
Scientific publications are responsible for disseminating the research results and achievements of scientists and scientific groups. The term describes any scientific document that has been peer reviewed and published in a way that can assist other researchers and be referenced in their work. Different types of scientific documents can be considered, like master and doctoral theses, review articles, conference papers and journal articles, technical reports and documents, books and book chapters, short communications and commentaries. In the rest of the paper, the term paper will be used to describe any of the above items and the term author for scientists and researchers that publish papers

Published papers do carry knowledge and their content has passed through a review process prior to their publication. Therefore, there is value attached to every published paper, though not all published papers have the same impact on their respective field. Several bibliometric indicators have been proposed to evaluate the importance of a paper and/or its acceptance by the scientific community.

The most fundamental indicator for assessing the scientific impact of a paper is the total number of citations received. A number of researchers have argued that the importance of a paper should be considered by examining not only its direct impact but also the impact of the papers that have cited it (Rousseau 1987; Dervos and Kalkanis 2005; Sidiropoulos and Manolopoulos 2005; Walker et al. 2007; Ma et al. 2008; Maslov and Redner 2008; Yan et al. 2011; Xiaojun et al. 2011; Egghe 2011b; Cheng et al. 2011). By doing so, one considers not only the visibility of the paper but also its prestige.

Consequently, a number of indirect indicators have been proposed, some of which are alterations or adaptations of the PageRank algorithm that was originally defined for ranking pages on the web (Page et al. 1999). More specifically, Ma et al. (2008) propose the application of PageRank to citation analysis and they have adapted the damping factor to better represent the walk of a random “researcher” rather than a random “surfer” (Chen et al. 2007). CiteRank (Walker et al. 2007; Maslov and Redner 2008) is another example of a PageRank based algorithm for assessing a paper that takes into account the age of the paper in order to increase its probability of being the starting point of a random walk. Prestige-Rank (Cheng et al. 2011) was proposed in order to account for the incompleteness of the Paper-Citation graph, which originates from the fact that no bibliometric database does actually include all the citations given to a particular paper. P-Rank (Yan et al. 2011) is another PageRank based indicator that utilizes the Paper-Citation graph and information about the co-authors of the papers and the journals in which the papers have been published in.

SCEAS Rank (Sidiropoulos and Manolopoulos 2005) takes a similar approach to PageRank but introduces an indicator that defines the contribution of direct citations to be greater than the contribution of indirect citations. It also specifies that indirect citations should have a greater impact on papers in their neighborhood rather than to distant papers. We examine both of these principles in this paper. Another example is the Cumulative patent citations and the Weighted cumulative patent indicators (Atallah and Rodríguez 2006) that do not originate from PageRank but follow a different approach in evaluating indirect citations. These indicators were originally defined for a Patent-Citation graph, a network identical to the Paper-Citation graph if patents are replaced by papers. Their aim was to measure the impact of a patent by considering the direct and indirect citations received and the closeness of citations to the patent under scrutiny. Finally, another approach was followed in Fragkiadaki et al. (2011) where the f-value indicator accounts for all indirect citations and includes a reducing factor that can be used to simulate the different citation patterns between different scientific fields.

Apart from the indirect indicators for the assessment of papers, a number of indirect indicators have also been proposed for the assessment of authors. SARA (Radicchi et al. 2009) is an indicator that follows a PageRank approach applied to the a Weighted Author-Citation graph but with slight differences, mainly around the distribution of impact from dangling nodes (authors that do not appear to cite any other author in the graph). Another indicator that constructs and uses the Author-Citation graph has been proposed by Fiala et al. (2008), Fiala (2012). The authors introduce a modification of PageRank where citations between authors are examined individually based on a number of factors, like the total number of publications of each author, the number of common publications between two authors, the number of distinct co-authors, the number of citations from one author to the other, as well as the year of each author to author citation. Another approach was followed by Kosmulski (2010) and Egghe (2011a, b). Both authors propose an indirect indicator based not only on the direct citations of a paper but also on the direct citations received by the citing papers (second generation citations). They choose to apply these indicators over a different set of papers included in the Publication Record of an author, thus, producing different results meant to be used either as standalone (hfg-index) or as complementary (Indirect h-index). Finally, Xiaojun et al. (2011) propose the use of Generational indices as indirect indicators calculated per generation of citations with regards to a target paper and the use of Cross-generational indices as cumulative measurements of impact.

To summarize, there are a number of indirect indicators that one can use in order to assess the impact of a paper or author depending on the criteria at hand.

The first indicator proposed in this paper, \(fp^{k}\)-index, considers several aspects of the Paper-Citation graph like the existence of cycles, the existence of more than one citation paths of the same or different length from a source paper to a target paper as well as the scientific age of the paper in order to produce the individual paper scores. The next two indicators proposed, fa-index and fas-index, are based on the individual \(fp^{k}\)-index values of the papers included in the Publication Record of an author. These indicators provide the means for assessing an author and we demonstrate that they are time aware and, in most cases, size independent. In addition, fas-index also accounts for the existence of self-citations for the individual authors of a paper.

In “Theoretical background” section, the Paper-Citation graph is presented in detail along with the different types of citation generations and some of the properties of the graph are discussed in more detail, like self-citations, chords and cycles. “The meaning of generations of citations” section further discusses citation generations and presents an example of the application of citation generations and citation generation counts in order to justify the reasons behind the type selected for the indicators introduced in this paper. In “ fp k-index definition” section, the \(fp^{k}\)-index indicator is defined and two examples of its application are presented in “Application and comparison of fp k-index with Number of citations (NC) and PageRank” section. In that section, we compare \(fp^{k}\)-index to two well known indicators for the assessment of papers, namely, the Citation count and PageRank. The fa- and fas-index are defined in “ fa k and fas k indices definition” section and an application of both indicators is given in “Application of the fa k and fas k indices” section. “Comparative study” section presents a comparative study of the proposed indicators to other well known indicators of direct and indirect impact found in the literature, along with experimental results for the rankings produced by each indicator based on the data provided by DBLP. Finally, the paper concludes in “Conclusions” section.

Theoretical background

We present an overview of the Citation graph along with the available meta-data information definitions for each paper participating in a closed paper collection. In addition, the generations of citations are examined in detail and a thorough example of the four types of forward generations is discussed. Generations of self-citations and the concept of chords are also considered.

Citation graph

Citation graphs are constructed from the meta-data available for the papers included in a closed set of papers. The base form of a citation graph is the Paper-Citation graph, but there are other types of derived graphs like the Author-Citation graph and the Journal-Citation graph. Derived graphs are constructed from the Paper-Citation graph by applying appropriate transformations as presented in Fragkiadaki and Evangelidis (2014). Here, we only present the Paper-Citation graph along with the notations used throughout this paper to describe the different properties of this graph.

The Paper-Citation graph is a directed graph whose nodes are the papers included in the collection and edges are defined based on the citations present in the Reference lists of these papers. A directed edge from a source paper (S) to a target paper (T) exists if the source paper (S) includes the target paper (T) in its list of references. We denote this relationship between papers S and T as “S references T” or “T is cited by S”, and the corresponding notation for this edge is \(S\rightarrow T\).

Apart from the papers and the citation data, the Paper-Citation graph includes additional information originating from the meta-data available for each paper. These information include the author list of each paper, the publication year and the publication journal. The different entities participating in this Paper-Citation graph along with the different properties of the graph are described by the following notations, as they were first presented in Fragkiadaki and Evangelidis (2014):

  • \(\mathbf {P}=\{\mathbf {P}_{\mathbf{1}},\mathbf{P}_{\mathbf{2}},\ldots ,\mathbf{P}_{\mathbf{NP}}\}\) denotes the closed set of papers participating in a Paper-Citation graph and \(\mathbf {NP}\) is the total number of papers included in the collection.

  • \(\mathbf {A}=\{\mathbf{A}_{\mathbf{1}},\mathbf{A}_{\mathbf{2}},\ldots ,\mathbf{A}_{\mathbf{NA}}\}\) denotes the set of authors that have participated in any of the papers included in the Paper-Citation graph. \(\mathbf {NA}\) denotes the total number of authors participating in the Paper-Citation graph.

  • \(\mathbf {J}=\{\mathbf{J}_{\mathbf{1}},\mathbf{J}_\mathbf{2},\ldots ,\mathbf{J}_{\mathbf{NJ}}\}\) denotes the set of journals in which the papers of the Paper-Citation graph where published. \(\mathbf {NJ}\) denotes the total number of journals participating in the Paper-Citation graph.

An example of a Paper-Citation graph can be found in Fig. 1. Using the notations presented earlier the following for this graph:

  • \(P=\{P_{1},P_{2},P_{3},P_{4},P_{5},P_{6},P_{7}\}\) is the set of papers in our collection and \(NP=7\)

  • \(A=\{A_{1},A_{2},A_{3},A_{4},A_{5}\}\) is the set of authors and \(NA=5\)

  • \(J=\{J_{1},J_{2},J_{3}\}\) is the set of journals and \(NJ=3\)

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example Paper-Citation graph

The Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 1 may also be presented in the form of a table, which we call the Paper-Citation table and for our sample graph is shown in Table 1. Each row of the table describes a particular paper and includes the list of co-authors, the publication year and publication journal, the list of papers referenced by the paper and the list of papers that directly cite the paper.

Table 1 Paper-Citation table for the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 1

Citation generations

We refer to citations received by a paper as direct citations and to the citations received via its citing papers as indirect citations. The term citation path is used to denote that a path exists in the Paper-Citation graph between a source and target paper. Citation paths can be categorized based on their length, which is the number of papers participating in the path excluding the target paper. Therefore, all direct citations are of length 1 since the path includes only one paper apart from the target paper, and, all indirect citations are of length greater than one. The citation paths for paper \(P_{1}\) of Fig. 1 are listed in Table 2a. We observe that paper \(P_{1}\) has 3 citation paths of length 1 (or 3 1-gen citations), 3 citation paths of length 2 (or 3 2-gen citations) and 4 citation paths of length 4 (or 4 4-gen citations).

Table 2 (a) Direct and indirect citation paths for paper P1 of Fig. 1; (b) Forward citation generations for paper P1 of Fig. 1

The indirect citations are used to define the generations of citations originally proposed by Rousseau (1987). In that paper, generations are discussed from the references point of view and their influence over the current paper is examined. These generations are called backwards while generations created based on the citations received by a paper are called forward. Forward generations have also been discussed in the literature by Dervos and Kalkanis (2005), Dervos et al. (2006), Atallah and Rodríguez (2006) and by Xiaojun et al. (2011) where four different definitions of generations were proposed. The definitions take into account the existence or not of duplicate papers per generation and whether a paper already included in a generation participates or not in a higher rank generation. The following notations defined in Xiaojun et al. (2011) are used throughout the rest of paper:

  • Subscript \(n=0,\ldots ,M\) defines the individual generations for a particular paper, with M being the youngest generation or in other terms the longest path in the Citation graph leading to the current paper. Forward generations are denoted with a positive natural number whereas Backward generations are denoted with a negative whole number.

  • G denotes that a citing paper can appear in many generations and H denotes that generations can only include papers not already included in a previous generation.

  • Superscript s denotes that a paper can only be included once in a generation and superscript m denotes that a paper can be included more than once in a generation (definitions of sets and multi-sets from Xiaojun et al. 2011).

In the original paper of Xiaojun et al. (2011), the 0-gen set definition encapsulates the possibility of including more than one papers, like for example all papers co-authored by a single author, but we are going to consider Generation 0 to only include a single target paper.

The different sets of forward citation generations for target paper \(P_{1}\) based on the four types of definitions one can get for the possible combinations of values \(\left\{ G,H\right\}\) and \(\left\{ m,s\right\}\) are listed in Table 2b. The table reveals that all definitions yield identical results for 0-gen and 1-gen sets. 0-gen set includes only the paper under scrutiny and 1-gen set includes papers directly citing the target paper. Since a paper cannot cite itself and can cite another paper only once, there are no duplicates in 1-gen set.

The four definitions produce different results starting from the 2-gen set and moving forward. In particular, the 2-gen set demonstrates the different results obtained based on whether a paper is allowed to be included more than once per generation or not (definitions of superscripts m and s respectively). In the former case (m), paper \(P_{6}\) is included twice in the 2-gen set of citations, whereas in the latter (s) it is listed once. So, the s/m aspect of the definitions determines whether duplicates can be found within a generation. In other words, it determines if a generation is to be considered as the unique list of source papers that provide the target paper with at least one citation path of a particular length (s) or as a listing of the source papers of all citation paths of a particular length (m). Tables 2a and b better demonstrate the above statement. Paper \(P_{6}\) is the source paper of two 2-gen citations for target paper \(P_{1}\), one via paper \(P_{3}\) and one via paper \(P_{4}\). So, in the m definitions paper \(P_{6}\) is included twice whereas in the s definitions it is included once.

The G/H aspect of the definitions is better illustrated by 3-gen citations and particularly by the citations originating from paper \(P_{5}\). When the generations are defined as G, paper \(P_{5}\) is a 3-gen citation for paper \(P_{1}\), whereas if the generations are defined as H, it is not. In the second case, paper \(P_{5}\) is not a 3-gen citation because it has already been counted as a 2-gen citation for paper \(P_{1}\). In other words, the G/H aspect of the definitions determines whether a source paper that provides more than one citation paths of different length for the target paper should be included in all generations based on its citation paths or if it should only be included in the generation closest to the target paper.

Generations of self-citations

When a Paper-Citation graph is examined from the paper point of view, the authors of the papers do not really participate in the process. But if we choose to examine the papers with regards to their contribution to the Publication Record of a particular author, one might wish to include extra information that relates to the author in question. In that sense, we say that there exists a direct self-citation between papers \(P_{1}\) and \(P_{2}\) for author \(A_{1}\), if paper \(P_{2}\) cites paper \(P_{1}\) and \(A_{1}\) has co-authored both papers.

When one wishes to account for the existence of self-citations, it is a common practice to examine a paper at the author level by either simply counting the number of self-citations and supplying this number alongside the full citation count or by completely removing the self-citations from the list of citations for the paper and author in question. So, in the same sense that self-citations are defined for a particular (paper, author) pair in the case of direct citations, we define the generations of self-citations for a (paper, author) pair for all indirect citations. This concept has been originally discussed in the Cascading-Citations Indexing Framework (cc-IF) defined in Dervos et al. (2006), were the generations of self-citations were defined as forward \(G^{m}\).

In general, a n-gen self-citation for a (paper, author) pair (P, A) is defined by a citation path of length n originating from a source paper and ending at paper P, with author A being present in the author list of both papers. Therefore, the only points of interest in the self-citation definition are the source and target papers and the corresponding authors. For example, the citation path \(P_{6}\rightarrow P_{3}\rightarrow P_{1}\) is considered a 2-gen self-citation for author \(A_{1}\), but the citation path \(P_{7}\rightarrow P_{6}\rightarrow P_{3}\rightarrow P_{1}\) is simply considered a 3-gen citation even though it passes through a paper co-authored by \(A_{1}\).

Thus, we may amend Table 2 to also include the authors of the papers, along with a characterization of which citation paths are considered self-citations for each of the authors in the author list of paper \(P_{1}\). The results are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Direct and indirect citation paths for paper \(P_{1}\) of Fig. 1

We propose that when a paper is examined as part of the Publication Record of an author it should be determined whether self-citations should be included or not in the generations of citations. If self-citations are included, then the results for the four definitions of citations are the same as the ones shown in Table 2b. If self-citations are to be excluded from the citation generations for a particular author, then the results are shown in Table 4a and b for authors \(A_{1}\) and \(A_{2}\) of paper \(P_{1}\).

Table 4 (a) Forward citation generations for paper \(P_{1}\) and author \(A_{1}\) of Fig. 1 and (b) Forward citation generations for paper \(P_{1}\) and author \(A_{2}\) of Fig. 1

It is interesting to examine 2-gen and 3-gen citations for author \(A_{1}\) in Table 4a. After removing all self-citation paths for author \(A_{1}\), there is no citation path of length 2 left, which means that all 2-gen citations originate from papers co-authored by \(A_{1}\). This has as a consequence that generation 2 of citations for \(A_{1}\) is empty. This does not necessarily imply that \(A_{1}\) will not have any 3-gen citations since, as we have already mentioned, self-citations are only defined using the starting and ending points of the citation paths without examining the intermediate papers. Thus, even though \(A_{1}\) has no 2-gen citations (by any definition), he still has some 3-gen citations.


Another aspect of the Paper-Citation graph that is related to the generations of citations is the existence of chords within the graph. Chords Dervos and Kalkanis (2005) are defined as citations in the Paper-Citation graph of rank greater than one that co-exist with a 1-gen citation. So, a chord of rank 2, or 2-chord, exists between papers A and B when there is a 2-gen citation from paper A to paper B while at the same time there is also a 1-gen citation from A to B. This models the situation where a paper cites both directly and indirectly another paper in the citation graph.


The Paper-Citation graph is a directed graph due to the nature of the connections between papers. While one might expect that the Paper-Citation graph is also acyclic, this is not always true. It is not uncommon for a paper to cite a version of another paper appearing in draft mode on the personal web page of one of the authors or to cite an online first edition of a paper (a paper made available online prior to its original publication). This may create cycles in the Paper-Citation graph Sidiropoulos and Manolopoulos (2005) and these cycles may be of different levels.

We define a Level 1 cycle to be any path of the form \(S\rightarrow T\rightarrow S\) and a Level n cycle any path of the form \(S\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow S\) where \(n+1\) papers participate in the formation of the path with \(n\ge 1\). Figure 2 presents three different levels of cycles with regards to paper \(P_{1}\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Examples of different levels of citation cycles encountered in Paper-Citation graphs. a Level 1 cycle, b Level 2 cycle and c Level 3 cycle

In Fig. 2 we observe that in (a), \(P_{1}\) participates in a Level 1 cycle via the path \(P_{1}\rightarrow P_{4}\rightarrow P_{1}\), in (b), \(P_{1}\) participates in a Level 2 cycle via the path \(P_{1}\rightarrow P_{5}\rightarrow P_{4}\rightarrow P_{1}\) and, finally, in (c), \(P_{1}\) participates in a Level 3 cycle via the path \(P_{1}\rightarrow P_{5}\rightarrow P_{6}\rightarrow P_{4}\rightarrow P_{1}\).

The meaning of generations of citations

So far, we have examined the different types of generations that can be defined based on the data included in a Paper-Citation graph, but we have not explored the meaning of indirect citations. We believe that a direct citation clearly indicates that a paper has been influenced in some way by the papers that it cites. The way that the referenced papers have affected the research of an author might not always be the preferred one, for example one might mention negative results based on another author’s work but nevertheless the citation does mean that the cited paper has had an impact on the citing paper.

But what do indirect citations mean and how should they be counted for? From the point of view that direct citations express a connection (or some form of influence) between two papers, we believe that indirect citations should carry the same meaning. In particular, an indirect citation should represent an imaginary connection between a source and a target paper with citations closer to the target paper (of lower rank) representing a stronger relationship between the papers. Based on the above and building on the concept of the Medal Standings Output table (MSO table) presented in Dervos and Kalkanis (2005), it is possible to create a table of the papers included in a Paper-Citation graph along with counts of the first n-gen citations of the papers based on the desired definition of generations.

The only question remaining now is which definition should one use for the generations of citations and how does that affect the output of the MSO table. Let us consider the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 3 that consists of ten papers, \(P=\{P_{1},P_{2},P_{3},P_{4},P_{5},P_{6},P_{7},P_{8},P_{9},P_{10}\}\) and 13 edges that represent the 13 direct citations that exist between the papers. The Paper-Citation table for paper \(P_{1}\) is shown in Table 5.

Fig. 3
figure 3

A Paper-Citation graph that demonstrates four different types of citations paths. a Chords, b multiple citation paths of length \(n,n>1\) from a source paper to the target paper \(P_{1}\), c a Level 1 cycle and d a Level 2 cycle

Table 5 Paper-Citation table for paper \(P_{1}\) presented in Fig. 3

Figure 3 demonstrates four different citation paths that a paper may participate in. In the lower left corner, paper \(P_{1}\) is part of a Level 1 cycle via the path \(P_{1}\rightarrow P_{7}\rightarrow P_{1}\), whereas in the lower right corner, \(P_{1}\) is part of a Level 2 cycle via the path \(P_{1}\rightarrow P_{8}\rightarrow P_{10}\rightarrow P_{1}\). In the top left corner, \(P_{1}\) is the target of a 2-gen citation originating from \(P_{6}\), which also provides a 1-gen citation to \(P_{1}\). Thus, the 2-gen citation from \(P_{6}\) to \(P_{1}\) is also a 2-chord. Finally, in the top right corner, paper \(P_{5}\) provides two 2-gen citations to \(P_{1}\) via papers \(P_{3}\) and \(P_{4}\) respectively, whereas, \(P_{9}\) provides two 3-gen citations to \(P_{1}\) via paths \(P_{9}\rightarrow P_{5}\rightarrow P_{3}\rightarrow P_{1}\) and \(P_{9}\rightarrow P_{5}\rightarrow P_{4}\rightarrow P_{1}\).

In order to compare the four types of generation definitions we produce the MSO table for paper \(P_{1}\) for each type of definition. The results are shown in Table 6, which shows the four different types of definitions in the vertical columns along with the citation counts of the first three generations of citations. The rows of the table represent the four sections of the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 3. The last line of the table contains the total number of citations for each generation for each type of definition. For example for the \(G^{m}\) definition, section (b) of the Paper-Citation graph provides two 1-gen citations from papers \(P_{3}\) and \(P_{4}\), two 2-gen citations from paper \(P_{5}\), and four 3-gen citations,two from paper \(P_{9}\) (paths \(P_{9}\rightarrow P_{5}\rightarrow P_{3}\rightarrow P_{1}\) and \(P_{9}\rightarrow P_{5}\rightarrow P_{4}\rightarrow P_{1}\)) and two from papers \(P_{3}\) and \(P_{4}\) via paths \(P_{3}\rightarrow P_{1}\rightarrow P_{7}\rightarrow P_{1}\) and \(P_{4}\rightarrow P_{1}\rightarrow P_{7}\rightarrow P_{1}\) respectively.

Table 6 MSO table for the G (a) and H (b) definitions of citation generations for paper \(P_{1}\) of Fig. 3

The four definitions produce the same counts only for the 1-gen citations (direct citations). The largest citation counts are produced by the \(G^{m}\) definition and the numbers presented in the table equal the total number of the respective citation paths shown in Table 5, with 5 2-gen citations and 9 3-gen citations. Next comes the \(G^{s}\) definition, which eliminates duplicate papers from within each generation, thus producing a total of 4 2-gen citations and 8 3-gen citations by only counting \(P_{5}\) once as a 2-gen citation and paper \(P_{9}\) once as a 3-gen citation. The \(H^{m}\) definition follows, which allows a paper to appear exactly once in the generation with the lowest possible rank. The counts produced from this definition are 3 2-gen citations (after removing paper P6 as a 1-gen and paper \(P_{1}\) as a 0-gen) and 2 3-gen citations (after removing paper \(P_{1}\) as a 0-gen and \(P_{2},P_{3},P_{4},P_{6},P_{7}\) and \(P_{10}\) as a 1-gen). Finally, the \(H^{s}\) definition produces 2 2-gen citations and 1 3-gen citation after removing all papers appearing in lower rank generations (same as \(H^{m}\)) plus all duplicate papers from within each generation (\(P_{5}\) is only counted for once as a 2-gen and \(P_{9}\) is only counted for once as a 3-gen).

To summarize, we observe that the \(G^{m}\) definition produces the largest counts of citations, by counting all the individual citation paths. As a result, it does not capture the nature of the individual citations. For example, in cases where a source paper provides citation paths of different lengths (like paper \(P_{6}\)), that paper, which is a single publication, also provides more than one indirect citations of different ranks. The same is true, when a paper provides more than one citation paths of the same length like papers \(P_{5}\) and \(P_{9}\), which also provide more than one indirect citation but of the same rank. In addition this definition does not cope well with citation path cycles since indirect citations are always counted for no matter which paper provides them.

The \(G^{s}\) definition copes better with cases where a paper provides more than one indirect citation paths of the same length, since now a paper can only be included once per generation. Examples of this case are papers \(P_{5}\) and \(P_{9}\) each providing two citation paths of length 2 and 3 respectively, but now they are counted for only once per generation. Still, this definition does not distinguish between citation paths of different lengths originating from the same paper, like paper \(P_{6}\), nor it corrects for the cycles present in a Paper-Citation graph.

On the other hand, the \(H^{m}\) definition can handle cycles, since if a paper has been included in a generation of lower rank it is not included again in a higher rank generation. For example, paper \(P_{1}\) is included in the 0-gen set, thus it does not provide a 2-gen citation to itself via \(P_{7}\). The same is true for \(P_{1}\) and a 3-gen citation that it could provide to itself if papers were not restricted between generations. Finally, this definition also copes with citation paths of different length originating from a single paper like paper \(P_{6}\). Again, paper \(P_{6}\) is included in the 1-gen set, thus, it does not also provide a 2-gen citation via \(P_{2}\). The only case that \(H^{m}\) does not handle is the existence of multiple citation paths of the same length originating from a single paper, like papers \(P_{5}\) and \(P_{9}\).

All cases mentioned so far, are handled by the \(H^{s}\) definition, which is the one we propose for counting indirect citations. With this definition an indirect citation indicates a connection between two papers and not merely the existence of at least one citation path between the papers in a Paper-Citation graph.

\(fp^{k}\)-index definition

We propose a new indicator for the assessment of a paper that accounts for both the direct and indirect impact of the paper as well as for the scientific age of the paper. The indicator can be described as a cross-generational index (Xiaojun et al. 2011), in the sense that it uses individual values generated for each generation of citations and then uses these values in order to calculate the cross-generational index that attempts to quantify the scientific value of a paper. Part of the indicator definition is the type of generation of citations used to produce the values to describe the generation of citations. The \(fp^{k}\)-index is calculated as

$$\begin{aligned} fp^{k}=\frac{1+\sum _{i}^{k}\left( \frac{1}{i}\times gen_{i}\right) }{n_{p}} \end{aligned}$$

In general, indirect citations should indicate that there is a connection between the paper under scrutiny and the papers included in each generation. This connection should be stronger the closer it is to the target paper (Sidiropoulos and Manolopoulos 2005). A connection between two papers is indicated by a single indirect citation rather than a count of all the indirect citation paths targeting the examined paper. In the proposed indicator, citations are weighted depending on the generation they belong to (\(gen_{i}\)), with citations of lower rank being more important and indicating that the target paper had a higher impact on the source paper. The indicator assigns a value 1 to each published paper and it uses the scientific age of the paper (\(n_{p}\)) to produce scores that can be used to compare papers of different scientific age. Once published, a paper is considered to have a scientific age of 1.

The proposed indicator considers the first k generations of citations of the \(H^{s}\) definition but the number of generations that one should consider is a subject that requires further investigation. If we assume that individual citation graphs are generated for publications belonging to different scientific fields then there are a number of characteristics that could affect the number of generations of citations that one should examine. The following list provides just an overview of some of them and the authors consider it to be neither complete nor exhaustive.

  • Number of publications per year Small number of papers published in a particular scientific field could mean that the density of the citation graph examined is high with a relatively small number of participating papers and many citations among them. On the other hand, large number of papers published each year could mean that the length of the citation paths is small therefore not providing many generations to base our calculations on.

  • Average number of citations received or references provided A large average number of citations could indicate a citation pattern where authors reference not only new papers but also papers published several years ago, thus possibly producing large number of chords in the citation graph.

  • Average elapsed time from the date of publication until a paper receives its first citation If the observed times are high it could be that several years may pass before published papers receive citations in which case the time is the limiting factor in our calculations.

  • Average age of citations The average age of the citations received could also affect the number of generations considered since a large average citation age could mean that it could be several years before long citation paths could be generated within the graph.

For the calculations included later in this paper we have chosen \(k=3\), thus considering the first three generations of citations of the \(H^{s}\) definition. This number has been chosen based on the authors sentiment that three generations (similar to friends of friends of friends in social networks) are enough to illustrate the usability and validity of the indicator under different circumstances.

Application and comparison of \(fp^{k}\)-index with Number of citations (NC) and PageRank

In this section, we examine two applications of the \(fp^{k}\)-index. The first one is to the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 3. In this graph, we consider all papers to be of equal scientific age (age 1). The second one is on the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 4, where we provide the scientific age of the papers included in the graph.

The purpose of these examples is to demonstrate how the \(fp^{k}\)-index reacts to the different citation patterns present in the graphs, especially when compared to the two other indicators, namely the Number of citations (NC) and PageRank (Page et al. 1999; Ma et al. 2008). The Number of citations (NC) is the most commonly used indicator and measures the impact of a paper by counting the number of direct citations received. This indicator produces values that are identical to the first generation citation counts we have discussed so far.

On the other hand, PageRank is an indicator originally used to rank pages on the web and was initially inspired by citation analysis. The indicator has found its way back to citation analysis with multiple applications, modifications and adaptations that aim at providing a more accurate representation of scientific impact whether it is for a paper, author or journal. PageRank imitates the “random surfer” model, where a person navigates through the web by a number of random hops. The surfer, after randomly selecting one of the available pages, randomly chooses to follow one of the outgoing links of the page and continues to do so until he gets “bored”, at which point he completely stops his current navigation path and moves to a newly selected random page from where he starts a new navigation path. The number of hops performed is determined by a damping factor. PageRank is calculated as follows

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {PR}}(A)=(1-d)+d \times \sum \frac{{\text {PR}}(i)}{N(i)} \end{aligned}$$

where d is the damping factor, which in the original implementation of PageRank was set to be 0.85, PR(i) is the PageRank score of the ith page that links to page A, and N(i) is the number of outgoing links of page i. For the calculations included in this section of the paper we use \(d=0.5\) as defined in Ma et al. (2008). We refer to this version of PageRank as Base.

A normalized version of PageRank also exists, where the first component is divided by the total number of nodes present in the network, or papers in the Paper-Citation graph.

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {PR}}(A)=\frac{(1-d)}{N}+d \times \sum \frac{{\text {PR}}(i)}{N(i)} \end{aligned}$$

By implementing PageRank as shown in 3, the sum of the PageRank values of all nodes included in a particular graph should be 1.0. As discussed in the literature though, this is not the case in graphs that include nodes that do not provide any reference to any of the nodes included in the graph. These nodes are named dangling nodes (Erjia and Ying 2011) and their behaviour would cause the sum of the PageRank values to decline after a number of iterations. In the second version of PageRank, we accommodate these dangling nodes by equally re-distributing their value to all the nodes in the graph and we refer to this version of PageRank as Normalized.

First example

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the usage of the \(fp^{k}\)-index, \(k=3\) and the way it reacts in a graph that includes the four distinct cases of citation patterns discussed earlier. Table 7a presents the citation generation counts for the ten papers included in the graph along with the calculated values of the three indicators (number of citations, PageRank and \(fp^{3}\)-index). As already mentioned, a damping factor \(d=0.50\) has been used for the PageRank calculations. Base PageRank required 26 iterations to converge and the Normalized PageRank required 14 (with a convergence criterion set to 0.00001). Table 7b presents the different categories created by the calculated values of each indicator and the papers that fit each category. It is interesting to note that both versions of PageRank produce the same categories for the papers included in the graph, even though their calculated values are different.

Table 7 (a) On the left, we list the citation generation counts of the papers included in the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 3, and on the right we list the values of the three indicators (Number of Citations (NC), PageRank (Base and Normalized) and \(fp^{3}\)-index), (b) the categories defined by each indicator based on the available values are presented along with the papers that fit each category

It turns out that all three indicators agree that the most important paper in the graph is \(P_{1}\) and the less important ones are \(P_{6}\) and \(P_{9}\) that have not received any direct (and therefore indirect) citations. The less sensitive indicator is the Number of citations since it only considers the direct impact of the papers and thus produces the less distinctive categories for the papers in the graph, placing all papers that have received one citation in the same category with the same score. PageRank and \(fp^{3}\)-index seem to be able to better distinguish the remaining papers in the graph.

In particular, PageRank considers papers \(P_{7}\) and \(P_{8}\) to be the second most important papers in the graph whereas \(P_{10}\) occupies the third most important position. \(fp^{3}\)-index also considers paper \(P_{8}\) as the second more important paper in the graph but it distinguishes it from \(P_{7}\) which occupies the third most important position, with \(P_{10}\) moving one position down in the list, ranked fourth. According to \(fp^{3}\)-index, \(P_{8}\) is ranked higher even though it has one 3-gen citation less than \(P_{7}\) because at the same time it has one 2-gen citation more than \(P_{7}\), and as we have seen so far gen2-citations have a greater impact on the calculated score when compared to 3-gen citations under the same conditions.

Moving further down the list, according to PageRank the next more important paper is \(P_{5}\) (ranked fourth) since even though it only receives a single 1-gen citation from paper \(P_{9}\), paper \(P_{9}\) does not provide any other citation to any of the other papers included in the graph.

According to \(fp^{3}\)-index paper \(P_{5}\) is ranked sixth, below papers \(P_{3}\) and \(P_{4}\) and it is considered of equal importance to \(P_{2}\). If we look at the number of citations received by these papers we can state that \(P_{5}\) receives only one 1-gen citation (from paper \(P_{9}\)) and \(P_{2}\) also receives one 1-gen citation (from paper \(P_{6}\)), whereas papers \(P_{3}\) and \(P_{4}\) receive one 1-gen citation each from \(P_{5}\) and one 2-gen citation each from paper \(P_{9}\), thus ranking higher than \(P_{5}\).

Second example

The second application is to the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 4, that contains a graph with 22 papers. The graph is constructed using paper \(P_{1}\) as the target paper. All citation paths of length lower than or equal to four have been included. For simplicity, we consider all papers within the same citation path length area to have the same scientific age. The oldest papers are \(P_{1}\), \(P_{2}\), \(P_{3}\) and \(P_{4}\) with scientific age 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Example of a Paper-Citation graph. All citation paths of length lower than or equal to four are included in the graph. For simplicity we consider all papers within the same citation path length to have the same scientific age

Table 8 presents the gen1, gen2 and gen3 citation counts for the 22 papers of the graph along with the scientific age of each paper and the calculated values for the three indicators under examination. For PageRank, we are displaying the scores for both the Base and Normalized version. The Base version required 7 iterations to converge whereas the Normalized one required 17 (the convergence criterion has again been set to 0.000001). The papers are ordered in increasing order based on their name and no other sorting has been applied. The PageRank and \(fp^{3}\)-index values have been rounded to three decimal places whereas the Number of citations are always integer values.

There are nine papers (\(P_{14}\)\(P_{22}\)) that have an \(fp^{3}\)-index of 1.000 since they have not received any direct or indirect citations and their scientific age is 1. We can compare the \(fp^{3}\)-index values of these papers to the \(fp^{3}\)-index values of papers \(P_{8}\), \(P_{10}\), \(P_{11}\), \(P_{12}\) and \(P_{13}\) that also have not received any direct or indirect citations but whose scientific age is 2, and thus their \(fp^{3}\)-index value is 0.500. We consider this to be a valid result since if a paper has not received any direct or indirect citations its value should decline as it is getting older since (with the exception of sleeping beauties) it becomes more and more unlikely that it receives many citations in the future. The same logic applies to paper \(P_{6}\) as well, whose value is 0.333, since it has not received any direct citations and its scientific age is 3.

Table 8 On the left the 22 papers of the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 4 are listed along with their scientific age and citation generation counts. On the right the calculated values based on the Number of Citations (NC), PageRank (Base and Normalized) and \(fp^{3}\)-index indicators are presented

Another interesting comparison is between papers \(P_{3}\), \(P_{4}\) and \(P_{2}\) of scientific age 4. \(P_{3}\) has only received a single 1-gen citation, \(P_{4}\) has received a single 1-gen citation along with 3 2-gen citations and, \(P_{2}\) has received a single 1-gen citation along with 3 2-gen citations and 9 3-gen citations. Since all these papers have the same scientific age, the factor that determines the acquired score is the number of 1-gen, 2-gen and 3-gen citations. In addition, the 1-gen citation count is the same for all papers. Therefore, the one that should gather the lower score is the one that has no 2-gen and 3-gen citations, which is paper \(P_{3}\). From the remaining papers the one that should follow is the one that has 2-gen citations but no 3-gen citations. And, finally, the paper that should gather the greatest score is \(P_{2}\) since it has more 3-gen citations than \(P_{4}\).

In order to make the comparison easier, the scores and the corresponding papers per indicator are presented in Table 9. The Number of citations (NC) indicator is the less sensitive one since it only creates 4 different score based categories for score values 9, 3, 1 and 0.

PageRank also categorizes all papers that have no impact in the same category with a score of 0.500 for the Base version and 0.025 for the Normalized one. PageRank is clearly better than NC distinguishing between papers that have had some impact, indicated by the fact that these papers have received at least one citation. The remaining 7 papers received distinct scores, with \(P_{9}\) being the most important paper in this graph.

Table 9 Scores and Papers distribution per indicator. The three indicators included are the Number of citations, PageRank and the \(fp^{3}\)-index

\(fp^{3}\)-index generates 9 different categories. Papers \(P_{9}\), \(P_{5}\), \(P_{1}\), \(P_{2}\) and \(P_{7}\) are ranked similarly by both PageRank and \(fp^{3}\)-index. \(fp^{3}\)-index takes into consideration the scientific age of a paper and young papers rank higher than older papers with identical properties.

\(fa^{k}\) and \(fas^{k}\) indices definition

We have defined an indirect indicator, the \(fp^{k}\)-index, that can be used to calculate the current cumulative value of a paper based on the first three generations of citations as defined by the \(H^{s}\) definition. Based on these values a new indicator is proposed for the scientific assessment of an author called \(fa^{k}\)-index.

\(fa^{k}\)-index is defined as the sum of all \(fp^{k}\)-index values of all papers co-authored by an author divided by the total number of papers (N) in the Publication Record of the author and is equal to

$$\begin{aligned} fa^{k}=\frac{\sum _{i}^{N}fp^{k}{\text {-index}}(i)}{N} \end{aligned}$$

where \(fp^{k}\)-index(i) is the \(fp^{k}\)-index of the ith paper of the author. Since the \(fp^{k}\)-index of a paper represents the current value of a paper the \(fa^{k}\)-index represents the average \(fp^{k}\)-index value of the author’s papers at the time when the evaluation occurs.

We might say that this indicator is independent of the scientific age of the author since the value of each paper is normalized based on its age. We believe that only the paper’s age should be used to distinguish between younger and older papers that share the same properties and that younger papers that have attracted a considerable number of citations quickly should be rewarded. In addition the proposed indicator is size-independent since the cumulative value of the \(fp^{k}\)-index scores of the papers is divided by the number of papers included in the Publication Record of an author. By doing so, authors with different productivity levels could more easily be compared based on the scientific impact of their papers.

Summarizing, the \(fa^{k}\)-index is an indirect indicator that takes into account the first k generations of citations, the scientific age of each individual paper as well as the productivity of the author in order to produce the author’s score and it is independent of the scientific age of the author.

An additional aspect that we could consider for an indicator used to assess authors is the number of self-citations. Another indicator is therefore proposed that considers the citations in the Paper-Citation graph at the (author, paper) level named \(fas^{k}\)-index. \(fas^{k}\)-index is calculated using the same formula as the \(fa^{k}\)-index with the only difference being the way the citation generations are produced for the calculations of the \(fp^{k}\)-index values for the papers in the Publication Record of the author. For the \(fa^{k}\)-index all citations based on the \(H^{s}\) definition are counted for, but for the \(fas^{k}\)-index the citation generations should be constructed in the way described in “Generations of self-citations” section.

The \(fas^{k}\)-index is always smaller than or equal to the \(fa^{k}\)-index of an author. The two indices are equal only when the author has zero self-citations in his first three generations of citations.

Application of the \(fa^{k}\) and \(fas^{k}\) indices

We present an example of the application of the \(fa^{k}\) and \(fas^{k}\) indices on the Paper-Citation graph of Fig. 1 in order to demonstrate the differences in the calculated scores for the authors included in the graph. The graph consists of seven papers that have been co-authored by five distinct authors. The graph also includes the publication year of each paper from which we calculate its scientific age with regards to 2014. Table 10a presents the papers listed in alphabetical order based on their name, the scientific age of each paper, the gen1, gen2 and gen3 citation counts and the \(fp^{k}\)-index for each individual paper. Table 10b presents the papers each author has participated in along with the \(fa^{k}\)-index value for the author calculated by Eq. 4.

Table 10 (a) The papers included in Fig. 1 along with their publication dates, citation generation counts and \(fp^{3}\)-index values and (b) The authors of the papers along with the papers each author has co-authored, the age range of the papers along with the \(fa^{3}\)-index values for the authors for year 2014

In Table 11, we can see the citation generations for each (author, paper) pair. The citation generation counts are presented with all self-citations excluded, which is the reason why for the same paper the counts vary from author to author. With these new, refined citation counts the \(fp^{3}\)-index of the papers is calculated again and the results are presented in Table 11.

Table 11 The (author, paper) pairs included in Fig. 1, along with the age of the papers, the gen1, ge2 and gen3 citation generation counts (self-citations are excluded) and the \(fp^{3}\)-index value of each paper per author

Table 12 presents the authors with the papers in their Publication Record along with the age range of the papers and the \(fas^{3}\)-index for each author. For the calculation of the \(fas^{3}\)-index Eq. 4 was used with the \(fp^{3}\)-index values presented in Table 11, where self-citations have been removed from the citation generation counts.

Table 12 The authors of the papers along with the papers each author has co-authored, the age range of the papers along with the \(fas^{3}\)-index values for the authors for year 2014

Comparing the calculated values for \(fa^{3}\) and the \(fas^{3}\) indices of the authors, we observe that the author scores become lower when removing self-citations. The calculated value for author \(A_{5}\) remains the same since he has already received the maximum value for the single paper that he co-authored 12 years ago and which has attracted no citations. In addition, the value of author \(A_{4}\) also remains constant since none of the citations received belongs to papers co-authored by \(A_{4}\). The values for authors \(A_{1}\), \(A_{2}\) and \(A_{3}\) are lower and the calculated value for \(A_{1}\) has the greatest drop since she has received many self-citations. The exclusion of self-citations from the citation generation counts can severely affect an author’s score.

Comparative study

In order to compare the indicators discussed in this paper, we performed a comparative study utilizing the citation data provided by DBLP, a Computer Science Bibliography database that provides an online index of scientific publications. The underlying data is formatted in XML and is released under the ODC-BY 1.0 license. The XML formatted file can be downloaded from the DBLP website. PHP (DOM extension) was used in order to parse the XML file and store the data in a relational DBMS (MySQL) for easier retrieval and access.

DBLP data

The different types of publications included in the DBLP dataset are presented in (DBLP) and mainly include articles (published in a journal or magazine), papers from conferences or workshops and Proceeding volumes. Other publication types, like authored monographs, parts or chapters in a monograph, PhD and master theses, are also included but in smaller numbers.

Like in previous studies (Sidiropoulos and Manolopoulos 2005; Fiala et al. 2008), we chose to only consider articles and papers in our study. During parsing, we considered records to be complete if apart from the DBLP Key (uniquely identifies a publication within the DBLP dataset), they also provided a Title, Year of Publication and a list of Authors.

It is worth noting that DBLP uses the WWW record type to provide details about a particular author, such as the list of synonyms of an author’s name. DBLP’s methodology of identifying and mapping authors to their respective publications is described in dpl (2009). For the purposes of our study we have not made any attempt to identify any author type synonyms or distinguish between authors with the same name. This means that metrics presented for some authors may be misleading since publications of two authors with the same name are attributed to a single author.

Finally, wherever available we also considered the List of References for each publication, which essentially is a list of publication keys. Each key uniquely identifies a publication in the DBLP database and is a reference to the actual publication record. Table 13 presents the data imported from the XML file along with some statistics about the corresponding numbers of authors and references. With regards to the number of references, we observe that most publications do not provide references to other publications. This means that if we were to represent the dataset as a citation graph we would indeed have most of the publications appear as isolated nodes with no incoming or outgoing edges. Thus, we decided the citation graph to include all journal articles and conference papers that provide at least one reference to any other publication or receive at least one citation from any of the publications in the original dataset. This data was then extracted to a different database and Table 14 displays the summary statistics.

Table 13 Imported DBLP records per publication type along with the percentage compared with the original set of publication records
Table 14 Records included in the Citation Graph along with the number of references provided and citations received. The table also presents the total number of co-authors and the distinct count of authors per publication type

We observe that the number of publications that provide references to other publications included in the data-set is smaller than the number of publications that receive citations. This means that the publications that include references, reference more than one publication each (not necessarily of the same type).

For the remaining of this paper, we will not distinguish between the two publication types, i.e., Article and InProceedings, and we will refer to all publications included in the Paper-Citation graph as papers.

Paper indicators

From the \(fp^{k}\)-index definition it follows that the indicator values can vary depending on the number of citation generations considered in the calculations. As previously mentioned, we argue that three generations of citations are adequate in producing an \(fp^{k}\)-index value that is representative of the accumulated impact of a particular paper, but as part of our analysis we recursively calculated all generations of citations included in the graph according to the definition of generations we defined earlier. These values were stored in a separate Medal Standings Output (MSO) table in the relational DBMS and are presented in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Summary statistics of the publications included in the Paper-Citation graph and the citations received for each generation of citations identified

The generations present in the citation graph are displayed on the x-axis of Fig. 5. On the primary y-axis we plot the number of papers that have received at least one citation of the specified generation, and, on the secondary y-axis, we plot the total number of citations per generation.

We notice that the Publications series starts high with many papers receiving a gen-1 citation. The values gradually reduce to eventually reach 0 for generations 29 and 30, since no paper in our citation graph is part of a citation path of that length. With regards to the total number of citations for each generation, we notice that the number increases substantially from generation 1 to generation 5 and then it decreases down to 0 for generations 29 and 30.

Following the analysis of the citation graph, we selected a list of indicators to be implemented and compiled against the citation database. A description of each of the indicators considered in this study can be found in the following paragraphs.

Number of Citations (NC)

The Number of Citations is perhaps the most widely used indicator for the assessment of papers. It has been used in many studies and its main benefit is that is easily calculated for each publication. It is generally defined as the number of citations received by a given paper.

Contemporary h-index score (\(h^{c}\)-index)

The contemporary h-index (\(h^{c}\)-index) is an author based indicator proposed by Sidiropoulos et al. (2007) and it is a variation of the well known h-index indicator. h-index uses the number of citations received by the publications a particular author has (co-) authored and is defined as follows:

An author has index h, if h of his/her \(N_{p}\) papers have at least h citations each and the other \((N_{p}-h)\) papers have no more than h citations each.

Contemporary h-index builds on this concept but instead of using the number of citations received by a publication it calculates a score for the publication that also considers its scientific age. All papers in the publication record of the researcher are listed in descending order based on the scoring function

$$\begin{aligned} S_{i}=\gamma \cdot (n_{i}^{p}+1)^{-\delta }\cdot x_{i} \end{aligned}$$

In the scoring function, \(\gamma\) is an arbitrarily chosen coefficient so that the resulting \(h^{c}\)-index is not too small. In Sidiropoulos et al. (2007), \(\gamma\) was selected to be 4. In addition, \(\delta\) defines the strength of the time penalty. The greater the value of \(\delta\) the more the age of a paper reduces its score. The \(h^{c}\)-index is then defined as the largest number \(h^{c}\) such that the value of the scoring function for that paper is greater than or equal to \(h^{c}\) and the remaining \(N-h^{c}\) papers have a score of no more than \(h^{c}\) each.

SCEAS rank

The SCEAS indicators (Sidiropoulos and Manolopoulos 2005) consider both the direct and indirect impact of citations by following an approach similar to PageRank whilst trying to minimize some of its side effects. According to the authors, the proposed score meets the following two conditions: (a) the factor that should have the greatest influence over the score of a particular paper should be the number of direct citations and, (b) the addition of new citations in the Paper-Citation graph should have a greater effect in the scores of nearby rather than distant papers. The SCEAS 1 scoring for papers in given by the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} S_{a}=\sum _{i}\frac{S_{i}+b}{N_{i}}a^{-1}\quad (a\ge 1,b>0) \end{aligned}$$

where, \(S_{a}\) is the score of the current paper (paper a), \(S_{i}\) is the score of the individual papers directly citing paper a, \(N_{i}\) is the total number of papers cited by each paper i, b denotes the direct citation enforcement factor (which controls the effect that direct citations have to the calculated score) and a denotes the speed with which an indirect citation enforcement converges to zero.

The authors also propose a generalization of the above formula (SCEAS 1) and the original PageRank algorithm that introduces a dumping factor in the SCEAS rank (SCEAS 2):

$$\begin{aligned} S_{a}=(1-d)+d\cdot \sum _{i}\frac{S_{i}+b}{N_{i}}a^{-1}\quad (a\ge 1) \end{aligned}$$


The PageRank score has also been calculated for the citation graph. As previously mentioned, PageRank in its Base form uses a damping factor of 0.85 as defined by the original authors. In bibliographic networks a damping factor of 0.50 has also been used.

In the calculations presented in the rest of the paper, we will be showing four different rankings for the PageRank indicator, two for the Base version and two for the Normalized one (with damping factors of \(d = 0.50\) and \(d = 0.85\)).

Author indicators

In the Citation graph database, we also hold information about the list of co-authors for each paper. Using the list of co-authors it is possible to generate the Publication Record of each author, and, then, using the values generated from the paper indicators for each individual paper, we can calculate the corresponding values for the author indicators.

We should mention, though, that the Publication Record for each author is far from complete since the DBLP database does not contain the complete list of papers for the examined authors. In addition, we do not distinguish between authors with the same name, so, it is possible that papers from two or more authors have been attributed to the same person. For these reasons, we do not consider the rankings presented later in this section as the absolute rankings of the authors but as indicators of the relative position that authors with the given publication records would achieve using each of the author indices under scrutiny.

Figure 6 presents some summary statistics about the authors that have (co-) authored the papers of the citation graph. The generations are displayed on the x-axis. On the primary y-axis we plot the number of authors with at least one publication that has received at least one citation of the specified generation and on the secondary y-axis we plot the total number of citations per generation received by all the papers the authors have co-authored. The numbers of citations appear to be higher than the ones presented in Fig. 5, but this is to be expected since a publication with several co-authors will have its citations accounted for more than once.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Summary statistics of the authors and the citations received for each generation of citations identified

We selected a number of author specific indicators to implement and compile against the citation database, a description of which can be found in the following paragraphs.

Number of Citations (NC)

In “Paper indicators” section, we presented the Number of Citations (NC) as an indicator for a single publication. The Number of Citations (NC) has been defined as the total number of citations received by all the papers a researcher has (co-)authored during his whole scientific career. The total Number of Citations (NC) has also been referred to as the s-index (Eck and Waltman 2008) and the c-method (Qiang 2010).

Using the values calculated by the Number of Citations indicator we can also produce a ranking for an author as follows: for a particular author, retrieve his/her publication record along with the number of direct citations received by each paper, which is now the score received by the author. All authors are then listed in descending order based on their cumulative citation count for all of their papers and this ordered list is then used to produce the ranking for the authors in the citation graph.

Mean number of citations (MNC)

The mean number of citations received by the papers the author has (co-) authored during his whole scientific career (Hirsch 2005, 2007; Costas and Bordons 2008) is expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {MNC}}=\frac{\sum _{i=1}^{N}x_{i}}{N},\quad N\ge 1 \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_{i}\) is the number of citations for paper i, and it is defined only when the researcher has (co-)authored at least one paper. It has also been referred to as the m-method (Qiang 2010). Here, the cumulative count of citations received by the publications included in the Publication Record is divided by the number of publications to produce the mean number of citations for the papers an author has co-authored.


See “Paper indicators” section for the h-index definition


For the calculation of g-index, the papers in the publication record are listed in descending order based on their citation count. Then, the g-index is defined as the largest number g of papers that have together received at least \(g^{2}\) citations (Egghe 2006). The g-index uses the cumulative sum of the citations received by the papers of the researcher.

Contemporary h-index (\(h^{c}\)-index)

See “Paper indicators” section for the Contemporary h-index (\(h^{c}\)-index) definition.


See “Paper indicators” section for the SCEAS rank definition. In the original paper (Sidiropoulos and Manolopoulos 2005), the author ranking is produced as the average SCEAS score of an author’s papers. It is worth noting though that the average is not calculated across the full Publication Record for an author but using the top 25 publications from the author’s publication record. When an author has less than 25 papers in the Paper-Citation graph, we consider all of them in the calculations of the SCEAS rank.


See “Application and comparison of fp k-index with Number of citations (NC) and PageRank” section for the PageRank definition. As with SCEAS rank, we calculated the PageRank of an author based on the average PageRank of a set of publications from the author’s publication record. The rankings produced for PageRank use either the Base or Normalized version of PageRank, with a damping factor of either 0.50 or 0.85, and the final ranking is based either on the full publication record of an author or his/her top 25 papers.

Experimental results

Paper indicators

For each indicator discussed we have calculated the raw value for the indicator as well as the ordinal ranking of all papers included in the citation graph. Since the values produced by each indicator do not always provide enough granularity for each paper to receive a distinct ranking, we assign a ranking based on the following rules. For all papers with the same value, we sum the ranks they would have been assigned if their values were distinct and divide by the number of papers with the identical score. All papers examined are then assigned the same score.

Table 15 shows the number of distinct values produced by each indicator for the 20873 papers included in the citation graph. We observe that the indicators that only consider the direct impact of a publication in their calculations have low granularity, with the Number of Citations (NC) producing 144 distinct values and the Contemporary h-index score (\(h^{c}\) score) 929.

The PageRank variations provide more granularity with distinct values ranging from 9150 (for the Normalized version with \(d = 0.50\)—PageRank N50), to 11365 (for the base version with \(d = 0.50\)—PageRank B50). The convergence criterion was set to 0.000001 for all four versions of PageRank and for the Base version the algorithm required 15 iterations for \(d = 0.50\) and 19 iterations for \(d = 0.85\). For the Normalized versions, 9 and 10 iterations where performed for the damping factors \(d = 0.50\) and \(d = 0.85\), respectively. SCEAS1 and SCEAS2 produce 11687 and 10293 distinct values, respectively. Finally, the \(fp^{3}\)-index produces 6776 distinct values.

Table 15 Number of distinct values generated by the paper indicators

In Table 16, we present the top 10 papers based on the ranking produced by the \(fp^{3}\)-index indicator, along with the rankings these papers hold in the ranks of all the paper indicators described in the previous section. Each paper is usually referred to by the last part of its DBLP key (i.e. Chen76) or if that does not provide sufficient information to uniquely identify the paper within the citation graph, we have also included the second part of the key (i.e. tods/SmithS77). In the same table, we also present the citation counts for the first three generations, calculated using the \(H^{s}\) definition, along with a column that reports the longest citation path for each paper.

Table 16 Top 10 papers based on the \(fp^{3}\)-index indicator

The top 10 papers according to \(fp^{3}\)-index populate high positions on all indicator rankings. In particular, there seems to be an agreement across all indicators that Codd70 is the most influential publication and it populates either the 1st or 2nd position on all rankings. All the indirect indicators seem to agree that it should be the top paper, whereas the direct impact indicators (NC and \(h^{c}\)-index score) seem to place the publication at the second position, since it has received less direct citations than the Chen76 publication (580 vs. 604).

In general, the paper from the top 10 listing that populates the lower position in the other ranks is Stonebraker75 that holds the 6th position in \(fp^{3}\)-index but populates positions 15–49 on the other ranks (still very high positions in the overall ranking but not part of the top 10 publications). The lowest positions are assigned by the Number of Citations (NC) and the Contemporary h-index score (25.5 and 49 respectively), which is to be expected since there are papers with more direct citations included in the graph. This again highlights the effect that indirect citation counting can have on the rankings produced by the indicators.

With regards to the four versions of PageRank and the two different damping factors, it seems that the damping factor has had a stronger influence for these top 10 publications than whether we considered the total number of publications or the dangling nodes in the graph, since if we look at the ranking positions they follow the same pattern for the same values of the damping factor. In some cases the four rankings are in agreement (Codd70, Chen76 and AstrahanBCEGGKLMMPTWW76), whereas in others the base version ranks the papers higher (SelingerACLP79) or lower (tods/SmithS77).

In Table 17, we present the Spearman rank correlation matrix for all the combinations of paper indicator ranks. For each indicator, the bottom two rows of the table report the indicators that have the highest and lowest correlation with the indicator under scrutiny. \(fp^{3}\)-index has the highest correlation (0.8468) with the Number of Citations and the lowest (0.7433) with SCEAS2. All other indicators appear to be less correlated with \(fp^{3}\)-index whereas the strongest correlation appears to be shared between the SCEAS1 and SCEAS2 scores with both of them reporting values of 0.9999. It is also worth noting that both the Base and the Normalized version of PageRank with a damping factor of 0.50 appear to have the strongest correlation with SCEAS1, in contrast to the Base and Normalized versions of PageRank with a damping factor of 0.85 that report a high correlation amongst themselves.

Table 17 Spearman rank correlation matrix for the paper indicators

Author indicators

Table 18 shows the number of distinct values produced by each indicator for the 15862 (co-) authors of the papers. We observe that, in general, the direct indicators have low granularity, with h-index generating only 24 distinct values and the Mean number of Citations (MNC), the most granular in this category, 939 distinct values. The indirect indicators, in general, produce many more distinct values ranging from 7239 for SCEAS2 to 8413 for SCEAS1. All other indirect indicators produce distinct values that fall in between the previous two counts.

Table 18 Number of distinct values generated by the author indicators

In Table 19, we present the top 10 authors based on the \(fa^{3}\)-index along with some summary information about their Publication Record. For each author, we note the year of their first and last publication included in the set along with their total number of publications.

Table 19 Top 10 authors according to the \(fa^{3}\)-index along with the year of first and last publication included in the dataset and the total number of publications

In Table 20 we present the rankings of the top 10 authors according to the \(fa^{3}\)-index along with their corresponding ranks for the list of direct and indirect impact author indicators.

The Mean number of citations (MNC) also places these authors in high positions that range from 1 to 24.5. The h-index, g-index and \(h^{c}\)-index indicators place the authors further down the ranking list with the worst ranks being close to the bottom of the list (14,733 out of 15,862 authors for \(h^{c}\)-index). These differences are to be expected since most of these authors have just one publication and based on these indicators definitions their corresponding values and, therefore, rankings can not be high.

Table 20 Top 10 authors according to the \(fa^{3}\)-index along with the direct and indirect impact indicator rankings

We observe that when looking at the rankings produced by the indirect impact indicators, the rankings of the authors have improved considerably, now ranging from positions 1 to 84. In particular, there are two authors that the indicators place in lower ranks, Daniel Frank (rankings range from 2 for \(fa^{3}\)-index to 84 in SCEAS2) and Christopher L. Reeve (rankings range from 8 in \(fa^{3}\)-index to 36 for the Base and Normalized versions of PageRank with a damping factor of 0.85 and whilst using the top 25 publications per author in order to produce the ranking).

The indicators appear to be in agreement for the remaining 8 authors that are placed in positions 1 to 19, whereas, all indirect impact indicators seem to agree that the most influential author in the citation graph is Vera Watson, even though she has co-authored only one paper titled “System R: Relational Approach to Database Management” and published in 1976. The particular paper has been co-authored by Vera Watson and 13 other authors all of which have more than one papers included in the Paper-Citation graph (publication record counts range from 3 to 46). It is very interesting to note that all indicators place these authors further down the ranking list with maximum three authors appearing at the different top 10 rankings across all examined indicators. This leads us to assume that all the indicators examined are indeed sensitive to the number of publications included in the publication record of an author. It is also worth noting that the \(fa^{3}\) and \(fas^{3}\) rankings of the authors are identical. This is to be expected for all the authors with only one publication, since they cannot receive a self-citation.

In order to present some comparative results with the ones found in the literature when the DBLP data-set is being used, we present the SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award winners (1992–2004) rankings in Table 21. Almost all of these authors do have a publication record that includes more than 25 publications, thus, looking at the rankings produced by \(fa^{3}\)-index, we observe that using the top 25 publications improves the rankings of almost all the authors in Table 21.

As a whole, the authors included in Table 21 rank higher in the direct impact indicators with positions that range from 1 to 122. The Mean number of citations is the only direct impact indicator that places the authors further down the ranking list with assigned positions ranging from 91 to 1062.

Regarding the indirect impact indicators, the authors rank higher when we only consider their top 25 publications. In particular the authors hold higher positions in the SCEAS 1 and 2 ranks, followed by the rankings produced by PageRank (\(d = 0.85\), base and normalized for the top 25 publications), followed by the \(fa^{3}\)-index (again when using the top 25 publications). The indirect indicators that use the full publication record for these authors place them in lower positions in their ranks.

Finally, the Spearman rank correlation matrix of the author indicators is shown in Table 22, where, we can see that there is a positive correlation among all indicators. The direct impact indicators present their highest correlation with other direct impact indicators and the lowest correlations are split between the \(h^{c}\) and \(fas^{3}\)-index indicators. Similarly, all indirect impact indicators are highly correlated with their variation (A vs. T). All indirect impact indicators report their lowest correlation with the Contemporary h-index indicator (\(h^{c}\)-index).

Table 21 SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd innovations award winners (1992–2004) rankings
Table 22 Spearman rank correlation matrix for the author based indicators


In this paper, we presented three new indirect indicators that can be used for scientific evaluation. The first one applies to papers (\(fp^{k}\)-index) and the remaining two can be used for the evaluation of an author (\(fa^{k}\)-index when ignoring self-citations and \(fas^{k}\)-index when excluding self-citations). The indicators are based on the paper, the most fundamental entity of citation analysis. Papers are connected with other papers either directly (via the references list) or indirectly via one or more citation paths of varying lengths. An indirect citation between a source paper and a target paper exists if there is a citation path of length greater than one that connects the two papers. Citations provided by citation paths of the same length are considered to belong to the same generation.

The generations of citations are defined in such a way that citations closer to the target paper are considered more important. Papers provide indirect citations of greater generations only if they have not been included in a generation of lower rank (thus representing a stronger relation with the target paper) and if they have not yet been considered in the current generation. This follows the \(H^{s}\) definition for citation generations. The \(fp^{k}\)-index value of a paper is then calculated by the weighted sum of the first three citation generation counts normalized by the scientific age of the paper. The \(fp^{k}\)-index score represents the direct and indirect impact of the paper and reflects the value of a paper. If the paper ceases to receive citations its value eventually declines over time.

Both the new indirect indicators for evaluating authors, i.e., the fa and fas indices, are calculated as the average \(fp^{k}\)-index value of the Publication Record of an author. The difference between the two is that the \(fas^{k}\)-index also accounts for self-citations, which are excluded for each individual (paper, author) pair when constructing the citation generations for the calculations of the \(fp^{k}\)-index scores.

As demonstrated by the comparative study and experimental results, the indicators depend on the number of publications included in the Publication Record of an author when one considers cases where a very high impact paper is the only publication an author has (co-) authored. We have also demonstrated that the indicators can be used to distinguish between authors with similar publication records but different scientific age spans.

We believe that all three indicators take advantage of the indirect citations in order to better distinguish authors with different Publication Records in a way that can be focused at a specific section of the Paper-Citation graph and to a specific author. The calculations require partial knowledge of the graph, which may even be acquired manually, although we do consider this task to be labor intensive for authors with large Publication Records and a vast number of citations. More investigation into the applications of the indicators to real citation data, while considering different citation depths and varying number of papers included in the Publication Record of an author, should better reveal the strengths and possible weaknesses of the proposed indicators.