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Continental crust formation at arcs, the arclogite “delamination” cycle, and one origin for fertile melting anomalies in the mantle


  • Review
  • Earth Sciences
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Science Bulletin


The total magmatic output in modern arcs, where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has an andesitic bulk composition and is hence too silicic to have been derived directly from the mantle. It is well known that one way this imbalance can be reconciled is if the parental basalt differentiates into a mafic garnet pyroxenitic residue/cumulate (“arclogite”) and a complementary silicic melt, the former foundering or delaminating into the mantle due to its high densities and the latter remaining as the crust. Using the Sierra Nevada batholith in California as a case study, the composition of mature continental arc crust is shown in part to be the product of a cyclic process beginning with the growth of an arclogite layer followed by delamination of this layer and post-delamination basaltic underplating/recharge into what remains of the continental crust. A model is presented, wherein continuous arc magmatism and production of arclogites in continental arcs are periodically punctuated by a delamination event and an associated magmatic pulse every ~10–30 My. The recycling flux of arclogites is estimated to be ~5 %–20 % that of oceanic crust recycling by subduction. Delaminated arclogites have the necessary trace-element compositions to yield time-integrated isotopic compositions similar to those inferred to exist as reservoirs in the mantle. Because of their low melting temperatures, such pyroxenites may be preferentially melted, possibly forming a component of some hotspot magmas.


本文以美国加州内华达山脉复合岩基(Sierra Nevada Batholith)为例,证明成熟陆壳的化学成分可由地幔岩浆分异-石榴辉石岩质堆晶形成-拆沉-岩浆补给-岩浆分异这一循环过程来解释,并同时建立了一个简单的物理模型用以阐释拆沉作用。在这个模型里,陆弧的岩浆作用持续进行,伴随岩浆分异以及地壳底部石榴辉石岩质堆晶层的生长,每隔10~30 Ma,这一过程被拆沉作用打断,石榴辉石岩质堆晶层拆沉进入地幔并伴随岩浆补给。我们估计被拆沉进入地幔的陆弧石榴辉石岩通量大约是俯冲洋壳通量的5%~20%。被拆沉的石榴辉石岩具有可衰变到地幔储区的同位素特征所需要的微量元素组成,因此弧石榴辉石岩也可以是形成地幔储区的贡献之一。此外,由于辉石岩的起始熔融温度较低,这种岩石通常最先被熔融,并可能成为一些热点(hot spot)岩浆的主要组成。

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This work was supported by NSF (EAR-0309121, 0440033). The models were developed by Lee in 2000 as Chapter 7 of his PhD thesis [122]. In 2005, the paper was revived when D. Anderson was a Wiess Visiting professor at Rice University, but we never finished the paper. After D. Anderson’s death in December 2014 and a once in a decade effort to clean his office, Lee stumbled upon this paper again. The resurrected manuscript has been expanded and revised to bring it up to date. We thank H. Stone, M. Manga and R. J. O’Connell for inspiring simplicity.

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The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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Correspondence to Cin-Ty A. Lee.

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Don L. Anderson—Deceased

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Lee, CT.A., Anderson, D.L. Continental crust formation at arcs, the arclogite “delamination” cycle, and one origin for fertile melting anomalies in the mantle. Sci. Bull. 60, 1141–1156 (2015).

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