
Solid waste management remains an important worldwide environmental task. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA 2010), integrated waste management consists of a hierarchy of four components involving, in order of preference, source reduction, recycling, combustion with energy recovery, and disposal through landfilling. Even with increased emphasis on waste reduction at the source as well as on recovery and recycling, disposal of solid waste by landfilling remains to be the most common method (Sumathi et al. 2008; Kim and Owens 2010; Eskandari et al. 2012). Ideally, a well-designed landfill uses an engineered method of disposal of solid waste on land in a manner that minimizes environmental hazards by spreading the solid waste in thin layers, compacting the solid waste to the smallest practical volume, and applying a cover at the end of each operating day (Sumathi et al. 2008).

A large number of studies have been conducted in the past several decades on how landfills may impact on the environment, such as through gas emission, olfactory nuisance, and global greenhouse effects (e.g., Molins et al. 2008; Chanton et al. 2009; Lou and Nair 2009; Bogner et al. 2011), landfill leachate generation (Lee et al. 2002; MacDonald et al. 2008; Renou et al. 2008; Santos et al. 2013), pollution control and health risk assessment (Chrysikou et al. 2008; Mari et al. 2009), and landfill phytoremediation and bioremediation (Bennett et al. 2003; Kim and Owens 2010; Justin et al. 2010; Davari et al. 2015). Other studies have focused on optimal siting of waste treatment facilities (Aragonés-Beltrán et al. 2010; Tavares et al. 2011) and on landfill site selection (Ekmekcioglu et al. 2010; Gorsevski et al. 2012; Eskandari et al. 2013).

Siting a sanitary landfill requires a reliable evaluation process that should identify the best possible disposal location. This location must comply with governmental regulations while, at the same time, minimizing economic, environmental, health, and social costs (Sumathi et al. 2008; Chang et al. 2008; Nas et al. 2010). Therefore, many siting factors or criteria could potentially be applied. As a consequence, landfill siting is increasingly becoming a difficult, complex, and often extremely protracted process (Chang et al. 2008). To make the task more convenient, some have used multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods which could account for many specific but often conflicting criteria (Eskandari et al. 2012).

Geographical information systems (GISs) have recently emerged as an important tool for land use suitability analyses. A geographical information system can be equally useful for landfill siting. GIS-based approaches for siting will not only reduce the time and cost of site selection but will also provide a digital data bank for long-term monitoring of the site (Sumathi et al. 2008). The combination of GIS features and MCDA techniques produces an approach for spatial multi-criteria decision analysis (SMCDA) that is very convenient for optimal landfill siting (Eskandari et al. 2012). The method has been widely employed in various landfill site selection studies (e.g., Kontos et al. 2005; Sener et al. 2006, 2011; Buenrostro Delgado et al. 2008; Sumathi et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2009; Nas et al. 2010; Geneletti 2010; Gorsevski et al. 2012; Eskandari et al. 2012).

Like in many other countries, two main factors have contributed to the rapid increase in solid waste being generated in Iran: accelerated population growth and changes in lifestyle. Most of the municipal solid waste (MSW) in Iran is disposed of in open pits, thus causing at times severe effects on the environment and public health. Constructing sanitary landfills that meet the environmental legislation and reduce their undesired impact is now a major priority for MSW management in Iran (Eskandari et al. 2012). For this reason, several studies have recently addressed optimal landfill siting using the SMCDA methodology.

While existing research addresses several landfill siting issues and their solutions, few of any models exist for selecting an optimal landfill site with only a minimum of available data. Our literature review indicates that the number of factors or evaluation criteria used for landfill siting is steadily increasing. Consequently, this points that the acquisition of the required amount of information is becoming a real challenge, especially for developing countries that may lack adequately trained staff in local governments. Methods that produce reliable results with a minimum of data are for these reasons indispensable.

Although the capabilities of GIS systems in landfill siting procedures have been recognized in terms of reducing time and cost, their use requires the construction of a relative large database. Developing such a database is a tedious, costly, and time-consuming endeavor. By comparison, soil scientists and others over the years have prepared many soil survey or land classification maps which now contain much useful information, including from many developing countries. These maps are in great demand as tools for practical land planning and management (Brady and Weil 2008). For example, since 1954, preliminary land selection for irrigated agriculture in Iran is based on Iran’s land classification method for irrigation. Soil maps of Iran’s plains now exist in realistic detail (commonly 1/50,000) and are well suited for many other applications, including landfill siting.

The objective of this study was to introduce a new quantitative landfill site selection method based on available soil classification maps. The method would reduce the number of evaluation criteria, simplify the site selection process, and enhance multiple applicabilities of the soil maps. To test the proposed method, a case study was performed for Marvdasht City in the center of Fars Province, Iran. The proposed method is compared with a more commonly used environmental landfill siting method in Iran.

Methods and materials

To provide a context on how the two methods is applied and compared, we first give brief description of the Marvdasht study area.

The study area

Marvdasht is located in Fars Province, Iran, between 29° 15′ and 30° 59′ N latitudes and 51° 44′ and 53° 30′ E longitudes. The area covers 4040 km2, of which 1837 km2 is mountainous and the remaining 2203 km2 consists of a fertile agricultural plain. Its average temperature is about 17.7 °C, and the average rainfall 390 mm, mostly falling in the winter months. According to the Iranian Statistics Center (2006), Marvdasht, after the capital Shiraz, is the second most populated city of Fars Province, having a population of about 125,000. Geologically, the study area is dominated by thick Quaternary alluvium deposits with occasional deposits of salts. The dominant land use in the region is agriculture. Historically, Marvdasht and its suburbs are important in Iran because of several internationally registered ancient sites like the Persepolis palace complex, the Naghsh-e-Rajab, Naghsh-e-Rostam archeological sites, the Khan and Band-e-Amir bridges, and the ancient city of Estakhr which collectively attract millions of visitors every year.

Recent estimates indicate that Marvdasht generates about 87 tons of solid wastes per day or an average per capita of almost 0.7 kg day−1 (Eskandari et al. 2012). The wastes contain relatively high amounts of organic matter (about 71 % of dry weight). There is neither waste segregation nor any gas or leachate utilization (Eskandari et al. 2012). The current Marvdasht landfill is located at 29° 52′28″ N latitude and 52° 53′1″ E longitude, at an elevation of 1737 m above sea level. The landfill will be moved to another more secure location due to existing environmental hazards. The new landfill site must cover an area of at least 100 ha for future development, such as the construction of a compost plant and other structures (Eskandari et al. 2012).

We next describe the two landfill site selection methods used in this study, one based on a relatively standard environmental site selection approach that has been used several times previously (Kontos et al. 2005; Sener et al. 2006; Sumathi et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2009; Nas et al. 2010; Eskandari et al. 2012), further referred to as the environmental site selection (ESS) method, and our proposed alternative approach based on information deduced from land classification maps, further referred to as the land classification map (LCM) method. Results obtained with the two methods are compared subsequently.

Environmental landfill site selection

Selection criteria

The ESS method uses two types of criteria: constraints and factors. A total of 13 spatial constraints were selected first based on Iran’s environmental protection regulations for MSW landfill siting (IEPO 2010). Thereafter, 16 factors were selected based on opinion sampling and the results of questionnaires completed by 15 environmental experts familiar with the local situation. The factors were divided into environmental, economical, and sociocultural criteria as shown by the hierarchical site selection scheme shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Hierarchical structure used for the ESS environmental landfill siting method and values of the weights of the various factors

Consistent with the invoked selection criteria, a number of the digitized maps were constructed. These included a geology map (1:100,000) showing the location of faults; a digital topography map (1:25,000) defining elevation contour lines; maps of residential areas, rivers, and roads; and various agricultural land evaluation and soil maps (1:50,000) specifying for each map unit the subsurface hydraulic conductivity, the soil depth, the suitability class for irrigation, and the frequency of flooding. The required information on springs, wells, qanats, and groundwater quality and depth was mapped in a GIS domain, while the locations of historical sites were mapped using GIS software. The dominant wind direction (mostly westward) in the study area towards the historical and residential areas was also mapped in a GIS domain. All information was included in a comprehensive GIS database for municipal landfill siting. Version 3.3 of the ILWIS software (ITC-ILWIS 2005) was used later for data analysis and performance of the multi-criteria decision analysis.

Data standardization

Because different evaluation criteria operate at different scales, the raster maps obtained in the previous section were standardized in several ways. The constraints (Fig. 1) were standardized using Boolean methods to limit their values to either 0 or 1 (Malczewski 1999).

Map standardizations for distances from historical sites, wells, residential areas, springs, rivers, qanats, and groundwater depth were accomplished by using concave value functions considered as benefit criteria. Distances from roads were standardized using a convex value function considered as the cost criterion. In these functions, the X-axis and Y-axis for each criterion represent the distance and the standardized value in the 0–1 range, respectively. A symmetric sigmoidal function was used to standardize the distance from the waste generation source. This function stipulates that any increase in the distance increases the standardized value up to some optimal distance, after which the standardized value decreases because of economic factors. Based on input from the municipality, waste transportation to the landfill was only allowed up to a distance of 30 km from the city, with no economic justification to use locations beyond that point. To facilitate different types of standardization functions, the SMCE module of the ILWIS software was used.

Some criteria such as groundwater quality, soil depth, land use, wind direction, and soil permeability were standardized by allocating grading values between 0 and 1 to each criterion. For instance, the raster map of groundwater quality was provided in three classes based on University of California Committee of Consultation Guidelines (1974). They were allocated with grading values of 0 to 1 and used as standardized values in the suitability site selection analysis. Table 1 shows the grading values of these criteria. Transformation of the criteria maps into numerical maps finalized the data standardization process.

Table 1 Grading values used for the class criteria in the environmental landfill siting (ESS) method

Criteria weighting

After completing the standardization process, weights were assigned to the various criteria. The weights were defined upon consultation of 15 environmental science experts. Criteria were weighted using a rank ordering (rank sum) scheme. This method places all factors in a certain order, from which the numerical weights are calculated. Features of the ILWIS software were again utilized to assign weights to each criterion.

Criteria aggregation

The composite index value for each pixel was calculated using simple additive weighting (SAW) as follows (Kontos et al. 2005):

$$ {V}_i={\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^n{W}_j{V}_{ij}} $$

where V i is the suitability index for area i, W j is the weight of criterion j, V ij is the standardized value of area i under criterion j, and n is the total number of criteria.

Preliminary landfill siting using land classification maps

The land classification map (LCM) method uses two separate steps to select the most optimal MSW landfill site. In the first step, preliminary landfill siting is performed based on a land classification map. This requires the identification of the most suitable land units. In the second step, discussed hereafter, candidate sites within the most suitable land units are identified and then evaluated in more detail to identify the final landfill site. We first explain here the various steps comprising the preliminary site selection process, staring with a list of the invoked selection criteria.

Selection criteria

Iranian land classification maps for irrigation are based on 18 different soil and land characteristics. These characteristics are arranged in four groups to indicate their limitations or hazards for irrigation purposes. The four groups consist of soil limitation (S), salinity and alkalinity limitations (A), topographic limitations (T), and drainage limitations (W). All of the properties of each land unit are included in a composite equation called the limitation formula. Consequently, based on land use limitations, the land units are classified into six classes. Classes I, II, and III are considered suitable for irrigation (from the best to relatively good), class IV is not irrigable except under especial conditions, class V has an undetermined suitability for irrigation, and class VI is non-irrigable (Sys et al. 1991). This formula has been popular in many land classification studies and is also used in Iran for preliminary selection of lands for irrigation. Some of the properties can also be used for landfill site selection as explained in Table 2.

Table 2 The properties in limitation formula used for (LCM) landfill site selection and the grading values used for the class criteria

Decision algorithm

After selecting suitable criteria from the land classification map, a decision tree was designed. The decision algorithm is presented in Fig. 2, which shows that the evaluation criteria in our study are classified into one constraint and a factor group. Four criteria involving prime agricultural land (classes I and II based on the soil classification map), groundwater depth (all land units classified as W), flooding hazards (all units classified as F), and miscellaneous areas were considered as constraints. Eight criteria consisting of topsoil texture, subsoil stoniness, subsoil permeability, soil depth, soil salinity, soil alkalinity, overall slope, and erosion status are considered to be the factors as delineated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Hierarchical structure used for the LCM landfill siting method and weights of the various factors

Data standardization

The four constraints (Fig. 2) were standardized using the Boolean method and assigned values of 0 or 1. The eight factors were standardized using a grading method, with suitable values within the 0–1 domain assigned to each class of criteria based on the suitability of the site to function as landfill. Table 2 shows the grading values used for the various criteria. A few details of the adopted grading values are given below.

Topsoil texture

Landfilling should not be considered as the final land use of a certain tract of land, but rather as one stage in some changing land use sequence in time. When a landfill in an area has reached its planned limit, the land should be restored to a productive and esthetically pleasing state (Loughry 1973). For this reason, the local topsoil should be used in landfilling operations to serve as the final cover for the vegetation. The better the topsoil for plant growth, the more suitable this soil will be as a landfill cover.

Subsoil stoniness

Subsoil stoniness is not a desired characteristic because of the risk for environmental contamination due to enhanced percolation and, hence, the volume of leachate that can be generated. For this reason, higher subsoil stoniness implies a less suitable condition for landfill construction.

Subsoil permeability

Since lower recharge rates will protect groundwater resources more from contamination, locations having subsoils with a low permeability provide a more suitable condition for landfill construction.

Soil depth

Soil depth constitutes an important economic criterion in landfill siting in that it can reduce the cost of landfill operation substantially. Consequently, the thicker the soil, the more suitable the area is for landfill construction.

Soil salinity

The suitability of a soil for plant production decreases when salinity increases. In many areas, the salinity is so high that there are no economic or practical justifications for saline soil reclamation. Hence, it is attractive to use these areas for some other land uses such as solid waste landfilling. Consequently, the more saline the soil, the more suitable the soil is for landfill siting.

Soil alkalinity

Alkalinity has similar effects on plant production as salinity. As a result, the more alkaline the soil, the more suitable the soil is for landfill construction.

Overall slope

Sites with steep slopes are not suited technically for landfill construction. Accordingly, the flatter the area, the greater is its suitability to serve as a landfill site (Kontos et al. 2005).

Present erosion status

Land units affected by soil erosion generally have lower plant productivity due to the removal of fertile top soil. Consequently, land units with more soil erosion are more suitable for land uses other than agriculture, such as landfilling. However, lands with gully erosion must be assessed more carefully because of their vulnerable geology.

Groundwater depth

According to the Iranian Environmental Protection Organization (IEPO 2010), any area with a water table less than 5 m from the soil surface is not suitable for landfill construction. Therefore, all mapping units associated with a W class on the classification map are not suitable for landfill siting and must be avoided.

Flooding hazard

All areas with a flooding hazard are unsuitable for landfill sites, and hence, any mapping unit characterized by an F must be eliminated from further considerations.

Miscellaneous areas

According to IEPO, all the miscellaneous areas listed in Table 2 are unsuitable for landfill construction. Therefore, all land units associated with these classes must not be considered for landfill siting. Prime agricultural lands were eliminated also for possible landfill siting. As discussed earlier, land units in the classification method were divided into six classes based on their limitations for irrigated agriculture. In this study, classes I and II were considered as prime agricultural lands.

For performing multi-criteria analyses, the thematic maps of all designated standardized criteria were produced from the land classification map using 100-m cell size raster maps.

Criteria weighting

After standardization, weights were again assigned to each factor using the expected value rank ordering method. Accordingly, the numerical weights were calculated using

$$ {W}_k={\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{n+1-k}\frac{1}{n\left(n+1-i\right)}} $$

where W k is the weight of criterion k, n is the number of criteria, and k is the rank of each criterion (ITC-ILWIS 2005).

The weighting method assigns more weight to criteria that were placed at a higher (first-order) rank. In our study, we placed both soil permeability and soil salinity at the first rank, meaning that land units with a saline soil have a higher priority to have a landfill. Thereafter, soil alkalinity was also considered to be an important criterion for site selection. The normalized weights were assigned to the factor criteria based on their relative importance in landfill site selection, and the conditions of the study area, as shown in Fig. 2.

Criteria aggregation

Following determination of the various criterion scores and their weights, a composite index value for each pixel was calculated, again using the simple additive weighting (SAW) method.

Final landfill siting using land classification maps

After completing the preliminary landfill siting step, the second stage of MSW site selection was performed. For this step, we interviewed several stakeholders of the Marvdasht Municipality to identify possible candidate sites (each having an area of at least 100 ha) within the most suitable land units as identified in the preliminary stage. After this, a second set of factors was used to compare and rank the potential sites. The factors and their weights were identified through interviews with seven experts familiar with local conditions. An alternative ranking was concluded using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method. The AHP is a widely accepted decision-making method based on pairwise comparisons (Kontos et al. 2005; Chang et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2009; Sener et al. 2010). The method utilizes the relative importance of the criteria in a specific decision-making problem. This includes an index called consistency ratio (CR) that indicates the overall consistency of the pairwise comparison matrix. The CR should have a value of less than 10 % to indicate a consistent method (Kontos et al. 2005). The AHP allows group decision-making, where group members can use their experience, values, and knowledge to break down a problem into a hierarchy, solving it using the AHP steps (Chang et al. 2008). Finally, sensitivity analyses are used to assess the stability of the obtained site ranking. All analyses in the second stage were carried out using the Expert Choice software (Expert Choice 1997).

Results and discussion

Values of the weights obtained for the various factors and criteria in the environmental (ESS) method are shown in Fig. 1. The weights listed in this figure were derived from completed questionnaires by 15 environmental experts. These experts indicated that the environmental group of criteria should have the highest priority in the landfill site selection process. The priority groups thereafter are the sociocultural and economic criteria.

Using these results, a landfill suitability map could be constructed using simple additive weighting (SAW). Five levels of suitability were identified as shown in Fig. 3. Areas with suitability indexes of 0.0–0.2, 0.2–0.4, 0.4–0.6, 0.6–0.8, and 0.8–1 were designated to be unsuitable, poorly suitable, moderately suitable, suitable, and most suitable, respectively. As shown in Fig. 3, the most suitable locations for landfill construction comprise an area of about 7900 ha, mostly southeast of Marvdasht City. These locations satisfy the minimum requirements of a MSW landfill site based on Iran’s EPO guidelines and also consider equally important criteria based on the opinion of environmental experts. The areas contain relatively deep soil profiles and are located quite far from flooding areas, rivers, and historical sites (at least 19 km from the closest site). The average groundwater level of the most suitable areas is deeper than 10 m. The final site for construction of the Marvdasht landfill should be selected within these areas, presumably after considering additional criteria and detailed site visits.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Landfill suitability classes based on the ESS environmental method

Results of the first (preliminary) stage based on the LCM are presented in Fig. 4. Land units in this figure having composite suitability indices of 0.0–0.2, 0.2–0.4, 0.4–0.6, 0.6–0.8, and 0.8–1 were designated as unsuitable, poorly suitable, moderately suitable, suitable, and most suitable, respectively. As shown in this figure, almost all of the most suitable areas for landfill construction are located southeast of Marvdasht City. The most suitable piece of land occupies 8338 ha and consists of highly saline (class S4) and sodic (class A2) soil with poor land use as well as lacking any residential population. Soil erosion in these areas is medium, and there are no rivers, active wells, and qanats in the entire land class designated as most suitable. The natural vegetation in the area is halophytic, which resulted in class VI according to the land classification map. Based on stakeholder opinions, the required area for landfill construction in the study area is almost 100 ha, which could be selected after supplementary field visits and assessment of more detailed criteria to obtain the final most suitable locations.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Landfill suitability classes based on the land classification map (LCM) method

The precision of the proposed LCM method was examined by comparing the identified “most suitable” lands with those obtained using the environmental (ESS) method. Comparing Fig. 3 with Fig. 4 shows that the two approaches produce almost the same location considered to be most suitable for the landfill. The most suitable areas obtained with the LCM and ESS methods occupy 4.9 and 4.4 % of the entire study area, respectively. These results suggest that the two methods produce almost the same results. The main difference is the amount of information that was needed to produce the maps in Figs. 3 and 4. The environmental (ESS) approach used 13 constraints and 16 factors that were digitized from at least eight different maps. In contrast, the LCM-based results in Fig. 4 were obtained using four constraints and eight factors from only one land classification map.

In spatial multi-criteria decision analyses, reducing the number of evaluation criteria can help to minimize the costs and time needed to digitize suitable maps for constructing a database as well as for simplifying the weighting method. As pointed out in several other studies, having many evaluation criteria in one problem can make the weighting approach more complicated, such as in the case with the analytic hierarchy process used by Malczewski (1999) and Sener et al. (2006). It may also reduce the precision in some methods such as the rank order approach (Malczewski 1999). Our results show that weighting of the designated factors in the proposed LCM method is much simpler than the environmental ESS method, yet gives comparable results.

Still, we note that several potentially important criteria in the proposed LCM landfill siting process, such as distance from rivers, wells, qanats, and residential areas, were not considered, even though the selected most suitable landfill locations have enough distance from these points. By eliminating prime agricultural lands and giving more priority to unproductive soils, many of the criteria related to soil quality were indirectly included in the proposed method. In other words, when a higher priority is given to unproductive saline and sodic soils, the sites acquire more distance from residential areas. If there is no population within the region, then other related infrastructures may not exist also.

Figure 5 shows overlays of the obtained maps with a SPOT satellite image of the study area. Limits of the most suitable areas are indicated with a yellow color, while the blue arrows point to agricultural lands. Figure 5a shows that some of the selected most suitable landfill locations using the ESS method are located within the agricultural units. By contrast, the most suitable areas for the landfill obtained with the land classification map are located in areas without any land use. Considering the benefits of agricultural lands, one may conclude that the proposed LCM method has more utility than the traditional environmental method, in particular when unproductive lands exist in the region. Even though the land classification map we used was not specifically designed for landfill siting (e.g., having much soil surface soil information and relatively few subsurface properties), results of this study confirm that landfill siting can be performed well based on soil classification maps, at least in a preliminary stage for eliminating the most unsuitable lands and designating most suitable areas.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Overlay of the most suitable areas overlain with a SPOT satellite image for the environmental ESS method (a) and the proposed land classification LCM method (b)

The above results using the land classification map approach were based on the preliminary or first stage of the LCM landfill siting process. In the second stage, six alternative locations within the most suitable land units were identified by stakeholders from Marvdasht City. The potential sites, shown in Fig. 6, have very similar composite suitability indices as derived from the first siting stage. Additional information is hence needed to select from these the most appropriate location for the landfill.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Location of the selected six candidate alternatives for final landfill site selection based on the LCM method

For the second set of factors, we selected distance from Marvdasht City, distance from faults, distance from residential areas, and groundwater depth. The results of pairwise comparisons of the different factors are shown in Fig. 7(a–d). The relative weights of importance computed for each factor are shown in Fig. 7(e). Using this information, the overall rank values of the six sites were computed and are listed in Fig. 7(f). Results show that site 4 should be the most suitable place for constructing the Marvdasht MSW landfill, followed by sites 5 and 6. Figure 7 also lists the inconsistency indices of the pairwise comparison matrixes.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Results of pairwise comparisons of different alternatives with respect to distance from faults (a), distance from Marvdasht City (b), distance from residential areas (c), groundwater depth (d), relative importance of weights for each factor (e), and overall rank value of the sites (f)

We also carried out an analysis of the sensitivity of the results to changes in the weights of the various criteria. The results, summarized in Fig. 8, show how the site rankings change in response to weights assigned to distance from faults, groundwater depth, distance from Marvdasht City, and distance from residential areas. The vertical line in each case represents the original weight, while the slanting lines show in a linear manner how the rankings are affected by the weights of each factor. The important things to be gained from such a gradient sensitivity are the points at which the various lines cross each other. These are the “tradeoff points” where the preferred alternative with respect to the selected criterion changes (Eskandari et al. 2013). Figure 8 shows that, for all four factors, the reversal points between the different sites occur at more than ±30 % from the original weights (i.e., along the horizontal axis). The sensitivity analysis hence indicates that the obtained ranking is stable and that site 4 is the preferred location for constructing the landfill.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Sensitivity of site ranking with respect to changes in the weights assigned to distance from faults (a), groundwater depth (b), distance from Marvdasht City (c), and distance from residential areas (d)

Results from the second siting stage using the LCM method confirm earlier findings by Eskandari et al. (2012) in that the landfill of Marvdasht City should be located based on a broad range of environmental, economic, and sociocultural considerations.


Different land evaluation criteria have been introduced in many countries based on very site-specific conditions and considerations. Common to all of these methods is the elaborated construction and use of multiple maps for evaluating various land and soil characteristics. Fast-growing residential areas in recent years are increasingly pressing governments to make decisions for land use planning surrounding the cities. Consequently, the need for data required for optimal land use planning has been increasing substantially. Getting these data is a serious challenge in most developing countries. One possible way to overcome this problem is the use of land evaluation maps and extending their applicability to other purposes. Consequently, we proposed in this study a new method for landfill siting in which all required data can be obtained from a single agricultural land classification map (LCM). Construction of the preliminary database needed for the proposed LCM method is considerably time and cost saving as compared to more conventional environmental landfill siting approaches (ESS). Since our method requires only a limited number of evaluation criteria, the weighting method is relatively simple and compatible with existing weighting methods such as AHP or the use of rank order schemes. Moreover, the method can be followed by most or all soil or environmental scientists or practitioners having a hard copy of the map in hand without using GIS features. The method seems particularly attractive for developing countries often lacking adequate expertise and reliable data. Since the productivity of lands is well addressed in the proposed method, many or most related economical, environmental, and social issues are also implemented. Our results confirm the precision of the proposed method for landfill siting during the preliminary site selection stage. Thereafter, by considering site-specific situations within a given region and with stakeholder opinions, the most optimal site can be selected with only a few additional criteria.