1 Introduction

The rapid growth of Internet and telecommunication has made the people work easier. In present days, more and more online activities, such as online shopping, online ticket booking, online bill payment, online gaming, and online medical services, etc. are provided through the Internet. To provide security in open channel is a prominent challenge in internet-based service. Generally to validate the legitimacy of a user, two mechanisms namely mutual authentication and secure key exchange are widely used. During the last decade, many passwords based mutual authentication schemes have become a prominent research topic. The smart card based user authentication scheme for the multi-server environment is simple and user friendly, which establishes the secure and authorized communication over the insecure channel. In the multi-server environment, three communication parties are involved, namely server, registration center, and client. Before the server and the client starts a new session, the identity of the two parties must be authenticated.

In 1981, Lamport [1] introduced the password based authentication scheme, in which the server stores the password. It was vulnerable to passive attack in case the password table is leaked or compromised, and the intruders could modify stored password in the system. Later, Hwang et al. [2] proposed an improved protocol which overcomes the weaknesses of the Lamport’s scheme. Later Yang and Shieh [3] intended two types of password authentication schemes based on timestamp and nonce with the smart card. In 2000, Hwang et al. [4] proposed an advanced remote user authentication scheme based on the ElGamals public key cryptosystem. Many smart card based authentication schemes have been suggested for single server environment [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]. The major drawback in a single server scheme is maintaining verification table, protecting user IDs and passwords.

In 2001, Li et al. [16] suggested a remote password-based authentication scheme using neural networks for multiserver environment. In this scheme, the user has to register himself once with various servers and remember his credentials, such as user ID and password. Unlike the other schemes, it does not need verification table to verify the legitimacy of the user. In 2003, Lin et al. [17] proposed a new scheme in which the user does not have to remember the user ID and password. However, Juang [18] demonstrated that Lin et al.’s scheme cannot achieve mutual authentication and session key security. To overcome these weaknesses, Juang suggested an enhanced scheme for the multiserver environment using the symmetric encryption algorithm in which, the user has to register himself at the registration center once and thereby can access various servers. The scheme can overcome repeated registration problem and also a large amount of memory is not needed to store the parameters for authentication. In the same year, Chang et al. [19] showed that Juang’s scheme cannot resist dictionary attack and also the computational cost along with the communicational overhead of the scheme is high. Chang et al. proposed a scheme which is more efficient and secure than the Juang’s scheme. Unfortunately, their scheme suffers from insider attack and lack of wrong password checking. In 2004, Tsaur et al. [20] suggested a new scheme based on the RSA cryptosystem and Lagrange interpolating polynomial. But, this scheme does not achieve user anonymity and also computational, and the communicational cost is high. In 2006, Yang et al. suggested a password-based authentication scheme based on two server architecture in which the front-end server communicates with directly to the end user, and the back-end control server stays behind the scene [21].

In 2008, Tsai [22] constructed a multiserver authentication scheme using one-way hash function and nonce. Most of the authentication schemes for the multiserver environment are based on static user ID which helps the adversary to intercept user ID from the public networks and impersonate as an authentic user. In 2009, Liao et al. [23] suggested a scheme based on dynamic user ID which achieved user anonymity, mutual authentication, session key agreement, and can withstand various attacks. Later, Hsiang et al. [24] depicted that Lio et al.’s scheme is insecure to server and registration center spoofing attack, insider attack, masquerade attack. To resolve these issues, they proposed a new scheme which provides more security than other schemes. Unfortunately, Hsiang et al.’s scheme suffers from a server spoofing attack, masquerade attack, and does not achieve mutual authentication. In 2011, to overcome these weaknesses, Lee et al. [25] and Sood et al. [26] suggested two authentication schemes for the multiserver environment.

Li et al. [27] noticed that Sood et al.’s scheme suffers from stolen smart card attack, leak-of-verifier attack, and impersonation attack. In 2013, Li et al. [28] found out that Lee et al.’s scheme could not resist forgery attack and server spoofing attack, and not provides mutual authentication. They proposed a scheme which can overcome these flaws and claimed that their scheme is more secure. Also, their scheme can achieve user anonymity and mutual authentication. Zhao et al. [29] proposed a new scheme against Li et al.’s as they noticed that Li et al.’s scheme is susceptible to smart card lost attack, offline dictionary attack, replay attack, impersonation attack, and server spoofing attack. In 2014, Xue et al. [30] came up with a new scheme and demonstrated that Li et al.’s scheme is inefficient to replay attack, denial-of-service attack, smart card, forgery attack, and eavesdropping attack. Their scheme not only overcomes the flaws of the Li et al.’s scheme but also achieves some security features such as traceability and identity protection. Many two factor and three factor based authentication schemes have been suggested for multi-server environment [31,32,33]. In 2015, Shunmuganathan et al. [34] suggested that Li et al.’s scheme is vulnerable to offline password guessing, forgery attack, and smart card loss attack. Later, in 2017 Jangirala et al. demonstrated that Shunmuganathan et al.’s scheme cannot withstand password guessing attack, user impersonation attack, stolen smart card attack, forgery attack, and replay attack. Furthermore, this scheme fails to achieve forward secrecy and also has poor repairability [35].

We made a rigorous cryptanalysis of Jangirala et al.’s scheme and proved that the scheme is unable to withstand user impersonation attack, replay attack, and forgery attack. Furthermore, this scheme is failed to achieve mutual authentication. To overcome these weaknesses, we proposed an enhanced dynamic ID-based mutual authentication scheme for the multiserver environment using a smart card. In addition, the mutual authentication of the proposed scheme has been proved using BAN logic. Also, the simulation of the proposed scheme has been done using widely accepted AVISPA tool.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Sect. 2, we provide a brief review of Jangirala et al.’s protocol. Section 3 points out the security weaknesses of Jangirala et al.’s protocol. In Sect. 4, we propose our protocol for the multiserver environment using dynamic identity. Security analysis and simulation of the proposed scheme has been shown in Sects. 5 and 6 respectively. The comparison of the cost and functionality of the proposed protocol with other related protocols is discussed in Sect. 7. Finally, we concluded in Sect. 8.

2 Overview of Jangirala et al.’s Scheme

This section, we briefly review Jangirala et al.’s scheme [35], which is an enhancement over Shunmuganathan et al.’s scheme [34]. The notations used throughout this paper are given in Table 1. The scheme is composed of four phases, such as registration phase, login phase, authentication phase, and password change phase. In this scheme, there are three participants: the user (\(U_r\)), the server (\(S_u\)), and the registration cente (RS). The RS chooses the master key \(R_x\) and the secret number \(R_y\) to calculate \(h(R_x \Vert R_y\)) and \(h(R_y)\) assuming that RS is the trusted party. The details of each phase are given in Table 2.

Table 1 Notation used

2.1 Registration Phase

A user (\(U_r\)) initially registers with the RS by proceeding through the following steps:

  1. Step 1:

    The user \(U_r\) first selects ID\(_u\), password PW\(_u\) and a random number b. Then submits \(ID_u\) and \(A_u=h(ID_u \oplus PW_u \oplus b)\) to the RS for registration through a secure channel.

  2. Step 2:

    RS calculates \(B_u, C_u, D_u, E_u\) as follows and embeds the parameters into SC.

    \(B_u=h(ID_u \Vert R_x)\)

    \(C_u=h(ID_u \Vert A_u \Vert h(R_y))\)

    \(D_u=h(B_u \Vert h(R_x \Vert R_y))\)

    \(E_u=h(R_x \Vert R_y)\oplus B_u\)

  3. Step 3:

    Now, the server issues smart card to the user. On receiving SC, the user calculates \(L_u=b \oplus h(ID_u \Vert PW_u)\) and stores \(L_u\) into the smart card. Finally, the smart card contains \((C_u, D_u, E_u, L_u, h(R_y), h(.))\).

2.2 Login Phase

In this phase the user \(U_r\) sends the login message to the server \(S_u\) as follows:

  1. Step 1:

    User \(U_r\) inserts his SC into the card reader and enters his \(ID_u\) and password \(PW_u\). Then, the SC computes \(A_u\) and \(C_u^*\) and compares \(C_u\) with \(C_u^*\) .

  2. Step 2:

    If the condition satisfies, then the SC proceeds to the next steps. Otherwise, it terminates the session.

  3. Step 3:

    The smart card generates random number \(N_i\) and computes the following parameters.

    \(P_{us}=E_u \oplus h(h(SID_u \Vert h(R_y) \Vert N_i ))\)

    \({CID}_u= A_u \oplus h(D_u \Vert SID_u \Vert N_i)\)

    \(M_1= h(P_{us} \Vert CID_u \Vert A_u \Vert N_i)\)

    \(M_2= h(SID_u \Vert h(R_y)) \oplus N_i\)

    Then \(U_r\) sends \((P_{us}, CID_u, M_1, M_2)\) to the server as login message.

    The registration and login phase of Jangirala et al. scheme are given in Table 2.

Table 2 Registration and Login phase of Jangirala et al.

2.3 Authentication Phase

To verify the login message and perform the mutual authentication, the server proceeds as per the following steps.

  1. Step 1:

    Upon receiving the login message, \(S_u\) computes \(h(h(SID_u \Vert h(R_y))\oplus M_2\) to find \(N_i\). Then computes \(P_{us} \oplus h(h(SID_u \Vert h(R_y) \Vert N_i))\) to find \(E_u\) and obtain \(B_u\) by computing (\(E_u \oplus h(R_x \Vert R_y))\). Then, the server computes \(CID_u \oplus h(D_u \Vert SID_u \Vert N_i)\) to computes \(A_u\).

  2. Step 2:

    \(S_u\) calculate \(h(P_{us} \Vert CID_u \Vert A_u \Vert N_i\)) and compares with \(M_1\). If they are not equal server rejects the login message. Otherwise, server generates a random number \(N_j\) and computes \(M_3=h(SK_{ij} \Vert A_u \Vert SID_u \Vert N_j)\) and \(M_4=(SK_{ij} \oplus N_j)\), where \(SK_{ij}=h(h(B_u \Vert h(R_x \Vert R_y)) \Vert A_u)\). Then, \(S_u\) sends \((M_3, M_4)\) to the \(U_r\) for authentication.

  3. Step 3:

    After receiving the message (\(M_3\), \(M_4\)) the \(U_r\) computes \(SK_{ij}=h(D_u \Vert A_u)\) which is available previously. Next, extract \(N_j=SK_{ij} \oplus M_4\). Then calculate \(h(SK_{ij} \Vert SID_u \Vert A_u \Vert N_j\)) and compares it with \(M_3\). If both are equal, the server is successfully authenticated and proceed to the next step. Otherwise the user rejects the message and terminates the session. The details of the authentication scheme is given in Table 3.

2.4 Password Change Phase

A valid user can change his password as follows:

  1. Step 1:

    The user inserts his smart card into a card reader and enters his/her identity \(ID_u\) and password \(PW_u\). The smart card computes \(b^*=L_u \oplus h(ID_u \Vert PW_u)\), \(A_u^*=h(ID_u \oplus PW_u \oplus b^*)\) and \(C_u^*=h(ID_u \Vert h(R_y) \Vert A_u^*)\)).

  2. Step 2:

    Then SC checks for the computed \(C_u^* \overset{?}{=} C_u\). If they are not equal, then it will reject the password change request. Otherwise, the user is allowed to input a new password \(PW_u^n\).

  3. Step 3:

    The smart card computes the following parameters:

    \(A_u^n=h(ID_u \oplus b^* \oplus PW_u^n )\)

    \(C_u^n=h(ID_u \Vert A_u^n \Vert h(R_y))\)

    \(L_u^n=b^* \oplus h(ID_u \Vert PW_u^n)\)

And finally, the SC replaces \(C_u\), \(L_u\) with \(C_u^n\), \(L_u^n\) respectively and replaces the new password.

Table 3 Authentication phase of Jangirala et al.’s scheme

3 Cryptanalysis of Jangirala et al.’s Scheme

In this section, the weaknesses of Jangirala et al. scheme is discussed. We analyzed that this scheme is vulnerable to forgery attack, replay attack, user impersonation attack and does not achieve forward secrecy. Also, this scheme failed to achieve mutual authentication.

3.1 Forgery Attack

For instance, the smart card is lost or stolen. An adversary \((A_k)\) can obtained information \((C_u, D_u, E_u,h(.), h(R_y))\) from the smart card and can intercept the login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1, M_2)\) from the public channel. Then \(A_k\) first computes the random number \(N_i=M_2 \oplus h(SID_u \Vert h(R_y))\). Next, \(A_k\) gets \(A_u\) by computing \(A_u=CID_u \oplus h(D_u \Vert SID_j \Vert N_i)\). To forge the login message, he can generate a new random number \(N_i^*\) and calculates \(P_{us}^*=E_u \oplus h(h(SID_j\Vert h(R_y)) \Vert N_i^*)\), \(M_1^*=h(P_{us}^* \Vert CID_u \Vert A_u \Vert N_i^*)\). Then, sends the login message \((CID_u,P_{us}^*,M_1^*,M_2)\) to \(S_u\). Thus, this scheme cannot withstand forgery attacks.

3.2 Replay Attack

An intruder attempts to eavesdrop a valid login message and replay the message \((CID_u, P_{us}^*, M_1^*, M_2)\) to \(S_u\). Upon receiving the login message, the server sends the message \((M_3, M_4)\) to the \(U_r.\) Next, to acknowledge the \(S_u\), adversary \(A_k\) computes \(M_5=h(SK_{ij} \Vert A_u \Vert SID_j \Vert N_i \Vert N_j)\). Now \(A_k\) can compute \(SK_{ij}=h(D_u \Vert A_u)\), where \(D_u\) is obtained from the SC and \(A_u\) is calculated by \(A_k\) as explained in forgery attack. After computing \(SK_{ij}\), an adversary can calculate \(N_j=SK_{ij} \oplus M_4\) and sends \(M_5\) to the \(S_u\). So, this scheme can not resist replay attack.

3.3 User Impersonation Attack

This scheme does not withstand impersonation attack. Without knowing the user \(ID_u\) and \(PW_u\), the adversary can transmit the login message \((CID_u,P_{us}^*,M_1^*,M_2)\) to \(S_u\) as we discussed in replay attack. Upon getting the login message, the server tries to calculate \(N_i^*=h(SID_j \Vert h(R_y)) \oplus M_2\), \(A_u^*= CID_u \oplus h(D_u \Vert SID_u \Vert N_i^*)\). Then, the received \(M_1\) will be equal to \(h(P_{us}^* \Vert CID_u \Vert A_u^* \Vert N_i^*)\). Thus, the attacker can successfully impersonate the user.

3.4 Mutual Authentication

The above discussed replay attack proves that an adversary can authorize the server and sends \(M_5^*\) by using its own information, i.e. \(M_5^*=h(SK_{ij}^* \Vert A_u^* \Vert SID_j \Vert N_i^* \Vert N_j)\). Then \(S_u\) checks \(M_5^*\) and does not know about the random number \(N_i^*, A_u^*\) and \(SK_{ij}^*\). So, this scheme does not achieve proper mutual authentication.

4 Proposed Scheme

In this section, we proposed an improved smart card based authentication scheme for the multiserver environment, which can overcome all the weaknesses of Jangirala et al.’s scheme. The proposed scheme comprises of three participants the server(\(S_u\)), the user(\(U_r\)), and the registration center(RS). The proposed scheme has four phases: registration phase, login phase, authentication phase, and password change phase. The notations used in this scheme are described in Table 1.

4.1 Registration Phase

A new user \(U_r\) registers himself with registration center RS before communicating with server \(S_u\). The RS generates a master key \(R_x\) and a secret number \(R_y\). Then registration center calculates \(h(R_x)\) and \(h(R_x\Vert R_y)\) and shares it with the server in a secure channel, where \(S_u\) is registered before with RS. To complete the registration phase, \(U_r\) and RS execute the following steps as given in Table 4.

  1. Step 1:

    The \(U_r\) freely chooses his/her user name and password. And also select a random number b to compute \(PW_n=h(PW_u \Vert b)\). Then, \(U_r\) sends the user \(ID_u\) and \(PW_n\) to the RS through secure channel.

  2. Step 2:

    Upon receiving the message \((ID_u, PW_n)\) from the \(U_r\), RS computes the following parameters:

    \(B_u= h(ID_u \Vert R_x)\)

    \(C_u= h(h(R_x \Vert R_y) \Vert h(R_y)) \oplus B_u\)

    \(D_u= h(ID_u \Vert PW_n \Vert C_u) \oplus h(R_x \Vert R_y)\)

    \(E_u=h(ID_u \Vert PW_n \Vert h(R_y))\)

  3. Step 3:

    Then, the RS embeds the parameters \((C_u, D_u, E_u, h(R_y), h(.))\) into SC and issues it to the \(U_r\). After receiving the information, \(U_r\) calculates \(P_u=b\oplus h(ID_u \Vert PW_u)\) and stores \(P_u\) into the SC.

Table 4 Registration and Login phase of proposed scheme

4.2 Login Phase

In this phase, the \(U_r\) inserts the SC to the smart card reader to login with the \(S_u\). The details of the login phase described as follows and presented in Table 4.

  1. Step 1:

    The \(U_r\) submits his user \(ID_u\) and \(PW_u\). Then SC calculates b by using the stored information \(P_u\) as \(b=P_u \oplus h(ID_u \Vert PW_u)\).

  2. Step 2:

    Now, the SC calculates \(E_u^*=h(ID_u \Vert PW_n \Vert h(R_y))\), where \(ID_u\) is given by the user and \(PW_n=h(PW_u \Vert b)\). Then, it checks whether the stored \(E_u\) is equal to \(E_u^*\). If they are not equal, SC terminates the session. Otherwise, SC authenticates the \(U_r\) and generates a nonce to compute the following parameters.

    \(P_{us}= h(SID_u \Vert h(R_x \Vert R_y) \Vert h(R_y) \Vert N_i) \oplus C_u\)

    \(F_u= h(h(R_x \Vert R_y) \Vert N_i)\)

    \(R_u= h(F_u \Vert C_u \Vert h(R_y\)) )

    \(CID_u=h (R_u \Vert D_u \Vert h(R_y)) \oplus F_u\)

    \(M_1 = h(P_{us} \Vert CID_u \Vert F_u)\)

Then, the SC sends the login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1,N_i)\) to the \(S_u\) through open channel.

4.3 Authentication Phase

Upon receiving the login message, \(S_u\) performs the following steps for authentication. The details of the authentication phase are given in Table 5.

  1. Step 1:

    After obtaining the login message, \(S_u\) computes \(C_u, F_u\), and \(R_u\). Then, it validates the user by computing \(h(P_{us} \Vert CID_u \Vert F_u) \overset{?}{=} M_1\), where \(F_u= h(h(R_x \Vert R_y) \Vert N_i)\). If the condition is not satisfied, \(S_u\) terminates the session. Otherwise, it generates random number \(N_k\) and computes \(SK_{us}, Z_1, M_2\) as follows.

    \(B_u= h(h(R_x \Vert R_y)\Vert (R_y)) \oplus C_u\)

    \(SK_{us}=h(B_u \Vert SID_j \Vert R_u \Vert N_k\))

    \(Z_1=N_k \oplus R_u\)

    \(M_2=h(P_{us} \Vert SK_{us} \Vert F_u \Vert N_k\))

    Then \(S_u\) sends the message \((Z_1, M_2)\) to the user through the public channel.

  2. Step 2:

    \(U_r\) extracts \(N_k\) to compute \(SK_{us}\) for authentication of the server. First, the \(U_r\) compares \(h(P_{us} \Vert SK_{us} \Vert F_u \Vert N_k \overset{?}{=} M_2\)). If this condition is not satisfied, then the user declines the session. Otherwise, the \(S_u\) will be successfully authenticated by the user.

  3. Step 3:

    To complete the mutual authentication process, \(U_r\) computes \(M_3= h(SID_u \Vert F_u \Vert SK_{us} \Vert N_k)\) and sends it to the \(S_u\) through the public channel.

  4. Step 4:

    Upon receiving the message \(M_3\), \(S_u\) computes \(h(SID_j \Vert F_u \Vert SK_{us} \Vert N_k)\) and checks whether it is equal to received message or not. If both are not equal, the server rejects the session. Otherwise, \(U_r\) is successfully authenticated by the server and the mutual authentication process is complete.

  5. Step 5:

    Then both \(U_r\) and \(S_u\) compute the session key \(SK_f= h(SID_j \Vert B_u \Vert SK_{us} \Vert F_u \Vert N_i \Vert N_k)\) for future communication.

4.4 Password Change Phase

In this phase, an authentic user can change the old password to new password as follows.

  1. Step1:

    \(U_r\) inserts SC into card reader and inputs \(ID_u\), \(PW_u\) and \(PW_{new}\).

  2. Step 2:

    SC calculates \(b= P_u \oplus h(ID_u \Vert PW_u)\) and verifies the authenticity of the user by comparing \(E_u \overset{?}{=}E_u^*\). If the condition does not satisfied, SC rejects the request. If satisfied, the user is allowed to input a new password \(PW_{new}\).

  3. Step 3:

    Finally SC calculates \(PW_{new^*}=h(b \Vert PW_{new})\), \(P_u^{new}=b \oplus h(ID_u \Vert PW_{new^*})\), \(E_u^{new}=h(ID_u \Vert PW_u \Vert h(R_y) )\), and replaces \(P_u, E_u\) with \(P_u^{new}, E_u^{new}\) respectively. The new password is successfully updated.

Table 5 Authentication and session key agreement phase of proposed scheme

5 Security Analysis of the Scheme Using BAN Logic

To prove the security of the session key between the user and server, we have used the BAN logic, which is one of the most popular and widely used logic for analyzing the authentication protocols [36, 37]. It depicts beliefs of both user and server, which are involved in communication. Then, we demonstrate the security properties of the proposed scheme. We used the symbols P and Q are principals, X and Y range over statements and K ranges over the cryptographic key.

The notations of the BAN logic for the proposed scheme are as follows:

  • P \(\mid \equiv\) \(S_X\) : P believes that \(S_X\) is true.

  • #(\(S_X\)): \(S_X\) is fresh, which means \(S_X\) has not been used before.

  • P \(\Rightarrow\) \(S_X\): P has complete authority on \(S_X\) and P believes \(S_X\).

  • \(P \lhd S_X\): Someone sends message containing \(S_X\) to P.

  • \(P \mid \thicksim S_X\): Sometime(may be long time ago or current time) P sent a message including \(S_X\).

  • \(<S_X>S_Y\): \(S_X\) is concatenated with the secret formula \(S_Y\).

  • \((S_X)_h\): The formula \(S_X\) is hashed.

  • \((S_X)_K\): The formula \(S_X\) is encrypted with key K.

  • P \(\overset{K}{\leftrightarrow }\) Q: P and Q use K as secret key between them. Only P and Q know about the K and not others.

  • SK: The session key between the user and server which is used for secure communication.

    Ban logic rules as follows:

  • The message meaning rule

    \(\frac{P \mid \equiv P \overset{K}{\leftrightarrow }Q, P \lhd (S_X)_K}{P\mid \equiv Q \mid \thicksim S_X}\)

    P believes that P and Q shared the secret key K and P receives the message which is encrypted by K. P believes that, Q sometimes sent message including \(S_X\).

  • The nonce verification rule

    \(\frac{P \mid \equiv S_X(S_X), P \mid \equiv Q \mid \thicksim X}{P \mid \equiv Q \mid \equiv S_X}\)

    If P believes that \(S_X\) is fresh and Q sends the message containing \(S_X\) once, then P believes that Q believes \(S_X\).

  • The jurisdiction rule

    \(\frac{P \mid \equiv Q \Rightarrow S_X, P \mid \equiv Q \mid \equiv S_X}{P\mid \equiv S_X}\)

    P believes that Q has complete authority on \(S_X\) and P believes that Q believes \(S_X\). P believes \(S_X\) is true.

  • The freshness rule

    \(\frac{P \mid \equiv \# S_X}{P \mid \equiv \#(S_X, S_Y)}\)

    If P believes that \(S_X\) is fresh, then the P believes that (\(S_X\),\(S_Y\))must be fresh.

  • The belief rule

    \(\frac{P \mid \equiv Q \mid \equiv (S_X,S_Y)}{P \mid \equiv Q \mid \equiv (S_X)}\)

    If P believes that the Q believes message \(S_X\) and \(S_Y\), then P believes Q believes the message \(S_X\).

According to BAN logic, the proposed scheme satisfies the following goals.

  1. Goal 1:

    \(U_r \mid \equiv U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u\)

  2. Goal 2:

    \(U_r \mid \equiv S_u \mid \equiv U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u\)

  3. Goal 3:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u\)

  4. Goal 4:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv U_r \mid \equiv U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u\)

We transform our scheme to the idealized form as follows:

  1. Message 1:

    \(U_r \rightarrow S_u : < P_{us}, CID_u, M_1,N_i>_{{U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u}}\)

  2. Message 2:

    \(S_u \rightarrow U_r : <Z_1, M_2> _{{U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u}}\)

  3. Message 3:

    \(U_r \rightarrow S_u : <M_3>_{{U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u}}\)

Based on BAN logic, the following assumptions are taken.:

\(A_1:\) :

\(U_r \mid \equiv \# N_1\)

\(A_2:\) :

\(S_u \mid \equiv \# N_2\)

\(A_3:\) :

\(U_r \mid \equiv (U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\)

\(A_4:\) :

\(S_u \mid \equiv (U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\)

\(A_5:\) :

\(U_r \mid \equiv S_u \mid \Rightarrow (U_r \overset{SK_f}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\)

\(A_6:\) :

\(S_u \mid \equiv U_r \mid \Rightarrow (U_r \overset{SK_f}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\)

The SC generates the random number and computes some parameters. Then the \(U_r\) sends the message to the S.

  1. Step 1:

    \(S_u \triangleleft (P_{us}, CID_u, M_1,N_i)_{{U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u}}\)

    According to Step 1, assumption \(A_3\), by applying message meaning rule we obtain

  2. Step 2:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv U_r \mid \thicksim (U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_i, U_r \overset{h(SID_u \Vert h(R_y))}{\leftrightarrow }S_u )\)

    According to Step 2 and assumption \(A_1\), by using freshness rule, Step 3 can be applied

  3. Step 3:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv \#(U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_i, U_r \overset{h(SID_u \Vert h(R_y))}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\)

    According to Step 2 and Step 3, by applying the nonce-verification rule, we obtain Step 4

  4. Step 4:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv U_r \mid \equiv (U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_i, U_r \overset{h(SID_u \Vert h(R_y))}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\)

    According to Step 4 and belief rule, we obtain Step 5 as follows

  5. Step 5:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv U_r \mid \equiv (U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\)

    According to Step 5 and assumption \(A_4\), by applying jurisdiction rule we get Step 6

  6. Step 6:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv (U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\)

    According to Message 2, we find Step 7 as follows

  7. Step 7:

    \(U_r \triangleleft (P_{us}, U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_k)_{ (U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)}\)

    According to Step 7 and assumption \(A_5\), by applying message meaning rule, Step 8 can be applied

  8. Step 8:

    \(U_r \mid \equiv S_u \mid \thicksim (P_{us}, U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_k)_{ (U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)}\)

    By Step 8 and assumption \(A_2\), by applying the freshness rule, we can get

  9. Step 9:

    \(U_r \mid \equiv S_u \# (P_{us}, U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_k)_{ (U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)}\)

    By Step 8 and Step 9, applying the nonce verification rule to proceed to Step 10

  10. Step 10:

    \(U_r \mid \equiv S_u \mid \equiv (P_{us}, U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_k)_{ (U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)}\)

    According to Step 10 and belief rule, we obtained Step 11 as follows

  11. Step 11:

    \(U_r \mid \equiv S_u \mid \equiv (U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u\)) (Goal-2)

    According to Step 11, assumption \(A_5\), and the jurisdiction rule, we have Step 12 as follows

  12. Step 12:

    \(U_r \mid \equiv (S_u \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u\)) (Goal-1)

    According to message 3, Step 13 has been obtained

  13. Step 13:

    \(S_u \triangleleft (SID_u, U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_k)_{(U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)}\)

    According to Step 13 and Assumption \(A_3\), the message meaning rule has been applied

  14. Step 14:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv U_r \mid \thicksim (SID_u, U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_k)_{(U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)}\)

    From Step 14, Assumption \(A_2\) and freshness rule, we get Step 15 as follows

  15. Step 15:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv \# (SID_u, U_r \overset{F_u}{\leftrightarrow }S_u, N_k)_{(U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)}\)

    According to Step 15, we apply the belief rule

  16. Step 16:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv U_r \mid \equiv (U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\) (Goal-4)

    According to Step 16 and assumption \(A_4\), jurisdiction rule has been applied to get Step 17

  17. Step 17:

    \(S_u \mid \equiv (U_r \overset{SK_{us}}{\leftrightarrow }S_u)\) (Goal-3)

We proved that the proposed scheme successfully accomplish all the goals. Both the server and user believe that they share the secure session key.

5.1 Security Analysis

In this section, we discuss the security analysis of the proposed scheme. The proposed scheme not only provides mutual authentication, user anonymity but also resist various attacks.

  1. 1.

    Mutual authentication

    The proposed scheme achieves mutual authentication between user and server. Both the user and server are authenticated by each other. The login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1, N_i)\) is sent from the user to server. Upon receiving the message, server extracts \(F_u\), \(R_u\) and verifies the validity of \(M_1\). If \(M_1\) is true, then the user is a valid user. Then the server computes \(M_2=h (P_{us} \Vert SK_{us} \Vert F_u \Vert N_k)\)) and sends it to the user. After receiving the message \(M_2\) from the server, user checks for the legitimacy of the server. If it is successfully validated, then the user computes \(M_3=h (SID_u \Vert F_u \Vert SK_{us} \Vert N_k)\). Then sends it to the server to prove its legitimacy and to complete the mutual authentication process. When both user and server successfully authenticate each other, the session key \(SK_f=h(SID_j \Vert B_u \Vert SK_{us}\Vert F_u \Vert N_i \Vert N_k)\) will be generated for secure communication.

  2. 2.

    User anonymity

    In this scheme, the secrecy of user \(U_r\) is maintained by transmitting a session variant user identity \(ID_u\). The information stored in smart card includes \(ID_u\) with secret key \(R_x\) and password \(PW_n\) . Moreover, the login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1, N_i)\) does not contain any \(ID_u\) in plain text. However, to verify the guessed identity \(ID_u^*\) from the expression \(C_u=h( h(R_x \Vert R_y)\Vert h(R_y)) \oplus B_u\), the secret key \(R_x\) and \(R_y\) is needed, which is impossible to extract. To extract the \(ID_u\) from the \(E_u\), the adversary has to know the \(PW_n\), in which the password \(PW_u\) is concatenated with the random number b. Hence, the proposed scheme achieves user anonymity.

  3. 3.

    Insider attack

    It may happens that, the \(U_r\) can use same \(ID_u\) and password for different applications. If the password is revealed by RS or any privileged insider, then it leads to various security flaws. In the proposed scheme, \(U_r\) registers himself by sending \(h(PW_u \Vert b)\) instead of \(PW_u\) in plain text. So RS or any privileged insider cannot extract password. Thus, the proposed scheme can withstand the insider attack.

  4. 4.

    Replay attack

    To ensure the freshness of the message during the authentication phase, two methods are used, one is the time stamp and the other is random number. In the proposed scheme, two random numbers \(N_i\) and \(N_k\) has been generated to make the login message dynamic. Suppose the adversary (\(A_k\)) got hold of the login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1, N_i)\) and attempts to respond the login message by sending \((Z_1, M_2)\). However, he will not succeeded to generate a valid login message as \(Z_1=N_k \oplus R_u\), \(R_u= h(F_u \Vert C_u \Vert h(R_y\))), \(F_u= h(h(R_x \Vert R_y) \Vert N_i)\), and \(C_u= h(SID_u \Vert h(R_x \Vert R_y) \Vert h(R_y) \Vert N_i) \oplus P_{us}\). Although random number \(N_i\) is known, still he can not compute \(F_u\) and \(C_u\) as master key \(h(R_x \Vert R_y)\) is used. In addition, to compute \(M_2=h(P_{us} \Vert SK_{us} \Vert F_u \Vert N_k\)), he needs \(SK_{us}=h(B_u \Vert SID_j \Vert R_u \Vert N_k\)). The authentication will definitely fail as \(A_k\) could not able to compute \(M_2\). This proves that the proposed scheme can resist the replay attack.

  5. 5.

    Known-key security

    The proposed scheme achieves known key security. Even if the session key \((SK_f)\) is compromised, it would not reveal any information about other session keys. The \(SK_f\) is computed as \(SK_f=h(SID_u \Vert SK_{us} \Vert B_u \Vert F_u \Vert N_i \Vert N_k)\), where \(F_u\) is not known to adversary. Also, if the smart card information \(C_u\) is leaked, he cannot extract \(B_u\) as \(B_u= h(h(R_x \Vert R_y)\Vert h(R_y)) \oplus C_u\). And also \(N_i\) and \(N_k\) are two random numbers generated by user and server respectively which are different for each session. So, the proposed scheme achieves known key secrecy.

  6. 6.

    Smart card loss attack

    In case the smart card is lost or stolen, the attacker tries to extract the smart card information \((C_u, D_u, E_u, P_u, h(R_y), h(.))\), where \(C_u= h(h(R_x \Vert R_y) \Vert h(R_y)) \oplus B_u\), \(D_u= h(ID_u \Vert PW_n \Vert C_u) \oplus h(R_x \Vert R_y)\), \(E_u=h(ID_u \Vert PW_n \Vert h(R_y))\). But, he can not succeeded to get \(ID_u\) and \(PW_u\) to login the system as they are protected through a one way hash function. Moreover, the adversary can not retrieve the master secret key \(R_x\) and secret number \(R_y\) as the \(ID_u\) and \(PW_u\) are not known. Therefore, the proposed scheme can resist smart card loss attack.

  7. 7.

    Offline password guessing attack

    Suppose, the smart card has been lost or stolen, and the adversary can retrieve the information \((C_u, D_u, E_u, P_u, h(R_y), h(.))\) from the smart card. In addition, another assumption is an \(A_k\) has eavesdropped the login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1, N_i )\) transmitted between the \(U_r\) and \(S_u\). But the adversary cannot compute \(PW_n\) as it is protected by one-way hash function. To reveal \(PW_n\), the adversary has to know \(PW_u\) and b which are provided only by the user. Therefore, the proposed scheme withstands offline password guessing attack.

  8. 8.

    User impersonation attack

    The proposed scheme secure against the user impersonation attack due to the following reason.

    Adversary \(A_k\) tries to impersonation the user by generating login message. However, it is impossible because, to compute \(CID_u\), \(A_k\) has to know \(h(R_x \Vert R_y)\), which is the secret key created by the server. To retrieve \(h(R_x \Vert R_y)\), an adversary has the knowledge of \(ID_u, PW_u\) and random number b. So, \(A_k\) cannot impersonate the user during the login phase. In authentication phase, \(A_k\) may try to impersonate the message \(M_3\). But, it is impossible without the knowledge of \(SK_{us}=h(B_u \Vert SID_u \Vert R_u \Vert N_k)\). Again to calculate \(SK_{us}\) adversary needs \(B_u, R_u\) and random number \(N_k\). So, the proposed scheme withstands user impersonation attack.

  9. 9.

    Server impersonation attack

    For server impersonation attack, adversary has to generate \((Z_1, M_2)\), where \(M_2=h(P_{us} \Vert SK_{us} \Vert F_u \Vert N_k)\). Even though attacker knows \(P_{us}\), he needs \(B_u, R_u, F_u, N_k\) to calculate \(Z_1\). In the proposed scheme, \(B_u\) is computed by using master key \(R_x\) and \(F_u\) calculated by using secret key \(h(R_x \Vert R_y)\) generated by RS. Thus, server impersonation attack is not possible in the proposed protocol.

  10. 10.

    Forgery attack

    The assumption is adversary knows the login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1, N_i )\). He tries to forge the message as a legitimate user. But, to compute \(CID_u\), he needs \(F_u\) and \(R_u\), where \(F_u=h(h(R_x \Vert R_y) \Vert N_i)\), and \(R_u=h(F_u \Vert C_u \Vert h(R_y))\). He cannot compute the login request without knowing master key \(R_x\), secret key \(h(R_x \Vert R_y)\) and random number b. So, \(A_k\) cannot generate a valid login message. Hence, the proposed scheme can withstand the forgery attack.

  11. 11.

    Denial of service attack

    To execute Denial of service attack, \(A_k\) has to submit correct user \(ID_u\) and \(PW_u\) to the smart card. But extraction of \(ID_u\) and \(PW_u\) is infeasible for the adversary, as these parameters are not sent in encrypted form. Also, these parameters are not sent between the user and server during login and authentication phase. Therefore, the proposed scheme can resist denial of service attack.

  12. 12.


    Reparability means the RS can issues a new smart card to a user in case of lost or stolen. The proposed scheme can revoke the smart card of a legal user if it is lost or stolen. The user has to request to RS with the same user \(ID_u\) and \(PW_n\). The adversary can not get the user \(ID_u\) and \(PW_n\) as we have discussed in stolen smart card attack. Hence, the proposed scheme provides good reparability.

  13. 13.

    Password update

    In this scheme, a user can freely choose his password and change it as needed. One can change the password only if he knows the old password. The intruder cannot change the password without knowing the valid login message and the old password.

6 Simulation Result Using AVISPA Tool

In this section, we provide the simulation of the proposed scheme using widely accepted AVISPA (Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications) tool [38]. To validate internet security protocol, AVISPA is one of the prominent tools out of the all existing tools [39]. It is a modular and expressive formal language for defining the protocols and security properties.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The architecture of the AVISPA Tool

All interaction with the simultaneous tool is made by passing the security problem (one that is any security property that the protocol is expected to achieve) in High-Level Protocol Specification Language (HLPSL) [40]. The user-defined security problem is automatically translated (via the HLPSL2IF Translator)into an analogous specification written in an Intermediate Format (IF) as shown in Fig. 1. IF specifications are input to the back-ends which implement different techniques to search the corresponding infinite-state transition. There are four back-ends that are On-the-fly Model-Checker(OFMC), CL-based Attack Searcher(CL-AtSe), SAT-based Model-checker(SATMC), and Tree-Automata-based Protocol-Analyser(TA4SP). Then, the back-end analyzed the protocol and generated the Output Format(OF).

6.1 Specifying the Scheme

In this section, we describe the specification of the proposed scheme using HLPSL language for the roles of user (\(U_r\)), server (\(S_u\)) and registration center (RS). Each role has some initial information by parameters, and then they can transmit parameters to others using a secure and public channel. The channel(dy) denotes the Dolev-Yao threat model [41] in which an intruder can eavesdrop and modify the message during communication. The user \(U_r\) (initiator of the proposed scheme), first receives the start signal and changes its state from 0 to 1. During the registration phase, the \(U_r\) will send the message \((ID_u, PW_n)\) to the RS through a secure channel using snd() operation and symmetric key \(SK_{us}\). Upon receiving the message, RS will issues a SC to the \(U_r\) containing the parameters \((C_u, D_u, E_u, h(R_y), h(.))\). The user will receive the SC by using rcv() operation and symmetric key \(SK_{us}\) in a secure channel. In login phase, \(U_r\) generates a random number \(N_i\) by using new() operation and send login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1, N_1)\) to the server \(S_u\) through public channel. \(U_r\) receives the message \((Z_1, M_2)\) from the server and finally send the message \(M_3\) through the public channel.

Table 6 Specification of user
Table 7 Specification of server
Table 8 Specification of RS
Table 9 Specification in HLPSL for the environment
Table 10 Specification in HLPSL for the session, and goal

The role specification of the \(U_r\), \(S_u\), and RS of the proposed protocol is shown in Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 respectively. During login phase, \(S_u\) will receive login message \((CID_u, P_{us}, M_1, N_i)\) and changes the state and response with the authentication message \((Z_1, M_2)\). The specification of environment, session, and goal are also defined in Table 9 and Table 10. The basic role of the user, registration center, and server are described in session role. In goal section, various goals of the proposed protocol are defined. The authentication on user-server-n1 supposes that the \(S_u\) successfully authenticates random number \(N_i\) which generated by the \(U_r\). The other authentication goals are defined in the same way.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Result using OFMC backend. b Result using ATSE backend

We simulated the proposed algorithm under both, OFMC and AtSe back-ends. The simulation results are shown in Figs. 2a, b respectively. The output demonstrates that proposed protocol is secure.

7 Performance Evaluation

In this section, we have presented a comparison of computational cost, communication cost and security features between the proposed scheme and some other competent schemes.

We have used computational cost and communication cost as the evaluation metrics. The comparison of the computational cost of the proposed algorithm with other existing algorithms is presented in Table 11. To compare the results, we have used the notations \(T_{EX}, T_{HS}, T_{MUL}, T_{EN}\) which denotes XOR operation, one-way hash function, multiplication function, and encryption function respectively. As evident from the table, most of the existing algorithms have total cost more than the proposed approach. Compared with Shunmuganathan et al. scheme [34], the computational overhead of proposed scheme costs a little more to offer more security, such as replay attack, known-key security, smart card lost attack, user impersonation attack, forgery attack, and denial of service attack.

Table 11 Computational cost analysis of scheme

In Table 12, we have compared the communicational cost of the proposed scheme with the existing competent schemes. The total number of message exchange in Sood et al. scheme, Li et al. scheme, Zhao et al. scheme, and Xue et al. scheme is four. Lee et al. scheme, Li et al. scheme, Shunmuganathan et al. scheme, and Jingarala et al. scheme requires less number of message exchange. The proposed scheme also requires 3 message exchanges during the communication.

Table 12 Communicational cost analysis of the proposed scheme

Table 13 shows the security comparison of the proposed scheme with other related schemes. Our scheme provides protection against insider attack, replay attack, smart card loss attack, user impersonation attack, server impersonation attack, forgery attack, and denial of service attack. Also, it provides security features such as user anonymity and mutual authentication. The proposed scheme is considerably more secure as compared to the existing state of art approaches.

Table 13 Security comparison of schemes

Note: S1—user anonymity, S2—insider attack, S3—replay attack, S4—known-key security, S5—smart card loss attack, S6—offline password guessing attack, S7—user impersonation attack, S8—server impersonation attack, S9—forgery attack, S10—denial of service attack, S11—mutual authentication, S12—repairability, S13—password update.

Yes = Prevent the attack, No = Not prevent the attack

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we have discussed Jangirala1 et al.’s scheme and pointed out some security issues, such as forgery attack, replay attack, user impersonation attack, and lack of proper mutual authentication. To compensate these security issues, we have proposed an enhanced scheme for the multi-server environment. Our proposed protocol satisfies all the essential security requirements along with mutual authentication, and session key agreement. Also, the comparison of proposed scheme with other schemes has been done which demonstrate that the proposed protocol has less computational and communicational cost. Also, we have simulated the proposed scheme using widely accepted AVISPA tool and proves mutual authentication through BAN logic. Moreover, the proposed protocol is user friendly and offers good repairability.