Conversations between the instructor and learners are crucial for improving learners’ speaking performance in second language (L2) learning. Through conversations, the instructor can evaluate learners’ speaking abilities and offer prescriptive and timely feedback (Brown 2000; Littlewood 1981). In classrooms, however, it is almost impossible for an instructor to provide each individual learner with personalized feedback given high instructor–student ratios. Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) classrooms have the same issue. Recently, the number of students who take KFL courses has skyrocketed due to the increased popularity of Korean cultures, such as K-pop and K-drama, around the globe. The main purpose of learning KFL is to fluently communicate with people using the Korean language (Kim 2017). However, the improvement of speaking performance has not been successful due to the aforementioned limitation of language classrooms. To tackle the issue, it is needed to utilize an automated way to support computer-learner conversations, which requires speech recognition technology.

There have been numerous positive suggestions that speech recognition technology would improve L2 learners’ speaking performance (Michael 2017). However, few studies were conducted to practically utilize speech recognition technology in real situations for L2 speaking practice. The primary purpose of this study is to develop an interactive application using speech recognition technology for KFL speaking practice.

Literature review

Although improving speaking skills is essential in L2 learning, we may not expect the effectiveness of conversational interactions in classrooms, where a large number of learners are allocated to a single instructor (Chang et al. 2010). The lack of interaction in classrooms is a major cause of underperformance in L2 speaking (Petersen 2014). Along with the class size, there is a learner-related issue in this problem. Among L2 learning areas (e.g., listening, reading, writing, grammar), speaking is the component that is largely influenced by the learner’s personality, culture, and participation levels (Dalby and Kewley-Port 2013; Woodrow 2006). Introverted students are reluctant and afraid to speak in class, and it has long been reported that these personality and participation issues have a negative impact on their L2 speaking performance (MacIntyre and Gardner 1989). Recent studies show similar results. In Dewaele and colleagues’ studies (Dewaele and Al-Saraj 2015; Dewaele and Ip 2013), learning outcomes of students who are afraid to speak are significantly lower than those of other types of learners. Without verbal interaction with the learner, the instructor cannot properly evaluate learners’ speaking skills, which leads to a lack of adequate prescriptive instructional strategies (Iwashita et al. 2008). To address this issue, L2 educators have adopted technology tools.

Second language learning and technology

The field of technology use in L2 learning, called Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), was started in the 1990s. Conventionally, CALL research has focused on grammar, listening, reading, and writing (Khezrlou and Ellis 2017; Liu et al. 2002). There have been a few attempts on the use of technology for speaking practice; for example, using audio or video conferencing tools, learners have a chance to talk to different people online (e.g., Comac 2008; Volle 2005). This could be effective for speaking practice, but the practicality of synchronous meetings is still in question (Chun et al. 2016; Zhao 2013).

In the 1990s, speech recognition technology was introduced in language education. It has received attention in the CALL field as speech recognition technology has excellent potential for providing interaction for learners (Levy 2009). In the early days, it was used to help people with dysarthria (Noyes and Frankish 1992) and detect language learners’ phonographic errors (Eskenazi 1996). A few years later, Ehsani and Knodt (1998) suggested two types of design guidelines of speech recognition technology in L2 learning: closed and open response designs. In the closed response design, learners’ possible responses are embedded in the system in advance; for example, the learner can choose and speak one of the options that a system suggests. The recognition success rate would be stable because the system could compare the learner’s speech with the predetermined responses. Even some systems in the 1990s showed over 90% success rate of recognition. On the other hand, the open response design accommodates any responses from the learners. The learners’ degree of freedom is high, but recognition accuracy is not higher than that of the closed design. Derwing et al. (2000) evaluated the accuracy of speech recognition software and English native speakers. The software’s accuracy was 70.75% for Spanish native speakers’ English speaking, 72.45% for Cantonese native speakers’ English speaking, and 90.25% for English native speakers’ English speaking; and the human native-speaking evaluator showed a 99.7% accuracy. Since then, speech recognition technology has been improved by adopting machine learning algorithms (Deng and Li 2013), and different types of language education research attempts have been made, such as real-time translation and input tools (Shadiev and Huang 2016) and pronunciation training (Arora et al. 2018).

Through these studies, researchers have drawn attention to the possibility that speech recognition technology could be used effectively in L2 education because it could provide more speaking practice opportunities and reduce the learner’s anxiety when speaking a language that they are learning. A few studies were conducted on interactive design, scaffolding development, and practical adoption of speech recognition technology. van Doremalen et al. (2016) evaluated a prototype of a language learning system that used speech recognition technology. Their system focuses on Dutch learners’ pronunciation, morphology, and syntax exercises. The researchers reported the results of usability tests and expert reviews, which showed positive opinions about the system’s performance and user-friendliness. Although they suggested future research, such as more diagnostic exercises and speech detection enhancement, practical implications for the design and development of such systems were not addressed sufficiently. In this field, there is a lack of systematic, prescriptive, and practical principles for designing a language learning support system that utilizes speech recognition technology. Although there have been studies on the implementation of speech recognition-based language learning systems focusing on the affordance of mobile devices (Ahn and Lee 2016), learner engagement (Dalim et al. 2020), and pronunciation (McCrocklin 2019), the use of speech recognition technology for designing communicative, conversational, and interactive learning systems is under-investigated. To support learners’ conversations with the system, the CALL field may need to adopt interaction approaches in the field of learning technologies toward personalized and adaptive learning systems based on interactive scaffolding.

Scaffolding for second language speaking practice

Conversational interaction with corrective scaffolding is essential for L2 speaking practice (Petersen 2014). For beginner-level L2 learners, a conversation needs to be initiated by the instructor, the learner responds to it, and the instructor provides immediate feedback through instant evaluation. To facilitate this scaffolding process, Johnston and Milne (1995) implemented a multimedia tool that offers communicative tasks. Their tool presents segmented video clips (e.g., interviews, dialogs, narratives) for a speaking topic and transcripts and contextualized grammatical explanations for scaffolding resources. The researchers reported that this tool increased students’ communication exchanges by scaffolding teacher-student discourse (Johnston and Milne 1995). Although we can assume that the increased communication opportunities might enhance students’ speaking skills, the subjects’ speaking performance was not measured in their research. Shih (2010) investigated the impact of video-based blogging as a speaking practice task on students’ speaking performance. Based on their instructor’s and peers’ feedback, students revised their speaking videos. It was found that the scaffolding activity was one of the crucial aspects of the students’ learning process (Shih 2010). However, not all scaffolds have the same positive effect. Differently-designed scaffolds have a different impact on learners’ speaking performance (e.g., Mirahmadi and Alavi 2016). Thus, for effective speaking practice feedback, scaffolding should be meticulously designed (Mesthrie 2008).

Scaffolding was first conceptualized by Wood et al. (1976) as a procedure that helps to focus on a problem and to assist in solving a problem of a child or a novice on its own. Pea (2004) summarized the guidelines for scaffolding. First, the learner must be able to identify a learning problem by themselves even if they cannot solve it on their own. Second, the learner should be aware that there is a way to solve the problem. Finally, as the learner can solve the problem, the scaffolding needs to be slowly faded out. Along with those principles, there are specific guidelines for scaffolding in L2. The most critical issue is the consideration of the conversation context. Hung and Gonzalez (2013) examined the system-learner conversation in context-centric and non-context-centric settings. In the context-centric group, the system provided scaffolds for the learner when their conversation was off-topic, whereas the system had a free conversation with the non-context-centric group. The results show that the context-centric group achieved higher performance than the control group. These results are consistent with the findings of more recent studies (e.g., Afitska 2016). This means the interaction design should be context-focused in L2 speaking practice environments. Still, few studies were conducted on incorporating speaking scaffolds in CALL, specifically when adopting speech recognition technology.

This study

The lack of research in this field is simply because it has not been long since we are able to utilize easily accessible and fully functional speech recognition technology when designing language learning systems. Reigeluth and Karnopp (2013) described three stages in the S-Curve theory by distinguishing between when developmental research with formative evaluation is needed, and when experimental research with summative evaluation of effectiveness is required. In the S-Curve theory (i.e., the graph has the shape of S; the x-axis is time, and the y-axis is productivity), at the beginning stage of an instructional technology system shows a slow increase in productivity, the middle stage shows a pattern of a rapid increase in productivity. Again it shows a trend of gradual increase in the final step. New and immature fields need the knowledge of design and development that can be used in practical settings rather than the knowledge of effectiveness that is acquired from the summative evaluation (Reigeluth and Karnopp 2013).

The topic covered in this study can be seen as an early-to-middle phase according to the S-Curve theory. Although the use of speech recognition technology for language education was initiated in the 1990s, the field has not matured yet. At this moment, knowledge of efficient design and development is requested to maximize its effectiveness. This is when developmental research is required for the academic field (Richey et al. 2005). Accordingly, rather than examining the effectiveness of a specific design, strategy, or tool, our research question is, “how can we design and develop an interactive learning application to better support language learners’ speaking practice using speech recognition technology?”.


We adopted a developmental research method to design an interactive language learning application using speech recognition technology. Developmental research follows a research method that designs and develops instructional products or models focusing on ongoing growth, evolution, and change (Richey et al. 2005). Specifically, developmental research can be defined as “the systematic study of design, development and evaluation processes with the aim of establishing an empirical basis for the creation of instructional and non-instructional products and tools and new or enhanced models that govern their development” (Richey and Klein 2007, p. 1). This method is similar to Design-Based Research (DBR) in that DBR can be adopted to investigate instruction and learning in a specific context through the iterative learning/instructional design process (Design-Based Research Collective 2003). However, the developmental research method focuses more on addressing design and development processes or models than DBR does (Klein 2014). Richey and Klein (2009) divided the developmental research method into Product & Tool Research and Model Research. We followed the Product & Tool Research method, which includes analysis, design, and development steps followed by try-outs and evaluation processes; after that, the iterative process of modification and re-evaluation is conducted.


The first step included needs analysis, learner analysis, content analysis, and context analysis. The research team reached out to a Korean language teaching institution for these analyses. It was found that KFL students are getting more focused on their speaking and communication skills. The relative importance levels are approximately 30% for speaking, 40% for listening, 20% for reading, and 10% for writing. There have been speaking practice activities in the Korean language program, such as instructor–student mock interviews, small group discussions, and student–student pair work. However, the instructors pointed out that there are always a number of students who are afraid of speaking in the classroom, which is consistent with our literature review. Most importantly, instructors mentioned that it is extremely challenging for an instructor to provide each student with individualized feedback for speaking practice. Some instructors have utilized a recording task as a speaking assignment—students are asked to record their speaking practice and submit it through email. The instructors commented that it takes a while to review their students’ recordings and provide appropriate scaffolds for them. A few instructors mentioned that they attempted to use some existing tools that adopt speech recognition technology. Still, they indicated that those tools are merely offering speaking opportunities without learner-system interactions or scaffolding. The instructors appreciated that some tools present users’ speech waveform, which is beneficial for correcting pronunciation. However, the lack of communicative activities could be a considerable limitation for speaking practice. These results lead us to this development project’s direction, which should be communicative and interactive through real-time scaffolding.

Second, design principles were formulated through intensive literature reviews. Third, we developed an interactive web-based application implementing the formulated design principles. Repetitive expert reviews and usability tests were performed with the rapid prototype process (i.e., the implementation of critical functions, modules, databases, and interfaces prior to full development) (Tripp and Bichelmeyer 1990). Korean language educators, instructional technology researchers, and Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) experts participated in expert reviews. Adult KFL learners participated in usability tests.

Data analysis

Given the nature of developmental research as a holistic process (Richey et al. 2005), we documented the development process from the beginning of this project. We considered this entire process as data collection and analysis, including the needs analysis, literature reviews for design principles, design and revisions, expert reviews, and usability tests. For a more specific analysis approach, expert reviews containing the experience and perspective of experts were analyzed based on the content analysis method. We followed three steps suggested by Johnson and Christensen (2008). We looked for important words or phrases in the reviews and divided them into segments. Then, the relationships between the fragmented contents were established, which were outlined by the coding process. The codes were combined into subcategories, and similar small units were aggregated into a larger theme. A total of 158 codes were combined into 50 subcategories (32 for the first review, 18 for the second). In the first expert review, 12 subcategories were from language educators, 11 from educational technology researchers, and 9 from HCI experts. In the second review, 8 subcategories were from language educators, 7 from educational technology researchers, and 3 from HCI experts. These were combined into three themes: stepwise suggestions, learning content revision, and usability enhancement.

The results of the usability tests were also analyzed, focusing on finding what to be revised based on the participants’ feedback and suggestions. Then, the content of observation notes was analyzed and compared with the recorded videos of usability tests. In addition, the log data of the application was quantitatively analyzed. We checked all conversation details, including the users’ correct and incorrect answers, focusing on the appropriateness of agent feedback on learners’ speaking and the frequency and time information of learners’ speaking attempts. The system’s speech recognition error rates were calculated, and the learners’ response time was analyzed. Finally, an integrated inference was carried out by analyzing all results and comparing the analyses of interviews, usability results, observations, and log data.


The design process

Design principles from literature review

Fields of consideration for literature review for design principles were identified as scaffolding, interaction, and speech recognition technology. An extensive literature search was conducted to determine the design principles and application guides. Google Scholar, the Academic Search Complete, ERIC Databases, and Research Information Sharing Service (Journal article and dissertation search platform operated by Korea Education and Research Information Service) were queried to search for literature for this study. Titles, abstracts, and keywords were searched for speech-recognition, voice-recognition, language speaking, L2 learning, speaking instruction, Korean language learning, scaffolding in language education, interactive scaffolding, interaction in language education, language learning theory, and computer-assisted language learning. As shown in Table 1, 34 design principles were formulated after the in-depth literature review. These principles were applied and implemented in practice, resulting in the development of the application.

Table 1 Design principles and application guides

The system framework and application design

For the speech recognition framework, HTML5 Web Speech APIs (Google Developers 2013) was utilized, which are embedded in recent web browsers. The agent’s interaction algorithms were designed using server programming languages (Node.js, Typescript). The server stores subject information for conversations, questions to be asked by the agent, correct/incorrect answers in a database system (MongoDB).

The learning content was adopted from an instructional material that has been used at Seoul National University in Seoul, South Korea. The database has learners’ possible answers, frequently incorrect answers, and types collected from the repetitive interviews and collaborations with KFL instructors who had more than 10-year teaching experience. Given the beginner level of the target audience, the degree of freedom was not that high; thus, the amount of initial dataset was not huge.

The content design followed the instructional theory of language speaking (Paulston and Bruder 1976): mechanical drill, meaningful drill, and communicative drill. Examples of each drill can be seen in Table 2. The mechanical drill includes learners’ repetition, transformation, and application speaking practice with the goal of memorizing new patterns of typical sentences. Although the learner might not fully understand accurate meanings of what they are speaking, the process of repetition, transformation, and application contributes to the improvement of learners’ conversation skills (Paulston and Bruder 1976). The meaningful drill includes the practice of structures and syntactic aspects. The learner is expected to concentrate more on meaning rather than on form. The communicative drill teaches the practical use of language for communication focusing “on what is said rather than on how it is said” (Paulston and Bruder 1976, p. 54).

Table 2 Language speaking drill type and examples

The application was named Marago, and the agent Yuri. The learner accesses Marago via a web browser. After the access, the learner communicates with the agent. Computer speakers enable learners to listen to the agent’s greetings and questions. The learner can check the learning content and objectives on a screen. Depending on the learner’s response, the agent provides different types of scaffolds. If the agent recognizes the correct answer, the learner moves forward to the next step and continues conversations with the agent.

The first development process

We applied 34 design principles for building the system. For example, conversation videos (i.e., Principle 8) were presented with a guide script (i.e., Principle 10). The presented video shows an example of the script, and the learner can use different words and short sentences within this guide script, which was designed to reduce the learner’s cognitive load (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Videos and guide scripts: design principles 8 and 10

First expert review

The first expert review was conducted with three groups of experts: seven Korean language educators, three educational technology researchers, and three HCI experts. The Korean language educators had masters and doctoral degrees in their field and had taught the Korean language for more than 10 years. We adopted a focus group interview format for 3 h, including a short presentation of the research aim and context and the Marago system, and questioning sessions. The reviewers pointed out the following aspects. First, the system should adopt more individual learning supports because this tool can be mainly used for supporting individual practice, which could not be done in classrooms. Second, conversation designs should be more natural, specifically, the communicative drill tasks must use authentic and natural conversation contexts. Third, learning goals and content should be more simplified, given the target audience’s levels. Specifically, more practice for mechanical drills is needed. Fourth, more engaging aspects need to be included, such as showing scores and giving rewards. Fifth, a final review function is needed so the learner can review their performance at the end of the program.

The educational technology researchers (3 professors in the United States) earned doctoral degrees and had more than 8 years of research experience in their field. Three suggestions were noted. First, there are design principles that were not clearly applied in the system. We revised the design for clarification. For example, for Principle 1 (Make sure the learner is able to identify a problem by themselves), prior to each conversation task, the system presents the contextual information of the upcoming conversation topic, and the agent asks whether the learner can handle the conversational situation or not. For Principle 9 (Design the fading of scaffolding as the learner solves a problem), the system reduces scaffolds or skips grammar explanations as the learner’s speaking does not have an error, which is automatically monitored by the system. Second, instructional design and learning theories may need to be adopted, such as motivation theories, cognitive load theory, metacognition, and collaborative learning theories. Third, learners’ affective aspects need to be considered; for example, remembering the learner’s name and preferences and mentioning them during the conversation could be beneficial for emotional relationships.

Three HCI professors in the United States earned doctoral degrees and had more than 10 years of research experience in their field. Their reviews included the following aspects. First, the system needs to adopt interactive interface designs; for example, the agent’s facial expression may need to vary rather than the one image. Second, more engaging aspects need to be included, such as the content that is more relevant to the learner (e.g., the language-specific cultural content). Third, the system needs to support social media aspects, such as a sharing feature, which could be a type of interaction rewards. The experts pointed out that current students usually share their learning activities by posting them on their social media pages (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). Thus, Marago adopted social media share buttons so the learner can post the scripts of their conversation with the agent and speaking results on their social media pages.

First usability test

The first prototype was tested by five learners (i.e., Korean language-learning international students at Seoul National University) individually. We observed the learners when they were using Marago, and they were asked to think aloud. Five observations were noted. First, all of them showed positive opinions on the use of Marago. They like the agent’s instant feedback and the system’s speech recognition accuracy. All of them completed the learning steps without further assistance. Second, the system needs to give more options so the learner can control more components, such as a re-listening button when the learner could not understand a specific part or a redo option when the learner wants to speak a particular part again. Third, the display is somewhat distracting the learner because, images, videos, learning goals, and chatting were presented on one screen. Fourth, it would be great if it had a male agent because they could learn male accents, intonations, and expressions. Fifth, shortcut key functions need to be included, such as a spacebar for speaking.

The second development process

Based on the results of the first expert review and usability test, the system was modified. We followed Richey’s et al. (2014) guidelines when dealing with two issues. First, we identified the challenging aspects due to time, financial, and technological limitations and declined the impossible suggestions. For example, the Korean language experts requested the agent’s natural intonations and accents; however, we could not enhance the speech quality of the current HTML5 Web Speech APIs.

We also resolved the conflict opinions between expert groups. We invited all expert groups in one place and discussed the conflicts, such as individual learning (language educators) vs. collaborative learning (educational technology researchers), mechanical and meaningful drill-focused practice (language educators) vs. communication drill-focused practice (educational technology researchers), and multi-agent approach (e.g., a conversation partner agent and a teacher agent; language educators) vs. one-agent approach (educational technology researchers). Through the discussion between groups, we reached out to the consensus on most issues; for example, the individual learning approach is appropriate given the target audience, communication drills might cause a higher degree of freedom that the system may not be able to handle without quality big data, and one-agent approach would be effective to reduce the learner’s cognitive load. However, a couple of issues could not be solved, such as rewards (e.g., points, badges, balloons) vs. no-rewards (because the target audience is adult learners). For these issues, we asked ten students who were taking a Korean language course at Seoul National University to make a decision. Finally, the reward opinion was adopted; the system shows students’ scores and ranking, and presents digital badges to high performers. From this process, the second prototype was developed.

Second expert reviews

The second expert review (with the same expert groups as in the first review) was conducted. After the expert groups checked whether the previous suggestions were applied, they conducted a detailed review using Marago. Three issues were identified by the Korean language educators. First, the content of each conversation topic needs to be adjusted, considering the difficulty levels. Besides, the presentation of text feedback should be enhanced, such as using red-color or underlines to give corrective feedback. Second, the system needs to include a learner evaluation function and provide the learner with the evaluation results for their additional practice. Third, the system can be used as a homework or formal evaluation tool for face-to-face courses; for example, an option for sending the learner’s results to the instructor via email would be useful.

The educational technology researchers pointed out that the conversation context needs to be more relevant and authentic (i.e., Constructivism), such as a situation when the learner stops by a restaurant in South Korea to order something from the menu. Second, since a learning goal includes the learner’s pronunciation improvement, the system needs to have a pronunciation practice module. Third, the learner-friendly aspects should be enhanced, such as a short orientation for using the application prior to the conversation.

The HCI experts mentioned that more cultural aspects need to be included because, in HCI research, cultural contents have been shown to increase the user’s motivation. In addition, the interaction design needs to be more authentic; for example, the agent’s facial expression changes need to be aligned with the conversation context.

Second usability test

The second usability test was conducted with the same participants. The results can be summarized into three aspects. First, it needs a function that the learner can hide or show the agent’s text. This is because, when focusing on listening, the text might distract the learner. Second, more control options for the learner are needed, such as a task-skip button. Third, the system needs to include more real-life conversation situations.

Final development

Following the results of the second expert review and usability test, the final development was conducted. Most suggestions were applied in the final development, but a few suggestions were declined. For example, for the pronunciation practice function with sound wave graphics, the system needs to include additional technology tools with updated security options on the server-side. Given the limited budget and timeframe, these aspects were not covered in the final development.

Learning steps and the internal process of the application

The learning steps are shown in Fig. 2. In Marago, there are five learning steps. First, the learner selects their tutor and begins mechanical practice: Steps 1-A and 1-B. The learner is asked a variety of questions and is expected to answer them verbally. If the answer was incorrect, they would receive appropriate scaffolds, depending on the type of their errors. There are five types of predetermined errors—postpositional particle, vocabulary, tense, inflection, and unexpected errors. When a learner’s speaking consisted of a postpositional particle error, the incorrect particle would be changed to red color, which is the first scaffold. If the learner made the same mistake, the agent would provide a grammatical explanation for the use of postpositional particles (i.e., the second scaffold). The third scaffold for the same mistake includes more detailed information of the postpositional particle with practical examples. There are more than 20 questions in this step, but when the learner speaks correctly 8 times in a row, they can skip the rest of the questions and move forward. In Step 2, the learner can choose a conversation topic among the food, fruit, and transportation options, which will be the conversation topics for the next steps. Topic videos are presented, and the learner practices conversations using the guide script used in the video. In Step 3, the learner participates in a role-play conversation depending on their chosen topic. For example, if the selected topic is transportation, the learner has a conversation with a taxi driver to get to the given destination. In Step 4, the learner learns more about Korean culture-based conversations. Finally, in Step 5, the learner reviews their performance, including their errors during the conversation in previous steps, error types, learning hours, and scores.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Learning steps of the final product

The internal structure of Marago is described in Fig. 3. As can be seen in the left-top box in Fig. 3, the application starts when a learner accesses through a Web browser. After the introduction and the learner’s first response, Step 1 begins. When the learner responds to an agent’s question, the system checks whether the response is correct. The learner moves forward if their spoken response is correct while they receive appropriate feedback from the agent and get another chance to respond correctly if their response is incorrect. This interactional information is saved in the database.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The internal process of the final product

A development model

Along with the speech practice application, a development model is the product of this research (see Fig. 4): an interactive language learning application development model. We thoroughly followed the developmental research guidelines and suggestions. This procedural model includes the repetitive process of analysis, design principle formulation, content/interaction/motivation/scaffolding designs, expert reviews, usability tests, evaluation, and revision.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An interactive language learning application development model

Final evaluation

Final expert review and usability test

The final product was reviewed by the expert groups. They confirmed that the final application was developed firmly upon the design principles and was modified based on the previous reviews. The educational technology and HCI expert groups were interested in the future use of Marago, and how much the application will be effective for speaking practice. The Korean language educator group expected that Marago would be used for supporting face-to-face courses, such as for homework and speaking evaluation/exam. In addition, the final usability test was conducted with ten learners (five learners who participated in the previous tests and five new learners). All learners were able to successfully complete all steps of Marago without extra assistance. The participants who previously evaluated Marago confirmed that their suggestions were applied in the final development. The new learners focused on their learning when the agent responded adaptively.

Log data analysis: speech recognition error rate

To check the accuracy of the speech recognition module, we calculated speech recognition error rates using the concept of Word Error Rate (WER), which uses Levenshtein distance to show the difference between the actual speech by the user and the recognition by the system (Fiscus 1997). WER can be calculated as the sum of substitutions (e.g., pace is recognized as face), insertions (e.g., SAT is recognized as essay tea), and deletions (e.g., how it works is recognized as how works) is divided by the number of words spoken. However, the WER algorithm was built for English and is not well aligned with the Korean language. Also, we were not able to find any speech recognition error rate formula for the Korean language. Thus, considering the characteristics and nature of the Korean language’s alphabet system, we modified WER using Korean language syllables, which can be calculated as the number of error syllables divided by all syllables.

Two Korean language native speakers created a script using the video recorded in the final usability test. They transcribed what they recognized as it is. This transcript was compared with the log data script that was stored in the system. Overall, the error rate is 12.18%, as shown in Table 3. We acknowledge that this value cannot be directly compared with WER due to the different formulas, but we conducted a tentative comparison. Given the current values of reported WER in speech recognition technology, 10–18% (Negri et al. 2014) and 6–11% (Shannon 2017), we consider that 12.18% is acceptable for a speaking practice tool. There are no decreasing trends in the error rate given the similarity of error rates between each step. We also found that there is a significant difference in the number of all syllables between learners. This is because some of them were able to skip the mechanical drills when their speaking was correct multiple times in a row. Besides the standard deviation of erroneous syllables is quite large. This might be because of a few learners’ strong English accents when speaking the Korean language. Although the native Korean language speakers were able to recognize their accents correctly, the system could not. In addition, it seems that the external noise might be another reason for the large standard deviation.

Table 3 Speech recognition error rates using the Korean language syllables in the final usability test

Log data analysis: response time

To check whether the learner’s conversation with the agent is natural, we measured the learner’s response time using the log data. Due to the system setting, we measured the response time as the interval between the start point of the agent’s speaking and the end of the learner’s speaking; thus, the response time includes the agent’s and the learner’s speaking time along with the actual interval. Given the short lengths of the agent’s and learners’ speech (beginner-level conversations; approximately 2–3 s), we can estimate the intervals between the learners and between the steps. As shown in Table 4, the overall response time is 11.5 s, which means the actual interval might be 5.5–7.5 s.

Table 4 Learners’ response time during the conversation with the agent: mean (SD)—seconds

As can be seen in Fig. 5, there is a difference between the participants who experienced Marago during the development phase and the new participants who used Marago only in the final usability test. However, this gap was closed in the middle of Step 1-A, which means the new learners needed some time to adjust themselves in using this system.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Learners’ response time during the conversation with the agent


Following the developmental research method, we reported the development process of an interactive language speaking practice application using speech recognition technology. We would like to discuss the following lessons learned through this research.

During the design and development process, we found two crucial aspects that helped our development. First, for expert reviews and usability tests, we adopted a rapid prototyping approach, which has shown its effectiveness and efficiency. In software development, it is also called rapid application development (Beynon-Davies et al. 1999). Although the software prototype was not a complete application, it was enough to show the reviewers and the learners the content and functions. We were able to reduce the development time and expenses due to the rapid prototype process. We argue that the rapid prototyping process could be included as an essential component in the developmental research method, specifically Product & Tool Research.

Second, the discussion process for resolving the conflicts between and within expert groups was beneficial for the quality product. Although it took time for the extra discussion, we were able to avoid unnecessary disputes and contradictions. Through the resolving discussion, the expert groups could understand the goal of the development better and reach a consensus toward an effective product. For this process, we argue that the research team should share the goals of a project and design principles clearly. The team should lead the negotiation and adjustment process to reach a consensus. During the negotiation process, it is significant to check the learning goals in each step to find a better solution. In addition, developers and technicians might need to be present in the discussion because, in many cases, expert groups’ suggestions are related to the development process directly; and some of them might take a while, require an extra budget, or cannot be implemented due to technical issues. In these cases, developers and technicians can share their technological knowledge, information, and limitations of the current technology.

In this study, we also found the following challenges when using speech recognition technology for a language learning support system. First, recent speech recognition engines might be, ironically, detrimental to the learner’s pronunciation improvement. We utilized Google’s speech recognition engine, which has been improved through up-to-date machine learning techniques. When using the engine, we found two issues. First, the system recognized the learner’s incorrect pronunciation correctly. For example, when a learner’s pronunciation was Kalbi (i.e., the incorrect pronunciation of Galbi; beef/pork ribs in the Korean language), the system recognized it correctly as Galbi. The engine automatically and intelligently corrected some incorrect pronunciations. This is a significant and user-friendly development for better human–computer interaction. However, there is no way for us to provide corrective feedback for learners when the system recognizes incorrect speech correctly. We discussed this issue with the Korean language educator group, and they expressed concerns about intelligent speech recognition engines. Interestingly, some of them showed a different perspective. They argue that since the engine is built on the actual conversation of native speakers. If the system intelligently recognized it correctly, the learner would not face any issues when communicating with native speakers. That means, if the system recognized something correctly, native speakers would be able to recognize it correctly. If the goal of practice is to improve the learner’s fluent speaking, this issue might not be a problem. However, if the goal of L2 practice is precise pronunciation, we need to find and develop a new speech recognition engine that recognizes the user’s speech as it is rather than the engine that is (overly) intelligent.

The other issue is similar but opposite one; the engine recognizes correct words differently or incorrectly. A similar situation was reported in a previous study (van Doremalen et al. 2016). For example, when the learner said her name, Jeon Ji Yeon, many times, the system recognized it as Jeon Ji Hyeon, which is the name of a famous Korean actress. It seems that the engine has been trained with big data that possibly contains lots of celebrities’ names. Similarly, there were many cases that the system recognized differently, specifically some popular words and celebrities’ names. These two issues should be further discussed in the field of language education when using speech recognition technology.

Limitations and future research

The main limitation of this research is that the learning context is limited within the field of Korean language speaking practice for beginner-level adult learners. Thus, the results of this developmental research might not be applicable to the other L2 contexts and other levels or age groups. However, as the developmental research method suggests, this research brought design and development issues to consider when designing a language speaking practice program using speech recognition technology. To address these issues and produce more generalizable knowledge, more developmental research approaches with different target learners for different languages would be needed. In addition, experimental research to evaluate the application’s effectiveness is required. Finally, further educational technology research on the use of speech recognition technology as a learner-system interaction method is needed.


We reported the development process of an interactive language speaking practice application, including learner/context analysis, literature-based design principles, the development process, expert reviews, usability tests, the application’s internal structure, and final evaluation results. Speech recognition technology has been adopted in many real-life devices as a voice-user interface. Given the need for authentic speaking practice in language education, an effective and natural communication approach between devices and humans could be utilized as a voice-user interface form, which requires reliable speech recognition technology. The field of instructional/learning technologies should be able to produce beneficial knowledge to the public regarding how to design and develop a learning support tool when using speech recognition technology. This study shows an initial step for this request.