1 Introduction

Aerial surveillance has a growing importance nowadays. It is an effective way to provide large amounts of video data for a variety of applications including search and rescue, military operations, commercial applications, counter terrorism, and border patrol. Objects in aerial videos need to be detected and labeled in order to be used in other automated video processing, such as event detection, summarization, indexing and high level aerial video understanding.

A key task of video surveillance is to identify and track all moving objects in the scene and to generate exactly one track per object. This may involve detecting the moving objects and tracking them while they are visible. In aerial surveillance, this problem is very difficult. The challenges of moving object detection in mobile platform include camera motion, small object appearances of only few pixels in the image, changing object background, object aggregation, panning, and noise. Therefore, video stabilization has become essential in mobile surveillance systems. Also it is the first step in many aerial applications.

In literature, various moving object detection systems in aerial video surveillance are reported. These systems usually applied video stabilization as a pre-processing step to analyze aerial video. But by using this method we can lose slowly moving object.

Our contribution in this paper is that we propose to integrate the moving object detection into the stabilization algorithm and demonstrate that detection after stabilization doesn’t work well. We also demonstrate that Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) as features are robust for video stabilization and moving object detection purposes. Evaluation of commonly used feature detectors and descriptors showed that SIFT performs better on a wide range of test sequences. By using SIFT point extraction and matching, we can locate regions of the image where a residual motion occurs. In this paper is that we applied Kalman filtering on this moving region and not on the whole image in order to estimate the motion of the region.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we provide a summary of the related work in the area of video stabilization and moving object detection. In Section 3, we present the challenge of aerial video surveillance. Section 4 gives the complete system framework of our proposed approach by the SIFT feature extraction and matching process and how it is adopted to the stabilization and motion detection problem. In Section 5 our detailed experimental evaluation which includes comparisons with existing methods are outlined. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper along with future research directions.

2 Related work

In general, two modules are necessary for digital video stabilization : global motion estimation module and motion compensation module. A perfect motion correction need an accurate global motion estimation. In literature, there are many methods that aim to estimate global motion accurately. In [10], a method for global motion estimation is introduced by calculating the motions of four sub-images located at the corners of the image. This method is proved to be efficient and accurate, but it is of limited applicability because of the assumption that foreground objects are more likely located at the center of the image and hence less likely to be cropped in these four local images at the corners. In [27], a method based on circular blocks matching is proposed in order to estimate local motion . The global motion parameters is generated by repeated least square. In [5], global motion is estimated by extracting and tracking corner features. However, these features are not robust when image transformations such as scaling and rotation are present. Hence, SIFT [18], which is considered to be invariant to image scaling and rotation, is being widely used in the latest methods for global motion estimation [2]. In [21], SIFT based on particle filter approach is introduced. The authors used particle filter for an accurate estimation of undesired motion of the camera.

To separate desired motion from undesired ones several techniques are used such as Motion Vector Integration [9], Frame Position Smoothing [30], Gaussian filtering [12], Kalman filtering [10] and extended Kalman filtering. In many video stabilization systems motion estimation parameters are determined by Kalman filtering [10]. But, executing this algorithm on the whole frame is inefficient because Kalman filtering is unable to handle nonlinear models and non-Gaussian noise. Yang et al. [29] propose a combination method between particle filter and SIFT algorithm [24] to estimate the global motion parameters. The authors claim that this algorithm is very efficient because the process of generation of proposal density using SIFT algorithm highly reduces the number of unnecessary particles (samples for motion estimation). But Yang et al.’s method suffers from the problem of foreground interference, that is, inaccurate estimation of the global camera motion resulting from a moving foreground object. Also the use of particle filter need an extra computational load for computing movement and correction for each particle. In addition it is unable to remove outlier.

For moving objects detection and tracking in surveillance video, relative works have been done in literature. However, they mostly tackle stationary camera scenarios [25]. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in studying motion from aerial video [22]. Most of these recent works use the temporal information obtained from video feed either for tracking and detection of moving objects [13] or for enhancement of the detection performance of stationary objects [20]. Lin et al. [14] proposed an ego-motion estimation and background/foreground classification method. The authors built their model focusing on the motion vectors obtained by using the SURF algorithm to extract the feature points and their correspondence between frames. There may be some problems caused by the fact that the feature points selected by the algorithm may be lost. As a result, the model built based on the feature motion vectors may fail to get the moving object. In [26], the authors obtain the motion model of the background by computing the optical flow between two adjacent frames in order to get motion information for each pixel. Cuntoor [7] used Histogram of oriented Gradients, Histogram of oriented optical Flow and Haar features to classify the motion segmentation into person vs. other and vehicle vs. other. Rudol et al. [20] detected stationary and moving humans in thermal imagery by using Haar features with an AdaBoost. But the detection is only valid if a person is detected in a number of consecutive frames. COCOA [1] system is a 3-staged framework. It is capable of performing motion compensation, moving object detection and tracking on aerial videos. In this Work, motion compensation is achieved using direct frame to frame registration which is followed by an object detection algorithm that relies on frame differencing and background modeling. Finally, moving blobs are tracked as long as the objects remain in the field of view of the aerial camera. The detection approach presented in [16] is also based on assumption that potential detection region has to be present over a number of consecutive video frames. First, the track of a potential human is build by extracting points of interest and matching them, in this case the potential person signature associated with this track is classified using standard template matching. In [28], the authors proposed a detection approach of moving vehicles by using a Bayesian framework to estimate the optical flow. But this method didn’t achieve good performance under the condition of camera vibration and noise interference.

Yang et al. [31] introduce an aerial video surveillance system to detect moving and static vehicles. For moving vehicles, extracted and matched feature point (SIFT and Kanada-Lucas-Tomasi(KLT)) are classified into three categories: background, moving vehicles with forward direction and moving vehicles with backward direction. For static vehicles, road region is extracted by a method based on edge detection algorithm in the first place.

Multiple Hypothesis Tracker [8] for moving target tracking on aerial video is not a good choice because many objects are very close together and generate too many data association hypotheses. Recently, a new class of filters, called the Probability Hypothesis Density [6], has been introduced for radar applications and has been used in video tracking.

All these systems solve the problem of moving object detection after the step of stabilization [23]. In this paper, we present a new system for video stabilization and moving object detection in aerial video with hybridization of the two processes. Our problem is defined as considering a particular pixel position. The pixel value is changing over time without a certain pattern in aerial video because the background is changing all the time.

3 Aerial video characteristics

When an UAV flies at hundreds of meters it provides a large region of surveillance , but they usually produce noisy and blurring images. Moving sensor in UAV surveillance systems, capture videos at low resolution and low frame-rate, which presents a challenge to motion detection, foreground segmentation, tracking and other related algorithms. Scale and view variations and few pixels on region of interest are among these challenges. So the per-processing is necessary to attain a better detection effect. Characteristics of the video itself, such as unmodeled gain control, rolling shutter, compression, pixel noise and contrast adjustment may further impede motion detection algorithms due to violation of brightness constancy and geometric models. Unlike the fixed background in traditional surveillance system, the background in the UAV surveillance platform changes frequently because of the high speed of the aircraft. To identify traffic status and incidents, the complex background should be filtered, traffic features should be detected, both of which should be accomplished. So it has a very high demand of the performance of the algorithm of moving object detection. In this context, our tests video are obtained using a UAV equipped with a camera. Videos are recorded at a flying altitude of over 400 feet. Figure 1 show this data set.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Aerial dataset: a Diversity of VIRAT scenes b Sample images containing person activities over time c Diversity of UCF scenes

4 Overview of the proposed system

Background modeling could not be applied to mobile surveillance system when background is, moving fast. At the same time, camera vibration and noise enormously affect the accuracy of detection. SIFT feature extraction can identify keypoints in order to be tracked over multiple frames of video and they are invariant to image translation, rotation and scale. For this reason, in this paper, we use the feature point tracking method to acquire a serial of features, which are then classified into three categories: undesired motion, moving object and static object. Our system consists of three sub-systems:

  • Global motion estimation using SIFT feature point extraction and matching to eliminate camera vibration and noise.

  • Moving object detection using RANSC and Kalman filtering.

  • Motion compensation using affine transformation

The flowchart of our method is illustrated in Fig. 2 and the details are explained as follows.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overview of the proposed system

4.1 Local feature extracting and matching

SIFT algorithm presents a great adaptability to detect and describe keypoint feature because of its invariability to scale changes, rotation changes and blur [15]. This algorithm operates through four steps: detection of extrema in scale-space, localization and filtering of keypoints, assignment of orientation and the generation of descriptors. The SIFT algorithm establishes difference of Gaussian (DOG) in order to identify the locations of candidate keypoints in different scales spaces. The function of DOG can be defined as follows:

$$ D(x,y,\sigma)=(G(x,y,k\sigma)-G(x,y,\sigma))*I(x,y)\\ =L(x,y,k\sigma)- L(x,y,\sigma) $$

Where L(x, y, σ) is an approximation to the scale normalized Laplacian of Gaussian, I(x, y) is an input image, σ is the scale factor, ∗ is the convolution operator and G(x, y, σ) is a variable scale Gaussian, which is defined as

$$ G(x,y,\sigma)=\frac{1}{2\pi \sigma^{2}}exp^{-(x^{2}+y^{2})/2\sigma^{2}} $$

To locate stable keypoint, the scale-space extrema is found by computing the difference-of-Gaussian between the two images. To detect the local maxima and minima of G(x, y, σ), each pixel in the DoG images is compared to its 8 neighbors at the same scale, plus the 9 corresponding neighbors at neighboring scales. If a pixel is a local maximum or minimum, it is selected as a candidate key-point.

To reject law contrast points, which are sensitive to noise and poorly localized along the edge, we use second order Taylor expansion of the scale space function D(x, y, σ) at sample point X 0, which becomes:

$$ D(X)=D(X_{0})+ \left(\frac{\partial(D(X_{0}))}{\partial X}\right)^{T}X+\frac{1}{2}X^{T} \frac{\partial^{2}(D(X_{0}))}{\partial^{2} X} X $$

X = (x, y, σ)T denotes the offset from the sample point. The location of extremum \( \hat {x} \) can be calculated by differentiating equation (3) with respect to X and equating to zero, yielding

$$ \hat{X}=-\left(\frac{\partial^{2}D}{\partial X^{2}}\right)^{-1}\frac{\partial D}{\partial X^{.}} $$

So the function value at the extremum \(D (\hat {x}) \), can be written as equation (5) and then be compared with a threshold D 0 When \(|D(\hat {x})|<D_{0} \), the point should be rejected.

$$ D(\hat{X})=D+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial D^{T}}{\partial X}\hat{x} $$

For stability, it is not sufficient to reject keypoints with low contrast. The difference of Gaussian function will have a strong response along edges, even if the location along the edge is poorly determined and therefore unstable to small amounts of noise. So it is possible to filter out the feature points along the edge by using a 2 ∗ 2 Hessian matrix, giving

$$ H = \left[\begin{array}{cccc} D_{xx} & D_{xy}\\ D_{xy} & D_{yy} \end{array}\right] $$

Assuming α, β are the eigenvalues of the matrix H, which satisfy α > β. So

$$ \frac{Tr^{2}(H)}{Det(H)}=\frac{(\alpha + \beta )^{2}}{\alpha \beta}=\frac{(\gamma \beta+ \beta)^{2}}{\gamma \beta^{2}}=\frac{(\gamma+1)^{2}}{\gamma} $$

Thus, if \(\frac {Tr^{2}(H)}{Det(H)}> \frac {(\gamma _{0}+1)^{2}}{\gamma _{0}} \) the point should be rejected as edge point where γ 0 is a threshold. green This threshold is the difference between the 2 biggest gradients. It is not difficult to find that the greater γ 0 is the more feature points we will get.

After feature extraction process, it is necessary to match feature point between two successive frames.

For this process, we are investigating the matching process as proposed by Lowe [15].This process is based on finding a match between two consecutive image features using Euclidean distance. The Euclidian distance between SIFT descriptors is employed to determine the initial corresponding feature point pairs in different images. We used RANSAC to filter outliers that come from the imprecision of the SIFT model.

4.2 Moving object detection

RANSAC is a robust estimator [11] where it was used to derive a usable model from a set of data.We used RANSC to find the dominant motion without being influenced by the noise motion produced by moving object. The distance parameter t is determined by a statistical theory. Firstly, assume that the distribution of effective point under transformation model according to the distance is known, we calculate the distance threshold t such us the probability of effective point in point set is α. Suppose the distribution satisfies the zero mean and variance σ of the Gaussian distribution, we can compute the value t. In this case, the square distance between points is d 2, which is the square sum of Gaussian variant, meets the \( \chi _{m}^{2} \) (Chi-square Distribution) that has m degrees of freedom. Based on the integral property of Chi-square Distribution, the probability of random variable that obeys the Chi-square Distribution is lower than the integral upper limit, the formal is as follows

$$ F_{m}(k^{2})=\int^{k_{2}}_{0}\chi_{m}^{2}(\xi)d\xi<k^{2} $$

the distance threshold t can be calculated by

$$ t^{2}=F^{-1}_{m}(\alpha)\sigma^{2} $$

Then, we can classify the point set into effective point and invalid point.

In our case, the distance threshold for deciding outliers for RANSAC is d = 0.005.

$$ \left\lbrace \begin{array}{lc} if\quad d^{2}<t^{2} \quad then \quad effective point \\ else \quad invalid point \quad \\ \end{array}\right.\\ $$

The second parameter for RANSAC is the number of iterations, which N is chosen high enough to ensure that the probability p (usually set to 0.99) which is at least one of the sets of random samples does not include an outlier. In our case maximum number of iterations is 1 000. Let u present the probability that any selected data point is an inlier and v = 1 − u is the probability of observing an outliers. N iteration of the minimum of denoted points are required, where

$$ 1-p=(1-u^{m})^{N} $$

And thus with some manipulation,

$$ N=\frac{log(1-p)}{log [ 1-(1-v)^{m}]} $$

The consume time of RANSAC can be calculated as follows:

$$ T=N(T_{G}+MT_{E}) $$

where T G is the time spent on generating a hypothesis, T E is the time spent on evaluating the hypothesis for each data, M is the number of whole data.

Let P = {p 1, ..... , p n } be a set of points in R d. The Voronoi cell associated to a point p i , denoted by V(p i ), is the region of space that is closer from p i than from other points in P:

$$ V(p_{i})=\{p\in R^{d}:\forall \neq i,\parallel p-p_{i}\parallel \le \parallel p-p_{j}\parallel \} $$

where V(p i ) is the intersection of n − 1 half-spaces bounded by the bisector planes of segments [p i p j ], ji. Therefore, V(p i ) is a convex polytope, possibly unbounded. The Voronoi diagram of P, denoted by V or (P), is the partition of space induced by the Voronoi cells V(p i ). Result is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

SIFT point extraction and matching for two consecutive frame

After keypoint feature matching, we obtain a whole number of local motion vectors. The sets of vector contain two types of information: real motion of the camera and motion related for moving objects in the scene. To distinguish between these two motions, we assume that the velocity of moving objects is very large compared to other motions.

In this step, an adaptive clustering is employed. A threshold is fixed to select moving objects. This threshold is the average distance between all matching points. It varies from one frame to another. By comparing this threshold to distance between two correlated keypoints we can detect moving object. In our system, we detected moving object for each frame. Therefore tracking becomes difficult. Because false detection and the presence of objects that enter and leave the scene can modify the number of detected object in consecutive frames. To resolve this problem, we used Kalman filtering for each keypoint selected as moving object. In general, Kalman filter is used for filtering a noisy dynamic system. It estimates the new states of the system and then corrects it by the measurements. In our case, the motion can be described as shown in (15) and (16).

$$ {\mathbf{x}_{\mathbf{k}}}= \left(\begin{array}{ccc} x_{k} \\ \dot{x}_{k} \end{array}\right) =\left( \begin{array}{c} x_{k-1} \\ \dot{x}_{k-1} \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1&1 \\ 0&1 \end{array} \right)\ +\textit{w}_{k-1} $$
$$ z_{k}= \left(\begin{array}{cccc} 1 \\0 \end{array}\right) {\mathbf{x}_{\mathbf{k}}}+ \textit{v}_{k} $$

Considering x k as the position coordinate in one direction, z k as the measured position, w k−1 is the process noise and v k is the measurement noise. We assume zero to the acceleration because we do not have information about the control of the motion, also we modeled the change in velocity by the process noise. As it is shown in (15), we do not include the acceleration in the process equation, and the effect of the acceleration noise is described by the velocity noise. Result is shown in Fig. 4

Fig. 4
figure 4

Kalman filtering

4.3 Video stabilization

We adopt four parameters 2D affine motion model to describe geometric transformation between two consecutive frames. If P(x, y, 1) is the point in frame n, and P’(x’, y’, 1) is the same point in the successive frame, then the transformation from P to P’ can be represented as shown in (17).

$$ \left(\begin{array}{ccc} x^{'} \\ y^{'} \\ 1 \end{array}\right) =\left( \begin{array}{ccc} S\cos\theta&-S\sin\theta&T_{x} \\ S\sin\theta &S\cos\theta &T_{y} \\ 0 &0 &1\end{array} \right)\ \left(\begin{array}{ccc} x \\ y \\ 1 \end{array}\right) $$

The affine matrix can describe accurately pure rotation, panning, and small translations of the camera in a scene with small relative depth variations and zooming effects. S is the scale, 𝜃 is the rotation and T x and T y are the translations. This has only four free parameters compared to the full affine six transformations: one scale factor, one angle, and two translations. The linear Least Squares Method on a set of redundant equations is a good choice to solve this problem. It results in robust parameter estimation. Least square method is used to reduce the error of the image processing and easier to implement fast, accurate, and robust motion estimation.

The transformation from a frame to the corresponding motion compensated frame is directly computed using this affine transformation matrices. Then, we need to compensate the current frame to obtain stable images. Compensation of the images cannot be calculated directly from the parameters calculated in (17), since undesired motion of the sensors and normal motion of the UAV should be separated. Finally original frames must be warped to obtain the compensated frames.

This is achieved by using median filter to estimate motion for the current frame. Specifically, the proposed method calculates the spatial correlation between the current motion vector and its neighboring motion vectors. If the current motion vector is not correlated with its neighboring motion vectors, we decide that the current motion vector is an outlier, and correct the motion vector into a new motion vector generated by the median filter. Hence, we can remove undesired motion in the frame caused by outliers, and improve the image quality of the frame. So it is a straightforward process to place the new frame back in line with the estimated motion.

5 Experimental results

To illustrate the effectiveness of our system we conducted our test on two different databases: VIRAT Aerial Video Data SetFootnote 1 and UCF Aerial Action Data Set.Footnote 2

The resolution of aerial videos in VIRAT Aerial Video Data Set are at 640x480 with 30Hz frame rate recorded from a high altitude with low resolution and tough conditions. Also UCF Aerial Action Data Set contains collection of video and represents a diverse pool of actions featured at different heights and aerial viewpoints. Multiple instances of each action were recorded at different flying altitudes which ranged from 400-450 feet and were performed by different actors. The videos were taken in 60 frames per second with the resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

The challenges posed by these two datasets include characteristics of aerial videos such as different shapes and sizes, scale changes, shadows, cloth variations, variety of scenes, and different scenarios. Figure 1 summarizes the 2 datasets adopted to evaluate our system.

5.1 Comparison of feature detection methods

In this test, we compare six famous feature detection methods:

  • BRIFF (Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features): introduced by Calonder et al. [4] as an efficient descriptor for keypoints. This descriptor is built by simple binary tests on a subset of the pixels surrounding the keypoint center.

  • RIFF: (Rotation-Invariant, Fast Feature) : introduced by Takacs et al. [17],based on a HOG computed at a circular support area and used an annular binning to achieve orientation invariance.

  • LAZY.

  • SURF: (Speeded Up Robust Features) : introduced by Bay et al. [3] and based on Fast-Hessian Detector to find Keypoints. this descriptor mainly focuses on reducing computational time.

  • ORB: (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) : introduced by Rublee et al. [19] ORB detect key points by adding a fast and accurate orientation component, and uses the rotated BRIEF descriptor.

The performance of these methods are compared for rotation, blur and illumination changes: All the experiments use repeatability measurement and the number of correct matches for the evaluation measurements.

We use the same image dataset, which includes the general deformations, such as view changes, illumination changes and rotation as shown in Fig. 5. All the experiments work on PC AMD 3200+, 2.0G, and 2.0 GO RAM, with Windows 7 as an operating system.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Part of test images. a is the original image, b is the illumination changed image, c is the rotation images and d is the blurred images

Three qualities and one performance tests were done for each kind of descriptor.

  • Rotation test this test shows how the feature descriptor depends on feature orientation.

  • Blur test this test shows how the feature descriptor is robust against blur.

  • Lighting test this test shows how the feature descriptor is robust against lighting.

  • Performance test is a measurement of description extraction time.

For the rotation test case, it’s the rotation of the source image around its center for 360 degrees. Blur test uses Gaussian blur with several steps and the lighting test changes the overall picture brightness. The metric for all quality tests is the percentage of correct matches between the source image and the transformed one.

As shown in Fig. 6, SIFT is represented by the orange line that detects more matches which are stable to rotation. In blur test, we simulate the motion blur which can occur if camera moves suddenly. All descriptors demonstrate good results in this test. The more blur size is applied, the less percent of correct matches is obtained. In this case, SIFT shows its best performance here. In lighting test, the transformed images differ only in overall image brightness. All kinds of descriptors work well in this case. The major reason is that all descriptors extracted are normalized. We can consider that SIFT present an acceptable result.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Blur, rotation and lighting test

To verify the effectiveness of SIFT, four images are taken for the experimental data as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Original image

Regarding computational efficiency, in Fig. 8 , SURF requires approximately 0.4 ms to detect a feature. The run-time of FAST is under 0.1 ms per feature while that of SIFT comes to 0.5 ms per feature and other methods compute each feature in around 0.6 ms. SURF is faster than SIFT in detecting features, since the SURF method uses a fast-Hessian detector on the basis of an integral image. However, all methods cannot track motion in real time (25 frames per second). This is because feature-based motion recovery methods are time consuming in terms of detecting points and finding their correspondences. However, we can use the GPU (graphics processing unit) to accelerate our implementations and make it real time.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Performance test

The result of this experiment shows that SIFT matching is a robust descriptor for error localization. SIFT present their stability in most situations although they are slow. SURF is the fastest one with good performance the same as SIFT. ORB show their advantages in rotation and illumination changes.

5.2 Stabilization evaluation

Our first experiment consists of comparing our system to Deshaker.Footnote 3 Figure 9a shows five frames of the unstable input sequence corresponding to frames 2, 3, 5, 18 and 21 are taken from UCF Aerial action Data Set. In this video sequence, the scene contains one moving object. Figure 9b shows the stabilization result of Deshaker system and Fig. 9c shows the stabilization result of our system. Another result with many moving objects in the scene is shown in Fig. 10. This scene is challenging because of the fast moving objects.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Input frame from UCF Aerial dataset with one moving object in the scene. b Stabilized frame by deshaker stabilizer. c Stabilizer frame by our system

Fig. 10
figure 10

Result for our stabilized method with one moving object in the scene. a Stabilized frame by deshaker stabilizer. b Stabilizer frame by our system

Deshaker calculates motion vector using matching algorithm. Based on motion vector, panning and rotation are calculated and compensation motions are performed. The stable results are marked by the red lines, which shows the stabilized value and produced video sequence. We find that our stabilization system is working well especially in the case where video sequences include moving objects. Due to the accuracy of detected keypoints and the use of adaptive RANSAC to remove outliers, our system gives good results compared to Deshaker .

Next, we use a sequence from VIRAT Aerial Video. Figure 11a shows five frames of the unstable input sequence. Figure 11b shows the stabilization results using Deshaker. Figure 11c shows the stabilization results using our proposed system. The challenges presented by this sequence include low image resolution, changing weather conditions, and crowded backgrounds. We use this sequence to illustrate the robustness of our system to non uniform depths which are present in this sequence.

Fig. 11
figure 11

a Input frame from Virat Aerial dataset. b Stabilized frame by deshaker stabilizer. c Stabilizer frame by our system

We used Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), an error measure, to compare the quality of the video stabilization with Deshaker and COCOA System [1] . PSNR between frame n and frame n + 1 is defined as

$$ PSNR(n)=10\log_{10}\frac{I_{MAX}}{MSE(n)} $$
$$ MSE(n)=\frac{1}{MN}\sum^{M}_{y=1}\sum^{N}_{x=1}[ I_{N}(x,y)- I_{n+1}(x,y)]^{2} $$

Where M S E(n) Mean-Square-Error between frames, I MAX is the maximum intensity value of a pixel and N and M are frame dimensions. The PSNR value for each frame of the original video and our stabilized version are shown in the graph in Fig. 12 Higher PNSR between two stabilized frames represents good quality of stabilized video.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Graph of the Peak Signal-to-Noise ratio of the original video and the stabilized video by Deshaker, COCOA System and our system

We find that our stabilization system is working well especially in the case where video sequences include moving objects. Due to the accuracy of detected keypoints and the use of adaptive RANSAC to remove outliers, our system gives a good results compared to COCOA system.

The measurement of Interframe Transformation Fidelity (ITF) is defined as

$$ ITF=\frac{1}{N_{frame}-1}\sum^{N_{frame}-1}_{k=1}PSNR(k) $$

ITF (Inteframe Transformation Fidelity) is defined as the average of the PSNR between two consecutive frames. In general, this average is used to obtain a rough estimation of the quality of the stabilized video in a single value. Like PSNR, upper ITF values represent super quality video stabilization. ITF values for five tested sequences are shown in Table 1. This evaluation illustrates that the ITF of our stabilized videos is superior to the ITF of the original videos.

Table 1 ITF comparison

The ITF of our stabilized videos increases, which is fairly acceptable. We also observe that our proposed system is better than Deshaker system and COCOA System for all tested sequences.

5.3 Moving object detection evaluation

To evaluate the performance of moving object detection task, our tests were run on a number of real aerial video sequences with various contents. Aerial video include cars, buildings and people moving around a large open area. The test sequence obtained by UCF aerial data set consists of 1000 frames with a resolution of 960 × 540 pixels. Along the sequence, 43 moving objects appear including several splits and different situations.

5.3.1 Moving object detection after stabilization

To prove that moving object detection after stabilization doesn’t work well, we test our subsystem moving object detection using stabilized aerial video. Figure 13 shows the results under different conditions in the video. The moving object is identified with a red rectangle. From the results, we can see that moving object can be successfully detected with different backgrounds. But we find a failure in the detection process. To evaluate the performance of this method, we used Detection Ratio(DR) and False Alarm Ratio (FAR). In (21) and (22) TP is true positives of moving objects, FP is false positives of moving objects and FN is false negatives (not detected). Results are shown in Table 2.

$$ DR=TP/(TP+FN) $$
$$ FAR=FP/(TP+FP) $$

As shown in Table 2, the FAR is high because in the process of stabilization, we lose a lot of information related to motion vector of mobile objects. These motion vector are useful to distinguish between moving object and static object. Results of our proposed system are illustrated in the next subsection. These results are fairly improved.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Moving object detection after stabilization

Table 2 Quantitative analysis of detection & tracking task after stabilization

5.3.2 Moving object detection in the process of stabilization

In order to illustrate the performance of our system, we present the results in two figures: in Fig. 14, we show some detection results issued from our system and COCOA System in the presence of the challenges of background component changes, illumination changes and noise. Our tests were run on the typical video presented in the previous subsection.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Detection result of moving object detection. a, c Moving object detection by our system. b, d Moving object detection by COCOA system

For the quantitative analysis of our results we used two metrics: DR and FAR. Table 3 illustrates the performance of our system. Our system has the highest rates of DR and the lowest rate in FAR.

Table 3 Quantitative analysis of detection & tracking task in the process of stabilization

6 Conclusions and future works

In this paper, we propose to integrate the moving object detection into the stabilization algorithm and to demonstrate that detection after stabilization doesn’t work well. We also demonstrates that SIFT as features are robust for video stabilization and moving object detection purposes. We uses this feature points to perform the feature extraction and matching process for camera motion estimation. Evaluation of commonly used SIFT keypoints demonstrates their effectiveness on a wide range of test sequences. By using SIFT point extraction and matching, we can locate regions of the image where a residual motion occurs. Another contribution in this paper is that we applied Kalman filtering on this moving region and not on the whole image in order to estimate the motion of the region. Our future work will focus on the following aspects to improve our method:

  • To increase the accuracy of matching point, color information can be involved for a robust point matching strategy. This will help the affine transform estimation;

  • More local and global features, such as object contour and geometrical relationship, can be applied to trade of noise and significant image distortion. A different descriptor for feature point has to be constructed for this purpose. However, for above mentioned improvement, we have to balance between the processing speed and algorithm complexity and robustness.