
The genus Amblyomma Koch, 1844 has the highest specific richness in the Neotropical Region, where 64 species range in contrasting habitats and their medical and veterinary importance as parasites per se and vectors of pathogenic organisms is well documented (Guglielmone et al., 2003, 2014; Labruna et al., 2011; Nava et al., 2014). A series of systematic studies on the genus carried out recently in the Neotropics has resulted in the reinstatement of taxa previously considered invalid (Amblyomma latepunctatum Tonelli Rondelli, 1939, Amblyomma romitii Tonelli Rondelli, 1939, Amblyomma sculptum Berlese, 1888, Amblyomma mixtum Koch, 1844) and in the description of new species (Amblyomma boeroi Nava, Mangold, Mastropaolo, Venzal, Oscherov & Guglielmone, 2009, Amblyomma tonelliae Nava, Beati & Labruna, 2014, Amblyomma patinoi Labruna, Nava & Beati, 2014, Amblyomma interandinum Beati, Nava & Cáceres, 2014) (Labruna et al., 2005; Barros-Battesti et al., 2007; Nava et al., 2009, 2014).

Recent field studies in Yungas Phytogeographic Province sensu Cabrera (1994) in the northwestern Argentina resulted in collection of specimens of a new species of Amblyomma, and the recognition that it has been misidentified as Amblyomma coelebs Neumann, 1899 or determined as Amblyomma sp. This paper describes all stages of the new species and presents ecological information for this tick. Analyses of a 410 bp fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene and the complete sequence of the nuclear 18S rRNA gene were also performed to infer the phylogenetic position of the new tick species in relation to other Neotropical species of Amblyomma.

Materials and methods

Morphological descriptions are based on free-living ticks collected from two localities of Salta and Jujuy provinces, Argentina, belonging to the Yungas Phytogeographic Province as described by Cabrera (1994) (see details in “material examined”). Additionally, specimens deposited in the following five collections were examined: (i) Tick collection of INTA Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina (INTA); (ii) Tick collection of Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina (FAVE); (iii) United States National Tick Collection, Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Georgia Southern University, USA (USNMENT); (iv) Coleção Nacional de Carrapatos of the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (CNC); (v) Departamento de Parasitología Veterinaria, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República, Salto, Uruguay (DPVURU).

Ticks were cleaned for both light and scanning electron microscopy with ultrasound (20 kHz) using distilled water and commercial detergent in a proportion of 9:1. Ten unfed specimens of each stage were measured and photographed using a Nikon Alphaphot-2 YS2 optical microscope for the descriptions that follow. All measurements are in millimetres and are presented as the range followed by the mean in parentheses. The description of the scutal ornamentation of males follows the terminology of Nava et al. (2014). Scanning electron photomicrographs were taken at the Servicio de Microscopía Electrónica, Museo de La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, using a JEOL/JSM 6360 LV® Digital Scanning Microscope; colour photographs were generated by Lorenza Beati with a BK Plus Lab System (Visionary Digital), stacked with Helicon Focus v. 4.77 in the USNMENT.

DNA was extracted from representative specimens of each stage and processed using a polymerase chain reaction following the methodology described by Mangold et al. (1998a, b). The DNA was then used to amplify a 410 bp fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene and the complete sequence of the nuclear 18S rRNA gene, using the primers designed by Mangold et al. (1998a, b). Sequences were aligned together with sequences for the Neotropical Amblyomma spp. available in GenBank, using the BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor (Hall, 1999) with the CLUSTAL W program (Thompson et al., 1994). Phylogenetic relationships were assessed in terms of maximum likelihood method (ML). Best fitting substitution models were determined with the Bayesian Information Criterion using the ML model test implemented in MEGA 5 (Tamura et al., 2011). The number of variable nucleotide positions between sequences was used to calculate pairwise estimates of percent sequence divergence. The best substitution model for the phylogenetic tree constructed with 18S DNA sequences was Kimura 2-parameter (K2) model by using Gamma-distribution with Invariant sites (G+I). The tree made with 16S DNA sequences was generated with the GTR model and a discrete Gamma-distribution (+G). Support for the topologies was tested by bootstrapping over 1,000 replications; Ixodes luciae Sénevet, 1940 was chosen as outgroup.

Amblyomma hadanii n. sp.

Type-locality: Parque Nacional El Rey (24º41’S, 64º36’W), Salta Province, Argentina.

Type-material: Holotype ♂ and allotype ♀, 1 paratype ♀, 1 paratype nymph ex vegetation, 29.xi.2008, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta Province, coll. M. Mastropaolo, S. Nava and A.J. Mangold, deposited in USNMENT (Holotype ♂: USNMENT957444; allotype ♀: USNMENT957445; paratype ♀: USNMENT957446; paratype nymph: USNMENT957447); paratypes 10 ♂♂, 10 ♀♀, and 10 nymphs ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta Province, deposited in INTA (INTA 2238); paratypes 1 ♂, 1 ♀ and 1 nymph ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta Province, deposited in FAVE (SAER 20b); paratypes 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta Province, deposited in the CNC (CNC 1435); paratypes 5 nymphs ex vegetation, collected in Villamonte (24°18’S, 64°31’W), Jujuy Province, deposited in INTA (INTA 2239); paratypes 10 larvae ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta Province, deposited in DPVURU (DPVURU 872).

Comparative material: Specimens deposited in INTA, FAVE, CNC and USNMENT: 1 ♂ ex Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus), Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (INTA 1343, identified as A. coelebs); 1 ♂ reared from nymph collected on horse, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (INTA 1880, identified as A. coelebs); 3 ♀♀ ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (INTA 2241); 1 nymph ex cow, Villamonte, Jujuy, Argentina (INTA 2243); 21 ♂♂, 33 ♀♀ ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (FAVE, SAER 6c, 11a, 17c, 18a, 20b, 43a, 64a, 69a, 70a, 78, 79b, 94, 98, 105a, 115a, 118, 147a, identified as A. coelebs); 2 ♀♀ ex horse, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (FAVE 23c, 150b, identified as A. coelebs); 38 nymphs ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (FAVE, SAER 2b, 5b, 6b, 14b, 16b, 17b, 24b, 26, 39, 44, 46, 51b, 54b, 59b, identified as Amblyomma sp.); 4 nymphs ex horse, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (FAVE, SAER 1b, 40b, 117b, 150c, identified as Amblyomma sp.); 1 nymph ex dog, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (FAVE 116c, identified as Amblyomma sp.); 5 nymphs ex human, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (FAVE, SAER 54b, 59b, 196a, identified as Amblyomma sp.); 2 nymphs ex human, Villamonte, Jujuy, Argentina (INTA 2240); 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (USNMENT 117333, identified as “possibly” A. coelebs); 10 nymphs ex vegetation, Parque Nacional El Rey, Salta, Argentina (CNC 2319).

Etymology: This species is named for Arieh Hadani, in recognition of his pioneer contribution to the study of ticks and tick-borne diseases of cattle in Argentina.


Male. Scutal ornamentation: reddish brown in colour; numerous punctations evenly distributed; limiting spots converging posteriorly towards median line forming outline of pseudoscutum; lateral spots, postero-accesory spots and postero-median spot small, barely perceptible; basis capituli dorsally rectangular with cornua, coxa I with 2 subequal spurs (internal wider, external longer), coxae II–III with single spur, coxa IV with single spur not reaching level of anus, ventral plates irregular in shape (larger and sometimes with small incision on festoons 4, 5 and 6), hypostome spatulate with dental formula 3/3 in 7–8 rows. Female. Scutal ornamentation: central area with patchy enamelled posterior spot, central stripe reaching posterior scutal margin, becoming narrower toward posterior scutal margin, punctations numerous, evenly distributed, postero-lateral margins slightly convex; coxa I with two subequal spurs (internal wider, external longer), basis capituli dorsally rectangular, porose areas rounded, genital aperture U-shaped, hypostome spatulate with dental formula 3/3 in 7–8 rows. Nymph. Basis capituli rectangular, scutum with large punctations in lateral fields and small punctations in central field, cervical groove short, ending as small shallow depression at eye level. Larva. Basis capituli dorsally subtriangular in shape, laterally extended into moderate points, scutum with posterior margin slightly convex; coxa I with 2 triangular spurs (external longer than internal), coxae II and III each with 1 triangular spur.


Male (Figs. 1–6, 11)

Body outline oval, broadest at level of legs IV, with small concave margin at level of eyes (Fig. 1); total length 4.82–5.63 (5.12), length from apices of scapulae to posterior body margin 3.88–4.67 (4.25), breadth 2.95–3.52 (3.20). Scutum: ornate, reddish brown, with numerous punctations evenly distributed; limiting spots converging posteriorly towards median line forming outline of pseudoscutum (Figs. 1, 11); lateral spots, postero-accesory spots and postero-median spot small, barely perceptible (Fig. 11); eyes pale, flat, scapulae rounded, cervical grooves deep, short, comma-shaped (Fig. 1); marginal groove complete, delimiting all festoons, deep up to level of coxa IV, and then as a line of deep punctations not reaching level of eyes (Fig. 1); festoons longer than wide, with numerous medium-sized punctations; genital aperture U-shaped (Fig. 2). Capitulum (Figs. 3, 4): basis capituli dorsally rectangular, wider than long, with cornua; length from palpal apices to cornua apices 0.97–1.20 (1.05); basis capituli breadth 0.67–0.81 (0.74), length 0.34–0.48 (0.39), length from apex of hypostome to posterior margin 0.84–0.87 (0.85); palpi: total length 0.58–0.74 (0.69), length of segment I 0.09–0.11 (0.09), length of segment II 0.30–0.40 (0.32), length of segment III 0.11–0.20 (0.14); article 1 of palpi with retrograde spur on its ventral surface. Hypostome (Fig. 3): apically rounded (spatulate), length from apices to Ph1 setae 0.74–0.81 (0.80), width 0.20–0.30 (0.21), dental formula 3/3 in 7–8 rows; apex with corona of fine denticles. Legs (Figs. 2, 3): coxa I with 2 subequal spurs (internal wider, external longer) reaching anterior margin of coxa II; coxae II with single short, rounded spur; coxa III with single short, rounded spur, protruding from ridge-like edge; coxa IV with single spur not reaching level of anus; trochanters with no spurs; tarsus I length 0.81–1.0 (0.83) width 0.30–0.35 (0.32). Sclerotised ventral plates (carenas), irregular in shape, larger and sometimes with small incision present on festoons 4, 5 and 6 (Fig. 5). Spiracular plate (Fig. 6) broadly pear-shaped, length 0.60–0.72 (0.70) width 0.30–0.40 (0.31).

Figs. 1–6
figure 1

Amblyomma hadanii n. sp. Male. 1, Dorsal view; 2, Ventral view; 3, Hypostome; 4, Capitulum, dorsal view; 5, Ventral plates; 6, Spiracular plate. Scale-bars: 1, 2, 1 mm; 3–5, 0.5 mm; 6, 0.2 mm

Principal measurements (in mm) of the male holotype: total length 5.2; length from apices of scapulae to posterior body margin 4.1, breadth 3.1; length from palpal apices to cornua apices 1.0.

Female (Figs. 7–10, 14)

Body outline oval, with 11 festoons (perceptible in unengorged specimens) without tubercles (Fig. 7); total length 4.89–6.17 (5.74); length from apices of scapulae to posterior body margin 3.95–4.96 (4.59); breadth 3.09–3.95 (3.59); eyes pale, flat; scapulae rounded, cervical grooves deep, short, sigmoid, notum glabrous (Figs. 7, 8); genital aperture U-shaped, situated between coxae II (Fig. 12). Scutum: length 1.85–2.40 (2.17), breadth 2.22–2.74 (2.52), posterior angle broad, postero-lateral margins slightly convex, punctations numerous, evenly distributed (Fig. 7); ornate central area characterised by patchy enamelled posterior spot, with central stripe reaching posterior scutal margin, central stripe becomes narrower toward posterior scutal margin (Fig. 14). Capitulum (Figs. 810): basis capituli dorsally rectangular, wider than long, with cornua; porose areas rounded; length from palpal apices to cornua apices 1.14–1.46 (1.31); basis capituli breadth 0.83–1.04 (0.97), length 0.30–0.46 (0.40), distance between porose areas 0.14–0.20 (0.17), diameter of one porose area 0.16–0.21 (0.17); palpi total length 0.76–1.0 (0.89), length of segment I 0.093–0.14 (0.11), length of segment II 0.44–0.58 (0.53), length of segment III 0.24–0.27 (0.24); article 1 of palpi with a retrograde spur on its ventral surface. Hypostome (Fig. 10): apically rounded (spatulate), length 0.74–1.07 (0.94), width 0.30–0.34 (0.33), dental formula 3/3 in 7–8 rows; apex with corona of fine denticles. Legs (Figs. 9, 10): coxa I with 2 subequal spurs (internal wider, external longer); coxae II–IV with single short, rounded spur; trochanters with no spurs; tarsus I length 1.0–1.25 (1.14), width 0.17–0.29 (0.23). Spiracular plate broadly pear-shaped, length 0.5–0.7 (0.6), width 0.5–0.7 (0.6).

Figs. 7–10
figure 2

Amblyomma hadanii n. sp. Female. 7, Dorsal view; 8. Capitulum, dorsal view; 9, Ventral view; 10, Hypostome. Scale-bars: 7, 9, 1 mm; 8, 0.2 mm; 10, 0.5 mm

Figs. 11–16
figure 3

Dorsal view of adult ticks. 11, Male of Amblyomma hadanii n. sp.; 12, Male of Amblyomma coelebs; 13, Male of Amblyomma dubitatum; 14, Female of Amblyomma hadanii n. sp.; 15, Female of Amblyomma coelebs; 16, Female of Amblyomma dubitatum

Nymph (Figs. 17–20)

Body outline oval, with 11 festoons (perceptible in unengorged specimens) without tubercles (Fig. 17), length from apices of scapula to posterior body margin 1.76–2.09 (1.92), width 1.43–1.71 (1.58). Scutum (Fig. 17): length 0.82–0.88 (0.84), width 1.03–1.17 (1.11), width /length ratio 1.20–1.37 (1.30), inornate, with punctations evenly distributed, larger laterally, smaller centrally; eyes not orbited; cervical grooves deep, short, ending as small shallow depressions at level of posterior margin of eyes (Fig. 17). Capitulum (Figs. 19, 20): length from palpal apices to posterior margin 0.35–0.45 (0.40), width 0.37–0.40 (0.37); basis capituli dorsally rectangular, posterior margin slightly concave, without cornua; posterior margin convex ventrally, without auriculae; palpi length 0.25–0.30 (0.28), article I with small ventral prolongation, article II 0.15–0.18 (0.17) long, article III 0.07–0.10 (0.08) long. Hypostome rounded apically, length 0.28–0.32 (0.30), dentition 2/2 with 7–8 teeth per row (Fig. 20). Legs (Fig. 18): coxa I with 2 pointed spurs (internal broader, external longer); coxae II–IV with small triangular spur, emerged from ridge-like medial extension in coxae II and III; trochanters without spur; tarsus I length 0.42–0.52 (0.46), width 0.12–0.13 (0.12). Spiracular plate triangular with small dorsal prolongation, length 0.22–0.27 (0.24), width 0.17–0.20 (0.18).

Figs. 17–20
figure 4

Amblyomma hadanii n. sp. Nymph. 17, Dorsal view; 18, Ventral view; 19, Capitulum, dorsal view; 20, Hypostome. Scale-bars: 17, 0.5 mm; 18, 0.2 mm; 19, 20, 0.1 mm

Larva (Figs. 21, 23, 2526)

Body outline rounded, with 11 festoons (Fig. 21); length from apex of hypostome to posterior body margin 0.85–0.96 (0.89); length from apices of scapulae to posterior body margin 0.68–0.73 (0.71); greatest width 0.63–0.67 (0.65); 10 pairs of dorsal body setae: 2 central and 8 marginal; 15 pairs of ventral setae: 3 sternal, 2 pre-anal, 4 pre-marginal, 5 ventral and 1 on anal valves. Scutum: outline as illustrated (Fig. 21) with posterior margin slightly convex, 0.29–0.33 (0.31) length, 0.44–0.53 (0.51) width; 3 pairs of minute setae; eyes flat; cervical grooves deep, parallel. Capitulum (Figs. 21, 23, 25): basis capituli dorsally subtriangular in shape, laterally extended into moderate points; 1 pair of ventral posthypostomal setae (Ph); cornua absent; basis capituli 0.12–0.14 (0.13) in length, 0.16–0.18 (0.17) in width; Palpi length 0.15–0.17 (0.16); article I 0.02–0.03 (0.02); article II 0.06–0.07 (0.06); article III 0.04–0.06 (0.05); sutures between all articles distinct. Hypostome (Fig. 25): rounded apically; length from apices to Ph setae 0.09–0.11 (0.10); width 0.05–0.05 (0.05); dental formula 2/2, with 6 or 7 teeth in 2 files. Legs relatively long: coxa I with 2 triangular spurs (external longer than internal) (Fig. 26); coxae II and III each with 1 triangular spur (Fig. 26); trochanters lack spurs; tarsus I 0.26–0.29 (0.28) length, 0.06–0.08 (0.07) width.

Figs. 21–22
figure 5

Larvae. 21, Amblyomma hadanii n. sp.; 22, Amblyomma dubitatum. Scale-bars: 0.25 mm

Figs. 23–26
figure 6

Capitulum and coxae of larvae. 23, Capitulum of Amblyomma hadanii n. sp.; 24, Capitulum of Amblyomma dubitatum; 25, Hypostome of Amblyomma hadanii n. sp.; 26, Coxae of Amblyomma hadanii n. sp. Scale-bars: 23, 25, 0.1 mm; 24, 26, 0.15 mm

DNA sequences and phylogenetic position

Partial 16S DNA sequences of male, female, nymph and larva of A. hadanii n. sp. were identical (GenBank accession numbers: KJ584370–KJ584372). Pairwise differences in 16S rDNA sequences between A. hadanii and the remaining Amblyomma spp. included in the analysis were larger than 6%. The ML trees derived from both 18S and 16S genes are presented in Fig. 27. Amblyomma hadanii formed a clade with Amblyomma dubitatum Neumann, 1899 in the phylogenetic tree performed with 18S sequences, but no close association between A. hadanii and any other Neotropical species of Amblyomma was observed in the tree constructed with 16S sequences. Sequences (18S) for A. hadanii n. sp. (GenBank accession number: KJ584368) and A. dubitatum (GenBank accession number: FJ464425) differed by 13 nucleotide substitutions.

Fig. 27
figure 7

Maximum likelihood tree constructed from 18S rDNA (A) and 16S rDNA (B) sequences. Numbers represent bootstrap support generated from 1,000 replications. GenBank accession numbers are in parentheses.* Currently it is recognised that the taxon Amblyomma cajennense is a complex formed by six species (Nava et al., 2014)


Amblyomma hadanii n. sp. is morphologically similar to A. coelebs and A. dubitatum. Males of A. hadanii can be readily distinguished from A. coelebs by the scutal ornamentation and ventral plates. Males of A. coelebs have two bright red-orange patches in the scapular area and the lateral, postero-accessory and postero-median spots are conspicuous whereas males of A. hadanii have a pseudoscutum formed by the convergence of the limiting spots, the lateral, postero-accesory and postero-median spots are barely perceptible, and bright red-orange patches in the scapular area are absent (Figs. 11, 12). Ventral plates in A. hadanii are larger than in A. coelebs. Also, the ventral plates in A. hadanii are irregular in shape and in some specimens with a small incision, whereas in A. coelebs the ventral plates are similar in shape and not incised. Females of A. hadanii and A. coelebs are differentiated by the ornamentation of the scutum. Females of A. hadanii have a central area with a patchy enamelled posterior spot, and a central stripe which reaches the posterior scutal margin (Fig. 14). Conversely, the scutum of females of A. coelebs is characterised by an enamelled posterior spot without central stripe (Fig. 15). Another difference between the females of A. hadanii and A. colebes comprises the punctations in the central area of the scutum, which are larger in A. hadanii than in A. coelebs.

Scutal ornamentation, spurs of coxae and spiracular plate are characters that clearly distinguish males of A. hadanii and A. dubitatum. Ornamentation of A. hadanii is characterised by limiting spots converging posteriorly towards the median line forming the outline of a pseudoscutum whereas the limiting spots of A. dubitatum are parallel to the scutal midline (Figs. 11, 13). Spiracular plate of A. hadanii is pear-shaped while spiracular plate of A. dubitatum is oval and larger than in A. hadanii, and spurs of coxae I-IV of A. hadanii are larger and sharper than in A. dubitatum. The females of these two species can be separated using the same characters. Spurs of coxae I–II of A. hadanii are larger and sharper than in A. dubitatum, and spiracular plate is pear-shaped in A. hadanii and oval in A. dubitatum. In the posterior scutal margin, the brown central stripe is narrower in A. hadanii than in A. dubitatum (Figs. 14, 16). Additionally, postero-lateral margins of scutum are slightly convex in A. hadanii and sinuous in A. dubitatum.

Similarly to the adults, the nymphs of A. hadanii, A. coelebs and A. dubitatum have a similar morphology. The nymph of A. hadanii can be differentiated from that of A. coelebs because the former possesses a rectangular dorsal basis capituli (vs slightly hexagonal) and scutum with large punctations in the lateral fields and small punctations in the central field (vs scutum with large and deep punctations in both lateral and central fields). The principal difference among nymphs of A. hadanii and A. dubitatum is the morphology of the cervical groove (short, ending as a small shallow depression at the eye level in A. hadanii (vs long, ending posteriorly to the eye level in A. dubitatum) and the basis capituli (rectangular A. hadanii and slightly hexagonal in A. dubitatum). In the case of larvae, there are well marked differences between A. hadanii and A. dubitatum (larva of A. coelebs is not described). The posterior margin of the scutum is slightly convex in the larvae of A. hadanii (Fig. 21) and sinuous in the larvae of A. dubitatum (Fig. 22); further, the lateral projections of basis capituli are sharper in the larvae of A. dubitatum than in the larvae in A. hadanii (Figs. 23, 24). Also, the average body size is larger in the larvae of A. hadanii than in the larvae of A. dubitatum.

The analyses of both 18S and 16S DNA sequences (Fig. 27) supported the description of A. hadanii as a new species distinct from other Neotropical species of Amblyomma. Sequences of both genes were markedly different from the sequences of the remaining Amblyomma spp. even for the more conserved 18S rRNA gene. In the phylogenetic analysis of the available 16S sequences, the evolutionary relationships between A. hadanii and the other Neotropical species of Amblyomma remain unresolved. In fact, most of the clades formed in the 16S tree have a low bootstrap support. On the other hand, a close association between A. hadanii and A. dubitatum was found in the 18S tree, coinciding with the morphological similarity between these two species (unfortunately, there are no 18S sequences of A. coelebs available on GenBank). These results are not unexpected because 18S rRNA gene is more conserved than the 16S rRNA gene; this increases the power of phylogenetic estimates based on 18S sequences in inferences of the evolutionary history of the species of genus Amblyomma.

Specimens of Amblyomma hadanii n. sp. were collected from Argentinean localities in the Provinces of Salta and Jujuy. All records were made between 800 m.a.s.l and 1500 m.a.s.l in areas belonging to the Yungas Phytogeographic Province (Amazonian Dominion). Examination of ticks from Parque Nacional El Rey (Salta, Argentina) deposited in the USNMENT, INTA and FAVE which have been identified as A. coelebs has resulted in the identification of these specimens as A. hadanii. Consequently, the records of A. coelebs in Argentina presented by Beldoménico et al. (2003) and Nava et al. (2004) (summarised in Guglielmone & Nava, 2006) correspond in fact to A. hadanii. There is another record of A. coelebs in Argentina (Boero, 1957), but the locality and hosts were not specified by this author. The only information presented by Boero (1957) on this finding of A. coelebs is “ extremo norte del país. En las zonas del alto Pilcomayo, sobre las fronteras paraguayas y bolivianas”. We could not locate the specimens examined by Boero (1957) in any entomological collection in Argentina. Therefore, we consider that the records of A. coelebs in Argentina (mentioned in Floch & Fauran, 1958; Jones et al., 1972; Guglielmone et al., 2003; Barros-Battesti et al., 2006) require confirmation.

Adults of A. hadanii were collected on T. terrestris and horse, and nymphs were found on horse, cattle, dog and human, but the number of host records for A. hadanii is too low for any well-grounded conclusion on its host range and host specificity. The findings of A. hadanii parasitising humans and domestic mammals indicate that this tick may be relevant from a sanitary perspective. In this sense, it is important to consider that A. hadanii was found in an area of Argentina where cases of human rickettsioses were diagnosed (Ripoll et al., 1999; Paddock et al., 2008). Future studies are needed to determine if this new tick species can be involved as vector of tick-borne pathogens.