
Bibliographic coupling (BC) is a measure to estimate the similarity between two scholarly articles (i.e., inter-article similarity between the two articles). It estimates the inter-article similarity by considering how two scholarly articles co-cite the same references (Kessler 1963). Equation 1 defines the BC similarity between two articles a1 and a2 (Couto et al. 2006; Calado et al. 2003), where R a1 and R a2 are the sets of references cited by a1 and a2 respectively (i.e., sets of out-link references in a1 and a2 respectively). Similarity between two articles will be larger if they have a higher percentage of out-link references in common.

$${\text{BC}}(a_{1} ,a_{2} ) = \;\frac{{|R_{a_1} \cap R_{a_2} |}}{{|R_{a_1} \cup R_{a_2} |}}$$

BC is a practical and effective measure for relatedness analysis and topic clustering of scholarly articles, based on several reasons: (1) BC works on out-link references of articles, which are more publicly available than several kinds of information, including in-link citations of the articles (i.e., how the articles are cited by others, employed by Couto et al. (2006), Small (1973) and full texts of the articles (employed by Liu 2015; Boyack et al. 2013; Aljaber et al. 2010; Gipp and Beel 2009); (2) out-link references were found to be more effective than in-link citations in classification (Couto et al. 2006) and clustering (Boyack and Klavans 2010) of scholarly articles; and (3) BC performed well in other applications as well, including retrieval of similar legal judgments (Kumar et al. 2011) and detection of plagiarism (Gipp and Meuschke 2011).

However, BC has limitations as well, including (1) two articles that are related to each other may still cite different references; and (2) the inter-article citation matrix is often quite sparse, making the BC similarity dominated by very few citations. Several approaches were thus proposed to deal with the limitations, such as employing second-order similarities (Thijs et al. 2015) and incorporating additional information from main textual contents of the articles, including titles and abstracts of the articles (e.g., Boyack and Klavans 2010; Couto et al. 2006) and full texts of the articles (e.g., Liu 2015; Janssens et al. 2008).

It is thus of practical and theoretical significance to improve BC. In this paper, we investigate the contributions of the titles of the out-link references to BC. The out-link reference titles are publicly available. They have been noted as a helpful resource to index scholarly articles (Qin 2000; Garfield 1990). We further investigate their contributions to BC, based on two expectations: (1) titles of two references r 1 and r 2 may be used to measure the similarity between r 1 and r 2 (as they respectively indicate the goals of r 1 and r 2), even when r 1 and r 2 are different (and hence these titles may be used to tackle the limitations of BC noted above); and (2) titles of the similar references cited by two articles a 1 and a 2 may provide descriptive terms to indicate the aspect of relatedness between a 1 and a 2, because an article often cites proper references for each of its research aspect (issue), and titles of the similar references cited by a 1 and a 2 may indicate the common research aspect of a 1 and a 2.

We justify the two expectations by developing a new measure DescriptiveBC (a new BC measure with descriptive capability), and empirically evaluate and analyze the performance of DescriptiveBC in the identification and navigation of highly related articles that have been judged (by domain experts) to be focusing on the same research topics. The results show that, given a target article a, DescriptiveBC provides more accurate information about how (based on the inter-article similarity) and why (based on the descriptive terms) a scholarly article is related to a. Visualization of the information can support the identification, clustering, mapping, and navigation of the related evidence in scientific literature. Release of the reference titles in each article is thus helpful for the dissemination of research findings in scientific literature.

Related work

As DescriptiveBC aims at providing numerical inter-article similarity as well as textual descriptive terms to indicate why two articles are related, we compare DescriptiveBC with previous techniques for inter-article similarity estimation and indicative term identification.

Inter-article similarity estimation

Previous inter-article similarity measures include (1) citation-based measures, which work on citations among the articles; (2) text-based measures, which work on textual contents of the articles (i.e., titles, abstracts, and main bodies of articles), and (3) hybrid measures, which employ both citation-based and text-based information.

Citation-based measures employ two kinds of citation relationships: in-link citations and out-link references. In-link citations of an article a are those articles that cite a, while out-link references of a are those articles that a cites. Two articles that share many in-link citations or out-link references are expected to be related to each other. Co-citation is a representative technique that considers in-link citations (Small 1973). Two articles may be related if they are co-cited by other articles. Bibliographic coupling (BC, ref. Eq. 1) is a representative technique that considers out-link references (Kessler 1963). Two articles may be related if they co-cite other articles. As noted above, DescriptiveBC is developed based on BC, because BC works on out-link references of articles, which are more publicly available than in-link citations (many scholarly articles have very few or even no in-link citations). Some previous studies found that out-link references could provide more accurate information than in-link citations for classification (Couto et al. 2006) and clustering (Boyack and Klavans 2010) of scholarly articles.

Text-based measures work on textual contents of the articles, including titles, abstracts, and main bodies of the articles. They are developed based on the expectation that two articles may be related if they share certain similar textual contents, and hence similarity between the two articles are often estimated by measuring how they share those terms with higher weights. A typical term weighting method is TFIDF, which is the product of term frequency (TF, number of occurrences of a term in an article) and inverse document frequency (IDF, total number of articles/number of articles in which a term appears). Various techniques were then developed to estimate inter-article similarity by the term weights. The vector space model (VSM) and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) are typical techniques that employ the term weights to represent scholarly articles as vectors for similarity estimation (Glenisson et al. 2005; Landauer et al. 2004). However, they did not perform well in several cases (Whissell and Clarke 2013; Boyack et al. 2011). BM25 (Robertson et al. 1998) was found to be one of the best techniques in finding related scholarly articles (Boyack et al. 2011). Given an article a 1 as the target, BM25 employs Eq. 2 to estimate the score (similarity) of another article a 2 with respect to a 1. In Eq. 2, k 1 and b are two parameters, |a| is the number of terms in article a (i.e., length of a), avgal is the average number of terms in an article (i.e., average length of articles).

$${\text{BM}}25(a_{1} ,a_{2} ) = \sum\limits_{{t \in a_{1} \cap a_{2} }}^{{}} {\frac{{{\text{TF}}(t,a_{2} )(k_{1} + 1)}}{{{\text{TF}}(t,a_{2} ) + k_{1} (1 - b + b\frac{{\left| {a_{2} } \right|}}{avgal})}}{\text{Log}}_{2} {\text{IDF}}(t)}$$

DescriptiveBC works on a textual resource that is different from those employed by the text-based measures. It works on titles of out-link references in the articles, rather than the textual contents of the articles. Two highly related articles should share similar core textual contents, which may be expressed in different ways and scattered in the textual contents of the article, making them quite difficult to recognize and measure. We thus aim at investigating the potential contribution of the out-link reference titles. If the contribution is confirmed, DescriptiveBC can provide another kind of useful information that can be used as a complement to the text-based measures.

Hybrid measures work on citation-based information and text-based information, which are different kinds of helpful information that may be integrated to improve inter-article similarity estimation. As there are two kinds of citation-based information (i.e., in-link citations and out-link references), the hybrid measures fall into two types as well, which respectively integrate text-based information with in-link citations and out-link references. The hybrid measures that integrate in-link citations often considered the positions and the context passages around the place where an article is cited in the full text of another article. They were developed based on the expectation that two articles a 1 and a 2 may be related if (1) they are cited in nearby areas in many articles that cite them (Boyack et al. 2013; Gipp and Beel 2009), or (2) they have similar context passages commented by the authors of their citing articles (Liu et al. 2013; Aljaber et al. 2010), although the citing articles may focus on different parts of a 1 and a 2 (Elkiss et al. 2008; Kumar et al. 2011) with different sentiments (Small 2011). The context passages could also be used for topic-based article retrieval (Liu et al. 2014; Ritchie et al. 2008) and disambiguation of named entities (Nakov et al. 2004). Therefore, these hybrid measures relied on in-link citations and full texts of articles, which are often not publicly available (many articles have very few or even no in-link citations). DescriptiveBC works on another kind of information: out-link-references, which are more publicly available.

Another type of hybrid measures integrate textual information with out-link references. They worked on full texts of the articles (Liu 2015; Janssens et al. 2008), which are often not publicly obtainable, and hence several hybrid measures relied on titles and abstracts of the articles only (Boyack and Klavans 2010; Couto et al. 2006). These hybrid measures did not always perform significantly better than BC (Couto et al. 2006). One of the hybrid measures performed better than BC by treating a co-reference cited by two articles as a co-word in titles and abstracts of the two articles (Boyack and Klavans 2010). DescriptiveBC can be a hybrid measure as it employs both out-link references and their titles. However, the out-link reference titles are not the main contents (i.e., titles and abstracts) of the articles. We aim at showing that the out-link reference titles can be another helpful resource for inter-article similarity estimation.

Indicative term identification

Another main contribution of DescriptiveBC is the provision of descriptive terms to explain why two articles are related. The descriptive terms can support the navigation of the articles that may be related to a target article in different ways, as these articles often have different aspects of relatedness to the target article. To our knowledge, no previous inter-article similarity measures provide the relatedness-indicative terms.

Previous studies have noted the contribution of providing certain texts for navigation of articles. However, these texts are often for describing a group of articles of interest, rather than indicating how two articles are related. For example, those terms with the best TFIDF weights in a cluster of scholarly articles were used to describe the cluster (Janssens et al. 2009). Those terms that have better discriminative capability within a domain of interest are extracted to build a term map for the readers to navigate (van Eck et al. 2010). These previous studies thus aimed at selecting representative and discriminative terms for a group of articles, rather than relatedness-descriptive terms between two articles.

Titles of bibliographically related articles were noted as a resource to represent articles (Salton and Zhang 1986). More specifically, titles of out-link references in a scholarly article were noted as a helpful resource from which additional keywords may be extracted to index the article. Given an article a, the KeyWords PlusFootnote 1 in the ISI Web of Knowledge database provides additional keywords extracted from titles of the out-link references in a (Garfield 1990). The additional keywords and the original keywords of a could provide different information (Qin 2000), and hence readers can employ the additional keywords to expand their search. Therefore, the additional keywords aim at indicating the main contents of a, while the descriptive terms extracted by DescriptiveBC aim at describing the relatedness between a and another article. The KeyWords Plus service and DescriptiveBC thus have different goals.

An enhanced bibliographic coupling measure

DescriptiveBC improves bibliographic coupling by employing titles of out-link references in scholarly articles. Given a target article a T , DescriptiveBC estimates the similarity between a T and a given article a x , based on the out-link references in a T and a x . No other parts of the articles (e.g., titles, abstracts, and main bodies of the articles) are required. DescriptiveBC also returns a set of descriptive terms to indicate why a x is related to a T .

Challenges of DescriptiveBC include (1) estimation of the inter-article similarity by the titles of the out-link references, and (2) selection of the descriptive terms to indicate why two articles are related. Figure 1 illustrates the basic idea of DescriptiveBC. A scholarly article (e.g., the target article a T ) often discusses several issues, and for each issue, cites proper references. These references may have certain degrees of similarity with those references cited by another article a x (e.g., the candidate articles a 1 to a 3 in Fig. 1). Titles of two references may be helpful for the similarity estimation, especially when the two references are different but related to each other. Based on the similarity values, similar references cited by a T and a x can be identified to indicate the aspect of relatedness between a T and a x , and hence terms in the titles of these references can be selected to describe why a x is related to a T .

Fig. 1
figure 1

Main idea of DescriptiveBC: A scholarly article (e.g., the target article a T ) often discusses several issues, and for each issue, cites proper references. These references may have strong similarity (see the solid lines between citations) or weak similarity (see the dashed lines between citations) with those references cited by other articles (e.g., the candidate articles a 1, a 2, and a 3). Based on these similarity values, terms in the titles of certain references cited by each candidate article (i.e., the citations in the dashed boxes) can be selected to describe why the candidate article is related to the target article

More specifically, similarity between two out-link references r 1 and r 2 is defined in Eq. 3. When r 1 and r 2 are identical, the similarity is 1.0 (i.e., the largest similarity), which is the way employed by bibliographic coupling; otherwise the similarity is defined by a Jaccard index, which is commonly employed to estimate the similarity between two sets of objects (in this case, we treat the terms in a title as a set, see Eq. 4). Therefore, two different references can still have a certain degree of similarity (between 0.0 and 1.0) based on their titles.

$$Sim_{ref} (r_{1} ,r_{2} ) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {1,\quad {\text{if}}\;r_{1} = r_{2} ;} \hfill & {} \hfill \\ {\frac{{|Title(r_{1} ) \cap Title(r_{2} )|}}{{|Title(r_{1} ) \cup Title(r_{2} )|}},} \hfill & {{\text{otherwise}}.} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$
$$Title(r) = Set\;of\;terms\,in\;the\;title\;of\;r$$

With the similarity between two references, DescriptiveBC estimates the similarity between two articles a 1 and a 2 by Eq. 5, where R a1 and R a2 are the sets of out-link references in a 1 and a 2 respectively. The similarity falls between 0.0 and 1.0 as well. For each reference in a 1, DescriptiveBC identifies the most similar reference in a 2, and vice versa. Similarity between these references are employed to estimate the similarity between a 1 and a 2. Therefore, if a 1 and a 2 have a higher percentage of similar references (in terms of Eq. 3), similarity between them will be larger, even when they do not co-cite many references. DescriptiveBC is thus based on seamless integration of pure citation-based information (as employed by traditional bibliographic coupling) and text-based information from the titles of the out-link references. The integration can properly deal with the common case where two references are different but related to each other.

$$DescriptiveBC(a_{1} ,a_{2} ) = \,\frac{{\sum\limits_{{r_1 \in R_{a_1} }} {Max_{{r_2 \in R_{a_2} }} Sim_{ref} (r_1,r_2)} + \sum\limits_{{r_2 \in R_{a_2} }} {Max_{{r_1 \in R_{a_1} }} Sim_{ref} (r_1,r_2)} }}{{|R_{a_1} | + |R_{a_2} |}}$$

The second challenge of DescriptiveBC is to properly select descriptive terms (DTerms) to indicate why a 2 is related to a 1. All non-stop words in the titles of the out-link references in a 2 are candidate DTerms. Selection of DTerms are based on the descriptive strength defined in Eq. 6. The descriptive strength of a term t falls between 0.0 and 1.0 as well. It is estimated by considering the out-link references in which t appears. If t appears in a higher percentage of out-link references in a2 and these references are similar to the references in a 1, the descriptive strength t will be larger. In this case, t is more capable of indicating why a 2 is related to a 1.

$$Dstrength(a_{1} ,a_{2} ,t) = \,\frac{{\sum\limits_{{r_2 \in R_{a_2} ;t \in Title(r_2)}} {Max_{{r_1 \in R_{a_1} }} Sim_{ref} (r_{1} ,r_{2} )} }}{{|R_{a_2} |}}$$

The final set of DTerms selected to indicate why a 2 is related to a 1 simply consists of α terms (in the titles of the references in a 2) with the highest descriptive strengths (see Eqs. 7 and 8). As the DTerms are mainly used as a guide for readers to navigate through the space of related articles, we expect that α should be set to about 10, which is close to the length of the title of a scholarly article, making the DTerms both brief and informative to indicate the relatedness between two articles.

$$DTermSet(a_{1} ,a_{2} ) = \{ t|Dstrength(a_{1} ,a_{2} ,t)\;\text{is}\;\text{at}\;\text{top}\;\alpha \;\text{in}\;RefTitle(a_{2} )\}$$
$$RefTitle(a) = \bigcup\limits_{{r \in \,R_{a} }} {Title(r)}$$

DescriptiveBC thus has three interesting features: (1) it works on out-link references, which are more commonly available than several typical kinds of information (e.g., in-link citations and main bodies of articles); (2) it enhances bibliographic coupling by seamlessly integrating the citation-based information and text-based information from the titles of the out-link references; (3) it selects certain terms from the titles of references to describe the aspect of relatedness between two articles. DescriptiveBC can thus provide the information about how (by the inter-article similarity) and why (by the descriptive terms) two articles are related. The information can support the identification, clustering, and navigation of the related evidence published in scientific literature.

Empirical evaluation

Experiments are designed to empirically evaluate DescriptiveBC in two ways: (1) performance of the inter-article similarity (estimated by Eq. 5) and (2) descriptive capability of the DTerms (extracted by Eq. 7). For the former, we compare DescriptiveBC with several baselines in identifying those articles that are highly related to each other, while for the latter we investigate whether DTerms of a candidate article a i with respect to a target article a T can be used to explain why a i is related to a T .

The data

We evaluate DescriptiveBC in the context of identifying of highly related articles, which are those articles that focus on the same research topic. Researchers often need to check multiple articles to cross-validate the evidence about specific research topics. Retrieval of the highly related articles is thus of practical significance. The retrieval is also challenging for inter-article similarity measurement techniques, because the highly related articles should share similar core textual contents, which are quite difficult to extract and measure. Contribution of DescriptiveBC and bibliographic coupling to this retrieval task is thus interesting, as they work on out-link references (rather than textual contents) of the articles. Therefore, instead of relying on the main bodies of articles (as done in several previous studies, e.g., Liu 2015), we focus on the out-link references in the articles.

We employ the data in DisGeNET,Footnote 2 which maintains a database of articles that focus on specific gene-disease associations. A gene-disease association is a specific research topic, and hence the articles selected for the association are highly related to each other. To facilitate the research of disease diagnosis and therapy, several databases of gene-disease associations have been developed and maintained (e.g., the databases maintained by Genetic Home Reference and Online Mendelian Inheritance in Human), however the maintenance is quite costly because a large number of experts are often recruited to carefully and frequently retrieve and check multiple articles.Footnote 3 A good inter-article similarity measure is thus essential for the maintenance of the databases, as it can recommend potential highly related articles for the experts to check.

More specifically, we select from DisGeNET those gene-disease associations that had the largest number of articles annotated by Genetic Association DatabaseFootnote 4 (GAD) or Comparative Toxicogenomics DatabaseFootnote 5 (CTD) for human. Both GAD and CTD recruit domain experts to select articles to annotate each gene-disease association (Wiegers et al. 2009; Becker et al. 2004). For CTD, doctoral-level experts were trained to select the articles, with a high degree of inter-expert agreement (Wiegers et al. 2009). For each gene-disease association <g, d>, we designate one article as the target, while the others as the highly related candidates. Given the target article, an inter-article similarity measure should be able to rank high these highly related candidates, among other candidates that focus on other research topics (i.e., not dedicated to the association between g and d).

Therefore, for each gene-disease association <g, d>, we also collect a large number of candidate articles that are not dedicated to <g, d>. These candidate articles are collected by sending two queries to a popular search engine PubMed CentralFootnote 6 (PMC): “g NOT d” and “d NOT g”. These articles thus share a certain amount of contents with the target article, however they are non-highly related articles for <g, d> because they mention g or d but not both. For each gene-disease association, at most 200 non-highly related candidate articles are collected.

We thus totally have 53 topics (gene-disease associations) for which 9928 articles are tested: 9740 articles are non-highly related to these topics (and hence on average one topic has 183.77 non-highly related articles), while 188 articles are highly related to their respective topics (and hence on average one topic has 3.55 highly related articles). These articles totally have 435,786 out-link references whose titles are collected as well. We conduct 188 testes so that each highly related article is designated as the target article (for its respective topic) for exactly one time.

The baselines

As noted in Related work, previous techniques to measure inter-article similarity between two scholarly articles a 1 and a 2 can be citation-based (those that worked on citation relationships among articles), text-based (those that worked on textual contents of a 1 and a 2), or hybrid (those that worked on both text-based and citation-based information). As DescriptiveBC is an enhanced version of bibliographic coupling that works on out-link references of the articles, the main baseline in the experiments is bibliographic coupling (i.e., BC defined in Eq. 1), which is a good measure for the analysis of scientific literature, as well as the retrieval of similar legal judgments (Kumar et al. 2011) and detection of plagiarism (Gipp and Meuschke 2011). We aim at investigating whether DescriptiveBC may be a better bibliographic coupling measure, and if so the contribution of integrating DescriptiveBC with other text-based and hybrid measures can be expected.

Therefore, text-based and hybrid measures are not main baselines in the experiments. However, we do implement two state-of-the-art text-based and hybrid measures, with a goal to further compare the contribution of textual contents (employed by the text-based and hybrid measures) and out-link reference titles (employed by DescriptiveBC). The text-based measure is BM25 (Robertson et al. 1998), which was one of the best techniques in finding related scholarly articles (Boyack et al. 2011). It is defined in Eq. 2, with the two parameter k 1 and b being typically set to 2 and 0.75 respectively (Boyack et al. 2011; Liu and Huang 2011). On the other hand, the hybrid measure is HybridK50, which performed better than BC in certain cases (Boyack and Klavans 2010). Similarity between two articles a 1 and a 2 is defined based on the intersection of words and out-link references in a 1 and a 2. HybridK50 estimates the similarity by treating a reference co-cited by a 1 and a 2 as a co-word in the titles and abstracts of a 1 and a 2. Both BM25 and HybridK50 work on titles and abstracts of the articles, which are publicly available on the Internet.

The evaluation criteria

Two criteria are employed to evaluate the performance of the inter-artcile similarity measures. They are Mean average precision (MAP) and average P@X, which were routinely employed in text ranking studies (e.g., Liu 2015). MAP is defined in Eq. 9, where |T| is the number of tests (recall that we conduct 188 tests, ref. The data), and AvgP(i) is the average precision for the ith test. MAP is simply the average of the AvgP values for all the tests.

$${\text{MAP}}\; = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{|T|} {AvgP(i)} }}{|T|}$$
$$AvgP(i) = \frac{{\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{{h_{i} }} {\frac{j}{{Seen_{i} (j)}}} }}{{h_{i} }}$$

AvgP(i) is defined in Eq. 10, where h i is the number of articles that are judged (by domain experts) to be highly related to the target article for the ith test (i.e., the ones that focus on the same research topic as the target article), and Seen i (j) is the number of articles that readers have seen when the jth highly related article for the ith test is shown (i.e., number of articles whose ranks are higher than or equal to that of the jth highly related article for the ith test). Therefore, given a target article a T for the ith test, if those articles that are highly related to a T are ranked higher, AvgP(i) will be higher.

On the other hand, average P@X only concerns those articles that are ranked at top-X positions. It is defined in Eq. 11. It is the average of the P@X values for all the 188 tests. Equation 12 defines P@X, which is the precision when top-X articles are shown to the readers. Typically X is set to a small value, and hence P@X evaluates how highly related articles are ranked very high. In the experiments, we set X to 1, 3, 5, and 10.

$${\text{Average}}\;{\text{P@X}} = \;\frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{|{\text{T}}|}} {{\text{P@X}}(i)} }}{|T|}$$
$${\text{P@X}}(i) = \;\frac{{{\text{Number}}\,{\text{of}}\;{\text{top-X}}\,{\text{articles}}\;{\text{that}}\,{\text{are}}\;{\text{highly}}\;{\text{related}}\;{\text{to}}\;{\text{the}}\;{\text{target}}\,{\text{for}}\;{\text{the}}\;i{\text{th}}\,{\text{test}}}}{\text{X}}$$

Moreover, to verify whether the performance differences between DescriptiveBC and each of the baselines are statistically significant, we conduct significance tests by two-sided and paired t-tests.


We report the experimental results on (1) performance of DescriptiveBC in identifying those articles that are highly related to each other, and (2) descriptive capability of the DTerms in indicating why two articles are related.

Performance of inter-article similarity estimation

As shown in Fig. 2, DescriptiveBC performs better than BC in all evaluation criteria, with statistically significant performance improvements in MAP (p < 0.005), Average P@1 (p < 0.05), Average P@5 (p < 0.005), and Average P@10 (p < 0.005). The improvements in MAP is 15.2% (0.4757 vs. 0.4130). The results confirm the contribution of the titles of the out-link references in an article: these titles provide additional useful information that can be used to properly indicate the possible similarity between two related but different out-link references, which may share certain research targets reflected in their titles. The original version of BC does not consider the possible similarity, while DescriptiveBC is an enhanced version that employs a proper way to estimate (by Eq. 3) and utilize the similarity (by Eq. 5).

Fig. 2
figure 2

MAP and average P@X: DescriptiveBC performs significantly better than all the baselines (‘single round’ and ‘double round’ on a system indicate that performance difference between the system and DescriptiveBC is statistically significant with p < 0.05 and p < 0.005, respectively)

Figure 2 also shows the performance of BM25 and HybridK50, which consider the title and the abstract of each article as the resources to estimate inter-article similarity. The hybrid approach HybridK50 (which considers both the text and the out-link references) tends to have comparable performance with the text-based approach BM25 and the citation-based approach BC. The difference in MAP between HybridK50 and BM25 is not statistically significant (p = 0.7972), and the difference between HybridK50 and BC is not statistically significant either (p = 0.1858). HybridK50 was found to have comparable performance with BC in article clustering, as it performed slightly better than BC in certain cases (Boyack and Klavans 2010). Our experimental results further show that, it is still challenging to properly employ the textual contents (i.e., titles and abstracts considered by BM25 and HybridK50) to significantly improve the performance in identifying those articles that are highly related to specific topics (in such case, there may be many non-highly related articles that share several key terms with the highly related articles). DescriptiveBC performs significantly better than both BM25 and HybridK50. Note that we are not aiming at directly comparing DescriptiveBC with BM25 and HybridK50, because DescriptiveBC does not consider the titles and the abstracts. However, the results indicate that the titles of the out-link references in an article a x is another good resource for inter-article similarity estimation as well (when compared with the title and the abstract of a x ). The contributions are of practical significance to the identification of highly related evidence already published in literature.

Figure 3 shows the percentage of the topics for which P@X > 0. A higher percentage indicates that, for a larger portion of the tests, highly related articles are successfully ranked at top positions. A system that achieves a higher percentage has both good and stable performance in recommending highly related articles for different research topics. Again, DescriptiveBC achieves higher percentages than BC in all settings of X. DescriptiveBC contributes 10.2% improvement in the percentage in P@1 (51.60 vs. 46.81%), 3.3% improvement in the percentage in P@3 (65.96 vs. 63.83%), 8.5% improvement in the percentage in P@5 (75.00 vs. 69.15%), and 7.6% improvement in the percentage in P@10 (82.98 vs. 77.13%). DescriptiveBC performs better than HybridK50 and BM25 as well. The contribution is of practical significance to researchers, who often need to check a large number of scholarly articles for different research topics.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Percentage of the tests for which P@X > 0: DescriptiveBC ranks the highly related articles at top-1, top-3, top-5, and top-10 for a higher percentage of tests than all the baselines

Descriptive capability of descriptive terms

Having the results on the ranking of highly related articles, we are also concerned with the descriptive capability of the DTerms identified by DescriptiveBC. Given a target article a T , descriptive capability of the DTerms of the candidate articles with respect to a T can be investigated by answering two questions:


Do highly related articles and non-highly related articles for a T tend to have different DTerms?


Do the DTerms of highly related articles tend to be related to the main topic of a T ?

Descriptive capability of the DTerms can be verified if answers to both questions are ‘yes’. Q2 is motivated by the observation: the target article a T and its highly related articles are judged and selected (by domain experts) for a specific topic (i.e., association between a specific gene and a specific disease), and hence the highly related articles are related to a T mainly because they all focus on the topic, making their DTerms (with respect to a T ) related to the topic. On the other hand, Q1 is motivated by the observation: non-highly related articles tend to be not related to the topic, and hence their DTerms (with respect to a T ) would not be so related to the topic. Therefore, although all the articles may have certain degrees of similarity to a T , the highly related articles should have those DTerms that are (1) different from those of non-highly related ones and (2) related to the topic (i.e., properly indicating why the highly related articles are related to a T ).

Investigation of question Q1

We quantitatively investigate Q1 by measuring two factors: (1) average DTerm similarity between highly related articles and (2) average DTerm similarity between highly and non-highly related articles. The ratio between the two factors is a kind of Dunn index, which is often used to evaluate the results of clustering (note that in this case, we are not clustering the articles, but treating highly related articles and non-highly related articles as two “groups” of articles). A higher ratio indicates that, with the DTerms extracted, the candidate articles can be well separated into a group of highly related articles and a group of non-highly related articles.

More specifically, we employ Eq. 13 to measure the similarity between two sets of DTerms (D 1 and D 2). It is a kind of Jaccard index, which is commonly used to measure the similarity between two sets.

$$DTermSimilarity(D_{1} ,D_{2} ) = \frac{{|D_{1} \cap D_{2} |}}{{|D_{1} \cup D_{2} |}}$$

For each of those topics that have multiple highly related articles (in addition to a randomly selected target article), Fig. 4 shows the average DTerm similarity between highly related articles, as well as the average DTerm similarity between highly and non-highly related articles. The result shows that the former is significantly higher than the latter (in a two-tailed and paired t-test, p < 0.0002), and the average ratio between them is 2.0217. For most topics, highly related articles share several DTerms, while non-highly related articles share fewer DTerms with the highly related articles. Highly related articles and non-highly related articles thus tend to have different DTerms, and hence the answer to question Q1 should be ‘yes’. Therefore, in addition to the inter-article similarity estimated by DescriptiveBC, the DTerms extracted by DescriptiveBC can be used to further distinguish highly related articles from non-highly related articles.

Fig. 4
figure 4

DTerms similarity between highly related articles versus DTerms similarity between highly and non-highly related articles: The former is significantly higher than the latter. For most topics, highly related articles share several DTerms, while non-highly related articles share fewer DTerms with the highly related articles. DTerms extracted by DescriptiveBC can thus be used to further distinguish highly related articles from non-highly related articles

Investigation of question Q2

We qualitatively investigate Q2 by case study and analysis. Given a target article a T for a topic, we analyze whether DTerms of highly related articles of a T can semantically indicate the topic (i.e., properly indicating why the highly related articles are related to a T ). Based on the result in Fig. 4, two representative topics are identified: Topic 39 and Topic 45, which respectively get the largest and the smallest ratios between the two factors reported in Fig. 4 (the ratios are 7.0840 and 0.3699, respectively). Highly related articles for Topic 39 (Topic 45) have the most similar (dissimilar) sets of DTerms. We thus investigate whether these DTerms are related to the two topics, respectively.

Topic 39 is about the association between pancreatitis and serine peptidase inhibitor. PubMed Central ID of the target article is PMC1774044.Footnote 7 Figure 5 shows the distribution of DTerms of top-30 candidate articles (based on the DescriptiveBC similarity of each article to the target article). Recall that we extract ten DTerms for each candidate article, and a candidate article has one DescriptiveBC similarity to the target. Therefore, DTerms of a candidate article have the same x-coordinate in Fig. 5. It is interesting to note that DescriptiveBC successfully ranks the two highly related articles at the top positions, and these highly related articles have almost the same sets of DTerms (denoted by ‘ο’). The non-highly related articles, however, have broad and different distributions of DTemrs (denoted by ‘×’).

Fig. 5
figure 5

A case study (Topic 39) for which highly related articles share many DTerms (denoted by circle and pointed by down arrow): The shared DTerms (see Table 1) are related to the topic of the case study (association between pancreatitis and serine peptidase inhibitor), and so can indicate why the articles are highly related to the target article, which focuses on the topic as well. All non-highly related articles get much lower similarity to the target article. They focus on other topics with many DTerms (denoted by times) not related to the association between pancreatitis and serine peptidase inhibitor, indicating that they are similar to the target in different ways

We further analyze whether DTerms of the highly related articles are related to Topic 39. Table 1 lists DTerms of three articles, including the two highly related articles (IDs: PMC1773194Footnote 8 and PMC1773221Footnote 9), as well as a non-highly related article (ID: PMC2928535Footnote 10) that gets the largest similarity to the target article. The two highly related articles share a high percentage of DTerms (nine out of ten DTerms are the same), including the name of the target disease (pancreatitis) and gene-related terms (mutation and gene), indicating that the two highly related are related to the target article in discussing genetic events of the disease. Moreover, the shared DTerms also include several terms that are related to the target gene (serine peptidase inhibitor). These terms are cationic, trypsinogen, and inhibitor, and trypsin. This is because cationic trypsinogen is actually an enzyme. It is a serine peptidase produced in the pancreas for the digestion of food.Footnote 11 Therefore, both highly related articles share many DTerms that are closely related to Topic 39. With the DTerms, readers can easily know in what way the two articles are related to the target article. On the other hand, the non-highly related article has several DTerms different from those of the highly related articles. The DTerms include the names of another gene (the CFTR gene) and another disease (cystic fibrosis), which is different but related to the target disease (pancreatitis).Footnote 12 Therefore, the non-highly related article is related to the target article in a way different from Topic 39 (<pancreatitis, serine peptidase inhibitor>). Different articles tend to be related to the target article in different ways, and the DTerms have indicated why they are related.

Table 1 DTerms of three articles for Topic 39 (<pancreatitis, serine peptidase inhibitor>): Highly related and non-highly related articles tend to be related to the target article in different ways, and the DTerms indicate why they are related

Topic 45 is another representative topic for case study. It is about the association between anemia and erythropoietin. Anemia is a condition in which the amount of red blood cells is not enough, while the erythropoietin gene controls the production of the red blood cells.Footnote 13 ID of the target article is PMC3441831.Footnote 14 It presents the correlation between erythropoietin and anemia associated with melanoma, which is a type of cancer. The target article was thus judged (by domain experts) to be highly related to Topic 45. In addition to the target article, there are two highly related articles. The first highly related article (ID: PMC1386105Footnote 15) presents the operation of erythropoietin in treating anemia, while the second highly related article (ID: PMC2754516Footnote 16) presents the correlation between erythropoietin and anemia associated with a digestive disease. Therefore, both articles were judged to be highly related to Topic 45 (<anemia, erythropoietin>) as well.

Topic 45 deserves case study and analysis, due to two reasons: (1) DescriptiveBC fails to rank the two highly related articles at top positions (pointed by ‘↓’ in Fig. 6), and hence many non-highly related articles are miss-ranked at top positions; and (2) the two highly related articles have only one DTerm in common, while many non-highly related articles share several DTemrs with the first highly related article (pointed by ‘↓’ at the right part of Fig. 6). Therefore, it is interesting to investigate whether the DTerms are closely related to Topic 45.

Fig. 6
figure 6

A case study for which highly related articles share only one DTerm (denoted by circle and pointed by down arrow): Although only one DTerm is shared, the DTerms (see Table 2) of the highly related articles are related to the topic of the case study (association between anemia and erythropoietin), and so can indicate why the articles are highly related to the target article, which focuses on the topic as well. Many non-highly related articles get high similarity with the target article, however they focus on other topics with many DTerms (denoted by times) not related to the association between anemia and erythropoietin, indicating that they are similar to the target article in different ways

Table 2 lists DTerms of three articles, including the two highly related articles, as well as a non-highly related article (ID: PMC1890992Footnote 17) that gets the largest similarity to the target article (i.e., it is ranked at top-1). The non-highly related article explores the correlation between erythropoietin and neuroblastoma, which is a type of cancer but not the target disease anemia, and hence it is not closely related to Topic 45. We find that DTerms of the three articles tend to indicate why the articles are related to the target article, based on two reasons: (1) the two highly related articles have several DTerms related to the target disease or the target gene of Topic 45 (including erythropoietin, receptor, erythroid, anemia, and epoetin alfaFootnote 18), without any DTerms related to other diseases or genes; and (2) the non-highly related article has several DTerms related to development of cancer (including angiogenesis, cancer, and tumor) rather than the target disease. The non-highly related article is ranked at top-1 simply because it has a relationship with the target article: they all have a focus on cancer (recall that they respectively focus on neuroblastoma and melanoma, which are two types of cancer), and some DTerms (cancer and tumor) of the non-highly related article have indicated the relationship.

Table 2 DTerms of three articles for Topic 45 (<anemia, erythropoietin>): The two highly related articles have several DTerms related to the target disease or the target gene of Topic 45, without any DTerms related to other diseases or genes. The DTerms can thus indicate why the highly related articles are related to the target article of Topic 45

Therefore, even the second highly related article is miss-ranked at a lower position, its DTerms can indicate why it is related to the target article (i.e., correlation between erythropoietin and anemia, which are targets of Topic 45). Similarly, even the non-highly related article is miss-ranked at the top, its DTerms have indicated why it is related to the target article as well (i.e., correlation between erythropoietin and cancer, which is not the target disease of Topic 45).

The answers to question Q1 and question Q2 should thus be ‘yes’. Highly related articles and non-highly related articles of a target article a T tend to have different DTerms, and DTerms of the highly related articles tend to be related to the main topic of a T . As a T and its highly related articles are specifically selected for the topic by domain experts, the positive answers to Q1 and Q2 indicate that DTerms of the highly related articles can be used to describe why they are related to a T . The results thus confirm our expectations (recall Fig. 1): (1) a scholarly article a x may discuss several issues, and for each issue, cites appropriate references; and (2) given another article a y , terms in the titles of the references cited by a x and a y may be used to estimate how and describe why a y is related to a x . The results are also consistent with a previous finding: titles of out-link references in a scholarly article a can be used to index the main contents of a (Qin 2000; Garfield 1990). As the main contents often include several parts related to different articles, DescriptiveBC provides a novel way to further identify the aspect of relatedness between a and the articles.


Application and suggestion

We have shown that DescriptiveBC is a new bibliographic coupling measure that (1) performs significantly better than the original BC in identifying related scholarly articles, and (2) provides descriptive terms to indicate why a scholarly article is related to another article. Given a scholarly article, DescriptiveBC can be invoked to support the retrieval and clustering of the related evidence already published in scientific literature. As DescriptiveBC estimates inter-article similarity and selects descriptive terms, it would be a good way to employ a two-dimensional map to visualize both how (based on the numerical similarity) and why (based on the descriptive terms) a scholarly article is related to a given target article (e.g., the maps in Figs. 5, 6). With the two-dimensional map, researchers can explore and navigate through the space of articles that are related to the target article in different ways.

Previous studies have found that titles of out-link references in scholarly articles can be used to index the main contents of the articles (Qin 2000; Garfield 1990). The performance of DescriptiveBC further shows that the out-link reference titles are helpful for the visualization and navigation of the relatedness between articles. Therefore, to facilitate dissemination of research findings in scientific literature, we suggest that publishers of scholarly articles should provide the titles of the references cited by the articles. Release of the reference titles can help prospective researchers to find the articles, promoting both the visibility and the impact of the articles published by the publishers.

We also suggest that the idea of DescriptiveBC should be incorporated to search engines of scholarly articles (e.g., PubMed, and Google Scholar). The search engines have been essential portals for researchers to find scholarly articles. With the idea of DescriptiveBC, the search engines can enhance their article ranking capability and provide textual descriptions about the relatedness between articles. The search engines routinely collect and preprocess a huge amount of scholarly articles for subsequent retrieval. The inter-article similarity measure of DescriptiveBC can be incorporated into the similarity measure of the search engines so that the measure can be enhanced with bibliography information. The DTerms suggested by DescriptiveBC can be cached so that researchers can be guided online with brief textual description for each inter-article relationship.

Future work

It is interesting to further improve the strategy for visualizing the inter-article similarity and the descriptive terms returned by DescriptiveBC. The two-dimensional maps shown in Figs. 5 and 6 can be a preliminary design, however two issues deserve investigation. The first issue is the interactive visualization of the DTerms. In addition to properly showing the DTerms on the map, researchers may also have a query (composed of certain DTerms) to re-rank the articles so that those articles having certain DTerms of interest can be identified in an interactive way. The second interesting issue is the clustering of the articles based on the DTerms. A cluster of the articles may correspond to a way the articles are related to the target article, and hence may be helpful for the researchers to easily identify what they really want. The enhanced visualization strategy can facilitate the exploration of research findings online.

Another interesting future work is to investigate the possible improvement of DescriptiveBC by employing domain-dependent thesauri of synonyms and related terms. DescriptiveBC currently works on domain-independent bibliographic information, without considering the relatedness among terms. We expect that the inter-article similarity measure of DescriptiveBC may be improved by transforming and incorporating the term relatedness.

It is also interesting to integrate DescriptiveBC with other inter-article similarity measures. DescriptiveBC is an improved version of BC that works on out-link references, which are more publicly available than other kinds of information such as full text and in-link citations of articles. Although in the experiment DescriptiveBC performs significantly better than a citation-based measure (i.e., BC), a text-based measure (i.e., BM25), and a hybrid measure (i.e., HybridK50), we are still interested in the fusion of DescriptiveBC and other measures that work on textual information from titles and abstracts of articles, which are often publicly available as well. The fusion is motivated by the expectation that titles and abstracts of articles can provide other kinds of information that is different from the bibliographic information employed by DescriptiveBC. An effective fusion strategy is an interesting target for future research.


Bibliographic coupling is an effective inter-article similarity measure that works on out-link references, which are more commonly available than full text and in-link citations employed by other citation-based measures. We present a novel measure DescriptiveBC that is an enhanced version of the bibliographic coupling measure. DescriptiveBC is developed based on the expectations that titles of out-link references may be used to refine inter-article similarity estimation, as well as provide descriptive terms to indicate the aspect of relatedness between two articles. The expectations are justified in the identification and navigation of highly related articles that have been judged (by domain experts) to be focusing on the same research topics.

Given a target article a T , DescriptiveBC can thus provide more accurate information about how (based on numerical inter-article similarity) and why (based on textual descriptive terms) a scholarly article is related to a T . Visualization of the information can support the identification, clustering, mapping, and navigation of the related evidence already published in scientific literature. Release of the reference titles in each article is thus helpful for the dissemination of research findings in scientific literature, and DescriptiveBC can be incorporated into search engines of scholarly articles to help prospective researchers to navigate through the space of related articles online.