1 Introduction

With the development of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), data processing and wireless communication technologies, WSNs become more and more popular in academic research and practical applications, such as health-care monitoring, enemy tracking, environmental monitoring,and industrial detection [1, 2].

In WSNs, a large number of sensor nodes are deployed in a large area. In most cases, these sensors are equipped with limited energy supply units that cannot be replaced or recharged. Therefore, energy efficiency is a major concern in WSNs [3, 4]. Reducing energy consumption from the node level and balancing energy consumption from the network level are the two aspects to improve the energy efficiency for WSNs [5]. Energy consumption in a sensor includes: transmitting/receiving data, processing, and idle listening to the media. Transmitting and idle listening contribute the majority of energy consumption [1, 3, 5]. Hence, reducing data transmission and sleep scheduling are two appropriate methods to prolong the network lifetime [6].

Clustering is a key routing technique to extend the lifetime of WSNs as it can reduce the data transmission in the network [7]. In a cluster-based network, most sensors work as cluster members (CMs) to perform the sensing tasks, while a few sensors work as cluster heads (CHs) to aggregate the coming data and forward it to the sink node directly or via relay nodes. Single-hop communication consumes huge amount of energy due to long distance transmitting, and causes energy unbalancing as sensors far away from the sink node consume more energy [7, 8]. Meanwhile, multi-hop method also causes energy unbalancing since sensors near the sink node burden more relay traffic [9]. Hence, it is of great significance to minimize the energy expenditure of the sensors near the sink node as well as minimizing the total energy expenditure of the whole network [10, 11].

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, some existing clustering protocols are briefly introduced. In Sect. 3, the network model and overlapping clustering problem is formulated. Section 4 provides the details of EEOC protocol. The protocol analysis is given in Sect. 5. The simulation results on network lifetime and distribution of energy consumption is given in Sect. 6, which is followed by the conclusions in Sect. 7.

2 Related work

In past decades, many clustering protocols have been proposed to improve energy efficiency and balance the energy consumption of the network. As CHs consume more energy than ordinary nodes, a fundamental way to balance the energy depletion is CH rotation during the data gathering rounds, which not only can balance the intra-cluster energy consumption, but also can balance energy consumption among CHs in the inter-cluster communication [12]. For example, in LEACH [13], the CH roles are periodically rotated after a predefined number of data gathering rounds. To avoid nodes serving as CHs continuously while avert high frequency of CH updating, DEECIC [14] introduces an energy threshold \(E_{th}\) for each CH in the current round to decide whether to continue as a CH in the coming round. The CH updating process is operated only when the residual energy of current CHs falls below \(E_{th}\).

Considering the distributions of node’s energy consumption, some existing clustering protocols introduce energy heterogeneity to balance the energy consumption and prolong the network lifetime. In heterogeneous WSNs, some advanced nodes with more initial energy are deployed into the network. During the CH selection phase, the nodes with more initial energy have higher chances to serve as CHs [1518]. Some clustering protocols assign relay nodes to serve as inter-cluster routers without sensing the phenomenon in the monitoring area [1922].

Besides, some researchers design unequal clustering protocols by decreasing the cluster radius or number of CMs with heavier relay traffic near the sink node [2327]. As a result, CHs near the sink node burden lighter local traffic and remain more energy to forward the relay traffic. The distances from the sink node [2325, 27] or hop counts [26] are used to form clusters. In a non-uniform distributed network, the node density impacts intra-cluster energy consumption which should be taken into consideration to limit the cluster size [23].

However, CH rotations will result in extra energy consumption and make the protocol more complex [14]. Meanwhile, both of the unequal clustering and CH rotation methods can only balance energy consumption from the network level. A node selected as a CH will burden much more traffic than other ordinary nodes such that it will die early and the network lifetime is shortened.

In view that CHs take more roles in the data gathering phase, a reasonable contemplation for balancing energy consumption of the network is to assign the data forwarding task to other ordinary nodes, avoiding sensors serving as CHs and relay nodes simultaneously. To authors’ best knowledge, most existing works explore relay node placement issue in cluster-based networks without considering cluster formation. Although the SEECH clustering protocol [28] investigates how to select relay nodes during the cluster set-up phase, it selects CHs and relay nodes separately. In SEECH, the nodes with high node degree and residual energy are prioritized as CHs, and other ordinary nodes located closer to the sink node and remaining more energy have larger chances of being relay nodes. Each CH selects the nearest relay node as the next step and forward data to the sink node via the next relay node. Based on the idea of allocating aggregation task and forwarding task separately, two aspects can be considered to further improve the energy efficiency of the network:

  • To keep a good balance of energy consumption among CHs, the relay nodes should be distributed uniformly in the area between CHs and the sink node, and the distance between relay nodes and CHs and the distance between relay nodes and sink node should be traded to minimize the relay energy consumption.

  • From the perspective of balancing energy consumption in different regions of the monitoring, the cluster radius should be adjusted according to the node density.

Based on the above discussion, an energy-efficient overlapping clustering protocol called EEOC is proposed in this paper to balance energy consumption among nodes in different region of the monitoring area. Overlapping clustering means that a sensor node may belong to more than one cluster simultaneously. Overlapping clustering can be used in many applications, such as providing robustness and connectivity in the inter-cluster routing phase [29], guaranteeing global time synchronization [30], CH failure recovery [31] and node localization [32]. To the best of our knowledge, only one clustering method produces overlapping regions in the clusters formation phase called KOCA [33]. KOCA generates connected multi-hop overlapping clusters with the desired overlapping degree to cover the entire network. However, KOCA is a static clustering method that there are no cluster heads rotations in the working lifetime. As a result, load unbalancing is inevitable in KOCA. Different from KOCA, the overlapping regions produced in our protocol aims at choosing proper relay nodes near the CHs to balance the energy consumption of the whole network. The main feature of the proposed protocol includes: (1) generating overlapped clusters with designed overlapping area; (2)and selecting proper high residual energy nodes in the overlapping areas to serve as relay nodes. Different from many existing clustering protocols, the proposed protocol in this work selects different nodes to undertake the roles of CHs and relay nodes, avoiding a node to serve as the CH and relay node simultaneously. Besides, the CHs and the relay nodes are selected jointly to ensure that the relay nodes are distributed uniformly near CHs to reduce energy consumption among CHs. An overlapping cluster formation mechanism is implemented such that the candidate relay nodes for a CH can be determined in its overlapping area. Moreover, the node density is also taken into consideration during the cluster-setup phase.

3 Network model and problem formulation

Consider a homogenous wireless sensor network with the sensors randomly distributed over a M\(\times\) M square field. Some assumptions are made as follows:

  • The sink node is located outside of the monitoring area and all nodes are stationary after deployment.

  • Each sensor node is equipped with identical initial energy \(E_0\), and the sink node has no energy constraint.

  • Sensor nodes send the gathered data to the sink node periodically.

  • Sensor nodes are location-unaware. Each sensor is assigned with an unique ID.

  • The links are symmetric. A pair of node can communicate with each other using the same power.

  • Power control is allowed for sensors to adjust the transmission power according to the Euclidean distance.

3.1 Energy model

The energy consumption model as in [13] is utilized in this work. According to the distance between the receiver and the transmitter, the free space and the multi-path channel models are employed. The energy dissipation for sending l bits over a distance d is

$$\begin{aligned} E_T(l,d)=\left\{ \begin{array}{l} l\times E_{elec} + l\times \varepsilon _{fs}\times d^2 \ \ \quad {\mathrm{if}} \ d\le {d_0} \\ l\times E_{elec} + l\times \varepsilon _{mp}\times d^4 \ \ \quad {\mathrm{if}} \ d>{d_0} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(E_{elec}\) is the energy dissipation per bit per unit to run the circuitry of nodes, \(\varepsilon _{fs}\) and \(\varepsilon _{mp}\) are the energy required by amplifier in the energy consumption model, \(d_0=\sqrt{\varepsilon _{fs}/\varepsilon _{mp}}\) is the threshold distance for the model. The energy consumption to receive l bits message is

$$\begin{aligned} E_R=l\times E_{elec} \end{aligned}$$

The energy consumption to aggregate l bits message is

$$\begin{aligned} E_{AG}=l\times E_{DA} \end{aligned}$$

where \(E_{DA}\) is the energy dissipation to aggregate one bit message.

3.2 Problem formulation

A sensor network can be modeled as a undirected graph \(G=(V, E)\), where the vertices V represent nodes and the edges E represent the connectivity between each pair of nodes in the network. Suppose that the number of vertices in the graph (|V|) is N.

Some notations are defined as follows:

  • Closed set of cluster members of \(CH_i\) (\(S_{CH_i}\)): is the set which contains the CMs in cluster \(CH_i\) and its CH.

  • inter-overlapping degree between \(CH_i\) and \(CH_j\) (\(O_{ij}\)): is the number of common nodes in the overlapping area between them, which is defined as

    $$\begin{aligned} O_{ij}=|S_{CH_i}\cap S_{CH_j}| \end{aligned}$$

    When \(O_{ij}=0\), it means that Cluster \(CH_i\) and Cluster \(CH_j\) are completely separated from each other.

  • intra-overlapping degree of cluster \(CH_i\) (\(OD_i\)): is the total number of clusters which share overlapping area with \(CH_i\).

    $$\begin{aligned} OD_i=\mathop {\sum }_{k\in K_{CH} }L_{ik} \end{aligned}$$

    where \(K_{CH}\) is the set of CHs in the network, and \(L_{ik}\) is defined as

    $$\begin{aligned} L_{ik}=\left\{ \begin{array}{l} 1 \qquad {\mathrm{if}} \ O_{ik}>0 \\ 0 \qquad {\mathrm{otherwise}} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$
  • direction fitness between cluster \(CH_i\) and \(CH_j\) (\(DF_{ij}\)) is the ratio of the distance from \(CH_i\) to the sink node to the sum of the distance from \(CH_i\) to \(CH_j\) and the distance from \(CH_j\) to the sink node.

    $$\begin{aligned} DF_{ij}=\frac{d_{CH_i}}{d_{ij}+d_{CH_j}} \end{aligned}$$

    where \(d_{ij}\) is the distance between two CHs of \(CH_i\) and \(CH_j\), and \(d_{CH_i}\) ( \(d_{CH_j}\)) represent the distance from the CH of Cluster \(CH_i\) (\(CH_j\)) to the sink node. As the sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side, \(0<DF_{ij}<1\).

  • node degree: is the number of neighbor nodes for a node.

  • boundary nodes: are the nodes in the overlapping area between two clusters.

The objective of this work is to find the set of CHs \(K_{CH}\) to form overlapping clusters satisfying:

  • the intra-overlapping degree of any cluster \(CH_i\) satisfies \(OD_i>0\). It ensures that each CH can find at leat one candidate relay nodes in its communication range.

  • the inter-overlapping degree between cluster \(CH_i\) and \(CH_j\) satisfies \(O_{ij} \in (\tau _1, \tau _2)\) , where \(\tau _1\) is a threshold to guarantee the redundancy of relay nodes, \(\tau _2\) is a threshold to control the overlapping degree between cluster \(CH_i\) and \(CH_j\).

After the clusters are organized, the relay nodes are selected according to the following rules:

  • the residual energy \(E_{re}>E_{th}\), where \(E_{th}\) is a threshold to evaluate whether the node can continue to be a relay node.

  • select the nodes in the overlapping area with high inter-overlapping degree and high direction fitness \(DF_{ij}\) to serve as relay nodes. It is beneficial to reduce the total energy consumption for sending the aggregated data to the sink node.

  • the intra-overlapping degree \(OD_i<\varphi\) such that the relay nodes will not be distributed too concentrated.

As a result, the energy consumption is balanced and the network lifetime is prolonged.

4 The EEOC protocol

The EEOC protocol in this work is operated after distributing sensors in the monitoring area, which is divided into rounds and each round contains cluster-setup phase and steady-state phase. Network topology is established in the cluster-setup phase, which contains four steps: information collection, cluster selection, cluster formation and relay nodes selection. In the steady-state phase, network data is collected and sent to the sink node periodically. To reduce energy consumption of the cluster-setup phase, the data transmission phase is much longer than the cluster-setup phase. Different from traditional clustering protocols, each CH selects one of its boundary nodes with higher residual energy and proper direction as relay node. The general scheme of EEOC is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

General scheme of EEOC protocol

4.1 Cluster radius

The lower bound of the cluster radius in EEOC protocol is set to ensure connectivity of the nodes with a high probability and reduce the interference of cluster from one another. According to the result in [10], the nodes are connected with a probability of at leat \(1-\epsilon\) if the communication radius satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} R_s\ge \sqrt{\frac{M^2}{N\pi }log\left( \frac{N}{\epsilon }\right) } \end{aligned}$$

The minimum cluster radius is set as

$$\begin{aligned} R_{c\_min}=\frac{1}{2}R_{s\_min}=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{M^2}{N\pi }log\left( \frac{N}{\epsilon }\right) } \end{aligned}$$

In a cluster-based network topology, the connectivity of network can be guaranteed if the communicate radius and the cluster radius satisfies \(R_s\ge 2R_c\). We set \(R_{c\_min}=\frac{1}{2}R_{s\_min}\) such that all nodes can be connected with a high probability in all cases of sub-network division.

In order to save energy, we set the maximum distance between any pair of nodes in a cluster to be shorter than the threshold \(d_0\):

$$\begin{aligned} R_{c\_max}=\frac{d_0}{2} \end{aligned}$$

that is, the energy depletion of intra-cluster is based on the free-space energy model, which is more energy-efficient than the long-distance transmission.

4.2 Information collection of the network

At the beginning of data gathering rounds, the sink node broadcasts a ‘Hello message’ to the whole network. Each sensor hears the message and estimates the distance from the sink node based on the RSSI. Afterwards, all sensors will broadcast the ‘hand-shaking message’ within its communication radius \(R_s\), which contains the information of node ID, residual energy and distance to the sink node. Therefore, each node establishes a neighboring table based on the ‘hand-shaking message’. Each node will calculate the node degree and the average residual energy based on its neighboring table. To obtain reliable infrastructure of the network, the ‘hand-shaking message’ should be broadcast at the beginning of each round.

4.3 Cluster head selection

In this step, CHs are selected in a distributed fashion. Generally, nodes with more residual energy and larger node degree are more appropriate to be CHs. To balance energy consumption, CHs should be distributed uniformly in the network. Previous clustering protocols for WSNs with non-uniform distribution of nodes arrange more CHs in dense area to form smaller clusters. However, forming clusters too small will leading to high inter-cluster traffic in the dense area.

In this protocol, the nodes with higher node degree and residual energy have higher chances to be CHs. Each node i will calculate the parameter \(p_i\) to compete for serving as a CH:

$$\begin{aligned} p_i=\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{E_{res_i}\cdot degree_i}{E_{aver_i}\cdot deg_{aver_i}} \ \ \quad {\mathrm{if}} \ E_{res_i}>\varepsilon \cdot E_{aver_i} \\ 0 \ \ \quad {\mathrm{otherwise}} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(deg_{aver_i}\) and \(E_{aver_i}\) are the average node degree and the average residual energy for the neighbors of node i, respectively. \(\varepsilon\) (\(0<\varepsilon <1\)) is a constant to avoid nodes with little residual energy but high node degree serving as CHs. The value of is set artificially and determined by the energy consumption rate of nodes in the network. Higher the energy consumption rate is, higher value \(\varepsilon\) should be set.

At the beginning of the proposed protocol, each node remains most initial energy so that \(E_{res_i}\) varies in a small range and the node degree is different due to the random distribution. According to Eq. (11), the node degree metric will play a major role in prioritizing nodes for being CHs. After some nodes are dead during the data gathering rounds, \(E_{res_i}\) and \(deg_i\) will be completely different from each other due to the unbalancing energy consumption between CHs and CMs and the death of some low energy nodes. As a result, both of them make significant contribution for CH competing.

As mentioned above, CHs should be distributed uniformly in the network. A competing broadcast delay is set associated with a competing radius for each node to ensure that there is only one CH in the competing area and all nodes are connected in the cluster topology. A node i will wait for the expiration of its delay time \(T_{wait}^i\) before deciding whether it should declare as a CH:

$$\begin{aligned} T_{wait}^i=e^{\frac{1}{p_i+\alpha }} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\alpha\) is a constant to ensure that \(T_{wait}^i\) is a finite value if \(p_i=0\).

A node with more residual energy and higher node degree has shorter waiting time so that it has a higher chance to be CH. If a node does not receive any ‘\(CH\_Competing\)’ message during the waiting time, it will broadcast the ‘\(CH\_Competing\)’ message in its competing radius \(r_{c}^{i}\) to declare itself as a CH:

$$\begin{aligned} r_{c}^{i}= r_0 \cdot \left( 1-\frac{\varphi (i)-deg_{aver_i}}{\varphi _{max}(i)-\varphi _{min}(i)}\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(r_0\) is a constant depending on the characteristic of sensors (initial energy, communication ratio) in the network, \(\varphi (i)=\frac{degree_i}{deg_{aver_i}}\), \(\varphi _{min}(i)\) and \(\varphi _{max}(i)\) are the minimum and maximum node degree for the neighbors of node i.

All nodes in the competing radius hearing the message will give up the CH competing operation. The competing radius is related to the distance to the sink node and the node density. According to expression (11)–(13), the CH selection operation is started in the dense area with a smaller competing radius, which can avoid unbalance CH distribution in the network. For instance, as shown in Fig. 2(a), the red node in dense area near the sink node has the top priority to broadcast its ‘\(CH\_Competing\)’ message within the red radius. And then, the blue node broadcasts its ‘\(CH\_Competing\)’ message within the blue radius. The green nodes far away from the sink node broadcasts its ‘\(CH\_Competing\)’ message in the green radius followed by the blue one. Finally, CHs will be distributed uniformly in the network. However, if the green node broadcasts its ‘\(CH\_Competing\)’ message firstly, all nodes in its competing area will give up the competing for being CHs and there will be only one node selected in the network, as shown in Fig. 2(b). The cluster head selection algorithm is given in Algorithm 1.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Cluster head competing started from different nodes. a started from node 1, b started from node 3

figure c

4.4 Cluster formation

At the beginning, each CH broadcasts a ‘\(CH\_Announce\)’ message in its communication radius \(R_s\). The ‘\(CH\_Announce\)’ message contains the information of node ID, distance to the sink node and the residual energy. Like the overlapping clustering protocol in [33], each ordinary nodes maintain a CH-table containing three elements [CHID, \(d_{toCH}, d_{toBS}\)], where CHID is the sender node ID, \(d_{toCH}\) is the distance from the sender node, \(d_{toBS}\) is the distance from the source node to the sink node. And then each ordinary node will send a ‘master-head’ message to the nearest CH to form un-overlapping clusters, which contains the information of node ID and CH-table. The CHs hearing the ‘master-head’ message will hold a CM-dtable with [\(d_{toCH}\), CMID, \(NEI\_CHID, d_{CHtoCH}, d_{NEItoBS}\)], where CMID is the ID of sender node, \(NEI\_CHID\) is the neighbor CH ID connected through the sender node, \(d_{CHtoCH}\) is the distance to the neighbor CH, \(d_{NEItoBS}\) is the distance from the neighbor CH to the sink node. Each ordinary node will compare its residual energy with the residual energy of other CHs in its CH-table. If the ordinary node remains more energy than any of the neighbor CHs, it will declare itself as a ‘Hide-high-energy node’ (HHE node) by sending a ‘high_energy’ message to the CHs with lower energy and the CH in its master cluster. The ‘high_energy’ message contains the CH IDs (the CHs with lower energy and the CH in its master cluster) and the residual energy of its own.

The overlapping cluster formation starts from the HHN nodes. A pair of CHs (e.g. \(CH_i\) and \(CH_j\)) containing the same HHE nodes will calculate the direction fitness \(DF_{ij}\). As shown in Fig. 3, there are three CHs (ABC) in the network, we consider A as a better relay station compared with C because the sum distance from A to B and B to S is shorter compared with the distance through \(A-C-S\) (\(DF_{AB}=\frac{d_{CH_A}}{d_{AB}+d_{CH_B}}>\frac{d_{CH_A}}{d_{AC}+d_{CH_C}}=DF_{AC}\)). The parameter DF is a metric to evaluate which clusters are proper to overlap. A cluster \(CH_i\) will select the cluster with highest directionfitness (\(CH_h\)) to form overlapping clusters by broadcasting a ‘Overlap’ message.

If the HHE nodes between them \(n_{HHE}>\tau _1\), the inter-overlapping degree \(O_{ih}>\tau _1\), the redundancy condition of relay nodes is satisfied. Otherwise, \(CH_i\) will select another cluster with the second highest directionfitness to form overlapping clusters and inform the HHE nodes between them to form overlapping area. If no HHN nodes exists between the pair of CHs, \(\tau _1\) number of boundary nodes remaining most energy between \(CH_i\) and \(CH_j\) are selected as boundary nodes by broadcasting a ‘Overlap’ message. To avoid too many relay nodes concentrated in one area, the intra-overlapping degree of each cluster is limited to \(\varphi\) and the inter-overlapping degree between any pair of CHs is limited to \(\tau _2\). If there are more than \(\varphi\) neighbor CHs connected by a CH, it will send a \(`refuse\_CH'\) message to the redundant CHs with lower directionfitness. If there are more than \(\tau _2\) boundary nodes between any pair of CHs, the CH with larger ID will send a \(`refuse\_CM'\) message to the redundant boundary nodes with lower residual energy. The sketch map of cluster formation is shown in Fig. 4, and the cluster formation algorithm is given in Algorithm 2.

figure d
Fig. 3
figure 3

Direction fitness

Fig. 4
figure 4

Cluster formation

4.5 Relay nodes selection

Each CH selects a boundary node in its own overlapping area as the relay node. First, a CH choose the overlapping area with highest DF as candidate relay area according to the direction fitness metric. All nodes in the candidate relay area form the relay nodes set. And then the CH sends a ‘relay-message’ to the boundary node with highest residual energy in the relay node set to inform it serving as a relay node. As shown in Fig. 5, as \(DF_{AB}>DF_{AC}\), the overlapping area between Cluster A and Cluster B are the candidate relay area, and all nodes within it (the blue nodes) are selected as candidate relay nodes. The node remaining most energy is arranged to forward the aggregated data to the sink node. In the proposed clustering protocol, we assign the data collecting task and the data relaying task to different nodes, avoiding a node serving as CH and relay node simultaneously. Each CH collects the coming data from its CMs and forwards the aggregated data to the sink node via its corresponding relay node. As a result, the maximum number of hops from any node to the sink node is three. For large-scale WSNs the protocol needs to be extended by selecting multi-hop relay nodes. Due to the overlapping cluster formation scheme and the metric setting of direction fitness, the proper next-hop relay nodes can be easily determined by choosing boundary nodes in the next overlapping regions based on the ‘direction fitness’ metric.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Relay node selection

In some special cases shown in Fig. 6, two CHs B and C are located on the connection line between A and the sink node, \(DF_{AB}=DF_{AC}=1\). In this case, we prefer to choose the boundary nodes between Cluster A and Cluster B as relay nodes of Cluster A rather than the the boundary nodes between Cluster A and Cluster C. Assigning relay nodes close to CHs is one of the major difference between EEOC and SEECH. In SEECH, the nodes near the sink node are prioritized as relay nodes rather than the nodes near CHs. It should be pointed out that the EEOC protocol is more effectively to balance the energy of the whole network since it can reduce the energy consumption of CHs by requesting relay nodes to play the role of long-distance transmission. The relay node selection is given in Algorithm 3.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Special case

figure e

4.6 Data transmission and cluster rotation

The CHs create a TDMA schedule to decide which CM can transmit the sensed data within the allocated time, other members will turn off to save energy. Relay nodes communicate with CHs and the sink node within the inter-cluster communication time slot. DSSS (Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum) is applied to reduce inter-cluster interference. Base station assigns different spreading code to different CHs, and sensors in the same cluster using the same spreading code during the intra-cluster communication period. In data transmission phase, all boundary nodes only need to send data once to its master-CHs. To balance energy consumption among nodes, the CH and relay node roles are rotated periodically after predefined data gathering rounds, and the rotation of CHs and relay nodes are separately.

5 Protocol analysis

5.1 Control message complexity

At the beginning, each node broadcasts a ‘Hand-shaking’ to its neighbors, and the sink node broadcasts a ‘Hello message’ to all nodes. There are \(n+1\) messages in the information collection step. In the CH selection step, suppose that there are \(n_0 (n_0<n)\) nodes selected as CHs, \(n_1 (n_1<(n-n_0))\) nodes as HHE nodes, \(n_2 (n_2<n-n_0-n_1)\) ordinary nodes as boundary nodes, and \(n_3 (n_3<n_0)\) clusters contain more than \(\varphi\) overlapping regions. As a result, \(n_0\) ‘CH_competing’ messages are broadcast in the network. Hence, there are \(n_0\) ‘CH-Announce’ messages, \((n-n_0)\) ‘master-head’ messages, \(n_1\) ‘high_energy’ messages, \(n_2\) ‘overlap’ messages and \(n_3\) ‘refuse’ messages produced in the cluster formation step. Subsequently, there are \(n_0\) ‘relay-messages’ produced in the relay node selection step. Therefore, the control message complexity in the whole cluster-setup phase is

$$\begin{aligned} T= & {} n+1+n_0+n_1+n-n_0+n_2+ n_3+n_0 \nonumber \\= & {} 2n+n_1+n_2+n_3+n_0 \end{aligned}$$

Thus, \(2n<T<6n\), the overall communication overhead complexity for cluster-setup phase in the network is O(n).

5.2 Cluster heads and relay nodes distribution

The CHs are properly distributed in the network. In the CH selection step, the broadcast delay related to nodes residual energy and node density is introduced. The node with most residual energy in the dense area will send the competing message within the competing radius. All the nodes in its competing radius receive the message and give up the competing. As a result, the node with most residual energy is the only CH in its competing radius.

The relay nodes are selected based on the ‘direction fitness’ metric within the overlapping area. As a result, the relay nodes are distributed properly near the CHs within the area between CHs and the sink node.

5.3 Energy consumption

Appropriate distribution of CHs can reduce the energy consumption of members in a cluster, and balance the energy consumption among CHs in the different region of the network. There are three types of nodes in the cluster: ordinary nodes, relay nodes and CHs. The required energy for ordinary nodes i is calculated as

$$\begin{aligned} E_{nonCH}(i)=l_0\left( E_{elec}+\varepsilon _{fs}\times d_{toCH}(i)^2\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(d_{toCH}(i)\) is the distance from node i to its CH. The expectation of square distance from any node to its CH is

$$\begin{aligned} E[d_{toCH}^2(i)]=\frac{(1-\mu )^2R_i^2}{2} \end{aligned}$$

where \(R_i\) is the cluster radius defined as the maximum distance from any node to its CH in the cluster, \(\mu\) is a adjustment coefficient to amend the area of cluster caused by overlapping. Combining expression (15) and (16), we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} E_{nonCH}(i)=l_0\left( E_{e}+\varepsilon _{fs}\times \frac{(1-\mu )^2R_i^2}{2}\right) \end{aligned}$$

The total energy consumption for all ordinary nodes in a round is

$$\begin{aligned} E_{nonCH}^{total}=(n-n_0)l_0E_{e}+\varepsilon _{fs}\times \frac{\mathop {\sum _{i=1}^{n_0}n_i(1-\mu )^2R_i^2}}{2} \end{aligned}$$

The node density in cluster \(CH_i\) is

$$\begin{aligned} \rho _i=\frac{n_i}{\pi R_i^2}. \end{aligned}$$

Substituting expression (19) into (18), we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} E_{nonCH}^{total}=(n-n_0)l_0E_{e}+\varepsilon _{fs}\times \frac{\pi \mathop {\sum _{i=1}^{n_0}\rho _i(1-\mu )^2R_i^4}}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

The energy consumption for CH i to receive and send the data to its corresponding relay node is

$$\begin{aligned} E_{CH}(i)= l_0(2E_{e}+E_{DA}+\varepsilon _{fs}\times (1-\mu )^2R_i^2). \end{aligned}$$

where the distance from CH i to its relay node is approximated as the cluster radius \((1-\mu )R_i\). The total energy consumption for all CHs in a round is

$$\begin{aligned} E_{CH}^{total}=n_0l_0(2E_e+E_{DA})+(1-\mu )^2\varepsilon _{fs}\mathop {\sum _{i=1}^{n_0}R_i^2}. \end{aligned}$$

We assume that all relay nodes adopting the multi-path channel energy consumption model in transmission. According to the expression (56) in [34], the expected fourth power distance from the sink node to the sensing field is

$$\begin{aligned} E\left[ d_{toBS}^4 \right] =\frac{193M^4}{720} \end{aligned}$$

The energy consumption for relay node i to receive and send the aggregated data to the sink node is

$$\begin{aligned} E_{relay}(i)=l_0\left( E_e+\varepsilon _{mp}d_{toBS}^4(i)\right) \end{aligned}$$

The total energy consumption for all relay nodes of the network in a round is

$$\begin{aligned} E_{relay}^{total}=n_0l_0\left( E_e+\varepsilon _{mp}\frac{193M^4}{720}\right) \end{aligned}$$

The total energy consumption of the whole network in a round is

$$\begin{aligned} E_{total}=E_{nonCH}^{total}+E_{CH}^{total}+E_{relay}^{total} \end{aligned}$$

According to expressions (20), (22) and (25), we can see that after the number of CHs \(n_0\) is determined, the total energy consumption of the sensor network in a data gathering round primarily depends on the distribution of CHs and node density in the sensing field and overlapping degree of the formatted clusters. Uniform distribution of CHs yields proper cluster radius and sensors in dense area should be grouped into small clusters to reduce energy consumption.

6 Simulations

In this section, we evaluate the EEOC protocol from energy efficiency perspective to demonstrate the superiority of our protocol in comparison with LEACH [13] and SEECH [28] via MATLAB. For simplicity, we assume an ideal PHY layer with no losses, and error-free links with no collisions are guaranteed by the TDMA schedule. Moreover, we assume that all the coming packets from CMs can be aggregated into a constant length by their CH in each cluster. The average residual energy and the number of nodes alive are two major metrics used to explore the energy efficiency. To investigate the impact of node density and the distance from monitoring area to the sink node on the proposed protocol, we evaluate the performance from three aspects under two different network size (Case 1: 100 m \(\times\) 100 m with 100 nodes, W=75; Case 2: 100 m \(\times\) 100 m with 200 nodes, W=100). First, the energy efficiency of the whole network is evaluated. Second, we further calculate the energy consumption among nodes with different roles (CHs, relay nodes and CMs) to investigate the influence of the distributions of node’s energy consumptions on the network lifetime. At last, the energy consumption from different region of the network is evaluated to prove the advantage of the protocol in balancing energy consumption at different levels of the network topology. The parameters of simulation scenario is described in Table 1.

Table 1 Experimental parameters

6.1 Energy efficiency of the proposed protocol

In the simulations, when a node runs out of the limited energy, it is taken to be dead. There are different definitions on the lifetime of network, for example, the time when the first node dies (FND), the time when all nodes die (AND) and the time when a specified percentage (10 %) of nodes die (TND) [9]. All of them are used in this paper to evaluate the energy efficiency performance of the proposed protocol.

The number of living nodes and their average residual energy are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Result in Fig. 7 indicates that EEOC achieves longer stable work stage (from start to the first node dead, TND) and survival time (from start to ten percent of nodes dead, TND) compared with LEACH and SEECH, while gets shorter AND time compared with LEACH in both cases. The comparison of FND, TND and AND is shown in Fig. 9. The result in Fig. 8 indicate that EEOC remains more residual energy in the whole survival time due to appropriate CH distribution and relay nodes distribution. Meanwhile, a shorter period between FND time and AND time means that the energy consumption is well balanced among nodes in the network. A long FND time and the rapid decrease in the number of dead nodes for our protocol shown in Fig. 7 demonstrates that it has obvious advantages in saving total energy and balancing energy consumption. Compared the results in Figs. 7(a), 8(a) and 9(c) with the results in Figs. 7(b), 8(b) and 9(c), it can be seen that our protocol and the SEECH protocol both achieve high energy efficiency in the two simulation cases. This observation indicates the robustness our proposed protocol and the SEECH protocol.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Number of nodes alive. a Case 1, b Case 2

Fig. 8
figure 8

Average residual energy of living nodes. a Case 1, b Case 2

Fig. 9
figure 9

Lifetime compared among three protocols. a Case 1, b Case 2

6.2 Energy consumption among different roles of nodes

By avoiding a node serving as a CH and a relay node simultaneously, the EEOC and SEECH protocol both get excellent energy efficiency. Furthermore, the EEOC protocol gets even better results than SEECH. To investigate the difference between EEOC and SEECH, the energy consumption among different roles of nodes is compared. We form the same number of clusters (KCH=5) as SEECH formed in its first simulation scene (the same to our simulation setting) to obtain the reasonable comparison result.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Average energy consumption of CHs. a Case 1, b Case 2

Fig. 11
figure 11

Average energy consumption of relay nodes. a Case 1, b Case 2

Fig. 12
figure 12

Average energy consumption of CMs. a Case 1, b Case 2

The average energy consumption of CHs, relay nodes and cluster members in each rounds are shown in Figs. 1011 and 12. As we prefer to choose the relay nodes near the CHs rather than the ones near the sink node, the energy depletion for CHs cased by remote communication is avoid, whereas the selected relay nodes should consume more energy to forward data to the sink node due to a longer transmission distance. Compared the results in Figs. 10(a), 11(a) and 12(a) with the results in Figs. 10(b), 11(b) and 12(b), it can be seen that CHs and relay nodes consume more energy during each data gathering round in a denser nodes deployment with a farer base station (Case 2). The results in Figs. 10 and 11 indicate that the average energy consumption of EEOC is much lower at the cost of higher energy consumption of relay nodes compared with SEECH. Since CHs consume huge energy to collect data from its CMs, it is benifical to assign relay nodes near CHs to reduce inter-cluster energy consumption, avoiding untimely death of CHs. From Fig. 12, we can see that the average energy consumption of CMs in EEOC is approximately the same during the survival time compared with the energy consumption of CMs in SEECH. Combining the results shown in Figs. 7 891011 and 12, it can be seen that energy balancing among CHs makes a great contribution for prolonging the network lifetime.

6.3 Energy consumption in different regions of network

The EEOC protocol aims at balancing energy consumption among all nodes in the network. The energy consumption rate of different regions in the network should be as synchronous as possible. We equally divide the network area into three regions (\(a_1\) region, \(a_2\) region and \(a_3\) region) as shown in Fig. 13, and investigate the average energy consumption in the three regions of the network with different protocols.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Different regions of the network

Simulation results in Figs. 1415 and 16 indicate that the EEOC protocol achieves best energy balancing performance in different region of the network under both simulation cases. Figure 14 shows the result of LEACH. Since the distance metric is not considered during the cluster-setup phase and CHs communicate with the sink directly, the average residual energy of each region reduces with the distance to the sink node. As shown in Fig. 15, SEECH achieves better performance than LEACH. It should be pointed out that the average residual energy in \(a_1\) region is the lowest, even though \(a_1\) region is closest to the sink node. The reason is that most of the relay nodes are selected near the sink node (in the \(a_1\) region) in SEECH. The energy consumption are well balanced in three regions by using the EEOC protocol, shown in Fig. 16. The excellent performance is achieved because of the proper distribution of relay nodes near CHs in the region between CHs and the sink node. Compared the results in Figs. 14(a), 15(a) and 16(a) with the results in Figs. 14(b), 15(b) and 16(b), it can be observed that the energy consumption can be more balanced when the sink node is closer to the monitoring area (Case 1).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Average residual energy in different areas in LEACH. a Case 1, b Case 2

Fig. 15
figure 15

Average residual energy in different areas in SEECH. a Case 1, b Case 2

Fig. 16
figure 16

Average residual energy in different areas in our protocol. a Case 1, b Case 2

7 Conclusion

Reducing and balancing energy consumption both can prolong the network lifetime, which should be considered simultaneously. An energy-efficient overlapping clustering protocol has been proposed for WSNs in this paper. Based on the overlapping cluster formation mechanism, the selected CHs are uniformly distributed, leading to low energy consumption during the intra-cluster communication phase. The proper high residual energy nodes in the overlapping areas are selected as relay nodes according to the distance metric, which can reduce energy consumption caused by long distance transmission between CHs and relay nodes, and hence balance energy consumption of the whole network. Simulation results show that the EEOC protocol can prolong the network lifetime better than LEACH protocol and SEECH protocol. Furthermore, it has been shown from simulations that EEOC achieves better energy-balancing quality than SEECH and LEACH.