1 Introduction

With e-commerce growing in popularity, online reviews are increasingly effective for customers to assess products, as well as merchants to grasp market sentiment on their products. Demand has thus been growing for opinion mining techniques that can automatically analyze user reviews from large quantities of written data and extract the most desired information for users. However, the unstructured review text brings difficulties to automatic analysis, which makes the development of the technology challenging.

Early approaches to this problem have focused on determining either the overall sentiment orientation (i.e., positive or negative) or the sentiment rating (e.g., one-to-five stars) of a review [2, 15, 16, 19]. However, only considering coarse overall ratings fails to adequately represent the multiple potential dimensions on which a product can be reviewed. As illustration in Fig. 1, while the cell phone review might express an overall sentiment rating of 3-stars, it additionally expresses positive sentiments toward the features voice quality, screen and button design, as well as negative sentiments toward the features battery and price.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A sample review with multiple product features and opinions

In contrast to determining an overall sentiment score for each review, many research efforts try to discover associated sentiments with specific product features [8, 10, 13]. A typical feature-based sentiment analysis algorithm works in two stages: (1) identifying feature mentions in reviews for each product; (2) identifying review sentences that give positive or negative opinions for each feature.

In this research, we study the problem of generating structured sentiment summaries of online reviews on the basis of product aspects. Here, an aspect, also known as facet, is defined as a product attribute in which customers are mainly interested. One aspect may be represented by multiple features. For instance, features may include cost, payment and money, all of which describe a price aspect. Since the number of features normally runs into hundreds, features are grouped into product aspects, and a structured sentiment summary is provided for each aspect. Figure 2 illustrates the summary about a particular product type cell phone, where its aspects are exhibited on the top layer. Under the hierarchy of each aspect, opinionated review sentences accompanied with the related product names are ranked in a descending order of sentiment strength over each sentiment orientation. So it is convenient for potential consumers to make a purchase decision when they are only concerned about some aspects of a product type.

Fig. 2
figure 2

An example of structured sentiment summary

For realizing the feature-based sentiment analysis of online product reviews and acquiring the above summary, we implement a holistic model called SSPA (Sentiment Summarization on Product Aspects), which integrates the following techniques in a mutually consistent way:

  • Calculating prior sentiment score for each word using generic opinion lexica.

  • Extracting opinion collocations through bootstrapping dependency patterns. The opinion collocations define the pairs of product features and opinion words in reviews. We novelly proposed two measurements, Prevalence and Reliability, to estimate mutually both the newly generated patterns and features in each iteration.

  • Clustering product features into aspects based on word semantic similarities. Another two factors, Sim-bar and Conf-bar, are novelly defined to weight each cluster. And the light ones will be filtered out. The features with small scores in the previous step may be preserved if they have been clustered with the high-confident ones. So both the extraction precision and recall can be guaranteed.

  • Disambiguating sentiment orientations of opinion collocations for each aspect. Since the orientations of sentiment words may shift according to different opinion targets, it is necessary to modify the prior sentiment scores of opinion words within their collocations. In this paper, we focus on disambiguating the orientations of dynamic sentiment ambiguous adjectives (DSAAs). DSAAs (e.g., low, small, high) are neutral out of context, but when they co-occur with some target features, positive or negative emotion will be evoked.

  • Extracting aspect opinion clauses and analyzing their sentiment strengths for each aspect. A set of fine-grained and stratified scoring formulae is novelly designed making use of part-of-speech tagging, grammatical dependencies and word sentiment scores.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We introduce the related work in Section 2 and detail the SSPA model in Section 3. The evaluation results are shown and discussed in Section 4, and finally, Section 5 concludes the paper and points out future plans.

2 Related work

2.1 Pattern-based bootstrapping

Our proposed SSPA model exploits a pattern-based bootstrapping algorithm to extract candidate product features. Pattern-based bootstrapping algorithms have been used in various information extraction tasks, where patterns that express a particular semantic type are used to recognize new terms, and in turn these new terms help identify new patterns iteratively [1, 17, 20, 27]. For estimation of confidence values of the new terms and patterns, most of the approaches [7, 21, 29] follow the so-called “Duality Principle” as mentioned by Brin [4] and Yangarber [29], namely, the confidence values of learned terms and patterns is dependent on the confidence values of their origins. Agichtein [1] considered frequency information and included some heuristics for validation. All of these methods aimed at detecting patterns for a specific domain, and it is not clear whether they can be adapted to new domains. In [27], they made use of domain relevance values of terms occurring in rules to evaluate specific patterns, which is not applicable to general ones. Xu et al. [28] improved the precision of relation extraction by adding some limited closed-world knowledge for confidence estimation of learned rules to the usual seed data. Different from these previous work, we design a novel domain independent estimation method which can be generalized into all learned patterns and doesn’t require any prior constraint knowledge.

2.2 Feature-based sentiment summarization

Sentiment summarization is essentially a particular multi-document summarization task. The idea of sentiment summarization is to use “aspects” of products as the basis of generating summary. The induction of sentiment summarization may be traced back to [3], which regarded the task as supervised sentence classification. However, the authors detected summary sentences using Naïve Bayes classifier without considering “aspects”. The early mature sentiment summarization system may be the Feature-based Summarization system (FBS) proposed by Hu and Liu [8]. FBS applied association mining to extract frequent product features. And the infrequent ones were found simply using word position information. In contrast, our bootstrapping method extracts simultaneously more precise frequent and infrequent features exploiting grammatical dependency rules. In addition, FBS didn’t make any attempt to cluster the acquired product features into appropriate aspects. Carenini et al. [5] incorporated Hu’s features and mapped them into a taxonomy of aspects, but the taxonomy has to be predefined manually. A. Popescu and O.Etzioni [18] introduced an unsupervised information extraction system, OPINE, which utilized a fixed set of syntactic dependencies to identify product features and their associated opinion phrases. Ding et al. [6] extended Hu’s research and implemented Opinion Observer to handle the task of predicting orientations of context dependent opinion words. They used three global conjunction rules exploiting external information in other sentences and reviews. However, the contexts surrounding these opinion words are limited. S. Moghaddam and M. Ester [14] designed Opinion Digger to handle the task of aspect extraction. They used some existing aspects to generate Part-of-Speech patterns and expanded them with Generalized Sequential Pattern Mining. The aspect mentions were removed just according to their frequencies while we estimate their confidences based on a more comprehensive metric considering both Prevalence and Reliability.

2.3 Multi-aspect rating prediction

The goal of multi-aspect rating prediction is to assign a review document multiple sentiment ratings over some existing aspects. Recent work has begun to investigate multi-aspect rating prediction using probabilistic generative models such as topic models. Titov and McDonald [24] proposed MG-LDA on the basis of traditional topic model LDA to discover global topics and local topics (aspects) simultaneously. They further extended MG-LDA into a new model MAS to infer an explicit mapping between local topics and aspects with the assistance from aspect-specific ratings [23]. Lu et al. [12] tried to apply structured PLSA to generate a rated aspect summary of short comments, which is a decomposed view of the overall ratings for major aspects. Jo and Oh [9] proposed an aspect and sentiment unification model to discover a pair of aspect and sentiment label for each sentence on the basic assumption that one sentence tends to represent one aspect and one sentiment. Lakkaraju et al. [11] designed a joint modeling CFACTS-R to identify latent facets and sentiments, exploit their coherence, and infer facet-level sentiment ratings. Instead of rating aspects in individual reviews, SSPA computes sentiment strengths (real numbers) of aspects involved in each sentence using a set of stratified formulae.

3 The proposed SSPA system

Figure 3 depicts the architectural overview of our SSPA system. The input is a collection of online reviews about either a specific product name or a product type and the output is the structured summary as the one shown in the introduction section. SSPA performs sentiment summarization mainly in six steps: (1) preprocessing; (2) calculating word prior sentiment scores; (3) extracting candidate product features; (4) clustering and filtering features to obtain product aspects; (5) disambiguating sentiment orientations of opinion collocations for each aspect; (6) extracting aspect opinion clauses and analyzing their sentiment strengths.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The SSPA framework

The preprocessing mainly involves part-of-speech tagging, pronoun resolution and dependency parsing, all of which can be performed by the prevalent natural language analysis toolkit Stanford CoreNLP.Footnote 1 The rest of the procedures will be explained in detail in the following subsections.

3.1 Calculating prior sentiment scores

The prior sentiment scores of individual words, ranging from -1 to 1, indicate their opinion orientations (negative, positive or neutral) as well as sentiment strengths which will be used to calculate the contextual sentiment scores later. Inspired by [22], two prevalent opinion lexica SentiWordNetFootnote 2 and OpinionFinder Subjectivity LexiconFootnote 3 are utilized. The former contains approximately 200, 000 entries describing sentiment scores for multiple senses of words and phrases. And the latter records over 8, 000 words which were extracted from [25] and were annotated with both sentiment orientation and subjective strength (strong or weak). The multi-sense sentiment scores and the subjectivity clues in these two lexica provide sufficient information to calculate a prior score for each word in our corpus. The detailed scoring schemes are referred to [22]. As a result, the neutral words are ignored and the remaining opinionated words constitute our final generic opinion lexicon which contains not only adjectives but also nouns, verbs and adverbs.

3.2 Extracting candidate features

This sub-step extracts candidate product features on which customers have expressed their opinions. As Hu and Liu [8] have mentioned, implicit features are hard to find (e.g., The phone will not easily fit in pockets.). Similar to Hu’s work and many others [5, 6, 30], we focus on finding explicit features which are nouns or noun phrases in the reviews.

In understanding of natural languages, there are normally grammatical relations between sentiment targets and opinion terms. According to this observation, we define a set of seed dependency patterns based on the parser of Stanford CoreNLPFootnote 4 and bootstrap them to match candidate features and generate more patterns. All the seed patterns are shown in Table 1. There are 3 direct dependency relations and 3 indirect ones which contain only one connective word. We follow the dependency annotations (nsubj, amod, dobj, etc.) used in CoreNLP. In the column 2 of Table 1, each pattern is formatted as dependency (governor, dependent), and f and o stand for feature and opinion term respectively. The last column gives sentence examples where features and opinion terms are written in boldface and italic respectively.

Table 1 Seed dependency patterns for extracting candidate features

These seed patterns along with the prior sentiment knowledge are applied to extract candidate features, and in turn these features can generate new dependency patterns. Confidence estimation of learned patterns and features is essential to prevent “dangerous” or plainly wrong information during the bootstrapping process. To tackle this issue, we defined two new measurements, Prevalence and Reliability. Specifically, in the l-th iteration, the Prevalence of feature i is formulated as follows:

$$Prev(i^{l}) = \frac{PattExtr^{l}(i)}{N_{Patt}^{l}},$$

where PattExtr l(i) is the number of patterns that can extract feature i in the l-th iteration, and \(N_{Patt}^{l}\) is the total number of patterns in this iteration. And the following equation calculates feature’s Reliability:

$$Reli(i^{l}) = \sum\limits_{j \in PattSet^{l}}Con{f_{j}^{l}}\cdot Pro{b_{j}^{l}}(i) = \sum\limits_{j \in PattSet^{l}}Con{f_{j}^{l}}\cdot(\frac{Coun{t_{j}^{l}}(i)}{\sum_{w \in V}Coun{t_{j}^{l}}(w)}),$$

where PattSet l is the pattern collection in the l-th iteration, \(Con{f_{j}^{l}}\) is the confidence value of pattern j, and \(Pro{b_{j}^{l}}(i)\) calculates the probability of i being extracted by j according to the count ratio between i and all other words in the word set V. Considering the above two equations, the Prevalence measures features’ abilities activating source patterns in each iteration while the Reliability prefers features extracted with larger probabilities by more confident patterns. The final confidence of feature i in the l-th iteration is the weighted sum of these two measurements:

$$Con{f_{i}^{l}} = w_{1}\cdot Prev(i^{l})+w_{2}\cdot Reli(i^{l}).$$

The confidence value for pattern j, \(Con{f_{j}^{l}}\), is computed in a similar way just exchanging i and j and substituting Feat for Patt in (1) and (2).

3.3 Feature clustering and filtering

The infrequent features extracted from the previous step may have a low confidence. On the other hand, one aspect may be represented by multiple features. For example, features may include cost, payment and money, all of which describe a price aspect. To retain more infrequent features and form a more compact aspect structure, it is necessary to group all the candidate features into several clusters, each of which represents either a particular aspect or a general noun group that should be pruned (e.g., the cluster with user, customer, client).

Analyzing semantic similarities between the candidate features is crucial for this task. WordNetFootnote 5 is a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are linked by a complex network of lexical relations. Each synset has one or more hypernym paths that link it to a root hypernym. Based on the WordNet, the similarity between two words w 1 and w 2 can be calculated as follows:

$$sim(w_{1}, w_{2})=\frac{1}{|sw_{1}|+|sw_{2}|}\cdot\{\sum\limits_{i} \underset {j}{MAX}[ps(sw_{1i}, sw_{2j})] + \sum\limits_{m} \underset {n}{MAX}[ps(sw_{2m}, sw_{1n})]\}$$

where sw 1i stands for the i-th sense of w 1, and the |sw 1| is the sense number of w 1. The path similarity measure ps equals the inverse of the shortest path connecting the two senses in the is-a taxonomy. As for our two candidate features cf 1 and cf 2, which may involve several words, the similarity is the arithmetic mean over all of the word pairs:

$$Sim(cf_{1}, cf_{2})=\frac{1}{|cf_{1}|+|cf_{2}|}\cdot\sum\limits_{w_{1} \in cf_{1}}\sum\limits_{w_{2} \in cf_{2}}sim(w_{1}, w_{2})$$

where the |cf 1| represents the word number in cf 1.

Our clustering algorithm is shown from line 1 to line 6 in Algorithm 1. For a candidate feature cf i , we find its most similar feature cf j and group them together if their similarity is larger than a threshold t 1.

Algorithm 1 Feature Clustering and Filtering

Input: the candidate feature set CF; the clustering threshold t 1; the filtering threshold t 2

Output: the aspect cluster set AC

 1: for each candidate feature cf i in CF do

 2:   Find another feature cf j that has largest similarity with cf i according to (5).

 3:   if Sim(cf i , cf j ) > t 1 then

 4:     Assign cf i and cf j into one cluster.

 5:   else

 6:     cf i itself form a new cluster.

 7:   end if

 8: end for

 9: Construct an empty set AC.

 10: for each generated cluster c i do

 11:   Calculate c i ’s weight Weig(c i ) according to (8)

 12:   if Weig(c i )<t 2 then

 13:     Remove c i .

 14:   else

 15:     Append c i to AC.

 16:   end if

 17: end for

The feature set generated in the bootstrapping procedure may contain some false features (e.g., home, anything, review). Instead of pruning individual features themselves, we assign each generated cluster a weight and remove the light ones. The weight of cluster c i is calculated based on its Sim-bar and Conf-bar, which are defined as follows:

$$\textit{Sim-bar}(c_{i})=\frac{1}{N_{i}^{pair}}\cdot\sum\limits_{cf_{1}, cf_{2} \in c_{i}}Sim(cf_{1}, cf_{2})$$
$$\textit{Conf-bar}(c_{i})=\frac{1}{N_{i}}\cdot\sum\limits_{cf \in c_{i}}Conf(cf)$$

where \(N_{i}^{pair}\) and N i are the number of feature pairs and individual features in the cluster c i respectively. Please note that the self-similarity equals 1. The Sim-bar evaluates the average similarity between cluster’s members, and the Conf-bar takes into account the quality of each member. Inspired by the mass formula in physics, we regard Sim-bar and Conf-bar as “volume” and “density” respectively and calculate the weight of c i as the product of them:

$$Weig(c_{i}) = \textit{Sim-bar}(c_{i})\cdot \textit{Conf-bar}(c_{i}).$$

The filtering procedures are also explained from line 7 to line 13 in Algorithm 1. In this step of estimation, the low-confident features in the previous step may be preserved if they have been clustered with the high-confident ones, ensuring performances of both precision and recall in aspect extraction.

3.4 Disambiguating orientations of opinion collocations

With the aspect clusters, we proceed to analyze the sentiment orientations of their opinion collocations. We believe that the generic opinion lexicon obtained in Section 3.1 covers most opinionated words. However, due to the diversity of language expression, the sentiment orientation of a word may shift according to its modified target. For example:

“It takes low quality of outdoor photos.”

“I prefer the phone’s low price.”

The opinion word low appears in both sentences, but it exhibits negative in the first sentence while positive in the second one.

Wu and Wen [26] defined these context dependent opinion words (e.g., low, small, high) as dynamic sentiment ambiguous adjectives (DSAAs). They manually divided 14 Chinese DSAAs into two categories: positive-like adjectives (PAs) and negative-like adjectives (NAs). Then the task of identifying sentiment orientations of collocations with DSAAs has been simplified to sentiment classification of target nouns, which is referred to sentiment expectation. Using a Web search engine with some sentiment syntactic patterns as queries, the sentiment expectation of a noun can be inferred by calculating its statistical association with positive and negative hits. Sentiment syntactic patterns are those people frequently use when they express their opinions about something. We applied their methods to English language and listed the 9 PAs and 7 NAs as well as 2 sentiment syntactic patterns in Table 2.

Table 2 English DSAAs and sentiment syntactic patterns

As the sentiment syntactic patterns usually express negative opinions, we take “n + SSP + NAs” and “n + SSP + PAs” as positive and negative queries about noun n respectively. The following two equations calculate the numbers of positive hits Hit +(n) and negative hits Hit (n) of n:

$$Hit^{+}(n) = \sum\limits_{b \in NAs} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{2} HitSSP_{i}(n, b)$$
$$Hit^{-}(n) = \sum\limits_{a \in PAs} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{2} HitSSP_{i}(n, a)$$

where HitSSP i (n, b) is the hit number of the query with sentiment syntactic pattern SSP i , noun n and DSSA b. The sentiment expectation of n can then be inferred as follows:

$$SE(n) = sgn(Hit^{+}(n) - Hit^{-}(n))$$

where sgn() is the sign function. The sentiment orientations of opinion collocations <n, PAs> are the same as SE(n) while <n, NAs> invert SE(n). Both the sentiment strengths of <n, PAs> and <n, NAs> can be further computed as follows:

$$SS(n) = \frac{max(Hit^{+}(n), Hit^{-}(n))}{Hit^{+}(n) + Hit^{-}(n)}$$

According to the above strategy, we analyzed sentiment strengths of all the opinion collocations with DSAAs and features in each aspect cluster, and finally constructed the aspect opinion lexicon.

3.5 Calculating sentiment strengths of aspect opinion clauses

In this paper, sentiment analysis for each product aspect is performed at clause level. Similar to Hu’s definition, an aspect opinion clause must contain one or more product aspects and opinion words. Based on this definition, all the review sentences are segmented into several clauses initially and the aspect opinion ones are extracted. Their sentiment strengths can be calculated according to Table 3, where the dependency annotations are in accordance with the ones in CoreNLP. For this task, we introduce a method for hierarchically calculating the clause sentiment strength. The Priority column indicates the order of analyzing each sentiment context and the last column presents its scoring formula. For simplicity, we use A and B in the formulae to represent the corresponding signed sentiment values of the governor and dependent in dependency patterns respectively.

Table 3 A stratified scoring scheme for calculating clause sentiment strength

Figure 4 illustrates how the algorithm performs aspect sentiment analysis. The sentence comprises two clauses involving different aspects. The clauses are analyzed separately. The numbers are sentiment strengths and the brackets indicate sentiment contexts that must be analyzed integrally. For example, in the first clause, the negation constituent, “not well”, is primarily detected and scored. Then it acts as a whole sentiment context “[neg]” in the following steps. Finally, the sentiment strength of the aspect battery equals to the first clause’s score, i.e., -0.49. As for the second clause, there are two aspects screen and button design with a coordinative relation, so they share the same sentiment strength, 0.67, according to F.7.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An illustration of clause sentiment analysis

4 Evaluation results

4.1 Data set

We conducted our experiments on a benchmark data set, Footnote 6 which was constructed by [6]. It contains customer reviews about 8 electronic products: two digital cameras (DC 1 and DC 2), two cellular phones (Phone 1 and Phone 2), one MP3 player (MP3), one DVD player (DVD), one router (Router) and one anti-virus software (Antivirus). The characteristics of the data set are listed in Table 4. The second and third columns indicate the number of reviews and features for each subset respectively. The last column shows the numbers of opinion words in the collocations with each feature. For each review sentence in this data set, the involved product features and their corresponding sentiment levels ranging from -3 to +3 have been already annotated. We evaluate the effectiveness of each module in SSPA and compare it to some previous mentioned systems (i.e., FBS, OPINE, Opinion Digger and Opinion Observer) in the following subsections. As the feature extraction performances of FBS, OPINE and Opinion Digger were only reported on the first five products, we show the evaluation results of SSPA on feature extraction (Section 4.2) and clustering (Section 4.3) on these review subsets as well. The performances of predicting sentiment orientations and strengths for aspect opinion clauses are evaluated on the entire dataset.

Table 4 Characteristics of the data set

4.2 Evaluating feature extraction

Table 5 shows the performances on precision (P), recall (R) and F1 of SSPA in aspect extraction, where SSPA boot denotes our model only conducting the pattern bootstrapping procedure. The iteration number was fixed to 10. We weighed Prevalence and Reliability equally in (3) and set w 1 and w 2 to 0.5. The reported evaluation results of FBS, OPINE and Opinion Digger are also listed in the table.

Table 5 Evaluation results of feature extraction and clustering

According to Table 5, our bootstrapping algorithm (SSPA boot ) performs best in terms of recall on all of the review subsets, demonstrating that the generated dependency patterns are effective to extract most of the candidate features. To retain low frequent features, we don’t filter any terms in this step, so they contain some errors, which are mainly derived from exceptions in pattern matching (e.g., a good chance will match the pattern amod(f, o)), the errors of POS tagging and dependency parsing in CoreNLP, and misspellings of online texts (e.g., conector). Using this step alone gives low precision scores. The columns in SSPA show the results after clustering is performed. We can see that the precision is improved dramatically with a little decline in recall, guaranteeing the best F1 performances of SSPA on all of the product reviews. Actually, the clustering procedure not only filters out the “light” clusters but it also preserves the potential product features with low confidences. For instance, lcd was scored small by (3), but it can be assigned into a “heavy” aspect cluster owning a frequent feature screen.

Regarding the other three models, FBS falls far behind the rest, especially in precision. The main reason is that both association mining and word position information would induce a lot of noises. Although the precision in OPINE is relatively high, benefiting from the feature assessment mechanism incorporating Web PMI statistics, its average recall is even 3 % lower than FBS. Opinion Digger’s recall is compatible to SSPA, but the precision is significantly lower. In addition, the F1 score of Opinion Digger is not stable (from 79 to 89 %) across the product domains. In conclusion, our proposed SSPA system is vital in aspect extraction.

4.3 Evaluating feature clustering

To further illustrate the effectiveness of our clustering algorithm, Table 6 shows the evaluation results on two commonly used metrics, Purity and Rand Index (RI). The product features in our data set have been already labeled and the gold standard aspect clusters were constructed manually. Here, we ignored the clusters containing none of the gold standard features, because it is costly to annotate cluster labels for all terms. The clustering threshold t 1 and the filtering threshold t 2 were set to 0.25 and 0.2 respectively for all review sets.

Table 6 Evaluation results of feature clustering

It can be concluded in Table 6 that our feature clustering approach performs relatively well. Actually, through the control of a fairly large threshold t 1, the clustering performed so strictly that the two clustered features are likely to share similar semantics, which yields a high Purity. As for RI, it measures the percentage of correct decisions (true positive or true negative). In our experiments, the true negative cases appeared frequently indicating the fact that two features are grouped together only if they are highly relevant (e.g., sound and voice, headset and earpiece, picture and photo).

4.4 Evaluating aspect opinion clause extraction and orientation prediction

In this section, we took the gold standard aspect clusters in each review subset as input to the module of aspect opinion clause extraction and orientation prediction in SSPA. The results of FBS, Opinion Observer and SSPA are shown in Table 7, where the precision and recall are macro-average values over aspects.

Table 7 Evaluation results of aspect opinion clause extraction and orientation prediction

In general, the precision results of all the three systems are promising. However, benefiting from the comprehensive generic opinion lexicon, the reasonable confidence estimation in bootstrapping and clustering and the well-designed aspect opinion lexicon, SSPA outperforms on average FBS and Opinion Observer.

As for recall, FBS falls far behind the rest. The main reason may be that FBS only considers adjective opinion words. So it leaves out the sentences such as “I love its picture quality” and “The phone’s radio is really my favorite”. The Opinion Observer’s performance is marginally better than SSPA. By observing the missing cases in SSPA, we found that some cases are not covered by any patterns in Table 3. In addition, CoreNLP fails to parse dependency relations when features and opinion words appear in some complex sentences. For instance,

“The price makes it a good buy.”

“The first thing that hits me is how good the screen is.”

SSPA identifies the above two sentences as aspect opinion ones correctly while regards them neutral mistakenly. In the first sentence, {price - makes - buy - good} forms a two-order indirect relation which goes beyond the scope of our pattern definition. The second one contains an attributive clause and a predicative clause, and the latter is even expressed in an inverted format. This makes it very challenging for CoreNLP to understand.

4.5 Evaluating sentiment strength prediction

Besides orientations, we also evaluate the results of predicting sentiment strengths of aspect opinion clauses. In our data set, features’ sentiment strengths in each sentence have been rated in six levels ranging from -3 to +3. Although the strength annotation is quite subjective, it indeed provides clues in evaluating the effectiveness of our sentiment strength prediction method. We simply scaled the scores of aspect opinion clauses into the annotated six levels according to the following scheme:

$$r_{c} = \begin{cases}1, \quad \ \ if \ \ abs(s_{c}) \leq 0.2; \\ 1\ or\ 2, \quad \ \ if \ \ 0.2 < abs(s_{c}) < 0.4; \\ 2, \quad \ \ if \ \ 0.4 \leq abs(s_{c}) \leq 0.6; \\ 2\ or\ 3, \quad \ \ if \ \ 0.6 < abs(s_{c}) < 0.8; \\ 3, \quad \ \ if \ \ abs(s_{c}) \geq 0.8. \\ \end{cases}$$

where s c is the calculated clause score, abs() is the absolute value function and r c is the predicted rating. To weaken subjective influence, r c allows double choices when s c locates medium intensities.

The accuracy results are shown in Table 8, where it stays stable (from 76.4 to 80.4 %) over all the review sets. The promising average accuracy (78.3 %) reveals that it is practical for SSPA to predict sentiment strength for each aspect clause.

Table 8 Evaluation results of sentiment strength prediction

5 Conclusion and future work

This paper proposed a holistic model SSPA, which systematically integrates all tasks of feature-based sentiment analysis, including extracting product features, grouping features into aspects, disambiguating orientations of opinion collocations, and analyzing sentiment strengths for individual words and sentences. Through experiments over real-world review data, we have demonstrated that each component in SSPA performs well. It is thus indeed practical for SSPA to generate the structured sentiment summary for product reviews.

In the future, we plan to deal with more types of features including verbs, adjectives and implicit features. And the automatic determination of parameters, i.e., iterations in bootstrapping, the weighting coefficients and the clustering thresholds, is also a crucial issue. Finally, we will also try to analyze sentiment strengths of complex review sentences.