1 Introduction

At present, video materials and video services are more available than ever. In particular, with the growing popularity of digital news video, the numbers of collections of news video databases have recently exploded. Consequently, news videos are valuable to data analysts, information providers, and TV consumers, because of their information richness [12]. Therefore, news video databases were the subject of extensive research over the past decade, to develop effective and efficient tools for manipulation and analysis of news videos. An important step towards effective news video indexing and retrieval is news video story parsing, which partitions a news video into stories. This process generally involves three steps: news shot boundary detection, anchor shot detection, and news story segmentation [4, 5, 9, 16].

News shot boundary detection is the process of dividing a news video into shots by detecting transition boundaries between shots. The transitions between shots can be mainly classified into two types: abrupt cuts and gradual transitions. Gradual transitions can be further subdivided into fade-ins, fade-outs, and dissolves according to the characteristics of the different editing effects [26]. According to the recent literature, a large number of methods have been proposed for detecting shot boundaries [2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 19, 25]. Z. Cernekova et al. [3] proposed a shot boundary detection method based on mutual information (MI) and joint entropy (JE). They used MI and JE for detecting abrupt cuts and gradual transitions, respectively. X. Ling et al. [19] suggested a three-step shot boundary detection method based on SVM, which consists of three modules and operates sequentially. It firstly abstracts the reordered frame sequence (RFS) and detects abrupt cuts using SVM, and then detects gradual transitions by temporal multi-resolution analysis of RFS. M. Cooper et al. [6] presented a shot boundary detection method using supervised classification. It combines binary kNNs for detecting abrupt cuts and gradual transitions. In the first step, abrupt cut boundaries are detected and then, the non-abrupt cut frames are classified as either gradual transition frames or non-transition (normal) frames. In summary, most recently developed methods have focused on general purpose shot boundary detection [2, 3, 6, 10, 19], and a few of them were designed for news video story parsing [11]. Besides, most existing studies are detecting abrupt cut and gradual transition separately and they are made up of two-pass structure [3, 11] that requires scanning dataset twice for shot boundary detection or multi-step structure [6, 19].

Anchor shot detection is the process of finding shots which contain the anchor person. Concerning anchor shot detection, in general, there are two predominant research paradigms [21]: 1) The model (template) matching method and 2) The unsupervised (clustering) method. The former defines a set of predefined models for an anchor shot, then, matches them against all shots in a news video, in order to detect potential anchor shots. A. Hanjalic et al. [15] proposed an approach for template-based anchor shot detection by using sequence-own video shots as the template for detecting anchor shots of that sequence. However, it is infeasible to construct a generic model which can represent all types of news, because of the large variety of existing news programs. On the other hand, the latter constructs an unsupervised anchor shot model, or aggregates shots with similar visual content that frequently occur throughout the news video, using a clustering algorithm. X. Luan et al. [20] proposed an anchor shot detection method based on clustering, viz., AnchorClu. After fast clustering of a shot’s key frames, some clusters including the anchorperson cluster can be obtained. Then via some proper rules, the anchorperson cluster is selected. M. Santo et al. [21] also proposed an anchor shot detection method based on clustering. This algorithm firstly uses a clustering method for candidate anchor shots and then employs a two-stage pruning technique for reducing the number of falsely detected anchor shots. Both clustering and pruning are performed in an unsupervised manner. However, according to the assumptions used, there are inevitably corresponding drawbacks, for example a shot with a reporter (not an anchorperson) can be erroneously recognized as an anchor shot, an interview shot can result in a falsely detected anchor shot, etc.

Thus far, we have addressed problems associated with shot boundary detection and anchor shot detection in terms of news video story parsing. In general, shot boundary detection methods and anchor shot detection methods have been developed independently, although these are tightly related in news video story parsing. In this paper, we propose an efficient one-pass shot boundary detection algorithm and a cost-effective anchor shot detection method, which are unified scheme in news video story parsing.

First, we present the desired requirements for shot boundary detection from the perspective of news video story parsing, and suggest a new shot boundary detection method which meets all of these requirements as follows: 1) Detecting abrupt cuts and gradual transitions using a single algorithm so as to divide a news video into shots with a single scan of the dataset; 2) Additionally determining shots into static (a shot with anchor(s)) or dynamic (a shot without anchor(s)), therefore, reducing the search space for the subsequent stage of anchor shot detection; 3) Minimizing the incorrect data in the dataset for anchor shot detection by emphasizing of the recall ratio. The proposed method, based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and the incremental clustering with mercer kernel, has additional desirable features. 4) By applying SVD, noises or trivial variations in the video sequence are removed; 5) The mercer kernel improves the probability of detection of shots which are not separable in input space by mapping data onto a high dimensional feature space.

Second, we propose a new anchor shot detection system, viz., Multi-phase Anchor Shot Detection (MASD), which consists of three modules and operates sequentially: 1) A skin color detection module for reducing candidate face regions; 2) A face detection module for finding key-frames with face data; 3) A One-class Support Vector Machine (OSVM) module for determining anchor shots using Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). It achieves a high speed by greatly reducing the search space, and a high accuracy by SVDD using NMF.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present an efficient one-pass algorithm for shot boundary detection. A cost-effective algorithm for anchor shot detection is proposed in Section 3. In Section 4, we perform simulations to check the possible validity of our approach. Finally, in Section 5, we conclude with a brief summary and suggest future research directions.

2 News video shot boundary detection

In this section, we introduce a one-pass news video shot boundary detection method, based on SVD, and a newly developed algorithm (Kernel-ART) with many desirable features. It satisfies all of the desired requirements for the shot boundary detection method from the perspective of news video story parsing, as we mentioned in Section 1.

2.1 Theoretical background for news video shot boundary detection

In this paper, color histograms are chosen as the raw feature vector used to represent video frames. The three-dimensional histograms in the RGB color space with 16 respective bins for R, G, and B, are calculated. To incorporate the spatial information of the color distribution, we divide each image into 2×2 blocks. Thus, the dimensionality of the feature vector is \(m=4 \times 16^3=\text{16,384}\). With the feature vector of frame i as i-th column, the m×n feature-frame matrix A for the video sequence f i ;i = 1,2, ⋯ ,n is constructed.

The SVD is now applied to the aforementioned feature-frame matrix A. By choosing the largest k singular values, the m-dimensional input space is mapped onto the reduced k-dimensional refined feature space. Concerning SVD, we summarize the following two important properties that have been widely used for indexing, clustering, and retrieval in the context of text and image processing areas. These theorems are later used in the construction of our system. The complete proof can be found in [13] and [14].

Theorem 1

[13] For A ∈ R m ×n , if k < r = rank(A) and

$$ A_k = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k}{\sigma_iu_iv_i^T}, $$


$$ \min\limits_{rank(B)=k} \|A-B\|_2=\|A-A_k\|_2=\sigma_{k+1} $$

Theorem 1 has significant implications. Discarding small singular values means removing the linearly semi-dependent or non-essential axes of the feature space. That is, the truncated SVD still captures most of the important underlying structure in the association of histograms and video frames, without losing important information. As a result, the removal of noises and trivial variations in video frames can be achieved.

Theorem 2

[14] Let A = [A 1 ⋯ A i  ⋯ A n ], \(V^T=[\psi_1 \cdots \psi_i \cdots \psi_n]\) . Define the distance of ψ i to the origin of the refined feature space as:

$$ \|\psi_i\| = \sqrt { \sum\limits_{j=1}^{rank(A)} v_{ij}^2 } $$

If rank(A) = n, then, from the orthonormal property of matrix V, we have \(\|\psi_i\|^2=1\), where i = 1,2, ⋯ n. Let \(A'=[A_1 \cdots A_i^{(1)} \cdots A_i^{(k)} \cdots A_n]\) be the matrix obtained by duplicating column vector A i in Ak times \((A_i^{(1)}= \cdots = A_i^{(k)}=A_i)\), and \(V'^T=[\psi'_1 \cdots \phi'_1 \cdots \phi'_k \cdots \psi'_n]\) be the corresponding right singular vector matrix obtained from SVD. Then, \(\|\phi'_j\|^2=1/k\), where j = 1,2, ⋯ , k.

Theorem 2 provides the theoretical basis for search space reduction for the subsequent stage of anchor shot detection. A linearly-independent column vector A i of matrix A will be projected onto the vector ψ i whose distance defined by Eq. 3 is the one in the refined feature space. While, if A i has some duplicates \(A_i^{(j)}\), the distance of its projected vector ϕ i decreases. In the context of the news video domain, this can be interpreted as the fact that in the refined feature space, frames in a static shot will be projected onto points closer to the origin, while frames in a dynamic shot will be projected onto points farther from origin.

2.2 New shot boundary detection algorithm: Kernel-ART

The valuable findings stated in the previous subsection help us discover distinct features of low level patterns, and then use this knowledge to develop our targeting system. Since frames with similar histogram patterns will be mapped onto near points, a shot is represented as a cluster in the refined feature space. In this paper, we interpreted news video shot boundary detection problem as clustering one. In the case of abrupt cut, as independent cluster is formed on input space, clustering is easy. However, in the case of gradual transition, as cluster has large dispersion, it is not easy to separate the border. Therefore, we adopted the mercer kernel in our algorithm which can improve the probability of detection of shots in the case of gradual transition which are not separable in input space by mapping data onto a high dimensional feature space.

To detect the shot boundary, the angle between row vectors ψ i and ψ j is used as a similarity measure:

$$ S(\psi_i , \psi_j ) = \cos (\psi_i , \psi_j )=\frac{<\psi_i , \psi_j >}{||\psi_i|| ||\psi_j|| } $$

By Theorem 2, since the degree of visual changes in a shot is closely related to the location of its corresponding shot cluster in the refined feature space, we define the decision function classifying shots into static and dynamic, as follows:

$$ D(S_i)=\frac{1}{n_i} \sum\limits_{\psi_i \in S_i}||\psi_i||^2 $$

where S i is i-th video segment (shot) and n i is the number of frames pertaining to S i .

Here, we propose a Kernel-ART clustering algorithm, which combines Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) and the mercer kernel, to detect a shot boundary effectively. Details of the proposed algorithm are as follows:


The number of clusters c is initially set to one. The first input pattern is assigned to its initial weight vector as follows:

$$ w_1 = \psi_1 $$

This ensures that the first input pattern is assigned to the first shot cluster corresponding to any vigilance parameter ρ ∈ [0,1].

Activation Function

The mercer kernel improves the linear separability of data which are not separable in input space, by mapping data onto high dimensional feature space [7]. By substituting the inner product in the similarity measure of Eq. 4 with the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel, we can obtain a similarity measure function in the feature space, and the activation function is defined as follows:

$$ AF(\psi_i , w_j )=\exp \left\{-\frac{1}{c}||\psi_i - w_j ||^2 \right\} $$

where w j is the mean vector of the cluster j.

Matching Function

If the activation function AF(·) and the matching function MF(·) are chosen under condition (8), then the mismatch reset condition and the template matching process of the original ART is eliminated in the resonance domain [1].

$$ MF(\psi_i,w_1)> MF(\psi_i,w_2) \Longleftrightarrow AF(\psi_i,w_1)> AF(\psi_i,w_2) $$

The simplest means to define the activation and matching functions under condition (8) is to set the activation function to equal the matching function.

Shot Boundary Condition

According to the simple setting of the matching function, the shot boundary condition is selected as follows:

$$ AF(\psi_i , w_j )\geq \rho $$

Regarding shot boundary detection, our concern is testing whether frame ψ i pertains to the most recent cluster j formed prior to i-th time instant. If the shot boundary condition is not satisfied, the cluster j is classified as either static or dynamic using Eq. 5, then, a new cluster unit is created, j = j + 1 , and the input pattern is assigned to it. Otherwise w j is updated, subsequent to the inclusion of ψ i .

The proposed algorithm reduces the search space for the subsequent stage of anchor shot detection, by using only static shots for inputs of anchor shot detection. It has two parameters for controlling the results. One is the vigilance parameter ρ affecting the support of clusters. The other is the RBF kernel-width parameter, c. So the proposed algorithm is flexible and we have the capability to control the results with a high recall ratio. It also detects the abrupt cuts and the gradual transitions using a single algorithm so as to divide news video into shots with a single scan of the dataset. By applying SVD, noises or trivial variations in the video sequence are removed. Therefore, the separability is improved. The mercer kernel improves the probability of detection of shots which are not separable in input space, by mapping data onto high dimensional feature space. Accordingly, the proposed algorithm meets all of the design requirements presented in the introduction. The proposed shot boundary detection algorithm is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 The proposed shot boundary detection algorithm (Kernel-ART)

Complexity analysis of proposed Kernel-ART algorithm is as follows: Let’s assume there are n frames, and s shot clusters. The first frame of input data is unconditionally assigned to the first shot cluster and in the case new shot cluster is generated as previous shot cluster is excluded from calculation, n − 1 activation function (Eq. 7) calculations and n − 1 shot boundary condition (Eq. 9) comparisons are required. As the first vector of all shot clusters does not need cluster mean calculation, n − s cluster mean calculations are required. Therefore, for shot boundary detection, total of O(n) activation function calculations, O(n) shot boundary condition comparisons, and O(n) cluster mean calculations are required. Consequently, though n of frame increases, the amount of total calculation of algorithm increases with pseudo linear regarding n.

3 Anchor shot detection

The overall architecture of our newly proposed anchor shot detection system is given in Fig. 1, viz., Multi-phase Anchor Shot Detection (MASD), which consists of three modules and operates sequentially: 1) Skin color detection module for reducing candidate face regions; 2) Face detection module for finding key-frames with a facial data; 3) One-class SVM module for determining the anchor shots using a Support Vector Data Description (SVDD). Each module will be described in turn.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The overall architecture of proposed anchor shot detection method

3.1 Skin color detection

To increase the probability of anchor shots in a candidate set, and reduce the search space for the face detection module in the next stage, we simplified the fast skin color detection algorithm [22] which eliminates key-frames of each shot without a skin color region and/or a region that is too large. The simple but cost-effective heuristic rule defined in Eq. 10 is highly appropriate here. Consequently, the reduced images with a skin color region are rapidly obtained.

$$\begin{array}{r} (R,G,B) \quad is \quad classif\/ied \quad as \quad skin \quad if:\nonumber\\ R>95 \quad and \quad G>40 \quad and \quad B>20 \quad and \nonumber\\ R-G>15 \quad and \quad R>B \end{array}$$

With regard to our skin color detection rule, six comparisons per pixel are conducted. If we assume that there exist n frames whose size is k pixels, it is necessary that 6k comparisons should be conducted in order to detect skin color regarding a frame. Finally, to detect skin color regarding all frames, 6kn comparisons are necessary. Consequently, to detect skin color, O(n) simple relational comparison operations are required.

3.2 Fast face detection

With the resulting reduced key-frames obtained from the prior step, the main job of a real-time face detection module is to classify them into frames with facial data and frames with non-facial data. A key-frame without a face or with over three-faces is automatically discarded. Accordingly, the search space for the next stage will be considerably reduced. To meet our design requirements (i.e., speed and precision), we choose a real-time face detection model [24] which consists of several weak classifiers (Haar-like features) in a chain of cascading structure and a SVM in the last row. A series of weak classifiers incrementally generates candidate faces at a high speed but at the cost of a low precision. Since the false-negative ratio is high but the false-positive ratio is close to zero, they definitely have the capability to generate candidate faces with a low computational cost. On the other hand, a SVM in the last row does finally detect a face with a high precision. The overall architecture of the real-time face detection module is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A cascading face detector

3.3 One-class SVM

In the last stage of MASD, SVM is used to detect the anchor shot with high precision along with a vector representation based on NMF. The NMF provides part-based representations of dataset while SVD and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) provide holistic representations [18]. Therefore, the feature vectors with NMF have not only color histogram information in key-frames, but also spatial information of objects in key-frames. Accordingly, it is feasible to select NMF for representation of feature vectors.

The anchor shot detection may have data size differences according to type of anchor shot (the anchor shot has one of four spatial types as shown in Fig. 1). As a result, because of the unbalanced size of the training data, the learning result of one anchor shot type might be influenced by a different anchor shot type. Moreover, it is hard to conclude that the current training data represents the entire class, since anchor person and studio condition can sometimes be changed. Therefore, it is probable that the binary classifier SVM results in misclassification of the new training data by creating a decision boundary including an unobserved area. Accordingly, it is preferable to select a decision boundary function that uses a One-class SVM (OSVM) (one of the most well-known types of OSVM is the Support Vector Data Description (SVDD [23])) that independently expresses the corresponding class.

In this paper, we trained total four classifiers that are applicable to each anchor shot type by using SVDDs (see Fig. 1), and final anchor shot is determined by selecting one of four SVDDs through the number of faces and center point value of faces that have been detected in face detection stage with regard to key-frame that represents shot.

4 Experiments

To evaluate the performance of our proposed system, we collected a dataset from news programs of the two leading TV stations in Korea; Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) and Munwha Broadcasting Corporation (MBC). The ground truth is manually pre-labeled. The experiment of this paper has been conducted in PC of Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHZ specification and all algorithms have been realized by using Matlab. We use the standard precision and recall criteria as the evaluation measure. As a single figure of merit for comparing different algorithms, the so-called F-measure [4] combining precision and recall is also used:

$$ F = \frac{2 \times recall \times precision}{(recall + precision)} $$

4.1 Performance evaluations of the proposed shot boundary detection

The rank parameter k of SVD is set to 50, and we constructed a 50-dimensional refined induced feature space. Here, the width parameter of mercer kernel c is fixed to 0.005, and parameter ρ under the shot boundary condition is optimized experimentally in its dataset. The total dataset consists of ten new video datasets including static shots and dynamic shots. In addition, each dataset is also divided into abrupt cut and gradual transition, which include fade-in, fade-out, and dissolve. The dataset is described in detail in Table 2.

Table 2 The dataset for performance evaluation of the proposed shot boundary detection method

We apply SVD to the first dataset consisting of 150 shots, and plot the portion of the dataset in the refined subspace, as shown in Fig. 3. The data distributions of static and dynamic shots in the refined subspace of the first and second dimension are given. As shown in Fig. 3, it is clear that static shots are projected onto data points with a small dispersion, while dynamic shots are projected onto data points with a large dispersion. It is also clear that frames in a static shot are projected onto data points closer to the origin, whereas, frames in a dynamic shot are projected onto data points farther from the origin. As a result, static shots and dynamic shots can be easily classified by Theorem 2 and Eq. 5 of Kernel-ART. By using only static shots as inputs in anchor shot detection, the search space in anchor shot detection can be greatly reduced. This satisfies the second of the design requirements presented in the introduction. The example of the frame sequences used in Fig. 3 is presented in Fig. 4. Figure 4a is the anchor shot, which is a typical static shot, and Fig. 4b is a dynamic shot, which involves a large camera motion. A static shot with a small change of object motions and a dynamic shot with a large change of object motions are shown in Fig. 4c and d, respectively.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Data distributions of static and dynamic shots in the refined subspace derived by SVD

Fig. 4
figure 4

The examples of the frame sequences used in Fig. 3

In Table 3, we summarize the experimental results of our proposed shot boundary detection algorithm, Kernel-ART. This indicates that our system detects almost all shot boundaries (the average recall is 98.44%), although it sometimes misclassifies a shot as two shots (the average precision is 93.32%). In this paper, we designed the shot boundary detection algorithm as part of a news video story parsing system. Since missing shots have a negative impact on later anchor shot detection, news video story parsing may ultimately have unfortunate consequences. Therefore, the high recall ratio is an important factor of overall system performance, and is very valuable. This high recall ratio of our proposed shot boundary detection algorithm satisfies the third requirement of the aforementioned design requirements. Equation 5, which is based on theorem 2, has the capability to greatly reduce the search space in the anchor shot detection step. We obtain 63.89% on the average as inputs into the anchor shot detection step, and eliminate an average 36.11% of the shots which is classified as dynamic shot. The recall rate of static shots is 100%, which means that our method does not miss any static shots and all of the anchor shots will be used as inputs in the anchor shot detection step. Also, we summarize the quantitative/qualitative analysis with existing methodologies in Table 4.

Table 3 The experimental evaluation of the proposed shot boundary detection algorithm (Kernel-ART)
Table 4 Summary of quantitative/qualitative analysis for the shot boundary detection

Kernel-ART is based on ART algorithm that scalability has already been demonstrated in Artificial Neural Networks [27]. It means that though the size of data increases, performance above certain level can be shown. We identified it through experiment. The proposed Kernel-ART algorithm requires satisfactory processing time of 1.2983 s on the average in clustering total 6,876 frames under the environment of this experiment. To identify the change of processing speed according to the increase in data, we measured the number of frames up to 6,500 while increasing by 500. As we have already identified in complexity analysis, we confirmed that processing speed of proposed Kernel-ART clustering algorithm increases close to the linear according to the number of input frames through experiment (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

A number of input frames versus processing time of Kernel-ART clustering

4.2 Experiment for anchor shot detection

We conduct performance evaluation of our anchor shot detection (MASD) using five test datasets which include real anchor shots, reporter shots, and interview shots. The dataset is summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 The dataset for performance evaluation of the proposed anchor shot detection method

Figure 6 illustrates a snapshot of our system operation, using a typical example. Figure 6a is the examples of pruned data by skin color detector which is the first step of MASD, and Fig. 6b is the examples of pruned data by face detector, the second step of MASD, which involves no face or more than three faces. The examples of discarded data by OSVMs, the last step of MASD, are shown in Fig. 6c.

Fig. 6
figure 6

A snapshot of the proposed anchor shot detection system, MASD, operation with a typical example

Our simulation indicates that an average 31.79% of all candidate sets is obtained without any loss of anchor shots, after the skin color detection phase. Furthermore, an average 13.27% of all candidate sets is determined, subsequent to the face detection phase including all anchor shots. Ultimately, an average 86.73% of non-candidate anchor shots is successfully eliminated by skin color detection and face detection, as we expected. With the reduced search space obtained from prior steps, the anchor shot detection module classifies face data as anchor shots and non-anchor shots.

In Table 6, we summarize the experimental results of our proposed anchor shot detection system, MASD. According to the simulation, our system shows an average 97.40% for precision, 96.28% for recall and 96.83% for F-measure, respectively. As previously stated, our system methodology achieves not only a high speed by means of greatly reducing the search space, but also a high accuracy by means of a SVDD using NMF. Also, we summarize the quantitative/qualitative analysis with existing methodologies in Table 7.

Table 6 Experimental evaluation of the proposed anchor shot detection method
Table 7 Summary of quantitative/qualitative analysis for the anchor shot detection

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced an efficient one-pass shot boundary detection algorithm and a cost-effective anchor shot detection method for news video story parsing, which are tightly coupled. First, we proposed a new shot boundary detection method, based on SVD, and a newly developed algorithm, viz., Kernel-ART, which meets all of the design requirements for shot boundary detection in terms of news video story parsing. It can greatly reduce the search space in anchor shot detection by using only static shots as inputs in anchor shot detection and showed a very high recall ratio. It also detects the abrupt cuts and the gradual transitions using a single algorithm with a single scan of the dataset. By applying SVD, noises or trivial variations in the video sequence are removed, and the mercer kernel improves the probability of detection of shots which are not separable in input space. Second, we proposed a new anchor shot detection system, viz., MASD, which consists of three modules and operates sequentially: 1) A skin color detection module for reducing candidate face regions; 2) A face detection module for finding key-frames with face data; 3) An OSVM module for determining the anchor shots using a SVDD. The proposed system achieves not only a high speed by means of greatly reducing the search space, but also a high accuracy by means of a SVDD using NMF. We checked the validity of our approach with simulations.

We are very interested in video data mining. So, we will analyze the inter-structure of a news video from the perspective of video data mining in future work.