
Slow molecular and conformational dynamics (on the millisecond to second timescale) have important effects on the functions of proteins, for systems ranging from enzymes to molecular motors (Benkovic and Hammes-Schiffer 2003; Vale and Milligan 2000; Noji et al. 1997). A variety of challenges surround the NMR-based detection of slow conformational exchange processes, whether they are accessed through relaxation rates, lineshapes, or other means. Sensitivity or detection time is frequently an issue for biopolymer dynamics measurements, particularly when they are combined in multidimensional experiments with measurements of isotropic shifts to achieve site specific resolution. Moreover, very high frequency magic angle sample spinning, utilized to achieve good resolution and sensitivity of detection, averages many of the interactions that are crucial for obtaining dynamical information. Other challenges concern the interpretation of the data in terms of the system of interest. For many dynamical studies, unambiguous extraction of information characterizing the dynamical process can be difficult. For example, for many relaxation experiments, the parameters describing the motional model are hard to obtain uniquely because the fitting parameters are covariant and there are multiple fits compatible with the data. In recent years, Schmidt-Rohr and coworkers described a method called centerband-only detection of exchange, or CODEX (DeAzevedo et al. 1999, 2000), which has been used to determine the correlation time and to constrain the amplitude (or geometry) of exchange processes. This method alleviates the problems listed above. CODEX and some “post CODEX” methods (Reichert and Pascui 2003, 2008), are based on refocusing magnetization that was previously dephased under the effect of the chemical shift anisotropy (CSA). The yield of this refocusing depends on the time of storage (usually longitudinal storage), and on the motion, specifically the rate constant, and the geometry of the hop. For these applications it is important to know the principle values and orientations of the CSA tensor. The principle values and directions of CSA tensors depend strongly on the environment of the functional group (Sitkoff and Case 1998; Havlin et al. 1997). It is possible to compute the CSA values, or measure them for the limiting structures in favorable cases, although for high energy or relatively poorly populated states in a conformational exchange process this might not always be practical. Most CSA tensors for biopolymers are non-uniaxial, which also complicates the simulations of these experiments.

Here we describe a new method which we call Dipolar CODEX that makes use of heteronuclear dipolar coupling interactions to probe dynamical processes. The dipolar interaction is useful in this context because both the strength and the orientation relate in a simple and direct way to the molecular structure. Changes in the orientation of the uniaxial dipolar interaction, which cause failure of refocusing, can be related quantitatively to the conformational exchange process. Selective detection of heteronuclear dipolar pairs can be performed in this method, thereby providing an avenue for studies of very complex biopolymers. In this paper, the Dipolar CODEX method will be demonstrated with experimental studies of crystalline urea alongside simulations performed using SPINEVOLUTION 3.3.3 (Veshtort and Griffin 2006).


The 13C(99%), 15N(98%) isotopically enriched urea (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories Inc.) was recrystallized from water and crushed into powder form.

The pulse sequence for the Dipolar CODEX experiment is shown in Fig. 1. Experiments were performed on a Varian Infinity 400 MHz triple resonance instrument, using a T3 triple resonance, MAS probe in a 1H/13C/15N configuration with 4 mm rotor. The spinning speeds ranged from 6 to 9 kHz (±3 Hz). The temperature ranged from −10°C to 10°C (±0.1°C). Typical RF π pulse’s lengths were 4.9 μs for 13C, 5.6 μs for 15N, and 6.2 μs for 1H. The carbon’s initial signal was enhanced by the adiabatic passage Hartmann-Hahn cross polarization. The constant 1H RF field had an amplitude of 45 kHz for all the experiments. The 13C channel’s tangential RF field followed Eq. 1 (Detken et al. 2001). The ωHH ranged from 36–39 kHz according to different spinning speeds. The tangential parameters Δ and β were 24 and 13 kHz. The contact time was 1.3 ms. About 60 kHz CW 1H decoupling was applied during dephasing and refocusing parts and about 60 kHz TPPM 1H decoupling was applied during acquisition.

$$ \omega^{C} (t) = \omega^{HH} + \beta \times \tan \left[ {\left( {{\frac{2t}{\tau }} - 1} \right) \times \arctan \left( {{\frac{\Updelta }{\beta }}} \right)} \right]. $$
Fig. 1
figure 1

Dipolar CODEX pulse program: 90° pulses are denoted using filled black lines. 180° pulses are denoted using hollow square symbols. CP adiabatic cross polarization. DD dipolar decoupling. (The detail information is in the experimental secetion) Tr: one rotor period. A REDOR (rotational echo double resonance) pulse program element was used for recoupling the 13C–15N dipolar coupling. The phase cycles (φ) are in the appendix (Table 2)

During the dephasing period, with a REDOR (rotational echo double resonance) pulse sequence element (Gullion and Schaefer 1989), under the influence of the dipolar interactions, spins develop an antiphase coherence (CyNz) with a phase that depends on the structure and crystallite orientation. The two conformers involved in the conformational exchange process therefore develop different phases, here denoted ϕ1 and ϕ2. The subsequent 90-degree pulse converts CyNz to CzNz for longitudinal storage. A relatively long mixing time is introduced during which the conformational exchange process redistributes the magnetization between two exchange sites, i.e., a site that had Hamiltonian 1 (and developed a phase angle ϕ1) during the dephasing period will experience Hamiltonian 2 during the refocusing period. If these two Hamiltonians are different, the refocusing will fail in a mixing time-dependent manner. The final intensity can therefore be represented by

$$ S \propto e^{{ - t_{\text{m}} /T_{1} }} [({\text{Sin}}\phi_{1} - {\text{Sin}}\phi_{2} )^{2} e^{{ - k_{\text{ex}} t_{\text{m}} }} + ({\text{Sin}}\phi_{1} + {\text{Sin}}\phi_{2} )^{2} ]/2. $$

Felicitously, the decay of the refocussed signal intensity is simply an exponential decay as a function of the mixing time t m. Therefore, the exchange rate k ex can be obtained from fitting this decay curve by a simple exponential decay function. The amplitudes convey geometric information; the difference between ϕ1 and ϕ2 which determine the magnitude of exponential decay are functions of crystallite orientation, coupling strength, dephasing time and the hop geometry.

As is done for CODEX experiments, a reference spectrum is taken by exchanging the mixing time and z-filter t z (usually with a length of 1 rotor period). Then the normalized signal (S ref − S)/S ref removes the effect of T 1 processes, as well as effects of spurious signals from other immobile sites.

Results and discussion

As demonstrated previously (Williams and McDermott 1993; Emsley and Smith 1961; Vaughan and Donohue 1952; Zussman 1973; Taylor et al. 2007; Chiba 1965; Benkovic and Hammes-Schiffer 2003), crystalline urea has two kinds of symmetry-related, thermally active movements: a flip (or 180 degree rotation) of the whole molecule, and a rotation of the protons about each of the C–N bonds (Fig. 2). In our Dipolar CODEX experiments, reorientation of the whole molecule (more specifically of the C–N bonds) was detected without interference of the rotation of the amide group. Figure 3a shows the mixing time dependence of the carbon peak intensity, which is clearly an exponential decay. The normalized signals (S ref − S)/S ref were fit using a single exponential decay function to obtain the exchange rate describing the rotation of urea (Fig. 3b). Figure 4 shows that the logarithm of the exchange rates so extracted (Table 1) gave a straight line when plotted against inverse temperature, indicating Arrhenius behavior, consistent with previous studies (Williams and McDermott 1993).

Fig. 2
figure 2

The structure and reorientation process of urea

Fig. 3
figure 3

a The carbon center peak intensity decays with increasing the mixing time. Measurements were made at 268 K, with MAS frequency of 6 kHz, and dephasing time of four rotor periods. b The normalized center peak intensities in different temperatures were fit to a single exponential function \( y = A \times e^{{ - k_{ex} t}} + B \). The error bar was the spectrum noise divided by the reference intensity

Fig. 4
figure 4

Arrhenius plot of the natural log of the rate constant for urea whole body reorientation as a function of inverse temperature. The data at left top (triangle) are the prior literature data (Williams and McDermott 1993) taken at relatively high temperatures (30–100°C). The data at right bottom (square) are based on our Dipolar CODEX experiments

Table 1 Exchange rates obtained from single exponential decay fits of the peak intensities are given for different temperatures

The geometric information is another point of interest in dynamics research. As mentioned in the publication describing the CODEX experiment (DeAzevedo et al. 2000), the hop angle can be obtained by systematically varying the dephasing and refocusing times, while fixing the mixing time. Simulations presented in Fig. 5a show that the Dipolar CODEX experiment actually has poor ability to distinguish different 15N–13C–15N hop angles for this case. This is because both of the two 15N neighbors are connected with the same (central) carbon, and they dephase the carbon’s magnetization simultaneously. More generally, however, the Dipolar CODEX experiment can identify the hop angle very well (in Fig. 5b) if there is a single isolated 13C–15N pair, which is the case for the protein’s peptide bonds. The most pronounced differences are generally at short dephasing times; for this situation a modification of CODEX experiment, termed CONTRA (Reichert and Pascui 2008) can be used, wherein the π pulse during the dephasing time can be moved from 0 and Tr/2 in steps.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The simulation of Dipolar CODEX data for different hop angles, prepared using SPINEVOLUTION 3.3.3. a The urea’s nitrogen atoms’ 2-site jump motions. The 13C–15N bond length used was 1.335A (based on X-ray data in reference Vaughan and Donohue 1952). b The reorientation of a hypothetical 15N–13C isolated pair with a bond length of 1.335A. Note the strong dependence in this case on the hop angle. The simulation parameters for both models were MAS frequency of 8 kHz, an exchange rate of 800 s−1, a mixing time of 5 ms and T2 relaxation during the dephasing and refocusing period of 3.7 ms (based on our measurements at −5°C). The field strengths for both channels were 100 kHz in the simulations, similar to our experiment


We developed a new pulse sequence, Dipolar CODEX, for characterization of slow molecular conformational dynamics. The experimental and simulation results demonstrate its ability to detect both exchange rates and hop angle. In principal, 13C–15N, 15N–1H and 13C–1H couplings can be used which could provide multiple constraints on the motional mode. The flipping motion of urea molecules within a crystalline lattice was probed with this method.