Erratum to: J Gambl Stud DOI 10.1007/s10899-011-9262-0

In the original publication under the “Results section”, the correlation between post-cue exposure GUS scores and Gambling Refusal Self-Efficacy should read (r = −.59, P ≤ .001).

That is, the corrected sentence should read “Specifically, post-cue exposure GUS scores were correlated with GBQ-Perceived Luck/Gambling Perseverance (r = .63, P ≤ .001), with GBQ-Illusion of Control (r = .46, P ≤ .001), with overall Gambling Refusal Self-Efficacy (r = −.59, P ≤ .001), with the SOGS-RA (r = .60, P ≤ .001), with the number of days one gambled per week (r = .52, P ≤ .001), and with the BSSS (r = .46, P ≤ .001)”.