
Worldwide, many plant species are threatened with extinction because of the gradual disappearance of the terrestrial natural ecosystems for various human activities. Often, this is due to the clearing of indigenous vegetation for agriculture and the resulting erosion, salinization, and invasion of alien species, but more recently climate change is looming as a significant new threat. More than 50% of the world’s plant species are endemic to 34 global biodiversity hotspots (GBH), which once covered 15.7% of the earth’s land surface and which are now reduced to 2.3%. These areas include large numbers of endemic species, which face an increasing threat of extinction, The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Plants, first published in 1998 (IUCN 1998), lists more than 8,000 species currently (IUCN 2010). In situ conservation alone is not sufficient to meet the challenges of saving endangered species. While seed banking can be utilized for ex situ conservation of the majority of endangered species, there are a significant number of species for which seed banking is not an option. Conserving the genetic diversity of species and populations is highly important in these situations, and micropropagation can provide large numbers of propagules from a cross-section of the genetic diversity of a region (Rogers 2003).

Initiatives developed and directed by international agencies for the integrated conservation of rare and threatened plant species both in situ and ex situ are needed. Botanical gardens are increasingly charged with collecting and maintaining endangered species, although funding is often scarce. The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC 2010), signed by more than 180 countries in 2002, aims to stem this loss by setting targets for understanding and conserving plant diversity, promoting sustainable use, providing education and building capacity to support plant conservation. Target 8 of the GSPC, updated for 2020 in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010, calls for “at least 75% of threatened plant species in ex situ collections...and at least 20% available for recovery and restoration programmes” as noted by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP 2010a). Another initiative developed by the United Nations member states and more than 20 international organizations is that of The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs; UNDP 2010b). Of the eight MDG targets, Target 7 Goal e (UNDP 2010a) is aimed at significantly reducing the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2015.

While plant conservation is progressing through the use of in situ protection and ex situ preservation in botanical gardens and seed banks, additional approaches are needed for some of the most endangered species. Complementary strategies of in situ conservation combined with ex situ seed, in vitro and cryopreserved storage can be important for preserving the biodiversity of many endangered habitats.

In vitro tools

In vitro seed germination, vegetative propagation, and acclimatization methods contribute to propagule production, both for cryopreservation and for translocation or reintroduction projects. In addition, in vitro culture techniques are being used to study the growth habits of plants, as well as the ecological factors that influence their growth and development (i.e., in vitro ecology). Although standard in vitro propagation methods are available, endangered species may have unusual growth requirements and thus may require modified procedures for in vitro culture. In addition, the limited amount of plant material available from rare species poses major challenges in the application of in vitro methods to endangered species (Sarasan et al. 2006).

In vitro methods provide tools that can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the need of the species. Collecting cuttings of plants and seeds is generally the most cost-effective method for providing material for ex situ conservation. However, there are many instances in which seeds are sterile or not available, or so few plants remain that collecting whole plants would negatively impact the population. In vitro collecting of tissues is less invasive than removing whole plants and allows for an efficient sampling of a large number of plants when seeds are not available.

In addition, many tropical species have seeds that die when dried or frozen (recalcitrant seeds), and thus they cannot be stored using conventional seed-banking technologies (Chin 1996). Established cultures can comprise a medium-term ex situ collection, but these cultures can also provide tissues for cryopreservation and long-term storage. The importance of in vitro culture for medium-term (1–5 yr) and cryopreservation for long-term conservation (>5 yr) is well established (Ashmore 1997; Reed et al. 2005; Reed 2008). In vitro techniques provide the option of cryopreserving embryos or vegetative tissues for long-term storage as an alternative to seed banking, for a number of tropical timber and fruit resources. Providing long-term storage for many of these recalcitrant seed species is especially challenging, as they do not respond well to traditional in vitro or cryopreservation protocols, thus requiring new approaches to tackle these problems (Normah and Makeen 2008).

The use of in vitro-propagated plants for reintroduction or restoration of rare species is also finding application, and this relies on the development of successful methods for acclimatizing plants from culture to in situ conditions. Further, as we learn more about the metabolic requirements of diverse plants, design of better growing conditions and nutrient media to fit the specific needs of rare plants should ease the difficulty of growing threatened and endangered species. The range of in vitro tools available for plant conservation is highlighted in this issue by Engelmann. In addition, Kaczmarczyk et al. discuss the need to focus on new technologies for cryopreservation and long-term storage of rare and endangered plants.

The need for in vitro tools

Biodiversity hotspots around the globe are at risk, and in vitro and cryopreservation research on endangered plants is in progress in many countries, including in Australia (Ashmore et al. 2011), Malaysia (Normah et al. 2008) and South Africa (Berjak et al. 2011). This issue highlights these ongoing efforts and the need for additional attention to neglected and endangered tropical plant species. Unfortunately, compared to animal conservation, plant conservation is not adequately supported worldwide (Pennisi 2010).

Logging in tropical biodiversity hotspot areas to provide timber and land for crops such as rubber, sugarcane and oil palm is on the increase, and this is contributing to massive losses of biodiversity (e.g., Amazon basin; Papua, New Guinea; Indonesian forests). Complimentary conservation strategies of in situ seed storage and in vitro or cryopreserved storage are important to many endangered habitats, such as those found in Brazil and noted in this issue (Pilatti et al. 2011). Temperate forests also require protection, both for lumber species as well as for the diverse endemic members of these ecosystems (Pijut, 2011). Biodiversity hotspots in temperate and sub-tropical zones are less publicized than their tropical counterparts, but they similarly contain many threatened and endangered plants. These hotspots are being addressed with a range of in vitro conservation techniques in projects on several continents noted in this issue (Ashmore et al. 2011; Krishnan et al. 2011; Martín and González-Benito 2011; Munoz-Concha and Davey 2011). Conservation of lower plants is considered a priority subject worldwide, and in vitro conservation of European bryophytes and endangered ferns is used to complement in situ activities (Rowntree et al. 2011; Barnicoat et al. 2011).

More than 50,000 species are used globally as sources of medicine, food, cleaning, personal care and perfumery, and these are collectively known as medicinal and aromatic plants. Such species are often collected illegally or unsustainably from the wild and, as a result, may lose genetic diversity and face the threat of extinction. Improving propagation and availability of these plants could protect those remaining in the wild and provide revenue for resource-poor areas. In vitro methods can often be the most efficient way to clonally propagate a species without depleting wild resources and can be an important part of an integrated program for the conservation of medicinal and aromatic plants worldwide. A description of in vitro techniques used in one biodiversity hotspot, the tropical and subtropical Western Ghats region of India, shows how these techniques are used to conserve medicinal plants of this region of biodiversity (Krishnan et al., 2011).

Orchids, one of the largest and most diverse families of flowering plants, face an uncertain future through unscrupulous collection, the impacts of climate change and habitat loss (Swarts and Dixon 2009). The complex requirements for pollination, seed germination, and many other biotic and abiotic factors contribute to loss of plants in the wild when these requirements are not met. In vitro orchid seed germination, cryopreservation and reintroduction studies are discussed in this issue in the context of Australian and US orchid conservation projects (Ashmore et al. 2011; Kauth et al. 2011). These studies shed light on the need for more work on orchid conservation, especially those species that are terrestrial and require more complex interactions with mycorrhizal partners. More detailed study to understand mycorrhizal associations in terrestrial orchids is urgently needed to improve in vitro orchid seed germination for recovery, storage and restoration activities. Likewise, a major limitation of current orchid conservation efforts has been the focus on single aspects of orchid conservation biology (i.e., propagation, pollination biology, etc.). Orchid conservation practices must integrate an understanding of existing and future threats, population fluctuation, pollination and reproductive biology, in vitro and in situ propagation, and maintenance of population genetic diversity as tools in species conservation and recovery. Interest is growing worldwide in restoration ecology projects that lead to species or ecosystem conservation. Reintroduction and translocation projects aimed at the restoration of damaged ecosystems all need genetically diverse, high quality propagules.


For species threatened with extinction, in situ conservation may be the best option; however, this alone may not always be sufficient to insure the survival of a species. In addition to standard methods such as seed banking and development of living collections, in vitro tools can provide additional backup collections and provide alternative propagation and conservation of species. Seeds or vegetative material from genetically diverse wild populations can be difficult to obtain, and methods should be in place for the propagation, storage, sustainable utilization, and storage of these genetic resources in liquid nitrogen. In vitro techniques are well developed for the collection, propagation and cryopreservation of many species. In addition, the tools of molecular biology and molecular genetics can aid in the development of more effective propagation and storage technologies. As extinction pressures are increasing, it is important that priority species are identified and that integrated conservation measures are undertaken, utilizing all the tools available, including the in vitro methods that are the subject of this volume.