1 Introduction

In recent years, with the widespread usage of mobile computing and pervasive computing, all kinds of new social media techniques are emerging [12, 26]. In particular, various event-based social networks (EBSNs) [13, 23, 24, 27] are getting popular. Recent success stories include Meetup,Footnote 1 Plancast,Footnote 2 and Eventbrite.Footnote 3 For example, on Meetup, organizers can create different activities, such as career day, social parties, etc., and users can register and attend these activities according to the recommendations from Meetup. Furthermore, Eventbrite is another social event platform for organizers to share information of activities to potential participants. To sum up, EBSNs provide a novel approach for facilitating online users to organize and manage offline social activities.

Unfortunately, most existing EBSNs are only simple information sharing platforms about social activities and do not provide an intelligent and global arrangement for social activities and potential users. Thus, how to design a global arrangement strategy in EBSNs has become a fundamental issue and attracted much attention in the database and data mining communities recently. Li et al. [14] introduces the social event organization (SEO) problem, which is to assign users to activities to maximize the overall innate and social affinities. However, this work only considers two factors, the similarity of attributes and social friendship among users, for the assignment and neglects the spatial influence between activities and users. Imagine the following scenario. Being a shutterbug and hiking enthusiast, Tony intends to attend photographic and hiking activities organized by Meetup on the coming Saturday. According to the solution of [14], Meetup recommends him the following two related activities: a hiking activity and a photographic party. Although Tony is interested in both activities and has friends in each activity, he has to spend at least 3 hours by taxi to the hiking place from his home and only 0.5 hour to the photographic party venue. Tony faces a dilemma if the arrangement ignores the influence of spatial information. Clearly, the solution of [14] cannot handle the aforementioned scenario and may recommend the hiking activity to Tony. In fact, Tony prefers to attend the photographic party due to its short spatial distance. Therefore, a reasonable arrangement strategy in EBSNs should seamlessly integrate the following three factors: the location influence between activities and users, the similarity of attributes between activities and users, and the social friendship among users.

Moreover, organizers of each activity always hope to recruit as many interested users for their activity as possible. However, existing social network recommendation systems usually adopt recommendation strategies for each single activity instead of providing globally optimal arrangements. Since each user only attends one activity at the same time, it easily results in that some activities only attract few attendees but participants in other activities are excess. A possible global goal may be to maximize the average utility value of all the activities in the platform. However, in this case, the activities whose utility values are below-average may not be satisfied since the utility values of these activities may be arbitrarily low without any guarantee. In other words, many activities may not be organized well and their organizers will be unhappy. Therefore, in order to satisfy all the registered activities in EBSN, a reasonable global goal is to find the optimized arrangement that maximizes the minimum normalized utility of activities. The utility should take all the aforementioned three factors into consideration. In other words, this optimized goal can keep balance of the satisfactions of different activities in a global view.

Therefore, a new social event arrangement strategy should not only consider the aforementioned three influential factors, location information, similarity of attributes and social friendship, but should also guarantee a balanced satisfaction of different activities in a globally optimal perspective. In the following, we illustrate a toy example to explain our motivation in details.

Figure 1
figure 1

Location Information and Friendship

Example 1

Suppose we have two activities (a 1a 2) and six users (u 1u 6) in an EBSN. We also assume that each activity/user includes a profile, which consists of a list of attributes. For an activity, the corresponding attributes show the category and core tags, etc., of this activity. Similarly, the attributes of users represent preferences of users. According to the attributes of activities and users, we can obtain the similarity of interests between each pair of them. Furthermore, each activity includes a capacity, which is the maximum number of participants. In this example, the capacities of a 1 and a 2 are 4 and 3, respectively (in brackets). In addition, Figure 1a shows the locations of the two activities (a 1a 2) and the six users (u 1u 6), and we use Euclidian distance to calculate the spatial utility among them. Figure 1b represents the social friendship among six users (u 1u 6). If we assume that the utility function between a pair of activity and user is the linear interpolation of the normalized factors between their location influence and attribute similarity, the optimal goal is to maximize the minimum normalized utility of one activity such that each assigned user in this activity has at least a friend in Figure 1b, who is also assigned to the same activity. We present the utility score between each pair of activity and user in Table 1. A feasible arrangement is shown in bold fonts in Table 1, where the minimum normalized utility score of activity is 0.493 (a 2).

Table 1 Utility between activities and users

As discussed in the motivation example, a novel social event arrangement strategy, called bottleneck-aware social event arrangement (BSEA), is introduced. Specifically, given a set of activities and a set of users, each activity includes the location information, the attributes and the capacity, and each user has the location information, the attributes and the corresponding social friendship, the BESA problem is to find an arrangement, such that the minimum normalized utility score of all assigned users to one activity is maximized, while the capacity and social friendship constraints are satisfied. In this paper, the social friendship constraint is specified that each user in one activity has at least one friend in the social graph, who is also assigned to the same activity.

If the aforementioned capacity and social friendship constraints are omitted, the ESBA problem can be reduced to a classical problem, bottleneck assignment problem [2]. Even if the ESBA problem is similar to the traditional bottleneck assignment problem, they are essentially different from the computational complexity view. The bottleneck assignment problem can be solved by several classical polynomial-time algorithms, e.g. the threshold algorithm [7]. However, the ESBA problem is NP-hard due to the two additional constraints. The capacity condition makes the bottleneck assignment problem a many-to-many assignment problem. Moreover, the social friendship constraint also increases the computational complexity. Therefore, the two new conditions are the main challenges to solve the ESBA problem. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first study about the ESBA problem. In particular, we make the following contributions.

  • We introduce a new social event arrangement problem and propose the formal definitions of the bottleneck-aware social event arrangement (BSEA) problem and a variant of the BSEA problem.

  • We prove that the BSEA problem and its variant are NP-hard, respectively.

  • For the BSEA problem, we devise a baseline algorithm, two heuristic algorithms, Greedy and Random+Greedy, and a local-search-based optimization technique. In particular, the Greedy algorithm is more effective but less efficient than the Random+Greedy algorithm in most cases. Furthermore, the aforementioned solutions can be extended to address the variant of the BSEA problem easily.

  • We conduct extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets which verify the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we formally formulate the BSEA problem and its variant, called the Extended ESEA problem. In Section 3, for the BSEA problem, we devise a baseline algorithm, two greedy heuristic algorithms, and a local-search-based optimization technique. Moreover, the corresponding algorithms extended by the aforementioned solutions are proposed to address the Extended ESEA problem in Section 4. Section 5 shows extensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets. The related works are reviewed in Section 6. We finally conclude this paper in Section 7.

2 Problem statement

We first introduce several basic concepts and then formally define the bottleneck-aware social event arrangement (BSEA) problem.

Definition 1 (Activity)

An activity is defined as a = <l a , t a , δ a > where \(\boldsymbol {l}_{a}=<{l_{a}^{1}}, {l_{a}^{2}}>\) is a 2-dimensional vector used to represent the longitude and the latitude of the activity, \(\boldsymbol {t}_{a} = <{t_{a}^{1}}, {t_{a}^{2}}, \cdots , {t_{a}^{d}}>\) with \({t_{a}^{i}} \in [0, T], \forall 1 \le i \le d\) is a d-dimensional vector used to record attribute values of the activity, and δ a is the capacity of the activity, namely the maximum number of attendees (participants) of the activity.

Definition 2 (User)

A user is defined as u = <l u , t u > where \(\boldsymbol {l}_{u}=<{l_{u}^{1}}, {l_{u}^{2}}>\) is a 2-dimensional vector used to represent the location of the user, and \(\boldsymbol {t}_{u} = <{t_{u}^{1}}, {t_{u}^{2}}, \cdots , {t_{u}^{d}}>\) with \({t_{u}^{i}} \in [0, T], \forall 1 \le i \le d\) is a d-dimensional vector to describe attribute values of the user.

Definition 3 (Social Network)

Given a social network G = (U, F), where each vertex uU is a user, and any two users (vertices) u and v are connected by an edge e u, v F if and only if they are friends mutually.

For any feasible arrangement M of the activities and users, we denote m(a, u) = 1 or {a, u}∈M as that user u is assigned to activity a, and m(a, u) = 0 or {a, u}∉M as that u is not assigned to a. We then define the utility of an assigned pair of activity and user.

Definition 4 (Utility Function)

Given a set of activities A and a set of users U, the utility that the user uU is assigned to the activity aA is measured by the following function

$$ \mu(a, u)=\alpha\left( 1-\frac{D(\boldsymbol{l}_{a}, \boldsymbol{l}_{u})}{\widehat{MaxD}}\right)+(1-\alpha)sim(\boldsymbol{t}_{a}, \boldsymbol{t}_{u}) $$

where α ∈ [0,1] is a parameter used to balance the spatial distance and the attribute similarity; the spatial distance between a and u is measured by Euclidian distance D(l a , l u ) and is normalized by \(\widehat {MaxD}=MaxD+\epsilon \), where M a x D is the maximum distance between any activity and any user, and 𝜖 is an arbitrary small positive real number. Furthermore, the attribute similarity can be calculated by any well-known similarity function, e.g. Cosine similarity, Jaccard distance, Overlap distance, etc. In this paper, we choose Cosine similarity as our similarity function, which is shown as follows.

$$ sim(\boldsymbol{t}_{a}, \boldsymbol{t}_{u}) = \frac{\boldsymbol{t}_{a} \cdot \boldsymbol{t}_{u}}{\sqrt{|\boldsymbol{t}_{a}|\cdot |\boldsymbol{t}_{u}|}} $$

According to the aforementioned utility function, we define the concept of normalized utility of an activity.

Definition 5 (Normalized Utility of An Activity)

Given an activity a, a set of users U and an arrangement M, the normalized utility of a is represented by the following equation

$$ Ave_{M}(a)=\frac{{\sum}_{u\in U, (a,u)\in M}\mu(a,u)}{\delta_{a}} $$

where δ a is the capacity of the activity a.

We define our BSEA problem as follows.

Definition 6 (BSEA Problem)

Given a set of activities A, each a of which is associated with location l a , attributes t a , and capacity δ a , a set of users U, each u of which is associated with location l u and attributes t u , and a social network G = (U, F), the BSEA problem is to find an arrangement M among the activities and users to maximize \(\min _{a_{i}\in A}\{Ave(a_{i})\}\) such that

  • \({\sum }_{u} m(a, u) \le \delta _{a}, \forall a \in A\)

  • Each user uM(a) has at least one another user vM(a) such that e(u, v)∈F,∀aA

In particular, we call the activity with the smallest normalized utility score, i.e. \(\arg \min _{a_{i}\in A}\{Ave(a_{i})\}\), the bottleneck activity. The notations of symbols are summarized in Table 2. And we have the following theorem that states the hardness of the BSEA problem.

Table 2 Summary of symbol notations

Theorem 1

The BSEA problem is NP-hard.


In order to complete the proof, we reduce the Partition problem, which is a well-known NP-complete problem [8], to the BSEA problem. The following is an instance of the Partition problem. Given a set of n positive integers S = {s 1, s 2,⋯ , s n } and a function \(\sigma (X)={\sum }_{x\in X}x\), the Partition problem is to decide if S can be partitioned into two subsets S 1 and S 2 such that \(\sigma (S_{1})=\sigma (S_{2})=\frac {1}{2}\sigma (S)\).

We then construct an instance with two activities of the BSEA problem from the instance of the Partition problem accordingly:

(1) The two partitioned sets, S 1 and S 2, correspond to the two activities, a 1 and a 2, respectively. Furthermore, let \(\delta _{a_{1}}=\delta _{a_{2}}=n\), where n is the number of positive integers in S.

(2) Each positive integers s i in the set S corresponds to a user u i in U such that \(\mu (a_{1}, u_{i})=\mu (a_{2}, u_{i})=\frac {s_{i}}{\max _{j} \{s_{j}\}}\) where μ(⋅,⋅) is the utility score between the activity and the user.

(3) All users are mutually friends.

Let a parameter \(K=\frac {\sigma (S)}{2n \times \max _{j}\{s_{j}\}}\), where maxj{s j } is the maximum positive integer in the set S consisting of n positive integers, which is used to normalize the utility values to [0, 1]. The corresponding decision problem of the BSEA problem, in the given instance, is to decide whether m i n{A v e(a 1), A v e(a 2)} is equal to K. Thus, it is easy to see that the instance of the Partition problem is YES if and only if the instance of the BSEA problem is YES. In general, if a decision problem is an NP-Complete problem, then the corresponding optimization problem is NP-Hard. Therefore, the BSEA problem is NP-Hard, which completes the proof. □

In the aforementioned BSEA problem, each user is required to attend one activity only. In some real-world scenarios, however, some users hope to attend multiple activities. Therefore, we present an extended BSEA problem where each users can attend multiple activities.

Definition 7 (Extended BSEA Problem)

Given a set of activities A, each a of which is associated with location l a , attributes t a and capacity δ a , a set of users U, each u of which is associated with location l u , attributes t u and capacity δ u , and a social network G = (U, F), the extended BSEA problem is to find an arrangement M among activities and users to maximize \(min_{a_{i}\in A}\{Ave(a_{i})\}\) such that

  • \({\sum }_{u} m(a, u) \le \delta _{a}, \forall a \in A\)

  • \({\sum }_{a} m(a, u) \le \delta _{u}, \forall u \in U\)

  • Each user uM(a) has at least one another user vM(a) such that e(u, v)∈F in G(U, F),∀aA

Similar to the BSEA problem, the Extended BSEA problem is proven as an NP-hard problem as follows.

Theorem 2

The Extended BSEA problem is NP-hard.


The BSEA problem is a special case of the Extended BSEA problem when each user’s capacity is set as one. Based on Theorem 1, we know the BSEA problem is NP-hard, so the Extended BSEA problem is also NP-hard. □

3 Solutions for BSEA

In this section, we present solutions for the BSEA problem. We first present a baseline algorithm. We then propose two non-trivial heuristic algorithms. The first heuristic algorithm is based on a globally greedy strategy, while the second one is based on a locally greedy strategy. More details are presented as follows.

3.1 Baseline algorithm

The baseline algorithm is based on a random strategy, in which we visit each activity aA in a random order and find an arrangement for each such a from a set of users that are not yet arranged again in a random way. More specifically, let A be a shuffle-ordered list of A, and we visit each element a i in A in order. We obtain a threshold θ to indicate when we should stop processing a i as follows.

$$ \theta = \left\lfloor \frac{|U|\delta_{a_{i}}}{{\sum}_{a} \delta_{a}} \right\rfloor $$

That is, we aim to balance the numbers of users arranged to each activity according to θ, so that to balance the A v e(a) value of each activity as much as possible. For each a i , we process it as follows. We visit each user u j U that has not yet been arranged to any activity with probability \(\frac {\theta }{|U|}\). During this process, we maintain an ordered list C(a i ), which stores a list of isolated candidate users that have been visited before. That is, ∀u k C(a i ), k<j, u k was visited before we visit u j , and u k has no friend in the set of users that we have visited, i.e. ∄u M(a i )∪C(a i ) s.t. e(u k , u )∈F. Elements in C(a i ) are stored in the order that they were visited.

We then process each visited u j as follows. We first check whether u j has a friend in M(a). If u j can find its friend(s) in the set of users that have already been arranged to a, i.e. ∃vM(a) s.t. e(u j , v)∈F, we safely update M(a) by adding u to M(a). Otherwise, we check whether u j has any friend in C(a i ). If u j can find its friend(s) in C(a i ), i.e. ∃vC(a i ) s.t. e(u j , v)∈F, and a i can accommodate at least two more users, i.e. \(|M(a_{i})| + 2 \le \delta _{a_{i}}\), we add both u j and v into M(a i ) and also remove v from C(a i ). If u j is added to M(a i ) successfully, we keep checking whether there exist other friends of u j in C(a i ) and add them into M(a i ) until the size of M(a i ) reaches θ or \(\delta _{a_{i}}\). The iteration for each a i terminates when the size of M(a i ) reaches θ or \(\delta _{a_{i}}\).

We illustrate the procedure in Algorithm 1. In lines 2-15, we visit each a i A in a random order. Then during each iteration, we visit each unarranged u j U with a certain probability in lines 6-15. If u j has a friend in M(a i ), we add it to M(a i ) and try to add its friends in C(a i ). Otherwise, we try to find its friends in C(a i ) in line 10. We try to add u j with her/his friends in C(a i ) to M(a i ) if possible in line 11, and append u j to the tail of C(a i ) in line 13 otherwise.

figure a

Example 2

Back to our running example in Example 1. We first obtain a random shuffle order of A, which is a 2, a 1. We first visit a 2, and calculate θ = 2. Each u is skipped with probability \(\frac {2}{3}\), and u 1 and u 2 are skipped. We next visit u 3, which has no friend in M(a 2) as M(a 2) is currently empty. Thus, we push u 3 to C(a 2) and C(a 2) = <u 3>. We then visit u 4, which has friend u 3 in C(a 2). Thus, we add u 3, u 4 to M(a 2). Note that |M(a 2)|=2 reaches the threshold θ, so we continue to visit the next activity a 1. The procedure continues and we have the following final arrangement M(a 1) = {u 2, u 5}, M(a 2) = {u 3, u 4} with minimum normalized utility score of 0.39.

Complexity analysis

There are |A| iterations in the baseline algorithm. Then during each iteration, we visit at most |U| users. When visiting each user, we spend O(δ) time to check its friends in M(a) and O(|U|2) time to find its friends in C(a). In overall, the worst-case time complexity of the baseline algorithm is O(|A||U|3).

3.2 Greedy algorithm

In this section, we present a greedy-based heuristic algorithm (Greedy). Instead of visiting each a in order as the baseline algorithm does, we use a globally greedy strategy in this algorithm. More specifically, we first make an initial arrangement in a greedy way to avoid unnecessary cases where some activities are not arranged any user and that the minimum normalized utility score of an activity is zero. We then continue to make arrangement based on the initial arrangement by maintaining a heap H storing pairs of activity and user and trying to add the pair at the top of H during each iteration. We make an initial arrangement M as follows. We maintain a list P of users in U with at least one friend in non-descending order of their degrees, i.e. numbers of friends, in G. That is, each user in P has degree at least one. We then visit each activity a in A in an arbitrary order, and assign the top user u t o p in P, i.e. the one with the least friends in P, and one of her/his friend to a. The friend of u t o p with the least degree is chosen to be assigned to a. After assigning u t o p and her/his friend to a, we update elements of P in non-descending order of their remaining degrees, i.e. numbers of unassigned friends, in G, and continue to arrange for the next activity in A.

After the initial step, we continue to make arrangement based on M and maintain H in the following way. H uses two keys to maintain the order of each element (a, u): one is the current normalized utility of a A v e(a), and the other is the updated normalized utility of a if u is added to M(a), i.e. \(Ave'(a) = \frac {Ave(a)|\delta _{a}| + \mu (a, u)}{\delta _{a}}\). In other words, elements in H are arranged first in ascending order of A v e(a), and then in non-descending order of A v e (a) if the elements have the same value of A v e(a). The intuition is that we try to arrange a new user to an activity that currently has the lowest normalized utility value (or the one that will still have the lowest normalized utility value even such new arrangement is made if there are multiple activities sharing the same lowest normalized utility value), so that to increase mina A v e(a) as much as possible. We also maintain a list Q a of users for each a, elements in which are sorted in non-ascending order of μ(a, u). H is then initialized as follows. For each aA, we pop the uQ a with the largest μ(a, u) w.r.t. a, i.e. u = argmaxuU μ(a, u). We then push the pair (a, u) into H with keys of A v e(a) and A v e (a) respectively. For each aA, we maintain a C(a) as we do in the baseline algorithm.

Details of each iteration are as follows. Let (a, u) be the pair popped from H in the current iteration. If a is not full, i.e. |M(a)|<δ a , and u is not yet arranged to any activity, i.e. uM(a ),∀a A, we then try to add u to M(a) as follows. If u can find its friends in M(a), we safely add u to M(a). Otherwise, we check whether u has any friend in C(a) as we do in the baseline algorithm. More specifically, if M(a) can accommodate at least two more users, i.e. |M(a)|+2≤δ a , and u can find its an unarranged in C(a), i.e. ∃vC(a) s.t. e(u, v)∈F and vM(a ),∀a A, we add both u and the first such v (i.e. the foremost in C(a)) into M(a) and remove v from C(a). If u is successfully added to M(a), we find her/his friends in C(a) and re-push them in to Q a . Finally, we push v paired with the next user with the largest utility value w.r.t. a in Q a if v is not yet full and Q a is non-empty. The whole iteration procedure terminates when H is empty.

We illustrate the procedure in Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 3. Algorithm 2 illustrates the initialization procedure of M. In line 1, we construct the sorted list P of users. We then make initial arrangement for each activity in lines 2-7. Particularly, we add the top user in P paired with her/his friend to M in lines 3-5 and then update P accordingly in lines 6-7. Algorithm 3 illustrates the main procedure of the Greedy algorithm. In lines 1-3, we initialize M, Q a ,∀a and H. In lines 4-17, we iteratively pop a pair (a, u) from H and try to update M and H. Specifically, we check whether a is full and whether u has been arranged in line 6, and add u to M(a) if u has a friend in M(a) in line 8. Otherwise, we check whether u has an unarranged friend in C(a) and add u and its first friend in C(a) into M(a) if the friend exists in line 11. If u has no friend in C(a), it is appended to the tail of C(a) in line 13. If u is added to M(a) in the current iteration, we try to find its unarranged friends in C(a) and re-push them to Q a if a is not yet full in line 15. We then push a paired with the next user in Q a into H if a is not yet full in line 17.

figure b
figure c

Example 3

Back to our running example in Example 1. We first make an initial arrangement and first visit a 1. Since u 6 has the least number of friends, we add u 6 with its friend u 4 to M(a 1). We then update the degrees of the remaining users and P. We then visit a 2. Since now u 5 is one of the users with the least number of available friends, which are u 2 and u 3, we next add u 5 with its one of its friend u 3 to M(a 2). After the initialization step, we start to make arrangement greedily. We first construct Q for each activity, which results in Q(a 1) = <u 1, u 2>, Q(a 2) = <u 2, u 1>. Then after initializing H, we obtain H = <(a 1, u 1):(0.345,0.54),(a 2, u 2):(0.44,0.66)>. That is, a 1 has the minimum current normalized score 0.345, and will have normalized score 0.54 if u 1 is added to M(a 1). We then keep trying to add a pair to M during each iteration. In the 1st iteration, the pair (a 1, u 1) is popped from H. Since u 1 has a friend u 4 in M(a 1), u 1 is added to M(a 1) and M(a 1) = {u 1, u 4, u 6}. We then update Q(a 1) = <u 2> and H = <(a 2, u 2):(0.44,0.66),(a 1, u 2):(0.54,0.72)>. Then in the 2nd iteration, (a 2, u 2) is popped from H. Since u 2 has friends u 3 and u 5 in M(a 2), we add u 2 to M(a 2). The final arrangement is M(a 1) = {u 1, u 4, u 6}, M(a 2) = {u 2, u 3, u 5} and has minimum normalized utility score of 0.54.

Complexity analysis

For the initialization step, there are |A| iterations and it takes at most O(|U|) time to update P during each iteration. Thus, the time complexity of the initialization step is O(|A||U|). Since each activity-user pair is pushed into H for at most twice, the number of iterations is at most O(|A||U|). As there are at most |A| elements in H, during each iteration, it takes Θ(l o g|U|) time to pop a pair from or push one into H. It also takes O(δ) time to find a friend in M(a) and O(|U|2) to time to find a friend in C(a). In overall, the time complexity of the Greedy algorithm is O(|A||U|(|U|2 + l o g|U| + δ)).

3.3 Random+Greedy algorithm

In this subsection, we present another heuristic algorithm that integrates the aforementioned random idea into the Greedy Algorithm, which we call Random+Greedy (RG). We again make an initial arrangement based on Algorithm 2 and then visit each activity aA in a random order and use the threshold θ to indicate when we should stop processing each a. Unlike the baseline algorithm in which we randomly pick up some unarranged users, we greedily add users to M(a). More specifically, given a shuffle-ordered list A of A, we visit each a i in A in order. For each a i , we visit each unarranged users uU in non-ascending order of μ(a i , u). Then for each u j we visit, we process it as we make the random arrangement in the baseline algorithm.

We illustrate the procedure in Algorithm 4, which is similar to Algorithm 1, except that we make an initial arrangement using Algorithm 2 and visit each unarranged u in a certain order instead of visiting u with a probability.

figure d

Example 4

Back to our running example in Example 1. We first make an initial arrangement, which results in M(a 1) = {u 3, u 5}, M(a 2) = {u 4, u 6}. After initialization, we visit each a in the order of a 2, a 1. For a 2, the threshold θ = 2, and thus we do not make additional arrangement for a 2. Then for a 1, unassigned u 1 has the largest utility score and has the friend u 2 in M(a 1). Thus, u 1 is added to M(a 1). The final arrangement is M(a 1) = {u 1, u 3, u 5}, M(a 2) = {u 4, u 6} and has minimum normalized utility score of 0.4.

Complexity analysis

Similar to the Baseline algorithm, the worst-case time complexity of the RG algorithm is O(|A||U|3).

3.4 Local-search-based optimization

Notice that after making the arrangement using the three algorithms we present above, some users may not be assigned to any activity, and the activity with the minimum normalized utility score, i.e. the bottleneck activity, may still have space to accommodate more users. Therefore, we next propose a local search algorithm that tries to increase the normalized utility score of the bottleneck activity.

The basic idea of the local search algorithm is that if the bottleneck activity is not yet full of capacity, we try to add unassigned users or move assigned users from other activities to the bottleneck activity to increase its normalized utility score without decreasing the overall minimum normalized utility score. More specifically, we iteratively try to improve the arrangement of the bottleneck activity a. We first try to add unassigned users to a if they have friends in M(a). If no unassigned user can be added to M(a), we then search other activities and try to re-arrange their users to a. Particularly, we visit each activity a in non-ascending order of their normalized utility scores. If there exists a user u M(a ) s.t. removing u from M(a ) will not lead to a smaller minimum normalized utility score and u can be added to M(a), we re-arrange u to a to increase the normalized utility score of the bottleneck activity. We then proceed to the next iteration to improve the arrangement of the new bottleneck activity until no improvement can be made.

We illustrate the procedure in Algorithm 5. We iteratively try to improve the arrangement of the bottleneck activity. In line 2, we find the bottleneck activity a. We then check whether some unassigned users can be arranged to a in lines 5-8. If not, we then try to re-arrange an assigned user to a in lines 10-17.

figure e

Example 5

We use the arrangement returned by Example 2 as example. Recall that after running the baseline algorithm, we have arrangement M(a 1) = {u 2, u 5}, M(a 2) = {u 3, u 4}. Since the current bottleneck activity is a 2, we try to improve M(a 2) in the 1st iteration. Since unassigned user u 1 has friends u 3 and u 4 in M(a 2), we assign u 1 to M(a 2) and M(a 2) = {u 1, u 3, u 4}. Since A v e M (a 1) = 0.41 and A v e M (a 2) = 0.62, a 1 becomes the new bottleneck activity and we next try to improve M(a 1). Since unassigned user u 6 has no friend in M(a 1), we try to find a user in M(a 2). We find that u 3M(a 2) has friends u 2 and u 5 in M(a 1) and removing u 3 from M(a 2) will not result in a lower minimum normalized utility score than 0.41. Thus, we move u 3 from M(a 2) to M(a 1), and M(a 1) = {u 2, u 3, u 5}, M(a 2) = {u 1, u 4}. Now A v e M (a 1) = 0.61 and A v e M (a 2) = 0.45, we next try to improve M(a 2). We then add unassigned user u 6 to M(a 2). The final arrangement is M(a 1) = {u 2, u 3, u 5}, M(a 2) = {u 1, u 4, u 6} and has minimum normalized utility score of 0.61.

4 Solutions for extension of BSEA

In this section, we present extended solutions for the extension of BSEA problem where users can attend multiple activities.

4.1 Extended baseline algorithm

To extend the baseline algorithm to the cases where users can attend multiple activities, we maintain the remaining capacity of each user and only assign users with non-zero remaining capacities to an activity. We call this algorithm BaselineExt and illustrate the procedure in Algorithm 6. And the threshold θ is modified as follows.

$$ \theta = \left\lfloor \frac{\delta_{a_{i}}{\sum}_{u} \delta_{u}}{{\sum}_{a} \delta_{a}} \right\rfloor $$
figure f

The main procedure is similar to Algorithm 1. The difference is that we check the availability of u j in line 5 and update the capacities of the newly assigned users in lines 9 and 13, respectively.

Complexity analysis

The time complexity of the BaselineExt algorithm is the same as that of the baseline algorithm, which is O(|A||U|3).

4.2 Extended greedy algorithm

Recall that we make an initial arrangement in the original Greedy algorithm. To extend the Greedy algorithm, we also make extension to the initialization step. More specifically, we keep updating the remaining capacities of users and remove users who are full of capacity or have no available friend from the sorted list L. For the extended Greedy algorithm, we also maintain the capacities of users and only assign users with non-zero remaining capacities to an activity.

We illustrate the procedure in Algorithm 7 and Algorithm 8. Algorithm 7 illustrates the extended initialization procedure of M. Particularly, the difference from Algorithm 2 is that we update the remaining capacities of users and remove users from P when they are full of capacity in line 6. Algorithm 8 illustrates the extended Greedy algorithm GreedyExt. Different from Algorithm 3, we check the validity of a user by its remaining capacity in line 6 and update the capacities of the users who are added to the arrangement in line 9 and 13, respectively.

figure g
figure h

Complexity analysis

Similar to Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 3, the extended initialization step has time complexity O(|A||U|) and the extended Greedy algorithm has time complexity O(|A||U|(|U|2 + l o g|U| + δ)).

4.3 Extended random+greedy algorithm

We then extend the Random+Greedy algorithm, named as the Random+GreedyExt (RGExt) algorithm. We again make an initial arrangement based on Algorithm 7. Then in the extended Random+Greedy algorithm, we again keep updating the remaining capacities of users and assign a user to an activity only when s/he has non-zero remaining capacity. We illustrate the procedure in Algorithm 9. Different from Algorithm 4, in line 5, L only stores users with non-zero remaining capacities. Also, we update capacities of users who are added to the arrangement in lines 10 and 14, respectively.

figure i

Complexity analysis

Similar to the Random+Greedy algorithm, the worst-case time complexity of the RGExt algorithm is O(|A||U|3).

4.4 Extended local-search-based optimization

We finally present the extended Local Search algorithm. Similar to the previous extended algorithms, we check the validity of users by their remaining capacities and update their capacities whenever they are assigned to an activity. We illustrate the procedure in Algorithm 10. Different from Algorithm 4, we only add users with non-zero capacities to the arrangement and update the capacities of the users who are added to the arrangement in lines 7, 10 and 17, respectively.

figure j

5 Experimental evaluation

5.1 Experiment settings

In this subsection, we evaluate our proposed algorithms. We first present the settings of the experimental study.


We use both real and synthetic datasets for the experiments. The real dataset is the Meetup dataset from [13]. In this dataset, each user is associated with a set of tags and a location. Each activity in the dataset is also associated with a location, and we use the tags of created group as the tags of the corresponding activity. The Meetup dataset consists of 225 activities and 2012 users.

For synthetic data, we generate attribute values and locations following Uniform distribution, and generate capacities of activities following Normal distribution. Statistics and configuration of synthetic data are illustrated in Table 3, where we mark our default settings in bold font. Note that the generated capacity values are converted to integers. Since the Meetup dataset does not contain social information, we generate social graphs synthetically for both real and synthetic datasets. Specifically, the social graph is generated using a function from the python-graph libraryFootnote 4 with varying density of the graph. The statistics of the real dataset are presented in Table 4.

Table 3 Synthetic dataset
Table 4 Real dataset

Furthermore, all algorithms are implemented in C++, and the experiments were performed on a machine with Intel i7-2600 3.40GHZ 8-core CPU and 8GB memory.

5.2 Experiment results

In this section, we mainly evaluate the proposed algorithms in terms of Min Ave, running time and memory cost, and test the performance of proposed algorithms via varying the following parameters: the size of A, the size of U, δ a and δ u , the density of graph and the balance parameter α. We explain the notations of the algorithms we use in the results in Table 5.

Table 5 Notations of algorithms

Effect of |A|

We first study the effect of varying |A|. We present the results for BSEA in Figure 2a–c and those for Extended BSEA in Figure 2d–f. We can first observe that the Min Ave values decrease with increasing size of A. The reason is that the number of users is limited and thus when the number of activities increases, less users are available to each activity on average. Also, we can observe that the Greedy-based algorithms, i.e. Greedy and GreedyO, perform the best in term of Min Ave values but worst in terms of running time and memory, while the baseline algorithm performs the worst in term of Min Ave values. Another observation is that the Local Search optimization greatly improves the results of the baseline and the Random+Greedy algorithms without consuming much additional running time or memory.

Figure 2
figure 2

Results on varying |A| and |U|

Effect of |U|

We then study the effect of varying |U|. We present the results for BSEA in Figure 2g–i and those for Extended BSEA in Figure 2j–l. We can first observe that the Min Ave values generally increase with increasing size of A, which is reasonable as more users are available to the activities. However, we can observe that the Min Ave values do not increase much for Extended BSEA. One possible reason is that for Extended BSEA, users can attend multiple activities and thus the activities may have been saturated even when the number of users is small. We can again observe that the Greedy-based algorithms perform the best in overall in term of Min Ave values and the Local Search optimization technique can improve the results significantly especially when the initial results are bad.

Effect of δ a

We then study the effect of varying δ a . Particularly, we vary the mean of δ a , which is generated according to the Normal distribution. We present the results for BSEA in Figure 3a–c and those for Extended BSEA in Figure 3d–f. We can first observe that the Min Ave values decrease when the mean of δ a increases. This is reasonable since with increasing δ a , the Ave scores of activities will decrease. Also, the Greedy-based algorithms again achieves the best Min Ave results and the Local Search optimization technique are both effective and efficient.

Figure 3
figure 3

Results on varying mean of δ a and δ u

Effect of δ u

We next study the effect of varying δ u for Extended BSEA. Again, we vary the mean of δ u , which is generated following the Normal distribution. We present the results in Figure 3g–i. We can observe that the Min Ave values do not increase much with increasing mean of δ u . One possible reason is that the activities may have been saturated even when δ u is small as users can attend multiple activities. We can again observe that the Greedy-based algorithms are best in term of Min Ave values but worst in running time and memory. Also, the Local Search optimization technique is effective especially when the initial arrangement is far from optimal.

Effect of density of G

We then study the effect of the density of G. Particularly, we vary |F|/(|U|(|U|−1)/2), which reflects the density of G. The results for BSEA are presented in Figure 4a–c and those for Extended BSEA are presented in Figure 4d–f. We can first observe that the Min Ave values increase when |F|/(|U|(|U|−1)/2) increases from 0.01 to 0.05 for BSEA. However, when the graph becomes denser, the Min Ave values do not change too much in overall. One possible reason is that the number of available users is limited and thus increasing the density of the social graph cannot improve the results too much. We can again observe that the Greedy-based algorithms achieve better Min Ave results but worse running time and memory. Also, the Local Search optimization technique is again effective and efficient.

Figure 4
figure 4

Results on varying density of G and α

Effect of α

We next study the effect of varying α. The results for BSEA are presented in Figure 4g–i and those for Extended BSEA are presented in Figure 4j–l. We can first observe that the Min Ave values do not change much with varied α. Again, the Greedy-based algorithms are best in term of Min Ave values and the Local Search optimization technique is effective when the original arrangement is far from optimal.

Real dataset

We then study the results on the real dataset. We present the results for BSEA in Figure 5a–c and those for Extended BSEA in Figure 5d–f. We can observe that the results have similar trending patterns as those for the synthetic dataset in Figure 5a–f.

Figure 5
figure 5

Results on real dataset and scalability test


We finally study the scalability of the algorithms. The settings of some parameters are presented in Table 3, and the other parameters are set to default values. We present the results for BSEA in Figure 5g–i and those for Extended BSEA in Figure 5j–l. We can observe that all the algorithms run very fast even when the dataset is larger. We can also observe that the baseline and the Random+Greedy-based algorithms are still the most efficient algorithms. Finally, the algorithms except Greedy and GreedyO consume little memory in addition to the memory consumed by input data.

Comparison between BSEA and SEO [14]

We compare with the best algorithm of the SEO problem, i.e. the PCADG algorithm. Notice that the objective function and the constraints of our problem are both different from those of the SEO problem. Particularly, our objective function is to maximize the minimum of the weighted linear combination of the similarity score and the spatial distance score for an activity, but the objective function of the SEO problem is to maximize the sum of the weighted linear combination of the similarity score and the social affinity score between each activity and user in the arrangement. Also, one constraint of our problem is that no user is isolated in an activity, i.e. each user has at least one friend attending the same activity. However, the SEO has no social constraint but instead a lower bound constraint, i.e. at least γ a users are allocated to activity a for the arrangement to be feasible. Therefore, to compare with PCADG fairly, we adjust the weight factor α in both objective functions, so that both objective functions of our problem and the SEO problem only consider the similarity score, i.e. α = 0 in both problems. In addition, we make the social graph a complete graph, and all the activities in the SEO problem have lower bounds of 2. Therefore, the social constraint of our problem is equivalent to the lower bound constraint of the SEO problem.

To compare with SEO, we calculate the spatial distance between each pair of user and activity in the arrangement result. Particularly, we show the sum of distance and also the average distance of each user-activity pair. Since both the PCADG algorithm of SEO and our Greedy algorithm allocate an activity for each user but the Random+Greedy and the Random algorithm fail to allocate an activity for every user, we only compare PCADG with Greedy. The results are presented in Figure 6a–b. Notice that we also plot the results when α is varied from 0.1 to 0.5 in our problem to show how the distance between users and activities vary when the weight of the distance score increases. Particularly, since SEO does not consider spatial information, only similarity score is considered in PCADG when α varies, and thus the distance results of SEO do not vary. We can observe that the arrangement generated by our solution results in both smaller total distance and average distance of each user-activity pair compared with the PCADG algorithm of SEO particularly when α increases. Therefore, it indicates that users spend less on traveling when attending activities according to the arrangement generated by our solutions.

Figure 6
figure 6

Comparison between BSEA and SEO [14]


All the algorithms are quite efficient and scalable. In particular, the Greedy-based algorithms perform the best in terms of Min Ave but worst in running time and memory. Also, the Local Search optimization technique is quite effective and efficient.

6 Related work

In this section, we will review the related works in four categories, event-based social networks, location-based social networks, spatial matching, and bipartite graph matching/bottleneck assignment problem.

Event-Based Social Networks

With the widespread usage of mobile computing and pervasive computing techniques, various online event-based social network (EBSN) platforms, such as Meetup, Plancast, and Eventbrite, are getting popular. Liu et al. [13] is the first work on studying unique features of EBSNs. Recently, some other issues of EBSNs have been studied. Some research, such as [5, 9, 32], train datasets of EBSNs to derive learning models to recommend events to potential users. However, these works just make recommendation rather than optimizing a global arrangement, which is our goal. Furthermore, [6] tries to find the most influential event organizers in EBSNs. This study integrates the classical maximization influence model [10] and the team formation model [15] to discover the most influential set of organizers. However, the optimization goal of [6] is still different with that of our problem.

In particular, a closely related work, Social Event Organization (SEO) problem [14], has been proposed recently. This problem is to maximize the overall innate affinities of users towards the arranged activities and the social affinity among the users attending the same activity. However, actually our BSEA problem and the SEO problem are quite different as the objective function and the constraints of our problem are both different from those of the SEO problem. Particularly, our objective function is to maximize the minimum of the weighted linear combination of the similarity score and the spatial distance score for an activity, but the objective function of the SEO problem is to maximize the sum of the weighted linear combination of the similarity score and the social affinity score between each activity and user pair in the arrangement. Also, one constraint of our problem is that no user is isolated in an activity, i.e. each user has at least one friend attending the same activity. However, the SEO problem has no such social constraint but instead a lower bound constraint on the number of attendees. Furthermore, the SEO problem does not consider any spatial information, but our ESEA problem considers three factors, the location influence, the similarity of attributes, and the social friendship, simultaneously.

Location-Based Social Networks

There are a lot of related studies of this topic in recent years due to the popularity of location-based social networks (LBSN). For example, [3, 4, 11, 1618, 21, 30] target at the issue of user-oriented recommendation. These researches mainly focus on discovering potential preferences of users and then recommend related events/venues to a single user. In other words, these works do not target at the arrangement optimization problem, which is the main difference with our work. Moreover, [1, 31] study the problems of query processing over LBSNs. The two studies only consider two factors, the location information and friendship, and ignore the similarity of attributes between activities and users.

Spatial Matching

In recent years, there have been a series of works about spatial matching, such as [19, 20, 22, 25, 28]. These works aim to integrate spatial information and capacities of spatial objects into the weighted bipartite matching scenario. For example, [28] uses the problem of stable marriage as its optimization goal, and [19] chooses the sum of total scores in the weighted bipartite matching as its optimization goal. Since these works only consider the location information and capacities of objects and neglect the friendship information of social network, they are significantly different with our work.

Bipartite Graph Matching and Bottleneck Assignment Problem

Bipartite graph matching and assignment problems have been widely studied for decades. The related researches have been surveyed by the following books [2, 29]. Besides classical bipartite graph matching, another close related work is the bottleneck assignment problem [2]. However, the original bottleneck assignment problem does not consider the capacity and social friendship constraints considered in our problem. Thus, existing solutions of the bottleneck assignment problem cannot address our issue.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we identify a novel social event arrangement problem, called bottleneck-aware social event arrangement (BSEA) problem. We first present the formal definitions of the bottleneck-aware social event arrangement (BSEA) problem and a variant of the BSEA problem, called the Extended BSEA problem. Then, we prove that the two proposed problems are NP-hard. In order to solve the two problems, we devise a baseline algorithm, two heuristic algorithms, Greedy and Random+Greedy, and a local-search-based optimization technique. In particular, the Greedy algorithm is more effective but less efficient than the Random+Greedy algorithm in most cases. Furthermore, the aforementioned solutions can be modified to address the Extended BSEA problem easily. Finally, we verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods through extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets.