1 Introduction

IEEE 802.11 WLANs, usually known as Wi-Fi networks, are widely deployed in infrastructure mode to provide Internet access in public areas. The smallest building block of a Wi-Fi network is a basic service set (BSS), in which an associated access point (AP) acts as a wireless bridge for all client stations therein to connect to the network. A client station covered by multiple APs may send a re-association request to its new favored AP and roam from one BSS to another. To facilitate seamless roaming between nearby BSSes, the IEEE 802.11 standards allow interconnected BSSes to be abstracted into a single extended service set (ESS). Client stations can roam within an ESS without changing network configuration. Nevertheless, association and roaming decisions are mostly made by client stations based on the signal strengths received from APs, and such a client-driven nature tends to create an unevenly distributed load among the APs [15]. In the worst scenario, even though an ESS area is covered by many overlapped APs, over-loaded APs therein offer a very low quality of service while the neighboring APs remain under-utilized. Since there is no standardized method for solving this problem as yet, how to balance the load among APs within an ESS remains an open issue.

Existing methods for load balancing in Wi-Fi networks, depending on which part of the network is in charge of AP association decisions, can be classified into either the client-driven or the network-controlled. Most of the existing methods adopt the client-driven approach, whereby each client station learns of APs’ load status and makes AP association decisions that maximize its own benefits. Since the client-driven approach lacks a global view to make precise network-wide load balancing decisions, it may take quite a while and require repeated changes in client-AP association to reach an ideal equilibrium state [68]. On the other hand, the network-controlled methods aim to achieve a good load balancing performance by either adjusting APs’ coverage [911] or regulating APs’ associated client connections [1216]. However, some of them are distributed methods built upon collaboration of AP devices, requiring excessive message exchange among APs with custom hardware support. The rest methods manage association between client stations and APs by a central controller, and are found to burden the controller with too many unnecessary AP association decisions. Moreover, their dependence on non-standardized hardware/protocol designs makes Wi-Fi networks difficult to inter-operate with devices from different vendors.

In recent years, research efforts started to adopt Software Defined Networking (SDN) architecture to wireless networks to lift the control plane up and out of wireless devices via OpenFlow interface between them [17, 18]. As SDN holds great promise for simplifying network management, enabling programmatic control of wireless devices and even offering new network functions, there are already quite many service providers and vendors supporting OpenFlow standards, including Google, Microsoft, Cisco, HP, and more. After reviewing the existing work on Wi-Fi load balancing and relevant SDN architecture, we believe that a better Wi-Fi load balancing method, instead of relying on custom hardware/protocol designs, could be developed based on standardized OpenFlow protocol and SDN controller technology, which motivates this work.

In this paper, we propose an SDN-based Wi-Fi load balancing solution which organizes an SDN controller and the APs to be managed into a two-tier architecture. The SDN controller can collect information from the APs and decide up to which load level the APs can accept association requests without consulting the SDN controller. While there already exists some designs that also leverage a central controller to carry out Wi-Fi load balancing, our solution is distinguished from the existing centralized methods in two ways. First of all, the existing centralized methods relinquish all the AP association decisions to a central controller, and our experiment results reveal that such an approach tends to burden the controller with too many unnecessary load balancing tasks and hence prolong the turn-around time of the AP association process. In contrast, our solution can strike a good balance by dynamically adjusting up to which load level the APs can act on their own. Furthermore, our solution is hardware independent and applicable to any wireless devices that support OpenFlow standards.

This work made the following contributions: (1) We have developed a two-tier dynamic load balancing method for SDN-enabled Wi-Fi networks. Its design includes an AP-side software module which reports the AP’s status to the SDN controller and manages its associated client connections as instructed by the controller, and a controller-side module which receives status information from the APs, performs load balancing computations, and instructs the APs to take proper actions accordingly. (2) We have implemented our solution on a real Wi-Fi network testbed, and have performed a pressure test on it to obtain the optimal load balancing decisions and control parameters under monotonically increasing load diversity.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 surveys the existing work on Wi-Fi load balancing and relevant SDN architecture. The network model and the problem statement are presented in Sect. 3. Section 4 elaborates the proposed two-tier solution. Section 5 presents various experiments for evaluating the performance of our two-tier load balancing solution. We finally conclude in Sect. 6.

2 Related work

2.1 Wi-Fi load balancing methods

Wi-Fi load balancing methods, regardless of which approach is used, always involve associating or re-associating some client stations with lightly loaded APs. In order to do so, client stations must discover lightly loaded APs through either passive scanning or active scanning in the first place. By passive scanning, client stations obtain information of nearby APs by simply listening for their periodically transmitted beacon frames. However, since passive scanning requires client stations to scan all the Wi-Fi channels and dwell in each channel long enough to pick up the beacon signals, the scanning time is typically too high for client handovers. Alternatively, to reduce the discovery latency, client stations can actively probe each channel and collect information from probe responses from nearby APs.

Depending on which part of the network is in charge of AP association decisions, Wi-Fi load balancing methods can be classified into either the client-driven or the network-controlled [19]. Most of the existing methods adopt the client-driven approach, whereby each client station learns of APs’ status and makes AP selection decisions that maximize its own benefits. The conventional AP selection techniques are for each client station to selfishly pick the AP with the strongest received signal, but the literature [15] demonstrates that the use of the received signal strength in AP selection may result in congested hot-spots in Wi-Fi networks, and that new metrics based on packet level information such as the number of calls/registrations admitted to an AP, the average number of packet transmissions associated with an AP, the AP’s packet error rate, etc., are required for making better AP selection decisions.

There are several AP selection techniques based on metrics other the signal strengths received from APs. The work of Vasudevan et al. [20] presents a technique for client stations to estimate APs’ available bandwidth and use this metric in AP selection. In [21], Gong et al. propose an AP selection method based on the turn-around time that an AP takes to serve each client station one unit of traffic. In [7], Mittal et al. model the distributed AP selection as a selection game and devise a greedy algorithm that leads the game to a Nash equilibrium. In [8], the authors model the distributed AP selection as a variant of the weighted singleton congestion game, and propose an online AP association strategy which maximizes the minimal throughput among all clients. Since the client-driven approach lacks a global view to make precise network-wide load balancing decisions, it generally takes quite a while and requires repeated changes in client-AP association to reach an ideal equilibrium state.

The network-controlled method aims to achieve a good load balancing performance by either adjusting APs’ coverage or managing APs’ associated client connections. In the coverage adjustment approach, over-loaded and under-loaded APs reduce and raise the transmission power of beacon frames, respectively. In [9], the authors propose a coverage adjustment solution which implements the agents within APs based on Jade Multi-Agent System Platform, but their solution depends on a custom RF hardware and the perfect knowledge of APs’ coverage and clients’ positions. The work of Bejerano and Han [10] presents an in-depth analysis of a coverage adjustment technique named cell breathing plus a centralized solution with two different cell breathing algorithms: one for reducing the load of the most congested AP and the other for solving a min-max load balancing problem. The work of Stanley et al. [11] presents Cisco’s centralized management protocol named “CAPWAP” for load balancing in wireless networks based on cell breathing techniques.

On the other hand, the association management approach intends to keep over-loaded APs from accepting new association requests while inducing client stations to (re-)associate to under-utilized APs. The work of [12] employs a centralized Admission Control Server (ACS) to perform an admission test on APs’ association tables and tell client stations which AP each of them should associate to; however, to implement this solution requires modifying the client devices. An alternative is proposed in [13] such that the APs accept or deny new association requests depending on their load status—under-loaded APs will accept any request, balanced APs will not accept extra load, and over-loaded APs will expel the client stations. In [14], the authors propose load balancing techniques for obtaining the optimal max–min fair bandwidth allocation, along with association management algorithms that achieve constant-factor approximation. The work of Duo and Chen [15] presents a centralized association management mechanism in which a network access device, in response to a new client’s association request, selects one of the APs based on their load status, instructs the selected AP to associate with the client, and instructs the remaining APs to reject the client’s request. The work of Iyer et al. [16] presents a centralized mechanism which deploys a specialist hardware named Station Management Logic (STM) within a wireless network switch to perform load balancing functions. As described in [16], when a client station broadcasts probe requests to nearby APs, the probe requests are routed to STM, and then STM instructs the selected AP to associate with the client station.

In general, the conventional distributed network-controlled methods are built upon collaboration of AP devices, requiring excessive message exchange among APs with custom hardware support. The other methods manage association between client stations and APs by a central controller, and are found to burden the controller with too many unnecessary AP association decisions. Furthermore, their dependence on non-standardized hardware/protocol designs makes Wi-Fi networks difficult to inter-operate with devices from different vendors.

2.2 Software defined wireless networking

In order to provide seamless mobile handovers within a wireless network, coverages of multiple APs often overlap the same Wi-Fi area. Since conventional AP devices handle client stations independently from the rest of the network, they can hardly be dynamically utilized as a whole; some are even over-loaded while the nearby one remains under-utilized. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging networking paradigm in which network devices operate as pure data planes to be instructed by a software-based central controller via an open interface [22]. Obviously, standardized SDN technology can serve as a convenient foundation upon which an efficient load balancing method can be built for Wi-Fi networks.

OpenFlow [23] is a prominent example of open interface specifications to realize the idea of SDN. It focuses on the interface between the controller and the switch so that the former can control the latter by using a generated flow table [24]. Each OpenFlow switch, as a pure data plane, runs OpenFlow protocol to communicate with the OpenFlow controller, maintains a flow table to record the relevant data forwarding/processing algorithm, and forwards/processes data according to the flow table. On the other hand, an OpenFlow controller is a software implemented control plane deployed on a powerful server, responsible for generating, updating, and configuring flow tables of OpenFlow switches under its control. Through the OpenFlow controller, users can easily operate and control a particular network with application programming interfaces. Since OpenFlow promises to simplify network management, commoditize network hardware, and enable deployment of third-party network functions on OpenFlow-enabled networks, there are already quite many service providers and vendors supporting OpenFlow standards, including Google, Microsoft, Cisco, HP, and more.

The field of SDN research is quite new. Consequently, adopting the SDN concept to wireless networks has just been recently introduced in a few research work. One of the earliest milestones was set by [25], which applies SDN to low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs) for reducing the energy consumption by periodically turning on and off the interface of generic devices. In the work of [26], the authors apply SDN to extremely dense wireless networks (WLANs or cellular networks) and propose an architecture that can reduce the interference and the cost of mobile handovers. This is done by employing the SDN controller to dynamically and intelligently tune IEEE 802.11 parameters for each base station, selecting and muting sub-frames that induce too much interference, and taking certain steps of handovers in parallel. The work of [17] presents a three-layer architecture for software defined wireless networking in which Layer-1 enhances radio access networks with programmability and Layer-2 switches and Layer-3 routers allow setup of unicasting and multicasting at the flow level. In [18], the authors propose a framework for combining wireless network virtualization with SDN and discuss some future challenges.

In this work, we also use the SDN/OpenFlow specifications to build the proposed two-tier load balancing solution on a Wi-Fi network testbed. Our solution especially adopts a generic Type-Length-Value message extension offered by OpenFlow version 1.3 and beyond [24] because this extension allows developers to add new network functions without changing the original SDN hardware/software architecture. To date we are not aware of any other research effort that has proposed an SDN-based two-tier Wi-Fi load balancing solution similar to ours which can dynamically adjust up to which load level the APs can act on their own.

3 Network model and problem description

Table 1 Key notations of network model

This section presents the network model and the problem statement of our work. Table 1 lists the key mathematical notations used through this paper. Our model considers a public Wi-Fi network in which APs are equipped with bandwidth control whereby the administrator can assign a limited maximum allowable bandwidth, say 256 kbps, for each associated user device. We consider that under such bandwidth limitation, estimating load with the number of associated user devices is appropriate. The public Wi-Fi network is composed of a single ESS which consists of a set of inter-connected BSSes \(\{bss_{i} | i=1, 2, \ldots , na, na \in \mathbb {N} \}\). For ease of explanation, we use the notation \(ap_{i}\) to denote a specific SDN-enabled AP that is associated with \(bss_{i}\). As a result, the ESS area is covered by many overlapped SDN-enabled APs which are controlled by a centralized SDN controller.

The SDN controller requires the information about the APs’ capacity and load status to determine their load balancing degree. In our model, the capacity information about a particular AP, say \(ap_{i}\), is maintained as a three-tuple, i.e. \(cap_{i}=(M_{i}, ns_{i}, snr_{i})\), where \(M_{i}\) denotes the maximum number of client associations that \(ap_{i}\) can maintain in its association table, \(ns_{i}\) denotes the number of client stations currently associated with \(ap_{i}\), and \(snr_{i}\) denotes the average signal-to-noise ratio of \(ap_{i}\)’s associated wireless connections. The load information about \(ap_{i}\) is also a three-tuple, i.e. \(load_{i}=(cpu_{i}, mem_{i}, per_{i})\), which denotes the CPU utilization, the memory utilization, and the average packet error rate of \(ap_{i}\)’s associated wireless connections, respectively. Based on these information, we adopt an evaluation formula from [27] to compute Jain’s fairness index of the ESS, denoted by B, as:

$$\begin{aligned} B = \frac{ \Big ( \sum _{i=1}^{na} \frac{ns_{i}}{M_{i}} \max (load_{i}) \Big )^2 }{ na \sum _{i=1}^{na} \big (\frac{ns_{i}}{M_{i}} \max (load_{i}) \big )^2 } \end{aligned}$$

where the numerator indicates the square of the total loading of the ESS and the denominator is the number of APs times the sum of the square of each AP’s loading. Thus, if all the APs are equally loaded, B should approximate 1; on the other hand, \((B \equiv \frac{1}{na})\) means the worst degree of load balancing. As the APs are likely to have different load levels, the SDN controller also computes the average load level of the ESS, denoted by L, as

$$\begin{aligned} L = \frac{ \Big ( \sum _{i=1}^{na} \frac{ns_{i}}{M_{i}} \max (load_{i}) \Big ) }{ na }. \end{aligned}$$

The value of L ranges from 0 to 100, and \((L \equiv 0)\) and \((L \equiv 100)\) represent the lightest and the heaviest load, respectively. This average load level is used by the SDN controller to divide the APs associated with the ESS into over-loaded and under-loaded groups so that over-loaded APs can transfer some of their associated client stations to under-loaded APs.

Instead of relinquishing all the AP association decisions to the SDN controller, our solution defines a parameter named control level for the SDN controller to decide beyond which load level itself shall make load balancing decisions for the over-loaded APs. The suggested control level for the ESS, denoted by C, is computed as

$$\begin{aligned} C = 100 \cdot \Big (1 - \frac{nss_{i}}{M_{i}} \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

In specifics, the SDN controller will not perform the load balancing control on \(ap_{i}\) unless \(ns_{i}\) exceeds \(nss_{i}\), the suggested number of client stations to be maintained by \(ap_{i}\). Generally speaking, the higher the value of a control level, the more client stations an over-loaded AP would hand over to other under-loaded APs.

The problem to be addressed thus can be stated as follows.

Problem Statement Consider an arbitrary Wi-Fi network composed of a single ESS which includes a set of inter-connected BSSes, \(\{bss_{i} | i=1, 2, \ldots , na, na \in \mathbb {N} \}\). Assume that \(bss_{i}\) is associated with a specific AP \(ap_{i}\), whose capacity and load attributes are defined by two three-tuple vectors: \(cap_{i}=(M_{i}, ns_{i}, snr_{i})\) and \(load_{i}=(cpu_{i}, mem_{i}, per_{i})\), respectively. The objective is for the SDN controller to calculate the minimum control level for the ESS under specific network loading, which is the value of the control level at which the ESS still produces a fairness index close to 1 while the Wi-Fi re-association time is minimized.

4 Two-tier dynamic Wi-Fi load balancing solution

This section presents our two-tier dynamic load balancing solution for SDN-enabled Wi-Fi networks, which is compliant with current OpenFlow specifications and protocol. We first explain its design, including (1) how its AP-side module monitors the AP’s status for the SDN controller and manages the AP’s associated client connections as instructed by the SDN controller; and (2) how the controller-side module detects and resolves load unbalance among the APs and instructs the AP-side modules to take proper actions accordingly. We then elaborate the OpenFlow extension message formats and other implementation details of our solutions.

4.1 Overview

Our two-tier dynamic Wi-Fi load balancing solution is distinguished from the existing centralized methods in two aspects. First of all, its two-tier architecture, compared with the existing centralized architecture, can effectively alleviate overloading at the central SDN controller by adjusting a parameter named control level for offloading part of the AP association control to the APs. Secondly, after collecting the status reports from the APs, our solution automatically calculates the minimum control level at which the Wi-Fi network remains load balanced.

The above design requires collaboration between the APs and the SDN controller. The APs must report their capacity, load, and association-table information to the SDN controller when they boot up or when their status has changed. In short, the status changes when the AP detects a change in the number of its associated user devices or when the difference between its current and old load values exceeds a fraction \(\eta\) of the old one.Footnote 1 After receiving the APs’ status reports, the SDN controller computes the fairness index by Eq. 1. If the resultant fairness index is not close to 1, the SDN controller will try to resolve load unbalance among the APs by dispatching some client stations from over-loaded APs to under-loaded APs. The over-loaded APs, once receiving the load balancing instruction from the SDN controller, de-associate some client stations accordingly. As a result, a client station that has been de-associated by an over-loaded AP will try to re-associate with another nearby AP. Eventually, only one specific under-loaded AP assigned by the SDN controller will answer the re-association request issued from that de-associated client station.

4.2 Controller-side and AP-side load balancing operations

In our design, the SDN controller is responsible for collecting the APs’ status reports, calculating the fairness index, and deciding a re-association/de-association list (a list of client stations to be re-associated/de-associated) for each under-/over-loaded AP. Figure 1a shows the operation of our two-tier dynamic Wi-Fi load balancing solution on the SDN-controller side. Initially, the SDN controller listens for OpenFlow extension messages from the Wi-Fi network under its control. When receiving the APs’ status reports from the ESS, the SDN controller computes the fairness index, the average load level, and the suggested control level accordingly, and sends these results to all the APs in the ESS. The APs with load levels greater than the received average load level must report their association tables to the SDN controller so that the SDN controller can decide de-association lists for over-loaded APs and re-association lists for other under-loaded APs.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The operations of our two-tier Wi-Fi load balancing solution: a on the SDN-controller side and b on the AP side

The operation on the AP side is illustrated in Fig. 1b. As shown in the figure, there is a detection mechanism running in background to monitor the AP’s status for the SDN controller. This detection mechanism reports the AP’s capacity, load, and association-table information to the SDN controller when the AP has just successfully established an OpenFlow session to the SDN controller or when the AP’s status has just changed. The management plane running in foreground also triggers the detection mechanism when an association request from some client station has arrived. After an AP reports its status to the SDN controller, the AP will receive from the SDN controller the computation results of the fairness index, the average load level, and the suggested control level. If the number of its currently associated client stations exceeds the threshold set by the suggested control level, the AP will send its association table to the SDN controller. Such an over-loaded AP will eventually receive a de-association list from the SDN controller, and will de-associate those specified in the list accordingly.

4.3 OpenFlow extension message formats

We have specified four payload formats for the OpenFlow extension messages, as shown in Fig. 2, to support the load-balancing communication between the SDN controller and the APs. These payload formats are for carrying the information about an AP’s load and capacity status, the computation results from the SDN controller, the association table from an over-loaded AP, and the de-association or re-association decisions from the SDN controller, respectively.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The payload formats of the OpenFlow extension messages that are used by our two-tier Wi-Fi load balancing solution

In the figure, the payload format starting with “apInfo_prefix@” is used by an AP to report its status to the SDN controller; the fields in the payload store the following information: the daemon process ID (Dpid), the service set ID (ssid), the source AP’s MAC address (apMAC-1), its capacity information (Capacity(\(\ldots\))) and load information (Load(\(\ldots\))). The payload formats with the “result_prefix@” and the “assoc_prefix@” prefix are similar to the previous one except that the former is used to carry the computation results of the fairness index, the average load level, and the control level from the SDN controller to all the APs, whereas the latter is used to carry a list of an over-loaded AP’s associated client stations along with their MAC and RSSI information. The last payload format starting with “decision_prefix@” is used to carry the de-association or re-association decisions from the SDN controller to the designated AP. Its fields store the destination AP’s MAC address, the action to be taken by the AP, and the MAC addresses of a list of the client stations as the target of the action.

4.4 Implementation details

To realize the proposed two-tier Wi-Fi load balancing design, we need to implement: (1) the communication protocol between the SDN controller and the APs, (2) the load balancing calculations and decisions to be performed by the SDN controller, and (3) the detection mechanism and the actions to be invoked at the APs. Figure 3 illustrates our implementation framework in a state-transition diagram and shows how the APs interact with the SDN controller. From the state-transition diagram, we can see that when an AP just boots up and successfully establishes a session to the SDN controller, or reports its status to the controller, or disconnects from the controller, it causes the state of the SDN controller to transit to “AP Connected”, “AP Reporting”, or “AP Closed”, respectively. Transition to any of the aforementioned state triggers the SDN controller to re-calculate the load balance, the average load level, and the suggested control level and to make load balancing decisions accordingly. Moreover, the SDN controller always maintains the device instances of APs and switches involved in the load balancing operation

Fig. 3
figure 3

The implementation framework illustrated by a state-transition diagram


For information exchange between the controller and the APs, we use the OpenFlow extension messages defined previously to carry the information. The computations of the fairness index, the average load level, and the control level are straightforward based on Eqs. 1, 2, and 3. In regard to deciding on a de-association list, the SDN controller picks from the received association table a list of client stations to de-associate by Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) policy. The implementation of the detection mechanism on the AP side, however, must take into account the variations in the AP’s capacity and load status. To address this issue, we use an exponential moving average method exhibited in Fig. 4 to detect changes in an AP’s status. Finally, in our implementation, APs invoke an utility named hostapd_cli to perform client association or de-association.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The exponential moving average method used by the detection mechanism on the AP side

5 Performance evaluation

In this section, we firstly elaborate the experiment setup and the experiment plan for evaluating how the proposed two-tier load balancing solution performs as compared with generic centralized load balancing methods with positive control. We then present some representative results and discuss their implications. The load balancing performance is evaluated in terms of the resultant fairness index and the average re-association time perceived by the client stations.

5.1 Experiment setup and experiment plan

Our experiment aims to evaluate how the proposed load balancing solution performs on a real Wi-Fi network composed of heterogeneous AP devices. For this purpose, we set up a Wi-Fi network testbed which consists of three real APs of AP222 model from EstiNet [28] and one RYU SDN controller from [29]. The flow of our experiment is illustrated in Fig. 5. At first the APs report their status (dev_info) to the SDN controller when detecting changes in the status. Based on the newly received status information, the SDN controller computes the fairness index, the average load level, and the control level, and sends the most updated computation results to the APs. The APs check their status against the received computation results, reporting their association table to the SDN controller when needed. If the SDN controller receives association tables from the APs, it will make load balancing decisions and send the re-association/de-association lists to the under-/over-loaded APs

Fig. 5
figure 5

The flow of the experiment


The three APs have different transmission powers and are set with different IP addresses under the same ESS: \(AP_1\) with \((IP=, Tx Power=19dBm)\), \(AP_2\) with \((IP=, Tx Power=15dBm)\), and \(AP_3\) with \((IP=, Tx Power=11dBm)\). Since this experiment needs to create a pressure test on the network testbed for testing our load balancing solution under monotonically increasing load diversity, we run a station generator in each AP to simulate the dynamic behaviors of a large set of client stations. In the experiment we tune the APs’ loading to observe the corresponding changes in the number of client connections and the fairness index at each AP as the control level varies.

Table 2 Experiment parameters

The experiment is organized into two scenarios whose parameters are summarized in Table 2. In both the scenarios, each AP can maintain at most 50 client connections in its association table, and the three APs, \(AP_1\), \(AP_2\), and \(AP_3\), are initialized with association tables of different sizes of 49, 34, and 1 client connections, respectively. The first scenario, in which all the APs are initialized with the same load level of value 60, is intended for studying how the numbers of client connections maintained by the APs affect the load balancing result. The second scenario represents the case when the APs are initialized with different load levels, which shows how the re-association time is affected by tuning of the suggested control level as the load diversity increases. For ease of explanation, we define a parameter named loading difference to represent the sum of the differences between the highest load level and the load levels of the other APs. For example, given that the load levels of \(AP_1\), \(AP_2\), and \(AP_3\) are 100, 90, and 50, respectively, their loading difference is computed as: \((100-90)+(100-50)=60\). This allows us to observe how the suggested control level and the re-association time change as the loading difference is increased from 0 to 100.

5.2 Experiment results

Here we present the experiment results of the proposed two-tier load balancing solution. Figures 6 and 7 exhibit the resultant fairness index and re-association time of the first and the second experiment scenario under different control levels. These results reveal that: (1) the resultant fairness index increases with the control level and converges to 1 before the control level reaches 100; (2) the re-association time increases with the control level as well due to an increasing number of client stations that need to be handed over from one AP to another; (3) a large re-association table causes a long data transfer time and a long computation process at the SDN controller; (4) the SDN controller should intelligently suggest the minimum control level at which the Wi-Fi network produces a fairness index close to 1 while minimizing the re-association time. Note that the case of (control level \(\equiv 0\)) represents an unbalanced Wi-Fi network whereas the case of (control level \(\equiv 100\)) resembles the conventional centralized scheme in which all the AP association decisions are \(100\%\) made by a centralized controller. In summary, Figs. 6 and 7 show that by automatically calculating the minimum control level, the proposed two-tier solution improves Wi-Fi’s load balancing degree by 34–41%, and yields an improvement of 28–36% in Wi-Fi’s re-association time over the conventional centralized load balancing scheme.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The experiment results of the first scenario where the APs are initialized with the same load levels

Fig. 7
figure 7

The experiment results of the second scenario where the APs are initialized with different load levels

Table 3 The suggested minimum control level and the resultant re-association time as the loading difference among the APs increases
Fig. 8
figure 8

The resultant minimum control level as a function of the loading difference among the APs

Fig. 9
figure 9

The resultant re-association time as a function of the loading difference among the APs

From the first experiment, we can see that the loading difference among the APs directly affects the resultant fairness index and re-association time because more client stations are handed over from heavily loaded APs to lightly loaded APs as the load diversity increases. Furthermore, for any Wi-Fi network with a specific loading difference value, the SDN controller shall be able to find out and suggest the corresponding minimum control level for the APs therein to use. To examine how such a suggested control level and the resultant re-association time evolve as the load diversity increases, we re-run the previous experiment with loading difference \(=\{0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100\}\), and exhibit the results in Table 3 and plot them in Figs. 8 and 9. As shown in the table and the figures, the suggested control level grows linearly with the loading difference, but the resultant re-association time grows from 48.9 to 62.12 ms and then drops to 55.74 as the loading difference increases from 0 to 60 then to 100. This is because the setup of (loading difference \(\equiv 60\)) incurs the most number of client handovers in the Wi-Fi network.

Some may wonder what would happen, in the proposed scheme, if a client cannot connect to another AP? Our results show that this scenario rarely occurs because the SDN controller will not instruct an over-loaded AP to de-associate its clients unless some under-loaded AP in the ESS can take over those clients. However, in case that a client cannot connect to any other AP, the client will simply re-associate with the old AP, and the whole process will incur in some delays.

6 Conclusions

Our two-tier Wi-Fi load balancing solution is hardware independent and applicable to any devices that support OpenFlow standards. The proposed solution is good for the management of network congestion because the network administrator can easily divide the APs into over-loaded and under-loaded groups, maneuver the control level parameter to balance the load among the APs while minimizing the re-association time of the Wi-Fi network. Moreover, because the APs and the SDN controller communicate through OpenFlow extension messages, developers can easily add new functions to our solution without changing the original SDN hardware/software architecture. From our experiment results, the proposed two-tier solution improves Wi-Fi’s load balancing degree by 34–41%, and yields an improvement of 28–36% in Wi-Fi’s re-association time over generic centralized load balancing methods with positive control.

In the future, we like to enhance the proposed two-tier solution by accounting for more factors such as traffic patterns of the associated devices, user priorities and QoS constraints in the load balancing decisions. Another possible future work is to extend the experiments to broader scenarios such as highly crowded Wi-Fi environment, users with different mobility, etc. There are also a couple of open issues that we like to examine in the future. First, we now use the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) policy to pick client stations for de-association. It is of great relevance to further examine how alternative policies may affect or even improve the network performance. Second, it would be of interest to introduce different service classes and different user priority to our two-tier Wi-Fi load balancing solution.