Guest Editors

figure a

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrei Rotaru

University of Craiova

INFLPR—National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics

figure b

Prof. Dr. Tudor Lupaşcu

Institute of Chemistry of the Republic of Moldova

figure c

Prof. Dr. Florentin Paladi

Moldova State University

figure d

This compilation is based on the peer-reviewed and selected papers presented at CEEC-TAC4


The 4th Central and East European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC4) was organized in the capital of Republic of Moldova, Chişinău, from 28 to 31 of August 2017. The forth in the series of CEEC-TAC conferences, dedicated to thermal analysis and calorimetry as a tool for solving diverse issues in different fields of science and applications, was a continuation of the former two. The first conference took place in Craiova, Romania, in September 2011, the second one was held in Vilnius, Lithuania, in August 2013, and the third one in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Even though the original idea of the Central and East European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry was to interconnect researchers working in that broad field from the Central and Eastern European countries, from the very beginning the scientists all over the world contributed to this event. We are happy to say that the numbers of participating countries during CEEC-TAC conferences are very high: Researchers from 32 different countries attended the CEEC-TAC1 conference, 35 countries participated in the CEEC-TAC2 conference, while the number increased to 41 countries in the CEEC-TAC3 conference; now, there were participants from 33 countries (from 5 continents) and it was the highest number of participants: 340. Chişinău is the largest city of Moldova and also its capital. Located in between the Carpathian mountains, the Danube, the Black sea and the Transnistrian plain, it lies in a hilly region exactly between the Dniester and the Prut rivers; it is now the cultural, educational, economic, political and administrative center of the Republic of Moldova, independent since 1991. Chişinău has a population of about 750,000 people, distributed over a city municipality area of 565 km2. Chişinău is situated some 460 km northeast of Bucharest, 170 km southeast of Iasi, 470 km southwest of Kiev, 170 km northwest of Odessa, 1000 km southeast of Warszawa and 1350 km southwest of Moscow.

At CEEC-TAC4 conference in Chişinău, researchers from all over the world brought attractive and detailed insights into various specific aspects in the field of thermal analysis and calorimetry and gave us a glimpse into the progress of the field itself, technical and measurement development, as well as new trans-disciplinary ideas. The conference started with the 4th Edition of the Short Summer School on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (held at Moldova State University). During CEEC-TAC4, a wide range of topics was covered by 7 Plenary lectures, 15 Invited lectures and 1 Technical lecture; there were 4 parallel sessions of 27 oral presentations each and 3 poster sessions with 107 posters each, which were presented at “Palatul Republicii” (Republic Palace). Besides the fundamental studies concerning kinetic analysis and mechanisms of chemical reactions, which can be studied with different thermal techniques, thermal analysis is also an indispensable tool in the field of material and life sciences. We hope that novel ideas, scientific and practical knowledge were acquired during the lectures and informal discussions. We would like to once again congratulate the researchers for their valuable contribution in the field of thermal analysis and calorimetry: The award for the “Distinguished TA&C Researcher in Central and Eastern Europe” was offered to Professor Jerzy Blazejowski (Poland) on behalf of the CEEC-TAC Association and the Platinum Sponsor, TA Instruments. The award for the “Outstanding Young TA&C Researcher in Central and Eastern Europe,” sponsored also by the Platinum Sponsor, TA Instruments, was given to Dr Matko Erceg (Germany). Three Grants for Young Researchers, sponsored by CEEC-TAC, were given to Dr Giuseppe Cavallaro (Italy), Miss Daniela Brandova (Czech Republic) and Miss Gabriela Pieczara (Poland). Professor Boris L’vov (Russia) became new honorary member of the CEEC-TAC Committee. We are grateful to the people who contributed and supported the organization of this event, especially to the members of the Honorary Committee, Scientific Committee, International Organizing Committee, National Associations for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry from the Central and Eastern European Countries, Executive Organizing Committee, Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldova State University, Tiraspol State University and INFLPR-National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics. We acknowledge the great support of our sponsors: TA INSTRUMENTS (Platinum Sponsor and Excursion, Conference Dinner & Welcome Cocktail Sponsor); NETZSCH, SETARAM, DSC CONSUMABLES and WINE OF MOLDOVA (Gold Sponsors). A special acknowledgment has to be addressed to the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry for publishing one more volume dedicated to this subject and to the reviewers that put all effort in enhancing the scientific quality of the volume. Finally, we would like to thank all the people that helped, assisted and supported us during the preparation of the CEEC-TAC4 conference, last but not least to the employees of Palatul Republicii for their efficiency. We hope that the CEEC-TAC4 conference was fruitful and that you enjoyed your stay in Chişinău. We would like to cordially invite you to participate at our forthcoming joint CEEC-TAC5 and Medicta2019 conference in Roma, Italy, in August 2019. As the title of the Special Issue states, we are pleased to introduce “Thermal analysis and calorimetry in the study of materials and processes for fundamental sciences and various applications in Central and Eastern Europe” to the readers of the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.


The Guest Editors are very grateful to the following scientists for their critical and valuable reviews which have significantly contributed to the quality of the papers in this Special Chapter.

Abd El-halim, H. F., Egypt

Abdel-Messih, M. F., Egypt

Abdelmonem, Y., Egypt

Ahn, B., Korea

Albu, P. A., Romania

Aly, K. A. N., Egypt

Amer, A., Egypt

Antonovic, V., Lithuania

Arena, G., Italy

Arslan, H., Turkey

Babanly, M., Azerbaijan

Balköse, D., Turkey

Bannach, G., Brazil

Berbenni, V., Italy

Bertol, C. D., Brazil

Bikiaris, D., Greece

Blanco, I., Italy

Braga, T., Brazil

Bryś, A., Poland

Cairong, Z., China

Cavalheiro, E., Brazil

Cavallo, D., Italy

Chang, C.-C., Taiwan

Chen, Z., USA

Chieng, B. W., Malaysia

Cholewka, A., Poland

Chuong, M. C., USA

Clearfield, A., USA

Criado, J. M., Spain†

Cser, F., Australia

Csiszár, E., Hungary

Cucos, A., Romani

Danilova-Tretiak, S., Belarus

de Oro Calderon, R., Austria

Dimitrakopoulos, A., Greece

Dippong, T., Romania

Doca, N., Romania

Drebushchak, V. A., Russian Federation

Durmaz, M., Turkey

Eisinas, A., Lithuania

Farjas, J., Spain

Ferencz, A., Hungary

Flores, A., Mexico

Frost, R. L., Australia

Fueglein, E., Germany

Gaur, M. S., India

Ghyngazov, S., Russian Federation

Gökçe, A., Turkey

Grabowska, B., Poland

Gueriau, P., France

Halawy, S. A. H., Egypt

Hebda, M., Poland

Holanda, J. N.-F., Brazil

Honcova, P., Czech Republic

Hosseini, S. G., Iran

Hsueh, K.-H., Taiwan

Huang, W., USA

Ionashiro, E. Y., Brazil

Ionashiro, M., Brazil

Jiang, J., USA

Jiang, X., China

Kais, N., Tunisia

Katoh, K., Japan

Kaygili, O., Turkey

Kirschweng, B., Hungary

Kitrys, S., Lithuania

Kök, M., Turkey

Kopecskó, K., Hungary

Krajewski, W. K., Poland

Król, M., Poland

Krupinski, M., Poland

Kucerik, J., Germany

Kumruoğlu, L. C., Turkey

Labisz, K., Poland

Ledeti, I. V., Romania

Leszczynska, A., Poland

Lima, Á. A. N. de, Brazil

Lin, C.-P., Taiwan

Loskutov, S., Russian Federation

Luiggi, N. J., Venezuela

Luiz, J. M., Brazil

Lysenko, E., Russian Federation

Lyszczek, R., Poland

Madej, D., Poland

Mahmoud, W. H., Egypt

Malarria, J., Argentina

Malekan, M., Iran

Marinca, T. F., Romania

Markin, A. V., Russian Federation

Matshkevich, N., Russian Federation

Matsuda, Y., Japan

Melnikov, P., Brazil

Mendes, L. C., Brazil

Mészáros Szécsényi, K., Serbia

Mohamed, M. A., Egypt

Monajjemzadeh, F., Iran

Montedo, O. R. K., Brazil

Moraczewski, K., Poland

Moskal, G. J., Poland

Mousavian, R. T., Iran

Mrówka-Nowotnik, G., Poland

Muraleedharan, K., India

Muraro, A., Italy

Nagyné Kovács, T., Hungary

Nalyanya, K. M., Kenya

Nesterov, A. N., Russian Federation

Neto, R. L., Brazil

Nikolic, J. D., Serbia

Niu, S.-L., China

Obranović, M., Croatia

Oda, M., Japan

Olewnik-Kruszkowska, E., Poland

Ostrovskii, V. E., Russian Federation

Ozlu, H., Turkey

Palou, M., Slovakia

Pardauil, J., Brazil

Parisi, F., Italy

Park, S. J., Korea

Paz, S., Brazil

Pérez-Maqueda, L., Spain

Petkova Stoyanova, V., Bulgaria

Popa, A., Romania

Popa, F., Romania

Popescu, C., Germany

Prnová, A., Slovakia

Qiang, W., China

Rafik, M., Tunisia

Raj, R. N., India

Relkin, P., France

Rodrigues, R. V., Brazil

Rogachev, A. S., Russian Federation

Rotaru, P., Romania

Rotti, C., France

Sadeek, S. A., Egypt

Sádovská, G., Czech Republic

Salamon, B., Poland

Salavati-Niasari, M., Iran

Sales, M. J. A., Brazil

Samsudin, S., Malaysia

Schmidt, P., Germany

Schnitzler, E., Brazil

Sevik, H., Turkey

Sgarlata, C., Italy

Shabestari, S., Iran

Shanks, R. A., Australia

Shu, C.-M., Taiwan

Sidey, V., Ukraine

Sienkiewicz-Gromiuk, J., Poland

Skripkiūnas, G., Lithuania

Sokolovskiy, A., Russian Federation

Soleimani, E., Iran

Souri, D., Iran

Souza, A. L., Brazil

Sovizi, M. R., Iran

Stan, G., Romania

Stevulova, N., Slovakia

Subrt, J., Czech Republic

Suñol Martinez, J. J., Spain

Svidró, J. T., Sweden

Svoboda, R., Czech Republic

Swamy, N. K., India

Sydorchuk, V., Ukraine

Tabacof, A., Brazil

Tabero, P., Poland

Tábi, T., Hungary

Tanda, G., Italy

Temuujin, J., Mongolia

Tenchov, B., Bulgaria

Torra, V., Spain

Trache, D., Algeria

Vecchio Ciprioti, S., Italy

Vedyagin, A. A., Russian Federation

Velazquez-Campoy, A., Spain

Verma, R. K., India

Vladut, M. C., Romania

Vlase, T., Romania

Wang, J., China

Wang, Q., China

Wang, X. J., China

Wrobel, T., Poland

Wszelaka-Rylik, M., Poland

Wu, Y., China

Xu, B., China

Xu, Y., China

Yang, L., China

Yonemochi, E., Japan

Zelenina, L. N., Russian Federation

Zemenová, P., Czech Republic

Zhang, J., China

Zsirka, B., Hungary