[7] carried out SEM studies on MoO3 thin compacts partially reduced by hydrogen at 873 and 973 K. Their studies showed that MoO2 was the unique intermediate phase during the reduction process, although there exist two intermediate phases such as Mo9O26 and Mo4O11 between MoO3 and MoO2 phases, as illustrated in the phase diagram Mo-MoO3 constructed by Bygdén et al.[10] Other authors[11] reported the intermediate phase Mo4O11 before reaching the MoO2 phase by hydrogen reduction at 823 K. Ressler et al.[12] studied the reduction of MoO3 with hydrogen in the temperature range from 623 to 823 K and hydrogen concentration from 5 to 100 vol pct. They found that Mo4O11 forms only under certain reaction conditions (H2 concentration <20 vol pct and at temperatures above 698 K), where the reduction of MoO3 is considerably slow that it permits the formation of Mo4O11. They also reported that the formation Mo4O11 is not an intermediate product during the reduction of MoO3 but is rather formed in a parallel reaction from MoO3 and MoO2. In the present work, the reduction of MoO3 proceeds considerably fast due to the higher reducing temperatures employed. Thus, neither Mo9O26 nor Mo4O11 phases were identified by XRD on samples partially reduced.

Similar to Reaction [1], Reaction [2] is likely to be controlled by the rate of the chemical reaction in view of the following facts.

  1. (1)

    Sample powders used in this investigation were essentially of a few microns in size; therefore, the thickness of the product layer is small and thus it is not likely to offer any appreciable resistance to the reactant and product gas species.

  2. (2)

    The change of the height of the bed, by increasing the sample weight from 35 to 50 mg, had a noticeable effect on the reaction rate only beyond X = 2 (Figure 4), implying thereby that the rate of gas diffusion through the powder bed was not mechanism controlling the reduction reaction in the beginning of Reaction [2].

  3. (3)

    Under the previous circumstances, using a flow rate of 0.3 L/min, the rate of mass transfer from the bulk of the gas stream to the external surface of the powder bed is not likely to hinder the course of the reaction.

  4. (4)

    Given that the amount of the oxide powder used is very small, the impact of the endothermic heat of the reaction on the temperature of the particles could be assumed to be negligible; therefore, the heat-transfer aspect can be ruled out.

Nonisothermal Reduction

From the preceding isothermal results, the nonisothermal reduction of Ag2MoO4 is first reduced to Ag and MoO3 according to the following reaction:

$$ {\text{Ag}}_{\text{2}} {\text{MoO}}_{\text{4}} \, + \,{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} \, = \,{\text{2Ag}}\, + \,{\text{MoO}}_{\text{3}} \, + \,{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$

Then, continue through Reactions [2] and [3]. This was confirmed by XRD analysis, which revealed Mo and Ag as the unique phases present in the reduced product, as shown in Figure 6. In the reduction of Ag2MoO4, changes in the slopes were more evident. To acquire a deeper understanding of the reduction mechanisms associated with these behaviors, the derivative of X with respect to time, dX/dt, from the nonisothermal reduction curve with a scanning rate of 11 K/min was plotted as a function of temperature along with the corresponding reduction curve, as shown in Figure 7. The dashed lines indicate the theoretical fraction of transition from Reaction [4] to Reaction [2] and Reaction [2] to Reaction [3], X = 0.25 and X = 0.5, respectively. Figure 7 shows that dX/dt increases and decreases irregularly with increasing temperature. This behavior may be explained as follows. In the region comprising Reaction [4] (0 < X < 0.25), the reduction of Ag2O starts at about 350 K and the reduction rate shows a sharp increase as a consequence of the increase in temperature up to 495 K. This temperature is above the temperature range used in the isothermal reduction of Ag2O (348 to 398 K). From 495 K, the reduction rate decreases up to 545 K. This decreasing trend could indicate that the reduction mechanism changes from chemical control to mix control, because the rate of chemical reaction increases to the extent where it is no longer the slowest rate step, as established by Szekely et al.[13] and Levenspiel.[14] Before the theoretical completion of Reaction [4] (X ≤ 0.25), dX/dt increases again, indicating that the reduction of MoO3 to MoO2 might have been initiated before Ag2O is completely reduced. In the region comprising Reaction [2] (0.25 < X < 0.5), the reduction rate of MoO3 to MoO2 increases up to 600 K. Beyond this temperature, dX/dt decreases progressively until the theoretical completion value is reached, X = 0.5. It should be noticed that the reduction of MoO3 to MoO2 occurs in the temperature range 570 to 650 K, which is significantly lower with respect to the temperature range found in the isothermal reduction of the single oxide (MoO3), 893 to 953 K. This disparity cannot be explained on the very basis of particle diameter difference between the single and complex oxide but rather on the possible catalytic effect of the free silver content obtained from the preceding reaction. Namely, silver provides a surface with active catalytic sites on which reactants (H2 and Mo oxides) temporarily become adsorbed and bonds in the reactants become weakened sufficiently for products to be created. The catalyst releases the products without affecting them. This process increases the reaction rate and lower activation energy. While the catalytic effect of silver explains the initial increase in the reaction rate, the subsequent decrease would most probably be due to the diminished reaction surface besides high concentration of H2O (g) at the reaction interface caused by the fast consumption of H2, hindering thus the driving force for the chemical reaction.

Fig. 6
figure 6

XRD pattern of the product obtained after the nonisothermal reduction of Ag2MoO4

Fig. 7
figure 7

Differential reduction rate dX/dt against temperature for a nonisothermal experiment at 11 K/min

In the last step of reduction (MoO2 to Mo, X > 0.5), the reaction rate depicts a sigmoidal trend. This behavior may be caused by the action of opposed driving forces. That is to say, on the one hand, the catalytic effect of silver and the increase in temperature tend to increase the reaction rate, and, on the other hand, the reversible character of Reaction [3] makes the course of the reduction highly sensitive to slight variations of H2O (g) partial pressure buildup at the reaction interface. To account for the catalytic effect, Reactions [2] and [3] involved in the reduction of Ag2MoO4 will be henceforth referred to as

$$ {\text{MoO}}_{\text{3}} + {\text{H}}_{\text{2}} \frac{{{\text{Ag}}}} {\Delta }{\text{MoO}}_{\text{2}} + {\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$
$$ 0.5{\text{MoO}}_{\text{2}} + {\text{H}}_{\text{2}} \frac{{{\text{Ag}}}} {\Delta }{\text{0}}{\text{.5Mo}} + {\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$

Isothermal Kinetics Analysis

To acquire a kinetic characterization of the individual oxides, the shrinking core model was applied to the gas-solid reaction occurring in each individual particle for Reactions [1] and [2] under isothermal conditions. Attempts to apply this model to Reaction [3] were not made, because it was found that mass diffusion affects the reaction mechanism for X > 0.3, which corresponds to the reduction of MoO2 to Mo (Figure 4). Mass diffusion affects the reduction stage from MoO2 to Mo, because this reaction has a very small equilibrium constant, which makes the reduction reaction extremely sensitive to mass-transfer rate steps. Thus, if Reactions [1] and [2] are of first order with respect to hydrogen and are irreversible, the relationship between the reaction time, t, and the fraction of reduction, X, for the chemical reaction control can be expressed as[15]

$$ t = \frac{{\rho _{{\text{oxide}}} \cdot r_0 }} {{M_{{\text{oxide}}} \cdot k \cdot P_{{\text{H}}_2 } }}\left[ {1 - \left( {1 - X} \right)^{1/3} } \right] $$

where r 0 is the initial radius of the particle; ρ oxide and M oxide stand for the density and molecular weight of oxide, respectively; k is the reaction rate constant; and P H2 corresponds to the hydrogen partial pressure. Assuming that at given temperature the aforementioned terms remain constant, \( \left[ {1 - \left( {1 - X} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 3}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 3}} } \right] \) should be a linear function of t if the reduction is controlled by the chemical reaction at the interface between product layer and the unreacted core in each particle. The plots of \( \left[ {1 - \left( {1 - X} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 3}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 3}} } \right] \) against time at different experimental temperatures for Reactions [1] and [2] are presented in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. All curves showed a correlation coefficient better than 0.99. An activation energy for Reactions [1] and [2] was calculated by combining Eq. [5] with Arrhenius rate law as expressed by the following equation:

$$ k = k_o \exp \left( { - \frac{Q} {{{\text{R}}T}}} \right) $$

where k o is a constant, Q is the activation energy of the reaction, T is the temperature in K, and R is the gas constant. The combination of Eqs. [5] and [6] leads to the following expression:

$$ \frac{{1 - \left( {1 - X} \right)^{1/3} }} {t} = \frac{{M_{{\text{oxide}}} \cdot P_{{\text{H}}_2 } \cdot k_o }} {{\rho _{{\text{oxide}}} \cdot r_{\text{0}} }}\exp \left( { - \frac{Q} {{{\text{R}}T}}} \right) $$
Fig. 8
figure 8

Experimental values and theoretical linear fit corresponding to the chemical reaction rate for the isothermal reduction of Ag2O

Fig. 9
figure 9

Experimental values and theoretical linear fit corresponding to the chemical reaction rate for the isothermal reduction of MoO3

Taking the logarithm on both sides of the Eq. [7] leads to the following relationship:

$$ \ln \left( {\frac{{1 - \left( {1 - X} \right)^{1/3} }} {t}} \right) = \ln \left( {\frac{{M_{{\text{oxide}}} \cdot P_{{\text{H}}_2 } \cdot k_o }} {{\rho _{{\text{oxide}}} \cdot r_{\text{0}} }}} \right) - \frac{Q} {{{\text{R}}T}} $$

The plot of the term on the left-hand side against 1/T is presented in Figures 10 and 11 for Reactions [1] and [2], respectively. As can be seen in Figure 11, the experimental point corresponding to 923 K lies above the Arrhenius plot; this might suggest that above this temperature the reduction control is shifting due to the increase in temperature, e.g., the faster the rate of chemical reaction is, the less likely to be the rate controlling mechanism. From the slopes of the Arrhenius plots, the activation energies for Reactions [1] and [2] are found to be 64 for Ag2O and 124 kJ/mol for MoO3. According to Seetharaman et al.,[16] the stronger the metal-oxygen bond, the higher the activation energy. In addition, the Mo-O bond is expected to be stronger, because its free energy of formation has a larger negative value, which in turn counts for bond forces.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Arrhenius plot for the isothermal reduction of Ag2O

Fig. 11
figure 11

Arrhenius plot for the isothermal reduction of MoO3

Nonisothermal Kinetic Analysis

For nonisothermal decomposition of carbonates, Arvanitidis et al.[17,18] reported, on a shrinking core model, the activation energy for a chemical-reaction-controlled process. This approach would also be valid at the early stages of Reactions [4] and [2b] involved in the reduction of Ag2MoO4. The mathematical expression for the reaction rate is

$$ \frac{{dX}} {{dt}} = \frac{{A_{\text{0}} }} {{\text{R}}} \cdot \frac{{(1 - X)^{2/3} }} {T} \cdot k $$

The new term, A 0, is the initial reaction surface area. Inserting Eq. [6] into Eq. [9] leads to the following relationship:

$$ \frac{{dX}} {{dt}} = \frac{{A_{\text{0}} }} {{\text{R}}} \cdot \frac{{(1 - X)^{2/3} }} {T} \cdot k_o \exp \left( { - \frac{Q} {{{\text{R}}T}}} \right) $$

By taking the logarithm on both sides of Eq. [10] and rearranging the expression, one can obtain

$$ \ln {\text{ }}\left( {\frac{{dX}} {{dt}}} \right) + \ln {\text{ }}(T) - \ln {\text{ }}(1 - X)^{2/3} = \ln {\text{ }}B - \frac{Q} {{{\text{R}}T}} $$

where B groups A 0 k o /R, which are independent of temperature. The three terms of the left-hand side of Eq. [11] can be obtained using the experimental data of Figure 7 taking the early stages of reduction for the regions corresponding to Reactions [4] and [2b]. Thus, plots using Eq. [11] for Reactions [4] and [2b] are presented in Figures 12 and 13, respectively. The value of the activation energy calculated from the slope in Figure 12 is 69 kJ/mol, which is in good agreement with the value obtained by isothermal experiments, 64 kJ/mol. It should be pointed out that, in Figure 12, the experimental point corresponding to the highest experimental temperature was left out of the calculations as it tends to deviate from the regression line. This deviation suggests that the thermal decomposition of Ag2O (decomposition temperature of Ag2O ≈ 473 K) starts to play a mayor role in the reduction mechanism. The similarity of the activation energies obtained from both isothermal and nonisothermal temperature programs enables the possibility of predicting the kinetics of reactions from a single nonisothermal experiment. On the other hand, the activation energy of Reaction [2b] evaluated from the slope in Figure 13 is 29 kJ/mol. Because this value is significantly lower than that obtained from the isothermal experiments, e.g., 124 kJ/mol, the assumption of silver lowering the activation energy of the proceeding reaction by catalysis appears to be valid. That is to say, in the reduction of Ag2O·MoO3, the strength of the Mo-O bond is likely to be weakened by the attraction of Ag to oxygen, which increases the reduction rate of MoO3 to Mo. The present results suggest that the reduction process of Ag2MoO4 could be best achieved under nonisothermal conditions due to the low decomposition temperature of Ag2O. In fact, the nonisothermal technique overcomes many limitations of the isotherm technique. For example, the nonisothermal technique represents a more realistic situation, because in most industrial reactors, the reacting materials are heated gradually. By the same token, no reactions take place isothermally, because all reactions are accompanied by a heat change, which is more significant when a large mass of materials react. On the other hand, the isothermal technique is inadequate to study complex reactions involving several series, parallel or overlapping reactions.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Arrhenius plot for the nonisothermal reduction of Ag2MoO4 to Ag and MoO3

Fig. 13
figure 13

Arrhenius plot for the nonisothermal reduction of MoO3 to MoO2 in the Ag2O-MoO3 system

Summary and Conclusions

The reduction of Ag2MoO4 by hydrogen was studied by means of thermogravimetric technique under nonisothermal conditions. Previously, isothermal reduction experiments were performed on the individual oxides, viz. Ag2O and MoO3. Nonisothermal results indicate that the reduction of Ag2MoO4 proceeds in three steps: one involving the reduction of Ag2MoO4 to silver and MoO3, a second step in which MoO3 is reduced to MoO2, and the last step wherein MoO2 is reduced to metallic molybdenum. From the rate of the reactions obtained, the activation energies for the two first steps were calculated to be 69 and 29 kJ/mol, respectively. The activation energy of the isothermal reduction of Ag2O to Ag is in agreement with the first step of the nonisothermal experiment. On the other hand, the activation energy of the isothermal reduction of MoO3 to MoO2, 124 kJ/mol, implies that the presence of silver in the second step of the nonisothermal reduction affects the reaction rate of MoO3 to MoO2.