Introduction and Motivation

The call for philosophical meta theory of software science and engineering is partly due to the success and partly due the problems, shortcomings and failures experienced by this still rather young discipline so far. Had software engineering had no success at all up to now, then it might probably have vanished already as rapidly as it had emerged. In this way it could have become at best a footnote in future’s books on the history of science, but not a topic of this essay. For example, the global social evolution induced by the internet and mobile telephony, which has profoundly changed some social habits even in deepest Africa, would not have been possible without the achievements of software engineering in its role as an ‘enabling technology’. On the other hand, had software engineering been only successful and nothing but successful until today, then we would most probably still indulge complacently in the sunshine of our success and would not feel any necessity for critical reflection and self-reflection. The notorious failure of the Ariane 5 space flight #501 on the 4th of June 1996 is probably the most widely known example of the dire consequences of software defects. As it is common knowledge today, the ‘causa proxima’ of that costly accident was a software defect, or, to be more precise: a numeric type error after the device’s control software had been wrongly ported from the hardware system of Ariane 4 to the slightly different hardware system of Ariane 5. From such kind of suffering, philosophy emerges.

Philosophy of computer science (which is the general theme of this special issue of this journal) deals predominantly with problems and questions around the nature of computation as a process in time, the physicality or non-physicality of information (Landauer 1961), or with the question whether or not computer science belongs to the group of mathematical or natural sciences (Denning 2007). Thus the question arises why an essay on the philosophy of software engineering should find its place in a special issue on the philosophy of computer science? This could be justified with the answer that software engineering is a sub-field of the field of computer science, as some scholars would argue, or that software engineering is based on computer science as its auxiliary science, as other scholars would argue. The question, whether software engineering is a sub-field of computer science, or whether computer science is only an auxiliary science to an independent field of software engineering, is a science-philosophical question with relevance also to the philosophy of computer science. Anyway—whatever answer to that question the reader might prefer—we can state with a high degree of credibility that software engineering has not yet been sufficiently taken into account in our attempts towards a philosophical understanding of computer science. Though there already exist several science-philosophical reflections by various authors on various topics in the computer science context of software engineering—see, for example, the contribution by Smith on the ontology of objects (Smith 1998) (which are particularly relevant concepts in software engineering), science-philosophical reflections on the topic of ‘agile’ software development (Northover et al. 2007), the latest work by Kroeze on the notion of ontology in software engineering (Kroeze 2010), the works by Fetzer on the philosophy of program verification (Fetzer 1988, 1998) as well as on the concept of models in computer science (Fetzer 1999)—the field of software science and software engineering as a whole is surely not yet exhaustively explored and philosophically reflected. For these reasons, this essay aims at making another step into this direction.

This step shall be made by reviewing and discussing some recent issues in the philosophy of software engineering, and, consequently, by pointing to some open problems which deserve our attention in future studies. The essay as a whole is motivated by a recent verdict by Rombach and Seelisch: “up to now, a concise, practicable theory of software engineering does not exist” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008). Indeed, most of the critical and meta-theoretic remarks about software engineering have come from philosophically minded software scientists and engineers within this discipline so far. Therefore we are still hoping for a more interdisciplinary discourse, together with professional philosophers of science (also: historians of science, sociologists of science, etc.), in this field.

In a recent article by Amnon Eden in this journal (Eden 2007) one can find an interesting discussion of three different ‘paradigms’ of computer science, whereby software engineering—the topic of this essay—was associated by Eden with the ‘technocratic’ one of those three paradigms. Footnote 1 For each of those three paradigms of computer science, Eden had identified different philosophical foundations and presuppositions in three philosophical areas, namely

  • ontology (i.e.: what exists),

  • epistemology (i.e.: what can be known), and

  • methodology (i.e.: how can knowledge be reached).

The argument in this essay mimics Eden’s argument structurally in the sense that we will also identify and discuss three different ‘paradigms’ of software engineering. This discussion will also entail some critique of Eden’s somewhat too one-sided association of software engineering, as a whole, with the ‘technocratic paradigm’ of computer science. Anyway, Eden (2007) will be the most important point of reference in the discourse of this essay. Throughout this essay it is assumed that the readers already have some basic understanding of software engineering as an academic and industrial discipline; further explications can be found in the standard literature.

Finally, after its central argument, this essay also suggests (in its outlook section) some possibly promising themes for future studies in the philosophy of software science and software engineering. Those further themes could not be discussed in this essay any more, partly due to lack of page space and partly for the sake of topical cohesion.

‘Paradigms’ and Quarrels About the Foundations of Sciences

As Eden had pointed out in Eden (2007) there are often deeper science-philosophical issues behind the facades of obvious ‘paradigmatic’ differences. This shall be shown also for the case of software engineering in the following parts of this essay—though the now rather modish term ‘paradigm’ should not be used inflationary, for it would otherwise lose its particularly important Kuhnian attributes of historic dominance and systematic incommensurability, Masterman’s critique of the lack of univocity of the term ‘paradigm’ (Masterman 1970) throughout Kuhn’s writings notwithstanding.

Anyway, the science-philosophical issue behind a ‘paradigm’ is in many cases something which the constructivists have called the ‘problem of origin’ Footnote 2, i.e., the problem about how to establish the conceptual foundations of a particular science consistently and without petitio principii. Even if one is not an ardent supporter of the school of constructivism, Footnote 3 one has to credit the protagonists of that philosophical school for their sincere enquiries in the context of the ‘problem of origin’.

Whilst the methodological constructivists approached this problem rather pragmatically (i.e., by reference to action, thus somewhat similar to Heidegger’s concepts of ‘world’ Footnote 4 and ‘equipment’ Footnote 5), the problem of origin also has a rational aspect which reveals itself in the words (terms, notions, concepts) that are axiomatically used in the terminological system of a scientific theory but which are essentially not explained by the theory itself to which they belong. Consequently, such un-explained fundamental terms and notions can be taken as ‘doors’ through which we can proceed from the restricted domain of a particular science into the wider realm of philosophy. For a number of long-established sciences, the following examples of ‘door concepts’ are well known to every student of philosophy:

  • In biology, ‘life’ is comprehensively described but not essentially explained in its deeper nature. Footnote 6

  • In physics, ‘energy’ and ‘force’ remain two aptly described and quantifiable meta-physical mysteries.

  • In stochastics and mathematical statistics, we quantify but do not essentially clarify the imported idea of ‘probability’ or ‘likelihood’.

  • In formal logics, we use but do not deeply explain the notion of ‘truth’.

  • In jurisprudence, the notion of ‘law’ is based on the idea of justice, but an ultimate definition of ‘justice’ cannot be given within the legal framework itself (and history has indeed seen many examples of unjust laws).

  • In informatics (computer science) as well as in information theory (i.e., the science about message transmissions via channels following the works by Claude Shannon) we use the idea of ‘information’ but we cannot essentially explain its deeper meaning within the theoretical framework of these sciences.

  • In classical mathematics, a pre-understanding of the notion of ‘proof’ beyond the symbolic operations is taken for granted.

  • In psychology, the concepts of ‘soul’ and ‘mind’ lead straight into one of the oldest and most notorious problems of philosophical thought.

Historians and philosophers of science will notice easily that a ‘foundation dispute’ Footnote 7—i.e., a methodological, meta-scientific issue as exemplified above—has a tendency to emerge particularly at the ‘threshold’ of such a ‘door’ between a particular science and general philosophy. In all those foundational disputes there was ultimately a problem of metaphysics at stake: Shall metaphysics be acknowledged and admitted at all, yes or no?—if yes, then how much of it?—etc. The quarreling parties in most of those examples listed above were usually some sorts of ‘positivists’, ‘empiricists’, ‘formalists’, ‘behaviourists’, ‘reductionists’, ‘materialists’ (etc.) on the one side, versus some sorts of ‘platonists’, ‘holists’, ‘rationalists’, ‘idealists’ (etc.) on the opposite side. Take, for example, the notorious debate about vitalism in meta biology and philosophy of nature (e.g., Hans Driesch), or the flurry of modern truth-theories behind the scenes of socio-linguistics, textual hermeneutics, and mathematical logics. Another illustrative example is the foundation dispute of meta mathematics about the notion of ‘proof’, which lead to Brouwer’s and Heyting’s intuitionism, to further progress in proof theory, etc.

For our field of informatics or computer science, empiricism versus rationalism was discussed in Eden (2007). Whereas Eden has delivered a foundation analysis for the domain of computer science, and thereby identified (or at least strongly associated) software engineering as (or with) one particular ‘paradigm’ in (or of) computer science (Eden 2007), this essay goes further to discuss different philosophical ‘streams’ within software engineering itself (which Eden had still treated more or less as one monolithic entity without mentioning any of its inner frictions and factions). Some kind of foundation dispute in software engineering we can observe very clearly in these days, namely the one between followers of the human-centered ‘agile’ versus the followers process-centered ‘engineering’ methodologies (Northover et al. 2008), or the ‘humanists’ versus the ‘formalists’. This quarrel between ‘humanists’ and ‘formalists’ in software engineering is also connected with the questions whether or not software engineering be a sub-science of computer science, and—even more problematic—whether or not software engineering is a ‘science’ at all. This problem, which was also a theme in Eden (2007), will be further discussed in the remaining sections of this essay, in continuation of some preliminary remarks which I had already made about this issue in Gruner (2010).

However, before this discussion about the philosophical problems in software engineering can continue, a few clarifying remarks need to be made about ‘what is?’ software engineering, on the basis of some clarification about ‘what is?’ software itself.

The Ontological Status of Software

Much truth has already been said and written about the ontological status of computer programs or software as a non-material entity: see for example Olson (1997) (especially for the domain of artificial life), Cleland (2001), Broy and Rombach (2002), Eden (2007), Northover et al. (2008), and many others. To date, and in those literature examples, there is still some ambiguity about the notions of ‘software’ and ‘computer programs’ which would deserve some further clarification (i.e.: are ‘software’ and ‘computer programs’ extensionally equivalent concepts, or are these concepts in some unidirectional inclusion relation with each other?), but this question is not the main question of this essay.

For the understanding of the remainder of this essay it is sufficient to grasp the immaterial nature of software in terms of this often told anecdote from the early days of computing: There was a computer scientist traveling by ship to some conference overseas, and the quartermaster of the vessel complained that the ‘software’ in the travelling scientist’s luggage, full of computer-readable punch cards, was “too heavy”. Answered the scientist to the ship’s quartermaster: “My software weighs nothing! Do you see the holes in these punch cards? These holes are the software!”

For the sake of argument in this essay (notwithstanding the literature references on the ontological status of software as mentioned above) let us first of all understand ‘software’ as text—however not the paper (or whatever material substrate) on which the text is written. Like a poem, software has thus also aesthetic qualities (which are often forgotten in the literature on software ontology), such as form (even beauty in its form), legibility, etc. What distinguishes a module of software from a poem is its interpretability and executability by some kind of computing machinery: unlike a poem, software can ‘tell’ a computer ‘what to do’. This feature of software reminds us, for example, of a baking recipe, which is also text, however text in such a way that it can tell a baker in the bakery how to bake a cake. Thus, in this very broad sense of the term, even a baker’s recipe for cake baking could be regarded as ‘software’, whereby the specific differences between this kind of ‘software’ and actually executable computer programs are mainly found in the degree of detail and precision as far as the algorithmic description (or prescription) of the executable computational steps are concerned (Cleland 2001). For comparison see also Eden (2007) wherein we can find further terminological distinctions of ‘program script’, ‘program process’, etc.

By the way, my classification of software code as ‘text’ should not be mistaken as just a fashionable ‘postmodernist’ hermeneutical gimmick. This classification has its justification in the very construction principle of the classical von-Neumann/Zuse hardware architecture itself, in which both ‘instructions’ and ‘data’ are stored as bit patterns—i.e.: ‘text’—indistinguishable from each other in the same type of storage (RAM). Whether a bit pattern in some RAM cell c is interpreted as ‘instruction’ or as ‘data’ depends mainly on the operations of the von-Neumann/Zuse machine at runtime: see the ‘technocratic ontology’ of Eden (2007) for comparison.

Anyway, on the basis of the simple notion of ‘software’ as sketched above (which is sufficient for the understanding of the remainder of this essay) it is fair to say that ‘software engineering’ is both the theory (science) of ‘grasping’ software, as well as the practice (industry) of ‘making’ it in the best possible way. Thereby the qualifier ‘best possible’ refers both to the quality of the production method (process) and to the quality of the software as deliverable outcome (product) of that production process. For clarification in terms of the bakery analogy of above, note that the software engineer is not the analogon of the baker, and the software is not the analogon of the cake. Rather: the software engineer is like somebody who creates cake recipes for the baker, such that the baker (i.e., the computer) can bake cake (i.e., computation output, calculation results) on the basis of a given recipe.

This simple analogy is all we need to keep in mind about software and software engineering for understanding the subsequent sections of this essay. Whether or not such a textual software recipe corresponds to a pre-existing ‘form’ or ‘idea’ in a Platonic realm of super-reality—in other words: whether software recipes, in their role as technical problem solutions, are ‘discovered’ or ‘invented’—is not a question for this essay.

Software Engineering Between Rationalism and Empiricism

Ten years after the software engineer Gregor Snelting had sharply attacked especially the academic (not so much the industrial) branch of software engineering for an alleged attitude of ‘Feyerabendianism’ (Snelting 1998), by which he referred to a flood of out-of-the-blue-sky concepts and rather unsound proposal publications, the computer scientists and software engineers Rombach and Seelisch have continued this dispute with their statement that “software engineering today, seen as a practically highly relevant engineering discipline, is not mature enough” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008). This immaturity entails that most of the results from scientific or academic software engineering research are currently not finding their way into the industrial or commercial software engineering practice, such that the knowledge gap between software engineering research and practice is widening (Rombach and Seelisch 2008). Rombach and Seelisch further argued that this gap between theory and practice is due to “a tremendous lack of empirical evidence regarding the benefits and limitations of new software engineering methods and tools on both sides” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008).

These practical problem statements lead consequently to the more science-philosophical questions about the status of software engineering as an empirical discipline—yes or no, and, if yes, to what extent: “The major claim of this work is that typical shortcomings in the practical work of software engineers as we witness them today result from missing or unacknowledged empirical facts. Discovering the facts by empirical studies is the only way to gain insights in how software development projects should be run best, i.e., insights in the discipline of software engineering” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008). In that short paragraph one can already detect two relevant science-philosophical problems (which Rombach and Seelisch did not explicitly mention), namely:

  • How to bridge the category gap from ontology (“discovering facts”) to deontology (“how projects should be run best”) without committing the notorious naturalist fallacy?

  • What types of investigations may be methodologically admitted as ‘empirical studies’ if software engineering at large does not (and cannot) happen in the closed environment of a well-controlled physics laboratory? See for comparison (Tichy 2007) presenting a classification of various empirical methods in software engineering.

Rombach and Seelisch further identified two key reasons for the current practical problems of software engineering, namely “non-compliance with best-practice principles” as well as “non-existence of credible evidence regarding the effects of method and tools” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008). This lead them to the discussion of the relationship between software engineering and computer science (informatics), in continuation of a previous contribution to this discourse (Broy and Rombach 2002). About the relation between software engineering and computer science they wrote: “Computer science is the well-established science of computers, algorithms, programs and data structures. Just like physics, its body of knowledge can be characterized by facts, laws and theories. But, whereas physics deals with natural laws of our physical world, computer science is a body of cognitive laws” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008). Moreover: “when software engineering deals with the creation of large software artifacts then its role is more similar to mechanical and electrical engineering where the goal is to create large mechanical or electronic artifacts. (...) In this sense, software engineering can be seen as an analog set of methods for developing software, based on fundamental results from computer science” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008). Thus, in contrast to the viewpoint of Eden (2007), wherein software engineering appeared like one particular ‘paradigm’ of computer science (i.e.: a particular way of ‘doing’ computer science), software engineering appeared in Rombach and Seelisch (2008) as an autonomous engineering discipline on the basis of computer science.

It is not the purpose of this essay to discuss comprehensively the extent of structural and methodological similarity between computer science and physics which Rombach and Seelisch have asserted in their essay; such an analogy was also mentioned by Eden (2007) in its section on the ‘scientific paradigm’. At this moment in time it seems to me that such an analogy between computer science and physics, as asserted by Rombach and Seelisch (2008), is currently more wishful thinking than observable reality, but anyway this is a topic of discussion rather for the ‘classical’ philosophy of computer science about which some volumes of publications already exist. Footnote 8 This essay is mainly concerned with software engineering and its relation to other disciplines, not the meta-scientific disputes about those other disciplines themselves, though it should also be clear that there must be some topical overlap between the philosophy of computer science and the philosophy of software engineering, in correspondence with the topical relationships between computer science and software engineering themselves; (see the further discussions below).

Rombach and Seelisch continued their discussion with the topic of software engineering “principles”, especially the “general pattern of divide and conquer”, which is a reductionist method of separating a large problem into a set of smaller (and thus easier solvable) sub- and sub-sub- problems under the a-priori assumption that the whole will not be more than the sum of its parts. Terminologically one may criticize, perhaps somewhat pedantically, that a “principle” in the terminology of Rombach and Seelisch should be better called a ‘maxim’, such as not to confuse ontology and deontology, world and method. However, pedantic terminology aside, there must surely arise the question about the limits of ‘principles’ such as ‘divide and conquer’ themselves: Classically—and apparently also in Eden (2007)—one had almost always tacitly presumed rather simple hardware structures, such as the Zuse/von-Neumann computer architecture (or rather simple networks composed of such devices), as the material basis for which software systems were to be developed. However, with the possible emergence of other hardware systems such as massive-parallel cellular automata in the not-too-far future, our cherished ‘principles’ (such as our methodical reductionism) might possibly falter. In the words of Victor Zhirnov and his co-authors this forecast reads as follows: “When we consider the use of these systems” (i.e., cellular automata) “to implement computation for general applications, a vexing set of software challenges arise (...) and we are aware of little work in this area” (Zhirnov et al. 2008). In other words: At stake is, from a science-philosophical perspective, the principle-ness of those software engineering concepts which had been so far regarded as ‘principles’ under un-reflected, accidental historical circumstances (such as the technical and technological dominance of the Zuse/von-Neumann machine) which had simply been taken for granted during several decades of our times. In this context, software engineering philosophy must thus ask the question: What is the characteristic feature of a software engineering ‘principle’, and are we really confronted with (genuine) principles when practical software engineers speak about such? Such a philosophical concept analysis—for example on the notion of ‘principle’—might then lead to further ‘paradigmatic’ insights, similar to what has been shown in Eden (2007).

Regarding the demanded empirical evidence in software engineering—see for comparison the ‘scientific paradigm’ in Eden (2007)—Rombach and Seelisch stated “that having definitions and measures at one’s disposal does not automatically guarantee that they be used. Enforcing their usage must be part of the project and can often only be accomplished by organizational changes or even changes in the working culture” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008). At this point I can see Rombach and Seelisch (2008) going a step further than Eden (2007) in which one cannot find sufficient mentioning of any kind of ‘meta method’ for an effective ‘cultural’ transition from the (rejected) ‘technocratic’ to the (desired) ‘scientific paradigm’ (Eden 2007). Moreover, here I can also see a ‘door’ into the domains of philosophical ethics and philosophical anthropology with the question whether or not any change of our ‘working culture’ is arbitrarily at our disposal, or if there exists anything like a ‘human nature’ on which our ‘working culture’ might depend deeply in a non-arbitrary manner. The general presumption of Rombach and Seelisch (2008) seems to be that such a change in our working culture can be achieved at will.

A normative question would follow immediately: should such a work-cultural transition (under the assumption of its possibility) be made at all? In this context it is interesting to note that the software engineer Tom DeMarco, previously known as a strong supporter of rigorous metrics and quantitative measurements in the software engineering process (De Marco 1986), such as advocated by Rombach and Seelisch (2008), has recently dissociated himself from his earlier positions and is now strongly emphasising the importance of ethical concepts such as ‘value’ and ‘purpose’ beyond the technical requirements of quantitative control and controllability (De Marco 2009). Contrary to Rombach and Seelisch’s remarks regarding physics as the role-model discipline for computer science and software engineering, DeMarco claimed recently that “software development is inherently different from a natural science such as physics, and its metrics are accordingly much less precise in capturing the things they set out to describe. They must be taken with a grain of salt, rather than trusted without reservation” (De Marco 2009).

Here we have arrived at a crucial science-philosophical and methodological point in the software engineering debate again, where—in structural analogy to Eden (2007)—three major ‘parties’ can be identified:

  • The ‘formalists’ emphasise the mathematicalness of software engineering and advocate mathematical methods for software quality assurance, such as theorem-proving and model-checking.

  • The ‘engineers’ emphasise the constructivity of software engineering along the lines of rigorous production schemes and workflow models, as they are also known from mechanical factories.

  • The ‘humanists’ emphasise the social interactions during the process of software development, and the implications of software applications in the wider society.

In Gruner (2010) I have also spoken about the ‘physicalists’ (for which Rombach and Seelisch (2008) can be taken as a good example). This position of software engineering physicalism can be analysed as a combination of the ‘formalists’ and the ‘engineers’ of above, whereby the engineering practices are supposedly based on physics-like experimental experiences, and the formulation of physics-like general laws is supposedly based on the precision of the language of mathematics. Software ‘physicalism’ in the terminology of Gruner (2010) thus matches the ‘scientific paradigm’ of Eden (2007).

In this context, DeMarco has explicated and paraphrased the ‘humanist paradigm’ as follows: “I’m gradually coming to the conclusion that software engineering is an idea whose time has come and gone. I still believe that it makes excellent sense to engineer software. But that isn’t exactly what ‘software engineering’ has come to mean. The term encompasses as specific set of disciplines including defined processes, (etc.) All these strive for consistency of practice and predictability. Consistency and predictability are still desirable, but they haven’t ever been the most important things. For the past 40 years (...) we’ve tortured ourselves over our inability to finish a software project on time and on budget. But (...) this never should have been the supreme goal. The more important goal is transformation, creating software that changes the world (...). Software development is and always will be somewhat experimental. The actual software construction isn’t necessarily experimental, but its conception is. And this is where our focus ought to be” (De Marco 2009).

In terms of classical philosophy, DeMarco’s optimistic statement sounds very much like American Pragmatism; yet it remains to be demonstrated whether or not such pragmatism will be able pull the discipline of software construction by its own hair out of swamp in which it is notoriously sitting (like in the story of Münchhausen). DeMarco’s is indeed an optimistic point of view, based on the ‘common sense’ experience that we are not daily confronted with catastrophic Ariane 5 incidents and that our daily interaction with mundane household software products (e.g., eMail, internet, mobile telephony, computer games, etc.) is—in spite of the occasional ‘hickup’—reasonably pleasant and successful. In other words: DeMarco simply refused to accept the notorious ‘software crisis’—by which much software philosophy, including Rombach and Seelisch (2008), is motivated—as a crisis at all. This refusal must point, in the end, to related questions in social philosophy and the philosophy of systems about the concept and the essence of what we want to call a ‘crisis’. For comparison: we would (at this point in time) also not easily want to assert that the entire discipline of civil engineering (as a whole) would be ‘in crisis’, though we all know that many streets and roads are still rather poorly built, some hardware structures still collapse catastrophically every now and then, and also many civil engineering projects—not only software engineering projects—are running late and over-budget, as many town mayors and municipal directors can tell.

From the perspective of Eden (2007) the viewpoint of De Marco (2009) is interesting, too, because it cannot be captured adequately by any of Eden’s three ‘paradigms’ alone: DeMarco’s viewpoint is not in contradiction to any of those three (Eden 2007); it is located somewhat ‘orthogonal’ to (or even beyond) all of them, and thus adds another dimension to our software-philosophical problems under consideration.

The issue of ‘experimental-ness’ of software engineering, vaguely mentioned by DeMarco in his quote of above, shall now lead us back to the discussion of the issues emphasised in Rombach and Seelisch (2008) in which the authors demanded: “Laying the foundations of software engineering thus means to:

  • state working hypotheses that specify software engineering methods and their outcome together with the context of their application,

  • make experiments, i.e. studies to gain empirical evidence, given a concrete scenario,

  • formulate facts resulting from these studies (...),

  • abstract facts to laws by combining facts with similar, if not equal, contexts,

  • verify working hypotheses, and thereby build up and continuously modify a concise theory of software engineering as a theoretical building block of computer science” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008).

As mentioned above, all this seems very compatible with the notion of the ‘scientific paradigm’ of computer science in Eden (2007). Thus, using Eden’s terminology we could, in the case of Rombach and Seelisch (2008), speak of an example of the ‘scientific paradigm’ of software engineering, which implies that we cannot easily subsume the entire domain of software engineering under the ‘technocratic paradigm’ of computer science (as it was suggested in Eden (2007)).

The lengthy quote of above contains the core of Rombach’s and Seelisch’s basically empiricist software engineering philosophy. Structurally we can immediately recognize their adherence to the ideal of physics as the role-model science, with their mentioning of hypotheses, experiments, facts and laws. However, once again the science-philosophical question arises whether or not (and, if yes, to what extent) such a structural analogy is materially justified. For example, Rombach and Seelisch did not clarify (and did not even attempt to clarify) their notion of ‘experiment’, especially (not) as far as the crucial, classical criterion of repeatability is concerned. How would software engineering ‘experiments’ be controlled and isolated from their environment under laboratory conditions, which is the classical precondition of repeatability? Has any ‘software engineering experiment’ in the history of science ever been de-facto repeated? And if repeatability cannot be granted in the classical sense, which is then the degree of validity of the ‘laws’ which are supposed to be induced from such an ‘experimental’ procedure? These are the kind of questions which philosophical software engineers like Rombach and Seelisch should try to answer seriously—otherwise they would immediately run into the same type of difficulties as Auguste Comte with his empiricist conception of sociology as the ‘physics of society’ more than 150 years ago. I would like to add that repeatable experiments (in the classical sense of the term) in software engineering are possible if the computer itself serves as our well-controlled ‘laboratory’ and if a computer program is the subject of experimentation; see Eden (2007) for comparison. Then, however, we would have returned into the comparatively narrow field of computer science and programming, which does not exhaust the wider field of software engineering in which we have to deal with larger projects, various human or corporate stake-holders, legal and financial constraints, and the like. How can all those items and stake-holders be subject to ‘experiments’ in the classical, physics- or chemistry-oriented sense of the term? Regarding Rombach’s and Seelisch’s methodological concern for the “verification” of hypotheses in the domain of software engineering, see Popper’s notion of falsifiability and the related discussions in Northover et al. (2007, 2008).

Also an academic question re-arises from Rombach’s and Seelisch’s above-cited statement, namely: whether software engineering should be categorized as sub-discipline of computer science, or whether software engineering should be regarded as a discipline in its on right, with computer science as its basis and auxiliary discipline. Such a classification problem was also mentioned in Eden (2007). Rombach and Seelisch seemed to oscillate between these two classification alternatives and did not commit themselves to a final decision in this regard. Rightly, however, it was pointed out in Rombach and Seelisch (2008) that the immaturity of software engineering as an ‘engineering’ discipline is closely related to the following practical shortcomings and methodological flaws:

  • “Clear working hypotheses are often missing.

  • There is no time for, or immediate benefit from empirical studies for the team who undertakes it.

  • Facts are often ignored (...)” and “often replaced by myths, that is by unproven assumptions” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008).

These desiderata lead the authors to conclude that “up to now, a concise, practical theory of software engineering does not exist” (Rombach and Seelisch 2008).

The remainder of their paper deals with particular examples of popular software engineering myths, as well as suggestions of some concrete research questions to stimulate research programmes—obviously intended as: ’progressive’ (not: ’degenerating’) research programmes in the terminology of Lakatos (1978)—with the aim of eventually being able to replace those myths. In that part of their paper we can find again much support for what Eden had called the ‘scientific paradigm’, which we can take at least as one counter-example to his suggestion that software engineering by-and-large would be dominated by the ‘technocratic paradigm’ (Eden 2007).

Since Rombach’s and Seelisch’s manifesto (Rombach and Seelisch 2008) is directly related to an earlier contribution by Broy and Rombach (2002), it makes sense to look at that contribution as well, for the sake of a more comprehensive understanding of our topic. As an initial explication of ‘software engineering’ we can find there: “Purpose of the industrial engineering of software is the development of large-scale software systems under consideration of the aspects costs, deadlines, and quality” (Broy and Rombach 2002). Already this initial explication by Broy and Rombach could lead us into a discussion of general philosophy of technics and technology, whereby we could ask: what constitutes an ‘industry’? Is ‘industry’ about large numbers of people and how they organise their work in a Taylorist or Fordian manner? Or is it the application of accumulated ‘capital’ (i.e., machinery and automated tools) in the production process? Is the use of the term ‘software industry’ materially justified, if we observe that most software producing enterprises in our days are in fact hardly any larger—in terms of numbers of workers—than the workshop of a traditional craftsman and his helpers? Is ‘industry’ a rather misleading metaphor in our context, a metaphor which does not do justice to the actual way in which software is actually being produced in these days? Or are we here already dealing with a completely new notion of the term ‘industry’ itself, which is nowadays no longer associated with traditional images of iron, smoke, and armies of workers marching through the gates of their factory? Those would surely be interesting new questions for a more general philosophy of engineering, technics and technology (Rapp 1974). Though these questions cannot be discussed any further within the scope of this essay, they clearly tell us that a comprehensive philosophy of software engineering must reach beyond the scope of our classical philosophy of computer science in which such questions and problems (e.g., industry, organisation of human work, etc.) do not find their suitable place. Figure 1 shows the sketch of a topic map in which the philosophy of software engineering appears in a wider science- and technics-philosophical context.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The Philosophies of Computer Science and Software Engineering as intersecting instances of the Philosophies of Science and Technics/Technology

The main theme of Broy and Rombach (2002) was the question about the degree of difference or similarity between software engineering and other engineering disciplines, on the basis of the immateriality of software which distinguishes this product type from the material product types of all other engineering disciplines. Particularly Broy and Rombach mentioned:

  • the difficulties arising from the software’s abstractness,

  • the software’s multiple aspects of syntax and semantics,

  • the intrinsically difficult-to-understand, complex and dynamic system behaviour to which software is only a static description (see again Eden (2007) for comparison) and, last but not least,

  • the absence of natural physical constraints as protectors against weird forms of design and construction.

On these premises Broy and Rombach concluded—whereby these conclusions may still be regarded as valid today—that:

  • software engineering as a discipline has not yet reached the degree of professional maturity which the classical engineering disciplines have already reached,

  • “the discipline is still struggling with its self-understanding” (Broy and Rombach 2002), and

  • “foundations and methods are partially still missing” (Broy and Rombach 2002).

In the context of Eden (2007) the most interesting part of Broy and Rombach (2002) is their attempt to classify software engineering in a schema of related disciplines, with the purpose of contributing to a philosophical self-understanding—the lack of which they had also identified—of the software engineering discipline. The main question (which also came up in Rombach and Seelisch (2008) again) was, whether software engineering is included as a sub-field of computer science (as it is currently enshrined the academic curricula at many universities, with software engineering courses being lectured as part of the computer science degree), or whether software engineering is a field on its own, with computer science as its separate material and methodological basis. Also Broy and Rombach (2002) had not reached a decisive solution in this problem, though they seemingly tended towards the latter solution with the following analogy argument: “Imagine that physicists with a specialisation in mechanics would be employed as mechanical engineers!” (Broy and Rombach 2002). Here, however, we could ask if that was really not just an argumentum ad hominem, especially if we take into consideration that physicists are de-facto employed in all sorts of jobs and positions, including positions as programmers in the software industry. Anyway, the classification scheme by Broy and Rombach (2002) and Rombach and Seelisch (2008), which was also discussed in Gruner (2010), looks as depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Classification of Software Engineering according to Broy and Rombach (2002) and Rombach and Seelisch (2008)

In this figure we can see three categories of sciences, namely ‘auxiliary’ sciences, ‘fundamental’ sciences, and ‘engineering’ sciences. Software engineering appears in the third category together with electrical and mechanical engineering as (some examples of) its sister sciences. Sciences so different from each other as physics, computer science, and psychology appear in the category of ‘fundamental’ sciences (middle layer of Fig. 2), whereas mathematics appears in the bottom layer of Fig. 2 in the role of an ‘auxiliary’ science.

There are some obvious omissions in this diagram which do not need to be discussed any further. For example, mathematics is obviously a helper science also to economics, and economics must surely be applied not only in commercial software engineering (as shown in Fig. 2) but also in commercial mechanical engineering (no link depicted in Fig. 2)—ditto for psychology, which must obviously be taken into account also for the design of useful and intuitive user interfaces in the domain of electrical and hardware engineering.

More interesting about Fig. 2 is the question why mathematics does not point directly also to the engineering sciences (only indirectly via the foundation sciences)? The diagram in this form (Broy and Rombach 2002) seems to suggest that whenever a software engineer is applying mathematics, then he is actually doing computer science, not software engineering. Such a view would be consistent with Eden’s assertion that the ‘rationalist paradigm’ (of theoretical computer science) and the ‘technocratic paradigm’ (of software engineering) would have little or nothing to do with each other (Eden 2007). However this view is in contrast to other schools of software engineering according to which mathematical methods are indeed genuine software engineering methods (Kondoh 2000), and thus not only computer science support methods at the basis of software engineering. As far as this mathematicalness of engineering in general and software engineering in particular is concerned, Tom Maibaum has recently emphasised two further relevant points:

  • “Engineers calculate, mathematicians prove”; this is a somewhat bold expression which basically means that engineers are only applying “distilled handbook mathematics” the rules of which had been developed outside the realm of engineering (Maibaum 2008).

  • The branch of mathematics which is most relevant to classical engineering disciplines is the infinitesimal differential calculus as it was developed since Leibniz and Newton, whereas the branch of mathematics most relevant to software engineering is discrete mathematics, including set theory and formal logics (Maibaum 2008).

Of course it is necessary to calculate in order to prove, and of course also an engineer (not only a mathematician) wants to ‘prove’ (in a practical sense, with help of calculation) that some design concept or model appears to be consistent and feasible for implementation before the related artifact gets produced. But that was not Maibaum’s point in this discussion. The point is: Whereas the classical engineering disciplines already have a large library of ‘distilled handbook mathematics’ available for application, a handbook of formulae readily applicable for software-engineering-related calculations is yet nowhere to be seen. It is this situation to which the words “immaturity” and “lack of foundations” in Broy and Rombach (2002) refer. This lack of ‘handbook mathematics’ for the domain of software engineering in the sense of Maibaum (2008) might also have been a motivation for Eden’s classification of software engineering as mainly ‘technocratic’ (Eden 2007). On the other hand, however, it is also true that more and more mathematical ‘tools’ get applied directly in the domain of software engineering: see for example the application of graph theory for the purpose of software testing. In this application domain, graph theory is helpful to design the test experiments which are then carried out in a practical experimental way (Amman and Offut 2008). If software testing, as a sub-domain of software engineering, is conducted in such a way—i.e., when the experimental practice is guided by theory—then we are indeed well on the way towards what Eden has called the ‘scientific paradigm’ not only in computer science but also in the wider field of software engineering.

Looking at Fig. 2 again we can say that computer science—there regarded as a ‘foundation science’ to software engineering—is surely an issue in and by itself. As it was rightly remarked in Broy and Rombach (2002), computer science itself is not a monolithic science. Instead, computer science has various parts and aspects, such that it “structures itself (further) into (computer science) as foundation science and (computer science) as engineering science” (Broy and Rombach 2002). Let me give two simple examples: A formalised theory of Chomsky grammars as well as a large volume of empirical, practical experience about the design and development of operating systems are both included in the domain of computer science by-and-large, whereby the study of formal grammars can well be regarded as a form of ‘mathematics’ whereas the study of operating systems can well be regarded as an activity of ‘engineering’; (this example is of course somewhat simplified). In Eden (2007), however, this ‘inner diversity’ of (or within) computer science was not fully taken into account.

Academically, this diversity within the field of computer science is reflected by the historically varying placement of computer science departments into different faculties at different universities. Typically (with some exceptions) we find computer science either in faculties of mathematics and natural sciences (example: University of Aachen), or in faculties of engineering and technology (example: University of Pretoria). Sometimes we also find computer science raised to the level of a faculty in its own right (example: University of Bremen). This variety was also mentioned in Eden (2007). In some cases the situation is even more complicated. Take, for example, the University of Aachen again, where some computer science chairs even belong to different faculties, though they are all doing computer science: there, for historic reasons, the chair for operating systems belongs to the faculty of electronics engineering whereas the chair for compiler construction belongs to the faculty of natural sciences and informatics, though both operating systems and compiler construction clearly fall into the category of ‘core’ computer science. As far as the classification in Eden (2007) is concerned we can thus say that different ‘paradigms’ might be predominant in different sub-areas of computer science (and software engineering) such that it would be wrong to say that there are different ‘paradigms’ of computer science as a whole. In this context one should also note that Eden’s entire paradigm scheme is very much based on the ontological question of ‘what is a computer program’ (Eden 2007), though there are also relevant branches and sub-areas of computer science (for example: database systems design) in which computer programs are mainly regarded as auxiliary means to an end on a higher level of abstraction, and are thus, as such and per se, are not in the centre of interest.

In summary, the main problem with the classification by Broy and Rombach (2002), as depicted in Fig. 2, is, as far as I can see, that it treats computer science too simplistically and too ‘monolithically’ as mathematics-based foundation science (of software engineering), thereby ignoring other engineering-related sub-sciences of computer science, such as, for example, operating systems as mentioned above. Subsequently, a string of problems arises:

  • If software engineering has been ‘lifted’ out of the domain of computer science into the domain of engineering (see Fig. 2), should then not, by analogy, also the field of operating systems be lifted out of computer science into the domain of engineering? We could consistently continue this game until ‘computer science’, stripped bare of all its practical aspects, would be little more than formalised Chomsky grammars and some discrete algebra. Then we would indeed arrive at a very narrow understanding of ‘computer science’, which would correspond quite accurately with the ‘rationalist paradigm’ of Eden (2007).

  • On the other hand, if we would leave our operating systems where they are, namely in the domain of computer science, would then not also our operating systems, according to Fig. 2, belong to the foundations of software engineering? However, this is really only half of the picture; in fact, operating systems are typically large software systems, which means that software engineering should now also be listed, vice versa, as a ‘foundation science’ for operating systems (Northover et al. 2008) within the domain of computer science. In Fig. 2, however, the link between computer science and software engineering is only unidirectional, not bidirectional.

  • In this context, last but not least, it is also interesting to note that the mutual dependency between computer science and software engineering, or at least parts thereof (which is not depicted in Fig. 2), corresponds quite well to the well-known constructivist argument about the mutual dependency between physics and the engineering of technical artefacts which need to be used for physical measurements. The constructivist viewpoint is thus in contrast to the classical interpretation of physics as the foundation of engineering; it is this classical, non-constructivist which was represented by Broy and Rombach (2002) in Fig. 2.

As an intermediate summary of the discussion as it has been conducted so far it seems fair to say that

  • neither is software engineering only a sub-area (nor ‘paradigm’) of computer science, because software engineering entails activities such as project management about which genuine computer science is not concerned,

  • nor is software engineering simply ‘based on’ computer science in an unidirectional relation, because several subjects of computer science, such as operating systems or compilers, are also large-scale software systems and would not exist without the existence of successful software engineering methods. Footnote 9

With reference to Fig. 2 (once again), let us now dig even deeper and ask: What is it that ‘lifts’ software engineering up onto the level of engineering, above the level of computer science? The answer by Broy and Rombach is: “experience”, such that, for example: “A new method is perhaps a remarkable result of computer science, but without robust empirical experiences about its effectivity and limits of applicability it is not a contribution to software engineering” (Broy and Rombach 2002). The corresponding science-philosophical position is schematically depicted in Fig. 3 which is also taken from Rombach and Seelisch (2008) with reference to Broy and Rombach (2002).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Elements of Software Engineering according to Broy and Rombach (2002) and Rombach and Seelisch (2008)

The problem with this science-philosophical position, as far as I can see, is the implicit equation ‘Software Engineering = Computer Science + Empiricism’, as indicated in Fig. 3, which tacitly reduces computer science to purely rationalist, non-empirical science, similar to the ‘rationalist paradigm’ of Eden (2007), in contrast to what we have already discussed. On the other hand, computer science was likened by the same authors to physics, as indicated in Fig. 2: Would the authors then, by analogy, also assert the equation ‘Engineering = Physics + Empiricism’, and thereby reduce physics to pure speculative scholastics and philosophy of nature (as it has been historically the case throughout the Latin middle ages)? On the basis of everything what I have discussed above, I cannot conclude that empiricism would enter software engineering by ‘addition’ to a purely rationalist computer science: both computer science and software engineering have both rationalist and empiricist elements in themselves, and neither can computer science be fully reduced to (or subsumed by) software engineering, nor can software engineering be fully reduced to (or subsumed by) computer science, (unless we would aim at a re-definition of our historically grown terminology in a merely stipulative way, purely ad-libitum and ad-hoc).

Nevertheless: In spite of the inconsistencies in Broy and Rombach (2002), and Rombach and Seelisch (2008) as discussed above, the ontological status of software (which has been more comprehensively discussed elsewhere) was correctly characterised by Broy and Rombach (2002) as an enhancer of the intellectual abilities of its users; this feature did not play an important role in the discussions in Eden (2007). Material hardware, on the contrary to software, is an enhancer of the bodily abilities of its users. This leads us straight back to the classical machine theory, formulated already in 1877 by the philosopher of technics and engineering, Kapp, in his ground-breaking book ‘Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Technik’. Moreover, related to Heidegger’s notion of ‘equipment’ (Zeug), a software-plus-computer system has elsewhere been called ‘Denkzeug’ (think-equipment), in contrast to the ‘Werkzeug’ (work-equipment, tool) of the material world. The same thought, though not exactly in the same words, was thus rightly expressed in the software engineering philosophy of Broy and Rombach (2002). At this point we can thus identify yet another interface between the philosophy of computer science, the philosophy of software engineering and a more general philosophy of technics and technology—see Fig. 1 again for a sketch of this situation.

Summary and Conclusion

What have we reached? Starting from Eden (2007) and his interesting discussion of three ‘paradigms’ of computer science, this essay has asked the question if (and, if ‘yes’: to what extent) the arguments of Eden (2007), in the domain of philosophy of computer science (including software engineering at the margin), could be mapped directly into a more general philosophy of software engineering, which is related to—though not identical with—the more specific philosophy of computer science? It has been found that not all of the arguments from Eden (2007) are directly applicable in this case, and several reasons therefore have been presented. More than in Eden (2007) the question about the ‘engineering-ness’ of software engineering has been an important theme of this essay. Yet other and further ‘paradigms’ in the domain of software engineering were already discussed in Northover et al. (2008) and Gruner (2010), to which this essay can thus be regarded as the continuation of a longer discourse.

In Table 1, adapted from Gruner (2010), I have summarily listed three examples of engineering disciplines. In the spirit of Broy and Rombach (2002), and Rombach and Seelisch (2008) I have also included their most important ‘parent’ sciences, plus some further important features and characteristics. However, as discussed above, the relations between ‘parent’ sciences and ‘child’ sciences in this table must be taken ‘with a grain of salt’; in particular they need not necessarily be regarded as unidirectional. Table 1 also highlights the fact that software engineering is less constrained by the laws of nature than other engineering disciplines; this allows for more freedom of human ingenuity and leads consequently also a larger room for errors and mistakes. Note, however, the grammar constraint: programming languages must always have a well-defined formal syntax. Further differences between software engineering and other engineering disciplines were already explained in Gruner (2010), especially as far as the relations and relative ‘weights’ of their design processes versus their production processes are concerned. As it was shown in Gruner (2010), software engineering—in contrast to other industrial activities—is characterised by particularly ‘high’ design- and remarkably ‘low’ production costs, which is, of course, a direct consequence of software’s immateriality; see product type in Table 1. My classification of computer science as a ‘structural’ science in in Table 1 stands in contrast with Denning’s characterisation of computer science as a ‘natural’ science (Denning 2007), whereby I justify my opinion by pointing out the minor relevance of language (logic and grammar) in the domain of energetic natural processes.

Table 1 Classification of Engineering Disciplines, adapted from Gruner (2010)

Outlook: Open Questions for Future Studies

Since the philosophy of software engineering is relatively new, in comparison to philosophy of computer science, there is a long list of interesting questions for future studies and discussions. Though the main contribution of this essay was an analysis of several ‘paradigms’ of software engineering (in continuation of Northover et al. (2008) and Gruner (2010), and in comparison with several related ‘paradigms’ of computer science from Eden (2007)), this essay would be very incomplete if it would not at least hint at some other issues for further investigations in this new philosophy of software engineering. Such hints shall be given very briefly in these remaining few sections at the end of this essay.

‘System’, ‘model’ and ‘process’ are three fundamental concepts not only in computer science (Fetzer 1999) but also in software engineering. Those three terms can be found in almost every software engineering publication, research paper or textbook for students. Typically there will be a software development ‘process’ in a software engineering project, during which a software ‘system’ is being produced in accordance with a corresponding ‘model’. However, all those three concepts already have a long semantic history in the terminology of various sciences, such that software engineering has simply ‘inherited’ these terms and continued their usage without much language-analytic reflection about their historical semantics. Here I can also see opportunity for interesting philosophical work in the future, such as to find out which aspects of the historical semantics of ‘system’, ‘process’ and ‘model’ have been preserved in the terminology of software engineering, and which aspects of their semantics have been modified or even lost. As mentioned above, such an investigation cannot be delivered within the scope of this essay any more, but at least the following hints shall be given:

  • A ‘model’ in the classical, physical sciences (from which mathematics and formal logics are here excluded, because they use yet another notion of ‘model’) is usually constructed by abstraction from something that already exists; for example the globe on the desk of a foreign minister in politics is a model of our planet Earth. In software engineering, on the contrary, we typically construct a ‘model’ of a software system before that software system itself comes into existence. Thus, we can see here a ‘switch of direction’ between domain and range of the model relation.

  • According to Roettgers (1983) our modern concept of a ‘process’ as an observable modification of ‘something’ during the passage of time was strongly informed by the science of chemistry. Here we could ask if Roettger’s explanations can be losslessly transferred into the domain of the activity of software development, or if there is anything specific about a software development ‘process’ which is not sufficiently covered by the historic semantics of that technical term. From there we could go even further into the philosophy of processes (since the pre-Socratics: Hegel, Nietzsche, Whitehead, etc.) and ask whether or not a ‘thing’-based metaphysics (e.g.: Strawson) would be sufficient at all to capture the essence of software engineering?

  • As a software ‘system’, when not being processed by a running computer, we usually regard something rather static, namely a large set of program files and the program-call relations within and between those files. As far as I can see, such a static notion of a software ‘system’ is well compatible with the classical explication of ‘system’ provided in the late 18th century by Johann Heinrich Lambert (Diemer 1968), but future investigations would be needed to substantiate such a claim.

The often-mentioned material ‘nothingness’ of software does not only have implications for our ability of understanding it (Broy and Rombach 2002); it also has implications for the semantics of the term ‘software maintenance’, which is a standard term in every software engineer’s technical vocabulary. Something that is not material cannot physically decay or wear out; in what sense is it then possible to speak of ‘software maintenance’? Maintenance of a car means typically, for example, to replace lost engine oil, or to replace a worn-down tyre by a new one, such that a previous state of newness is re-established. In the domain of building architecture, such a fix would be called ‘restoration’, for example of an old villa from the previous century, at which some broken roof tiles could be replaced by tiles of identical type. In the usual software engineering terminology, on the contrary, ‘maintenance’ typically means either:

  • the replacement of a program file F, which is (and had always been since its creation) wrong in relation to some requirements specification S, by a new (different) program file F′ which now (hopefully) fulfills the requirements stipulated by S, or:

  • the replacement of a program file F, though not wrong with regard to S, by a new program file G which adds additional functionality and features to a software system which had previously not been there, because they had not even been mentioned by its initial requirements specification S. In other words, the replacement F\G corresponds to a later requirements specification modification S\S′.

In the analogy of our old villa from the previous century, the latter modification would be called a ‘renovation’ (rather than a ‘restoration’), whereby the villa could get, for example, an additional door or window at a place were there was previously only a wall. I have mentioned this little peculiarity of ‘software maintenance’—more recently even more problematic: software ‘evolution’!—as only one example of a software engineering terminology which is full of ‘home-grown’ and often un-reflected metaphors. Language philosophers might perhaps find it interesting to delve somewhat deeper into this techno-linguistic domain.

In addition to a previous discussion about the comparability of the ontological status of software and the ontological status of art (Northover et al. 2008) I shall remark only briefly that the usual debate about whether software engineering is ‘engineering’ or ‘science’ is still confronted by yet another opinion according to which software engineering is neither ‘science’, nor ‘engineering’, but simply ‘art’ (Edmonds 2007). According to my anecdotal experiences, this position is typically held by programmers (not software engineers), especially those ones who work in small or micro-size IT houses. Such claims about software as ‘art’ seem to be at least partly consistent with the analyses by arts theorists such as Goodman or Burnham, in the context of which Edmonds has rightly pointed out that the quality of software systems is also measured in aesthetic categories (Edmonds 2007), in quite a similar way in which many theoretical physicists (for example: Einstein) have insisted on an aesthetical-theoretical point of view according to which a mathematical formulation of a physical law cannot be true if it does not also have ‘beauty’. Here we can perhaps find a modern echo of the ancient Greek notion of καλoσ (kalos) in which the concepts of ‘beautiful’ and ‘good’ were not to be separated. By analogy, also a skillful software engineer would intuitively reject an ‘ugly’ software design plan in almost the same way in which Einstein or other theoretical physicists would have intuitively rejected an ‘ugly’ formulation of a physical theory, without being able to reason analytically and with full logical rigor about such an issue of ‘ugliness’. Thus, a future philosophy of software engineering might also include some philosophy of aesthetics.

Last but not least I want to mention yet another epistemological issue, namely about software and knowledge. Many software products seem to be inappropriate or do not fulfill their intended purpose simply because in many cases we just do not know ‘how to do things’; we lack the procedural knowledge in many domains and circumstances. Vice versa one could even assume a very radical epistemological position and declare: We do not have any knowledge about something unless it is procedural (algorithmic) knowledge about how to create it. Footnote 10 This is related to the problem of what is ‘creativity’. For example, it is fair to say that we have very good procedural knowledge about how to create a compiler—in short: we ‘know’ compilers very well. On the contrary we do not have procedural knowledge about how to create stunning original pieces of art—therefore, in radical terms, we do not know art, not in this strong sense of ‘knowing’ with which we know compilers (because we can produce them easily following standardized handbook procedures). Also in software engineering in general we still have very little (procedural) knowledge about how to create a software system which adequately fulfills some arbitrarily given purpose P. This epistemological problem is related especially to the ongoing efforts in the sub-field of ‘automated software engineering’ (ASE), wherein we could say: the more software creation processes we can automate (algorithmically) the better we ‘know’ software engineering, and vice versa. Not everybody would be willing to assume such a radical epistemological position which says: only procedural production knowledge is regarded as ‘knowledge’ at all—but this to discuss is yet another task or problem for an upcoming philosophy of software engineering.