
There is now a substantial literature reporting evidence of apparently systematic violations of key axioms of expected utility (EU) theory—see, for example, Camerer (1995). One ‘anomaly’ which is particularly troublesome, not only for standard theory but also for applied work in various important areas of public policy, is the preference reversal (PR) phenomenon, first reported by Lichtenstein and Slovic (1971) and Lindman (1971). Although the PR anomaly can take a variety of forms (Tversky and Thaler, 1990; Seidl, 2002), the best known and most frequently replicated occurs when the preference ordering inferred from the values an individual separately attaches to two different items is contradicted by the choice that individual makes when considering them together.

Such reversals have been replicated within gains (Reilly, 1982) and losses (MacDonald et al., 1992); have been found in both individual and group responses (Mowen and Gentry, 1980); have been observed both in real-world lotteries (Bohm and Lind, 1993) and in those constructed in the laboratory (Knez and Smith, 1987); occur across lotteries which differ in expected value (Cox and Epstein, 1989) and are priced using differing formats (Berg et al., 1985). Perhaps most tellingly PR phenomena have been shown to be robust against explicit attempts to design them out of responses (Grether and Plott, 1979). Such is the frequency, persistence and robustness of the anomaly that, in his review of the literature, Seidl (2002, p. 621) describes PR as “one of the most spectacular violations of procedure invariance.”

As noted, the most frequently replicated form of PR is that which elicits certainty equivalent (usually, selling price) values for two lotteries and also asks respondents to make a straight choice between the two. Normally in these experiments, one lottery gives a relatively small chance of a high payoff (and has come to be referred to as the $-bet) while the other offers a much more modest payoff, but with a high probability of receiving it (and is often referred to as the P-bet). Transitivity requires that an individual who (strictly) prefers lottery X to lottery Y will both place a higher certainty equivalent value on X than on Y and also select X in a straight choice between the two. But the PR phenomenon shows that many people behave otherwise: a substantial proportion place a higher value on the $-bet, but choose the P-bet in a straight choice between the two. In some experiments, this is the modal pattern and we shall refer to it as the regular form of reversal. The opposite violation—placing a higher value on the P-bet but choosing the $-bet—is relatively rarely observed, and we shall call it the counter reversal.

One interpretation of anomalies such as PR is that people's preferences are essentially well-behaved, but operate according to different principles than underpin EU (for a review, see Starmer, 2000). However, a radically different interpretation of such evidence is that, when presented with different types of tasks, many people are liable to use different cognitive processes or heuristics with which to construct their preferences (see Tversky and Kahneman, 1986). There is more than one variant of the heuristic explanation for the PR phenomena, but the essence of most of them is that the valuation and choice tasks bring somewhat different cognitive processes into play. The valuation task asks for a monetary response and therefore tends to focus respondents’ attention on the money payoffs, and in particular, evokes a tendency to anchor on the positive payoff and adjust downwards, but insufficiently, so that the valuation response for the higher-anchor $-bet is liable to end up greater than the valuation of the lower-anchor P-bet. By contrast, the choice task encourages relatively more weight to be attached to the probability of getting some positive payoff, which favours the P-bet. The claim is that this difference between the ways the two tasks are processed is liable to lead to the disparity so frequently observed.

Might there be some elicitation procedure which is less susceptible (perhaps invulnerable) to such influences? And if so, will the standard PR pattern be attenuated (even eliminated)? To investigate this issue, our basic strategy, described in more detail in the next section, is to move away from the standard presentation of isolated valuation and choice tasks and adopt a format which encourages respondents to consider a variety of lotteries—including some that have the characteristics of $-bets and others with the characteristics of P-bets—as well as a number of different sure amounts, and ask them to produce a single ranking of the full set of alternatives. This allows valuations (within some range) to be inferred for each lottery from its location between two sure amounts.

The intuition is that engaging respondents in a task where there is a wide spectrum of probabilities as well as numerous payoffs spread across a broad range, and where there is implicit encouragement to strike balances between the two dimensions, might make them less susceptible to anchoring on any particular component and may thereby greatly attenuate the disparity between choice and valuations.

However, even if that turned out to be the case, it would not, by itself, be sufficient to establish that the ranking procedure is immune from distortions or anomalies of its own. The most obvious candidate for a ranking anomaly is that the ordering of some particular subset of lotteries may be systematically affected by changing some of the other lotteries being ranked.

An indication of the sort of thing that has been observed to happen in other contexts is reported in Robinson et al. (2001). In that study, respondents were asked to rank a number of descriptions of road accident injuries in order of how bad they were, and then score these on a scale where an index of 100 was assigned to ‘Normal Health’ while ‘Worst Outcome/Death’ was assigned a score of 0. Two sets of nine injury descriptions were compiled, of which Normal Health, Death and three injuries (labeled R, S and X) were common to both sets, while the other four descriptions differed between sets. In Set A, three of these other four were all injuries of a less serious nature, involving no permanent after-effects, whereas in Set B three of the four were permanently disfiguring and/or disabling. These differences in the ‘other’ injuries did not affect the ranking over R, S and X. But there were significant differences in the scores assigned to those injuries: the inclusion of the milder ‘other’ injuries in Set A pushed the scores for R, S and X down relative to those in Set B where the inclusion of several very unpleasant injuries made R—and even more so, S and X—seem less severe.

Of course, those scores were not certainty equivalent values of the kind being considered in the present study. But what those results illustrate is the potential for a ranking procedure to induce a form of ‘range-frequency (R-F) effect’Footnote 1 (Parducci and Weddell, 1986), and it is important to check whether something analogous may come into play in the ranking of lotteries.

The present study reports the results of two experiments designed to explore whether there might be some ranking procedure that could reduce or even eliminate PR without generating some other subversive anomaly of its own.Footnote 2 The next two sections report the two experiments we conducted. The first showed that there was indeed a strong procedural effect associated with the ranking task, and that this was liable to confound the preference reversal data. The second experiment attempted to both explore and control for that procedural effect. This showed that in cases where the effect was controlled for, the preference reversal phenomenon was greatly attenuated. The final section discusses possible interpretations and implications.

2 Experiment 1

2.1 Design

The experiment was designed to achieve two objectives relevant to this paper: first, to replicate the usual PR phenomenon using a standard two-valuations-and-a-choice design of the kind that has generated it previously; and second, to implement a ranking procedure that would allow the necessary comparisons with the choices and values elicited by the standard methods, while also providing checks on the stability of valuations across different sets.

Table 1 shows the two sets of lotteries used, with each lottery expressed as some probability of a positive payoff (with the other payoff always being zero). Expected values are shown in the EV columns. The first four rows show two groups of lotteries, A-D and P-S, that were primarily intended to test for violations of independence (the details of which can be found in the companion papers referred to in footnote 2 above). Notice that A-D are relatively high EV lotteries whilst P-S are relatively low EV lotteries.

Table 1 The lotteries in Experiment 1

Lotteries E-H in Set 1 constituted four P-bets, while lotteries K-N in Set 2 were $-bets. By asking respondents to rank these lotteries together with a set of sure amounts, we could infer their values for each of the P-bets from the ranking of Set 1 and for each of the $-bets from the separate ranking of Set 2. These values could then be compared a) with values for each bet elicited by the standard method, and b) with the direct choices between various {P, $} pairs.

Lotteries I and J were common to both sets. The objective was to test whether including them in a ranking exercise where the majority of the other lotteries had higher EVs and offered better probabilities of a positive payoff, as in Set 1, would cause them to be valued differently than when they were included in Set 2, where most of the other lotteries offered a lower EV and a smaller probability of winning. If something analogous to the effect observed by Robinson et al. (2001) were to occur, the values inferred for both I and J from the Set 1 ranking exercise would be markedly lower than the values inferred from ranking them in Set 2. On the other hand, if it turned out that there were no significant differences between the values inferred for I and J even though any R-F effect was being given every chance of manifesting itself in these cases, confidence in the robustness of certainty equivalent values inferred from ranking would be increased. The alternative possible findings and their interpretations might be summarized as follows.

  1. (i)

    No R-F effect is observed and the PR phenomenon is absent from the ranking data, suggesting that ranking has the potential to elicit values that correspond with choices and indicating that it might be worthwhile exploring further the use of ranking-based methods for eliciting values in a broader range of applications.

  2. (ii)

    No R-F effect, but the persistence of the PR phenomenon in the ranking data. This might suggest that even though we may disable the particular response mode effects that psychologists regard as likely to be responsible for PR in the classic two-valuations-and-a-choice design, other heuristics may be at work. Alternatively, it may be that non-EU preferences are responsible for the phenomenon and that these are robust to different elicitation procedures.

  3. (iii)

    An R-F effect is observed, indicating that ranking is not a ‘neutral’ procedure for eliciting values. In this case, the possible implications for PR would need to be considered, and further experimental work would be required to examine the feasibility of controlling for any such effect.

2.2 Implementation

Respondents were recruited via a general e-mail invitation to undergraduate and graduate students throughout the University of East Anglia. The experiment was conducted in 12 sessions with up to 16 respondents in any one session. On arrival, respondents were seated at large desks with partitions separating them. They were given some introductory notes which the moderator read through with them at the start of the session, inviting them to ask for clarification if there was any aspect they did not understand. Those notes are given in the Appendix to this paper and included an example of a typical lottery display, reproduced in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A typical lottery display

It was explained that if a respondent ended up with a lottery such as X, it would be played out by drawing a disc at random from a bag containing 100 discs numbered from 1 to 100. In the case of X, if the disc bore a number from 1 to 65, the experiment would pay the respondent £12.50 in cash; but if the disc bore a number from 66 to 100, the respondent would receive nothing. Respondents were told that they would be asked various different types of question that would be presented in different booklets, each with its own brief instructions and labeled with a playing card suit—i.e., ♠, ♥, ♣, or ♦. Copies of the introductory notes and of each booklet are available from the corresponding author on request.

The booklet labeled ♠ contained 8 questions, each asking the respondent to state the minimum sure amount she would accept to sell the right to play out a particular lottery. The standard incentive system designed to encourage truthful and accurate answersFootnote 3 was explained. Four of the questions asked for values of the P-bets (E, F, G and H) and four asked for values of the $-bets (K, L, M and N), with one $-bet and one P-bet presented on each page—in each case being the pair that the respondent was asked to choose between in the pairwise choice exercise described below.

The booklet labeled ♥ contained 12 questions, each being a pairwise choice. Four were the {P, $} pairs—{E, N}, {F, M}, {G, L}, {H, K}—while the other eight were pairs designed to replicate the common ratio effect (see footnote 4). In the event that a respondent's payout was based on the pairwise choice exercise, the incentive system was the standard one whereby one of the 12 questions was picked at random and the respondent played out whichever lottery she had chosen in that question.

The third booklet had two answer pages, one labeled ♣ and the other labeled ♦, respectively relating to Set 1 and Set 2, together with instructions about how to undertake the ranking exercise and record their decisions. The essence was as follows. For a particular Set, respondents were given two envelopes. One envelope contained ten strips of card, each depicting a particular lottery displayed as in Fig. 1. The other envelope contained ten more strips, each offering a sure amount—£2, £3, £4, £5, £6, £7, £8, £9, £10, or £12: an example is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The display for a sure amount

Respondents were asked to take the ten lotteries and set them out on table, arranging them from most preferred to least (with no ties allowed); and then to take the ten sure amounts and integrate them into the ranking, until all twenty strips of card were arranged in order of preference. At this point, they were asked to record their ordering on the appropriate answer sheet.Footnote 4 The twenty strips were then put back in their envelopes, which were collected before any further task was undertaken.

In the event that a respondent's payout was to be based on one of the ranking exercises, the incentive system was that two of the twenty strips were selected at random (by rolling a 20-sided die) and the respondent played out whichever of the two she had ranked higher.

So by the end of the experiment, a respondent had answered four sets of questions, each set of answers labeled by a different suit. It was explained at the outset that once they had finished all of the tasks, each respondent would pick one card at random (and with replacement) from a standard pack of playing cards. His/her set of answers labeled with that suit would then be recovered, and one of those questions would be picked at random. Each respondent's payment would then depend entirely on how his/her decision in that question played out.

2.3 Results

Before considering the results in detail, a brief note about data that were excluded. Because this was a ‘pen-and-paper’ exercise conducted with up to 16 respondents at a time, it was not possible to build in automated consistency checks in the way that would be possible for computerised exercises. And indeed, we were interested to see how well respondents handled the tasks in the absence of such checks and prompts. But as a result, some respondents’ answers exhibited what would be widely regarded as basic mistakes.

In particular, in the ranking exercise, respondents occasionally ranked a certainty of £X higher than a certainty of £Y even though £X < £Y. In such cases, it is impossible to infer a respondent's valuation of lotteries ranked between £X and £Y, since these lotteries are apparently valued less than the lower amount, £X, while simultaneously being valued greater than the higher amount, £Y. Of course, mistakes in the ordering of the certainties might be accepted as one-off errors, attributable perhaps to a lapse in concentration. Alternatively, they might signify some fundamental misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the task. We adopted a simple rule designed to distinguish between these two possible sources of error. If one certainty could be removed from the ranking such that the remaining certainties were correctly ordered, then this was treated as evidence of a one-off error. The offending certainty was removed from the ranking and the rest of the data were used in the analysis. On the other hand, if more than one certainty had to be removed in order to establish a correct order, this was taken as signifying a fundamental error. All data generated by the respondent for that ranking task were excluded from the analysis.Footnote 5

After those adjustments, values for each lottery were inferred as follows. In all cases where a lottery was ranked below one certainty and above another, the inferred value was set halfway between the two. In cases where the lottery was ranked above £12, we assigned it a value of £12.50, and in cases where it was ranked below £2, we assigned it a value of £1.50. These last two assignments are, of course, somewhat arbitrary. However, applying them consistently across all cases and, where necessary, implementing corresponding truncation of the values elicited directly in the exercise, allows us to make the comparisons we are interested in.

When presenting the data from this experiment, we start with the results relating to the R-F effects, since it turned out that these had implications for the preference reversal patterns.

To see whether the value inferred for any one lottery is liable to be influenced by the nature of the other lotteries in the set being ranked, the most direct test is to compare on a within-subject basis the values inferred for I and J in Set 1 with those inferred in the context of Set 2. Both I and J were ranked very much higher in Set 2, which contained more relatively low EV lotteries—an average ranking of 2.30 and 2.49 respectively—than they were in Set 1, which contained more relatively high EV lotteries, where their average ranks were 8.30 and 8.56.Footnote 6 If there were no particular effect of ranking upon values, any differences between the values inferred from each set would be randomly distributed around zero means.

However, the evidence shows that there was a very powerful effect indeed. When the sure amounts were incorporated into the rankings, the value for I inferred from Set 2 was strictly higher than the value inferred from the Set 1 for 121 of the 154 respondents. That is to say, those respondents ranked I above some sure amount X in Set 2 but ranked I below that same sure amount in Set 1. Another 16 gave the same value in both sets—i.e. ranked I between the same two sure amounts on both occasions; and 17 gave I a lower value in Set 2. For lottery J, the corresponding breakdown was 120, 28 and 6.

If differences in the inferred valuations across ranking tasks were occurring simply as a result of randomness on the part of respondents, we would expect as many respondents to err in their valuations in one direction as in the other. Using this null, we calculate an exact binomial test of proportions in matched pairs to compare the numbers erring in each direction. For each of these two lotteries, the probabilities of the observed asymmetries occurring by chance are less than 10−6.

Analysed another way, the mean value for lottery I was £8.64 when inferred from the Set 2 ranking, as compared with £5.80 when inferred in the context of Set 1. For lottery J the corresponding figures were £8.40 and £5.82. These differences are highly significant; a paired t-test of equality of means returned t-statistics greater than 12 in both cases. In short, however the data are processed, it is clear that the ranking procedure as implemented in this experiment had a dramatic effect on the inferred valuation of a given lottery—in these cases, increasing the mean values by between 40% and 50%—depending on the nature of the other lotteries in the set.

If that was true for I and J, it was also liable to be true for the other lotteries in each set. Given the results for lotteries I and J, the rankings of each of the P-bets within Set 1, and of each of the $-bets within Set 2, were liable to be a factor in their relative valuations. That should be borne in mind when considering the PR results. The evidence was as follows.

Table 2 shows the patterns generated by the standard two-valuations-and-a-choice design (booklets ♠ and ♥), with the column headings showing the lottery that was chosen followed by the lottery that was valued higher. So, for example, the column headed P,$ shows the numbers of respondents committing the ‘regular’ reversal—choosing the P-bet but valuing the $-bet higher—while the column headed $,P shows the numbers exhibiting the ‘counter’ reversal. Those who gave the same value to both lotteries are included either in the P,P column (if they chose P) or in the $,$ column (if they chose $): that is, since no strict reversal has been observed, they are counted as cases which are consistent with conventional theory. Cases where respondents gave a value that was equal to or greater than the payoff offered by the lottery were excluded from the analysis of that pair. This happened more often as the probability offered by the P-bet approached 1, so the number of observations, n, declines as we move from {E, N} to {H, K}.

Table 2 Pairwise choice and direct valuation in Experiment 1

In line with the previous literature, the null hypothesis is that there is no significant difference between the numbers of regular as compared with counter reversals. Since the number of observations is not excessive we are able to calculate an exact binomial test of proportions in matched pairs, the results of which are reported in the final column of Table 2. The usual asymmetry between P,$ and $,P occurred to an extent that is significant at the 1% level in three cases out of four; in the fourth case involving {G, L}, the asymmetry was in the expected direction and significant at the 5% level. In short, when using the standard design, we replicated the usual preference reversal phenomenon.

Table 3 shows the results when values were inferred from the ranking exercise. If the P-bet and the $-bet in any pair were ranked between the same two certainties and therefore were assigned the same inferred values, they were counted as cases which conform with standard theory. Analogous to the exclusion criterion applied to direct valuations, if a respondent ranked a lottery with payoff X above the certainty of X, that observation was excluded from the analysis of that pair.

Table 3 Pairwise choice and inferred valuation in Experiment 1

Clearly, significant PR patterns were also observed in the ranking data, although the strength of the effect seemed rather more variable. For {H, K} and {G, L} the numbers of reversals and their degree of asymmetry was not very different from those observed in the standard two-valuations-and-a-choice procedure (Table 2). For {E, N} the number of regular reversals was reduced by a third (although the asymmetry still remained highly significant). By contrast, for {F, M} the asymmetry was virtually eliminated, with counter reversals somewhat higher under ranking while regular reversals were less than half as frequent as in Table 2.

Of course, bearing in mind the results concerning lotteries I and J, it seems likely that the inferred values of the different P and $ bets may have been confounded by their rankings in their respective sets. Table 4 shows the mean ranking of each lottery prior to the incorporation of the sure amounts.

Table 4 Mean ranking of P and $ bets in Experiment 1

If the R-F effect were operating on inferred values, we should expect it to favour the inferred value of $ over the inferred value of P most in the case of {H, K}, where K is the highest ranked of the $ bets while H is ranked third among the P bets; conversely, $ should be least favoured over P in the case of {F, M}, where F is the highest ranked P bet while M is only ranked third among the $ bets. A comparison of the data in Tables 2 and 3 confirms this expectation. K was valued at least as highly as H by 65 respondents in the standard choice and valuation task, but this figure was increased to 74 in the ranking task. By contrast, whereas M was valued at least as highly as F by 58 respondents in the standard task, the number fell to 33 in the ranking task. The comparisons for the other two pairs were also consistent with the operation of an R-F effect.Footnote 7

Since patterns of PR inferred from the ranking procedure seemed to have been affected by range-frequency considerations, we conducted a second experiment which aimed to test for PR while trying to control for—or at least, monitor—R-F effects.

3 Experiment 2

3.1 Design

It could be argued that Experiment 1 had encouraged the most extreme form of R-F effect in two respects: (i) lotteries I and J were at one end of the range of EVs in one set and at the opposite end in the other set; and (ii) the certainties were only inserted after the initial ranking of lotteries had been completed. So Experiment 2 was designed to examine the R-F effects for lotteries spread more widely across the EV and probability spectra, and to drop the initial separation between lotteries and certainties.

However, while we were interested in gathering more information about the nature and strength of the R-F effect, our principal objective was to test whether PR would persist, or reduce, or even disappear altogether under ranking if the R-F effect could be controlled for. To that end, the design was as follows.

Table 5 organises the lotteries into groups. The first three rows show the lotteries—E, K and Q—which were common to all four sets and which were intended to gauge the extent of any R-F effects across the sets. Then there were four lotteries—A, D, F and J—that we shall call ‘High EV’ lotteries, and that were included only in Sets 1 and 3; while in Sets 2 and 4 there were four ‘Low EV’ lotteries—R, S, T and V—shown at the bottom of the table. In between, there were four $-bets—C, G, L and M—and four P-bets—B, H, N and P. Thus the design may be seen as follows:

Table 5 The lotteries in Experiment 2
  • Set 1: {E, K, Q}, {P-bets}, {High EV}

  • Set 2: {E, K, Q}, {$-bets}, {Low EV}

  • Set 3: {E, K, Q}, {$-bets}, {High EV}

  • Set 4: {E, K, Q}, {P-bets}, {Low EV}

So the four P-bets appear in both Sets 1 and 4 while the four $-bets appear in both Sets 2 and 3. To try to control for R-F effects, the seven lotteries other than the P-bets in Set 1 were exactly the same as the seven lotteries other than the $-bets in Set 3. Likewise, the seven ‘other’ lotteries in Set 2 were the same as the seven ‘others’ in Set 4, although these seven are clearly inferior to the seven in Sets 1 and 3, because they include the four ‘Low EV’ bets, each of which is strictly dominated by at least one of the ‘High EV’ bets which appear in Sets 1 and 3.

This may not be a perfect control for R-F effects, because the inferred value of any one P-bet (say, N) may be influenced by how it is ranked in relation to the other three P-bets, while a $-bet with which it is compared (say, G) may be influenced differently by the other $-bets against which it is ranked. The ideal control would be to have everything common to two sets except a single P-bet in one set and a single $-bet in the other. However, in the interests of gathering more data from a limited research budget, we chose to look at varying four bets across the sets. If this was sufficient to largely control for R-F effects, and if inferring the values of the P-bets and $-bets has the potential to reduce or eliminate PR once R-F effects are controlled for to this extent, we should see this when the values of the P-bets inferred from Set 1 are compared with the $-bet values inferred from Set 3, as well as when the $-bet values inferred from Set 2 are compared with the P-bet values from Set 4.

To see how any R-F effects might be detected, consider first the three lotteries E, K and Q. It turned out that, overall, P-bets were chosen more often than $-bets. On that basis, Set 2 has the least attractive combination of ‘other’ (i.e. not E, K or Q) lotteries—namely, {$-bets} and {Low EV}, so that it is in that set that we should find the highest rankings of E, K and Q and the greatest upward influence on their inferred values. By contrast, Set 1 contains the two most desirable groups of ‘other’ lotteries, namely {P-bets} and {High EV}, which should combine to exert the greatest downward pressure on the rankings and values of E, K and Q. While the effects in Sets 3 and 4 can be expected to lie between those in the ‘extreme’ Sets 1 and 2, it is not obvious ex ante whether the effect of the {Low EV} versus {High EV} contrast will be greater than the opposite influence of the {P-bet} versus {$-bet} comparison.

Likewise, we should expect to see the rankings and therefore values of the P-bets elicited from Set 4 (which contains the Low EV group) being higher than their counterparts elicited from Set 1 (where they will be compared against the High EV group). By the same token, the rankings and values of the $-bets elicited from Set 2 should be higher than those from Set 3. Similarly, any differences between the rankings and values of the High EV bets should favour those in Set 3 over those in Set 1, while if there is any difference among the Low EV bets, they should be higher ranked and valued in Set 2 than in Set 4.

3.2 Implementation

As before, respondents were recruited via a general e-mail invitation and participated under similar conditions as in Experiment 1: that is, in one of 12 sessions, seated at separated desks and with instructions read through so as to give an opportunity to ask for clarification. Copies of the introductory notes and of each booklet are available from the corresponding author on request.

Each respondent undertook three ranking exercises, involving three of the four sets of 11 lotteries shown in Table 5 plus, in each case, the same 14 certainties—these being every whole pound from £2 to £15 inclusive: thus each ranking exercise involved a total of 25 strips of card. Sandwiched between the ranking exercises were two sets of 10 pairwise choices, including eight {P, $} pairs, with each P-bet and each $-bet appearing twice, as follows: {B, C}, {B, M}, {H, C}, {H, G}, {N, G}, {N, L}, {P, L} and {P, M}. The aim was to have a reasonable diversity of pairs, with some favouring the $-bet in choice, and some others favouring the P-bet to an even greater extent than is usual in PR experiments.Footnote 8

For each ranking exercise, respondents were asked to empty all 25 strips out of a single envelope, arrange them in order of preference and record their order on the appropriate answer sheet. So in this experiment, by contrast with Experiment 1, no distinction was made between lotteries and sure amounts. The order in which ranking tasks were presented, and the combinations of three of the four sets, were all systematically varied from one session to the next so as to control for order effects. Likewise, the order of the two sets of 10 choices spliced in between the ranking tasks was alternated. Finally, once a respondent had completed all five tasks, one task was picked at random (independently for each respondent) and then the same incentive mechanisms were used as in the first experiment.

Table 6 Mean rankings of each lottery within each set in Experiment 2
Table 7 Mean differences of within-respondent values for lotteries common to all sets (E, K and Q)
Table 8 Mean differences of within-respondent values for $-bets, P-bets, high-EV and low-EV lotteries
Table 9 Pairwise choice and inferred valuation in Experiment 2
Table 10 Pairwise choice and inferred valuation in Experiment 2 when combining Sets 2 & 4 With Sets 1 & 3

3.3 Results

Altogether, 151 people took part. We applied the same exclusion criteria as in the first experiment: if a respondent made a single ‘basic mistake’ in ranking the sure amounts, we treated that particular response as a missing value; but if a respondent's answers contained two or more such mistakes, we excluded all data generated by that respondent from the analysis. Two respondents were excluded on the grounds of multiple errors in the ordering of the certainties, so the results presented here are for a sample of 149. A further two respondents made one-off errors that were dealt with by removing the incorrectly ordered certainty.

The data relating to R-F effects are shown in Tables 68. Table 6 reports the mean rankings of each lottery within each set, while Tables 7 and 8 report the mean within-respondent differences between the values of each lottery inferred from different sets.

Table 6 shows that the effects on rankings were generally much as anticipated. For the common lotteries E, K and Q, Set 2 always generated the highest rankings while Set 1 always produced the lowest. If respondents’ values were simply reflecting their ‘true’ preferences, they would not have been influenced by these ranking differences. However, as Table 7 shows, there were clear effects on the values of these lotteries, with Set 2 producing significantly higher values than any of the other three sets, with the size of the difference and its significance being greatest for K, followed by Q, in every comparison. K involved a win probability of 0.5, so was most similar to I and J from Experiment 1. However, even the largest difference in this experiment—£1.67 in the Set 1 vs Set 2 comparison—constituted less than 18% of the average value of K, whereas the differences for I and J in Experiment 1 amounted to between 36% and 40% of their average values.

But even if it was weaker than in Experiment 1, the R-F effect had certainly not disappeared, and was also in evidence among the $-bets. All four $-bets were ranked considerably higher in Set 2 than in Set 3, and, as shown in Table 8, the two where the mean rankings were most different—G and L—also registered significantly higher values. By contrast, although there were differences in the rankings of the P-bets—all four being ranked higher in Set 4 than in Set 1, with H, N and P more than two places higher on average—this did not translate into significant value differences. One possible interpretation is that the greater dissimilarity between $-bets and sure amounts makes them more susceptible to influences, whether these be ‘anchoring-and-adjustment’ biases in the standard valuation task or R-F effects as in this experiment; by contrast, with P-bets offering much higher probabilities of winning and thus being closer to certainties, there is less scope for their values to be influenced by procedural effects.

To see what implications this may have had for PR, the relevant data are reported in Table 9. Within each possible pairing of sets, the rows relate to the eight {P, $} pairs, listed from the case where the P-bet was most frequently chosen down to the one where the $-bet was most often preferred in the pairwise choice. Columns 3 to 6 show the combinations of choice and inferred value, with Columns 4 and 5 reporting the numbers of ‘regular’ and ‘counter’ reversals. Column 7 shows the statistical significance of the asymmetry between regular and counter reversals, based on an exact binomial test, making no prior assumption about the direction of any asymmetry.

Perhaps the first thing to notice from the table as a whole is that the PR phenomenon was generally much less in evidence than in most previous studies using the two-valuations-and-a-choice format. To the extent that reversals did occur, they occurred predominantly in combinations involving Set 2. The combination of Set 1 and Set 2, which had exhibited the strongest R-F effects for E, K and Q, produced the most significant asymmetries. In particular, the asymmetries for {N, L} and {N, G} (involving the two $-bets, L and G, whose values were raised most by R-F effects) were significant at the 1% level.

In the comparisons between Set 2 and Set 4, where all lotteries other than the $-bets and P-bets were the same, the asymmetries for {N, L} and {N, G} were less pronounced, but were still significant at the 5% and 10% level respectively. So the attempt to control for R-F effects by holding all other lotteries constant appears to have been only partially successful in this case.

However, the combination of Sets 1 and 3 appear to have provided a more successful control for R-F effects: although Table 7 showed that the values of E, K and Q (and of three of the other four lotteries) were all higher in Set 3 than Set 1, none of those differences registered as statistically significant. So although there may have been some upward influence on the values of the $-bets in Set 3 relative to the P-bets in Set 1, the usual PR asymmetry was significant in only one of the eight pairs.

Each individual in our sample provided responses pertinent to just one ‘control’ case (that is, they provided inferred valuations of P-bets in Set 1 and $-bets in Set 3 or they provided valuations of P-bets in Set 2 and $-bets in Set 4). To get an overall picture of how ‘controlling’ for R-F effects impacts on the incidence of PR in our sample, Table 10 details responses from these ‘control’ cases. In this case, only three asymmetries survive, and these are only significant at the 10% level. Overall, ‘regular’ reversals account for fewer than 10% of the observations. Considering the historical robustness of the PR phenomenon—where regular reversals often exceed 30% of the total number of observations and may in some cases be the modal response—this is a considerable attenuation of that phenomenon.Footnote 9

Finally, when we consider the combination of Sets 3 and 4, which showed no systematic differences among E, K and Q, none of the eight pairs displayed an asymmetry that was significant at the 10% level, and overall the numbers of {P, $} and {$, P} observations were very evenly balanced, with a total of 47 regular reversals and 44 counter reversals. While it would be unwise to place too much weight on a particular combination of two sets of lotteries, this result is at least consistent with the idea that the preference reversal phenomenon may be largely or even completely eliminated if values can be inferred from a ranking procedure, so long as R-F effects are effectively annulled.

4 Concluding remarks

It is clear that a ranking procedure per se is not an effect-free method of inferring the values of individual lotteries: the value of any given lottery can be affected by changing the other lotteries in the set being ranked. Such results add further to the evidence that values and preferences are not, as standard theory has generally supposed, invariant to the procedure used to elicit them. Even in the cases of well-defined lotteries whose payoffs provide transparent upper and lower bounds for values, it is arguable that the degree of imprecision in many respondents’ preferences is such that inferred values are liable to be influenced by factors that are conventionally assumed to be irrelevant. For lotteries, it may be that those with higher variances, such as $-bets, may be more susceptible than those with lower variances, such as P-bets. For goods where upper and lower bounds are not so transparent, and for which preferences may be even more imprecise—such as the kinds of health, safety and environmental goods which are often the subject of value elicitation surveys—there is the possibility that such influences may be far more potent.

Having said that, Experiment 2 also showed that, to the extent that some such influences can be controlled for, a relatively straightforward ranking procedure can be implemented which attenuates the preference reversal phenomenon to an extent which, as far as we are aware, has not been achieved in individual decision experiments to date. We believe that such a finding constitutes a useful addition to the literature in its own right. It suggests that methodological development of ranking procedures may provide a fruitful avenue for future research in the search for robust and consistent approaches to preference elicitation.