1 Introduction

With the fast development of wireless communication technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) networks, many network services and wireless devices have been generated and introduced in favor of benefits of human well-being. In fact, we assist to a growth in connectivity and data traffic convoyed by innumerable information and communications technologies (ICT), such as WiFi, sensors, Bluetooth, advanced mobile communications (3G/4G), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), etc [1, 2]. We undoubtedly that one of the main issues that the scientific community may face will be the security and privacy of the exchanged personal and secret data. In other words, the security and privacy will be one of keys distinctive indicators that other relevant performance such as data rate, range, latency, etc. Consequently, the security and the privacy aspects must be guaranteed urgently.

In the recent years, numerous cryptographic solutions have been introduced in the literature to keep data safe over insecure public channels in ICT [3,4,5,6]. In fact, a variety of crypto-algorithms classes exist, including symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems, hashing algorithms, etc. The Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) cryptosystems similar to Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) belong to the asymmetric class that allows solving numerous problems such as the key management problem and the authentication issue for small devices with limited resources. Moreover, the ECC becomes as a crucial security mechanism for several common standards, services and authentication protocols such as Internet Key Exchange (IKE), Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC), Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (SMIME), etc. [2, 7]. The ECC is widely implemented in many devices such as mobile phones, smart cards, biometric passports and some other important businesses [4, 5]. The asymmetric encryption approach is shown its imperative features comparing to its biggest competitors RSA by offering significantly lower computational workload, lower processing unit consumption, lower memory usage and tiny key sizes. In this context, for a comparable symmetric key length of 80 bits, the ECC requires only 160 bits for the same security level, which make it computationally lighter for longer keys. In addition, it is shown that the required processing time to encrypt/decrypt data using ECC is 400 times less than the needed time for an equivalent RSA key size [2, 8]. These overlap exactly with IoT and RFID devices limitations and challenges that make classical cryptography complicated to implement. The constraints for these tiny devices include computational workload, power consumption, memory and processor speed. In addition, the challenges include the identity management, devices and users registrations and the suitable use for IoT.

Nevertheless, a significant number of potential vulnerabilities on ECC can be operated in case judicious engineering practices and sanity recommendations to carefully follow are not cautiously performed. These attacks could include the twist-security, side channel attacks and so on [2, 9, 10]. In fact, these attacks threaten to reduce the provided high security level of ECC to secret keys. Side channel attacks usually based on information leaked from the physical implementation of the cryptosystem rather than mathematical flaws of the algorithm. This kind of attacks includes, simple power attacks, differential power analysis, simple timing attacks, electromagnetic attacks, fault analysis attacks, etc.

Recently, it has been shown that ECCs are now possible for securing RFID chips which is considered as one of the leading technologies alongside IoT [11, 12]. This suitability was considered as an important and open research issue in these past years due to the challenging constraints in terms of area, computational cost and power consumption. In this context, numerous RFID authentication protocols have been suggested in the literature to address the security and privacy problems in this technology.

In 2006, Tuyls and Batina [13] proposed an RFID anti-counterfeiting authentication protocol using ECC. In 2007, Batina et al. [2] suggested a similar authentication scheme for RFID using the public-key ECC based. However, in 2008, Lee et al. [14] showed that Tuyls and Batina’s protocol [13] and Batina et al.’s [2] present privacy flaws. Then, Lee et al. suggested an improved version using ECC. In 2013, Liao and Hsiao [15] designed a secure RFID authentication scheme ECC-based combined with ID-verifier transfer protocol. The authors of [15] claimed that their scheme could resist to various attacks. However, in 2014, Zhao [16] demonstrated that the Liao and Hsiao protocol [15] presents the key comprise problem where an attacker can reveal the tag’s private key. Then, Zhao presented an enhanced version. In the same year, Chou et al. [17] designed a new authentication protocol ECC-based to improve the patient medication safety. The authors of [17] showed that their protocol can resist to the well-known attacks in healthcare environment. Unfortunately, Zhang and Qi [18] confirmed that Chou et al.’s protocol presents the tag’s privacy information leakage and the forward and backward traceability problems. Then, the authors of [18] proposed an improved authentication protocol version ECC-based. In the same year, He et al. [19] designed a lightweight RFID authentication ECC-based integrated with an ID verifier transfer scheme and they showed that their protocol could overcome the flaws of the existing protocols. Elsewhere, Qu and Tan [20] presented a two-factor remote authentication and key agreement scheme where they pointed out that this scheme could resist to various attacks such as impersonation attack, off-line password guessing attack and smart card loss attack, etc. Unfortunately, Huang et al. [21] proved that Qu and Tan [20] scheme is vulnerable to the impersonation and off-line password guessing attacks. To address these flaws, Huang et al. proposed an improved scheme to simplify user authenticity, where they showed that this protocol is secure and practical as the secure universal access control mechanism. Nevertheless, Chaudhry et al. [22] showed that Huang et al. presents correctness problems and is vulnerable to impersonation and forgery attacks. To address these issues, an improved lightweight secure version is proposed. In 2015, Chen and Chou put forward an untraceable authentication scheme for large-scale active RFID tags ECC-based [23]. The authors of [23] claimed that their scheme had high performance and could resist to various attack. Unfortunately, Shen et al. [24] proved that Chen and Chou’s scheme is vulnerable to replay attack and to server impersonation attack. Somewhere else, Jin et al. [25] proposed a secure RFID authentication protocol using ECC suitable for healthcare environments. Jin et al. used pre-computing method within tag’s communication to get more efficiency. In 2017, Luo et al. [26] demonstrated that the dynamic ID-based remote user authentication ECC-based presented by Islam et al.’s [27] is prone to insider attack and off-line password guessing attack. Then, to overcome these imperfections, Luo et al. suggested an improved scheme that could defend various attacks in e-commerce services with mobile devices. In 2018, Madhusudhan et al. [28] observed that Troung et al. protocol [29] that was proposed earlier in 2014 does not provide perfect forward secrecy, replay attack, user anonymity and server’s secret key security. Then, to fix these vulnerabilities, they put forward a new authentication scheme. Liu et al. [30] proposed first, a key negotiation mechanism followed by an authentication protocol ECC-based in mobile RFID system where, they showed that their scheme presents more efficient performance and its capacity to resist various attacks. Elsewhere, Adhikar et al. [31] suggested ECC-based secure efficient communication protocol for flexible content centric network (CCN) to protect the existing business policies. Later, in 2018, Naresh et al. [32] proposed a lightweight secure communication system using hyper elliptic curve (HEC) where they showed the possibility of implementing the HEC for wireless sensor network. Qi et al. [33] put forward also a new robust biometrics-based authentication scheme with key agreement phase using ECC. Unfortunately, Sahoo et al. [34] demonstrated that this scheme cannot resist to the off-line password guessing attack, the key compromise impersonation attack and to the known session-specific temporary information attack. To fix all these deficiencies, Sahoo et al. suggested an improved biometric based authentication scheme using ECC with more security features. Alamr et al. [5] put forward an RFID EC-Diffie-Hellman based key exchange scheme for IoT, where they claimed that their scheme has the ability to defend against various security attacks. However, most recently Naeem et al. [35] showed that the scheme of Alamr et al. is not scalable and can satisfy only one tag. Then, they introduced an improved scalable scheme suitable for IoT environment.

Despite of the excellent performance of the ECC in terms of security properties and computation cost, we find that many ECC-based protocols have critical weaknesses caused by several factors such as design immaturity of some authors, non-rigorous security verification using appropriate security tools, a little efforts in security verification process, etc. In this paper, we pay attention on three recently published protocols in well-known journals by Liu et al. [30], Naeem et al. [35] and Dinarvand and Barati [3]. First, we show an efficient impersonation attack on Liu et al. [30] authentication protocol that exploits design typos in tag’s response messages caused basically on little efforts in security verification process. Then, through efficient secret identifier disclosure attack and impersonation attack, we demonstrate that Naeem et al. protocol [35] has a serious security issues that are related to lack of rigorous design verification process. Moreover, we prove via an efficient twist attack that inappropriate use of cryptographic primitives ECC-based and a non-meticulous validation of the EC domain parameters at each step of the protocol execution can destroy the security of a given scheme. Consequently, we present an efficient invalid curve attack on a most recently proposed RFID authentication protocol using ECC proposed by Dinarvand and Barati [3]. Through simulation analysis, we will show how to extract the tag’s identifier and then impersonate the legitimate reader to any communication partner. As a remedy, we give solutions for each discovered flaw for Liu et al. and Naeem et al. protocols’ and a complete improved version for Dinarvand and Barati [3] protocol.

The organization of the rest of paper is as follows; the next section summarizes the ECC background. The security analysis of Liu et al., Naeem et al., and Dinarvand and Barati protocols are given in Sects. 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Section 6 is devoted to the improved protocol. Section 7 gives the security analysis of the improved protocol. In Sect. 8, the performance of the improved protocol is evaluated with comparison to some related works. Finally, we conclude this paper in Sect. 9.

2 Background

ECC schemes are public-key mechanisms proposed independently by Koblitz and Miller [8]. The ECC are built on the elliptic curves algebraic construction over finite fields. The elliptic curve cryptography provides the same functionality as the conventional asymmetric cryptography such as RSA schemes [8]. Let q be a large prime number. An elliptic curve (E) over a prime finite field GF(q) is the set of solutions of the plane curve given by [8]:

$$\begin{aligned} y^{2} = x^{3} + ax + b \end{aligned}$$

where a and b in GF(q) satisfying \(4a^{3}+27b^{2} \ne 0\;(\mod q)\).

The set of points (xy), where x, \(y \in GF(q)\) that satisfies the Eq. (1) form the Abelian group G with an additional point at infinity denoted by \((\infty )\), i.e. \(G=\{(x,y): x, y \in GF(q);\, (x,y)\in E\} \cup \{\infty \}\)b [7, 8].

In the following, we give some group law for the curve E:

  • Identity element, the point \((\infty )\) works as the identity element of G: \(P+\infty =\infty + P=P\) for all points \(P \in G\).

  • If \(P=(x, y)\in G\), then \((x, y)+(x,-y)= (\infty )\). The negative point of P is \((x,-y)\) denoted by \(-P\).

  • Point addition and doubling: let \(P_{1} = (x_{1}, y_{1})\) and \(P_{2}= (x_{2}, y_{2})\in G\), where \(P_{1}\ne \pm P_{2}\). Then \(P_{1} + P_{2}=R= (x_{3}, y_{3})\), where \(x_{3}=\lambda ^{2}-x_{1}-x_{2}\) and \(y_{3}=\lambda (x_{1}-x_{2})-y_{1}\), where \(\lambda =\frac{(y_{2}-y_{1})}{(x_{2}-x_{1})}\) if \(P_{1}\ne P_{2}\) and \(\lambda =\frac{3x_{1}^{2}+a}{2y_{1}}\) if \(P_{1}= P_{2}\).

  • Let P(xy) a point \(\in G\) and k is an integer, then the scalar point multiplication operation is defined as follows: \(kp =\underbrace{P + P +\ldots + P}_{(k \;\texttt {times})}\). Thus, the problem which consists to extract the integer k given the product kP and the point P is known as the ECDLP (elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem) [8]. The assumed hardness of numerous problems related to ECDLP in a subgroup of G allows the cryptographic use of ECC.

On the other hand, in a given ECC cryptosystem, all contributing entities have to share a set of elements known as the elliptic curve domain parameters given by (abqPnh), where P is the base point of the cyclic subgroup, n is the order of the point P (\(nP=\infty\)) and h is the co-factor [8].

Nowadays, the ECC is used in numerous applications and standards thanks to its benefits such as smaller parameters with higher security level compared with conventional public key crypto-systems. Smaller key sizes allow faster computations and smaller certificates and less complexity of the cryptosystem.

Definition 1

ECDLP: The ECDLP is defined as follows: Given points P and \(Q \in G\), find the scalar l such that \(Q=lp\), which is computationally difficult. If we denote \(Adv^{ECDLP}_{\hat{A}}(t)\) as the advantage of the adversary \(\hat{A}\) to find \(l\in [1, n-1]\), given Q and P such that \(Q = lP\) for a specified time interval t. So, the ECDLP is an intractable problem, if the \(Adv^{ECDLP}_{\hat{A}}(t)= Pr[l \in [1, n-1]|Q = lP] < \epsilon\), for any sufficiently small \(\epsilon > 0\) [10].

Definition 2

Hash function collision resistance property: A one way collision resistant hash function is mathematical function that maps a string of any length to another of fixed length, denoted the hashed value [36]. \(h: X \rightarrow Y\), where \(X = \{0, 1\}^{*}\) and \(Y=\{0, 1\}^{n}\). This property is expressed as follows:

\(Adv^{Hash}_{\hat{A}}(t)= Pr[(x, x') \Leftarrow _{R} \hat{A}: x \ne x'\,\texttt {and}\, h(x) = h(x')]\), where Pr[e] is the random event e probability, \((x, x') \Leftarrow _{R} \hat{A}\) is the pair message \((x, x')\) arbitrarily chosen by adversary \(\hat{A}\) and \(Adv^{Hash}_{\hat{A}}(t)\) signifies the probability advantage, over a random choices, made by the \(\hat{A}\) for a time t. Therefore, this function is collision-resistant, if \(Adv^{Hash}_{\hat{A}}(t)<\epsilon\) for a very small values of \(\epsilon >0\) [37].

3 Security Analysis of Liu et al. Protocol

Recently, Liu et al. [30] proposed a new key negotiation and authentication RFID protocol based on ECC divided in two separate schemes; one for the key establishment mechanism and the second for the authentication protocol. In this section, we focus only on authentication protocol and interested reader can refer to original paper [30] for more detail. The main steps of this protocol are depicted in Table 1 and summarized in the following two phases:

Initialization phase

  1. 1.

    The mobile reader, the background database and the electronic tags share a set of system domain parameters (qabPnh).

  2. 2.

    Through the key negotiation mechanism, the reader and the database share the secret key \(k_{AC}\) and in addition, the reader share \(k_{AB}\) with the tag.

  3. 3.

    A random point \((x_{1},y_{1})\) is selected from the elliptic curve E as the identity identifier of the ith tag \(T_{D}\) and another point \((x_{2},y_{2})\) is selected as the identity identifier of the jth reader \(R_{D}\).

  4. 4.

    The database stores the tag and reader identifiers \(T_{D}\) and \(R_{D}\) and its own public/private keys \(\langle P_{S}=aP, a\rangle\).

  5. 5.

    The tag stores its own identifier \(T_{D}\) and its public/private keys \(\langle P_{T}=cP, c\rangle\).

  6. 6.

    The reader stores its own identifier \(R_{D}\) and its public/private keys \(\langle P_{R}=bP, b\rangle\).

Authentication phase

  • First, the reader generates a random number \(x_{R}\in _{R}Z_{q}\) and calculates \(R_{1}= x_{R}P\) and sends it to the tag.

  • Upon receiving the request, the tag generates a random number \(x_{T}\in _{R}Z_{q}\) and computes \(T_{1}=x_{T}P\), \(T_{2}=H(x_{T}R_{1})\) and \(T_{3}=T_{D} + (x_{T}+c)P_{s}\) and sends \(T_{1},T_{2},T_{3}\) to the reader.

  • After the reception of \(T_{1},T_{2},T_{3}\), the reader computes \(R_{2}=H(x_{R}T_{1})\) and verifies if \(R_{2}\,{\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}}\,T_{2}\). If not, it rejects the request. If the two are equal, the reader authenticates the tag and it continues to calculate \(R_{3}=H(R_{1}\parallel k_{AB}\parallel t_{R})\), \(R_{4}=R_{D} + (x_{R}+b)P_{s}\) and sends \(T_{1},T_{3},R_{1},R_{3},R_{4},t_{R}\) to the server.

  • After receiving \(T_{1},T_{3},R_{1},R_{3},R_{4},t_{R}\), first the server verifies the validity of the timestamp. If \(t_{R}\) is valid, the server continues the authentication by generating a random number \(x_{S}\in _{R}Z_{q}\) and computes \(S_{1}=x_{S}P\), \(S_{2}=H(R_{1}\parallel k_{AB}\parallel t_{R})\) and verifies if \(S_{2}\,{\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}}\,R_{3}\). If not, the authentication fails else; it authenticates the reader (as a legal reader). The server continues the authentication process by calculating \(S_{3}=R_{4}-aR_{1}-k_{AB}\) and verifying if \(S_{3}\,{\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}}\,R_{D}\). If the equality does not hold, the authentication fails; else the reader’s \(R_{D}\) is the authorization identifier. Then, the server continues the process by computing \(S_{4}=T_{3}-aT_{1}-k_{AC}\) and checking if \(S_{4}\,{\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}}\,T_{D}\). If it does not hold, the authentication is not valid; else the tag’s \(T_{D}\) is the authorization identifier. Finally, the server calculates \(R_{5}=x_{S}R_{1}+k_{AB}\), \(R_{6}=x_{S}T_{1}+k_{AC}\) and sends them to the reader.

  • Upon receiving the message, the reader computes \(R_{5}=x_{R}S_{1}+k_{AB}\) and checks whether \(R_{5}\,{\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}}\,S_{5}\). If it does not hold, the authentication fails; else it authenticates the server. Then, the reader sends \(S_{1}\) and \(S_{6}\) to the tag.

  • Upon the reception of \(S_{1}\) and \(S_{6}\), the tag calculates \(T_{4}=x_{T}S_{1} + k_{AC}\) and checks whether \(T_{4}\,{\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}}\,S_{6}\). If not, the authentication fails; else the server and the reader are valid.

Table 1 Liu et al. [30] authentication protocol

3.1 Tag Impersonation Attack

In this section, we show that Liu et al. [30] has critical weakness. Then, the proposed attack is in light of a flaw of the protocol related to tag’s response which is not carefully scrutinized. Therefore, we illustrate how an attacker could exploit this kind of vulnerability to generate a fake tag’s response that could pass the reader authentication process. The tag impersonation attack is given as follows:

  1. 1.

    In the absence of the legitimate reader, the attacker interrogates the tag by sending the request message \(\texttt {Query}, R_{1}=P\).

  2. 2.

    The tag proceeds as follows: it generates \(x'_{T}\in _{R} Z_{q}\) and calculates \(T'_{1}=x_{T'}P\), \(T'_{2}=H(x'_{T}P)\) and \(T'_{3}=T_{D} + (x'_{T}+c)P_{s}\) and returns \(T'_{1}\), \(T'_{2}\) and \(T'_{3}\) to the attacker.

  3. 3.

    Upon receiving the tag response, the attacker saves: \(T_{3}=T_{D} + (x'_{T}+c)P_{s}\) and \(T_{1}=P\).

  4. 4.

    Now, when a legitimate reader initiates a new session by sending a message query \(R_{1}=x_{R}P\) to the tag, the attacker intercepts it and responds by putting: \(T_{1}=P\), \(T_{3}=T_{D} +(x'_{T}+c)P_{s}\) and calculates \(T_{2}=H(R_{1})=H(x_{R}P)\).

  5. 5.

    Upon the reception of this fake tag response from the attacker, the reader computes \(R_{2}=H(x_{R}T_{1})=H(x_{R}P)\) and verifies if \(R_{2}\,{\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}}\,T_{2}\). In this case, we have the equality and then the reader authenticates the attacker as the legitimate tag and continues the protocol steps.

This attack could be avoided whether well-known principals for designing secure cryptographic schemes would have been seriously valued and followed. In addition, we found that there is a lack of security design maturity in this field for the authors which require a lot of experience. The problem in this protocol is that the tag response \(\{T_{1},\, T_{2}\, \texttt {and}\, T_{3}\}\) did not incorporate something related to the message \(T_{1}\) in the hash function which is used here to guarantee the integrity. To fix this pitfall, we suggest to change the tag response as follows: \(T_{1}=x_{T}P\), \(T_{2}=H(x_{T}R_{1}\parallel T_{1})\) and \(T_{3}=T_{D} + (x_{T}+c)P_{s}\).

4 Security Weaknesses of Naeem et al. Protocol

Most recently in 2019, Naeem et al. [35] suggested an enhanced RFID authentication protocol for Internet of things environment claiming that it provides a high security level and low computation and communication costs. This authentication scheme is subdivided into two phases: initialization and authentication phases as given as follows and summarized in Table 2:

Table 2 Naeem et al. [35] authentication protocol

4.1 Initialization Phase

  1. 1.

    The server produces a set of system parameters and it chooses the different tags identities \(X_{T_{i}}\).

  2. 2.

    The server chooses \(P_{r_{R}}\) as a random number that represents the reader’s secret key and calculates the public key \(P_{u_{R}}=P_{r_{R}}P\). It stores \(\{P_{r_{R}}, P_{u_{R}}\}\) in the reader memory.

  3. 3.

    The reader operates on the database in which the server stores the tags secret identities.

  4. 4.

    The server inserts each reader’s public key and tag’s identity in the corresponding tag’s memory.

4.2 Authentication Phase

  • First, the reader generates a random number \(r_{1}\) and calculates \(R_{1}= r_{1}P\) and sends it to the tag.

  • Upon receiving the message, it generates a random number \(t_{1}\) and calculates \(T_{1}= t_{1}P\), \(C_{1}=t_{1}R_{1}\) and \(C_{2}= X_{T_i} +h(T_{1},R_{1},C_{1})\). Then, it sends back \(C_{1}\) and \(C_{2}\) to the reader.

  • After the reception of \(C_{1}\) and \(C_{2}\), the reader computes \(T_{1}= C_{1}r_{1}^{-1}\) and \(X_{T_i}=C_{2}-h(T_{1},R_{1},C_{1})\) and compares it with \(X_{T_i}\) in its database. If \(X_{T_i}\) is not found then, the reader ignores the request else; the reader authenticates the tag and calculates \(C_3=P_{r_R}T_1\) and \(C_4=h(C_3,T_1,R_1,C_1)\). Then, it sends \(C_4\) to the tag.

  • Upon receiving \(C_4\), the tag computes \(Y=P_{u_R}t_1\) and authenticates the reader only if \(C_4\,{\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}}\,h(Y,T_1,R_1,C_1)\).

  • Finally, the tag calculates the shared session key \(TK_{ag} =X_{T_i}t_{1}R_{1}\) and in the other side, the reader computes the same session key \(RK_{ag}= X_{T_i}r_{1}T_{1}\).

4.3 Secret Identifier Disclosure Attack

In this subsection, we show that Naeem et al. [35] has a serious security issues that are related to lack of rigorous design verification process. We found out this protocol is vulnerable to secret identifier disclosure attack and tag impersonation attack. In fact, the tag’s identity is assumed to be a shared secret parameter between the reader and the tag only, because any reveal of this parameter will allow to the adversary to track, to localize and even to impersonate the reader. The disclosure of this secret identifier is given as follows:

  1. 1.

    In the absence of the legitimate reader, the attacker interrogates the tag (pretending to be the legitimate reader) by putting the random number \(r_{1}=1\), calculating and sending \(R_{1}= r_{1}P=P\).

  2. 2.

    Upon receiving \(R_{1}\), the tag generates a random number \(t_{1}\) and calculates \(T_1= t_{1}P\), \(C_1=t_{1}R_{1}=t_{1}P=T_1\), \(C_2= X_{T_i}+h(C_1,P,C_1)\), and it sends \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) to the attacker.

  3. 3.

    The attacker uses the tag response to calculate \(X_{T_i} =C_2- h(C_1,P,T_1)= C_2- h(C_1,P,C_1)\) and to disclose the secret tag identity \(X_{T_i}\). Consequently, Naeem et al. protocol is vulnerable to the secret tag identity disclosure attack.

4.4 Tag Impersonation Attack

Now, once the attacker has the tag secret identifier \(X_{T_i}\), it can impersonate the reader (the user) as follows:

  1. 1.

    When the legitimate reader initiates a new session by sending a message query \(R_{1}^{'}=r_{1}^{'}P\) to the tag, the attacker intercepts this message.

  2. 2.

    Then, the attacker generates a random number \(t_{1}^{'}\) and computes: \(T_{1}^{'}=t_{1}^{'}P\), \(C_{1}^{'}=t_{1}^{'}R_{1}^{'}\), \(C_{2}^{'}=X_{T_i}+h(T_{1}^{'},R_{1}^{'},C_{1}^{'})\), then it sends \(C_{1}^{'}\) and \(C_{2}^{'}\) to the reader.

  3. 3.

    Upon the reception of \(C_{1}^{'}\) and \(C_{2}^{'}\), the reader computes \(T_{1}^{'}\) and extracts \(X_{T_i}\), then it compares this latter with the tag’s secret identity stored in its database. Then, the reader authenticates the attacker believing that it is the legitimate tag. Consequently, Naeem et al. protocol is vulnerable to the tag impersonation attack.

These attacks are in light of a flaw related to the tag response message which is not carefully scrutinized \(\langle T_1, C_1, C_2\rangle\). The problem is that we can evaluate the hashing function of the message \(C_2\) which is used to mask the tag identity \(X_{T_i}\). In other words, we can easily deduce the only unknown message \(T_1\) for a specific request (\(R_{1}=P\)), i.e. \(T_1=C_1=t_{1}.P=t_{1}.R_1\) for \(R_{1}=P\). Finally, this flaw can be fixed by redesigning the tag response using the public key of the reader \(P_{u_{R}}\) as summarized in Table 3. In this case, it is difficult to an attacker to construct a valid tag response using only the public exchanged messages without knowing the reader secret key \(P_{r_{R}}\) which is linked to the public key \(P_{u_{R}}\) by the ECDLP problem.

Table 3 The improved tag response to fix the discovered flaw

5 Security Analysis of Dinarvand and Barati Protocol

Most recently in 2019, Dinarvand and Barati [3] suggested a new RFID authentication protocol based on ECC to overcome flaws of the existing authentication schemes published earlier. The authors of [3] showed that their protocol presents distinguished security requirements such as mutual authentication, forward security, scalability, data integrity, availability and tag anonymity. Moreover, Dinarvand and Barati [3] showed that their protocol could prevent different attacks such as replay attack, cloning attack, Denial of Service (DoS) attack, de-synchronization attack, tag masquerade attack and server spoofing attack. Dinarvand and Barati’s protocol is composed of two steps as depicted in the Table 4. For more detail, interested readers can consult the original paper [3]. In this protocol, (qabPn) are EC domain parameters. \(x_{S}\) and \(P_{S} =x_{S}P\) are the server’s private/public keys. \(x_{t}\) is a random point that represents the unique identifier for each tag. \(ID_{S}\) is a random number as a unique pseudonym for each tag. K represents the shared secret key between the server and the tag. \(\langle x_{t}, P_{S}, ID_{S}\,\texttt {and}\, K\rangle\) represents the tag’s memory EC domain parameters and \(\langle ID_{S}, K, x_{t}\rangle\) are the database’s stored domain parameters. In Dinarvand and Barati protocol, the tag and the server are mutually authenticated by the subsequent exchanged messages:

  • First, the tag generates a random number \(r_{2}=Z^{*}_{n}\) and calculates \(R_{2}=r_{2}P\), then forwards the messages \(\langle R_{2}, ID_{S}\rangle\) to the server.

  • Upon the reception of this message, the server uses \(ID_{S}\) as an index to get a matching entry in it. If \(ID_{S}\) is not in the database, then the server aborts the session, otherwise, it extracts the corresponding parameters \(\langle K, x_{t}\rangle\). Here, the key K could be \(K^{old}\) or \(K^{new}\) according to the received value of \(ID_{S}\) (\(ID^{old}_{S}\) or \(ID^{new}_{S}\)). Next, the server calculates \(TK_{s1}= r_{1}KR_{2}\), \(TK_{s2}= x_{S}KR_{2}\) and \(Auth_{s} = x_{t}\oplus TK_{s1} \oplus TK_{s2}\), then sends the message \(Auth_{s}\) to the tag.

  • Upon receiving \(Auth_{s}\), the tag calculates \(TK_{t1}= r_{2}KR_{1}\) and \(TK_{t2}= r_{2}KP_{s}\). The tag authenticates the server by verifying if \(x_{t}= Auth_{s} \oplus TK_{t1} \oplus TK_{t2}\), using its secret and public keys. Next, the tag computes \(Auth_{t}= x_{t}\oplus 2TK_{t1}\oplus 2TK_{t2}\) and sends it to the server.

  • Upon the reception of \(Auth_{t}\), the server authenticates the tag by checking if \(Auth_{t} = x_{t}\oplus 2TK_{s1}\oplus 2TK_{s2}\).

Finally, after the mutual authentication, the two entities update their secret keys and the pseudonym of the tag as given in the updating phase (subsection 4.3 of [3]).

Moreover, the authors defined a new operation on elliptic curves which is the XOR operation between two EC points expressed as follows: given two EC points \((P_{1}, P_{2})\) represented by their abscissa and ordinate \((x_{1}, y_{1})\) and \((x_{2}, y_{2})\), respectively, so that to obtain the new point \(P_{3}=(x_{3}, y_{3})\) by the XOR operation between the two points \((P_{3}=P_{1}\oplus P_{2})\), the first and second components of the two points have to be XORed as follows; \((x_{3}= x_{1}\oplus x_{2}, y_{3}=y_{1}\oplus y_{2})\). Here, we believe that this new operation could break the elliptic curve point addition algebraic properties; as a result it might give a point outside the defined curve.

Table 4 Dinarvand and Barati [3] RFID authentication protocol

5.1 Invalid Curve Attack Description

In this subsection, we will show what will occur if an attacker forces an entity, in a given authentication scheme, to compute its scheduled protocol steps using a point outside of the defined curve. We will demonstrate that this disturbance could have serious concerns on the considered authentication scheme. In fact, the dilemma is that the injected point could belong to another elliptic curve with a limited number of points, where the cryptanalysis becomes easy to implement. Consequently, we validate this idea through an efficient cryptanalysis of the most recently proposed ECC protocol designed by Dinarvand and Barati [3]. The different attack steps are given as follows and summarized in the Fig. 1.

  1. 1.

    First, the attacker selects a point \(P'\) outside of the used curve that generates a subgroup with small order. (Let n be the order of this point (in our simulations \(n = 5\))).

  2. 2.

    The attacker eavesdrops (the man-in-middle attack) on the Dinarvand and Barati scheme and captures the tag response \(\langle R_{2}, ID_{S}\rangle\) and replaces the point \(R_{2}\) by the point \(P'\) i.e. \(\langle P',ID_{S}\rangle\) and forwards it to the server.

  3. 3.

    Upon receiving the message \(\langle P',ID_{S}\rangle\) first, the server generates a random number \(r_{1}\) and using its current key K and private key \(x_{S}\), it computes: \(TK_{s1}=r_{1}KP'\), \(TK_{s2} = x_{S}KP'\) and \(Auth_{s}=TK_{s1} \oplus TK_{s2} \oplus x_{t}\). Then, the server sends the message \(Auth_{s}\) to the tag (the attacker in the middle).

  4. 4.

    The attacker intercepts the message \(Auth_{s}\) and he/she withdrawals. Then, he/she proceeds off-line as follows:

    1. a)

      As the calculated points \(TK_{s1}\), \(TK_{s2}\) will be automatically in the defined small subgroup (because they are calculated using the fake point \(P'\)) (in our simulations a subgroup of 5 points as given in Table 7).

    2. b)

      The attacker discloses the tag secret \(x_{t}\) by resolving the two equations defined by the XOR operation between the abscissa and the ordinate of \(TK_{s1}\), \(TK_{s2}\) and \(x_{t}\). Here, the attacker has only very limited number of possibilities for the abscissa and the ordinate values.

    3. c)

      \(\left\{ \begin{array}{c} \{TK_{s1}\}_{x} \oplus \{TK_{s2}\}_{x} \oplus \{x_{t}\}_{x} = \{Auth_{s}\}_{x} \\ \{TK_{s1}\}_{y} \oplus \{TK_{s2}\}_{y} \oplus \{x_{t}\}_{y} = \{Auth_{s}\}_{y} \\ \end{array}\right\}\)where \(\{P\}_{x}\) and \(\{P\}_{y}\) denote the abscissa and the ordinate of the point P, respectively.

  5. 5.

    Once the tag secret \(x_{t}\) is disclosed, the attacker could launch other attacks such as the tag impersonation attack. In other words, the attacker is able to construct a valid message \((Auth_{t})\) to deceive the server and passes the tag authentication process.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Invalid curve attack on Dinarvand and Barati protocol

Finally, via the following example scenario, we will show that even though the protocol uses a standardized elliptic curve (NIST-256 (secp256r1)) which has a huge number of points, a potential attacker is able to force the server to calculate with a given invalid curve with a point outside of the NIST curve. In fact, for this example, the attacker gets only five possible points whatever the values of the secret and the private keys K and \(x_{S}\) used by the protocol (4 points and a point at infinity). In other words, the resulting group of the using invalid curve has small order equal to 5. Besides, knowing all the points of the invalid elliptic curve \(E^{*}\) and the tag secret \(x_{t}\), the attacker could launch other attacks such as the tag impersonation attack.

Finally, to fix the identified vulnerabilities, the following recommendations have to be carefully considered:

  1. 1.

    Each entity involved in the protocol has to check for group membership of the computed and exchanged points before processing.

  2. 2.

    Avoid using other operations other of those defined in the ECC theory. For this point, the introduced XOR operation between points has to be replaced by a point addition to keep the algebraic properties valid. Because, the XOR operation between two points could give another point not on the defined secure curve, but on some other, weaker EC.

\(\blacksquare\) Simulation of proposed invalid curve attack: In this subsection, we give an example scenario using NIST-256 (\(secp256r_{1}\)) elliptic curve of the form \(y^{2} = x^{3} + ax +b\), where a and b are given in the Table 5 [38]. As we can see, this EC has a huge number of points. Under this curve the ECDLP is known as difficult to resolve. But, we consider the attack described above, where the attacker chooses a small subgroup generated with the fake point \(P'\) (given in Table 6) outside of the NIST-256-\(secp256r_{1}\) elliptic curve. In the proposed attack, the attacker forces the server to compute with the selected invalid curve that generates only 5 points summarized in the Table 7. In other words, the values of the computed \(TK_{s_{1}}\) and \(TK_{s_{2}}\) will be certainly from the set of the five possible points given in the Table 7. An example scenario of the server computation response using the injected invalid point \(P'\) is given in the Table 8.

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{c} \{x_{t}\}_{x}= \{TK_{s1}\}_{x} \oplus \{TK_{s2}\}_{x} \oplus \{Auth_{s}\}_{x} \\ \{x_{t}\}_{y}= \{TK_{s1}\}_{y} \oplus \{TK_{s2}\}_{y} \oplus \{Auth_{s}\}_{y} \\ \end{array}\right\} \end{aligned}$$

Finally, knowing all possible elements of the couple of equations, the attacker can derive the tag identifier \(x_{t}\).

Table 5 NIST-256 (secp256r1) EC curve parameters (in Hex)
Table 6 Invalid point generator’s coordinates (in Dec)
Table 7 Generated points using the invalid point generator (in Dec): \((TK_{s_{1}}\) and \(TK_{s_{2}})\)
Table 8 Example scenario; \(x_{t}\), \(TKS_{1}=P_{1}\) and \(TKS_{2}=P_{3}\) (in Dec)

5.2 De-synchronization Attack

To guarantee the tag anonymity feature, Dinarvand and Barati are implemented the tag pseudonym technique which consists to update the shared secrets after each successful authentication. Moreover, to avoid the de-synchronization attack, the server should keep the old and the new \(ID_{S}\) in each successful authentication. However, since it is the server that will update its secret parameters lastly, we find that this protocol is vulnerable to de-synchronization attack which can be mounted just by blocking the last message sent by the tag. In this situation, the tag will updates its parameters K and \(ID_{S}\) to new values (as indicated below) and the server will not be able to updates its parameters. Consequently, this attack will prevent the two entities to authenticate each other’s in their subsequent authentication sessions.

  • Session i: tag \(\langle K^{*}_{i}, ID_{S_{i}} \rangle\), server: \(\langle K^{old}_{i}, K^{new}_{i}, ID_{S_{i}}^{old}, ID_{S_{i}}^{new}\rangle\),

  • Session \(i+1\): tag \(\langle K^{*}_{i+1}, ID_{S_{i+1}} \rangle\), server keeps the same state: \(\langle K^{old}_{i}, K^{new}_{i}, ID_{S_{i}}^{old}, ID_{S_{i}}^{new}\rangle\).

6 Improved Protocol

Numerous authentication schemes proposed in the literature are prone to security traps of every category. Among these pitfalls, the twist-security attacks are one of most underrated attacks in terms of reported rate but with drastic consequences if they come true. However, the attack described in this paper could have been obstructed if the well-known engineering practices and sanity cryptographic recommendations would have been judiciously followed. Although the ECC is adopted in a wide variety of cryptographic protocols, schemes and standards such as EC-Integrated encryption scheme (ECIES), EC-Digital signature algorithm (ECDSA), EC-Diffie–Hellman (ECDH), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), NIST Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), etc., many notable number of potential flaws continue to be discussed in the literature [7, 39]. Consequently, prudent engineering practices and rigorous security proof analysis together with typical vulnerabilities to avoid, must be conducted when designing new authentication schemes ECC-based. Hereafter, some countermeasures to follow that could overcoming this kind of attack:

  1. 1.

    Carefully check the group membership of different exchanged points before performing any processing.

  2. 2.

    Carefully choose the used curves and validate its various parameters.

  3. 3.

    Implement the Montgomery ladder for the scalar point multiplication computation to avoid side-channel attacks [8, 40].

  4. 4.

    Carefully choose the elliptic curve order (large) to avoid some attacks like, naive attack, Baby Step, Giant Step attack and Pollard’s Rho attack [10].

  5. 5.

    Consider the formal security analysis via formal model such BAN (Abadi and Needham) logic, AVISPA model, etc. This kind of security models gives a set guidelines and principles for designing robust cryptographic schemes [39].

  6. 6.

    Consider the formal security analysis via informal model such as the random oracle models.

The improved version of Dinarvand and Barati’s protocol, which takes into account these countermeasures to resist to common passive and active attacks, is given in the Table 9. This protocol is composed of two phases, the authentication and updating phases.

Table 9 The improved protocol version

6.1 Authentication Phase

  1. (1)

    The server generates a random number \(r_{1}\) and broadcasts it to the tag.

  2. (2)

    Upon receiving \(r_{1}\), first, the tag generates a random number \(r_{2}\) then, it computes: \(R_{2}=r_{2}P_{s}\), \(R_{3}=r_{2}P\), \(R_{4}=x_{t}+h(\{R_{2}\}_{x}||\{R_{3}\}_{x}||r_{1})\). Then, it forwards \(\{R_{3}, R_{4}, ID_{S}\}\) back to the server. Where \(\{\cdot \}_{x}\) denotes the x-coordinate of the given point.

  3. (3)

    After the reception of the message, the server uses its secret key \(x_{S}\) to calculate: \(R_{2}^{*} = x_{S}R_{3}\) and \(x_{t}=R_{4}- h(\{R_{2}^{*}\}_{x}||\{R_{3}\}_{x}||r_{1})\). Using the received tag pseudonym \(ID_{S}\), the server fetches \(x_{t}\) from its database. If they are not equal, the server terminates the session; otherwise, the tag is authenticated. The server computes: \(R_{5} =h(x_{t}||\{R_{2}\}_{x}||r_{1}||R_{4})\). Then, it transmits \(\{R_{5}\}\) to the tag.

  4. (4)

    The tag calculates \(R_{5}^{*} =h(x_{t}||\{R_{2}\}_{x}||r_{1}||R_{4})\) and verifies if \(R_{5}^{*}\) is equal to received message \(R_{5}\). If they are different then, it rejects the server otherwise, it authenticates it and updates the pseudonym \(ID_{S}\).

6.2 Updating Phase

After each successful mutual authentication session, the server and the tag update the pseudonym of the tag \(ID_{S}\) as follows:

  1. 1.

    The tag:

    \(ID^{*}_{S}= h(\{R_{2}\}_{x}||ID_{S}||r_{1}||R_{4})\)

    \(ID_{S} \leftarrow ID^{*}_{S}\)

  2. 2.

    The server:

    If \(ID_{S}^{old}\) is received: \(ID^{new}_{S} = h(\{R_{2}\}_{x}||ID_{S}^{old}||r_{1}||R_{4})\)

    Else, if \(ID_{S}^{new}\) is received: \(ID_{S}^{old}= ID_{S}^{new}\), \(ID_{S}^{new}= h(\{R_{2}\}_{x}||ID_{S}^{new}||r_{1}||R_{4})\)

As for this new version of the protocol, the main improvements are summarized in the following:

In order to avoid the de-synchronization attack, the server keeps the old and the new version of the tag’s pseudonym. In addition, we have ensured that the tag updates its pseudonym lastly. The improved version takes advantages of asymmetric features and excludes the need to use a shared secret contrary to Dinarvand and Barati protocol. Moreover, our improved version incorporates a hash function which allows strengthen the integrity feature and replaying attacks. Eventually, in order to definitely exclude the security concerns related to invalid point attack, the computed points along the protocol are protected using the hash function.

7 Security Analysis

Security analysis is an important step to detect possible security imperfections in authentication schemes. In this section, first, we give the formal security analysis using random oracle against an adversary who attempt to disclose the tag’s secret identifier and the server’s secret key. Then, via informal security analysis, we show that our improved protocol is secure against several known-attacks and achieves many security requirements.

7.1 Formal Security Analysis

In this section, we carry out the formal security analysis of the improved protocol using a random oracle model as specified in [41]. Thus, we will show that the improved protocol is secure against disclosing the tag’s secret identifier and server’s secret key. We suppose the following random oracles for the adversary \(({\mathcal {A}})\):

  • \(\blacksquare\) Reveal 1: Reveal 1 random oracle will completely output the string x from the corresponding hash value y, knowing that \((y = h(x))\).

  • \(\blacksquare\) Reveal 2: This random oracle will completely output the integer k from a given two points P and \(Q = kP\) in E(GF(q)).

  • \(\blacksquare\) Adversarial model: We consider the following threat model where \({\mathcal {A}}\) may have an entire control of the insecure channel between the server and the tag:

    • The adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) can eavesdrop on all the transmitted messages between the server and tag.

    • \({\mathcal {A}}\) can inject his own counterfeit messages.

    • \({\mathcal {A}}\) can block and modify any exchanged message between the server and the tag.

    • \({\mathcal {A}}\) could obtain, using different traffic analysis tools, the crucial information to control a specific tag using the captured information from the public channel.

Proposition 1

Under the ECDLP problem and the one-way hash function \(h(\cdot )\) assumptions which closely act as random oracles, our improved protocol is secure against an attacker \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) disclosing the tag’s secret identifier \(x_{t}\).

figure d


We aim to build an attacker \({\mathcal {A}}\) who will have the ability to disclose the tag’s secret identifier \(x_{t}\) and the server secret key \(x_{S}\). \({\mathcal {A}}\) will use the Reveal Oracle 1 and 2 in the experiment \(Exp1^{ECDLP, Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, I-protocol}\) given in Algorithm 1 for our improved protocol, say I-protocol. We outline the success probability for the experiment \(Exp1^{ECDLP, Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}},\texttt {I-protocol}}\) in Algorithm 1 as \(succ1^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}} =|Pr[Exp1^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}} =1]-1|\) and the advantage function for this experiment is expressed by \(Adv1^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}(t, q_{1},q_{2})=\underset{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}}{\texttt {Max }} \{Exp1^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}\}\), where the maximum is obtained over all \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) during a time t and the number of requests \(q_{1}\) and \(q_{2}\) launched to reveal the random oracles Reveal 1 and Reveal 2. Our improved protocol is secure against \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) for disclosing the tag’s secret identifier \(x_{t}\), if the \(Adv1^{ECDLP, Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, I-protocol}(t, q_{1}, q_{2})\le \varepsilon\), for any sufficiently insignificant value of \(\varepsilon > 0\). Consider the experiment \(Exp1^{ECDLP, Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}\) given in Algorithm 1 for \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\). Referring to this latter, if \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) has the ability to solve the ECDLP and invert the one-way hashing function, expressed in Definitions 1 and 2, he/she can correctly reveal the tag’s secret identifier \(x_{t}\), and then win the game. Nevertheless, referring to Definitions 1 and 2, it is a computationally difficult to discover a discrete logarithm \(r_{2}\), from a given point \(R_{3}\) and invert the input from a given hashing value, i.e., \(Adv^{ECDLP}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}} (t)\le \varepsilon\) and \(Adv^{Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}} (t)\le \varepsilon\), for any sufficiently insignificant \(\varepsilon > 0\). Hence, \(Adv1^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}} (t,q_{1}, q_{2})\le \varepsilon\), since it is dependent on \(Adv^{ECDLP}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}} (t)\) and \(Adv^{Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}} (t)\). Therefore, our improved protocol is secure against disclosing the tag’s secret identifier \(x_{t}\) by any adversary. \(\square\)

Proposition 2

Under the one-way hash function \(h(\cdot )\) and ECDLP assumptions which act as random oracles, our improved protocol is secure against an attacker \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) deriving the server secret key \(x_{s}\).

figure e


We proceed similarly as in the Proposition 1. We build an attacker that can extract the server secret key \(x_{S}\) of the RFID system. \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) will use the Reveal Oracle 1 and 2 in the experiment \(Exp2^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, I-protocol}\) given in Algorithm 2 for our improved protocol. We express the success probability for the experiment \(Exp2^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}\) in Algorithm 2 as \(succ2^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}=|Pr[Exp2^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}=1]-1|\) and the experiment advantage function is specified by \(Adv2^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}(t', q_{3}, q_{4}) =\underset{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}}{\texttt {Max }} \{Exp2^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}\}\) where the maximum is taken over all \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) with processing time \(t'\) and the number of queries \(q_{3}\) and \(q_{4}\) taken to reveal the two random oracles Reveal 1 and Reveal 2. Our improved protocol is safe against the \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) for extracting the server secret key \(x_{s}\), if the \(Adv2^{ECDLP, Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}(t, q_{3}, q_{4})\le \varepsilon\), for any sufficiently small value \(\varepsilon > 0\). Consider the experiment \(Exp2^{ECDLP, Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, \texttt {I-protocol}}\) specified Algorithm 2 for \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\). According to this experiment, if \(\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}\) has the capability to resolve the ECDLP problem and invert the one-way hash function, described in Definitions 1 and 2, respectively, he/she can correctly disclose the server secret key \(x_{S}\), and then break the system. However, according to Definitions 1 and 2, it is a computationally difficult to extract the discrete logarithm \(x_{s}\) from a given point \(P_{S}\) and invert the input from a given hashing value, i.e., \(Adv^{ECDLP}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}} (t')\le \varepsilon\) and \(Adv^{Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}} (t')\le \varepsilon\) for any sufficiently small \(\varepsilon > 0\). Hence, \(Adv2^{ECDLP,Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}, I-protocol}(t, q_{3}, q_{4})\le \varepsilon\), since it is associated to \(Adv^{ECDLP}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}} (t')\) and \(Adv^{Hash}_{\hat{{\mathcal {A}}}} (t')\). Consequently, our improved protocol is safe against disclosing the server secret key \(x_{S}\) by any attacker. \(\square\)

7.2 Informal Security Analysis

In this section, we show that our improved protocol is resilient against several well-known attacks in the literature and achieves many security requirements under the adversarial model given below.

7.2.1 Provided Functionalities

  • \(\blacksquare\) Mutual Authentication: A mutual authentication is an important security requirement that allows a bilateral verification between two entities and then avoids the identity usurpation problem. Our proposed improved protocol provides a mutual authentication between the server and the tag. The tag gets authenticated by the verification if the locally computed message \(x_{t}^{'}=R_{4}- h(\{R_{2}^{*}\}_{x}||\{R_{3}\}_{x}||r_{1})\) using the server’s private key is identical to the fetched one from its database. Likewise, the server is proved to be genuine by the calculation of the message \(R_{5}^{'}=h(x_{t}||\{R_{2}\}_{x}|| r_{1}||R_{4})\) on the tag side, which must be identical to received message \(R_{5}\).

  • \(\blacksquare\) Scalability: Scalability property is one of the most desirable features to be integrated in RFID systems. This property describes the capability of the system to properly handle growing workloads. In our improved protocol, the tag identification process is carried out using the received \(ID_{S}\) (step 3), where the server fetches \(x_{t}\) from its database to complete the tag authentication process. Here, the server does not need to search for the corresponding tag content linearly from all existing tags in the database, so that the server takes O(1) to search for \(x_{t}\). Hence, when the number of tags of the system increases, the improve protocol keeps the same workload. Consequently, the improved authentication protocol provides the scalability property.

  • \(\blacksquare\) Untraceability and anonymity: Untraceability and anonymity are two important security features that must be incorporated in a given RFID system to guarantee the tag owner privacy, since an RFID tag automatically replies to any received message query. In our improved version, we use the pseudonym technique for the tag identification in DB which is updated every each successful session. Furthermore, the attacker cannot extract the tag unique identifier \(x_{t}\) from the eavesdropped message \(\{R_{3}, R_{4}, ID_{S}\}\) since it is never sent openly over the insecure channel. Besides, as all the protocol messages are linked to the generated random numbers \(r_{1}\) and \(r_{2}\), this makes the tag response \(\{R_{3}, R_{4}, ID_{S}\}\) unpredictable to the attacker, so he/she cannot locate or trace a specific tag by launching a simple malicious query thanks to all these countermeasures. Therefore, we deduce that our improved version provides untraceability and anonymity.

  • \(\blacksquare\) Availability: In our improved protocol the tag unique identifier \(x_{t}\) is exchanged in a random message protected by the hash function \((R_{4}=x_{t}+h(\{R_{2}\}_{x}|| \{R_{3}\}_{x}||r_{1}))\) which means it is not accessible by any attacker. Besides, the identification is carried out using the \(ID_{S}\) identity which is updated after every each successful authentication session. In addition, as the improved protocol avoids the de-synchronization attack, the two entities are continually harmonized. Consequently, the availability is provided in our improved protocol.

7.2.2 Resistance to Different Attacks

  • \(\blacksquare\) Replay attack resisting: This attack consists to replay some previously intercepted authentication messages to pass the authentication process. In our improved version, the attacker will fail to do that, thanks to the used countermeasures and verification mechanisms. For each session, all the transmitted messages \(\{r_{1}, R_{3}, R_{4}, ID_{S}\}\) and \(\{R_{5}\}\) are constructed and controlled by new random numbers \(r_{1}\), \(r_{2}\), \(\{R_{2}\}_{x}\) and \(\{R_{3}\}_{x}\). For example, if an attacker (\({\mathcal {A}}\)) intercepts the message \(\{R_{3}, R_{4}, ID_{S}\}\) which is transmitted from the tag to the reader. Using this message, \({\mathcal {A}}\) may try to launch the replay attack. \({\mathcal {A}}\) replays the \(\{R_{3}, R_{4}, ID_{S}\}\) to the server. Upon receiving the message, the server uses its secret key \(x_{S}\) to calculate: \(R_{2}^{*}=x_{S}R_{3}\) and \(x_{t}=R_{4}-h(\{R_{2}^{*}\}_{x}||\{R_{3}\}_{x}||r_{1})\). Here, the server will terminate the session because the \(ID_{S}\) is old and the corresponding \(x_{t}\) in the database is different from the computed value \(x_{t}^{*}\). Consequently, the improved protocol is secure against the replay attack.

  • \(\blacksquare\) Forward security resisting: Our improved protocol guarantees the forward security requirement because even though an attacker gets information of the tag in a given session, he/she cannot get any previous transmitted information since the two random numbers \(r_{1}\) and \(r_{2}\) are different for each session.

  • \(\blacksquare\) De-synchronization attack resisting: Our improved protocol uses the pseudo-identity technique to guarantee the tag owner anonymity, where the tag’s identity is updated on both tag and server after each successful authentication session. Nevertheless, an attacker (\({\mathcal {A}}\)) can disrupt the synchronization between two communicating entities by compelling them to update their shared parameters to different values, in such away that they will be unable to recognize each other in their succeeding sessions. As specified by the updating phase, both old and new values of the pseudo-identity \(ID_{S}\) are stored in the database, which avoids the de-synchronization attack. If for example \({\mathcal {A}}\) obstructs the message \(R_{5}\) (sent from the server to the tag) to prevent the tag from updating its pseudonym \(ID_{S}\), the tag authentication in the next session will remain possible thanks to the availability of the old value of \(ID_{S}\) in the database. The only possibility to achieve this task, \({\mathcal {A}}\) have to impersonate the two entities by providing a correct tag or server responses (\(\{R_{3}, R_{4}, ID_{S}\}\)) and (\(R_{5}\)), which is an infeasible task because these messages are protected by the ECDLP. Accordingly, our improved protocol is protected against the de-synchronization attack.

  • \(\blacksquare\) Invalid point attack resisting: Our improved protocol is protected against the invalid point attack since to definitely exclude the security concerns related to this attack, the computed points along our protocol steps are protected using hash function. For example, if an attacker injects a fake point in tag response (\(R_{3}=r_{2}P\), \(R_{4}=x_{t}+h(\{R_{2} \}_{x}||\{R_{3}\}_{x}||r_{1})\), \(ID_{S}\)) i.e., \(R_{3}^{'}\), the server will detect this trick via the hash function which guarantees the integrity \(h(\{R_{2}\}_{x}||\{R_{3}\}_{x}||r_{1})\). Therefore, the improved scheme can resist to the invalid point attack.

  • \(\blacksquare\) Disclosure attack resisting: If an eventual attacker wants to reveal the secret parameters involved in our improved version, i.e., (\(x_{t}\), \(x_{S}\)), he /she will face to solve the ECDLP and hash function which are computationally intractable. In fact, all the secret parameters and random variables \(x_{S}\), \(x_{t}\), \(r_{2}\), \(\{R_{3}\}_{x}\) are well preserved using ECDLP and the one-way hash function. For more detail on disclosure attack, see the formal security analysis in Sect. 7.1.

  • \(\blacksquare\) Impersonation attack resisting: We show in this section how the improved protocol can resist to the impersonation attack. To impersonate the tag, the attacker needs to produce valid messages (\(r_{1}\), \(R_{5}\)) and sends them to the tag to pass the authentication process. However, the message \(R_{5}\) requires knowledge of a number of secret parameters such as \(x_{t}\) and \(x_{S}\) which are protected by the ECDLP hard problem and the hash function. Consequently, the attacker cannot cheat the tag to authenticate him/her as a legitimate reader. Similarly, to impersonate the reader, the attacker needs to generate a valid tag response (\(\{R_{3}, R_{4}, ID_{S}\}\)) to cheat the legitimate reader to pass the authentication process. However, the tag unique identifier \(x_{t}\) and the point \(R_{2}\) cannot be revealed to \({\mathcal {A}}\) unless he/she can resolve the ECDLP hard problem and the hash function. Therefore, our improved protocol is resilient against impersonation attacks.

  • \(\blacksquare\) Man-in-the-middle attack resisting: In our improved protocol, the man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack is declined by mutual authentication between the server and the tag (as shown in Sect. 7.2.1). In other words, an eventual attacker who eavesdrops on messages sent between legitimate server and tag is unable to insert, delete or arbitrarily modify any message sent from one entity to another thanks to the introduced security mechanisms related to the ECDLP and the integrity via the hash function with random numbers. Even if \({\mathcal {A}}\) obtains \(R_{3}\), \(R_{4}\) and \(ID_{S}\), he/she cannot obtain \(R_{2}\) and \(x_{t}\) because \(R_{2}=r_{2}P_{s}\) and \(x_{t}=R_{4}-h(\{R_{2}^{*} \}_{x}||\{R_{3}\}_{x}||r_{1})\). All these parameters are protected using hash function and ECDLP intractable problems, so \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot obtain any secret information. Therefore, our improved version is secure against MITM attacks.

  • \(\blacksquare\) Tracking attack resisting: Our proposed protocol uses the pseudonym technique (\(ID_{S}\)) for the tag identification in the database which is updated every each successful session. Besides, because the random variables \(r_{1}\), \(r_{2}\) are different on each session, \(R_{3}\) and \(R_{4}\) are also different, hence \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot get any fixed information to track. Consequently, the improved protocol can resist the tracking attack.

8 Performance Analysis and Comparison

In this section, we perform a comparative study on security and functionality properties, storage memory, computation and communication costs during the authentication phase between our improved version and the existing authentication protocol of Jin et al.’s protocol [42], Naeem et al. [35] and Dinarvand and Barati [3].

8.1 Comparison of Security and Functionality Properties

In Table 10, our improved protocol is compared with the some earlier ECC-based protocols of Jin et al.’s protocol [42], Naeem et al. [35] and Dinarvand and Barati [3] based on several security and functionality properties such as mutual authentication, scalability, forward security, untraceability and anonymity, availability, invalid point attack, tracking attack, Man-in-the-middle attack, disclosure attack, de-synchronization attack, replay attack, tracking attack, impersonation attack and invalid point attack. It is worth noticing that the proposed protocol by Dinarvand and Barati [3] fails to achieve invalid point and impersonation attacks. In addition, it is not resilient against de-synchronization attack. Naeem et al. [35] is vulnerable to secret identifier disclosure attack and tag impersonation attack. Jin et al.’s protocol [42] does not ensure data integrity and key compromise problem. In summary, the improved version supports additional functionality features and besides offers better security properties as compared to those for other protocols.

Table 10 Security performance comparison (\(\times\): not satisfied, \(\checkmark\): satisfied, − not mentioned)

8.2 Comparison of Communication Costs

The communication costs of a given authentication protocol is carried out by computing the length of the different conducted messages. Let us consider that the hash function output is 160 bits, identities and random numbers are 160 bits, the length of the elliptic curve is 160 bits (each point (xy) on the elliptic curve is 320 bits). In our improved protocol, the exchanged messages include \(r_{1}\), \(R_{3}\), \(R_{4}\), \(ID_{S}\) and \(R_{5}\) which need \((160+320+160+160) =800\; \texttt {bits}\) as total communication cost. In Table 11, we compare the communication cost of the improved protocol with other protocols. It is worth noticing that our improved version needs less communication cost as compared to other protocols while guaranteeing more security services and functionality features.

Table 11 Comparison of communication costs

8.3 Comparison of Computation Costs

Let \(T_{Hash}\) and \(T_{ecm}\) denote the required time for executing a one-way hash function and the scalar point multiplication operations, respectively. According to [3], the running time of the scalar multiplication (\(T_{ecm}\)) on 5 MHz tags is \(0.064\;\texttt {s}\). In addition, it is assumed that \(T_{Hash} =0.00032\) seconds [42]. Further, as the scalar multiplication is the most complex operation in the considered authentication protocols, the running time of other operations such as addition and Xoring can be neglected. The computation cost comparisons with some related works are recapitulated in Table 12. During the authentication and updating phases of the improved protocol, a tag needs the computational cost of \(2T_{ecm}+3T_{Hash}\) while a reader/server requires the computational cost of \(T_{ecm}+3T_{Hash}\). Thus, the total computation cost of our improved protocol is \(3T_{ecm}+6T_{Hash}\). Accordingly, it is noticeable that our improved version consumes less computational cost than Dinarvand and Barati’s protocol and in addition, it does not need an extra calculation workload to provide additional functionality and security features.

Table 12 Comparison of computation costs

8.4 Comparison of Storage Memory Costs

The storage memory cost signifies the required space area to store the different parameters of tag and server that are used to achieve the authentication process. In the improved version, the server has to store the common ECC system parameters \(\{a, b, P, p \;\texttt {and}\; n\}\), the server’s secret key \(x_{S}\), the tag’s unique identifier \(x_{t}\) and the new and old tag’s pseudonym \(ID_{S}^{old}\) and \(ID^{new}_{S}\). For the tag, it should stock also its common ECC system parameters \(\{a, b, P, p \;\texttt {and}\; n\}\), its unique identifier and pseudonym \(x_{t}\) and \(ID_{S}\), respectively and the public point \(P_{S}\). So, the required storage memory costs for the tag and server are as follows: Server: \(160 +160 + 320 + 160 + 160 + 160 + 160w + 160w + 160w = 1120 + 480w \;\texttt {(bits)}\), where w indicates the number of the tags of the system. Tag: \(160+160+320+160+160+160+160=1280\; \texttt {(bits)}\). We then compare the storage space of the improved protocol with other protocols in Table 13. It is observed that the improved protocol has less storage as compared to those for other protocols. Though, the improved protocol is the only protocol which is able to safeguard the system from numerous possible attacks.

Table 13 Comparison of storage space costs

9 Conclusion

The outstanding performance of ECC with its high security level, its small key sizes and its reduced complexity has fascinated numerous researchers in designing secure authentication solutions. In this paper, first, we have shown a series of efficient attacks on some of recently proposed authentication solutions using elliptic curve cryptography. The proposed attacks were in light of flaws related to several causes such as the lack of security maturity within protocols designs, lack of rigorous security verification using appropriate security tools, non-compliance with the fundamental cryptographic principles, etc. Therefore, we have learned that the most effective and simplest way to avoid these kinds of attacks is to judiciously fulfill the well-known engineering practices and sanity cryptographic recommendations and carefully use the formal and informal security analysis via the well-known security models. Moreover, even though the idea behind these kinds of attacks is basic, the attacks could have drastic consequences in case these against-measures are not seriously taken into account by the protocol’s designers. Furthermore, an efficient improved protocol was proposed to overcome the discovered flaws with low computational complexity and interesting security features. The security proof of the improved protocol was checked using informal and formal security proof models based on a random oracle model. As for future work, we want to discuss the practical limitations of the improved proposed in terms of computational power and extend it to an anonymous multi-server for IoT applications. This could be a further interesting research.