1 Introduction

Intelligent visual surveillance has been gaining more attention from the community due to the increasing importance and needs of crime prevention and anti-terrorist applications. Human detection and tracking from video sequences is naturally a key issue for intelligent visual surveillance. Many methods have been proposed for human detection and tracking so far: Zhao et al. [20] integrated fast gradient Hough transform, hair-color distribution model and circle existence model to detect human heads. Yang et al. [18] used skin color and head shape model to achieve this task. The color used in the method mentioned above may be confused with other objects in complex background. Besides, the above method is not suitable for complex situations such as several people moving in the scene with partial occlusion. Yuk et al. [19] proposed a probabilistic model based shape contour matching algorithm to detect and locate head-like objects. For this method, good motion segmentation or edge detection result is needed as an initialization step. Besides, they assumed that the head-like shape is an ellipse or a special shape. Xie et al. [16] used an adaptive detector to detect heads based on the Histogram of Gradients (HoG) feature. It is time-consuming to compute HoG feature descriptor and a large head region is needed to extract HoG feature, which limits its practical application. Wang and Tian [14] detected head based on head detectors with Haar feature and Adaboost algorithm. The Haar feature is robust in complex dynamic scenes and relatively less time-consuming compared with HoG feature. The main challenge in using a detector for head tracking is that it is prone to make errors when the detector’s output is unreliable. The increasing of detection rates would result in the increasing of false positive rates, so a tradeoff between the detection rates and false positive rates should be determined. To alleviate this dilemma, head plane estimation based on 3D information was employed in [1]. The head plane estimation makes a few key assumes, for example, the camera’s intrinsic parameters need to be known beforehand, and all human heads are approximately the same size. Moreover, the 3D head plane refinement increases the complexity of the algorithm.

To address these issues, many researchers have proposed tracking methods that utilize object detection [3, 4, 6, 15, 17]. These tracking methods link detection responses to trajectories by global optimization based on position, size, and appearance similarity. They are with high complexity and are prone to yield identity-switches and trajectory fragments due to false detections and occlusion. In [2], Benfold et al. presented a multi-target tracking system that is designed specifically for stable and accurate head location estimates. They used data association over a sliding window of frames, and their system is multi-threaded combining asynchronous HoG detections with simultaneous KLT tracking and Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo Data Association (MCMCDA). Their system is different from our proposed method mainly in the following three parts: 1) We used foreground segmentation to speed up the detection and reduce the false alarm rate; 2) We applied a particle filter to track each object while Benfold et al. using simultaneous KLT tracking; 3) We used AdaBoost cascade detectors for real-time head detection.

Aiming at the limits aforementioned, a novel framework has been proposed in this paper to detect and track multiple humans for real-time general purpose video surveillance: A multi-scale wavelet transformation using frame difference is developed to segment motion foreground. AdaBoost cascade classifier is adopted to detect heads only over Region Of Interest (ROI) specified by the extracted foreground bounding rectangle instead of the entire input image. One particle filter is employed for each head during tracking. A new trajectory for an object is initialized in the subsequent detection. A head-confirmation mechanism is proposed to confirm the head and recover the missing head not being detected. We keep the object identity invariant during tracking even if unavoidable occlusion occurs. The first contribution of the paper is that, one particle filter is employed for each tracked head and the appearance models of heads are updated based on fusion of color histogram and oriented gradients. The object identities are kept invariant during tracking even if unavoidable occlusion occurs in dynamic scenarios. A second contribution is that an associative mechanism of detection and tracking has been developed. Some missed detections can be recovered and some false detections can be eliminated from the proposed mechanism. Besides, the result of detection can be used to correct tracking result to improve the accuracy. A third important contribution is to fast detect and track multiple human in ordinary hardware settings from a general scene without any hypothesis for the scenario contents beforehand. Comparisons with state-of-the-arts have indicated the superior performance of our method.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Head detection is described in Section 2; In Section 3, head tracking is discussed; Head confirmation is presented in Section 4; Experimental results and analysis are shown in Section 5 and followed by some conclusions in Section 6.

2 Head detection

2.1 Foreground segmentation

In order to reduce head detection time and eliminate false head detection from background, multi-scale wavelet transformation (WT) using frame difference is developed to segment foreground. The low-pass and high-pass filters of the WT naturally break a signal into similar (low-pass) and discontinuous (high-pass) sub-signals [7], which effectively combines the two basic properties into a single approach. The low-pass sub-signals serve as a similar functionality as the Gaussian mixture model (Gaussian filters are low-pass), while the high-pass sub-signals we used are the Sobel edge detectors (as in [7]) which serve as the data consistency term of adjacent pixels in the segmentation algorithm. Since the HSV color space corresponds closely to the human perception of colors and it explicitly separates chromaticity and luminosity, it is selected to be used here instead of other color models. We define a foreground mask P f for each pixel (x, y) as follows.

$$ {P}_f=\left\{\begin{array}{l}1,{E}_{\varDelta V}\ge {T}_{\varDelta V}\wedge {E}_{\varDelta S}\ge {T}_{\varDelta S}\\ {}0, otherwise\end{array}\right. $$

where ∆V and ∆S are the difference between the two successive frames of the value and saturation component, respectively; E ∆V , E ∆S are multi-scale WT across ∆V, and ∆S, respectively; T ∆V ,T ∆S represent a threshold value of ∆V, and ∆S, respectively.

To remove ghost effects in which the extracted foreground region is larger than the actual moving object, the WT-based edge detection is used to extract edges of current frame as following

$$ {P}_e=\left\{\begin{array}{l}1,{E}_V\ge {T}_V\\ {}0, otherwise\end{array}\right. $$

where V is the value component of current frame, T V is a threshold value for E v .

A logical AND operation is applied on the P f and P e to extract the foreground region mask P for each pixel (x, y) as follow:

$$ P={P}_f\wedge {P}_e $$

A morphological process can be applied to the extracted foreground for its completeness. Some examples of CAVIAR sequences from [12] are given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Motion object extraction results. a. An example binary foreground mask. b. Foreground objects detected with bounding rectangles

2.2 Head training and detection

Based on the foreground segmented, we detect heads only over the ROI, which is specified by the extracted foreground bounding with a rectangle (seen from Fig. 1b), instead of the entire image. Before detecting heads, we train a classifier to get a detector off line as follows. We collected 7100 images of human heads and 1, 2000 negative images without heads from different videos and cropped them to the size of 12 × 12 pixels Footnote 1 at first. Some of these images are collected using our own video cameras while the rest are from the Internet. We train these samples using the AdaBoost cascade detector [13]. We detect heads based on the trained detector at an interval of one frame. Some examples of detection results are given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Some results of heads detection

3 Head tracking

One particle filter [5] is employed for each tracked head, namely, each head trajectory contains a particle filter. The initial distribution of the particle is centered at the location of the head as detected and the initial weight of each particle is set w 0  = 1/30 in the paper. [1] also proposed to use particle filters and an appearance model for head tracking, however, in this paper, we adopted a Gaussian kernel to compute the particle’s likelihood, and the confirmation-by-classification mechanism in [1] is discarded.

4 Head confirmation

Head confirmation consists of four functions including false detection suppression, recovery from miss, data association of detection and tracking, and occlusion handing. Some details are described as follows.

4.1 False detection suppression

In the process of detecting head as mentioned above, some tracking errors may exist due to false detection. To overcome this problem, a head count method is developed as follows. When a head is detected, we do not consider it as a true head directly at first. We allocate a transient trajectory for it. The initial value of head count O j with trajectory j is set to be 0.5. For the updated head’s position in each subsequent frame, we confirm the estimated position through detection. When the trajectory j is confirmed, we increase the head count O j ; otherwise, decrease it. Besides, we set both threshold values as O up1 and O down . The initial head of the trajectory is confirmed when the head count O j first reaches to the value O up1, and eliminated when the head count O j downs to the value O down .

4.2 Recovery from miss

Since head may be missed in the process of detecting and tracking caused by occlusion or incomplete foreground segmented, it is necessary to recover true detection from miss. To address this issue, new heads not being predicted previously by the existing trajectories over the ROI are searched. Discriminating the detected heads about whether they are new ones or previous predicted ones by existing trajectories based on data association of detection and tracking will be discussed later. Since some true motion trajectories of head may not be detected for several frames, both head count update strategies are employed to solve this problem as follows.

$$ {O}_j=\left\{\begin{array}{l}{O}_j-0.5,{O}_j\ge {O}_{down}\\ {} remove,{O}_j<{O}_{down}\end{array}\right. $$
$$ {O}_j=\left\{\begin{array}{l}{O}_j+0.5,0\le {O}_j<{O}_{up1}\\ {}{O}_{jm},{O}_{up1}\le {O}_j<{O}_{jm}\\ {}{O}_j+1,{O}_{jm}\le {O}_j<{O}_{up2}\\ {}{O}_{up2},{O}_j\ge {O}_{up2}\end{array}\right. $$

where O down , O up1, O jm , O up2 are thresholds, remove means that the trajectory should be considered as a false one and be removed in the next frame; O j in Eq.(4) represents the case of estimated head position of trajectory j being not confirmed at the current frame, while O j in Eq.(5) represents the case of estimated head position of trajectory being confirmed at the current frame (discussed in experimental results further).

4.3 Data association of detection and tracking

We introduce an incidence matrix based on minimum Euclidean distance to construct associative mechanism of detection and tracking in this section. Denote some estimated head positions for each existing trajectory as T j , T j ∈{T 1 ,T 2 ,…,T n } (n is the number of existing trajectories), and the detected head positions at the current frame as H i , H i ∈{H 1 ,H 2 ,…,H m } (m is the number of detected heads at the current frame). The incidence matrix R is defined as following (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

An incidence matrix R

For each detected head H i , i ∈{1,2,…,m}, we calculate the Euclidean distance d ji between H i and T j , j = 1,…,n separately. Find a minimum distance d ji (min) and its corresponding T p , p∈{1,2,…,n}. Set the correspondingφ pi (j = p) as 1, and othersφ ji (j ≠ p) as 0. There is only one value 1 in each column at the matrix R, while there may be more than one value 1 for each row at the matrix R. The formation of this matrix is of similar rationale with the well-known inter-pixel correlation model introduced in [9].

We realize the associative mechanism of detection and tracking based on the matrix R as follows. For each row at the matrix R, calculate the sum as following.

$$ {r}_j={\displaystyle {\sum}_{i=1}^m{\varphi}_{jm}} $$

There are three cases for r j as follows. (1) When r j  = 0, it indicates that no detected head is associated with the trajectory j. In this case, the tracking result is the final one. The trajectory j does not need to be corrected. (2) When r j  = 1, it indicates that there is only one head is associated with the trajectory j. In this case, we need to judge whether this corresponding head i is belonging to the trajectory j or not. We introduce a threshold C which is set the width of the estimated head of the trajectory. If d ji (min) < C, we confirm the trajectory j is corresponding to the head i. Otherwise, we consider this head i as a new detected head and allocate a new trajectory for it. (3) When r j  > 1, it indicates that there are more than one heads are associated with the trajectory j. In this case, we use the size, color, and oriented gradient histogram of head to decide which head corresponds to the trajectory j. Interestingly, the selection process here can be explained by the optimal recovery theory [8] to some extend.

5 Experimental results and analysis

To test performance of the proposed approach, we have done experiments on a large number of real-world video sequences. To evaluate its performance with that of state-of-the-art methods, we select some public and collected by ourselves video datasets to test their performance at the same situations. All the experiments are performed in C++ project with OpenCV library, Pentium(R) 2.6GHz CPU and 3G RAM memory.

5.1 Tested videos

The first selected dataset is CAVIAR from [12], which is captured in a corridor with resolution 384 × 288 pixels. In the CAVIAR dataset, the color of human’s head is similar with that of background. There are inter-object occlusions and frequent interactions between human in the dynamic scenes, which makes it difficult to detect and track multiple heads.

The second selected dataset is UT-Interaction dataset from [11], which contains 6 classes of human-human interaction, hand shaking, punching, pushing, hugging, kicking and pointing with resolution 780 × 480 pixels. Several pairs of interacting persons execute activities simultaneously in the scene. Each video has different background, scale and illumination. The motion of head is instantaneous and fast with no rule. Besides, occlusion occurs due to movement of hand.

The third selected dataset is collected by ourselves captured more than 10,000 frames with resolution 400 × 304 pixels in a pedestrian street. Some pedestrians frequently go in and out the scene and the head is smaller than that of the above datasets.

5.2 Choice of parameters

In order to build a fair comparison with state-of-the-arts, some parameters mentioned above must be kept the same in the whole test. O down in (8) is set 0.5, and O up2 in (9) is set as twice of O jm . So we discuss O up1 and O jm only in (9).

We adopt Precision (also called positive predictive value), and Recall (also known as sensitivity) to analysis the performance with some different O up1 and O jm values. The Precision is the fraction of retrieved instances that are relevant, while Recall is the fraction of relevant instances that are retrieved. Some results of Precision and Recall with different O up1 and O jm values for the selected three datasets are shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 6, respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Precision and Recall with different values of O up1 and O jm for the CAVIAR dataset

Fig. 5
figure 5

Precision and Recall with different values of O up1 and O jm for the UT-Interaction dataset

Fig. 6
figure 6

Precision and Recall with different values of O up1 and O jm for ourselves dataset

One can note that the Precision increases with the increasing of O up1, while Recall decreases no matter which dataset is selected from Figs. 4, 5 and 6. On the contrary, Precision decreases, while Recall increases with increasing of O jm . We choose O up1 = 1.0 and O jm  = 4, which makes a trade-off between the Precision and Recall for all the three datasets.

5.3 Performance evaluation with state-of-the -arts

To test whether heads can be tracked efficiently or not using the improved particle filter based on fusion of color histogram and oriented gradient one, CAVIAR dataset and the particle filter based on the appearance of color histogram proposed in [5] are selected. There we detect head on the first frame and track head frame by frame. Some tracking results are given in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Some tracking results for the CAVIAR dataset. Results in the first row are from [10], results in the second row are our results

The above results show qualitative information about the effectiveness of our method in tracking heads. It is necessary to evaluate our whole performance with that of state-of-the-arts including [1, 19] quantitatively. The evaluation method proposed in [1] is used to test performance as shown in Table 1. It should be stated that our definition of FAT is different with the definition in [1]. The FAT mainly caused by two ways, one is that false detection is confirmed continuously, the other is that a true trajectory drifts for some reasons.

Table 1 Evaluation metrics

In order to make the definition be more visual, it is given in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Evaluation metrics

To establish a fair comparison, the above selected three video sequences are manually segmented to generate the ground-truth. Some results for the CAVIAR dataset are shown in Table 2, in which, the results of [19] and [1] are obtained by our own implemented code according to the descriptions provided by their respective authors.

Table 2 Some comparison results for CAVIAR dateset

From Table 2, we can find that the proposed method has the highest MT, the lowest values in Frag, and IDS among the three methods. Although the FAT is higher than that of method [19], the ML is much lower than that of [19]. The performance of our method is the best among the investigated methods as a whole.

In terms of the running time, the average processing time for each frame is about 180 ms for our method, while the methods in [19], [1] are 200 ms, 350 ms, respectively. It indicates that our proposed method has the fastest processing time among the investigated methods. Considering the fact that, [1] is using a much faster CPU (Intel Core i5 3.2), our method should have more advantage on this aspect.

Some head tracking examples are given in Fig. 9 for the CAVIAR dataset.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Some tracking results for the CAVIAR dataset

Some results for the UT-Interaction dataset are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Some results for the UT-Interaction dataset

From Table 3, one can note that the proposed method has the highest MT, and the lowest IDS among the three methods. Although the FAT is higher than that of [19], the ML and Frag in our paper are much lower than that of [19]. The performance of our method is the best among the investigated methods as a whole also.

In the average running time for each frame, our method is about 410 ms, while the method in [1] is 2,400 ms. The reason for [1] with great running time is as following. The method in [1] detects heads over the whole scene frame by frame. We detect heads only over the ROI at an interval of one frame. For the method in [19], the average runtime time for each frame is 380 ms, which is similar to ours. Some head tracking examples for the UT-Interaction dataset are shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Tracking results in UT-Interaction dataset. a. A scene with several people in the street, b. A scene with a large number of crowded people in the street

Some results for ourselves dataset are shown in Table 4. From Table 4, one can find that the proposed method has the highest MT, the lowest values in Frag, IDS and FAT among the three methods. It indicates that our method is far better than that of the investigated methods for oursevles datasets.

Table 4 Some results for ourselves dataset

In the running time, the average runtime per frame in the paper is about 130 ms, while the methods in [1] is 150 ms, 230 ms, respectively. It has been shown that our system is the most excellent in terms of this performance aspect. Some examples are shown in Fig. 11 for the dataset.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Some tracking results for ours dataset. a. A scene with high camera view angles, b. A scene with low camera view angles

To further emphasize the performance of our method in dealing with occlusion especially two or more heads overlap each other frequently, another indoor video is selected where several people walk in a line with 27 times cross movements at a short instant (about 20 frames). It is easy to cause the IDS problem in this selected video. Some examples are shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Some tracking results for frequent cross-movements

We test it in this video and compared it with that of methods in [19], [1], respectively. Some results are given in Table 5.

Table 5 Some results for frequent cross-movements

From Table 5, one can find that the IDS in our method are much less than that of the methods in [19] and [1]. It further indicates that the developed method has the best superiority in occlusion handling among the investigated methods.

By comparisons, it highlights that the proposed method has good performance among the investigated methods in detecting and tracking heads even if in the case of unavoidable occlusion.

6 Conclusions

An improved method is developed to detect and track multiple heads according to the fact that head is a rigid part of body. A particle filter is employed for each tracked head and head’s appearance model is updated based on fusion of color histogram and oriented gradient one. An associative mechanism of detection and tracking has been developed in which some missed detections can be recovered. The object identity is kept invariant during tracking even if unavoidable occlusion occurs in a dynamic scenario. Besides, the proposed method is fast to detect and track multiple human in an ordinary hardware from a general scene without any hypothesis for the scenario contents in advance. Comparative study with state-of-the-art human detection and tracking methods has indicated the superiority and good performance of our method.

In the future, we would do some robust features extraction to improve the performance of detection and tracking in dynamic scenarios.