1 Introduction

These days the disseminated open frameworks are developing extensively and also growing very fast. The grid, M2M and Fog computing, a paradigm that extends cloud computing and services to the edge of the network, frameworks are virtual associations with different independent spaces. In those frameworks, clients and asset suppliers are not in the same security area. Clients are typically recognized by their predefined personalities as well as by their qualities or attributes. Hence, the customary personality-based access control models are insufficient and, in this way, access to the framework should depend on choices for fulfillment of specific attributes’ level [21].

In our schemes proposed in this paper, for a cloud user to obtain a cloud service, he/she must authenticate his/her identity to the server. He/she also must satisfy a set of server’s attributes. If the intersection of the user’s assigned attributes and the server’s required attributes exceeds a satisfactory predefined level, the user is able to gain access to the server; otherwise, the user is denied.

In cloud confirmation, utilization of biometrics as characteristics has various critical favorable circumstances over standard validation systems. In the event that a biometric is utilized as an attribute, the identity check process is clear. The client must exhibit responsibility for biometric under the supervision of an all-around prepared administrator. In the event that impersonation assaults are recognized by the administrator (e.g., replaying the recording of a voice), the security of this stage is faulted for the utilized biometric method itself. The biometric estimation for an individual need not be kept secret. In reality, it is not in the event that it is utilized as open tokens. The verification plan should just ensure that a pernicious client cannot trick the cloud server into trusting that the client possesses a biometric property (tokens) that he/she does not.

Anonymity is one of the important services that must be available to the clients as long as they behave honestly. Clients’ communication must be kept authenticated and anonymous unless malicious behaviors are detected. In this case, the accused user’s clear identity must be traced and revealed by the system to solve accusations and revoke this malicious user.

Hiding the client’s clear identity is not enough for realizing anonymity. To preserve clients’ privacy, we need to look for solutions that prevent anyone from linking their different actions. At the risk of repeating themselves, there should be an effective privacy-preserving solution against linkability of activities. In particular, most clients probably feel comfortable with a solution where they use a single pseudonym for all of their online shopping as long as it is guaranteed that it can never be linked to them. Although such solution may be enough for some applications, this unique pseudonym solution does not solve the real problem for other applications that require unlinkability of repeated actions [24].

1.1 Our motivation

In the recent cloud applications and organizational requirements, it is not enough that the cloud user authenticates himself/herself to the cloud server. Indeed, each server in the cloud has a defined set of attributes that must be satisfied to a certain level for the user to gain access to this server and obtain service. Hence, satisfying the server attributes is an essential part of the authentication process. Besides that a user must prove that he/she is registered in the cloud (identity authentication) and he/she also must prove that his/her assigned attributes are of the required level to access a particular server on the cloud (attribute-based). Existing attribute-based encryption schemes and attribute-based authentication/signature schemes have the major drawbacks that the user must hold a decryption/signature key of size proportional to the number of his attributes and it is required to perform a significant amount of modular exponentiations and pairings over elliptic curves, which make these schemes not suitable for thin clients applications, i.e., implementation on devices with limited resources such as smart phones and smart cards. Other computationally efficient schemes, such as U-Prove scheme [4, 38], Idemix scheme [5, 6, 38] and HM12 scheme [43], do not provide advanced services, such as threshold access, tree-based access, possibility of revocation and some of them provide only one-show/partial anonymity.

1.2 Our contribution

The contribution of this paper is two-fold:

  • First, we propose the basic scheme, which is an efficient attribute-based non-anonymous authentication scheme for the cloud to allow a cloud user, in a one-move non-interactive way with one-group-element private key and a set of unique non-secret attributes tokens, to prove his/her identity to the cloud server. The basic scheme also allows the server to check whether the registered user assigned attributes are of a satisfactory level to access this particular server (or service). If it is so, the cloud user is able to establish a session key with the server.

  • Second, we provide a fully anonymous version of the non-anonymous scheme, which extends the basic scheme. Both proposed schemes also provide easy revocation of cloud users. The user in our schemes is not required to perform any bilinear pairing operations, whereas he/she performs only very few modular exponentiations and scalar multiplications on an elliptic curve. On the other hand, the complicated expensive computations are performed by the server.

1.3 Organization of the paper

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we briefly discuss the required basic cryptographic primitives used in our proposed schemes. In Sect. 3, we briefly discuss the related existing work. Section 4 gives the design objectives, system and threat model of our schemes. In Sect. 5, we present our non-anonymous attribute-based authentication and its security and performance evaluation. We then extend our non-anonymous scheme to realize full anonymity in Sect. 6. Furthermore, security, performance evaluation and comparisons of the anonymous scheme are presented in Sect. 6. Some discussions are also presented in Sect. 6. We finally conclude the paper in Sect. 7.

2 Mathematical background

In this section, we discuss some necessary cryptographic tools and assumptions which are useful for describing and analyzing our proposed schemes in Sects. 5 and 6.

2.1 Diffie–Hellman assumptions

Let p and q be two distinct large primes such that \(q | p-1\), that is, there be some integer k satisfying \(p = k q+1\). Let g be a generator of order q in \(Z_p\).

Definition 1

(Diffie–Hellman problem (DHP)) Let \(x \in _R Z_q^*\) such that \(|x| = |q|\), and \(y = g^x \mod p\), where |x| represents the bit length of x. Given (qpgy), it is computationally infeasible to compute the discrete logarithm x.

Definition 2

(Computational DH problem (CDHP)) Let \(a, b \in _R Z_q^*\) be two large integers with \(|a| = |b| = |q|\), and \(A = g^a\mod p\) and \(B = g^b\mod p\). Given (qpgAB), and without knowing a and b, it is infeasible to compute \(g^{ab} \mod p\).

Definition 3

(Decisional DH problem (DDHP)) Let \(a, b, r \in _R Z_q^*\) be three large integers with \(|a| = |b| = |r| = |q|\), and \(A=g^a\mod p\) and \(B=g^b\mod p\). Given (qpgAB), it is computationally infeasible to distinguish \(g^{ab}\mod p\) from \(g^{r}\mod p\) without knowing a, b and r.

2.2 Proofs of knowledge protocols

In this subsection, we review two basic proofs of knowledge protocols that are used in our schemes.

2.2.1 Proof of equality of two discrete logarithms

We review the protocol proposed in [35], which is widely used (e.g., in [9, 16, 17]). In this scheme, the public parameters are two large primes pq such that \(q | p-1\) and four integers \(\alpha , \beta , G_1, G_2 \in Z^*_p\). The prover, say \({\mathcal {P}}\), wants to prove to a verifier, say \({\mathcal {V}}\) that he/she knows \(x \in Z^*_q\) such that \(G_1 = \alpha ^x \mod p\) and \(G_2 = \beta ^x \mod p\). The protocol works as follows.

  • \({\mathcal {P}}\) picks \(r\in _R Z_q^*\) and sends the tuple \(\langle A=\alpha ^r\) modp, \(B=\beta ^r\mod p\rangle \) to \({\mathcal {V}}\).

  • \({\mathcal {V}}\) picks \(c \in _R Z_q^*\) and sends c to \({\mathcal {P}}\).

  • \({\mathcal {P}}\) computes \(y = r+cx\mod q\) and sends y to \({\mathcal {V}}\).

  • \({\mathcal {V}}\) checks validity of \(\alpha ^y = AG_1^c \mod p\) and \(\beta ^y = BG_2^c \mod p\).

There is a well-known standard way to make the above scheme non-interactive. Using a cryptographic one-way hash function \({\mathcal {H}}\) and setting \(c = {\mathcal {H}}(A,B)\), the NIZKP proof of knowledge protocol \(\Pi _{LogEq}\) becomes as follows.

  • \({\mathcal {P}}\) picks \(r\in _R Z_q^*\), computes \(c ={\mathcal {H}}(A,B)\), \(A=\alpha ^r \mod p\), \(B=\beta ^r \mod p\) and \(y=r+cx \mod q\), and then sends the tuple \(\langle A, B, y \rangle \) to \({\mathcal {V}}\).

  • \({\mathcal {V}}\) computes c, and checks if \(\alpha ^y = AG_1^c \mod p\) and \(\beta ^y = BG_2^c \mod p\). \({\mathcal {V}}\) rejects if the checks fail; otherwise, it accepts.

In this paper, we denote this non-interactive version of the scheme by \(\Pi _{LogEq}\leftarrow P_{LogEq}(\alpha ,\beta ,G_1,G_2,x)\).

2.2.2 Proof of knowledge of discrete logarithm

This is a well-known non-interactive protocol for proving the knowledge of a discrete logarithm. Select the public parameters as two large primes p and q such that \(q|p-1\), and also select two integers \(\alpha , Y\in Z^*_p\). The prover, say \(\mathcal {P}\), proves to a verifier, say \({\mathcal {V}}\) that he/she knows \(x \in Z^*_q\) such that \(Y = \alpha ^x\mod p\) without revealing the secret x. The protocol works as follows.

  • \({\mathcal {P}}\) chooses \(v \in _R Z_q^*\), computes \(c = {\mathcal {H}}(\alpha ,Y,T)\), \(T=\alpha ^v\mod p\), \(r=v+cx\mod q\) and sends the tuple \(\langle T, r \rangle \) to \({\mathcal {V}}\).

  • \({\mathcal {V}}\) computes c and checks the validity of the condition \(\alpha ^r = TY^c \mod p\). \({\mathcal {V}}\) rejects if the check fails. Otherwise, \({\mathcal {V}}\) accepts it.

In this paper, we denote this non-interactive protocol as: \(\Pi _{Log}\leftarrow P_{Log}(\alpha ,Y,x)\).

2.3 Polynomial secret sharing

Let a dealer hold a secret \(s\in Z_q\). To share this secret among a set \({\mathcal {P}}= \lbrace P_1, \ldots , P_n\rbrace \) of \(n (>\) \({t})\) participants, the dealer constructs a polynomial \(f(x)= \sum _{j=0}^t a_j x^j \mod q\), where \(a_0 = s\) and \(a_{j}\in _R Z_q\), where \(j = 1, 2, \ldots , t\). \(\forall i= 1\), \(\ldots \), n, the dealer secretly delivers f(i) to a participant \(P_i\). To reconstruct the secret s, each participant \(P_i\) broadcasts f(i). The participants then compute the secret s from any \(t+1\) shares using the Lagrange interpolation as \(s = f(0) = \Sigma _{i\in {\mathcal {B}}}\lambda _i f(i) \mod q\) where \({\mathcal {B}}\subset {\mathcal {P}}\), \(|{\mathcal {B}}|=t+1\) and \(\lambda _i\) is the Lagrange coefficient for the participant \(P_i\) [36].

2.4 Elliptic curve and its computational problems

Elliptic curves that are most commonly used have the standard Weierstrass form \(E : y^2 = x^3+ax+b\), which are defined over a prime field \(\mathbb {F}_p\), where \(p > 3\) is a prime and \(a; b\in \mathbb { F}_p\) such that the condition \(4a^3+27b^2 \ne 0 \mod p\) is satisfied. The set \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) of all solutions of E forms an abelian group under addition modulo p, where \({\mathcal {O}}\) is the identity element, also known as the point at infinity or zero point. The domain parameters of the elliptic curve \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) are the six-tuple \(\langle p, q, G, a, b\rangle \) where p is a field prime and G is a generator (base point) of order q.

In the following, we present the elliptic curve (EC) version of the Diffie–Hellman assumptions [10] as these are essential for analyzing the security of our schemes.

Definition 4

(EC discrete logarithm problem (EC-DLP)) Let \(P, Q \in E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) be two points on an elliptic curve \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\). A discrete logarithm of Q to the base P is an integer k such that \(Q = k P\). Given P and Q in \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\), it is computationally infeasible to compute the discrete logarithm \(k \in Z_p^*\).

Definition 5

(EC computational DH problem (EC-CDHP)) Let \(P\in E(\mathbb {F}_p)\). Given P, mP and nP in \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) for some integers \(m \in Z_p^*\) and \(n \in Z_p^*\), it is computationally infeasible to compute mnP.

Definition 6

(EC decisional DH problem (EC-DDHP)) Let \(P \in E(\mathbb {F}_p)\). Given P, mP and nP in \(E(\mathbb {F}_p\) for some integers \(m \in Z_p^*\) and \(n \in Z_p^*\), it is computationally infeasible to decide whether a point \(Q \in E(\mathbb {F}_p)\) is on the form nmP or a random point.

2.5 Bilinear mapping and its computational problems

Let \(\mathbb {G}_1,\mathbb {G}_2\) be groups of prime order q, and let g be a generator of \(\mathbb {G}_1\). A function \(e:\mathbb {G}_1 \times \mathbb {G}_1 \rightarrow \mathbb {G}_2\) is called the bilinear map if the following conditions hold [2].

  • Bilinearity: \(\forall a, b \in Z_q\) and \(G \in G_1\), \(e(aG, bG) = e(G, G)^{ab}\).

  • Non-degeneracy: \(e(G, G) \ne 1\).

  • Computability: There exists an efficient algorithm to compute e(PQ), \(\forall P, Q \in G_1\).

Definition 7

(Decisional Bilinear DH assumption) Let \(a, b, c, z \in _R Z_q\) for a large prime q and \(G \in G_1\). The decisional bilinear DH (BDH) assumption [1, 2, 12, 40] is that no polynomial-time adversary will be able to distinguish the tuple \(\langle A = aG\), \(B = bG\), \(C = cG\), \(D= e(G, G)^{abc}\rangle \) from the tuple \(\langle A = aG\), \(B = bG\), \(C = cG\), \(D = e(G, G)^z\rangle \) with more than a negligible advantage.

2.6 Mix networks

The mix networks are needed in the registration phase to realize full anonymity in our extended scheme in Sect. 6. The aim of a mix network (mixnet) is to provide anonymity for a batch of inputs by changing their appearances and removing the order of arrival information. The main component of a mixnet is the stage, also known as the mix, that performs mixing on a batch of inputs. The inputs may arrive at the stage at different times. The mixing operation involves a cryptographic transformation using either decryption or encryption that changes the appearance of inputs followed by a permutation on the batch of transformed inputs. The mixed batch is then forwarded in parallel by the stage at a specific time to the next destination. The batching and permutation together hide the order of arrival information of the inputs. Note that if the batch size is m, by observing the mixed output batch from a stage, one can only guess the correspondence with an input with probability 1 / m. Hence, an increase in the number of inputs to the stage increases the anonymity provided by the stage.

A mixnet consists of several interconnected stages to provide the required level of robustness. Each stage performs mixing on its inputs, and the mixed batch is then forwarded to the next stage in the mixnet or directly to their destinations. The interconnection of the stages determines the mixnet topology, and based on the topology of the mixnet, there can be a cascade mixnet or a free-route mixnet [46].

In the communication model of the mixnet, multiple senders communicate anonymously with one or more receivers. Each sender may communicate with a separate receiver as in an e-mail application, or multiple senders may communicate with a single receiver as in electronic voting. It is also possible that a sender communicates with multiple receivers as in multicast applications. Further, if the mixnet is used for a two-way communication,the receiver must be able to reply to the anonymous sender [45, 46].

Definition 8

(Mixnet transformation \(({\mathcal {X}})\) ) The mixnet transformation \({\mathcal {X}}\) takes an input batch \((x_1,\ldots ,x_m)\) of size m and produces the output batch \((y_1,\ldots ,y_m)\) such that \(y_i= x_{\pi (i)}\) for some random permutation \(\pi \) on the set \(\{1,\ldots , m\}\).

3 Related work

Different access control techniques have been produced by researchers to safely access resources. Access control matrix methods are not sufficient for expansive associations with numerous objects and subjects. Likewise, there is discretionary access control, which relies on the caution of the proprietor of the article who is approved to control the data asset access. Discretionary access control does not give high level of security in distributed systems and it is a proprietorship-based framework. In mandatory access control, an authority chooses who will access which data. In mandatory access control, security naming control is not sufficiently moldable and is not suitable for task execution [26, 30].

In RB-AC (Role-Based Access Control) [32, 34], users are assigned to appropriate roles and access rights are associated with these roles. In Task-Based Authorization Control (TB-AC) [29], authorizations are enacted or deactivated by process state or current assignment. CloudMask [42] is a system for supporting fine grained and flexible shared access control of data in cloud systems. Under this model, the organizations can enjoy the benefit to host their data in the cloud without worrying about data security.

Compared to the traditional public-key infrastructure-based or identity-based cryptosystems, attribute-based encryption (ABE) is better for those applications needed for protection of the data privacy and secrecy in a cloud environment. In ABE [25, 33], given a secret key as a set of attributes A, one can decrypt a ciphertext, which is encrypted with a public key based on a set of attributes \(A'\), only if the sets A and \(A'\) sufficiently overlap. Variants of the original ABE cryptosystem appeared in subsequent publications are based on the same concept, but with other flexibilities [1, 12, 28, 31, 40]. The main disadvantage of attribute-based encryption techniques is that a user (decryptor) requires to perform a significant number of elliptic curve pairings which are computationally expensive. Also, the decryption key length grows linearly with the number of attributes. These impediments make those systems hard for implementation on devices with limited resources.

There have been attempts to define and realize attribute-based signatures (ABS) [11, 19, 20, 23, 27, 37, 41]. The schemes of [37, 41] are direct applications of the known transform from identity-based encryptions to identity-based signatures [11]. The proposals of [19, 23] capture weaker notions, where for a verifier to be able to verify, he/she must know in advance which attributes are used to generate the signature. The authors in [20, 27] treated the privacy of attributes as a crucial prerequisite of ABS and formulated schemes that provably fulfill this necessity for threshold and monotone arrangements. However, these contributions have shortcomings that make their solutions unsuitable for the scenarios outlined in our contribution. Both schemes require that the verification policy must be known to the signer before signing. In applications, where other than the signer and the verifier (e.g., signature holder), this requirement of pre-knowledge of the verification policy is a major drawback in the schemes. A case of such applications is a credential framework, where a credential owner needs to fulfill distinctive check arrangements relying on the event and it is essential for productivity and ease-of-use purposes not to require diverse certifications for every confirmation approach. The work in [22] proposed an unidentifiable and untraceable perfectly anonymous attribute-based authentication scheme. The work in [25] presented an attribute authentication scheme based on vector space, which is computationally more efficient. However, there are security flaws in these schemes concerning collusion and replay attacks. A good survey on the existing attribute-based authentication techniques is found in [39].

Typical applications of blind signatures [8] include e-cash where a bank signs coins withdrawn by users, and e-voting where an authority signs public keys that voters later use to cast their votes. Another application of blind signature schemes is anonymous credentials, where the issuing authority blindly signs a key [4]. Later, Microsoft introduced a technology, called U-Prove, to overcome the long standing dilemma between identity assurance and privacy.Footnote 1 \(^,\) Footnote 2 Their technology uses blind signature as a central building block.

Idemix [5, 6] relies on the strong RSA assumption. Unlike in U-Prove, users in Idemix need only one secret key corresponding to all credentials and it is called a master key. Optionally, a user may choose to use several master keys but that does not influence the security and privacy properties of the scheme. The user can partly randomize a credential in the verification protocol. The user then proves to the verifier using zero knowledge technique that he/she possesses a valid credential instead of releasing any information about it.

Since neither U-prove nor Idemix provides the revocation service, the recent HM12 scheme [43] aims to provide an attribute-based authentication scheme with the possibility of revocation. The solution requires the revocation referee (RR) as an entity that must be referred to check whether a user is revoked.

4 System and threat model

4.1 System model

There are three main entities in our system: the registration authority (RA), the remote cloud server (RS) and the cloud user (U). It is assumed that RA follows the execution steps of the protocol word for word (honest-but-curious). The RS makes the decision whether or not U has access. We also assume that the RS can behave maliciously. However, in this case, a malicious RS may dishonestly deny access to a legitimate user. Hence, our schemes allow public verification of the user’s attributes. U is also assumed malicious and he/she may play tricks trying to gain access to the server with insufficient attributes.

The RA publishes an attribute universe \({\mathcal {AU}}\). Each attribute \(A_i\in {\mathcal {AU}}\) is assigned a unique index \(i\in {\mathcal {I}}\), where \({\mathcal {I}}\) is the set of all indexes. Each attribute \(A_i\) is assigned a secret key \(t_i\) and a corresponding public elliptic curve point \(t_i G\) where G is a generator point. Each U is assigned a private key \(x_U\) and an attributes satisfaction threshold \(k_U\). Each U is assigned a subset of attributes \({\mathcal {A}}_U\subseteq {\mathcal {AU}}\) with a set of indexes \({\mathcal {I}}_U\subseteq {\mathcal {I}}\), while each remote server RS is assigned a subset \({\mathcal {A}}_S \subseteq {\mathcal {AU}}\) of attributes that is required to be satisfied by U to a \(k_U\) level. The RA assigns a set of attribute tokens \({\mathcal {AT}}_U\) of cardinality \(|{\mathcal {A}}_U|\) (a unique token for each attribute). The attribute tokens bind the user’s attributes to his/her identity on a threshold bases. A user U is authenticated to a remote server RS if the cardinality of the intersection \({\mathcal {S}} = {\mathcal {A}}_U \cap {\mathcal {A}}_S\) as shown in Fig. 1 exceeds a user’s threshold \(k_U\) predefined by RA in the registration phase. If this is the case, U is able to establish a session key with RS in a one-move non-interactive way using his/her private key, the server’s public key and the set of attribute tokens.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Relationship among various attributes. \({\mathcal {AU}}\): attributes universe, \({\mathcal {A}}_U\): user’s assigned attributes, \({\mathcal {A}}_S\): server’s assigned attributes, \({\mathcal {S}}\): attributes intersection set

4.2 Threat model

In the threat model, we consider the following three attackers.

Outsider attacker: An attacker \({\mathcal {A}}\) who has the following abilities:

  • \({\mathcal {A}}\) has the capability of eavesdropping on all the communication links in the system.

  • \({\mathcal {A}}\) is able to record and replay messages to any entity.

  • \({\mathcal {A}}\) has the ability to decompose and reassemble any user intercepted message (token, identity, etc.) as a new message and resend to any remote server.

  • \({\mathcal {A}}\) observes the channels and links messages to users’ identities to gain knowledge about their activities.

Device corruption attacker: In addition to his/her capabilities as an outsider attacker, he/she is capable of utilizing the private key of the compromised device to decrypt eavesdropped messages or forge messages. This represents a full corruption/control of the attacked user.

RA and RS corruption attacker: In addition to his/her capabilities as an outsider attacker, he/she is able to steal and manipulate RA’s and/or RS’s databases.

Table 1 Notations used in our proposed schemes

5 The proposed non-anonymous attribute-based authentication scheme

In this section, we present our basic scheme, called non-anonymous attribute-based authentication scheme. The entities incorporated in our scheme are a registration authority (RA), a remote cloud server (RS) and a cloud user amongst the set of cloud users in the system (U). The RA has its own public/private key pair \((pk_{RA},sk_{RA})\), which allows authenticated transmission to the remote servers, where \(sk_{RA}\) is its private key and each remote server RS knows the public key \(pk_{RA}\) of RA. For describing the basic scheme, we use the notations listed in Table 1.

5.1 Description of the basic scheme

In the following subsections, we give the full descriptions of the phases of our non-anonymous attribute-based authentication scheme.

5.1.1 Initialization phase by the RA

The system public/private parameters are initialized by RA as follows.

Step 1.:

Given a security parameter \(\kappa \), RA determines the size of the prime field groups and the underlying EC \(E(\mathbb {F}_p)\). RA establishes a bilinear group \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and a generator G for \(\mathbb {G}_1\) of prime order q. In addition, RA defines the bilinear map \(e:\mathbb {G}_1\times \mathbb {G}_1 \rightarrow \mathbb {G}_2\).

Step 2.:

RA defines the attributes universe \({\mathcal {AU}}=\{A_1, \ldots , A_{|{\mathcal {AU}}|}\}\) and assigns each attribute \(A_i\) a unique index \(i\in {\mathcal {I}}\). For simplicity and without loss of generality, let the set of indexes \({\mathcal {I}}=\{1,\ldots , |{\mathcal {AU}}|\}\).

Step 3.:

For each attribute \(A_i\), RA picks \(t_i \in _R Z_q\) and computes an elliptic curve point \(t_i G\).

The RA’s master private key is the tuple \(\langle t_1, \ldots , t_{|{\mathcal {AU}}|}\rangle \), whereas its public key is the tuple \(\langle {t_1}G, \ldots , {t_{|{\mathcal {AU}}|}}G\rangle \).

5.1.2 Registration phase

We introduce two versions of the registration phase. The first version does not require any computations on the user’s side. On the other hand, it has the key-escrow problem, where the RA knows the user’s private key. The second version does not allow the RA to know the user’s private key. However, there are few computations required to be performed by the user in the second version. The choice of which of the two versions to apply is left to the organization and the specific application. The generation of the attributes tokens for a user U is illustrated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Attributes tokens generation by RA for user U

Registration phase with key-escrow: The sequence diagram of this phase is shown in Fig. 3. A user U is registered on the system by RA as follows.

Step 1.:

RA picks \(x_U\in _R Z_q\) as U’s private key and a random secret integer \(r_U\in _R Z_q\), and then computes \(id_U=e(G,G)^{x_Ur_U}\) as U’s public identity.

Step 2.:

RA defines the subset of attributes \({\mathcal {A}}_U\subseteq {\mathcal {AU}}\), the corresponding subset of indexes \({\mathcal {I}}_U\subseteq {\mathcal {I}}\) for U, and the attributes satisfaction threshold \(k_U\). RA sets up a random \((k_U-1)\)-degree polynomial, \(a_U(x)=\sum _{i=0}^{k_U-1}a_ix^i\), where \(a_0 = x_Ur_U\) and each other \(a_{i\ne 0}\in _R z_q\).

Step 3.:

For each attribute \(A_i\in {\mathcal {A}}_U\), RA computes the attribute token as an elliptic curve point \(AT_U^{(i)}= (a_U(i)/t_i)G\) and sets \({\mathcal {AT}}_U=\{AT_U^{(i_1)}, \ldots , AT_U^{(i_{c_U})}\}\). RA then sends \(Tuple_U=\langle {\mathcal {AT}}_U,{\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},id_U,x_U\rangle \) to U, where \(c_U\) is the cardinality of \({\mathcal {A}}_U\). RA also sends a signed version of \(id_U\) to each remote server RS.

Step 4.:

Finally, U stores \(Tuple_U\).

We denote \({\mathcal {ID}}=\{id_1, \ldots , id_n\}\) as the set of the users’ clear identities.

Remark 1

We emphasize that \(r_U\) picked by RA is kept secret from any entity including U. Note that the attribute tokens are not secret. However, we emphasis that these tokens are useless to anyone who does not know the corresponding private key \(x_U\). Each attribute token \(AT_U^{(i_j)}\) is associated with its unique index \(i_j\in {\mathcal {I}}_U\) in the attributes universe \({\mathcal {AU}}\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The registration phase with key-escrow for the basic scheme

Registration phase without key-escrow: The sequence diagram of this phase is illustrated in Fig. 4. A user U needs to contact the RA for registration. This registration process is as follows.

Step 1.:

U picks \(x_U\in _R Z_q\) as his/her own private key and computes \(e(G,G)^{x_U}\). U also prepares a proof of knowledge of \(x_U\) to the base e(GG) as \(\Pi _{Log}\leftarrow P_{Log}(e(G,G),e(G,G)^{x_U},x_U)\). U then sends \(\langle \Pi _{Log},e(G,G)^{x_U}\rangle \) to RA.

Step 2.:

RA runs \(V_{Log}(e(G,G),e(G,G)^{x_U},\Pi _{Log})\) to verify \(\Pi _{Log}\). RA aborts if the verification fails. RA defines the subset of attributes \({\mathcal {A}}_U\subseteq {\mathcal {AU}}\), the corresponding subset of indexes \({\mathcal {I}}_U\subseteq {\mathcal {I}}\) for U and the attributes satisfaction threshold \(k_U\). RA then picks \(r_U\in _R Z_q\) and sets up a random \((k_U-1)\)-degree polynomial \(a_U(x)\) with its free term \(a_U(0)=r_U\). For each attribute \(i\in {\mathcal {I}}_U\), RA also computes the elliptic curve point \({AT'}_U^{(i)}=(a_U(i)/t_i)G\). RA calculates U’s identity \(id_U = e(G,G)^{r_Ux_U}\). RA sends \(\langle {AT'}_U^{(i_1)}, \ldots , {AT'}_U^{(i_{c_U})},{\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U}\), \(id_U \rangle \) to U. Simultaneously, RA also sends a signed version of \(id_U\) to each remote server RS.

Step 3.:

U computes his/her attribute tokens \(AT_U^{(i_1)}, \ldots , AT_U^{(i_{c_U})}\), where each \(AT_U^{(i_j)}=x_U{AT'}_U^{(i_j)}\), and sets \({\mathcal {AT}}_U=\{AT_U^{(i_1)}, \ldots , AT_U^{(i_{c_U})}\}\). Finally, U stores \(Tuple_U=\langle {\mathcal {AT}}_U,{\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},id_U,x_U\rangle \).

Fig. 4
figure 4

The registration phase without key-escrow for the basic scheme

5.1.3 Authentication phase

The sequence diagram of the authentication phase is given in Fig. 5. U authenticates a message m to RS using his/her tuple \(Tuple_U\) as follows.

Step 1.:

U selects a random string r, generates the current timestamp \(TS_U\) and computes the hash value \(h = {\mathcal {H}}(TS_U, m, r)\). U then calculates \(z=h^{x_U}\). U computes NIZK proof of knowledge as \(\Pi _{LogEq}\leftarrow P_{LogEq} (h\), \(e(G,G)^{r_U}\), z, \(id_U\), \(x_U)\), which proves that \(\log _h(z) = \log _{e(G,G)^{r_U}}(id_U) = x_U\). U then parses \(\sigma _U\) as \(\langle r,z,id_U,\Pi _{LogEq}\rangle \). \(\sigma _U\) is U’s signature on m. After that U sends the message \(\langle m, {\mathcal {AT}}_U, {\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},\sigma _U, TS_U\rangle \) to the remote server RS.

Step 2.:

On the reception of the message \(\langle m, {\mathcal {AT}}_U, {\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},\sigma _U,TS_U\rangle \) from user U, RS first checks the validity of the received timestamp \(TS_U\) by the condition \(|TS_U^* - TS_U | < \Delta T\), where \(\Delta T\) is the maximum transmission delay and \(TS_U^*\) is the time when the message \(\langle m, {\mathcal {AT}}_U, {\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},\sigma _U,TS_U\rangle \) is received by RS. If it is valid, RS parses \(\sigma _U\) as \((r,z,id_U,\Pi _{LogEq})\) and aborts if \(id_U \notin {\mathcal {ID}}\). RS then computes \(h={\mathcal {H}}(TS_U,m,r)\) and runs the verification algorithm \(V_{LogEq}(h,e(G,G)^{r_U},z, id_U,\Pi _{LogEq})\). RS rejects m and aborts on failure of the verification.

Step 3.:

Using \({\mathcal {I}}_U\), RS determines the attributes intersection set \({\mathcal {S}}\) with U, i.e., \({\mathcal {S}}={\mathcal {A}}_U \cap {\mathcal {A}}_S\). RS aborts in case \(|{\mathcal {S}}| < k_U\). RS picks any \(k_U\) attribute tokens in the received message of the corresponding attributes found in \({\mathcal {S}}\). RS then calculates \(\Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}} e( AT_U^{(i)},{t_i}G)^{\lambda _i}\) and checks equality with \(id_U\), where \(\lambda _i\) is the Lagrange coefficient. If the equality does not hold, RS aborts. Otherwise, RS accepts m.

To prove the correctness of the computations on RS’s side, we note that

$$\begin{aligned} \Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}e( AT_U^{(i)},{t_i}G)^{\lambda _i}= & {} \Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}e((a_U(i)/t_i)G,{t_i}G)^{\lambda _i} \\= & {} \Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}e(G,G)^{a_U(i)\lambda _i} \\= & {} e(G,G)^{\Sigma _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}a_U(i)\lambda _i}\\= & {} e(G,G)^{x_Ur_U}\\= & {} id_U. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 5
figure 5

The authentication phase for the basic scheme

5.1.4 Revocation

To revoke a user U with identity \(id_U\), the RA instructs the servers to remove this \(id_U\) from their databases.

5.2 Analysis of the basic scheme

In this section, we analyze the security of our basic non-anonymous scheme. We then evaluate the efficiency of the basic scheme and compare it with related existing non-anonymous schemes.

5.2.1 Security analysis

In the following, we show that our basic scheme prevents several known attacks.

  • Impersonation attack: An adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) who tries to masquerade a registered user U using \(id_U\) and attributes tokens of U will not be able to generate a valid proof of knowledge without knowing the corresponding private key \(x_U\) of that user U. Therefore, \({\mathcal {A}}\) fails to generate a valid z and \(\Pi _{LogEq}\). Hence, \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot generate a valid message \(\langle m, {\mathcal {AT}}_U, {\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},\sigma _U, TS_U \rangle \) on behalf of U and, as a result, the user impersonation attack is eliminated in our basic scheme.

  • Databases insertion attack: An adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) who is able to gain access to RA and RS databases, he/she may insert a valid \(id_A\) created with some key \(x_A\) and a random integer \(r_A\) to become a registered user in the system. \({\mathcal {A}}\) can generate a fake tuple \(\langle {\mathcal {I}}_A, k_A, e(G,G)^{r_A}, id_A\rangle \). However, \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot create his/her own set of valid attribute tokens without the knowledge of the RA’s master private key. Thus, \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot succeed in the databases insertion attack.

  • Stolen smart device/card attack: In case, an attacker is able to steal the user U’s smart device/card, he/she can use the tuple \(Tuple_U\) to impersonate U. However, using \(id_U\) and attributes tokens of U, the attacker will not be able to generate a valid proof of knowledge without knowing the corresponding private key \(x_U\) of that user U (see the registration phase without key-escrow in Sect. 5.1.2). Hence, our basic scheme is secure against the stolen smart device/card attack.

  • Replay attack: Our scheme is essentially a signature scheme, where \(x_U\) is the signing key and \(id_U\) is the verification key of user U. Assume that an adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) intercepts the message \(\langle m, {\mathcal {AT}}_U, {\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},\sigma _U, TS_U \rangle \) and resends it after sometime. However, the validity of the attached timestamp \(TS_U\) in the message will fail. \({\mathcal {A}}\) thus fails to launch the replay attack against our basic scheme.

  • Man-in-the-middle attack: Suppose an adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) intercepts the message \(\langle m, {\mathcal {AT}}_U, {\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},\sigma _U, TS_U \rangle \). Let \({\mathcal {A}}\) generates its own timestamp \(TS_A\) and a fake message \(m'\) and compute \(h'={\mathcal {H}}(TS_A,m',r')\). However, adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot compute the modified z as \(z' = (h')^{x_U}\) without knowing the private key \(x_U\) of the user U. As a result, \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot create another valid message, say \(\langle m', {\mathcal {AT}}_U, {\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U},\sigma _U, TS_A \rangle \). Hence, the basic scheme has the ability to protect against the man-in-the-middle attack.

  • Users collaboration attack: Malicious users in the system may attempt to collaborate and combine their tokens and keys to gain access to a remote server. Note that each user U is assigned a unique random polynomial \(a_U(x)\) with random coefficients independent of any other user \(U'\)’s polynomial \(a_{U'}(x)\) from the finite field \(Z_q\). The random integer \(r_U\) as part of the free term in the polynomial \(a_U(x)\) ensures that U cannot maliciously delegate his/her tokens to be used by another user \(U'\). The secret shares \(a_U(i)\) and \(a_{U'}(i)\) are inconsistent as they belong to different random polynomials and, thus, the quantities \((a_U(i)/t_i)G\) and \((a_{U'}(i)/t_i)G\) are totally inconsistent. Hence, the users collaboration attack does not help to gain access to a remote server in our basic scheme.

  • Users-server collaboration attack: Several malicious users may collaborate with a malicious remote server to disclose the privacy of other users or deceive other servers. Malicious users may reveal their private keys \(x_U\)’s. In our basic scheme, each user’s private parameters are completely independent of those for any other users in the system. On the other hand, the servers have nothing in common except the set of identities \({\mathcal {ID}}\), which is not a secret. From the BDH assumption (Definition 7), the revealed information does not allow the collaborated entities to reveal any information about the system master keys and, hence, the security of the rest of the users and servers is preserved. This shows that our basic scheme is also secure against the users–server collaboration attack.

  • Non-repudiation: Given a transcript of a valid transmitted message with the signature \(\sigma _U = \langle r, z, id_U, \Pi _{LogEq} \rangle \), a user U cannot later deny the transmission of this message as this cannot be generated correctly without the knowledge of the private key \(x_U\) of U. The identity \(id_U\) is viewed as the registered verification key of U. Recall that \(\Pi _{LogEq}\leftarrow P_{LogEq}(h, e(G,G)^{r_U}, z, id_U, x_U)\) is of the form (ABy), where \(A = h^w\), \(B = e(G, G)^{r_U w}\), \(c = {\mathcal {H}}(A, B)\) and \(y = w + c x_U\) for a random \(w \in Z_q\). The verification of the transcript is as follows.

    • Using r, \(TS_U\) and m, compute \(h = {\mathcal {H}}(TS_U, m, r)\).

    • Parse \(\Pi _{LogEq}\) as (ABy).

    • Compute \(c = {\mathcal {H}}(A,B)\)

    • Check if \(h^y = A z^c\) and \((e(G,G)^{r_U})^y = B(id_U)^c\).

    • In case, both checks are valid, U is deemed to be the signer.

    Therefore, our proposed scheme supports the non-repudiation service and it may be also used as an attribute-based digital signature scheme.

5.2.2 Complexity evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the basic scheme for storage, computation and communication overheads. Let |x| denote the bit-length of x and let n be the number of registered users in the system.

Storage overhead: Consider the registration phase key-escrow phase. The RA stores the master secret parameters \((t_1, \ldots , t_{|{\mathcal {AU}}|})\). Each of these parameters is of size |q| bits. Therefore, the storage cost for these parameters is \(|{\mathcal {AU}}||q|\) bits. RA also stores the identities as the set \({\mathcal {ID}}\), where each identity \(id_U\) is of the form \(e(G,G)^{x_Ur_U}\) which is of |p| bits and the set \({\mathcal {ID}}\) requires n|p| bits. The total storage required by RA is then \((|{\mathcal {AU}}|)|q|+ n |p|\) bits. Note that during the registration phase without key-escrow phase, the storage complexity of RA is same as that for registration phase key-escrow phase.

RS stores the set \({\mathcal {ID}}\), which requires n|p| bits. RS also stores \({\mathcal {A}}_S\). Each element in \({\mathcal {A}}_S\) is of the form \(t_iG\), which is an EC point of size 2|p| bits. Since an attribute token is an EC point, it requires 2|p| bits. The total storage overhead for RS is then \((n+2|{\mathcal {A}}_S|) |p|\) bits. Similarly, we have computed the storage cost for a user U. The storage overheads for RA, RS and each user U are summarized in Table 2.

Computation overhead: During the registration phase with key-escrow phase, RA computes \(id_U\) for each user U, which requires one modular exponentiation. Also, RA computes \(|{\mathcal {A}}_U|\) attribute tokens for each user U, and each is of the form \((a_U(i)/t_i)G\). These require \(|{\mathcal {A}}_U|\) scalar multiplications and one modular exponentiation. RA further performs one modular multiplication to compute \(r_Ux_U\), and \(k_U\) modular multiplications and \(k_U-1\) modular additions to compute each \(a_U(i)\). Therefore, RA needs \(|{\mathcal {A}}_U|\) scalar multiplications, one modular exponentiations, \((1+k_U|{\mathcal {A}}_U|)\) modular multiplications and \(|{\mathcal {A}}_U|(k_U+1)\) modular additions. Note that modular multiplications/additions are very efficient as compared to those for scalar multiplications and exponentiations. Similarly, the computation overheads for RS and each user U are computed and summarized in Table 2.

Table 2 Storage and computation overheads

We also evaluate the computation time required by a user U on smart card and mobile device. Let \(t_{h}\), \(t_{mm}\), \(t_{exp}\), \(t_{ma}\), \(t_{ecsm}\) and \(t_{pair}\) denote the execution times needed for one SHA-1 hash function, one modular multiplication, one modular exponentiation, one modular addition, one elliptic curve scalar multiplication and one bilinear pairing, respectively. From the experimental results [7, 15], the computation times are mapped to the hashing time as the time unit, and these are provided in Table 3. Using the information in Tables 2 and 3, Table 4 shows the computation costs mapping to the time required by one hashing operation (using SHA-1 hashing algorithm) as the time unit.

Table 3 Computation cost of different cryptographic operations mapped to the computation time of one-way hashing operations
Table 4 Concrete evaluation of the computation cost mapping to the time taken by one SHA-1 hash operation as the time unit

Communication overhead: We assume that the bit-length of the order of the elliptic curve is \(|q|= 160\) bits, while the bit-length of the field prime is \(|p|=512\) bits. The bit-length of each communication mode is computed, and these are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Communication overhead

5.2.3 Performance comparison

We compare our non-anonymous basic scheme with the original ABE scheme presented in [25]. Using Table 2, from Table 6 we see that our scheme offloads the computation burden from the users to the servers in an efficient way. In the authentication phase, it requires the user to perform three modular exponentiations in our scheme, while in the ABE scheme [25], it requires the user to perform \(k_U\) parings in addition to \(k_U+1\) modular exponentiations. Unlike the ABE scheme [25], the computations required by the user in the authentication phase of our scheme are independent of the attributes sizes or the threshold \(k_U\). Moreover, the size of the private key in our basic scheme is short, and it is also independent of the sizes of the attributes.

Table 6 Comparison of our basic scheme (without key-escrow) and the ABE scheme

6 The proposed fully anonymous attribute-based authentication scheme

In this section, we extend our basic non-anonymous scheme presented in Sect. 5.1 to realize full anonymity and unlinkability services. We call this version as the extended scheme. We show how to realize these services against channel observers, remote servers (RS’s), registration authority (RA), and collaboration of RA and all RS’s. We employ/plug a mixnet \({\mathcal {X}}\) (Definition 8) in the registration phase. The mixnet \({\mathcal {X}}\) receives the blinded identities from at least \(h (\ge 2)\) users, privately shuffles the received identities, and then delivers the shuffled version to the RA. In this case, the RA is not able to cluster any set of blinded identities for any particular user.

6.1 Description of the extended scheme

This scheme extends the basic non-anonymous scheme to allow U to anonymously conduct up to \(\ell \) unlinkable sessions with the RS, while his/her transactions are kept anonymous and unlinkable. The initialization phase is the same as that for the basic non-anonymous scheme. We only modify the registration and authentication phases as described below. In this case, the registration without the key-escrow is mandatory.

6.1.1 Registration phase

This phase is illustrated in Fig. 6. A user U approaches to the RA for registration purpose. The registration process has the following steps:

Step 1.:

U picks \(x_U\in _R Z_q\) as his/her own private key, and computes \(e(G,G)^{x_U}\), the blinding parameters \(b_U^{(v)}= {\mathcal {H}}(x_U,v)\), for \(v = 1, \ldots , \ell \). U prepares a proof of knowledge of \(x_U\) to the base e(GG) as \(\Pi _{Log}\leftarrow P_{Log}(e(G,G)\), \(e(G,G)^{x_U}\), \(x_U)\). U the sends the message \(\langle \Pi _{Log}, e(G,G)^{x_U}\rangle \) to RA.

Step 2.:

After receiving the message, RA runs \(V_{Log}(e(G,G),e(G,G)^{x_U},\Pi _{Log})\) to verify \(\Pi _{Log}\). RA aborts, if the verification fails. RA defines the subset of attributes \({\mathcal {A}}_U\subseteq {\mathcal {AU}}\), the corresponding subset of indexes \({\mathcal {I}}_U\subseteq {\mathcal {I}}\) for U and the attributes satisfaction threshold \(k_U\). RA then picks \(r_U\in _R Z_q\) and sets up a random \((k_U-1)\)-degree polynomial \(a_U(x)\) with its free term \(a_U(0)=r_U\). RA also computes U’s identity \(id_U = e(G,G)^{r_Ux_U}\). After that for each attribute \(A_i\in {\mathcal {A}}_U\), RA computes the elliptic curve point \({AT'}_U^{(i)} = (a_U(i)/t_i)G\), and sends the message \(\langle {AT'}_U^{(i_1)}, \ldots , {AT'}_U^{(i_{c_U})},{\mathcal {I}}_U,k_U,e(G,G)^{r_U}\), \(id_U \rangle \) to U.

Step 3.:

After receiving the message, U computes his/her attribute tokens as \({\mathcal {AT}}_U= \{AT_U^{(i_1)}, \ldots , AT_U^{(i_{c_U})}\}\), where \(AT_U^{(i_j)} = x_U{AT'}_U^{(i_j)}\) and the set \({\mathcal {BID}}_U = \{bid_U^{(1)},\ldots ,bid_U^{(\ell )}\}\) as the blinded versions of his/her identities, where \(bid_U^{(v)}= id_U^{b_U^{(v)}}\). U sends \({\mathcal {BID}}_U\) as an input to the mixnet \({\mathcal {X}}\).

Step 4.:

The output \({\mathcal {X}}({\mathcal {BID}})\) is delivered to RA, where \({\mathcal {BID}}\) is the set of identities of at least two users. U stores the tuple \(Tuple_U= \langle {\mathcal {AT}}_U, {\mathcal {I}}_U, k_U, e(G,G)^{r_U}, id_U, x_U\rangle \). Finally, RA sends a signed version of \({\mathcal {X}}({\mathcal {BID}})\) to all remote servers.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The registration phase of the anonymous scheme

6.1.2 Authentication phase

A user U can anonymously authenticate a message m to the RS using his/her tuple \(Tuple_U\) using the following steps:

Step 1.:

U picks a random string r, generates the current timestamp \(TS_U\) and then computes \(h = {\mathcal {H}}(TS_U, m,r)\) and \(z = h^{x_U}\).

Step 2.:

U picks a new unused index \(v\in \{1,\ldots ,\ell \}\), and computes \(b_U^{(v)}= {\mathcal {H}}(x_U, v)\), \(bid_U^{(v)} = id_U^{b_U^{(v)}}\) and \(e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\). U prepares NIZK proof of knowledge \(\Pi _{LogEq}\leftarrow P_{LogEq} (h\), \(e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\), z, \(bid_U^{(v)}\), \(x_U)\) and blinds each of his/her attribute token \(AT_U^{(i)}\) as \(BAT_U^{(i)}= b_U^{(v)} AT_U^{(i)}\). After that U prepares \({\mathcal {BAT}}_U = \{BAT_U^{(i_1)},\ldots ,BAT_U^{(i_{c_U})}\}\) and parses \(\sigma _U\) as \(\langle r\), z, \(bid_U^{(v)}\), \(\Pi _{LogEq}\rangle \). U then sends the message \(\langle m\), \({\mathcal {BAT}}_U,{\mathcal {I}}_U\), \(k_U\), \(e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\), \(\sigma _U, TS_U \rangle \) to the remote server RS.

Step 3.:

On the reception of the message \(\langle m\), \({\mathcal {BAT}}_U,{\mathcal {I}}_U\), \(k_U\), \(e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\), \(\sigma _U, TS_U \rangle \) from U, RS first checks the validity of the received timestamp \(TS_U\) by the condition \(|TS_U^* - TS_U | < \Delta T\), where \(\Delta T\) is the maximum transmission delay and \(TS_U^*\) is the time when the message is received by the RS. If it is valid, RS parses \(\sigma _U\) as \((r,z,bid_U^{(v)},\Pi _{LogEq})\) to ensure that \(bid_U^{(v)}\in {\mathcal {BID}}\). RS then computes \(h= {\mathcal {H}}(TS_U, m,r)\) and runs the verification algorithm \(V_{LogEq}(h,e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\), z, \(bid_U^{(v)}\), \(\Pi _{LogEq})\). RS rejects m and aborts it on failure of the verification.

Step 4.:

Using \({\mathcal {I}}_U\), RS determines the attributes intersection set \({\mathcal {S}}\) with U, which is \({\mathcal {S}}= {\mathcal {A}}_U\cap {\mathcal {A}}_S\). RS the session aborts if \(|{\mathcal {S}}| < k_U\). After that RS picks any \(k_U\) tokens from \({\mathcal {BAT}}_U\) of the corresponding attributes found in \({\mathcal {S}}\). RS further computes \(\Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}e( BAT_U^{(i)}\), \({t_i}G)^{\lambda _i}\) and checks if matches with \(bid_U^{(v)}\), where \(\lambda _i\) is the Lagrange coefficient. If the equality does not hold, RS aborts the session. Otherwise, RS accepts m as a legitimate message (Fig. 7).

To verify correctness on the RS’s side, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}e( BAT_U^{(i)},{t_i}G)^{\lambda _i}= & {} \Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}e(b_U^{(v)}(AT_U^{(i)}),{t_i}G)^{\lambda _i} \\= & {} \Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}e((b^{(v)}_U a_U(i)/t_i)G,{t_i}G)^{\lambda _i} \\= & {} \Pi _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}e(G,G)^{b^{(v)}_U a_U(i)\lambda _i} \\= & {} e(G,G)^{b^{(v)}_U\Sigma _{i\in {\mathcal {S}}}a_U(i)\lambda _i} \\= & {} e(G,G)^{b^{(v)}_U x_U r_U}\\= & {} id_U^{b^{(v)}_U} \\= & {} bid^{v}_U. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 7
figure 7

The authentication phase of the extended scheme

6.1.3 Revocation service

Revocation of a user U is performed according to either of the following two cases:

  • Case 1: RA wants to revoke a user with a clear identity \(id^*_U \in {\mathcal {RL}}\), where \({\mathcal {RL}}\) is a revocation list.

  • Case 2: A remote server RS wants RA to revoke a user with a blinded identity \(bid_U^{(v)}\).

In either of the above two cases, once a user U’s blinded identities are expired, U must approach RA for renewing his/her blinded identities. Before RA accepts to renew U’s blinded identities, RA must perform a revocation check for U. To preserve anonymity and unlinkability, we emphasize that revocation must be done without allowing U to reveal his private key \(x_U\).

Revocation (Case 1): The following steps are involved:

Step 1.:

U sends his/her clear identity \(id_U\) and a proof of knowledge of \(x_U\) to the base \(e(G,G)^{r_U}\) as \(\Pi _{Log}\leftarrow P_{Log}(e(G,G)^{r_U}\), \(id_U\), \(x_U)\).

Step 2.:

RA then needs to ensure that \(id_U\) is in her database for U. After that RA runs \(V_{Log}\) for \(\Pi _{Log}\). RA aborts and revokes U if the verification fails.

Step 3.:

Finally, RA checks \({\mathcal {RL}}\). If \(id_U \in {\mathcal {RL}}\), U is revoked.

Revocation (Case 2): In this case, a remote server RS wants to revoke a user with a blinded identity \(bid_U^{(v)}\). RS first sends a revocation request to RA, and the transcript of the message and the signature \(\langle m, r, z, bid_U^{(v)},\Pi _{LogEq} \rangle \) he/she received from some malicious U. U approaches RA for renewing his/her blinded identities. The revocation check is performed as follows.

Step 1.:

U sends his/her clear identity \(id_U\) and a proof of knowledge of \(x_U\) to the base \(e(G,G)^{r_U}\) as \(\Pi _{Log}\leftarrow P_{Log}(e(G,G)^{r_U}\), \(id_U\), \(x_U)\).

Step 2.:

RA first ensures that \(id_U\) is in his/her database for U. After that RA runs \(V_{Log}\) for \(\Pi _{Log}\). RA aborts and revokes U if the verification fails. RA then computes and sends \(h = {\mathcal {H}}(TS_U, m,r)\) to U, where \(TS_U\), m and r are in the transcript sent by RS for revocation.

Step 3.:

U computes \(h^{x_U}\) and a NIZK proof of discrete log equality \(\Pi _{LogEq}\leftarrow P_{LogEq} (h\), \(e(G,G)^{r_U}\), z, \(id_U\), \(x_U)\). U sends \(h^{x_U}\) and \(\Pi _{LogEq}\) to RA.

Step 4.:

RA runs the verification algorithm \(V_{LogEq}\) for \(\Pi _{LogEq}\). If it fails, RA revokes U and aborts. Otherwise, RA checks if \(z = h^{x_U}\), where z is in the transcript given by RS. If the equality holds, U is deemed to be the signer. RA revokes U and aborts. Otherwise, U is not the signer of m.

6.2 Analysis of the extended scheme

In this section, we first provide the formal security analysis under the standard model for our extended scheme only as it is the extended version of the basic scheme presented in Sect. 5.1. After that we also compare the performance of the extended scheme with the relevant existing schemes.

6.2.1 Formal security using random oracle model

The Abdalla et al.’s Real-Or-Random (ROR) model [47, 48] is taken for our formal security analysis. There are three participants in the extended scheme, which are user U, RA and RS.

Participants: We have the oracles \(\Pi _{U}^t\), \(\Pi _{RA}^u\) and \(\Pi _{RS}^v\), which are the instances t, u and v of U, RA and RS, respectively.

Partnering. The partner of \(\Pi _{U}^t\) of U is \(\Pi _{RS}^v\) of RS and vice versa. We call \(\Pi _{RS}^v\) is the partner ID \(pid_{U}^t\) of \(\Pi _{U}^t\). Note that the partial transcript of all communicated messages between U and RS is treated as the unique session identity \(sid_{U}^t\) for current session in which \(\Pi _{U}^t\) participates.

Freshness. We say \(\Pi _{U}^t\) or \(\Pi _{RS}^v\) is fresh, if attacker \({\mathcal {A}}\) does not know their secrets in each session.

Adversary. \({\mathcal {A}}\) can fully control all the communications in the network. Thus, \({\mathcal {A}}\) can read, modify all exchanged messages, fabricate new messages and inject them into the network. Furthermore, the following queries can be accessed by \({\mathcal {A}}\) [48]:

  • \(Execute(\Pi ^t, \Pi ^v)\): It is executed by \({\mathcal {A}}\) in order to obtain the messages exchanged between two honest participants. This is modeled as an eavesdropping attack.

  • \(Send(\Pi ^t, m)\): It is queried by \({\mathcal {A}}\) to send a message, say m to a participant instance \(\Pi ^t\) and also to receive a response message. This models as an active attack.

  • \(Test(\Pi ^t)\): This query models the semantic security of the authenticated message following the indistinguishability in ROR [47]. A coin c is first flipped before the beginning of the experiment, and its value is only known to \({\mathcal {A}}\). This value is used to decide the output of the Test query. If \({\mathcal {A}}\) executes this query and does not know the secrets in each session, \(\Pi ^t\) returns 1 in case \(c = 1\) or 0 when \(c = 0\); otherwise, it outputs null \((\bot )\).

Semantic security of the session key. \({\mathcal {A}}\) can query several Test queries to either \(\Pi _{U}^t\) or \(\Pi _{RS}^v\). The output of Test must be consistent with respect to the random bit c. At the end, \({\mathcal {A}}\) returns a guessed bit \(c'\) and wins the game in case \(c' = c\). If Succ is an event that \({\mathcal {A}}\) can win the game, the advantage in breaking the semantic security of our extended scheme, say \({\mathcal {S}}\), is \(Adv_{{\mathcal {S}}}^{ake} = |2.Pr[Succ] - 1|\). In the ROR sense, \({\mathcal {S}}\) is secure if \(Adv_{{\mathcal {S}}}^{ake}\) \(\le \psi \), for sufficiently small real number \(\psi > 0\).

Random oracle. All the participants and \({\mathcal {A}}\) have access to a collision-resistant one-way cryptographic hash function \({\mathcal {H}}(\cdot )\). As in [48], \({\mathcal {H}}(\cdot )\) is modeled by a random oracle, say HOracle.

Theorem 1

If \({\mathcal {A}}\) be an adversary running in polynomial time t against our extended scheme \({\mathcal {S}}\) in random oracle, then

$$\begin{aligned} Adv_{{\mathcal {S}}}^{ake} \le \frac{q_h^2}{|Hash|} + 2 (Adv^{DLP}(t) + Adv^{BDHP}(t)), \end{aligned}$$

where \(q_h\), |Hash|, \(Adv^{DLP}(t)\) and \(Adv^{BDHP}(t)\) are the number of HOracle queries, the range space of \({\mathcal {H}}(\cdot )\), the advantage of \({\mathcal {A}}\) in breaking the discrete logarithm problem (DLP), and the advantage of \({\mathcal {A}}\) in breaking the decisional bilinear Diffie–Hellman problem (BDHP), respectively.


We follow the similar proof as presented in [48,49,50,51]. We have defined a sequence of four games, say \(Game_i\), where \(i = 0, 1, 2, 3\). We denote \(Succ_i\) as an event wherein \({\mathcal {A}}\) can guess the bit c in the game \(Game_i\) correctly.

\(Game_0\): This game corresponds to the real attack by \({\mathcal {A}}\) against the extended scheme \({\mathcal {S}}\) in random oracle model. Since the bit c is selected before \(Game_0\) starts, by definition, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Adv_{{\mathcal {S}}}^{ake} = |2. Pr[Succ_0] - 1|. \end{aligned}$$

\(Game_1\): This game simulates \({\mathcal {A}}\)’s eavesdropping attacks by querying \(Execute(\Pi ^t, \Pi ^v)\) oracle. At the end, \({\mathcal {A}}\) queries the Test oracle. Suppose \({\mathcal {A}}\) eavesdrops the message \(\langle m\), \({\mathcal {BAT}}_U,{\mathcal {I}}_U\), \(k_U\), \(e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\), \(\sigma _U, TS_U \rangle \). Due to the difficulty of solving intractable DLP and BDHP, \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot obtain the secrets \(x_U\), \(b_U^{(v)}\) and \(r_U\). Therefore, the chance of winning \(Game_1\) for \({\mathcal {A}}\) is not increased by eavesdropping. Hence, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[Succ_0] = Pr[Succ_1]. \end{aligned}$$

\(Game_2\): The game \(Game_1\) is converted to \(Game_2\) by adding the simulations of the Send as well as HOracle oracles. Note that \(Game_2\) models as an active attack. The aim of \({\mathcal {A}}\) in this game is to deceive a participant into accepting a modified message. \({\mathcal {A}}\) can make several HOracle queries to verify the existence of the hash collisions. In the message \(\langle m\), \({\mathcal {BAT}}_U,{\mathcal {I}}_U\), \(k_U\), \(e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\), \(\sigma _U, TS_U \rangle \) in each session, computation of h involves the random number r, the timestamp \(TS_U\) as well as the message m . Due to randomness, there is no collision if \({\mathcal {A}}\) queries Send oracle. With the birthday paradox results, we have

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr[Succ_1] - Pr[Succ_2]| \le \frac{q_h^2}{2|Hash|}. \end{aligned}$$

\(Game_3\): This game is translated from \(Game_2\). \(Game_3\) is modeled as an active attack wherein \({\mathcal {A}}\) can compromise the secrets of U in the message \(\langle m\), \({\mathcal {BAT}}_U,{\mathcal {I}}_U\), \(k_U\), \(e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\), \(\sigma _U, TS_U \rangle \). Since \(z=h^{x_U}\), due to difficulty of solving DLP, it is computationally infeasible for \({\mathcal {A}}\) to derive \(x_U\). Without \(x_U\), \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot modify z. Furthermore, \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot modify \(e(G,G)^{r_Ub_U^{(v)}}\) without knowing either \(r_U\) or \(b_U^{(v)}\) due to the hardness of BDHP. Then, we have

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr[Succ_2] - Pr[Succ_3]| \le Adv^{DLP}(t) + Adv^{BDHP}(t). \end{aligned}$$

In the game \(Game_3\), all the random oracles are simulated. Hence, \({\mathcal {A}}\) is only left with guessing the bit c for winning the game after querying the Test oracle. Thus

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[Succ_3] = \frac{1}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

From (1) and (2), we have

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2}. Adv_{{\mathcal {S}}}^{ake}= & {} |Pr[Succ_0] - \frac{1}{2}| \nonumber \\= & {} |Pr[Succ_1] - \frac{1}{2}|. \end{aligned}$$

Applying the triangular inequality, and (3) and (4), we have the following:

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr[Succ_1] - Pr[Succ_3]|\le & {} |Pr[Succ_1] - Pr[Succ_2]| \\&+ |Pr[Succ_2] - Pr[Succ_3]| \\\le & {} \frac{q_h^2}{2|Hash|} + (Adv^{DLP}(t) + Adv^{BDHP}(t)). \end{aligned}$$

Thus, using (5), we get

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr[Succ_1] - \frac{1}{2}|\le & {} \frac{q_h^2}{2|Hash|} + (Adv^{DLP}(t) + Adv^{BDHP}(t)). \end{aligned}$$

Finally, using (6) and (7), we have the required result:

$$\begin{aligned} Adv_{{\mathcal {S}}}^{ake} \le \frac{q_h^2}{|Hash|} + 2 (Adv^{DLP}(t) + Adv^{BDHP}(t)). \end{aligned}$$

6.2.2 Anonymity and unlinkability

This scheme is an extension of our basic non-anonymous scheme presented in Sect. 5.1. Therefore, the extended scheme is secure against the attacks explained in Sects. 5.2.1 and 6.2.1. Additionally, our extended scheme preserves anonymity and unlinkability due to the following reason. To realize unlinkability, U generates \(\ell \) independent pseudonyms/blinded identities \({\mathcal {BID}}_U\) for himself/herself. Each pseudonym \(bid_U^{(v)}\) is computed independently of any other pseudonym for the same user or any other user. In the registration phase, U computes his/her blinded identities using blinding parameters derived from his/her private key \(x_U\) as \(b_U^{(v)}={\mathcal {H}}(x_U,v)\) for indexes, \(v=1,\ldots ,\ell \). Since RA does not know \(x_U\), RA cannot compute the blinding parameters generated using (indexed) hashing of the unknown private key \(x_U\). Therefore, RA is unable to compute the blinded identities \({\mathcal {BID}}_U\) and cannot link them to U’s clear identity. Note that U delivers his/her blinded identities mixed by the mixnet \({\mathcal {X}}\). The blinded identities in \({\mathcal {BID}}\) of at least \(h (\ge \) \(2)\) users are securely mixed by \({\mathcal {X}}\) and the output \({\mathcal {X}}({\mathcal {BID}})\) is delivered to RA. Since \({\mathcal {X}}\) is a secure mixnet, RA cannot link the received mixed blinded identities \({\mathcal {X}}({\mathcal {BID}})\) of at least two users to any particular user.

6.2.3 Additional complexity

The additional computations required for the extended scheme over the basic non-anonymous scheme (Tables 4, 6) are as follows. In the registration phase, a user U requires to perform additional \(\ell \) hash operations \({\mathcal {H}}(x_U,1), \ldots , {\mathcal {H}}(x_U,\ell )\). U also requires to perform \(\ell \) exponentiations to compute \({\mathcal {BID}}_U\). In the authentication phase, U needs to perform one hash operation to compute \(b^{(v)}_U\), one modular exponentiation to compute \(bid^{(v)}_U\) (note that \(b^{(v)}_U\) and \(bid^{(v)}_U\) are computed on demand; therefore, U is not required to store all his blinded identities) and \(c_U\) elliptic curve scalar multiplications to blind his/her tokens to generate \({\mathcal {BAT}}_U\). The storage requirement of U is the same as that for the basic non-anonymous scheme (Table 2). The RS requires to store additional \(\ell |p|\) bits for each user instead of only |p| bits in the basic non-anonymous scheme.

6.3 Performance comparison with related schemes

In this section, we compare our extended anonymous scheme with the well-known existing U-Prove scheme [4, 38], Idemix scheme [5, 6, 38] and the recent HM12 scheme [43].

6.3.1 Comparisons of features, functionalities and services

In U-Prove scheme [4, 38], though the authentication phase is interactive, a user is required to perform \(|{\mathcal {D}}|\) exponentiations and multiplications, where \(|{\mathcal {D}}|\) is the number of required attributes. This is in addition to the exponentiations required by the proofs of knowledge. Therefore, U-Prove requires at least \(|{\mathcal {D}}|\) exponentiations, while our extended anonymous scheme requires only a fixed few number of exponentiations. Note that the number of exponentiations performed by a user in U-Prove is proportional to the size of the disclosed attributes. For a large attributes universe, these computations are unaffordable by thin clients. Moreover, U-Prove credential is revealed every time it is used. A U-Prove credential consists of a private key, a public key, a set of attributes, and a signature by the credential issuer. The signature is jointly computed by the issuer and the user agent in the course of a three-turn interactive protocol, called the issuance protocol, where the issuer sees the attributes but not the public key nor the signature itself. Therefore, the issue of a credential can be linked to show the credential only on the basis of the disclosed attribute information. It is worth mentioning that the system [3] is substantially different from U-Prove and it is not well suited for use on the Web since it requires the set of relying parties to be known at system setup time.

The Idemix [5, 6, 38] is based on the RSA assumption, where the magnitude of the modulus n, the private and public keys are in the order of 1024 bits, and p and q are each of 512 bits. These parameters are very large compared to elliptic curve private key of 160 bits for q and 512 bits for p in our basic and extended schemes. In addition to the large bit-length of the public/private parameters, like U-prove, the user must perform a number of exponentiations equal to all the disclosed attributes. Moreover, each exponentiation is performed over an 1024-bit composite modulus and 1024-bit exponent. The complexity of one exponentiation is much higher than that required by elliptic curves over prime fields (almost triple the time). As in U-Prove, the user must first know what attributes to disclose to the server and based on this information, he/she computes the proofs of knowledge. Therefore, the scheme cannot be made non-interactive. The important advantage of the Idemix over U-Prove is that the Idemix is unlinkable for the same set of \({\mathcal {D}}\). Also, the secret key of the user is fixed in size.

The revocation service is a serious problem in both U-prove and Idemix since neither of these schemes was built with the possibility to revoke malicious users or at least such service was not straight forward in these schemes. In U-prove, to make revocation possible the verifier must return to the issuer to ensure that the contacting prover is not revoked. Idemix on the other hand provides credential expiration. The HM12 scheme [43] focused on building an attribute-based authentication scheme with easier revocation service. However, the HM12 scheme requires an extra trusted entity called Revocation Referee (RR), which must be contacted every session to decide whether a user is revoked. The incorporation of the RR complicates the network architecture and communications among entities. Moreover, the computation and communication complexities of the HM12 scheme are high compared to the U-Prove scheme. In the ABE scheme and its variants, once a user is authenticated to the key generator and receives the decryption key with attributes, it is impossible to revoke the user and prevent him/her from accessing/decrypting files unless the files are re-encrypted with a new public key. Therefore, such existing schemes do not provide the revocation service. On the other hand, revocation in our proposed schemes is easy. The RA simply instructs the servers to remove the user’s identity from their databases, and once the identity is removed, the user is simply revoked.

Finally, Table 7 shows a comparison of different functionalities, features and services between our proposed extended non-anonymous scheme and related existing schemes.

Table 7 Comparison of features, functionalities and services between our non-anonymous scheme and existing related schemes

6.3.2 Comparison of computation costs

The suitability for thin clients, specially smart cards, is governed by the cryptographic operations performed using the master private key held by the user. Other computations on non-secret parameters or temporarily picked secret parameters can be offloaded to more computationally powerful devices (e.g mobile phones, tablets or PC’s). Based on this assumption, in our schemes, the only computations performed by the user in the authentication phase using his/her private key \(x_U\) is the generation of the signature \(\sigma _U\), which needs computation of \(z= h^{x_U}\) and \(\Pi _{LogEq}\).

We use the experimental results for different cryptographic primitives on different brands smart cards technologies [14]. For example, according to the experimental results reported in [14], on oberthur ID-One Cosmo v7.0-A, a modular exponentiation takes 186 ms, while \(\Pi _{LogEq}\) takes 529 ms. Therefore, the generation of \(\sigma _U\) in our schemes takes 715 ms. They also evaluated the computation costs for the U-Prove, Idemix and HM12 schemes. Based on those results, we have constructed Table 8 for comparison of the computation times of Idemix, U-Prove and our schemes.

Table 8 Comparison of computation time (in ms) on different brands of smart cards

From Table 8, the U-Prove scheme computationally beats the Idemix and HM12 schemes on almost all smart card technologies. U-Prove is more efficient than our schemes on Gemalto TOP IM GX4 and MultOS ML2-80K-65. However, our schemes are computationally more efficient than U-Prove on all other brands of smart cards as shown in this table.

6.4 Discussions

6.4.1 Access control and access trees

In access tree constructions, a set of descriptive attributes are used to label the users. The servers are also assigned to tree access structures in which each non-leaf node of the tree represents a threshold gate while leaf nodes are associated with the attributes. For example, a tree with AND and OR gates can be represented using 2 of 2 and 1 of 2 threshold gates, respectively. If there is an assignment of attributes from the tokens to nodes of the tree such that the tree is satisfied, then only a user is able to authenticate to a server.

We review the access structure technique presented in [12], which can be straightforwardly applied to our authentication schemes. Let \({\mathcal {T}}\) be an access structure tree. Each non-leaf node of the tree represents a threshold gate and it is described by its children and a threshold value. Let \(n_y\) and \(k_y (0 < k_y \le n_y)\) be the number of children of a node and its threshold value, respectively. When \(k_y = 1 (k_y = n_y)\), the threshold gate is an OR gate (an AND gate). Let parent(y) denote the parent of the node y in the tree. The function att(y) is defined only if y is a leaf node and denotes the attribute associated with the leaf node y in the tree. The ordering between the children of every node is defined by the access tree \({\mathcal {T}}\). The function index(y) returns a number associated with the node y, where the index values are uniquely assigned to nodes in the access structure for a given key in an arbitrary manner. Let \({\mathcal {T}}\) be an access tree with root r. The subtree of \({\mathcal {T}}\) rooted at the node y is denoted by \({\mathcal {T}}_y\). Thus, \({\mathcal {T}}\) is the same as \({\mathcal {T}}_r\). If a set of attributes \({\mathcal {AT}}\) satisfies the access tree \({\mathcal {T}}_y\), \({\mathcal {T}}_y({\mathcal {AT}})\) is recursively defined as follows. If y is a non-leaf node, evaluate \({\mathcal {T}}_{y^*}({\mathcal {AT}})\) for all children \(y^*\) of node y. \({\mathcal {T}}_y({\mathcal {AT}})\) returns 1 if and only if at least \(k_y\) children returns 1. If y is a leaf node, \({\mathcal {T}}_y({\mathcal {AT}})\) returns 1 if and only if \(att(y)\in {\mathcal {AT}}\).

In our schemes, for every node y in the tree the degree of the polynomial a(y) is set to be \(k_y-1\) (one less than the threshold of that node). Now, set \(a_r(0) = y\) and \(k_r-1\) other points of the polynomial \(a_r\) randomly to define it completely for the root node r. For any other node y, set \(a_y(0) = a_{parent(y)}(index(y))\) and choose \(k_y-1\) other points randomly to completely define \(a_y\). Finally, for each leaf node y the user is given the attribute token point \(AT^{(i)}_U= (x_U r_U a_y(0) / t_i) G\).

6.4.2 Safeguarding RA’s master keys

The secrecy of the master keys \((t_1, \ldots , t_{|{\mathcal {AU}}|})\) is very important for preserving the security of our schemes. One method to safeguard the master keys is to employ threshold cryptographic techniques, where the RA may apply a verifiable secret sharing scheme over elliptic curves [18] to share these master keys on a number of servers. The servers use the shares of the master keys as private inputs to jointly compute the public parameters and the user’s attribute tokens on a threshold bases in a fault-tolerant manner.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed two new authentication schemes for the cloud that support private attribute-based access to remote cloud servers by thin clients. We have first proposed a non-anonymous scheme as the basic scheme. We have then extended the non-anonymous scheme to realize anonymity and unlinkability services against channel observers, remote servers, registration authority and any collaboration of these entities. We have shown that the proposed schemes are secure and can withstand challenging adversarial attacks through both the rigorous formal and informal security analysis. In our proposed schemes, a user requires to hold one fixed-length secret key in the size of one group element in addition to a number of non-secret attributes tokens as points on an elliptic curve. The security and performance comparisons among our schemes and other related attribute-based schemes show that our schemes are computationally efficient and secure, and also provide additional services as compared to other existing schemes.