1 Introduction

In a digital information explosion age, people take advantages of convenience and rapidness because billions of digital contents, such as movies, music, texts and photos, are brought from networking deployment and progress. Ubiquitous networks bring us convenience and privilege in knowledge-sharing. Yet, they also make it easier to transport and consume digital contents illegally. Therefore, some solutions to deter illegal piracy problems should be done.

Unlike data hiding [15, 17, 18] or fragile watermarking [1, 13, 16], robust watermarking, a technique for the copyright protection of digital contents, is a good way to solve illegal piracy problems [4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 20, 21, 23]. An identical copyright signal is embedded into a multimedia content and extracted out for proving the lawful ownership later on. Besides, watermarking protocols are designed to trace illegal distributors [2, 3, 57, 10, 14, 22, 24] at the same time. A unique watermark embedded into each sold copy can be used to track illegal customers when suspicious distributors are found. In buyer-seller watermarking protocols, a seller inserts a unique watermark, used for copy deterrence, into a copy of the content before selling to a buyer. In such a way, it is possible to trace illegal buyers when unauthorized copies are found.

Firstly, Qian and Nahrstedt proposed a copyright-protection protocol [14] for the owner–customer relationship. The drawback of their protocol was the seller could possess the exact protected copy even though it had been sold, which implied that the buyer could claim that the found unauthorized copy was distributed by the seller. Thus, Memon and Wong [10] proposed an asymmetric watermarking protocol scheme, in which they defined the buyer to be the only one, who had the right to possess the watermarked content. Subsequently, Horng and Chen [5] improved Memon and Wong’s scheme by enabling anonymous transactions between buyers and sellers so as to protect the privacy of the buyers. Inspired by Memon and Wong’s scheme, Cheung and Curreem [3] proposed a second-hand watermarking protocol; however, Chen et al. [2] pointed out their potential security weakness and then presented an improved version with the property of anonymity. Actually almost at the same time, Lei et al. [7] proposed a buyer-seller watermarking protocol in 2004 and also pointed out that Memon and Wong’s scheme would be at risk for the unbinding problem. The problem says that when a seller gets a copy, and transplants the watermark of this copy to another more expensive, he then accuses the copy’s owner of illegal piracy. Apart from this, the anonymous problem was taken into considerations in Lei et al.’s scheme; thus, each buyer was given an anonymous certificate during each transaction to achieve the property of anonymity. Later on, Zhang et al. [24] presented a secure buyer-seller watermarking protocol without a trusted third party (TTP). Wu-Pang [22] and Katzenbeisser et al. [6] respectively proposed their buyer-seller watermarking protocols by adopting symmetric ciphers instead, different from those by adopting homomorphic public key encryption to reduce the computational cost.

For a secure and efficient watermarking protocol, some problems should be highlighted and discussed first.

  • Piracy tracing problems: If a pirated copy is found, the system is able to disclose the identity of the illegal buyer.

  • Symmetry problems: The seller should not be aware of the watermarked copy which is uniquely linked to the buyer; otherwise, the judge cannot determine which the real identity of the distributor is, the buyer or the seller, if one illegal copy is found.

  • Unbinding problems: A situation says that a seller finds a copy and transplants the embedded watermark of this copy to another more expensive content, and then he accuses the copy’s buyer of piracy.

  • Buyer privacy exposure problems: The identity of a buyer should not be disclosed during transactions unless he is committed to be an illegal distributor.

  • Multiple watermark insertion problems: Watermarking is designed to protect images. However, multiple watermarking resulted in the quality degradation of the protected images. In fact, the degradation is directly proportioned to the times of watermark-embedding. Ideally, an image would be embedded once only. Multiple watermarking obviously causes the problem of watermark detection ambiguity, which means the latter watermark may damage the former so that accurate detection of the original watermark is more difficult.

Unfortunately, all aforementioned schemes [2, 3, 57, 10, 22, 24] required the seller to embed at least two watermarks into a digital content. To avoid the unwanted affection in embedding/extraction operations, these schemes were forced to have more complex watermark-embedding approaches.

To have a secure and efficient watermarking protocol, we apply visual crytography [11] into Lei et al.’s protocol to form a new buyer-seller watermarking protocol. When the seller finds an unauthorized copy, he reconstructs the transaction watermark. Accordingly, the system identifies the malicious buyer and sends the related transaction records to the judge as proof that the buyer is guilty of illegal piracy. The proposed protocol, compared with the related ones, can easily solve the problem of multiple watermarking to diminish the two concerns of image quality distortion and the earlier embedded watermarks been destroyed.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The techniques of privacy homomorphism and visual cryptography are briefly introduced in the next section. In Section 3, the proposed protocol is described in details. And the further discussions are given in Section 4. The concluding remarks are done in Section 5.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Privacy homomorphism

The property of privacy homomorphism is usually considered as an encryption tool on processing encrypted data. Let (a, b) be two secrets and (E(a), E(b)) be their respective encrypted items. The privacy homomorphism shows E(a)⨂E(b) ≡ E(ab), which means the result of operating two encrypted items is equivalent to that of operating two secrets first and then encrypting it later on. RSA [19], one of the well-known cryptosystems, satisfies the property of privacy homomorphism. With respect to the watermark-insertion operator, the privacy homomorphism function of RSA shows E(a)E(b)≡(a e)(b e)≡(ab)e mod n≡ E(ab)mod n, where E(.) is the RSA encryption algorithm with the public encryption key e and the modulus n.

2.2 Visual cryptography

The t-out-of-n visual cryptography, saying (t, n), was first proposed by Naor and Shamir [11] in 1995. For a secret, it will be split into n shares. If t or more shares are collected and stacked, the original secret can be disclosed. For example, let (2,2) be the visual cryptography and six 2 × 2 subpixels , , , , , be its codebook, shown in Table 1. Now, suppose the secret is a binary image and the generated shares will be photocopied onto transparencies. As usual, the outputs of visual white pixels are transparent. Thus, two shares are generated as follows. Every pixel in the secret image will be encoded into two 2 × 2 subpixels for Share1 and Share2 respectively. The rule is one of the subpixels from the codebook chosen for a share to display the white if the pixel is white; otherwise, to display the black if the pixel is black. When two shares/transparencies are stacked, it is obvious from Table 1 that the result for a white pixel in the secret image would be one of the codebook; that is, , , , , , . Contrarily, the result for a black pixel of the secret image goes to identically. Briefly speaking, the stacked subpixels for a black pixel of the secret image go to all black. Therefore, we can reconstruct the secret image visually by the rule that if the stacked results are all-black subpixels, the corresponding pixel of the secret image is recovered as black; otherwise, it would be white.

Table 1 Shares generated by codebook of (2,2) visual cryptography

Take a binary logo image for example. The secret image shown in Fig. 1a is encoded into two visual secret shares, shown in Fig. 1b and c. When stacking the two shares, we can have the reconstructed image, shown in Fig. 1d. To recognize the original secret image from the reconstructed one becomes easier.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a the secret image; b, c the corresponding (2,2) shares and d the stacked image

3 The proposed scheme

To design a secure and efficient watermarking protocol, we apply the visual cryptography technique into Lei et al.’s protocol to form a new buyer-seller watermarking protocol so as to achieve the goal of diminishing the two main problems of multiple-watermarking insertion. Table 2 shows the notations used in this paper. It is worthwhile to note that any cryptosystem, not only RSA, satisfying the property of privacy homomorphism can be adopted.

Table 2 The notations used in this paper

3.1 Registration protocol

Suppose Buyer (B) with a pair of public keys (pk B , sk B ) wants to keep anonymous during a transaction, he has to require an anonymous certificate from CA. For B, CA generates an anonymous certificate along with a short-term key pair (pk * B , sk * B ) for the certain transaction. In the following is the registration protocol, depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Registration protocol

  1. 1.

    BCA: Cert, pk B .

    B sends CA his certificate (i.e. his identity) and his public key pk B .

  2. 2.

    CAB: Cert CA (pk * B ) and \( {E}_{p{k}_B}\left(p{k}_B^{*},s{k}_B^{*}\right) \).

    Once receiving pk B , CA verifies the validation of the buyer. If true, he generates a pair of temporary keys (pk * B , sk * B ) and an anonymous certificate Cert CA (pk * B ) for B. At the same time, CA encrypts the temporary keys as \( {E}_{p{k}_B}\left(p{k}_B^{*},s{k}_B^{*}\right) \) and then stores (pk B , pk * B ) in his database. Finally, he transmits Cert CA (pk * B ) and \( {E}_{p{k}_B}\left(p{k}_B^{*},s{k}_B^{*}\right) \) to B.

  3. 3

    B decrypts \( {E}_{p{k}_B}\left(p{k}_B^{*},s{k}_B^{*}\right) \) first and then verify the validation of Cert CA (pk * B ).

3.2 Watermarking protocol

Suppose B wants to purchase digital content X from seller (S), a common agreement between them, called AGR, has to be done first. Afterwards, AGR is regarded as a purchase contract during this transaction, uniquely binding to digital content X. In the following is the watermarking protocol, depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Watermarking protocol

  1. 1.

    B generates \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \) after he negotiates a common agreement, AGR, with S.

  2. 2.

    BS: Cert CA (pk * B ), AGR, \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \)

  3. 3.

    When having these messages, S verifies whether Cert CA (pk * B ) and \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \) valid or not. If yes, S generates a watermark O V , which denotes the transaction information in a form of binary logo images.

  4. 4.

    SWCA: Cert CA (pk * B ), AGR, \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \), O V

  5. 5.

    When having these messages, WCA verifies whether Cert CA (pk * B ) and \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \) valid or not. If yes, WCA generates a watermark S W , randomly chosen from the VC codebook. Apart from watermark S W , WCA also figures out the following messages, \( {E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right) \), \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \) and S 1=\( Sig{n}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right)\left|\right|p{k}_B^{*}\left|\right|Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR)\right) \). Finally, he generates a secret share S B by applying the visual cryptography function; that is, S B f VC (O C , S W ) and then calculates \( {E}_{p{k}_S}\left({S}_B\right) \). Note that if watermark S W and secret share S B are stacked, the watermark O V is emerged from the stacked result.

  6. 6.

    WCAS: \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \), s 1, \( {E}_{p{k}_S}\left({S}_B\right) \)

  7. 7.

    When receiving these messages, S verifies s 1 first and decrypts \( {E}_{p{k}_S}\left({S}_B\right) \). And then he embeds \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \) into X to have \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left(X\hbox{'}\right) \), where \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left(X\hbox{'}\right)={E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}(X) \)\( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \) and ⊕ is the operation of embedding. At last, S stores \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \), Cert CA (pk * B ), AGR, \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \), s 1, O V , S B into his database.

  8. 8.

    SB: \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left(X\hbox{'}\right) \)

  9. 9.

    B decrypts \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left(X\hbox{'}\right) \) to get X ', where X '=\( X\oplus {E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right) \).

3.3 Identification and dispute protocol

Suppose S finds an unauthorized copy, called Y, he extracts \( {E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right) \) from Y first and decrypts it to get S W  ', where S W  '=\( {D}_{p{k}_{WCA}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \). Then retrieving secret share S i from each record of {\( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \), Cert CA (pk * B ), AGR, \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \), s 1, O V , S B } stored in his database, he stacks S W  ' with share S i to form a watermark saying \( {O}_{V_i}\hbox{'} \). Then he compares \( {O}_{V_i}\hbox{'} \) and \( {O}_{V_i} \) with respect to S i to decide the one with the highest correlation over the threshold of a predetermined confidence level. Note that this operation can be performed within a computation device. Finally, If \( {O}_{V_i}\hbox{'} \) and \( {O}_{V_i} \) are matched, the seller sends the corresponding whole record of the exact secret share S i and the watermark \( {O}_{V_i} \) as well to J.

  1. 1.

    SJ: \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \), Cert CA (pk * B ), AGR, \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \), s 1, Y

  2. 2.

    J verifies whether Cert CA (pk * B ), \( Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR) \) and s 1 valid or not. If yes, he computes \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}(Y) \) and checks whether \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}(Y) \) is a part of \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \). If it is, J asks CA for the real identify of the buyer with pk * B .

4 Security analysis and discussions

In this section, we will demonstrate the security analysis and evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. According to various security problems mentioned above, the comparisons are listed in Table 3. The performance comparisons of the proposed scheme and the related works in terms of computational cost are shown in Table 4.

Table 3 The comparison among the related schemes and the proposed scheme
Table 4 Comparison of performance among the related schemes and the proposed scheme for (a) registration and watermarking protocols and (b) Identification and dispute protocol

4.1 Security analysis

Five propositions will be presented to demonstrate that the proposed scheme can address the security problems highlighted above.

Proposition 1

The proposed scheme can resist the piracy tracing problem.


In the identification and dispute protocol (Section 3.3), S can find the identity of the potentially malicious buyer B. If B did illegally distribute copy Y, J would successfully assure that \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \) did exist in \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}(Y) \) and asked CA for the real identity of the buyer with pk * B .

Proposition 2

The proposed scheme can resist the buyer privacy exposure problem.


The proposed scheme takes the advantage of anonymous certificates to keep the anonymity of B. B uses his anonymous certificate during transaction such that what S can track is the pseudonym. The pseudonym keeps B anonymous, unless he is confirmed to be guilty by J. Without revealing the real identity of B, B’s privacy will not be compromised.

Proposition 3

The proposed scheme can resist the symmetry problem.


Suppose S wants to cheat B, he distributes a watermarked copy X’, which has already been sold to B. However, S does not know the identity of B (by Proposition 2) and he also has no idea which the exact copy is sold even if he has the list of the customers/members. Moreover, based upon the privacy homomorphism, the embedding is executed in the format of ciphers. S cannot decrypt the messages \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left(X\hbox{'}\right) \), \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}(X) \) and \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right) \) he holds without the corresponding short-term private key sk * B . Therefore, the only participant that can decrypt the encrypted copy \( {E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left(X\hbox{'}\right) \) is B. Since S does not know the exact watermarked copy in the proposed protocol, B cannot claim that the unauthorized copy is resold or distributed by S. The asymmetry property is proved.

Proposition 4

The proposed scheme can resist the unbinding problem.


For the unbinding problem, the signature s 1=\( Sig{n}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({E}_{p{k}_B^{*}}\left({E}_{s{k}_{WCA}}\left({S}_W\right)\right)\left|\right|p{k}_B^{*}\left|\right|Sig{n}_{s{k}_B^{*}}(AGR)\right) \) binds S W to AGR together with pk * B . It provides the proof that the buyer purchases content X binding with the transaction document AGR. Hence, S has no feasible way to transplant the watermark to the other contents.

Proposition 5

The proposed scheme can resist the multiple watermark insertion problems.


Due to one and only one watermark S W is embedded in the proposed protocol, it is trivial to show that our scheme has no problem with the multiple watermarking.

From the five propositions, the proposed scheme obviously can solve the problems when designing a secure and efficient watermarking protocol, especially the multiple-watermarking insertion problem. Table 3 depicts how well the proposed scheme works when compared with the related schemes, in terms of functionalities resisting the essential requirements such as piracy tracing problems, symmetry problems, unbinding problems, buyer privacy exposure problems, and multiple watermark insertion problems.

4.2 Computational cost

Table 4 shows the computation cost among the related works and the proposed scheme. Note that the computational cost of asymmetric cryptography is 100 to 1000 times of that of symmetric cryptography. Thus, the proposed scheme decreases the number of watermark embedding incidences without increasing computation cost significantly.

Claim 1

The proposed scheme is efficient other than security resistance.


Comparing with the related works, the proposed scheme has no problem with the multiple-watermarking insertion. Clearly, the proposed scheme requires the time of watermark embedding only once. It then saves additional time because embedding a watermark needs extra complex computation of mathematic operations such as discrete cosine/wavelet transform over the whole image/audio/video. Moreover, by the technique of visual cryptography to trace the illegal distributor, the computation cost involving Boolean OR operation is trivial and can be neglected. The extra en(de)cryption or signature signing/verifying operations (referring to Table 4) are mainly introduced to solve the security problems existing in Ref. [7, 10, 24]. Thus the proposed scheme is efficient other than security resistance.

Claim 2

The proposed scheme is practical other than security resistance.


The practicality of this scheme depends on the deployment cost of trusted third parties. In reality, the less memory the trusted third party needs for storing buyer’s identity, public key, pseudonym, and so on, the less costly the system will be. In the proposed scheme, each trusted third party (CA, WCA, and J) can be of no memory devices. WCA and J are not required to maintain a database to store users’ information. In the registration phase, CA stores B’s public key and his pseudonym. However, CA can encrypt every pk B and stores it in the extension field of each anonymous certificate Cert CA (pk * B ). Therefore, it is unnecessary for CA to memorize the association between the real identities and the anonymous certificates. Since the proposed scheme can be designed to utilize low-cost trusted third parties, it is practical for purpose other than security resistance.

5 Concluding remarks

The conjunction of cryptosystems and watermarking schemes provides a feasible approach for piracy tracing. In this paper, we highlight the way of designing a general model for buyer-seller watermarking protocol by introducing computation-cheap visual cryptography to reduce the possible damages of multiple watermarking.