Guest Editor

Prof. Takayoshi Kimura

Chairman, ICTAC15

Department of Chemistry, Kinki University

This compilation is based on the peer-reviewed and selected papers of ICTAC15


It gives me a great pleasure to introduce this special issue of the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. This compilation is based on the selected and peer-reviewed papers of the 15th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC15). The international congress was held jointly with the 48th Japanese Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis at Kinki University in Higashi-Osaka in August of 2012. The Congress attracted quite a large number of attendees from around the world. Papers covered most of the various branches within the field of thermal analysis and calorimetry as well as numerous applications. The presentations were delivered by leading scientists in the field and were very well received.

In this congress, we held a commemorative special session honoring the centennial anniversary of Honda’s thermogravimetry as well as the 50th anniversary of Ozawa’s kinetic method. It is well known that thermogravimetry (TG) was developed by Professor Kotaro Honda (Tohoku Imperial University) in 1916 and it was his great breakthrough from which a century’s worth of research has since transpired. Another important event occurred in 1965 when Dr. Takeo Ozawa developed the kinetic theory for TG. Since these two scientific breakthroughs occurred almost a century and half century ago, the congress devoted to a special session to honor these two world-famous scientists. Honda’s thermobalance, which is currently being exhibited at the Tokyo Institute of Technology Museum, was transported to ICTAC15 and put on display. Due to the hard work of many colleagues at ICTAC15, it was the first time ever to watch the operation of Honda’s thermobalance. Surprisingly, we could observe how the old balance could work. Also, the TG gave highly precise data that was nearly as accurate as today’s high-tech equipment. It was truly remarkable that a piece of equipment produced almost 100 years ago could still work with such precision. The exhibit allowed us all the opportunity to know more about Professor Honda and see firsthand the many fundamental considerations in his development process. Of course, Honda’s contribution provided a guideline for subsequent equipment as well as research concerning thermal physical properties, and the analysis of stoichiometry, or kinetic theory.

In order to organize ICTAC15, we received great financial support from many companies and academic societies. The congress was a success, in part, due to assistance from the Kinki University administration. Also, we received enormous cooperation from more than 400 Kinki University students. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to thank Kinki University, its staff, administration, and student body for their gracious cooperation. Without their cooperation and assistance, there is no doubt that ICTAC15 would not have been such a big success!

Many young scientists attended this congress. We expect much from these young researchers in the twenty-first century, knowing that they will add much to the already large body of knowledge in the field. Also, I was pleased to observe that the joint session of ICTAC15 and the 48th JCCTA promoted both international cooperative activities as well as friendship among the many attendees.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all the authors for their contributions to this journal. Moreover, the reviewers deserve our gratitude on behalf of JTAC for their hard word. All the authors responded quickly to the reviewers’ comments allowing this journal to be published in such a timely manner. Last but not least, thanks are due to Professor Judit Simon (Editor-in-Chief), Dr. Imre Miklós Szilágyi (Editor), as well as the many coworkers of the Scientific Office.


The Guest Editor is very grateful to the following scientists for their critical and valuable reviews which have significantly contributed to the quality of the papers in this Special Issue.

Aki, H., Japan

Aleixo, M. L., Brazil

Amitava, B., Taiwan

Antecka, A., Poland

Barros, N., Spain

Bernes, A., France

Bhatnagar, A., Portugal

Bogdanova, S., Bulgaria

Bosacka, M., Poland

Braga, M. H., Portugal

Budrugeac, P., Romania

Cao, Y., USA

Carp, O., Romania

Casanova, C., Spain

Cherem da Cunha, A. L., Brazil

Chrissafis, K., Greece

Criado, J. M., Spain

Crnkovic, P., Brazil

Dabrowska, G., Poland

Dan, F., USA

Date, S., Japan

di Lorenzo, M. L., Italy

Doca, N., Romania

Domenek, S., France

Dorozhkin, S. V., Russian Federation

Dou, Q., China

Drebushchak, V. A., Russian Federation

Endo, T., Japan

Feist, M., Germany

Ferenc, W., Poland

Ferriol, M., France

Frost, R. L., Australia

Gaber, M., Romania

Gomez, M. I., Argentina

Gonçalves, A. P., Brazil

Gonzalez-Benito, J., Spain

Górniak, A., Poland

Gupta, J. P., India

Győryová, K., Slovakia

Hanley, L., USA

Hatakeyama, T., Japan

Heng, J. Y. Y., United Kingdom

Iijima, M., Japan

Ilia, G., Romania

Isalgue, A., USA

Izutsu, K.-i., Japan

Jakab, E., Hungary

Kaljuvee, T., Estonia

Katoh, K., Japan

Kawaji, H., Japan

Kawakami, K., Japan

Kerch, G., Latvia

Khan Mansoor, A., India

Kim, S., Korea

Koga, N., Japan

Kolling, W. M., USA

Kristóf, J., Hungary

Kucerik, J., Germany

Kumasaki, M., Japan

Lalia-Kantouri, M., Greece

Latajka, Z., Poland

Lazzara, G., Italy

Lehocky, M., Czech Republic

Lehto, V.-P., Finland

Lesley, M., USA

Li, C., China

Li, X.-R., USA

Li, Y., China

Lianos, P., Greece

Lion, A., Germany

Löbenberg, R., Canada

Lőrinczy, D., Hungary

Lu, X., China

Lu, Y., USA

Maciejewski, M., Poland

Madarász, J., Hungary

Mai, K., China

Malek, J., Czech Republic

Maltez Melchert, M. B., Brazil

Matsumoto, H., Japan

Mauro, A. E., Brazil

Mendez, A., Spain

Mészáros Szécsényi, K., Serbia

Milestone, N., New Zealand

Mitsuhashi, T., Japan

Mochizuki, A., Japan

Mohanty, K., India

Moribe, K., Japan

Morikawa, J., Japan

Mothe, C. G., Brazil

Mracek, A., Czech Republic

Nie, S., China

Nomen, R., Spain

Oda, M., Japan

Ohtaka, H., Japan

Ozao, R., Japan

Pan, W.-P., USA

Pandey, M., India

Pasierb, P., Poland

Perez-Maqueda, L. A., Spain

Pinto, C. A., Brazil

Plocek, J., Czech Republic

Popescu, C., Germany

Popov, D., Poland

Purkait, M. K., India

Quitain, A., Japan

Randzio, S. L., Poland

Ribeiro, R., Portugal

Rotaru, A., Romania

Rouquerol, J., France

Rubiera, F., Spain

Rusnac, L.-M., Romania

Sajfert, V., Russian Federation

Sam-Yellowe, T. Y., USA

Santhosh, G., Singapore

Santos, I. M. G., Brazil

Sarge, S. M., Germany

Saruyama, Y., Japan

Schick, C., Germany

Sedlářová, I., Czech Republic

Sedmidubsky, D., Czech Republic

Sempere, J., Spain

Šesták, J., Czech Republic

Shen, W., China

Shengli, G., China

Shi, Q., USA

Shimatsu, T., Japan

Shu, C.-M., Taiwan

Siirde, A., Estonia

Siler, P., Czech Republic

Silva, I. A., Brazil

Silva, M. M., Portugal

Simon, P., Slovakia

Siudyga, T., Poland

Sorai, M., Japan

Srdic, V., Romania

Sroda, M., Poland

Stefanescu, M., Romania

Stoia, M. E., Romania

Sulowska, J., Poland

Takagi, H., Japan

Tan, Z.-C., China

Terada, K., Japan

Tiverious, V., Greece

Toda, A., Japan

Tomaszewicz, E., Poland

Tsai, F.-C., China

Tsuji, T., Japan

Tsukuba, K. S., Japan

van Ekeren, P. J., The Netherlands

Villanueva, M., Spain

Wang, K., China

Wu, S.-H., Taiwan

Wu, W., China

Xu, W., China

Yamamura, Y., Japan

Yang, K.-W., China

Yapeng, F., United Kingdom

Yazici, H., Turkey

Yonemochi, E., Japan

Yoshida, H., Japan

Yoshino, S., Japan

You, M.-L., Taiwan

Zayed, M. A., Egypt

Zevenhoven, R., Finland

Zhang, T., China

Zhao, H., USA