1 Introduction

Laser powder deposition (LPD) in the past two decades has been one of the fastest growing manufacturing processes. Various applications such as building components with complex geometry, syntheses of functionally graded materials, surface coating, and alloying, and repairing valued components have made it a unique processing technique in manufacturing. Locally heating and cooling the material during the process has serious effects on the quality of the deposited material. Kaplan and Groboth[1] analytically studied the effect of parameters on clad layer formation and overlapping of tracks. Labudovic et al.[2] studied the effect of process parameters on the formation of residual stress along the height of a single wall deposition. Choi et al.[3,4] had an extensive experimental study on the effect of laser power, laser scanning speed, and powder flow rate on the geometry, microstructure, and defect formation in the process. The studies of the process have shown that the microstructure depends not only on the already mentioned parameters, but also on any parameter that can change the temperature history of each location throughout the buildup. Costa et al. has studied the effect of idle time between layers[5,6] and substrate size[6,7] on the final microstructure and hardness of the deposition of a single wall. Similar work was performed by Wang et al.[8] to investigate the effect of laser power and traverse speed on the phase transformation during the process. Kelly et al.[9] studied the effect of the number of layers in depositing a single wall of a type of titanium alloy on the microstructure evolution. More detailed research has also been performed on defining the effect of process parameters on phase transformation during the heat treatment of materials.[1012] Obviously, reaching a specific microstructure or hardness level in the buildup requires understanding of the temperature-phase transformation relation.

A wide range of metal alloys have been used in the LPD process. Depending on the composition of the material, the microstructure transformation may have different responses to the process parameters. In the current work, a type of low-alloy steel, AISI 4140, is used to cover the surface of a substrate with different deposition patterns. Solid-state phase transformation is defined by the temperature and heating or cooling rate. The molten deposited material after solidification at solidus temperature consists of austenite (γ). If the cooling rate is high enough, the martensite transformation, which is a nondiffusive transformation, occurs. The minimum required cooling rate for transforming austenite to martensite for AISI 4140 is about 25 °C/s.[13] On the other side, the cooling rate in the LPD process is usually much higher than 25 °C/s (on the order of 104 °C/s[11]) because of a relatively large cold substrate. Therefore, the austenite by crossing the martensite start temperature (M s ) transforms to martensite until it reaches the martensite end temperature (M f ). If the cooling process stops, the martensite transformation also stops and the martensite is transformed only if the temperature continues to cool.[14] The multipass deposition process disturbs the normal cooling trend of the material and may temper the martensite. Tempering the martensite generally has three steps: generation of transition carbides (100 °C to 250 °C), transforming retained austenite to ferrite and cementite (200 °C to 300 °C), and replacing the transition carbides with cementite and ferrite (starting from 250 °C to 350 °C). There might be a forth step for high-alloy steels where alloy carbides are generated at 500 °C to 650 °C. This step can be ignored for low-alloy steels such as AISI 4140.

At a new heating cycle, the material may have three conditions: if the material is heated more than A c3, the material is fully austenitized, and in the next cooling cycle can be transformed to martensite; for temperatures between A c1 and A c3, partial austenite is generated so that no austenization at A c1 and full austenization at A c3 are considered. For temperatures less than A c1, no austenization occurs and the material is tempered. The final fraction of each phase of the material at any location defines the hardness at that location by considering the hardness of individual phases.

In the surface repairing processes, one of the key parameters that affects the quality of the final part besides the main process parameters is the path planning.[15] Heating and cooling cycles can be changed significantly by changing the surface scanning path. In this study, the effect of four different patterns on the final surface hardness of the deposition of AISI 4140 on a substrate with the same material is studied. A coupled thermal and kinetic analysis is employed to calculate the thermal history and hardness throughout the part.

2 Phase Transformation Analysis

Analyzing the phase transformation in the LPD process requires knowledge of the temperature history at each point. The transient nature of the process, in addition to the dependency of material properties on temperature, makes solving the equations analytically impossible. ANSYS finite element software is used to model the heat transfer during the LPD process. The element “birth and death” option in ANSYS is used to model the additive nature of the process. The temperature, as a function of location and time, for each point is used in a subroutine developed in the MATLAB to analyze the phase transformation and final microstructure. A semiempirical model is used to identify the fraction of each phase at each point and its corresponding hardness.

2.1 Thermal Model

The finite element analysis of the temperature of the LPD process with respect to time and location requires the geometry of the part, which is defined by a mesh of finite elements that should be updated over time to represent the additive nature of the process. The continuous movement of the laser beam over the substrate is divided into small divisions of the static thermal analysis, called time-steps.

2.1.1 Mathematical description

In every time-step, the energy balance equation (Eq. [1]) is solved using the finite element method, and the results are used as the initial conditions for the next time-step:

$$ \rho c_{p} {\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}} = \nabla {\cdot} \left( {k\nabla T} \right) $$

In this equation, ρ, k, and c p are density, thermal conductivity, and specific heat, respectively. The thermal behavior of the material is defined by specifying the temperature-dependent specific heat and thermal conductivity as well as the density of the material. The latent heat effect due to phase transformation is considered in the definition of specific heat[16] (Table I).

Table I Temperature-Dependent Material Properties of AISI 4140[11,17]

2.1.2 Boundary conditions

To obtain the solution for the thermal equilibrium equation, the boundary conditions and initial conditions are defined. The substrate temperature is equal to T 0 = 25 °C (298 K) at the beginning of the process:

$$ T\left( {x,y,z,0} \right) = T_{0} \quad {\text{for}}\,\left( {x,y,z} \right) \in {\text{substrate}} $$

The heat source boundary condition is considered to be a combination of a heat flux boundary condition for the leading half of the laser beam spot that heats the substrate in front of the laser beam, and a constant melting temperature for the activated element at the activation time for the trailing half of the laser beam spot that represents the melted deposited material (Figures 2 and 3). The laser beam intensity exposed to the molten pool has Gaussian distribution in the TEM00 mode:

$$ I = {\frac{2\alpha P}{{\pi r_{b}^{2} }}}\exp \left( { - {\frac{{2r^{2} }}{{r_{b}^{2} }}}} \right) $$

where α is the surface absorption coefficient, P is laser power, r is the radius, and r b is the laser beam radius, which is defined as the radius in which the power density is reduced from the peak value by a factor of e 2. The thermal heat flux boundary condition for the front half of the beam spot is defined by considering the mean value for the Gaussian thermal flux density of the laser beam:

$$ I_{\text{mean}} = {\frac{1}{{\pi r_{b}^{2} }}}\int_{0}^{{r_{b} }} {I\left( {2\pi r} \right)dr = {\frac{0.865\alpha P}{{r_{b}^{2} }}}} $$

The considered value for surface absorption of the Nd:YAG laser is 20 pct.[18] It has been shown by Neto and Vilar[19] that the absorbed energy by flying powder particles can be sufficient for them to reach the melting temperature before entering the molten pool. Therefore, the activated elements at each time-step have the same temperature as the melting temperature:

$$ T\left( {x,y,z,t_{\text{activation}} } \right) = T_{m} \quad {\text{for}}\,\left( {x,y,z} \right) \in {\text{activated}}\;{\text{elements}} $$

The local surface heat-transfer condition consists of convection heat transfer and radiation:

$$ q = h\left( {T_{w} - T_{0} } \right) + \varepsilon \sigma \left( {T_{W}^{4} - T_{0}^{4} } \right) $$

where h is the convection coefficient, ε is the emissivity coefficient, σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, and T w and T 0 are the surface and ambient temperatures, respectively.

Because the radiation is most effective at high temperatures, this boundary condition is defined only at the molten pool region. In order to reduce the order of nonlinearity of the problem, the local surface heat transfer at the molten pool is estimated according to Vinokurov:[20]

$$ q = \left( {h + \sigma \varepsilon \left( {T^{3} + T_{0} T^{2} + T_{0}^{2} T + T_{0}^{3} } \right)} \right)\left( {T - T_{0} } \right) = H_{\text{lump}} \left( {T - T_{0} } \right) $$

where H lump can be estimated as

$$ H_{\text{lump}} = 2.4 \times 10^{ - 3} \varepsilon T_{m}^{1.61} $$

The associated loss in accuracy using this relationship is estimated to be less than 5 pct.[2] The emissivity coefficient around the melting temperature is considered to be 0.6.[16]

2.1.3 Assumptions

The assumptions during the thermal modeling of the LPD process are as follows.

  1. (1)

    The substrate is initially at room temperature (25 °C). The boundary condition around the substrate is the convection heat transfer with a constant coefficient.

  2. (2)

    The heat flux on the leading half (Figure 2) has uniform distribution, based on Eq. [5].

  3. (3)

    The latent heat is considered in the temperature-dependent definition of specific heat.

  4. (4)

    The activated elements of the molten pool are at the melting temperature. The convective redistribution of heat in the molten pool is ignored.

2.2 Thermokinetic Model

Based on the results from the thermal model, the temperature history of the nodes is used to predict the phase transformations during the heating and cooling cycles. The microstructure of the material after solidification consists of austenite. Depending on the cooling rate of the process, different phases can be transformed from the austenite. However, in the LPD process, the high cooling rate due to a large low-temperature mass of substrate results in only a martensite transformation when the temperature drops below M s .[8] The proportion of martensite in this transformation can be obtained from an empirical relation proposed by Koistinen and Marburger:[21]

$$ f_{m} = 1 - f_{\gamma } \exp \left( { - 0.011\left( {M_{s} - T} \right)} \right)\quad M_{s} > T > M_{f} $$

where f γ is the fraction of austenite and M f is martensite end-transformation temperature. The maximum martensite can be achieved when the material cools to reach M f . In the multipass LPD process, the cooling cycle may be disturbed by the next deposited bead that consequently stops the martensite transformation. Depending on the temperature in the new heating cycle, the martensite may be decomposed to new phases. The following assumptions are used to quantify the tempered microstructure.

  1. (1)

    The tempering process takes place if there exists any fraction of martensite and the temperature is below A c1 and higher than 100 °C.

  2. (2)

    Two steps are considered for the tempering:[11,22]

    1. (a)

      formation of transition carbide (ε-carbide) and ferrite that occurs during tempering up to 250 °C; and

    2. (b)

      formation of cementite and ferrite that occurs from 250 °C up to A c1.

  3. (3)

    If the temperature goes higher than A c1, the fraction of austenite linearly increases until it becomes equal to one at A c3.

The fraction of tempered martensite can be calculated with the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami equation for solid-state transformation:[23]

$$ f = 1 - \exp \left( { - \beta^{n} } \right) $$

where, for the nonisothermal condition,

$$ \beta = \int {k(T)dt = \int {k_{0} \exp \left( { - {\frac{Q}{{{\text{R}}T}}}} \right)} dt} $$

where Q is the martensite tempering activation energy, R is the universal gas constant, and n and k 0 are empirical constants. At any temperature, the fraction of tempered martensite is calculated. The considerable tempered phases are ε-carbide (ε), ferrite (α), cementite (c), and retained austenite (γ R ). As mentioned, martensite transforms to ε-carbide and ferrite at temperatures under 250 °C. The amount of untempered martensite (f mu ) can be calculated from

$$ f_{{m_{u} }} = f_{m} \left( {1 - f} \right) $$

where f m is the initial fraction of martensite.

The carbon mass balance for this situation can be represented by

$$ C_{\text{material}} = f_{{m_{u} }} C_{m} + f_{\alpha } C_{\alpha } + f_{\varepsilon } C_{\varepsilon } + f_{\gamma R} C_{\gamma R} $$

The carbon content of martensite up to 2 wt pct carbon content is the same as the base material.[24] Therefore,

$$ C_{\text{material}} = C_{m} = C_{\gamma R} $$


$$ f_{m} + f_{\gamma R} = 1 $$

By substituting Eqs. [12], [14], and [15] into Eq. [13] and simplifying the relation, the fraction of ferrite and ε-carbide is defined as

$$ f_{\varepsilon } = ff_{m} {\frac{{c_{m} - c_{\alpha } }}{{c_{\varepsilon } - c_{\alpha } }}} $$
$$ f_{\alpha } = ff_{m} - f_{\varepsilon } $$

For the temperature between 250 °C and A c1, with a similar calculation, the fraction of cementite and ferrite can be expressed as

$$ f_{c} = ff_{m} {\frac{{c_{m} - c_{\alpha } }}{{c_{c} - c_{\alpha } }}} $$
$$ f_{\alpha } = ff_{m} - f_{c} $$

After the fraction of each phase in the material is calculated, the hardness of the material can be obtained by considering the fraction of each phase multiplied by its corresponding hardness:

$$ H = f_{mu} H_{m} + f_{\varepsilon } H_{\varepsilon } + f_{\alpha } H_{\alpha } + f_{c} H_{c} + f_{\gamma R} H_{\gamma } $$

The assumed values for the parameters used in the modeling are summarized in Table II.

Table II Assumed Parameters Values in the Modeling Equations [11], [12], [14], [16], and [18]

2.3 Material Properties

As mentioned, the fraction of each phase at any point depends on the temperature history with respect to the transformation temperatures M s , M f , A c1, and A c3. Because the phase transformation is a diffusive process, it requires enough time to be accomplished. In the LPD process, the heating and cooling rates are on the order of 103 to 104 °C/s. Extensive research was performed by Miokovic et al.[12,25] on the effect of heating and cooling rates on transformation temperatures. Based on their results, the assumed values for A c1 and A c3 are 850 °C and 925 °C, respectively. This effect, however, for M s and M f is negligible, and the assumed values for the martensite start and end temperatures are 350 °C and 150 °C, respectively.

3 Model Application

The mentioned coupled models of thermal and thermokinetic analysis are used to investigate the effect of path planning on the microstructure of the deposited material in the LPD process. For this purpose, four cases with the same deposition area are studied for different deposition patterns, as shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic presentation of deposition paths: (a) long-beads, (b) short-beads, (c) spiral-in, and (d) spiral-out

In the LPD process, as shown in Figure 2, the deposition region can be divided into two regions: the “leading half,” which moves in front of the laser beam and melts the substrate; and the “trailing half,” which follows the leading half and contains the molten material. This concept is used for modeling the deposition process by the finite element method, as shown in Figure 3. In this figure, four regions are distinguished: the white elements represent the substrate or the layer underneath, the light-gray elements represent the deposited elements that were activated in the previous time-steps, the dark-gray elements are the activated elements in the current time-step and have the boundary condition melting temperature, and the dotted region represents the leading half in which the heat flux is activated on the substrate in the current time-step. Therefore, in every time-step, the heat flux is activated on the element of the substrate or previous layer followed by the activation of the elements having the boundary condition of melting temperature. The process continues until the total length of one bead is completed. Then, the beam changes direction to follow the path, as shown in Figure 1. The coating is complete when the corresponding path is finished. The deposition process is followed by a cooling time until the part cools to room temperature.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematic of LPD process, leading half and trailing half are shown in the molten region

Fig. 3
figure 3

Finite element model for the LPD process

In the present study, the laser scanning speed is 10 mm/s, and the powder feeding rate is 3 g/min with a powder efficiency of 30 pct. The deposition area, as shown in Figure 4, is 15 × 5 mm, and the spacing between deposition tracks is 0.5 mm. With a time-step of 25 ms, a set of four elements of 0.25 × 0.25 × 0.20 mm dimension is activated (Figure 4). The area on which the heat flux is activated is 0.25 × 0.50 mm2.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Finite element model of the substrate and deposition region for one-layer cladding; the first activated set of elements is shown in a higher magnification

4 Results and Discussion

The obtained results from the model show that the deposition pattern has a strong effect on the final hardness of the surface. This effect is shown in Figures 5 through 8 for the long-bead, short-bead, spiral-in, and spiral-out patterns, respectively. In each figure, the corresponding deposition path is shown. For the long-bead pattern, as shown in Figure 5, the hardness has a minimum value at the starting bead and a maximum value at the last two beads. In between the starting and ending edges, the hardness has a fairly uniform distribution with a smaller value than the maximum hardness, except at the end points of each bead. The short-bead pattern, however, has a significantly different hardness distribution. Although the first bead shows a relatively low hardness, the other beads up to the last few beads have fairly uniform and high hardness values. The last few beads have a maximum hardness.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Surface hardness topography of long-bead pattern

Fig. 6
figure 6

Surface hardness topography of short-bead pattern

Fig. 7
figure 7

Surface hardness topography of spiral-in pattern

Fig. 8
figure 8

Surface hardness topography for spiral-out pattern

The spiral-in and spiral-out patterns, as shown in Figures 7 and 8, have a symmetrical distribution of hardness along the longitudinal and traversal mid-axes. Nonetheless, the spiral-in pattern has an increasing trend from the outer edges to the center, while the spiral-out pattern has a decreasing trend from the outer edges to the center. An overview of the four mentioned cases reveals that the starting region of the deposition path has the smallest hardness and the ending region of deposition has its maximum value. This result is in agreement with similar observations reported by Costa et al.,[57] Wang et al.,[8] and Kadiri et al.[26] in the deposition of a single wall.

Referring back to Figure 5, three points (A, B, and C) at the center line of the length of the surface are located at the center of the first, middle, and last beads, respectively. The temperature, austenite fraction, and hardness vs time for these points are shown in Figure 9. For point A, the second peak temperature (marked with a in Figure 9(a)) does not cross the A c1 line, and no new austenite is generated (point a′ in Figure 9(b)). However, this high temperature tempers the material and causes a reduction in the corresponding hardness (marked with a″ in Figure 9(c)). The temperature profile for point B shows a high peak value for the second heating cycle (marked with b in Figure 9(a)) that results in full austenization of the material (point b′ in Figure 9(b)). Consequently, the hardness drops to the austenite hardness level (point b″ in Figure 9(c)). The third peak (c) results in tempering the material and a reduction in the hardness profile (marked with c″). Because the tempering temperature (point c in Figure 9(a)) for point B is less than the tempering temperature (point a in Figure 9(a)) for point A, less reduction in hardness is observed (point c″ vs point a″). Point C, however, does not experience any tempering cycle. Therefore, the maximum hardness is expected for this point. The retained austenite fraction for points A and B is negligible, as shown in Figure 9(a). However, at point C, the retained austenite fraction is about 11 pct. This prediction of the model about a higher value for retained austenite for untempered locations in the laser deposition process is in agreement with the results reported in References 6, 8, 17, and 27.

Fig. 9
figure 9

(a) Temperature, (b) austenite fraction, and (c) hardness vs time for Fig. 5, points A, B, and C

The center nodes of the experiments shown in Figures 6 through 8 are marked with letters D, E, and F, respectively. The results of studying the effect of the deposition pattern on the phase transformation during the LPD process are shown in Figure 10. Point D, as shown in Figure 10(a), has shorter heating cycles than points E and F, due to the shorter traveling path of the laser beam. After the second peak temperature in point D, a small amount of martensite is formed by decreasing the temperature to a point marked with a in Figure 10(a). Consequently, an increase in the hardness (marked with a″ in Figure 10(c)) and a decrease in the austenite fraction (marked with a′ in Figure 10(b)) occur at the corresponding time. The next peak temperature is marked with b in Figure 10(a). Because the amount of transformed martensite in the last cooling cycle is very small, this tempering cycle is not very effective in reducing the hardness at the corresponding time. In addition, the amount of retained austenite is high enough to be transformed to martensite in the next cooling cycle that crosses M s . The next peak temperatures coming after point b are relatively low and do not have a noticeable effect on reducing hardness. Therefore, a progressive trend in the hardness of this point is observed up to the end of the process.

Fig. 10
figure 10

(a) Temperature, (b) austenite fraction, and (c) hardness vs time for the Figs. 6 through 8, points D, E, and F

Point E in Figure 10 has a similar thermal history to point C in Figure 9. Because point E is on the last deposition bead, there is no tempering cycle after cooling the point under M s . Therefore, the highest achievable hardness is expected at this point. Point F in Figure 10 is also similar to point B in Figure 9. The first peak temperature below the A c1 (marked with c in Figure 10(a)) tempers the material and causes a reduction in the corresponding hardness (marked with c″ in Figure 10(c)). Because the retained austenite at this point (marked with c′ in Figure 10(b)) is relatively small, cooling the material to the point marked with d slightly increases the hardness.

Considering the fact that all process parameters are kept constant during the experiments, the significance of selecting the deposition pattern is obvious by comparing the results shown in Figures 5 through 8. The four different deposition patterns have a different tempering effect on the previously deposited beads. If the bead number is indicated by m, the deposition of the bead m results in full austenization of bead m−1 and tempering bead m−2. The time interval between the deposition of beads m−1 and m is the result of choosing the deposition path. As shown in Figure 10(a), the tempering time interval (Δt 2) for the short-bead pattern at point D (shown in Figure 6) is about one-third of the one (Δt 1) for the spiral-out pattern at point F (shown in Figure 8). This larger time results in a larger decrease in the temperature at point e, which is even less than M f . Consequently, the austenite fraction drops equal to Δγ 1 in Figure 10(b). However, the minimum temperature marked with a results in a reduction of austenite equal to Δγ 2 in Figure 10(b). A greater decrease in the bead deposition interval can even eliminate any formation of martensite. Nonetheless, the deposition area could be a limitation in choosing the optimal deposition pattern. The obtained results show that the short-bead experiment has a higher average and reasonably uniform hardness. The spiral-out and long-bead patterns also show a relatively uniform hardness distribution away from the edges, although the average hardness for the mentioned patterns is noticeably less than the short-bead pattern. The spiral-in pattern has the most nonuniform hardness distribution.

5 Model Verification

In order to verify the validation of the model, a series of experiments are performed. The experimental setup comprises a 1-kW continuous wave Nd:YAG laser system with a deposition head, a 5-axis CNC vertical machining center, and a powder feeding system with argon carrying gas. Each coupon is clamped on the CNC table before performing the experiment. Each deposition path is defined in the CNC machine with the same process parameters as the model (laser power, laser scanning speed, and spacing between tracks). Figure 11 shows the coupons for different deposition patterns. To compare the surface hardness of the coupons with the modeled hardness values shown in Figures 5 through 8, the coupons are ground slightly and polished to become smooth enough for the microhardness test. A 200-g load and 150-μm distance between indentations are chosen for the microhardness test experiments. Along the traverse line at the center of the coupons (dashed lines shown in Figure 11) and from left to right, two series of measurements are performed for each coupon, and the results are compared with the model predictions, as shown in Figures 12 through 15.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Experiments performed under different deposition paths

Fig. 12
figure 12

Measured and predicted hardness along the central traverse line for long-bead pattern

Fig. 13
figure 13

Measured and predicted hardness along the central traverse line for short-bead pattern

Fig. 14
figure 14

Measured and predicted hardness along the central traverse line for spiral-in pattern

Fig. 15
figure 15

Measured and predicted hardness along the central traverse line for spiral-out pattern

The measured hardness values are in a very good agreement with the predicted ones in the model. The measurements shown in Figure 12 reveal that the hardness has a relatively uniform distribution except for the last two beads. The topography of hardness shown in Figure 5 clearly shows this trend. The short-bead pattern shown in Figure 13, however, has a relatively smooth hardness variation with an average value of about 60 to 80 HV higher than that of other patterns. The experimental results for the spiral-in and spiral-out patterns follow the expected variations, as shown in Figures 7 and 8.

6 Conclusions

The thermokinetic model of the LPD process can be effectively used to predict the effect of process parameters on the final microstructure of the buildup. In the present work, this model is used to study the effect of path planning on the final hardness of the surface. It is shown that the deposition path can influence the temperature history of different points and can affect the final microstructure of the part. Among four different deposition patterns covering a similar area, the short-bead pattern shows a higher average hardness. However, the spiral-in pattern has the most nonuniform hardness distribution. The long-bead and spiral-out patterns end up with a relatively uniform hardness distribution but less hardness than the short-bead pattern. The experimental results show a very good agreement with the predicted values of the model.