
The CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) in many microalgae has evolved as an adaptation for increased efficiency in carbon assimilation to overcome the challenge of limited CO2 availability that often occurs in their natural habitats. Although varying in complexity, virtually all different forms of the microalgal CCM comprise three functionally interactive systems (1) inorganic carbon (Ci) uptake systems; (2) carbonic anhydrases (CAs) interconverting different Ci species; and (3) microcompartments where Rubisco is sequestered. Under the conditions where CO2 supply becomes limited, synergistic operation of Ci uptake systems and CAs results in a large intracellular Ci pool, where the Ci concentration is substantially higher than that in the environment. The accumulated Ci is subsequently delivered into the microcompartments filled with Rubisco, elevating the CO2 concentration for the photosynthetic carbon fixation (Badger and Price 2003; Moroney and Ynalvez 2007; Spalding 2008, 2009). In recent years, many molecular components involved in the eukaryotic microalgal CCM have been revealed by genetic/molecular studies and genome-wide gene expression analysis in the model organism Chlamydomonas (Spalding 2009; Wang and Spalding 2010). However, a comprehensive picture of how the CCM operates in eukaryotic microalgae is still obscure due to the lack of detailed functional analysis of many proteins involved in the CCM. Furthermore, many proteins that apparently are essential for the CCM or limiting CO2 acclimation are novel proteins that lack known functional domains or motifs, making it challenging to delineate their functions. Understanding the functions of these novel proteins is crucial to the progress of CCM research. Here, we present a case study focusing on LCIB, a novel protein that plays a key role in limiting Ci acclimation in Chlamydomonas.

LCIB mutants

The first LCIB mutant was identified over three decades ago. Designated as pmp1, the mutant showed a conditional-lethal growth phenotype in ambient CO2 and appeared deficient in Ci uptake or accumulation (Spalding et al. 1983a). Identification and genetic analysis of a pmp1 allelic mutant, ad1, later linked the defective gene in both mutants to LCIB (Wang and Spalding 2006). Unlike many other mutants requiring high CO2 to survive, LCIB mutants display a very unique “air dier” growth phenotype (Van et al. 2001; Spalding et al. 2002; Wang and Spalding 2006): growing in either a high concentration (5 %; HC) or a very low concentration (<0.02 %; VLC) of CO2, but dying in an intermediate concentration of CO2 (atmosphere level ~0.03–0.05 %; LC). This unusual growth phenotype implies that there are multiple acclimation states in response to varying CO2 concentrations, which has also been demonstrated by studying physiological characteristics of a wild type Chlamydomonas strain in response to a range of physiologically relevant CO2 concentrations (Vance and Spalding 2005).

The growth and physiological characteristics of LCIB mutants indicate that multiple Ci uptake/accumulation systems are differentially expressed or regulated in response to different Ci concentrations and that LCIB is mainly important in low CO2 acclimation. When acclimated to low CO2, LCIB mutants or LCIB RNAi strains show significant decreases in photosynthetic activities compared with those of wild type strains, as demonstrated by 14C Ci uptake, CO2-dependent photosynthetic O2 evolution, and light-dependent CO2 gas exchange activity. On the contrary, when acclimated to very low CO2, the photosynthetic activities in these LCIB mutants, although still decreased, are not substantially different from those in wild type strains (Spalding et al. 1983a; Wang and Spalding 2006; Duanmu et al. 2009a; Yamano et al. 2010). The single defect in LCIB appears to almost entirely eliminate Ci accumulation in low CO2, which has not been observed in other mutants with only a single CCM component either knocked out or knocked down. Therefore, it has been speculated that LCIB may function mainly in Ci uptake or accumulation under low CO2 condition (Spalding et al. 1983a; Wang and Spalding 2006). It is evident that a Ci uptake/accumulation system responsible for very low CO2 acclimation, which is LCIB-independent, appears still functional in LCIB mutants.

LCIB gene family and LCIB protein

LCIB was first identified as a novel gene among the most abundantly expressed genes under limiting CO2 conditions (Miura et al. 2004). Besides LCIB, three additional LCIB-like genes, LCIC, LCID, and LCIE were found in the Chlamydomonas genome, and LCIB homologs also exist in several “green lineage” algae (e.g., green algae and diatoms) and a small number of cyanobacteria and bacteria (Wang and Spalding 2006; Spalding 2008; Yamano et al. 2010). Among the four LCIB homologous genes in Chlamydomonas, LCIB and LCIC show a high level of sequence similarity with each other. LCIB, LCIC, and LCID are constitutively expressed in high CO2, but up-regulated by limiting CO2. The expression level of LCIE is extremely low compared to other three homologs, but still shows significant up-regulation by limiting CO2 (Miura et al. 2004; Wang and Spalding 2006; Yamano et al. 2008; Fang et al. 2011; Brueggeman et al. 2012). Surprisingly, although LCIB appears to be essential only in low CO2, transcript levels of LCIB in low CO2 and very low CO2-acclimated liquid cultures showed no significant differences (Wang and Spalding 2006). Recent RNA-seq analyses also have revealed that none of the other limiting CO2-induced genes was differentially expressed between low CO2 and very low CO2 conditions (Fang et al. 2012).

LCIB and other LCIB-like proteins appear to be soluble in nature. LCIB can be affinity-purified in a tagged-LCIB cDNA-complemented ad1 strain, and LCIC was found to be co-purified with LCIB (Fig. 1a). Both N-terminal sequences of mature LCIB and LCIC, determined by N-terminal amino acid analysis, start with an alanine at the N-terminus after removing the transit peptide at an “alanine- glutamine” cleavage site (Fig. 1b). The co-existence of LCIB and LCIC in a complex has been previously demonstrated, and molecular sizes of LCIB and LCIC were determined as approximately 48 and 49 kD in vivo (Yamano et al. 2010). The deduced sizes of mature LCIB and LCIC are 42.7 and 43.6 kD, respectively, which are smaller than their apparent size on the SDS-PAGE gel, suggesting that some post-translational modifications may occur.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a The LCIB–LCIC complex was affinity-purified in the presence or absence of NP-40 from S4-1 (an ad1 strain complemented by strep-tagged LCIB cDNA). The wild type strain cw10 was used as a control. Proteins from the purified complex were separated by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis (upper panel) and analyzed by Western blot with anti-LCIB (middle panel) or anti-strep-tag antibodies (lower panel). The two protein bands evident on the SDS-PAGE gel were identified by mass-spectrometry analysis as LCIC and LCIB. b N-termini of mature LCIB and LCIC were determined by N-terminal amino acid analysis. The sequences of transit peptides followed by the mature proteins are shown; the cleavage sites are marked by “arrow

Subcellular localization of LCIB

LCIB has been localized in chloroplasts at two distinct areas: dispersed throughout the entire chloroplast stroma; or concentrated mainly in a discreet region surrounding the pyrenoid, (peri-pyrenoid location) appearing as a ring structure in virtual longitudinal sections under the microscope (Duanmu et al. 2009a; Yamano et al. 2010). These two chloroplast localizations appear to be correlated to different CO2 acclimation states, although the exact location in low CO2-acclimated cells is still somewhat controversial. Yamano et al. (2010) have reported that LCIB was only found in a peri-pyrenoid localization in both low and very low CO2-grown cells, and no significant difference was detected under these CO2 conditions. This contradicts an early observation that both stromal and peri-pyrenoid localizations have been detected in low CO2-grown cells (Duanmu et al. 2009a). Considering that a large portion of CO2 in liquid cell cultures can be removed by photosynthesis under low CO2 conditions (Vance and Spalding 2005), the actual CO2 concentration in low CO2 cultures may shift to very low CO2 range when influx rates of gas supply cannot keep up with the active photosynthesis. Therefore, to more accurately determine the LCIB localization in response to CO2 and to test LCIB localization under the condition demonstrated to be lethal for the LCIB mutants, we used cells grown on agar plates to avoid the depletion of CO2 as possibly occurring in liquid culture. As shown in Fig. 2, the peri-pyrenoid localization of LCIB was only observed to be predominant in very low CO2-acclimated cells, while LCIB in almost all low CO2-acclimated cells showed a dispersed stromal localization. The different localizations of LCIB in low and very low CO2 may be associated with different functions of LCIB under these conditions, although it is completely unknown what the differences in LCIB function are under these two conditions nor how the peri-pyrenoid localization may contribute to this function in very low CO2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Immunofluorescent localization of LCIB in wild type Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC125 cells acclimated in low CO2 (LC) or very low CO2 (VLC); b higher magnification view of LCIB localization in a single cell. The high CO2-grown cells on agar plates made with the minimal medium were transferred to low CO2 or very low CO2 chambers for 20 h and then examined by confocal microscopy

In high CO2-grown cells, LCIB is localized mainly in stromal areas. Upon switching the liquid culture from high CO2 to low CO2, LCIB was found to re-localize to the peri-pyrenoid area. In contrast, upon shifting low CO2-grown cells to high CO2 or to the dark, LCIB diffuses away from the peri-pyrenoid area to the stroma (Yamono et al. 2010). The re-localization in response to CO2 or dark appears to occur rapidly, usually within 20 min to an hour, and can be blocked by inhibition of photosynthetic electron transfer.

LCIB–LCIC complex

LCIC shows a similar subcellular localization and CO2 induced re-localization to that of LCIB. In Chlamydomonas, LCIB and LCIC appear to form a 350 KD hexameric complex (Yamano et al. 2010). It is not clear how the LCIB–LCIC complex is formed in vivo or how this complex is recruited to the peri-pyrenoid area upon transition from high CO2 to limiting CO2. The LCIB–LCIC interaction in complex formation appears to be mediated only by non-covalent bonds and to include no inter-molecular disulfide bonds, because in vitro LCIB–LCIC complex dissociation can be facilitated by SDS, but not by reducing reagents (Fig. 3). Furthermore, the LCIB–LCIC complexes isolated from both high CO2- and very low CO2-grown cells appeared to be intact, indicating that the dissociation of complex in vivo does not occur during the re-localization of the LCIB–LCIC complex in response to CO2 concentration changes (Fig. 3c). Both LCIB and LCIC were reported to be present in phosphorylated forms (Yamano et al. 2010), although it is not demonstrated whether these phosphorylations are of functional importance. Different isoforms of LCIB and LCIC can been detected by 2D gel electrophoresis (Fig. 4), but no obvious changes in their relative positions on 2D gels were observed when cells were switched from high CO2 to very low CO2 or when the isolated complexes were treated with phosphatase.

Fig. 3
figure 3

a LCIB–LCIC complex purified from an ad1 strain complemented with a strep-tagged LCIB gene. The complex was treated with or without 0.5 % SDS and analyzed by native (lacking SDS and reductant) protein gel electrophoresis. The upper band (between 242 and 480 kD) and the lower band (<66 kD) observed on the gel are from the complex form and the dissociated monomers, respectively. b LCIB–LCIC complexes from high CO2 (HC)- or very low CO2 (VLC)-acclimated cells, when still bound to affinity resin, were incubated with or without β-mercaptoethanol (2 %). The complex was then washed and eluted from the affinity beads and analyzed by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The existence of both LCIB and LCIC on the gel indicates that LCIC was still bound to LCIB after the treatment with β-mercaptoethanol. c LCIB–LCIC complex isolated from high CO2 (HC) or very low CO2 (VLC) was analyzed by native protein gel electrophoresis. Incubation with DTT (1 mM) has no detectable impact on the complex

Fig. 4
figure 4

2D gel electrophoresis of LCIB–LCIC complex purified from high CO2 (HC)- or very low CO2 (VLC)-acclimated cells. Lambda protein phosphatase (New England Biolabs) was used for dephosphorylation treatment

Interaction of LCIB with other CCM components

Although it is likely that re-localization of the LCIB–LCIC complex in chloroplasts is mediated by their interaction with other proteins and that the functioning of LCIB may also require interactions with other components in the CCM, no protein, except LCIC, has so far been identified to physically bind to or physically interact with LCIB. No other proteins are found to be co-eluted with the affinity-purified LCIB–LCIC complex (Fig. 1, also see Yamano et al. 2010). In a large scale yeast two-hybrid screening of a Chlamydomonas cDNA expression library using LCIB as the bait protein, 28 cDNAs were identified to encode proteins strongly interacting with LCIB. Of these 28 cDNAs, most are full-length or partial-length LCIC cDNAs, and all others are LCIB cDNAs (Table 1). It appears that LCIB can interact both with LCIC and with itself, which agrees with a similar observation reported previously (Yamano et al. 2010). One cDNA that encodes LCI24 also was identified from our initial yeast two-hybrid cDNA library screening, but the interaction appeared very weak, and so far cannot be further confirmed. Noticeably, LCI24 appears as a membrane protein and has been identified as a low CO2-induced (LCI) protein (Miura et al. 2004), although like many “function unknown” LCI proteins, no recognizable domain or motif can be identified. It remains to be determined whether other proteins interact with the LCIB–LCIC complex and, if so, how they contribute to the function of LCIB–LCIC complex or its localization.

Table 1 LCIB-interacting proteins identified in the yeast two-hybrid screen

Aside from physical interaction, LCIB has been shown to be functionally connected to other CCM components as demonstrated by the extragenic suppressors (mutations) that suppress or overcome the air-dier growth phenotype of ad1 or pmp1 (Duanmu et al. 2009a; Duamnu and Spalding 2011). Six such second-site suppressors have been analyzed and show two distinct growth phenotypes. Four suppressors (su1, su4, su5, and su8) have been shown to restore wild type-like growth in both low CO2 and very low CO2 conditions, but two other allelic suppressors, su6 and su7, in direct contrast to the air-dier growth phenotype of ad1 and pmp1, restore growth in low CO2, but lose the ability to survive in very low CO2. Genetic analysis has indicated that these 6 suppressors are distributed in four different loci. In addition to the su6/7allele, su4 and su5 also appear to be allelic to each other. Among these four loci, su6 and su7 have been identified as CAH3 mutations, which also cause a high CO2 requiring phenotype themselves (Duanmu et al. 2009a). The other 4 suppressor loci (su1, su4/5, su8) appear not to cause noticeable growth defects or other growth phenotypes when not combined with an lcib mutation (Duanmu and Spalding 2011). In all three non-cah3 suppressors, the photosynthetic affinity for Ci and Ci uptake/accumulation are, either fully or partially, restored to the levels attained in wild type strains. The multiple suppression loci for ad1/pmp1 suggest that at least several components are required or involved in LCIB-mediated Ci uptake/accumulation or low CO2 acclimation.

Proposed function for LCIB in the CCM

The CO2-concentrating mechanism in eukaryotic algae is initiated by active Ci uptake systems at the plasma membrane and the chloroplast envelope (Sültemeyer et al. 1988; Amoroso et al. 1998). Although not yet fully characterized, several putative Ci transporters have been either confirmed or proposed to function in Ci uptake, including HLA3, NAR1.2(LCIA), LCI1, CCP1, and CCP2, as well as LCIB (Miura et al. 2004; Pollock et al. 2004; Mariscal et al. 2006; Spalding 2008; Duanmu et al. 2009b; Ohnishi et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2010). Once in the chloroplast, Ci is accumulated in the form of HCO3 at the alkaline pH in the stroma that favors HCO3 formation, and the equilibrium between different Ci species is suggested to be catalyzed by CA activities (Mitra et al. 2004, 2005; Moroney and Ynalvez 2007). The final step is the dehydration of accumulated HCO3 to provide CO2 inside the pyrenoid for the carboxylation reaction catalyzed by Rubisco. This dehydration step is mediated by a CA, CAH3, which is localized on the luminal side of the thylakoids and inside the pyrenoid tubules (Spalding et al. 1983b; Funke et al. 1997; Karlsson et al. 1998; Hanson et al. 2003; Mitra et al. 2005; Markelova et al. 2009). As CO2 can easily diffuse away from the pyrenoids or the chloroplasts, some CO2 barriers or recapture systems have been proposed to prevent the CO2 leakage (Moroney and Ynalves 2007; Duanmu et al. 2009a; Yamano et al. 2010). The primary defect of the CCM in LCIB mutants appears to be in Ci accumulation. Since a deficiency in Ci uptake, Ci pool maintenance, or prevention of CO2 leakage can all potentially collapse the Ci accumulation, the functions of LCIB in these pathways have been proposed and examined.

LCIB mutants were initially thought to be defective in Ci uptake, but it is unlikely that LCIB is directly involved in Ci transport based on its molecular characteristics and subcellular location. The fact that the LCIB mutation, when combined with the CAH3 mutation, has little impact on Ci over-accumulation in the lcib/cah3 double mutants also strongly argues against the possibility of LCIB being involved directly in Ci uptake (Spalding et al. 1983c; Duanmu et al. 2009a). The cah3 mutation appears to override the air-dier phenotype and the defective Ci accumulation in LCIB mutants, and this epistatic relationship of cah3 and lcib implies that LCIB functions downstream of CAH3, and thus, is likely to capture CO2 released by CAH3 and prevent CO2 leakage (Duanmu et al. 2009a).

It is still not clear how LCIB is involved in this process. It has been proposed that LCIB may function as a structural barrier to prevent CO2 diffusion from the pyrenoid (Yamano et al. 2010). This would require LCIB to be localized around the pyrenoid. Although LCIB is localized around the pyrenoid under very low CO2 conditions, it shows stroma localization in low CO2 conditions. The low CO2 conditions under which LCIB is demonstrated to have a stromal localization also correspond directly to the conditions under which the LCIB mutation causes a lethal growth phenotype (Fig. 2), which is inconsistent with the hypothesis that LCIB acts as CO2 barrier in low CO2 acclimation. An alternative hypothesis that appears more appealing is one in which LCIB functions in CO2 recapture by re-hydrating leaked CO2 back into the HCO3 pool (Duanmu et al. 2009). Such a function overlaps the similar, proposed function for CAH6, a CA reportedly localized in the stroma (Mitra et al. 2005; Moroney and Ynalvez 2007). Given the fact that LCIB mutations eliminate almost all Ci pool accumulation in low CO2-grown cells, it is not likely that CAH6 itself possesses the full capacity to maintain Ci accumulation in the chloroplast. It is possible that LCIB activates CAH6 by an unknown mechanism to fulfill the full potential of CAH6 as a CA or that LCIB may be involved in a process functionally analogous to CA activity when it interacts with other yet unidentified proteins.

In cyanobacteria, ChpX and ChpY (also named CupA and CupB) are two hydrophilic proteins that are involved in NADH dehydrogenase (NDH)-driven CO2 uptake systems by catalyzing light-dependent CO2 hydration reactions (Maeda et al. 2002; Price et al. 2002). The ChpX/ChpY double mutant showed a significant CO2 leakage under steady state photosynthesis, suggesting that these two proteins function in intracellular Ci maintenance by re-capturing CO2 released from carboxysomes (Price et al. 2002; Price et al. 2008). It is possible that the LCIB/LCIC complex is functionally analogous with ChpX/Y to prevent CO2 leakage by unidirectionally hydrating intracellular CO2. In Cyanobacteria, ChpX/ChpY (CupA/CupB)-associated CO2 uptake systems are possibly localized at the thylakoid membranes (Price et al. 2002; Xu et al. 2008). It is not clear whether the LCIB–LCIC complex in the stroma is associated with the thylakoid membrane under low CO2, although it was indeed reported that LCIB, when localized to the peri-pyrenoid area, is associated with thylakoid tubules (Yamano et al. 2010). It has been reported that a CA activity located on chloroplast envelope membranes is significantly up-regulated by low CO2 (Villarejo et al. 2001), and interestingly, this CA activity was reported as missing in pmp1. Investigation of the molecular basis for this membrane bound CA activity may shed some light on how the Ci pool is maintained in the chloroplast and the role of LCIB in this function.

Another mystery regarding the air-dier phenotype in LCIB mutants is how acclimation to very low CO2 is differentiated from that to low CO2. It was proposed that another component or system may be induced or activated in very low CO2 to replace LCIB (Wang and Spalding 2006; Spalding 2008). It is also possible that both acclimation states share a common system for Ci uptake/accumulation and that LCIB only activates this system in the low CO2 acclimation state. Yamano et al. (2010) have reported a very interesting multiphasic CO2 response in low CO2-acclimated LCIB mutants when photosynthetic oxygen evolution was measured. They reported that the photosynthetic activity of these cells was high in responding to addition of 100 μM Ci (corresponding to very low CO2 concentration ~0.009 % at pH 7.8), but significantly reduced when higher Ci concentrations (500–700 μM, corresponding to low CO2 ~0.047–0.066 %) were provided. It should be noted that these LCIB mutant cells were acclimated to only low CO2, and the short period of time during the measurement may not be sufficient to allow new proteins to be synthesized. If such photosynthetic characteristics reflect the actual molecular compositions for the system responsible for CO2 uptake/accumulation, it implies that the low CO2-acclimated mutant cells still retain a system with high capacity for Ci uptake/accumulation in very low CO2. Without LCIB, this system must be repressed when exposed to low CO2. It is possible that this system functions in both low CO2 and very low CO2 by switching the affinity to Ci, like the dual-affinity nitrate transporter characterized previously (Liu and Tsay 2003). If this is true, it can be speculated that low CO2 may repress the high affinity state and activate the low affinity state and that LCIB is required in such low CO2 specific activation. The observed repression of photosynthetic oxygen evolution by low CO2 appears rather rapid (within seconds to a few minutes) given the fact that CO2 has to be depleted first (equivalent to very low CO2) before external Ci was provided for the measurement. This is consistent with the observed air dier phenotype: the mutant appears to be locked into low CO2 acclimation states when grown in ambient level CO2, because otherwise the Ci uptake system responsible for very low CO2 acclimation would function to allow the mutants to survive in low CO2 when internal Ci is depleted. Regardless of the molecular mechanism for low or very low CO2 acclimation, it appears that external CO2 concentration, rather than total Ci or HCO3 concentration, is the sole trigger controlling the CO2 acclimation, as external growth pH has little impact on the air dier phenotype in LCIB mutants (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Spot test for growth of C. reinhardtii strains in high CO2 (5 %), low CO2 (0.045 %), and very low CO2 (0.015 %) under various pH conditions. The strains include wild type (21gr), mutants cia5, pmp1, and ca1(cah3)


An LCIB-mediated CO2 uptake/accumulation system represents a unique CCM mode that occupies a central position in the Chlamydomonas CCM. The current hypothesis is that LCIB participates in trapping stromal CO2 released from the thylakoid into the stromal HCO3 pool. If this is true, it also implies that LCIB may also function to capture the external CO2 diffusing into chloroplasts and maintain the intracellular Ci accumulation. It is still unknown how LCIB functions in this model and how its function is differentially associated with low and very low CO2 acclimation states. To answer these questions, further investigation are required in several key areas, including molecular and biochemical characterization of LCIB and LCIC, the relationship between the subcellular localization of the LCIB–LCIC complex and physiological acclimation states, and proteins physically or functionally interacting with LCIB or LCIC. Genetic approaches, as exemplified by study of extragenic suppressors, will also help to understand the relationship of LCIB and other CCM components and to define the position and the role of LCIB in different CCM pathways and acclimation states.