Guest Editors

figure a

Omid Mahian, PhD

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

figure b

Ehsan Ebrahimnia-Bajestan, PhD

Quchan University of Technology, Quchan, Iran; University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

figure c

Sébastien Poncet, PhD, HDR

Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada

This compilation is based on the peer-reviewed and selected papers on Nanofluid Today


Recently, the unique characteristics of nanofluids have stimulated a number of researchers to study the performance of these materials in various subject areas. Although a considerable amount of knowledge and experience has been developed in this field, exploring the possible mechanisms related to the exceptional properties of nanofluids is still in progress. Besides, scientists are eager of extending the application of the nanofluids in new areas.

Considering the importance of nanofluids, the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry decided to establish the hot research topic of “Nanofluids” within its scope. In this regard, a special issue entitled “Nanofluid Today” was organized to exhibit the current status, developments, and future directions in the nanofluid area.

Following the call for submissions on December 24, 2017, we received 276 complete submissions for this special issue. All papers entered the review process were reviewed by at least two peer reviewers, where finally 106 manuscripts (from about 30 countries) were accepted to publish in this special issue. These accepted papers covered a range of applications of nanofluids which were as follows:

  • Convective heat transfer, pool boiling heat transfer.

  • Solar collectors, solar desalination, solar steam generation.

  • Heat sinks, microchannels.

  • Combustion.

  • Phase change materials.

  • Tribology.

  • Oil recovery.

  • Vapor compression cycle performance.

The survey on the accepted papers shows that 33% (35 papers) of the accepted papers are experimental study, 59% (63 papers) are numerical/analytical/theoretical studies, and lower than 8% (eight papers) are review papers.

The employed numerical methods to solve the flow and heat transfer of nanofluids were CFD approach, lattice Boltzmann method, Monte Carlo simulation method, molecular dynamic method, and several analytical methods, e.g., similarity solution, optimal homotopy analysis method, and Laplace transform method.

Several papers used machine learning and statistical approaches for predicting the characteristics of nanofluids or optimizing the performance of the nanofluids in some applications.

The experimental studies included synthesis, stability analysis, measuring the thermophysical properties, convective heat transfer, pool boiling, lubrication, vapor compression, solar heating desalination, and steam generation.

Various types of nanoparticles and basedfluids were studied by the authors of the accepted papers as follows:


Water; ethylene glycol; water/ethylene glycol mixture; polyalkylene glycol; carboxymethyl cellulose/water mixture; silicone fluids; mineral oil; thermal oil; polyol ester oil; diesel oil; C10H16; ethanol; paraffin wax; ionic liquid.


OH-functionalized MWCNT and their composites with soft metal (Ag, Au, and Pd); MgO-MWCNT hybrid; graphene oxide; graphene; silicon carbide; TiO2; Cu; CuO; CeO2; Fe2O3; TiO2; Al2O3; SiO2; Al; Fe3O4; diamond; crystalline nanocellulose.

In conclusion, we believe that this special issue will lead to a wider use of nanofluids in industrial applications and stimulate the community for a long time.


The Guest Editors are very grateful to the following scientists for their critical and valuable reviews which have significantly contributed to the quality of the papers in this Special Issue.

Abbasian Arani, A. A., Iran

Abbassi, A., Iran

Abdollahi, A., New Zealand

Abdolzadeh, M., Iran

Abou El Hossein, K., South Africa

Abu-Nada, E., UAE

Acıkkalp, E., Turkey

Afrand, M., Iran

Ahmadi Nadooshan, A., Iran

Ahmed, S. M., India

Akbar, M. K., USA

Akbarzadeh, P., Iran

Akhavan-Behabadi, M. A., Iran

Akyurek, E. F., Turkey

Alavianmehr, M. M., Iran

Alexiou, C., Germany

Ali, M. K. A., Egypt

Ali Abro, K., Pakistan

Al-Kouz, W., Jordan

Alsabery, A., Malaysia

Amani, M., Iran

Amani, P., Iran

Aminossadati, S., Australia

Amiri, A., Malaysia

Amiri, H., Iran

Amiri Delouei, A., Iran

Amiri-Jaghargh, A., Iran

Amirirad, E., Iran

Anbarsooz, M., Iran

Anwar Beg, O., UK

Ao, W., China

Armaghani, T., Iran

Asghar, S., Pakistan

Asinari, P., Italy

Asirvatham, G. L., India

Assareh, M., Iran

Atangana, A., South Africa

Ayani, M. B., Iran

Azwadi CheSidik, N., Malaysia

Babaei, H., Iran

Baghaie, S., Iran

Bahiraei, M., Iran

Bahoosh, R., Iran

Bandopadhyay, A., India

Bayareh, M., Iran

Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Iran

Bazri, S., Malaysia

Behzadmehr, A., Iran

Bellos, E., Greece

Besagni, G., Italy

Bianco, V., Italy

Boghi, A., UK

Boghrati, M., Iran

Bosioc, A. I., Romania

Bouguerra, N., Canada

Bouterra, M., Tunisia

Bresme, F., UK

Bounomo, B., Italy

Buschmann, M., Germany

Cabaleiro, D., Spain

Cacua, K., Colombia

Cai, J., China

Cardoso, E., Brazil

Carrillo-Navarrete, F., Spain

Casanova, C., Spain

Castelain, C., France

Chai, L., Korea

Chakraborty, S., India

Chamkha, A. J., Saudi Arabia

Chateau, S., France

Chen, L., China

Chingulpitak, S., Thailand

Contreras, J., Mexico

Corcione, M., Italy

da Silva, A. K., USA

Dabir, B., Iran

Dalkilic, A., Turkey

Das, D., USA

Djavareshkian, M. H., Iran

Domiri Ganji, D., Iran

Doranehgard, M. H., Canada

D’Ortona, U., France

Duangthongsuk, W., Thailand

Elansezhian, R., Iran

Ellahi, R., USA

Erturk, V. S., Turkey

Esfahany, M. N., Iran

Esfandeh, S., Iran

Esfe, M. H., Iran

Estellé, P., France

Etminan Farooji, V., Australia

Fan, L., China

Farber, P., Germany

Farhadi, M., Iran

Fasano, M., Italy

Favier, J., France

Fedorov, A., USA

Feidt, M., France

Firouzi, M., Iran

Fu, B., China

Galanis, N., Canada

Gawali, B. S., India

Ghadimi, A., Thailand

Ghaedi, A., Iran

Ghafoorian, M. M., Iran

Ghalambaz, M., Iran

Ghasemi, A., Iran

Ghassai, G., Iran

Ghorbani, A., Iran

Goharimanesh, M., Iran

Gong, L., China

Gorjian, S., Iran

Greif, R., USA

Groulx, D., Canada

Gupta, M. K., India

Guria, C., India

Habbachi, F., Tunisia

Habeeb, H. H., Malaysia

Habibi Matin, M., Iran

Hadadian, M., Iran

Hafid, M., Canada

Haghighi, B., Iran

Halelfadl, S., France

Harmand, S., France

Hasan, M., Iraq

Hayat, T., Pakistan

He, Y., China

He, J., China

Hemmat Esfe, M., Iran

Hemmati-Sarapardeh, A., Canada

Heris, S. Z., Iran

Herwig, H., Germany

Heydari, A., Iran

Heyhat, M. M., Iran

Hjerrild, N., Australia

Ho, C. J., Taiwan

Huminic, A., Romania

Husein, M., Canada

Hussain, A., Pakistan

Hussein, A., Iraq

Hy, X., China

Immonen, E., Finland

Izadi, M., Iran

Izadpanahi, E., USA

Jabari Moghadam, A., Iran

Jabbari, F., Iran

Jafarpur, K., Iran

Jahanshahi Javaran, E., Iran

Jain, A., India

Jain, A. K., India

Jain, S., USA

Jamaati, J., Iran

Jang, S. P., Korea

Jeong, Y. H., Korea

Jia, L., China

Kaew-On, J., Thailand

Kakac, Turkey

Kalbasi, R., Iran

Kalteh, M., Iran

Kamel, M. S., Hungary

Kamyar, A., Australia

Karagoz, S., Turkey

Kasaeian, A., Iran

Kasaeipoor, A., Iran

Kazi, S. N., Malaysia

Kefayati, G., Australia

Khan, I., Viet Nam

Khodabandeh, E., Iran

Khodabandeh, E., Iran

Khoshvaght-Aliabadi, M., Iran

Khosravi-Bizhaem, H., Iran

Khozeymehnezhad, H., Iran

Kim, M.-H., Korea

Kolsi, L., Saudi Arabia

Kumar Mondal, P., India

Kumar Singh, M., Portugal

Kwak, H.-Y., Korea

Kyritsis, D., UAE

Lari, K., Iran

Leclaire, S., Canada

Lee, J., Korea

Lee, P. S., Singapore

Li, C., China

Li, Q., USA

Li, Z., France

Lin, B., China

Liu, Q., China

Lockerby, D. A., UK

Lugo, K.-C., Taiwan

Ma, H., USA

Mahfuz, H., USA

Makinde, O. D., South Africa

Mamat, R., Iran

Manca, O., Italy

Mancin, S., Italy

Maré, T., France

Mazlan, M., Malaysia

Meghdadi, A., Iran

Mehrabani, A., Iran

Mehrali, M., Malaysia

Mehrez, Z., Tunisia

Mekhilef, S., Malaysia

Mesgari, S., Australia

Meyer, J. P., South Africa

Michaelides, E., USA

Milani Shirvan, K., Iran

Minakov, A. V., Serbia

Minea, A. A., Romania

Ming, T., China

Mirbozorgi, S. A., Iran

Moghadassi, A., Iran

Mohaghegh, M., Iran

Mohammadipour, O., Iran

Mohammadiun, H., Iran

Mohammadiun, M., Iran

Mohammed, H. A., Australia

Moosavi, M., Iran

Mousavi, S., Iran

Muhammad, T., Pakistan

Murshed, S., Portugal

Mwesigye, A., South Africa

Naeimi, H., Iran

Najafi, G., Iran

Nardini, S., Italy

Niazmand, H., Iran

Nikrityuk, P., Canada

Nourbakhsh, F., Iran

Ohadi, M., USA

Ozceyhan, V., Turkey

Oztop, H. F., Turkey

Pantokratoras, A., Greece

Paras, S. V., Greece

Passandideh-Fard, M., Iran

Pavlovic, S., Serbia

Pazuki, G., Iran

Peerhossaini, H., France

Pendyala, R., Malaysia

Pop, I.,Romania

Poplaski, L., USA

Pourafshary, P., Oman

Pourfayaz, F., Iran

Powar, S., India

Puranik, B. P., India

Rahimi, A., Iran

Rahman, M. M., Oman

Raisee, M., Iran

Rajan, S. K., India

Rao, Z., China

Rashad, A. M., Egypt

Rashidi, M. M., China

Rashidi, I., Iran

Rashidi, S., Iran

Ravnik, J., Slovenia

Reddy, K. S., India

Rees, D., UK

Reggio, M., Canada

Rezazadeh, N., Iran

Riazi, H., Australia

Romero-Méndez, R., Mexico

Rostamian, H., Iran

Roy, G., Canada

Saadi, S., Algeria

Sabareesh, K., Canada

Safaei, M. R., Viet Nam

Saffar Avval, M., Iran

Sahin, A. Z., Saudi Arabia

Sahoo, B., India

Saidi, M. H., Iran

Saisorn, S., Thailand

Sajjadi, H., Iran

Saleh, R., Iran

Salimpour, M. R., Iran

Sani, E., Italy

Sanukrishna, S. S., India

Sardarabadi, M., Iran

Sarıkaya, M., Turkey

Sarkar, J., India

Sasmito, A., Canada

Sayyaadi, H., Iran

Sayyafzadeh, M., Australia

Segni Oueslati, F., Tunisia

Sekrani, G., Canada

Selimefendigil, F., Turkey

Shahi, M., UK

Shamshirband, S., South Africa

Shanbedi, M., Iran

Shapiro, B., USA

Sharifpur, M., South Africa

Shariful Alam, Md., Bngladesh

Sharma, A. K., India

Shehzad, S., Pakistan

Sheikholeslami, M., Iran

Sheremet, M., Russian Federation

Shevchuk, I., Germany

Siavashi, M., Iran

Sohel, M. S., Malaysia

Solano, J. P., Spain

Sun, B., China

Sun, Y., USA

Suresh, S., India

Talal, Y., USA

Talesh Bahrami, H. R., Iran

Tanveer, A., Saudi Arabia

Taylor, R. A., Australia

Tiwari, A., South Africa

Tiwari, A. K., India

Toghraie, D., Iran

Torabi, M., Iran

Torabi, M., USA

Tsay, Y.-L., Taiwan

Tyagi, H., India

Tzirtzilakis, E., Greece

Vaferi, B., Iran

Vasel, A., USA

Vekas, L., Romania

Vidonscky Pinto, R., Brazil

Vijayaraghavan, K., Canada

Wagas, M., Pakistan

Witharana, S., UK

Wongwises, S., Thailand

Xianjun, H., China

Xie, G., China

Xu, H., China

Yan, W.-M., Taiwan

Yang, Y.-T., Taiwan

Yarmand, H., Malaysia

Yazdi, M. H., Iran

Zamzari, F., Tunisia

Zargartaleb, M., Canada

Zargartalebi, H., Canada

Zeng, J.-L., China

Zhang, X., China

Zhang, Y., China

Zhang, Z., USA

Zhao, L., China

Żyła, G., Poland