1 Introduction

In Asiacrypt 2011, biclique cryptanalysis of AES was proposed [2]. To recover the secret keys of the full AES-128/192/256, the authors applied this technique to them in [2]. This is a kind of meet-in-the-middle attack such that bicliques improve an efficiency. After the proposal of biclique cryptanalysis, it brings new cryptanalytic techniques on block ciphers, which were known mainly in cryptanalysis of hash functions. The most attractive point is that this approach does not use related keys. Because of this property, many biclique cryptanalytic results on block ciphers were proposed [4, 68].

In this paper, we apply biclique cryptanalysis to the most popular lightweight block ciphers PRESENT [3] applicable to hybrid information systems. In [2], two concepts of bicliques for AES were considered. One is the long biclique and the other is the independent biclique. We use the concept of independent biclique. This is composed of constructing bicliques from independent related-key differentials and matching with precomputations. We find that a slow and limited diffusion of the key schedule and encryption process in the target algorithm leads to relatively long bicliques with high dimension and an efficient matching check with precomputations. As a result, our attacks can recover the secret key of target algorithms with time complexities smaller than an exhaustive search.

Our results are summarized in Table 1. On the other hand, in [1], biclique cryptanalysis of PRESENT was proposed. In detail, the attack on the full PRESENT-80 requires \(2^{60}\) chosen plaintexts and a time complexity of \(2^{79.46}\), and the attack on the full PRESENT-128 requires \(2^{44}\) chosen plaintexts and a time complexity of \(2^{127.37}\). Compared with these results, our attacks on PRESENT need the smaller data complexity.

Table 1 Summary of biclique cryptanalytic results on PRESENT

This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we describe the structures of PRESENT. Biclique cryptanalysis on PRESENT is proposed in Sect. 3. We give our conclusion in Sect. 4.

2 Description of PRESENT

PRESENT is a \(64\)-bit block cipher with \(80/128\)-bit secret keys and \(31\) iterative rounds. According to the length of secret keys, we call this algorithm PRESENT-80/128, respectively. PRESENT has the SPN structure and it is composed of the round function and the post-whitening. Both versions of PRESENT have the similar structure except the key schedule. In detail, PRESENT-80 takes a \(64\)-bit plaintext \(P = (P_{15}, P_{14}, \ldots , P_{0})\) and the \(80\)-bit secret key \(K = (k_{79}, k_{78}, \ldots , k_{0})\) as input values and generates a \(64\)-bit ciphertext \(C = (C_{15}, C_{14}, \ldots , C_{0})\). Similarly, PRESENT-128 takes a \(64\)-bit plaintext \(P\) and the \(128\)-bit secret key \(K = (k_{127}, k_{126}, \ldots , k_{0})\) as input values and generates a \(64\)-bit ciphertext \(C\).

As depicted in Fig. 1, there are three subfunctions involved in the round function. The first subfunction is addRoundKey. At the beginning of round \(r\), a \(64\)-bit input value \(X^{r}\) is XORed with a round key \(RK^{r} = (RK^{r}_{15}, \ldots , RK^{r}_{0})\) \((r = 0, \ldots , 30)\). The second subfunction is sBoxLayer. Sixteen identical \(4 \times 4\) S-boxes are used in parallel as a nonlinear substitution layer. In the third subfunction, pLayer, a bit permutation is performed to provide diffusion. See [3] for the detailed description of the round function.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Round function of PRESENT

The key schedule of PRESENT takes the \(80/128\)-bit secret key and generates thirty two \(64\)-bit round keys \(RK^{r}\) and \(RK^{31}\) \((r = 0, \ldots , 30)\). Note that \(RK^{31}\) is used for post-whitening. To generate \(32\) round keys, the key schedule of PRESENT-80 conducts the following procedure. First, the \(80\)-bit secret key \(K = (k_{79}, \ldots , k_{0})\) is loaded to a \(80\)-bit register \(SK = (sk_{79}, \ldots , sk_{0})\): \(sk_{i} = k_{i}\) \((i = 0, \ldots , 79)\). Then, \(SK\) is updated as follows.

  1. 1.

    \((sk_{79}, \ldots , sk_{0}) = (sk_{18}, \ldots , sk_{0}, sk_{79}, \ldots , sk_{19})\).

  2. 2.

    \((sk_{79}, sk_{78}, sk_{77}, sk_{76}) = Sbox[(sk_{79}, \ldots , sk_{76})]\).

  3. 3.

    \((sk_{19}, sk_{18}, sk_{17}, sk_{16}, sk_{15}) = (sk_{19}, \ldots , sk_{15}) \oplus (r+1)\).

Applying the above procedure repeatedly, a \(64\)-bit round key \(RK^{r}\) consists of the \(64\) leftmost bits of \(SK\). That is, at round \(r\), \(RK^{r}\) is computed as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} RK^{r} = (sk_{79}, sk_{78}, \ldots , sk_{16}). \end{aligned}$$

The key schedule of PRESENT-128 is similar to that of PRESENT-80. After loading the \(128\)-bit secret key \(K = (k_{127}, \ldots , k_{0})\), a \(128\)-bit register \(SK = (sk_{127}, sk_{126}, \ldots , sk_{0})\) is updated as follows.

  1. 1.

    \((sk_{127}, \ldots , sk_{0}) = (sk_{66}, \ldots , sk_{0}, sk_{127}, \ldots , sk_{67})\).

  2. 2.

    \((sk_{127}, \ldots , sk_{124}) = Sbox[(sk_{127}, \ldots , sk_{124})]\).

  3. 3.

    \((sk_{123}, \ldots , sk_{120}) = Sbox[(sk_{123}, \ldots , sk_{120})]\).

  4. 4.

    \((sk_{66}, sk_{65}, sk_{64}, sk_{63}, sk_{62}) = (sk_{66}, \ldots , sk_{62}) \oplus (r+1)\).

Applying the above procedure repeatedly, \(RK^{r}\) is computed as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} RK^{r} = (sk_{127}, sk_{126}, \ldots , sk_{64}). \end{aligned}$$

3 Biclique cryptanalysis of PRESENT

In this section, we propose biclique cryptanalysis of PRESENT-80/128. For the detailed attack procedure based on biclique cryptanlysis, see [2].

3.1 Biclique cryptanalysis of PRESENT-80

First, we explain how to construct a \(4\)-dimensional biclique for round 28–30 of PRESENT-80. The partial secret keys used in \((RK^{28}, RK^{29}, RK^{30}, RK^{31})\) are as follows.

  • \(RK^{28}: (k_{51}, k_{50}, \ldots , k_{0}, k_{79}, k_{78}, \ldots , k_{68})\).

  • \(RK^{29}: (k_{70}, k_{69}, \ldots , k_{7})\).

  • \(RK^{30}: (k_{9}, k_{8}, \ldots , k_{0}, k_{79}, k_{78}, \ldots , k_{26})\).

  • \(RK^{31}: (k_{28}, k_{27}, \ldots , k_{0}, k_{79}, k_{78}, \ldots , k_{45})\).

From the above relation, we found that varying \((k_{58}, k_{57}, k_{56}, k_{55})\) and \((k_{37}, k_{36}, k_{35}, k_{34})\) gives bicliques for the attack on the full PRESENT-80. In detail, to construct the \(\Delta _{i}\)-differential and the \(\nabla _{j}\)-differential, we consider \((k_{58}, k_{57}, k_{56}, k_{55})\) and \((k_{37}, k_{36}, k_{35}, k_{34})\), respectively. Let \(f\) be a subcipher from round \(28\) to round \(30\) (see Fig. 2). An attacker fixes \(C_{0} = 0\) and derives \(S_{0} = f_{K_{<0,0>}}^{-1}(C_{0})\). The \(\Delta _{i}\)-differentials are based on the difference \(\Delta _{i}^{K}\) where the difference of \((k_{58}, k_{57}, k_{56}, k_{55})\) is \(i\) and the other bits have zero differences. Similarly, the \(\nabla _{j}\)-differentials are based on the difference \(\nabla _{j}^{K}\) where the difference of \((k_{37}, k_{36}\), \(k_{35}, k_{34})\) is \(j\) and the other bits have zero differences. Since the \(\Delta _{i}\)-differential affects only \(23\) bits of the ciphertext from Fig. 2, all ciphertexts can be forced to share the same values in other bits. As a result, the data complexity does not exceed \(2^{23}\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Four-dimensional biclique for PRESENT-80

Now, we are ready to describe our attack on the full PRESENT-80. We rewrite the full PRESENT-80 as follows. Here, \(g_{1}, g_{2}\) and \(f\) are subciphers for round 0–14, round 15–27 and round 28–30, respectively.

$$\begin{aligned} E: P \xrightarrow [g_{1}]{} V \xrightarrow [g_{2}]{} S \xrightarrow [f]{} C. \end{aligned}$$

We assume that the plaintext set \(\{P_{i}\}\) corresponding to a \(3\)-round biclique is obtained through the decryption oracle. Then, an attacker detects the right secret key by computing an intermediate variable \(v\) in both directions.

$$\begin{aligned} P_{i} \xrightarrow [g_{1}]{K_{<i,j>}} {\overrightarrow{v}} \mathop {=}\limits ^{?} {\overleftarrow{v}} \xleftarrow [g_{2}^{-1}]{K_{<i,j>}} S_{j}. \end{aligned}$$

The attack procedure on the full PRESENT-80 is as follows.

  1. 1.

    Precomputation For all \(i = 0, \ldots , 2^{4}-1(d = 4)\), an attacker computes the most significant \(4\) bits of the output value of round \(15\) from \(P_{i}\) and \(K_{<i,0>}\) in the forward direction, and store it as \({{\overrightarrow{v}}_{i}}\), together with intermediate states and round keys in memory (see Fig. 3). For all \(j = 0, \ldots , 2^{4}-1\), an attacker computes the most significant \(4\) bits of the input value of round \(16\) from \(S_{i}\) and \(K_{<0,j>}\) in the backward direction, and store it as \({\overleftarrow{v}}_{j}\), together with intermediate states and round keys in memory.

  2. 2.

    Computation in the backward direction In the backward direction, an attacker should compute \({\overleftarrow{v}}_{j}\) from \(S_{j}\) and \(K_{<i,j>}\) for all \(i\) and \(j\), and store them in memory. Recomputations are performed according to red/blue lines in Fig. 3, and the values on the other lines are reused from the precomputation table.

  3. 3.

    Computation in the forward direction In the forward direction, an attacker should compute \({\overrightarrow{v}}_{i}\) from \(P_{i}\) and \(K_{<i,j>}\). Recomputations are performed according to red/blue lines in Fig. 3, and the values on the other lines are reused from the precomputation table.

For each computed \({\overrightarrow{v}}\), an attacker checks whether the corresponding key candidate \(K_{<i,j>}\) satisfies Eq. (1). If he finds such one, he should check the matching on the whole input value of round \(16\) for \(K_{<i,j>}\), \(P_{i}\) and \(S_{j}\). This matching step yields the right secret key \(K\) with a high probability. If a biclique does not give the right secret key, an attacker should choose another biclique and repeat the above procedure until the right secret key is found.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Recomputations in forward and backward directions for PRESENT-80

A total time complexity of our attack on PRESENT-80 is computed as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} C_{\mathrm{total}} = 2^{k-2d}\left( C_{\mathrm{biclique}} + C_{\mathrm{precomp}} + C_{\mathrm{recomp}} + C_{\mathrm{falsepos}}\right) . \end{aligned}$$
  • \(k = 80\) and \(d= 4\).

  • \(C_{\mathrm{biclique}}\) is a time complexity of constructing a single biclique. In our attack, it is \(2^{1.63}\left( \approx 2^{4+1} \cdot (3/31)\right) \) full PRESENT-80 encryptions.

  • \(C_{\mathrm{precomp}}\) is a time complexity of preparing the precomputation for the matching check in Eq. (1). Applying it to our attack, it is \(2^{3.85}\) \(\left( \approx 2^{4} \cdot (28/31)\right) \) full PRESENT-80 encryptions.

  • \(C_{\mathrm{recomp}}\) is a time complexity of recomputing the internal variable \(v\) \(2^{2d}\left( = 2^{8}\right) \) times. In our attack, it is \(2^{7.53}\left( \approx 2^{2 \cdot 4}\cdot (22.31/31)\right) \) full PRESENT-80 encryptions.

  • \(C_{\mathrm{falsepos}}\) is a time complexity caused by false positives, which have to be matched on other bit positions. Since the matching check is performed on four bits in our attack, \(C_{\mathrm{falsepos}}\) is \(2^{4}\left( \approx 2^{2 \cdot 4 -4}\right) \) full PRESENT-80 encryptions.

Hence, a time complexity of our attack on the full PRESENT-80 is computed as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} C_{\mathrm{total}} = 2^{79.86}\left( \approx 2^{80-2 \cdot 4}\left( 2^{1.63} + 2^{3.85} + 2^{7.53} + 2^{4}\right) \right) . \end{aligned}$$

3.2 Biclique cryptanalysis of PRESENT-128

Since biclique cryptanalysis of the full PRESENT-128 is similar to that of the full PRESENT-80, we briefly introduce our attack on the full PRESENT-128.

To recover the \(128\)-bit secret key, we construct a \(3\)-dimensional biclique for round 27–31 of PRESENT-128 as shown in Fig. 4. The partial secret keys used in \((RK^{27}, RK^{28}\), \(RK^{29}, RK^{30}, RK^{31})\) are as follows.

  • \(RK^{27}\): \((k_{16}, k_{15}, \ldots , k_{0}, k_{127}, k_{126}, \ldots , k_{81})\).

  • \(RK^{28}\): \((k_{83}, k_{82}, \ldots , k_{20})\).

  • \(RK^{29}\): \((k_{22}, k_{21}, \ldots , k_{0}, k_{127}, k_{126}, \ldots , k_{87})\).

  • \(RK^{30}\): \((k_{89}, k_{88}, \ldots , k_{26})\).

  • \(RK^{31}\): \((k_{28}, k_{27}, \ldots , k_{0}, k_{127}, k_{126}, \ldots , k_{93})\).

From the above relation, to construct the \(\Delta _{i}\)-differential and the \(\nabla _{j}\)-differential, we consider \((k_{19}, k_{18}, k_{17})\) and \((k_{80}, k_{79}, k_{78})\), respectively. The \(\Delta _{i}\)-differential affects only \(19\) bits of the ciphertext from Fig. 4. As a result, the data complexity does not exceed \(2^{19}\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Four-dimensional biclique for PRESENT-128

We rewrite the full PRESENT-128 as follows. Here, \(g_{1}, g_{2}\) and \(f\) are subciphers for round 0–13, round 14–26 and round 27–30, respectively.

$$\begin{aligned} E: P \xrightarrow [g_{1}]{} V \xrightarrow [g_{2}]{} S \xrightarrow [f]{} C. \end{aligned}$$

As depicted in Fig. 5, the matching variable \(v\) is the least significant \(4\) bits of the output value of round \(13\) (or the input value of round \(14\)). Then, the complexities of our attack are computed as follows (see Eq. (2)).

  • Time complexity: \(2^{127.81}\) full PRESENT-128 encryptions.

    • \(k = 128\) and \(d = 3\).

    • \(C_{\mathrm{biclique}} = 2^{1.05}\left( \approx 2^{3+1} \cdot (4/31)\right) \) full PRESENT-128 encryptions.

    • \(C_{\mathrm{precomp}} = 2^{2.8}\left( 2^{3} \cdot (27/31)\right) \) full PRESENT-128 encryptions.

    • \(C_{\mathrm{recomp}} = 2^{5.43}\left( 2^{2 \cdot 3} \cdot (20.88/31)\right) \) full PRESENT-128 encryptions.

    • \(C_{\mathrm{falsepos}} = 2^{2}\left( 2^{2 \cdot 3-4}\right) \) full PRESENT-128 encryptions.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Recomputations in forward and backward directions for PRESENT-128

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed biclique cryptanalysis of lightweight block ciphers PRESENT-80 and PRESENT-128 applicable to hybrid information systems. Our attack results are summarized in Table 1. To recover the secret key, our attacks require \(2^{79.76}\) full PRESENT-80 encryptions and \(2^{127.91}\) full PRESENT-128 encryptions, respectively. This means that our results are superior to known biclique cryptanalytic results on PRESENT-80 and PRESENT-128.