1 Introduction

In only two decades, automatic image annotation has become been a research hotspot in the fields of image processing [3], image classification [4], image segmentation [5], computer vision and pattern recognition [19], among others [11]. The success of image annotation tasks mainly depends on the annotation model and visual feature vectors used, wherein the quality of the visual feature vector determines the upper limit of image annotation quality. In recent years, as image annotation models have become more and more mature, visual feature vectors have increasingly become the decisive factor for image annotation effects. Image annotation technology implements keywords that the semantic content of the image, thereby narrowing the gap between the underlying visual features of the image and the high-level semantic tags, improving the efficiency and accuracy of image retrieval, in image and video retrieval, scene understanding, and human-machine fields such as interaction have broad application prospects. However, due to the semantic gap, image annotation is still a challenging task, and it has always been a research hotspot in the field of computer vision.

Before 2016, image features in the research fields of computer vision and pattern recognition were artificial features designed by domain experts. The quality of these artificial features thus depended primarily on the experts’ domain knowledge and experience. In complex computer vision applications, it is difficult to extract high-quality feature vectors from artificial features. In 2012, Alex et al. [1] built a deep learning model based on convolutional neural network (AlexNet) that won first place by an overwhelming margin in the ImageNet image sort competition. Since then, the era of deep learning was opened. Subsequently, researchers have proposed many excellent network models based on the AlexNet network [1], such as VGG-16 [30], GoogleNet [32], ResNet [17], etc. Before 2012, image features in the field of computer vision were referred to as artificial features; moreover, the features extracted via deep learning after 2012 are termed deep features (Johnson et al. 2015). Unlike artificial features, the latter is an end-to-end feature extraction processing procedure that does not require human involvement. For image feature extraction processing tasks, newer models can directly output high-quality deep features at the output-port after training the original image input at the input-port through a complex model. As it is based on high-quality end-to-end feature vectors, deep learning has made many breakthroughs in image classification and has been implemented in many research fields.

The reason why deep learning is able to make such breakthroughs depends largely on its complex network structure. In order to achieve better effects, contemporary deep learning network structure design is becoming more and more complex, while the number of layers (depth) is also steadily increasing. However, these millions of training model parameters require not only a large amount of training sample support, but also huge time overhead and high-end hardware configuration; these factors limit the application of deep learning. For example, the AlexNet network model [1] has a total of 61 million parameters, while the subsequently proposed VGG-16 model [30] has 138 million. Moreover, when sufficient training samples exist, the model training is adequate and complex deep learning can achieve the desired results; in the real world, however, it is difficult to provide sufficient training samples for most applications, which often leads to model overfitting, etc. and results in poor model training quality. Accordingly, scholars in this field have proposed some solutions to the above shortcomings, such as fine-tuning training based on pre-training models and applied to complex labeling algorithms [2, 7, 18, 20, 31, 34]. Although these methods have achieved good labeling results, they are still unable to extract high-quality deep features suitable for image annotation [27, 37].

In the remainder of this paper, section 2 introduces some important background knowledge by presenting the related works. Section 3 illustrates the improved deep feature extraction method which section 4 proposes the novel image annotation method. Through experiments on the Corel5k dataset and IAPR TC-12 dataset, we then compare and analyze our proposed method alongside several methods such as MBRM [16], JEC-AF [28], JEC-DF [33] and 2PKNN [29]. Finally, we summarize the present work and present some venues for future research.

2 Related works

Inspired by the successful application of deep learning methods in the field of image classification research, some researchers have attempted to apply deep learning methods to the automatic image annotation field. In 2014, Gong et al. [15] took the lead in applying deep learning to image annotation. Since then, more and more scholars have designed and conducted research into image annotation based on deep learning methods. In Table 1, the effect of image annotation models based on deep learning is compared with that of the traditional annotation models. The most popular and mainstream dataset used for experiments in this field is Corel5K dataset.

Table 1 Comparison of the differences in effect between annotation models based on deep learning and traditional annotation models

As can be seen from Table 1, compared with traditional image annotation methods, deep learning methods achieve improved performance, but not significantly so. In particular, when the network model is more complex (such as the VGG-16 network [30], the annotation performance actually decreases. The main reason for this is that small-scale image data cannot meet the training requirements of complex network structure models. Due to the over-fitting phenomenon, if there is insufficient support from the training dataset, these complex network models cannot achieve the ideal annotation effect; moreover, the more complex the network structure of the deep learning model, the worse the labeling performance will be under these circumstances. At the same time, this deep learning training method requires a huge time cost and high-end hardware configurations. In light of the above deficiencies, Li et al. [8] proposed a migration learning method. While applying migration learning to image annotation improved the effectiveness, the space-time overhead is still large and high-end hardware configurations are still required in the training process.

Although many deep learning models have a good theoretical foundation and a theoretically sound network structure, these complex network models cannot achieve the ideal annotation effect without sufficient support from the training dataset [9, 10, 12]. At the same time, the huge space-time overhead and high-end hardware configuration required for deep model training limits the application of these models. Therefore, scholars in the field have turned their research focus towards more complex annotation algorithms or better feature expression quality; for example, merging deep features with other features for image annotation tasks [13, 14, 21, 22].

At present, the deep learning-related research on image annotation is mainly divided into three categories. Firstly, designing new network structures or improving existing models; for example, by modifying the loss function and the number of output categories and training using the object dataset, the original model can be made suitable for image annotation. Secondly, based on the pre-training model, they can modify the fully connected and output layers of a trained network model on a large dataset so that it fits the object dataset, while the other parameters and aspects of network structure remain unchanged (that is, they fine-tune the network based on the existing network weight). One example of this is the migration learning methods proposed by Chen et al. [6]. Thirdly, the pre-training model is directly used to complete feature extraction of the object dataset, after which other complex algorithms are used to complete the annotation, or the deep features are fused with other features for image annotation purposes. For example, Makadia et al. [28], who proposed the famous image annotation model CMRM [16] and MBRM [16], applied deep learning features to complex labeling algorithms such as JEC [28] and 2PKNN [33] and achieved a good annotation effect. This method’s success is mainly due to the subsequent complex annotation model or multiple feature fusion. However, the problems of how to extract high-quality deep features suitable for image annotation and how to design an efficient annotation model when the dataset is small have still not been solved. In view of the above problems, this paper attempts to extract high-quality deep features under the conditions of limited resources and insufficient data, and accordingly proposes an innovative image annotation model.

3 Visual feature using image representation

3.1 Image themes modeling

In the field of image processing, images have the same underlying features, such as edges information, visual shapes, geometric changes, illumination changes, etc. These features can be applied to different tasks such as image classification [23, 35], object recognition [24, 36], automatic annotation [25, 26], etc., therefore, large-scale image training can be performed. The pre-trained network model is treated as a generic feature extractor that applies the extracted generic image features to new tasks.

At first, the themes model has mainly used in the researching field of text classification. In the processing of text modeling and analysis, it mainly involves three levels: corpus, document and word. The themes model classifies documents by analyzing the theme of words in corpus. In recent years, in the field of computer vision, researchers try to use the theme model to model and analyze image data. In the process of image subject modeling, image datasets, images and visual words corresponding to corpora, documents and words respectively. The basic attribute of image is unstructured pixel. According to different tasks, researchers had proposed different methods to capture different information of image, such as color, texture, shape and spatial relationship. However, single feature can’t express the rich information of image. In order to capture enough information to model semantic concepts, it is necessary to integrate a variety of image features to complete the operation of image annotation. The visual word histogram can effectively integrate a variety of different image features, and the quantified features were called visual words.

Figure 1 is an intuitive representation of a visual word histogram. Visual histogram is also called bag of visual words. The first image was originally labeled “sky, mountains, sea, buffalo and grass”. The second image was originally labeled “sky, trees, grass and zebra”. In the processing of image processing, regular meshes are used to divide the image into equal sized blocks, each of which is represented by its own color and texture features. It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the visually similar areas are quantized into the same visual words, then the content of whole image can be described by counting the visual words. By comparing the visual words described by the two images, we can see that the visual histogram can capture the co-occurrence information of the image. The visual word #1 corresponds to the “sky” in the image. Both images obviously contain the area of “sky”. Therefore, the block count of visual word #1 in both images is more. The second row image uses not only the visual word #1 to describe the area of “sky”, but also the visual words #8 and #20. The first row image contains “sea” and “mountain” and is represented by visual words (#15, #16 and #18) and visual words (#2 and #4), respectively, while the second image does not contain visual information of “sea” and “mountain”, so the block count of these visual words is almost zero.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Visual expression of word histogram

The x axis in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 is the number of visual words. The basic idea of theme modeling for images is to associate visual words containing image semantic concepts with potential themes of image datasets, and main semantic themes can be modeled as multiple distributions on visual words. Figure 2 can show the distribution of the main semantic themes “sky”, “grass” and “sea” on the visual words (the visual words here are consistent with Fig. 1).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Three main semantic themes: (a) sky, (b) grass, (c) sea of the distribution in visual words

It can be seen from the three distributions in Fig. 2 that different probability distributions can be obtained by modeling the visual words with different regional characteristics. Figure 2(a) is to model the visual words related to “sky”, which corresponds to the higher probability that the visual words with more counts of “sky” areas in Fig. 1 will be displayed in multiple distributions. Figure 2(b and c) respectively correspond to the probability distribution of visual words of the semantic theme “grass” and “sea” in the image, although the second image in Fig. 1 does not contain the visual information of “sea”. Similarly, the semantic themes “buffalo”, “mountain” and “tree” can be modeled in the same way. Therefore, the bag of visual word representation of different images can be modeled as a mixture of different themes, with only different weights assigned to each theme to represent its actual content. For example, the first image in Fig. 1 can be represented by a mixture of five themes: “sky, mountain, grass, sea and buffalo”. These mixed themes capture some common semantic information in the image dataset, so the image can be decomposed into a mixture of potential themes.

3.2 Image representation

Because a single feature usually can’t express image information well, this section had used bag of words model to integrate SIFT feature and HOG feature to represent image. The bag of words model was first used in the field of text. In this model, the words in the document are regarded as independent, and the bag of word has used to represent the document, and the bag is filled with independent and disordered words. The bag of words model had used a visual dictionary to quantify the words in the document, so a document can be represented by a word histogram. When the bag of words model has applied to the image processing field, the image can be regarded as a “bag of visual words”. Then, each image can be represented by the histogram corresponding to the distribution of visual words. In the paper, the image has represented by the bag of words model in the following three steps, and the process of image processing with the bag of words model has been shown in Fig. 3.

  1. (1)

    Feature Extraction. Considering that the image is affected by many factors such as illumination, angle of view, occlusion and background information, a single feature can easily lead to the loss of image information. In the paper, SIFT features and HOG features with good properties were combined to represent the image.

  2. (2)

    Generate Visual Dictionary. As the main tool of quantifying visual words in image dataset, the main idea of visual dictionary is to divide the feature space of samples reasonably, and the feature vectors falling into the same partition area are regarded as the mapping range of same visual words. The classical methods of constructing visual dictionary are clustering algorithms, such as K-Means clustering and parallel K-Means clustering. In the paper, K-Means clustering method has been used to construct a visual dictionary. Firstly, some samples were selected from the dataset, and then the SIFT features and HOG features of these images are grouped into several categories, one cluster represents a visual word.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematic diagram of image representation with Bag of Words model

  1. (3)

    Histogram Statistics. After constructing the visual dictionary, we can quantize the features of the images in the dataset. The essence of feature quantization is to map the features of all images to the visual dictionary, and then make histogram statistics for the visual words of each image. In the process of feature quantization, the distance between two feature vectors has been calculated firstly, and then the clustering center closest to the feature vector is found in the visual dictionary, then the feature vector can be mapped to the visual word. By counting the number of visual words appearing in each image, the histogram of visual words corresponding to this image can be generated. By simply connecting the histograms of various features, the visual histogram of each image can be obtained. For example, SIFT features and HOG features were used in the paper are clustered to obtain NS and NH visual words respectively, then an image di can be represented by NS + NH dimensional histogram.

$$ v\left({d}_i\right)=\left\{n\left({d}_i,{v}_1\right),\dots, n\left({d}_i,{v}_j\right),\dots, n\left({d}_i,{v}_{N_S}\right),n\left({d}_i,{v}_{N_S+1}\right),\dots, n\left({d}_i,{v}_{N_S+{N}_H}\right)\right\} $$

Wherein, n(di, vj) represents the number of visual words vj in image di.

4 Improved deep feature extraction method

At present, the end-to-end features extracted by the deep learning model can be regarded as the global features of the original image. While this improved method has achieved great success rates in the research field of image classification, it has not achieved significant results in the field of image annotation tasks. In deep learning-based image classification, the global feature that uses only the output layer at the end of the improved model, ignoring the output characteristics of the intermediate layer, is called the end-to-end model.

However, according to the theory of deep learning model, each layer has its own value when layering the abstraction of the image features; their receptive fields are different, and the extracted features are described in different scopes. The fully connected layer at the end of the network model depicts the global visual features of the image, while the intermediate layer depicts the regions or local features of the image. The perceptive field of the mid-level convolutional kernel of the deep learning model is small, but the number of layers is large. It is easier for the mid-level convolutional kernel to capture local or regional features; therefore, the mid-level features are better at characterizing objects in multiple-object or complex images. Moreover, directly extracting the mid-level features can avoid the high temporal and spatial overhead of the deep learning from the fully connected layer. In this paper, the intermediate convolutional layer features of deep learning are extracted, and the feature vectors of the images are generated by means of sparse coding theory.

The extraction process of generating visual features is shown in Fig. 4. The feature generation process is as follows:

  1. (1)

    First, extract the intermediate layer output features of the pre-trained deep learning model, expressed as F ∈ R(K × W × H). K represents the number of feature maps, while W and H represent the width and height of feature map, respectively. Normalize the features and transform them into two-dimensional Eigen matrices, expressed as F(W × H, K).

  2. (2)

    Gaussian normalization is carried out on the original features; moreover, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to reduce normalized data. The convolutional feature is represented by Fnew(W × H, n); at this time, n represents the reduced dimension.

  3. (3)

    K-Means clustering of dimensionally reduced data is implemented to construct m visual ‘vocabularies’. In line with the visual bag-of-word principle, each image is represented as an m-dimensional bag-of-word vector.

  4. (4)

    The acquired clustering center points are used to encode the convolutional features in a Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptor (VLAD). This is converted into the visual feature vector of the image, as shown in formula (2).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Flowchart of generating visual feature

$$ {\mathbf{F}}_{\mathbf{V}}=\left[{\sum}_{\mathrm{NN}\left({\mathbf{f}}_i\right)={\mathbf{C}}_1}{\mathbf{f}}_i-{\mathbf{C}}_1,\cdots, {\sum}_{\mathrm{NN}\left({\mathbf{f}}_i\right)={\mathbf{C}}_m}{\mathbf{f}}_i-{\mathbf{C}}_m\right] $$

Here, fi represents the feature of the graph block, [C1, C2, ⋯, Cm] represents the cluster center point, and NN(fi) is the cluster center closest to fi.

5 The proposed image annotation method

The vectors of artificial features are often used as the statistics of underlying vision. However, their visual patterns are not significant and their semantic level is inferior. Therefore, image classification and annotation models based on artificial feature vectors tends to be more abstract, with more complicated algorithms and higher space-time cost than other existing solutions.

Compared with traditional artificial features, the deep learning mid-level features have a significant visual mode and a high semantic level. Strong visual and semantic characterization can be achieved when using sparse coding theory such as visual lexicon. If visual feature vectors can be constructed for each text vocabulary, then the confidence problem of calculating lexical membership in images can be resolved. The traditional image annotation problem is converted to the similarity problem of calculating two visual feature vectors: namely, the text vocabulary visual feature vector and the image visual feature vector. The space-time overhead based on this text lexical visual feature vector annotation method is very small and independent of the training dataset size. These approaches are also more capable of handling large datasets than traditional algorithms.

The system structure diagram of the image annotation method proposed in this paper is presented in Fig. 5. In the training phase, the deep features of all training images are extracted and formed into VLAD vectors, which comprise the image visual feature gallery.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The system architecture of the proposed image annotation approach

A positive sample mean vector method is used to construct a visual feature vector for each text vocabulary that can represent its most essential visual information, thus forming a positive case mean vector lexicon that contains all corresponding vocabulary features. In the annotation and testing phase, the feature vector of the testing image is extracted online and its VLAD vector is generated. The VLAD feature vector of the testing image is then used to calculate the visual similarity with the positive case mean vector of each vocabulary in the positive case vector lexicon. Finally, the text semantic vocabulary corresponding to the largest feature vector of the similarity is selected as the vocabulary label of the test image. The following mainly describes the central concept behind and method used to construct the positive value vector of the positive examples.

In traditional visual dictionary representation methods, if there are M visual vocabularies, the visual dictionary representation method is equivalent to constructing an M-dimensional visual feature space; as each image is an object in the space, it can be represented linearly by M base feature vectors. Mis the number of visual words. The value of M depends on the number of visual words. Unlike some existing annotation methods that fix the number of annotations for each image, the number of annotations for each image in the proposed method isn’t a fixed value. Different images may have different numbers of annotations, which is more in line with the actual annotation situation. For images with simple semantics, the visual features of the image only contain the feature corresponding to a certain label, so the vector output by the model is basically close to the label each time, making the label corresponding to a higher number of times, while other labels appear less frequently. The threshold is filtered out, and the number of final annotations of the model is small. For complex images, the visual features of the image may include features corresponding to multiple tags. After random noise disturbance, each label in multiple labels has a greater probability of becoming The model outputs labels, so after passing multiple tests, the number of appearances of each label in the multiple labels will not be too small, and the final number of labels in the model will be large. From a semantic perspective, each image can be viewed as a combination of several textual concepts. If each textual concept can be represented as a feature vector in the visual feature space, then the visual feature vector of any image can be considered as the linear sum of several textual semantic vocabulary corresponding visual feature vectors, as shown in formula (3):

$$ \mathbf{I}={a}_1{\mathbf{w}}_1+\cdots +{a}_j{\mathbf{w}}_j+\cdots +{a}_M{\mathbf{w}}_M $$

Here, the coefficient is expressed as a Boolean type: set to 1 if there is a corresponding vocabulary in the image, and zero otherwise. This represents the visual eigenvector of the vocabulary.

When both the image feature vector and the vocabulary information it contains are known, the visual vector of each text vocabulary can be obtained from the matrix knowledge. However, the following difficulties are encountered by the formulas:

(1) Ideally, the eigenvectors of all semantic objects will be linearly independent, and can be used as the basis vectors for the semantic space. In reality, however, there are related visual patterns between different concepts, meaning that this assumption is difficult to establish strictly. (2) The vocabulary distribution of most image datasets is not balanced, and the number of images corresponding to some low-frequency vocabularies is much lower than the vector dimension. (3) When the feature vector dimension is high, the space-time complexity of the solution also increases; therefore, it is difficult to solve by traditional matrix methods or machine learning methods.

The characteristics of regional and local adjustment and description for deep learning mid-level features are strong, distinguishable and have an inherent semantic characterization ability. This paper proposes a fast annotation method based on positive sample mean vectors. The basic idea is that while the problem is not directly solvable by the other program, for the characteristics of the deep learning mid-level feature, the feature vector of any text vocabulary can be approximated by the mean of all image feature vectors containing the vocabularies. Taking the vocabulary wj as an example, if N images contain this item, then N images are represented by semantic concept eigenvectors, and formula (4) can be constructed as follows:

$$ \left\{\begin{array}{c}{\mathbf{I}}_1={a}_{1,1}{\mathbf{w}}_1+\cdots +{a}_{1,j}{\mathbf{w}}_j+\cdots +{a}_{1,M}{\mathbf{w}}_M\\ {}{\mathbf{I}}_2={a}_{2,1}{\mathbf{w}}_1+\cdots +{a}_{2,j}{\mathbf{w}}_j+\cdots +{a}_{2,M}{\mathbf{w}}_M\\ {}\vdots \\ {}{\mathbf{I}}_N={a}_{N,1}{\mathbf{w}}_1+\cdots +{a}_{N,j}{\mathbf{w}}_j+\cdots +{a}_{N,M}{\mathbf{w}}_M\end{array}\right. $$

Here, the coefficient is expressed as Boolean. If there is a corresponding vocabulary in the image, otherwise 0), while wjrepresents the visual feature vector of vocabulary wj.

This paper proposes that the visual feature vector of vocabularywj can be approximated by the sample mean vector containing the lexical positive case, as in formula (5):

$$ {\mathbf{w}}_j\approx {\mathbf{v}}_j=\frac{1}{N}\sum \limits_{I\in {\mathbf{S}}_j}\mathbf{I} $$

Here, I represents the feature vector of image I, while Sj represents a positive example image dataset of vocabulary wj. N is the number of positive example images. Substituting formula (4) into formula (5), the positive sample mean vector vj can be expressed by formula (6), as follows:

$$ {\mathbf{v}}_j=\frac{\sum \limits_{i=1}^N{a}_{i,1}}{N}{\mathbf{w}}_1+\dots +\frac{\sum \limits_{i=1}^N{a}_{i,j}}{N}{\mathbf{w}}_j+\dots +\frac{\sum \limits_{i=1}^N{a}_{i,M}}{N}{\mathbf{w}}_M $$

Here, N is the number of positive examples, while coefficient a is Boolean (a is 1 if there is a corresponding vocabulary in the image, otherwise a is 0) and wj represents the visual feature vector of vocabulary wj.

The larger the dataset size, the larger the size of the image subset containing the vocabulary, and the closer the vj calculated by Formula (5) is to the vector wj of the vocabulary wj; this is because, when the image size increases, the coefficient wj of the jth vector \( \frac{1}{N}\sum \limits_{i=1}^N{a}_{i,j} \)is closer to 1, while the coefficient \( \frac{1}{N}\sum \limits_{i=1,x\ne j}^N{a}_{i,x} \)of the other vectors is closer to 0. Therefore, the larger the dataset size, the closer the lexical visual feature vector vj constructed by the positive mean vector method is to the true eigenvector wj of the vocabulary wj.Therefore, the positive case mean vector of all keywords is generated according to Formula (4), and the text semantic concept is transformed to visual lexical vector representation, so that the visual feature vector library of the text vocabulary can be constructed.

The annotation process based on the positive case mean vector involves the visual feature vectors of all words in the lexicon being calculated to be similar to the visual feature vectors of the image to be labeled, while some words with the greatest visual similarity are taken as the annotation words of the image. The similarity distance uses L2 distance, as in formula (7).

$$ sim\left(I,{w}_j\right)={Dist}_{L2}\left(\mathbf{I},{\mathbf{w}}_j\right) $$

This is the visual feature vector of the vocabulary, which is the visual feature vector of the image.

The training steps are as follows:

  1. (1)

    The image in the training dataset is divided into blocks of size 16*16, and the SIFT features and HOG features of the image block are respectively extracted.

  2. (2)

    The different features of the image are processed by the bag of words model, and after the feature is quantized, the bag of words representation v(di) of each image is formed.

  3. (3)

    The model is constructed to analyze the training samples represented by the word bag, and the topic distribution φ of each visual word and the potential topic distribution θd of each training image are obtained respectively.

  4. (4)

    The classification model is constructed using the obtained image potential topic distribution θd and the corresponding original annotation.

The annotation steps are as follows:

  1. (1)

    For the image to be labeled dnew in the training dataset, the word pocket representation v(dnew) of each image is obtained after step 1 and step 2 of the training process are performed.

  2. (2)

    The potential theme distribution θnew of the image to be annotated is learned according to the visual word topic distribution φ obtained by the training process.

  3. (3)

    The visual theme distribution θnew of the learned image to be labeled is input into the classifier of the training number, and the sequence of words to be labeled of the image to be labeled is obtained.

  4. (4)

    Selecting a plurality of to-be-labeled words with the highest probability to construct a set of annotated words of the image to be labeled.

6 The experimental results and analysis

6.1 Image annotation datasets and evaluation criterion

In order to accurately and objectively compare and evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the popular datasets Corel5k and IAPR TC-12 are selected; these two datasets are the most commonly used experimental datasets in the field of image annotation.

Corel5k is small, comprising 4500 training images and 500 testing images, along with a total of 260 semantic concepts. The overall size of the dataset is larger than the actual dataset size in many practical applications. Moreover, the IAPR TC-12 is larger in size than Corel5k, with a total of 19,623 images (17,663 training images and 1960 testing images) and 291 semantic concepts. The platform is Windows 10 with 64 bits. The hardware configuration is 3.60 GHz with i7–3790 CPU, NVIDA GeForce GTX 1080 with GPU, and 8GB memory, and the software environment is Matlab2016a. At present, the general image annotation datasets generally have an imbalance of label distribution, that is, different semantic labels have a large variance in the frequency of image collection. For example, in general, the words “sky” and “tree” in the image appear much higher in the dataset than the words “canyon” and “whales”. For the multi-label image datasets Corel5K and IAPR TC-12, the label distribution imbalance problem is shown in Table 2. Approximately 75% of the labels in the Corel5K and IAPR TC-12 datasets appear less frequently than the average label frequency.

Table 2 Description of image annotation datasets

When training the model, because the label distribution of the training dataset is unbalanced, the network output value corresponding to the high frequency word is very different from the network output value corresponding to the low frequency word, that is, the learned model is more sensitive to the high frequency tag than the low frequency tag. Thereby, the system has high accuracy for high frequency labeling, while low frequency labeling performance is low. Due to the large number of low frequency tags, the accuracy of the labeling of low frequency tags has an important influence on the overall tagging performance of the model.

In order to improve the labeling performance of low-frequency tags, noise is added to the high-frequency tags, so that the model’s preference for high-frequency tags is appropriately weakened during the training process, which is equivalent to enhancing the low-frequency tags that were originally ignored. The network model improves the labeling performance of low frequency tags.

The performance evaluation index adopts the most extensive Precision, Recall, F1 (F1-Score) and N+ in the image annotation task research field. In order to objectively evaluate the performance of the deep learning intermediate convolutional layer features extracted in the paper. Suppose a keyword is wi, then:

$$ {P}^i=\frac{precision\left({w}_i\right)}{prediction\left({w}_i\right)} $$
$$ {R}^i=\frac{precision\left({w}_i\right)}{Ground\left({w}_i\right)} $$

Wherein, precision(wi) is the number of correctly labeled images in the returned results. prediction(wi) is the number of all images automatically labeled as the keyword in the returned results. Ground(wi) is the number of images actually labeled as the keyword in the testing dataset, and the average of the accuracy and recall rate of all keywords are recorded as P and R respectively, with the specific formulas as follows:

$$ P=\frac{1}{M}\sum \limits_{i=1}^M{P}^i $$
$$ R=\frac{1}{M}\sum \limits_{i=1}^M{R}^i $$

F1 comprehensively reflects the balance of accuracy and recall rate. The higher the value of F1, the better the performance of the model. The calculation method of F1 is as follows:

$$ {F}_1=\frac{2\ast P\ast R}{P+R} $$

In addition, the experiments also uses N+ as the evaluation index, which reflects the number of keywords accurately predicted at least once in the dataset.

6.2 Parameter settings

In proposed method, the number of model themes determines the dimension of the representation vector in the image, so the number of themes will have a certain impact on the model performance and system efficiency. The number of subjects is too small, the training model can’t fully express the internal association of image dataset, and the large number will lead to the decrease of system efficiency. In the experiment, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 and 150 subjects were selected to experiment on the Corel 5 K dataset. The experimental results are shown in Table 3. When the number of subjects is 90, the system performance is better than others. Therefore, 90 subjects were used as system parameters in the paper.

Table 3 Experimental result comparison between our method and others on Corel5k dataset

In addition, the size of the visual dictionary also affects the performance of the proposed model. Its size determines the degree of image information loss. Theoretically, the larger the number of visual dictionaries is, the less the lost features will be, and better experimental results will be obtained. However, a large number of experiments can show that for specific tasks, when the size of visual dictionary reaches a certain range, the performance growth of image annotation is not obvious. With the continuous increase of the visual dictionary, the opposite effect may appear, and also reduce the experimental efficiency. For specific tasks, when the size of visual dictionary is 2000, the experimental effect is the best. If the number of visual words of SIFT features and HOG features is 1000 respectively, an image can be represented by 2000 dimensional histogram.

6.3 The experimental results and comparative analysis

The experimental results are compared with the results of traditional annotation techniques using traditional artificial features (MBRM, JEC) and the application of deep learning features to JEC-AF, JEC-DF, 2PKNN and other complex annotation algorithms. Similar to the deep learning network model in Murthy et al. [29], the deep learning network model in this paper uses a complex VGG-16 network. In line with the network structure and convolutional kernel, two layers of data with Conv5 are selected as the local feature information of original image. The results of experiments on the smaller-scale dataset Corel5k and the larger-scale dataset IAPR TC-12 are shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.

Table 4 Experimental result comparison between our method and others on IAPR TC-12 dataset

The experimental results in Tables 3 and 4 demonstrate that the main performance indicators of the proposed method are not only superior to the annotation models MBRM and JEC using artificial features (whether on the smaller dataset Corel5k or the larger dataset IAPR TC-12), but are also better than the annotation model JEC and 2PKNN using deep learning end-to-end features. The experimental results in Table 3 show that the proposed method is slightly better than other methods on the smaller-scale Corel5k dataset. Moreover, the experimental results in Table 4 show that in the larger-scale dataset IAPR TC-12, all indicators except for N+ (which is slightly lower than 2PKNN) are obviously superior for our solution than other solutions. The comprehensive evaluation index F1 score is higher than that for MBRM, JEC-AF (Artificial Features), JEC-DF (Deep Features), and 2PKNN (Deep Features), with increases of 63%, 35%, 60% and 32% respectively.

The frequency of semantic vocabulary in each dataset is very uneven. The number of vocabulary occurrences of the highest and lowest frequencies in Corel5k dataset are 1004 and 1, respectively; for the IAPR TC-12 dataset, these images are 4998 and 43. In order to further analyze the relationship between word frequency and the constructed lexical feature vector, the labeling effect of different frequency vocabularies in each dataset is counted. The vocabulary is divided into three levels according to word frequency: namely, high-frequency words, medium-frequency words and low-frequency words. The performance statistics of different frequency vocabularies on the Corel5K and IAPR TC-12 datasets are presented in Tables 5 and 6 respectively.

Table 5 The annotation performance of words with different frequency level on Corel5k dataset
Table 6 The annotation performance of words with different frequency level on IAPR TC-12 dataset

We then analyze the performance of different frequency annotations on the two datasets to present the following three characteristics. Firstly, in the same dataset, the annotation performance increases as the word frequency increases. Secondly, in the smaller-scale Corel5k dataset, the number of low-frequency words is too small (average less than eight samples), while the corresponding annotation performance is significantly lower. Thirdly, as the dataset size increases, the vocabulary samples of various frequencies also increase, such that the performance gap between low-frequency and high-frequency words begins to narrow. This confirms the reasoning in Formula (4) and Formula (5) that the larger the size of the image dataset, the closer the constructed feature vector is to the feature vector of the object vocabulary, and therefore, the better the image annotation effect achieved by the proposed method.

Due to the high complexity of the various artificial feature models involved in 2PKNN and JEC, the time costing of these features is not provided in the existing related data, and the associated models are more complicated. The experimental link failed to complete the contrast experiment in the same experimental environments; therefore, Tables 5 and 6 describe the annotation performance of words with different frequency level on Corel5k and IAPR TC-12 dataset.

In theory, however, the time and space complexities of these algorithms are larger than the method proposed in this paper. The proposed method does not require training the deep learning model. The feature extraction time of the Corel5k testing image dataset is 55 s, while for the traditional end-to-end deep learning fine-tuning method, the model training time is eight hours; moreover, the testing image data feature extraction time is 70 s. In the larger-scale IAPR TC-12 dataset, the image feature extraction time of this method is 330 s, while the traditional end-to-end deep learning fine-tuning method model training time is 10 h and the testing image data feature extraction time is 360 s. If the number of testing images is T, the number of training images is N, and the number of visual words included in the dataset is W, the time complexity of JEC and 2PKNN is O(T × N). The time complexity of the proposed method is O(T × W), because the number of training images in the dataset N is much larger than the number of vocabularies W (e.g., Corel5k: 4500 training images, 260 words; IAPR TC-12: 17,825 training images, 291 words). Therefore, the time costing of the method proposed in this paper is also significantly lower than that of JEC and 2PKNN, which is also much lower than labeling models such as MBRM.

In addition, in order to verify the adaptability of the proposed method to domain migration, an experiment was completed on the ESP Game dataset; the ImageNet dataset used in the VGG-16 model pre-training in this paper is the natural scene domain image. The two most commonly used datasets in the image annotation field, Corel5k and IAPR TC-12, are mostly natural scene images. The ESP Game dataset has a total of 20,770 images, of which 18,689 are testing images and 2981 are testing images; the dataset also contains 268 semantic concepts. Results of experiments completed on the ESP Game dataset under the same experimental method are presented in Table 6. These results show that the annotation performance of the proposed method is better than that of other methods on the image datasets of different researching fields from the dataset of the pre-trained training model. This allows us to conclude that the proposed method has strong adaptability to domain migration (Table 7).

Table 7 Experimental result comparison between our method and others (ESP Game)

Table 8 can show an demo of the labeling results of some images after labeling using the proposed method in the paper. It can be seen from Table 8 that although some words predicted by the proposed method (expressed in italic bold font) are not the true labels of the testing image, from the perspective of the semantic content of the image, these words can correctly express part of the image content. However, these predicted labeled words were judged as wrong labels in the process of calculating the precision and recall rates, which not only did not improve the recall rate, but led to a decrease in the precision rate. Combining the description of the datasets in Tables 3 and 4, the average number of annotations per image in the IAPR TC-12 dataset is 5.7, but in the Corel5K dataset there are only 3.5. This is due to the incomplete annotation of the datasets. The resulting of “weak annotation” is more obvious in the Corel5K dataset, which to a certain extent leads to the low precision of the Corel5K dataset.

Table 8 Predicted and ground-truth labels for Corel5K and IAPR TC-12 datasets.

7 Conclusions

Since the image is composed of an unstructured pixel array, to complete the automatic image annotation task, it is first necessary to extract effective visual features from these image pixels. Feature extraction can usually be performed on different scales such as global images or regional images. Currently, both methods were used in existing image annotation systems, but the more widely used was based on region features. Global features can be calculated directly from the entire image, while region-based methods need to be firstly processed using image segmentation techniques. Although deep learning has become a research hotspot in recent years, the data threshold and system configuration required to train these models are relatively high, which restricts the application of this approach. In this paper, based on the versatility of the visual model of the mid-level deep learning model, a method of extracting the convolutional characteristics of the mid-level is developed and studied. Based on this, an image annotation method based on positive examples is proposed. Compared with the traditional end-to-end deep features, which rely on large-scale dataset model training, the deep learning mid-level convolution feature extraction method used in the paper does not require a large-scale dataset training model, meaning that the deep feature data volume and hardware costs are reduced. The proposed annotation method has less space-time overhead and is more thus suitable for the processing and online labeling of large-scale datasets. In addition, since the final label vocabulary of the testing image depends mainly on the visual feature vector of the text vocabulary rather than the feature vector of the training image, the proposed method also helps to alleviate the problem of unbalanced training data categories.