
Graphene nanoribbons with zigzag (zigzag GNR) and armchair edges (armchair GNR) (Fig. 1) [1,2,3,4] have attracted attention because of the adjustable band gap by changing their width [5, 6] and the introduction of various functional groups such as oxygen- [7], nitrogen- [8, 9], and boron-containing functional groups [10, 11], halogen, and methylene groups [7]. Such GNR can be applied to the transistors [12, 13], lithium ion battery [14], supercapacitor [15, 16], and thermoelectric devices [17, 18].

Figure 1
figure 1

Structures of GNRs with and without sp3C–H. ai Zigzag GNR. aii Zigzag GNR with methylene groups. aiii Zigzag GNR with methyl groups. bi Armchair GNR. bii Armchair GNR with methylene groups. biii Armchair GNR with methyl groups

The application of GNRs is challenging because of the van der Waals interaction, which causes severe aggregation between GNRs [19], the short-circuiting current problems among GNRs [20], transfer problems of GNRs from supports [21], and low surface area [22]. One of the possible ways to avoid agglomeration is the introduction of non-conductive sp3C–H on edges of GNRs (Fig. 1) [23, 24]. Saturated hydrocarbons such as tertiary butyl [25, 26], dodecyl [27], and triisobutylsilyl groups [28] have been introduced for steric repulsion [29]. By introducing functional groups with sp3C–H, such problems can be avoided. However, the determination of types of sp3C, especially sp3C–H, is not straight forward because of the difficulty to analyze sp3C–H in carbon materials [30,31,32].

Various analytical techniques have been conducted to analyze carbon materials with sp3C. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger spectroscopy have been utilized for the determination of sp3C [33, 34]. However, these techniques may not be suitable to analyze sp3C–H because of the unclarity of the peak position [33]. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance is one of the powerful analytical techniques to distinguish types of sp3C–H in carbon materials [35,36,37], but it requires the amount of samples. Raman spectroscopy has been one of the techniques to analyze carbon materials and it can be used to determine the presence of sp3C–H [38] and sp3C [33, 39], but the clear determination is difficult.

Infrared spectroscopy (IR) is one of the powerful analytical techniques to determine the edge structures of carbon materials. Edge structures have been classified using IR into SOLO, DUO, TRIO, and QUATRO in addition to zigzag, armchair, and other edges (Fig. 2) [38, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46]. The peak position of sp3C–H for aromatic compounds [48, 57], polymers [32,49,50,51,52,53,54,55], and carbon materials [23, 24, 30] in the region between 2827 and 2974 cm−1 have been reported by many researchers (Fig. 2c). According to a report [48], the peak position for the symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H of aromatic compounds fluctuates by 10–25 cm−1 depending on the structure, whereas that for the asymmetric stretching vibration fluctuates by only 3–4 cm−1, having a small effect on the structure. However, the relationship between the structures and the peak positions of aromatic compounds and polymeric materials is unclear. Besides, studies on graphite with introduced sp3C–H have been reported [30], but research on GNR with sp3C–H has not progressed.

Figure 2
figure 2

Reported assignments of edge structures of aromatic compounds and carbon materials in the absence of sp3C–H and characteristic vibrations related to sp3C–H as analyzed by IR spectra [38,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56]. a Out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H. ai SOLO. aii DUO. aiii TRIO. aiv QUATRO. b The semicircle and quadrant stretching of C=C. bi Semicircle stretching. bii Quadrant stretching. c In-plane stretching of sp2C–H and symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H. ci Zigzag. cii Armchair and armchair-like. ciii Symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H of methylene groups. civ Asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H of methylene groups. cv Symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H of methyl groups. cvi Asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H of methyl groups. di Rocking vibration of sp3C–H of methylene groups. dii Wagging vibration of sp3C–H of methylene groups. diii Twisting vibration of sp3C–H of methylene groups. div Scissoring vibration of sp3C–H of methylene groups. The numbers under each structure are peak positions in wavenumbers of corresponding vibrations

Our group has investigated the influence of pentagons [44], oxygen [46], and bromine [43] on the peak positions of IR spectra of carbon materials including GNRs. Especially, we have revealed the introduced position and the amount of Br on zigzag and armchair GNRs using IR [43], but the influence of sp3C–H on the peak of sp2C–H has not been clarified. Besides, we have also investigated the peak positions of sp3C–H vibration on one methyl group in 9-methylanthracene (9M-ANT) (2879 and 2938 cm−1) and one methylene group in fluorene (2921 cm−1) to analyze the structure of pitch-based carbon fiber [46]. However, the influence of methylene and methyl groups on IR spectra of carbon materials, especially zigzag and armchair GNRs, has not been reported.

In this work, the influence of the introduced sp3C–H on the peak positions of IR spectra of neighboring sp2C–H on GNRs was revealed by analyzing zigzag and armchair GNRs with methylene and methyl groups computationally in addition to analyzing reference compounds experimentally and computationally (Fig. 3).

Figure 3
figure 3

Procedures of this work. a Reference compounds and GNRs used in this work. b Example of calculated IR spectra of reference compounds and zigzag GNRs in the absence/presence of sp3C–H. After confirmation of the peak positions between experimental and calculated IR spectra of reference compounds bi, IR spectra of GNRs were calculated bii. Light blue sphere: hydrogen atom. Black sphere: sp2 carbon atom. Red sphere: sp3 carbon atom


Anthracene (abbreviated as ANT, > 96.0%, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) (Fig. S1a), tetracene (TET, > 97.0%, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) (Fig. S1a), 5,12-dihydrotetracene (512DH-TET, purity N. A., Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC.) (Fig. 3ai) and 1-methylanthracene (1M-ANT, purity N. A., FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corp.) (Fig. 3ai) were utilized as reference compounds with zigzag edges. Chrysene (CHR, > 97.0%, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) (Fig. S1b), 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrochrysene (1234TH-CHR, 95%, AKos GmbH) (Fig. 3ai), and 4-methylchrysene (4M-CHR, > 95%, Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC.) (Fig. 3ai) were utilized as reference compounds with armchair edges. 512DH-TET and 1234TH-CHR were utilized to determine the influence of sp3CH2 (methylene groups) next to sp2C–H on zigzag and armchair edges, respectively. 1M-ANT and 4M-CHR were utilized to investigate the influence of sp3CH3 (methyl groups) on zigzag and armchair edges, respectively. 9,10-Dihydroanthracene (910DH-ANT, >98.0%, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.), 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene (910DH-PHEN, >96.0%, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.), and fluorene (>98.0%, Kanto Chemical Co., Inc.) were utilized as reference compounds to exhibit the influence of neighboring methylene groups on QUATRO (Fig. 3ai). 9M-ANT (98%, Wako Pure Chemical Industries. Ltd.) was utilized as a reference compound to show the influence of a neighboring methyl group on QUATRO (Fig. 3ai). These compounds were analyzed by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (FT-IR-4200, JASCO Corp.). The measurement of the IR spectrum was carried out using an HgCdTe (MCT) detector and the cumulated number was 32 times. The resolution was 4.0 cm−1.


Basic structures and definitions of edges of GNRs used to calculate IR spectra are shown in Fig. 4. Zigzag and armchair GNRs with either methyl or methylene groups were abbreviated as Zig nCHx (n = the number of introduced sp3C, x = 2 for methylene and x = 3 for methyl group) and Arm nCHx (Fig. 4). The in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H groups on a zigzag GNR without any adjacent sp3C–H group, so-called zigzag edges, was defined as zig (Fig. 4a). The in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H groups adjacent to one sp3C–H is defined as zig’. The in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H groups sandwiched by two sp3C–H groups is defined as zig’’. The out-of-plane bending vibration of one sp2C–H group in one benzene ring without any adjacent sp3C–H group is defined as SOLO (Fig. 4a). The out-of-plane bending vibration of one sp2C–H group in one benzene ring adjacent to one sp3C–H in another benzene ring on zigzag GNR is basically defined as SOLO’. However, in Zig 2CH2 and Zig 2CH3, the out-of-plane bending vibration of both sp2C–H, which is adjacent to sp3C–H, and sp2C–H, which is affected by the presence of sp3C–H, are defined as SOLO'(cv) as shown in Fig. 4a because these sp2C–H groups vibrated together due to the influence of the coupled vibration.

Figure 4
figure 4

Basic structures and definitions of edges for GNRs with and without sp3C–H. a Zigzag GNRs. b Armchair GNRs. The numbers on edges written near structures are the numbers of positions of introduced sp3C–H. Black sphere, sp2 carbon atom; light blue sphere, hydrogen atom; red sphere, sp3 carbon atom. zig, sp2C–H groups on zigzag edges; zig’, sp2C–H groups on zigzag edges next to one sp3C–H group; zig’’, sp2C–H groups on zigzag edges between two sp3C–H groups; SOLO’, sp2C–H groups on SOLO next to one sp3C–H group; SOLO’’, sp2C–H groups on SOLO between two sp3C–H groups; arm, sp2C–H groups on armchair edges; arm’, sp2C–H groups on armchair edges next to one sp3C–H group; arm’’, sp2C–H groups on armchair edges between two sp3C–H groups; DUO’, sp2C–H groups on DUO next to one sp3C–H; DUO’’, sp2C–H groups on DUO between two sp3C–H groups; zig-like, sp2C–H groups on zigzag-like edges; zig’-like, sp2C–H groups on zigzag-like edges influenced by one adjacent sp3C–H group; arm-like, sp2C–H groups on armchair-like edges; arm’-like, sp2C–H groups on armchair-like edges influenced by sp3C–H group; arm-arm’, sp2C–H groups on armchair edges next to one sp3C–H group and pure armchair edges; TRIO’, TRIO with methylene groups in the same benzene ring or TRIO next to one methyl group in the adjacent benzene ring

The in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H groups on the armchair GNR without any adjacent sp3C–H, so-called armchair edges, is defined as arm (Fig. 4b). The in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H groups next to two sp3C–H pairs on the armchair GNR is defined as arm’. The in-plane stretching vibration of a pair of sp2C–H groups sandwiched by two sp3C–H groups on the armchair GNR is defined as arm’’. The out-of-plane bending vibration of two sp2C–H groups in one benzene ring without any adjacent sp3C–H is defined as DUO (Fig. 4b). The out-of-plane bending vibration of two sp2C–H groups in one benzene ring next to a pair of sp3C–H groups in one benzene ring is defined as DUO’. The out-of-plane bending vibration of a pair of sp2C–H groups in one benzene ring sandwiched by two pairs of sp3C–H groups is defined as DUO’’. The definitions of vibration of other GNRs are shown in Fig. S2a and b. Structures of reference compounds were also constructed. The definitions of sp2C–H of reference compounds are shown in Fig. S3.

The modeled structures were optimized and vibrational analysis of the IR spectrum was performed with Gaussian 16 [58] (B3LYP/6-31 g(d) integral = grid = ultrafine). The scaling factor was determined by comparing the calculated and experimental peak positions of the reference compounds. For reference compounds, IR spectra were also calculated using anharmonic oscillation to estimate the more accurate peak positions. Calculation of anharmonic oscillation for GNRs is not included because of the long calculation time. The scaling factors are shown in supplementary material and the detail is also explained in our previous work [46, 59, 60].

Results and discussion

Comparison of experimental and calculated IR spectra of reference compounds

Figures 5 and 6 show experimental and calculated IR spectra of reference compounds with zigzag edges and armchair edges, respectively. The peak positions of experimental and calculated IR spectra of reference compounds were close to each other, indicating the validity of calculation. Calculated IR spectra with anharmonic oscillation were also calculated in addition to the harmonic oscillation for better accuracy (Figs. S4-S15). Both spectra using harmonic and anharmonic oscillation were basically similar other than the peaks of combination tone and overtone as explained in our previous work [43].

Figure 5
figure 5

Experimental (top) and calculated (bottom) IR spectra of reference compounds with zigzag edges. a 600–1000 cm−1. In-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H was marked by rectangular in 1M-ANT. b 1000–1800 cm−1. c 2700–3200 cm−1. The corresponding structures of spectra are shown at the right side of this figure. Black circle, C=C; White circle, C=C and sp2C–H related to sp3C–H; White square, symmetric stretching of sp3C–H; Black square, asymmetric stretching of sp3C–H; White triangle, other stretching of sp3C–H; Q, QUATRO; Q’, QUATRO next to one sp3C–H group; T’, TRIO with one methyl group in the adjacent benzene ring; S, SOLO; S’, SOLO next to one sp3C–H group; zig, zigzag edges; zig’, zigzag edges next to one sp3C–H group; z-l, zig-like edges; z’-l, zig’-like edges. The detailed definitions of structures are shown in Fig. S3. The blue-colored region in (b) indicates semicircle stretching of C=C and the red-colored region indicates quadrant stretching of C=C

Figure 6
figure 6

Experimental (top) and calculated (bottom) IR spectra of reference compounds with armchair edges. a 600–1000 cm−1. The different types of square frames on structures correspond to the vibrations of sp2C–H at the frame of the peak of the spectrum. In-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H marked by rectangular in CHR, 1234TH-CHR and 4M-CHR. b 1000–1800 cm−1. c 2700–3200 cm−1. The corresponding structures of the spectra are shown at the right side of this figure. Black circle, C=C; White circle, C=C and sp2C–H related to sp3C–H; White square, symmetric stretching of sp3C–H; Black square, asymmetric stretching of sp3C–H; White triangle, other stretching of sp3C–H; Q, QUATRO; T’, TRIO with one methyl group in the adjacent benzene ring; D, DUO; D’, DUO next to one sp3C–H group; z-l, zig-like edges; z’-l, zig’-like edges; arm, armchair edges; arm’, armchair edges next to one sp3C–H group; a-l, arm-like edges; a’-l, arm’-like edges. The detailed definitions of structures are shown in Fig. S3. The blue-colored region in (b) indicates semicircle stretching of C=C and the red-colored region indicates quadrant stretching of C=C

As the number of 6-membered rings increases from 3 (ANT) to 4 (TET), the experimental peak positions of SOLO shift higher from 883 to 903 cm−1 (Fig. 5) as reported previously [44]. As the number of 6-membered rings in acenes increases, the SOLO becomes electronically rich [38]. Thus, it is reasonable that the force constant of ANT at 882 cm−1 is 0.6772 mDyne Å−1 and the length of sp2C–H is 1.08848 Å, whereas that of TET at 901 cm−1 is 0.7350 mDyne Å−1 and the length of sp2C–H is 1.08829 Å as results of the calculation in this work, causing that the peak position of SOLO on TET is higher than that on ANT. The addition of the methylene groups to TET decreased the peak position of SOLO from 903 (TET) to 867 cm−1 (512DH-TET). This is because of the discrete conjugate system of 512DH-TET in the presence of methylene and the electronic state becomes close to naphthalene rather than TET, causing the peak position of SOLO in 512DH-TET (867 cm−1) lower than that in ANT (883 cm−1) because of the loss of coupled vibration at SOLO positions [43, 44]. The addition of one methyl group to ANT also decreased the peak position of SOLO from 883 (ANT) to 876 cm−1 (1M-ANT), but the degree of the shift in the presence of the methyl group was small compared to that of the methylene groups. In opposition to the methylene group, the methyl group maintains the conjugate system of ANT. Since the influence of the coupled vibration is large in this region, the peak position of the out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H does not linearly correlate to the frequency. Besides, the influence of the orientation of the methyl group on the spectrum was also investigated, but it was negligible (not shown).

The rocking vibration of methylene groups at 724 cm−1 has been reported (Fig. 2di) [56]. In this work, the calculated peaks of rocking vibrations were observed together with the out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H at 909 and 966 cm−1 for 910DH-ANT and at 908 cm−1 for 910DH-PHEN (Figs. S11a and S14a), and the experimental peaks appeared at the similar positions in the calculated spectra (Figs. S11a and S14a). In fluorene containing a 5-membered ring structure (Fig. S15a), the experimental peak of rocking vibrations was observed at 696 cm−1, which was almost the same position as calculated peaks at 694 cm−1 for harmonic oscillation and 703 cm−1 for anharmonic oscillation (Fig. S15a). On the other hand, the rocking vibration was not observed for the spectrum of 512DH-TET and 1234TH-CHR (Figs. 5a and 6a). Thus, the presence of the peak and the peak positions of rocking vibrations largely depend on the structures.

As the number of 6-membered rings increases from ANT to TET, the peak position of QUATRO shifts higher from 725 to 741 cm−1 in a similar way to SOLO (Fig. 5a). However, the introduction of the methylene groups to TET (512DH-TET in Fig. 5a) did not show a clear shift of the peak position for QUATRO. This is because the peak position originated from the out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H, especially on SOLO, relate to coupled vibration, whereas the influence of coupled vibration of sp2C–H from on QUATRO is negligible. On the other hand, the introduction of methylene groups to ANT (910DH-ANT) shifted the peak positions of QUATRO higher from 725 and 739 cm−1 (ANT in Fig. 5a) to 731 and 760 cm−1 (910DH-ANT in Fig. S11a). Thus, the influence of methylene groups on the peak positions of QUATRO becomes small as the number of 6-membered rings increases probably because of the decrement of the density of methylene group in the structure. Besides, the addition of one methyl group (9M-ANT in Fig. S12a) to ANT did not show clear difference on the peak position of QUATRO before and after the introduction of one methyl group, probably because of the small influence on the conjugated system compared to methylene groups.

The introduction of methylene groups into TET lowered the peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C from 1627 to 1603 cm−1 (Fig. 5b), whereas the introduction of one methyl group into ANT did not affect the peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C at 1620 cm−1. The lower shift of the peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C was also observed by the introduction of methylene groups (910DH-ANT) to ANT in Fig. S11b. The difference of the peak shift for quadrant stretching of C=C between methylene groups and one methyl group can also be caused by the shortening of the conjugate system for 512DH-TET compared to TET and the maintained conjugate system for 1M-ANT.

Scissoring of methylene groups has been observed at 1463 cm−1 (Fig. 2div) [56], whereas wagging and twisting of methylene groups have been observed at 1275 (Fig. 2dii) and 1300 cm−1 (Fig. 2diii), respectively [56]. In this work, scissoring, wagging, and twisting were observed in the IR spectra of reference compounds at 1426–1481, 1189–1576, and 1128–1304 cm−1, respectively (Figs. S7b, S9b, S11b, S14b, and S15b). Twisting on zigzag edges was observed at 1157–1171 cm−1 (Figs. 5b and S11b), whereas that on armchair edges was observed at 1246 and 1304 cm−1 by accompanying with the vibration of the semicircle stretching of C=C (Fig. S14b). “Twi” is not written in Fig. S14b because these vibrations include both “C=C” and “Twi”. In pure wagging, the vibrations on armchair edges observed at 1347–1362 cm−1 (Figs. S9b and S14b) were higher than those on zigzag edges at 1203–1264 cm−1 (Figs. S7b and S11b). The peaks of wagging accompanied with semicircle stretching of C=C were observed at 1317–1346 cm−1, and those with quadrant stretching of C=C were observed at 1576 cm−1 (Figs. S7b, S9b, and S11b). By ignoring the C=C bending vibration, the peak position of wagging becomes within the range of 1150–1362 cm−1. In scissoring, regardless of zigzag and armchair edges, the peaks were at nearly constant peak positions of 1444–1446 cm−1 (Figs. S7b, S9b, and S11b). In scissoring accompanied with semicircle stretching of C=C, the peaks were observed at 1444–1481 cm−1 (Figs. S11b and S14b). Wagging and scissoring of fluorene containing a 5-membered ring were observed at 1189 and 1428 cm−1 (Fig. S15b), which are lower than the peaks at 1203 and 1446 cm−1 on zigzag edges (Fig. S11b), respectively. No peak of twisting could be confirmed from fluorene (Fig. S15b).

Figure 5c shows experimental and calculated IR spectra of reference compounds in the region of 2700–3200 cm−1. Some experimental peaks that are not observed in the peaks calculated using harmonic oscillation can be explained as basically combination tone or other factors by the peaks calculated using anharmonic oscillation (Figs. S4c, S5c, S6c, and S7c). Comparing the calculated peak positions using anharmonic oscillation with the experimental peak positions of TET and 512DH-TET, the introduction of two methylene groups into TET shifted the experimental peak position of zig at 3013 cm−1 (TET) (Figs. 5c and S6c) to lower experimental peak position of zig’ at 3005 cm−1 (512DH-TET) (Figs. 5c and S7c). On the other hand, the introduction of one methyl group into ANT clearly shifted the experimental peak position from 3008 cm−1 (ANT) (Figs. 5c and S4c) to the higher experimental peak position of zig’ (3081 cm−1) (1M-ANT) (Figs. 5c and S5c). This shift can be explained by the bond lengths of the zig and zig' positions of sp2C–H as shown in Fig. S16a. The relationship between the sp2C–H length and the peak position can also be applied to zigzag GNR (Fig. 9a).

The experimental peaks of symmetric and asymmetric stretchings of sp3C–H in methylene groups on 512DH-TET were observed at 2837 and 2970 cm−1, respectively (Figs. 5c and S7c). The experimental peaks of symmetric and asymmetric stretchings of sp3C–H in one methyl group on 1M-ANT were observed at 2898 and 2922 cm−1 (Figs. 5c and S5c), respectively. The reason why the peak positions of stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methylene groups are in the range of 2837–2970 cm−1 and those of methyl groups are in the range of 2898–2922 cm−1 is related to the higher force constant of sp3C–H stretching vibration of methyl groups than that of methylene groups, implying that C–H bond length of methyl groups is shorter than that of methylene groups. Indeed, as results of calculation, in both the reference compounds and GNRs, it was confirmed that the wavenumber increased as the force constant increased as explained later. Comparing the zigzag type structure with methylene groups between 512DH-TET in Fig. S7c and 910DH-ANT in Fig. S11c, the difference in symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations was small even though the number of rings increases.

By comparing the peak position of one methyl group on 9M-ANT in Fig. S12c and that on 1M-ANT in Figs. 5c and S5c, the difference of the experimental peak positions of the asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methyl groups between 9M-ANT (2929 cm−1) and 1M-ANT (2922 cm−1) was only 7 cm−1, whereas that of the symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methyl groups between 9M-ANT (2870 cm−1) and 1M-ANT (2898 cm−1) was 28 cm−1, which is consistent with the reported tendency [48] that the peak positions of symmetric stretching of sp3C–H in 9M-ANT and 9,10-dimethyl anthracene differ depending on the structures, whereas that of asymmetric stretching of sp3C–H is close to each other. Thus, the peak positions of asymmetric stretching vibration are not influenced by the introduced position of methyl groups, whereas that of symmetric stretching vibration depends on the introduced position. Besides, since sp2C–H groups at positions 5–8 of 1M-ANT in Figs. 5c and S5c, which correspond to zig-like, were far from the ring containing the methyl group at position 1, the experimental peak position of zig-like in 1M-ANT (3054 cm−1) in Fig. S5c was close to that in ANT (3051 cm−1) in Fig. S4c. On the other hand, the experimental peak position of stretching vibration of sp2C–H groups at positions 1, 2, 7, and 8 of 9M-ANT (Fig. S12c), which correspond to the zig'-like, was affected by the presence of the methyl group in the center of the ring and shifted to 3082 cm−1 (Fig. S12c).

Figure 6 shows experimental and calculated spectra of reference compounds with armchair edges. The introduction of four methylene groups into CHR shifted the experimental peak position of DUO to the lower wavenumber from 817 (CHR) to 805 cm−1 (1234TH-CHR) (Fig. 6a), whereas the introduction of one methyl group into CHR shifted the experimental peak position of DUO to the higher wavenumber from 817 (CHR) to 823 cm−1 (4M-CHR) (Fig. 6a). The lower shift by the introduction of methylene groups is caused by the reduction of coupled vibration caused by the shortening of the conjugated system. The increment of the peak position of DUO in the presence of the methyl group is caused by the increment of the force constant from 0.6049 mDyne Å−1 at the DUO position to 0.8519 mDyne Å−1 at the DUO’ position, reducing the bond length of sp2C–H at the DUO' position from 1.08374 to 1.07713 Å. In 1234TH-CHR, rocking vibration accompanied with C=C bending vibration was observed at 686 cm−1 (Figs. 6a and S9a), but the peak of pure rocking could not be confirmed by calculation. The vibration of pure rocking vibration at 893 cm−1 was observed as an experimental peak only in 910DH-PHEN among the reference compounds with 6-membered ring structures (Fig. S14a), which was significantly different from 686 cm−1 of rocking vibration with C=C bending vibration of 1234TH-CHR. In fluorene containing a 5-membered ring, the experimental peak of pure rocking vibration was observed at 696 cm−1 but the rocking vibration accompanied with C=C bending vibration was not observed (Fig. S15a). In a similar way to DUO, the introduction of four methylene groups into CHR also shifted the experimental peak positions of QUATRO to the lower wavenumber from 757 (CHR) to 744 cm−1 (1234TH-CHR) (Fig. 6a), whereas the introduction of one methyl group into CHR (4M-CHR) did not show a large influence on QUATRO at 758 cm−1 (Fig. 6a). The lower shift by the methylene groups is caused by the loss of the coupled vibration in the presence of the methylene groups, whereas the negligible influence by the methyl group is caused by the negligible effect of coupled vibration by the methyl group.

Figure 6b shows experimental and calculated spectra of reference compounds with armchair edges in the region of 1000–1800 cm−1. At 1100–1250 cm−1, in-plane bending vibrations of sp2C–H and C=C were observed. The introduction of four methylene groups into CHR shifted the peak position of the quadrant stretching of C=C to the low wavenumber from 1594–1615 cm−1 to 1576–1607 cm−1 (Fig. 6b). On the other hand, by the introduction of one methyl group into CHR, the peak position of the quadrant stretching of the C=C was 1572–1614 cm−1 and the clear shift of 1614 cm−1 was not observed. The experimental peak of 1615 cm−1 is related to the quadrant stretching of C=C of the benzene ring at both ends of CHR. Thus, it is considered that the introduction of methylene groups at the benzene ring on one end of the CHR diminished the peak at 1615 cm−1. Besides, in 910DH-PHEN in which the methylene groups were introduced into PHEN, a lower wavenumber shift of quadrant stretching of C=C was also observed (1562–1603 cm−1) (Fig. S14b) as compared with PHEN (1601–1613 cm−1) (Fig. S13b). The peak of 1613 cm−1 of PHEN originates from quadrant stretching of C=C in the benzene ring in the middle of PHEN. Thus, the introduction of methylene groups at DUO positions shifted the peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C to the lower peak position.

Figure 6c shows experimental and calculated spectra of reference compounds with armchair edges in the region at 2700–3200 cm−1. The introduction of four methylene groups into CHR shifted the experimental peak position of arm from 3084 cm−1 (CHR) to the lower peak position of arm’ at 3067 cm−1 (1234TH-CHR) (Fig. 6c), whereas the introduction of one methyl group into CHR shifted the experimental peak position of arm to the higher peak position of arm’ at 3139 cm−1 (4M-CHR) (Fig. 6c). The experimental peak shift of arm’ such as − 17 and + 55 cm−1 was observed for 1234TH-CHR with four methylene groups and 4M-CHR with one methyl group, respectively. The tendency of the shifts depends on the force constant because the force constant of arm in CHR (6.7064 mDyne Å−1) was decreased and became arm’ by introducing methylene groups (6.6881 mDyne Å−1), whereas it increased and became arm’ by introducing one methyl group (7.0096 mDyne Å−1), affecting the length of sp2C–H of arm and arm’ positions. This relationship can be explained by the shift of GNR, as explained later. The experimental peaks of symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methylene groups on 1234TH-CHR were observed at 2833 and 2855 cm−1 (Figs. 6c and S9c), whereas those of asymmetric one were observed at 2914 and 2925 cm−1 (Figs. 6c and S9c). The experimental peaks of symmetric and asymmetric stretching of sp3C–H in one methyl group on 4M-CHR were observed at 2874 and at 2966 cm−1 (Figs. 6c and S10c), respectively. The experimental peak at 3139 cm−1 of 4M-CHR is considered to be the peak of stretching vibration of sp2C–H at arm’, whereas that at 3164 cm−1 of 4M-CHR is considered to be the peak of combination tone because the peak at ca. 3150 cm−1 or higher is mostly combination tone as suggested by anharmonic calculation (Fig. S10c).

In the reference compounds with armchair edges, the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of sp3C–H in 1234TH-CHR in Figs. 6c and S9c and 910DH-PHEN in Fig. S14c showed the wide peak range of symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H of methylene groups and the narrow peak range of asymmetric one of methyl group. This tendency was similar to the reference compound with zigzag edges (512DH-TET). For example, the experimental peak positions of symmetric stretching vibrations of sp3C–H are 2833 and 2855 cm−1 for 1234TH-CHR, whereas that of asymmetric one is 2925 cm−1 (Figs. 6c and S9c). The experimental peak position of symmetric stretching vibrations of sp3C–H for 910DH-PHEN is 2835 cm−1, whereas that of asymmetric one is 2935 cm−1 (Fig. S14c).

Calculated IR spectra of zigzag GNRs with sp3C–H

Calculated IR spectra of zigzag GNRs with/without sp3C–H are shown in Fig. 7. The IR spectra were divided into the following three regions to show the details of the peak shift such as (a) 600–1000 (Fig. 7a), (b) 1000–1800 (Fig. 7b), and (c) 2700–3200 cm−1 (Fig. 7c). In Fig. 7a, the introduction of sp3C–H shifted the peak positions of SOLO from 898 (Zig) to 893 (SOLO’(cv) (abbreviated as S'(cv) in Fig. 7a) of Zig 2CH3) or 903 cm−1 (SOLO’(cv) of Zig 2CH2). As explained earlier, the out-of-bending vibration of sp2C–H, which is adjacent to sp3C–H, is defined as SOLO' in the region of 600–1000 cm−1 (Fig. 4a). However, for Zig 2CH2 and Zig 2CH3, sp2C–H, which is adjacent to sp3C–H at positions 4–6 in Zig 2CH2 and Zig 2CH3, is defined as S'(cv) in Fig. 4a from the results of vibration analysis. It is because of the influence of coupled vibration in which sp2C–H adjacent to sp3C–H vibrates together regardless of the force constant and the bond length of C–H in this region [61]. The reason of formation of characteristic vibration of S’(cv) is because the electron densities of the carbon atoms adjacent to the methylene group and the methyl group are biased as inferred from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) in Zig 2CH2 and Zig 2CH3 (Fig. S18a-e). It is because sp3C–H groups in Zig 2CH2 and Zig 2CH3 exist at the positions other than the center position of the zigzag edges, causing the biased charges. In particular, Zig 2CH2 is remarkable that the electron density at position 2 is close to 0.

Figure 7
figure 7

Calculated IR spectra of zigzag GNR with or without sp3C–H. a 600–1000 cm−1. b 1000–1800 cm−1. c 2700–3200 cm−1. Names of structures are written inside the frame and the corresponding structures are shown on the right side of this figure. Black circle, C=C; White circle, C=C and sp2C–H related to sp3C–H; White square, symmetric stretching of sp3C–H; Black square, asymmetric stretching of sp3C–H; White triangle, other stretching of sp3C–H; D, DUO; D’, DUO next to one sp3C–H group; S, SOLO; S’, SOLO next to one sp3C–H group; S’’, SOLO between two sp3C–H groups; zig, zigzag edges; zig’, zigzag edges next to one sp3C–H group; zig’’, zigzag edges between two sp3C–H groups; z-l, zig-like edges; z’-l, zig’-like edges; The detailed definitions of structures are shown in Figs. 4 and S2. The blue-colored region in b indicates semicircle stretching of C=C and the red-colored region indicates quadrant stretching of C=C. The yellow-colored region indicates mixtures of semicircle and quadrant stretching of C=C

By the presence of one neighboring sp3C–H group on zigzag GNR, the peak position of SOLO (898 cm−1) was shifted to lower wavenumbers of 885–892 cm−1 (Zig 2CH2 and Zig 4CH2) and 843–868 cm−1 (Zig 2CH3 and Zig 4CH3) (Fig. 7a). By the presence of two neighboring sp3C–H groups on zigzag GNR, the peak position of SOLO (898 cm−1) was shifted to lower wavenumbers of 870–892 cm−1 (Zig 4CH2, Zig 6CH2, and Zig 8CH2) and 843–852 cm−1 (Zig 4CH3, Zig 6CH3, and Zig 8CH3). Because of the coupled vibration that neighboring sp2C–H groups vibrate together irrespective of the length of sp2C–H, sp2C–H, which is not adjacent to sp3C–H, vibrated together with sp2C–H (SOLO') adjacent to one sp3C–H (Zig 2CH2 and Zig 2CH3 in Fig. 7a). The introduction of methyl groups on zigzag edges such as Zig 2CH3, Zig 4CH3, etc. increased electrons on zigzag edge, whereas that of methylene groups in Zig 2CH2 and Zig 4CH2 dispersed electrons away from the zigzag edges to the basal plane. The dispersed electrons should affect the coupled vibration of the out-of-plane bending vibration of C–H. In zigzag GNR with methylene groups, the peaks of pure rocking vibration were observed at 725 (Zig 2CH2), 744 (Zig 4CH2), 730 (Zig 6CH2), and 717 cm−1 (Zig 8CH2) (Fig. 7a), whose positions were close to the reported peak position at 720 cm−1 for aliphatic carbon [58], although the peak position of pure rocking vibration for armchair GNR was higher as explained later.

Figure 7b shows the effect of sp3C–H on the IR spectra of zigzag GNR in the region of 1000–1800 cm−1. By introducing methylene groups on zigzag GNR, the peak of the quadrant stretching of C=C was shifted from 1595–1618 to 1520–1645 cm−1. On the other hand, by introducing methyl groups, the peak of the quadrant stretching of C=C showed only a slight shift (1583–1624 cm−1). The tendency of the difference between methylene groups and methyl groups in GNR is similar to that of reference samples and it is because of the separation of the conjugated system in the presence of methylene groups, whereas the sp2 orbitals of the conjugated system in GNR was maintained in the presence of methyl groups. Especially, the G band (ca. 1580–1600 cm−1) and D’ band (ca. 1600–1630 cm−1) are generally discussed in Raman spectroscopy by researchers of carbon materials, and the relevance between IR and Raman spectra has been discussed by our group [43, 44]. This region of D' band is mainly caused by the vibration of C=C at DUO, whereas the region of G band is mainly caused by the vibration of C=C other than the DUO positions probably because C=C at DUO positions is less influenced by the effect of the conjugated system and C=C other than the DUO positions is influenced by the conjugated system.. As the number of methyl groups increased, the peak in the G band was shifted from 1595 (Zig) to lower wavenumbers such as 1592 (Zig 2CH3), 1588 (Zig 4CH3), 1583 (Zig 6CH3), and 1586 cm−1 (Zig 8CH3). As the number of methylene groups increased, the peak in the G band was further shifted from 1595 (Zig) to much lower wavenumbers such as 1553 (Zig 4CH2), 1566 (Zig 6CH2), and 1556 and 1578 cm−1 (Zig 8CH2). The peak of D’ band was shifted from 1618 (Zig) to slightly higher wavenumbers such as 1622 (Zig 6CH3) and 1624 cm−1 (Zig 8CH3), as the number of methyl groups increased. On the other hand, in zigzag GNR containing methylene group (Zig 2CH2, 4CH2, 6CH2, and 8CH2), the peak intensity of D’ band became negligible as the number of methylene groups increased.

Besides, the introduction of methyl groups on zigzag GNR shifted the peak position of semicircle stretching from 1298 (Zig) to slightly higher wavenumbers such as 1323 (Zig 2CH3), 1343 (Zig 4CH3), 1353 (Zig 6CH3), and 1338 cm−1 (Zig 8CH3), as the number of methyl groups increased (Fig. 7b). Similarly, the introduction of methylene groups on zigzag GNR shifted the peak position of semicircle stretching of C=C slightly higher from 1298 (Zig) to 1304 (Zig 2CH2), 1323 (Zig 4CH2), 1311 (Zig 6CH2), and 1338 cm−1 (Zig 8CH2), as the number of methylene groups increased. However, the reason why the peak positions of semicircle stretching of C=C shifted higher in the presence of methyl and methylene groups was unclear, although the possible matters such as the bond length of GNR, HOMO, and Mulliken charge were calculated. The discussion of the semicircle stretching region of C=C is complicated mainly because the region is affected by several factors such as the types of edges, types of functional groups such as sp3C–H, and the length of C=C as studied by our group [38, 43], in addition to the scissoring, wagging, and twisting. The peaks of pure scissoring, wagging, and twisting of methylene groups for zigzag GNR with methylene groups (Zig 2CH2, 4CH2, 6CH2, and 8CH2) were observed at 1431–1444, 1161–1256, and 1197–1202 cm−1, respectively. In zigzag GNR with methylene groups, scissoring and wagging vibration accompanied with C=C stretching was observed at 1432–1543 and 1255–1396 cm−1, respectively. Twisting does not accompany with C=C stretching.

Figure 7c shows the effect of sp3C–H on IR spectra of zigzag GNRs in the region of 2700–3200 cm−1. In this region, a peak due to the stretching vibration of sp3C–H was observed below 3000 cm−1, and a peak due to the stretching vibration of sp2C–H was observed above 3000 cm−1. A peak for stretching vibration of sp2C–H at the zigzag edge was found at 3026 cm−1 in Zig. The introduction of methylene groups shifted the peak position of the adjacent sp2C–H to lower wavenumbers (zig’, 3007–3009 cm−1 (Zig 2CH2 and Zig 4CH2)), whereas that of methyl groups shifted the peak position of the adjacent sp2C–H to higher wavenumbers (zig’, 3065–3066 cm−1 (Zig 2CH3 and Zig 4CH3)). Besides, the peak position of sp2C–H sandwiched by two methylene groups, zig’’, was shifted further from zig’ to lower wavenumber of 2997–2999 cm−1 (Zig 4CH2, Zig 6CH2, and Zig 8CH2), whereas that by two methyl groups, zig’’, was shifted to higher wavenumbers of 3098–3110 cm−1 (Zig 4CH3, Zig 6CH3, and Zig 8CH3). The degree of the shift of zig’’ was larger than that of zig’ in both cases of the introduction of methylene and methyl groups. The tendency of these shifts will be explained later.

The peak positions of stretching vibration of sp3C–H of methylene groups are lower than those of methyl groups because the wavenumber increased as the force constant increased in relationship with the C–H bond length as mentioned in the section of reference compounds (Fig. 7c). For example, the force constant of the symmetric stretching vibration of C-H in the methylene group of Zig 2CH2 at 2868 cm−1 was 5.6903 mDyne Å−1, whereas that of the asymmetric stretching vibration of Zig 2CH2 at 2888 cm−1 was 5.9964 mDyne Å−1. Besides, the force constants of the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration for Zig 2CH3 were 5.6939 and 6.1655 mDyne Å−1, respectively. It was also confirmed that the force constant of stretching vibrations of sp3C–H in methyl groups is higher than that in methylene groups by comparing methyl and methylene groups on the same type of GNR such as zigzag GNRs (Zig 2CH2 and Zig 2CH3 (Fig. 7c)) and armchair GNRs (Arm 4CH2 and Arm 4CH3 (Fig. 8c)).

Figure 8
figure 8

Calculated IR spectra of armchair GNRs with or without sp3C–H. a 600–1000 cm−1. b 1000–1800 cm−1. c 2700–3200 cm−1. Names of structures are written inside the frame and the corresponding structures are shown at the right side of this figure. Black circle, C=C; White circle, C=C and sp2C–H related to sp3C–H; White square, symmetric sp3C–H stretching; Black square, asymmetric sp3C–H stretching; White triangle, other sp3C–H stretching; T, TRIO; T’, TRIO with methylene groups in the same benzene ring or TRIO with methyl groups in the adjacent benzene ring; D, DUO; D’, DUO next to one sp3C–H group; D’’, DUO between two sp3C–H groups; S, SOLO; S’, SOLO next to one sp3C–H group; S’’, SOLO between two sp3C–H groups; arm, armchair edges; arm’, armchair edges next to one sp3C–H group; arm’’, armchair edges between two sp3C–H groups; a-l, arm-like edges; a’-l, arm’-like edges; a-a’, arm-arm’ edges; zig, zigzag edges; zig’, zigzag edges next to one sp3C–H in the same benzene ring; z-l, zig-like edges; z’-l, zig’-like edges. The detailed definitions of structures are shown in Figs. 4 and S2. The blue-colored region of (b) represents the semicircle stretching of C=C, and the red-colored region of (b) represents the quadrant stretching of C=C

Calculated IR spectra of armchair GNRs with sp3C–H

Figure 8 shows the calculated IR spectra of armchair GNRs with/without sp3C–H. The IR spectra were divided into the three regions such as (a) 600–1000, (b) 1000–1800, and (c) 2700–3200 cm−1 to show peak shifts in detail. In Fig. 8a, the introduction of methylene groups (Arm 4CH2 and 8CH2) slightly shifted the peak position of DUO from 813 (Arm) to 813–817 cm−1 (DUO’ (abbreviated as D’) and DUO’’ (D’’)), whereas the introduction of methyl groups (Arm 2CH3 and Arm 4CH3) clearly shifted the peak position of DUO to 830–841 cm−1 because of the steric hindrance. For DUO sandwiched by two sp3C–H groups (D’’), the peak positions were shifted from 813 (Arm) to the higher wavenumber at 817 cm−1 and the lower wavenumber at 797 cm−1 in the presence of methylene groups (Arm 8CH2 and Arm 12CH2) and the even higher wavenumber of 843 cm−1 in the presence of methyl groups (Arm 8CH3). Moreover, the D’’ peak was not observed in Arm 6CH3 in this region because the DUO position does not exist due to the introduced position of the methyl group. The peaks of pure rocking vibration on armchair GNR with methylene groups were observed at the higher wavenumbers (748 (Arm 4CH2), 795 (Arm 8CH2), 767 (Arm 12CH2), and 832 cm−1 (Arm 16CH2)) (Fig. 8a) than those on zigzag GNR with methylene groups (717–744 cm−1) (Fig. 7a) as explained earlier.

The peak position of rocking vibration of sp3C–H on armchair GNR was shifted to the higher frequency as the number of methylene groups increased (748 (Arm 4CH2), 795 (Arm 8CH2), and 832 cm−1 (Arm 16CH2)), except for 767 cm−1 (Arm 12CH2) (Fig. 8a). The higher shifts of rocking vibration correlate with the degree of skeletal twist of armchair GNRs. It is because by comparing the distance between sp2C–H at the positions 1 and 1′ of armchair GNR and one of the closest hydrogen atom of methylene groups to the sp2C–H, the distances were 17.99917 (Arm), 17.81656 (Arm 4CH2), 15.51950 (Arm 8CH2), and 14.96305 Å (Arm 16CH2), as the number of methylenegroups increased. Thus, the shorter the distance between methylene groups is, the greater the degree of twist of the skeleton becomes and the higher the peak position of the rocking vibration is. This result can explain the reason why the peak position of rocking vibration of sp3C–H on zigzag GNR did not show a clear shift (Fig. 7a), whereas that on armchair GNR showed the shift (Fig. 8a).

Figure 8b shows the effect of sp3C–H on the IR spectra of armchair GNRs in the region of 1000–1800 cm−1. The introduction of methylene groups on armchair GNRs shifted the peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C at 1593 cm−1 to lower wavenumbers at 1580 (Arm 4CH2), 1572 (Arm 8CH2), 1580 (Arm 12CH2), and 1570 cm−1 (Arm 16CH2) and also lowered the peak intensity of this region, whereas that of methyl groups shifted the peak positions to higher wavenumbers at 1593 (Arm 2CH3), 1595 (Arm 4CH3), 1596 (Arm 6CH3), and 1598 cm−1 (Arm 8CH3). The peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C was shifted up to 23 cm−1 lower by introducing the methylene group, and up to 5 cm−1 higher by introducing the methyl groups. This tendency mostly agreed well with the tendency of the reference sample such as CHR (Fig. 6b). The introduction of the methyl group to CHR did not change the peak position clearly, but this is because the number of the substituted methyl group in 4M-CHR was one. Indeed, the peak positions of quadrant stretching of C=C in Arm and Arm 2CH3 were both 1593 cm−1. These shifts are due to the fact that the conjugated system of GNR became small by the introduction of the methylene groups and that the conjugated system is maintained by the introduction of methyl groups.

The introduction of methylene groups on armchair GNR (Fig. 8b) shifted the peak position from 1284 cm−1 (Arm) to lower wavenumbers of 1277 (Arm 4CH2), 1274 (Arm 8CH2), 1272 (Arm 12CH2), and 1269 cm−1 (Arm 16CH2), whereas that of methyl groups shifted the peak positions to higher wavenumbers of 1288 (Arm 2CH3), 1288 (Arm 4CH3), 1292 (Arm 6CH3), and 1289 cm−1 (Arm 8CH3). In this region, armchair GNR with methylene groups also exhibits scissoring, wagging, and twisting vibrations. The vibration of pure scissoring was exhibited at 1451 cm−1 (Arm 16CH2) and the vibration of scissoring accompanied with semicircle stretching of C=C was observed at 1475–1508 cm−1. Although the peak of the vibration due to the pure wagging could not be confirmed, the vibration of wagging accompanied with semicircle stretching of C=C was observed in the range between 1277 and 1377 cm−1. The peak due to only twisting on armchair GNR with methylene groups was observed at 1151–1163 cm−1, and unlike zigzag GNR with methylene groups, the wavenumber shifted to lower wavenumbers as the number of methylene groups increased probably because of the distortion of arm GNR. Twisting accompanied with non-semicircle stretching of C=C and semicircle stretching of C=C on Arm 16CH2 was observed in the range at 1151–1318 cm−1. In the region of 1150–1250 cm−1, both in-plane bending vibrations of sp2C–H and C=C were also observed.

Figure 8c shows the effect of sp3C–H on the IR spectra of armchair GNR in the region of 2700–3200 cm−1. The peak at 2910 cm−1 of Arm 12CH2 relates to asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H at positions 1, 1′, 8, and 8′ (Fig. 4b). The peak at 2948 cm−1 relates to the asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H at positions 1, 1′, 2, 2′, 3, 3′, 8, and 8′. The peak at 2960 cm−1 is related to asymmetric sp3C–H stretching vibration at the positions 2, 2′, 3, 3′, 4, and 4′. The peak positions of symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methylene groups on Arm 16CH2 at positions 2, 2′, 3, 3′, 4, 4′, 5, 5′, 6, 6′, 7, and 7′ were 2853 and 2941 cm−1. The peak position of asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C-H in methylene groups on Arm 16CH2 at positions 1, 1′, 8, and 8′ and that at positions 3, 3′, 4, 4′, 5, 5′, 6, and 6′ are 2908 and 2959 cm−1, respectively. From these results, in armchair GNR with methylene groups, when all TRIOs contain methylene groups such as Arm 12CH2 and Arm 16CH2, the asymmetric stretching vibrations of sp3C–H at positions 1 and 8 at both ends of armchair GNR were observed in the narrow region of 2908–2910 cm−1. Similarly, it was observed that the asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H at positions 2 to 6 on the armchair edge of Arm 12CH2 and Arm 16CH2 was also observed in the narrow range of 2959–2960 cm−1. In contrast to this tendencyby the introduction of methylene groups on armchair GNR, stretching vibration of sp3C–H in a narrow peak range was not observed by the introduction of methyl groups on armchair GNR, and consistency was not obtained by the introduction of methyl groups on armchair GNRs, other than 2992–2993 cm−1 for asymmetric stretching vibrations of sp3C–H at positions 3 and 4 of Arm 4CH3 and Arm 6CH3.

The peaks for stretching vibration of sp2C–H on Arm were observed at 3072 and 3084 cm−1 (Fig. 8c). By introducing methylene groups on armchair GNR, sp2C-sp2CH-sp2CH-sp2C at armchair edges became sp2C-sp3CH2-sp3CH2-sp2C and the bond length of the three C=C bonds elongated. The length of three C–C bonds among 4 carbon atoms at positions 10a, 10, 9, and 8a of a 910DH-PHEN-like structure in Fig. 3ai before and after the introduction of methylene groups on Arm was 1.40246 + 1.37960 + 1.40513 = 4.18719 Å for Arm, and 1.50919 + 1.52658 + 1.51105 = 4.54682 Å for Arm 4CH2 at the same position. The elongation of C–C bond length in the presence of methylene groups causes cyclohexane chair-like structures. Since one of the sp3C–H groups of the methylene groups is close to the hydrogen at the arm' position, the force constant (6.6906 mDyne Å−1) of C–H stretching of arm at positions 2 and 2′ of Arm increased to that (6.7116 mDyne Å−1) of C–H stretching of arm’ at positions 2 and 2′ of Arm 4CH2. It causes the shorter sp2C–H bond length at the arm' position of Arm 4CH2 (1.08311 Å) than that at the arm position of Arm (1.08345 Å), and the peak position of arm in Arm shifted from 3072 and 3084 cm−1 to 3074 and 3078 cm−1 on arm’ of Arm 4CH2 (Fig. 8c).

Here, the peak of 3074 cm−1 (Arm 4CH2) was the vibration at positions 2,2′ in Fig. 4b, and the peak of 3078 cm−1 (Arm 4CH2) was the vibration at positions 5,5′, 6,6′, and 7,7′. Also, on Arm 8CH2, arm' was shifted to the low wavenumber of 3072 cm−1. Besides, arm” with sp3C–H on both sides showed a lower wavenumber shift to 3071–3074 cm−1 (Arm 8CH2 and Arm 12CH2). However, compared with the zigzag GNR, there was no clear difference in the degree of shifts between sp3C–H on only one side and sp3C–H on both sides of the armchair GNR. In the case of introducing methyl groups, arm' exhibited a high-frequency shift to 3090–3131 cm−1 and arm” exhibited a high-frequency shift to 3079 and 3114 cm−1. This shift to the high frequency is considered to be due to the steric hindrance caused by sp3C–H, which shortens the sp2C–H bond lengths at the arm' and arm” positions and increases the force constant. In particular, the presence of sp3CH3 did not shift the peak of stretching vibration of sp2C–H on armchair GNR in the same way as the zigzag GNR between arm' and arm” because the effect of steric hindrance due to the introduction of methyl groups is greater on the armchair edges than on the zigzag edges.

Relationships between the peak positions of out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H and the length of sp2C–H on GNRs

Figure 9 shows the relationship between the peak position of the stretching vibration of sp2C–H defined in Fig. 4 and the bond length of sp2C–H in the region of 2950–3150 cm−1. The relationship of zigzag GNRs (Fig. 9a) and armchair GNRs (Fig. 9b) can be explained by the harmonic oscillator equation in a similar way to our previous work [43]. It is obvious that the bond length of sp2C–H changes as the peak position shifts to high or low wavenumber due to the influence of adjacent sp3C–H (zig’, zig’’, arm’, and arm’’). The relationship between the peak position of sp2C–H and the bond length in the region of 2950–3150 cm−1 shown in Fig. 9 was a negative correlation close to 1 for both zigzag GNR and armchair GNR.

Figure 9
figure 9

Relationship between sp2C–H length and peak positions of sp2C–H on GNRs in the region between 2950 and 3150 cm−1. a Zigzag GNRs. b Armchair GNRs. zig, sp2C–H on zigzag edges without the influence of sp3C–H; zig’, sp2C–H on zigzag edges next to sp3C–H group; zig’’, sp2C–H on zigzag edges between two sp3C–H groups; arm, sp2C–H on armchair edges without the influence of sp3C–H; arm’, sp2C–H on armchair edges next to sp3C–H groups; arm’’, sp2C–H on armchair edges between two sp3C–H groups. Several plots in (b) were circled to categorize the types of sp2C–H

As shown in Fig. 9a, in zigzag GNRs with methylene groups, the sp2C–H bond length at the zig' position is longer than that at the zig position, and the sp2C–H bond length at the zig” position is longer than that at the zig’ position. On the other hand, in zigzag GNRs with methyl groups, the sp2C–H bond length at the zig' position is shorter than that at the zig position, and the sp2C–H bond length at the zig” position is shorter than that at the zig’ position. In other words, the degree of the shift is affected by whether one side or both sides of sp2C–H are replaced with sp3C–H. However, zig’’, which is sandwiched by two sp3C–H groups, shifted more than zig’ regardless of methylene and methyl groups, whereas arm’’ especially in GNR with methylene groups are not shifted much more than arm’ (Fig. 9b). In other words, zigzag type and armchair type have different effects on the introduction of sp3C–H. It is partly because zigzag GNRs mostly maintain the planar structures even with methylene groups, whereas armchair GNRs largely lose the planar structures with methylene groups because of the elongation of C=C bond length at armchair edges in the presence of two methylene groups on one benzene ring. The slopes of the linear approximation were  − 9 × 10–5 and  − 1 × 10–4 for zigzag and armchair GNRs, respectively, and the slope of armchair GNRs were larger as an absolute value than that of zigzag GNRs because the planar structure of the armchair GNR is deformed after either methylene or methyl groups are introduced. The correlation between the peak position for stretching vibration of sp2C–H and the Mulliken charge was also calculated in Figs. S19-S24, but the correlation of Mulliken charge was lower than that of the bond length of sp2C–H (Fig. 9).

Figure 10 shows the relationship between sp2C–H length and peak positions of sp2C–H in the region between 750 and 950 cm−1. Although the correlation in the region of 750–950 cm−1 shown in Fig. 10b was similar to that in the region of 2950–3150 cm−1 in terms of the negative correlation (Fig. 9b), Fig. 10a showed a positive correlation, and the correlation coefficient was significantly inferior to that in the high-frequency region (Fig. 9a). This is considered to be due to the effect of the coupled vibration in which sp2C–H adjacent to sp3C–H vibrates together with the adjacent sp2C–H regardless of the sp2C–H bond length [61]. Another reason for the low correlation is the presence of the characteristic SOLO’(cv) vibration which was observed by the introduction of sp3C–H asymmetrically with respect to one side of the edges of Zig 2CH2 and 2CH3.

Figure 10
figure 10

Relationship between sp2C–H length and peak positions of sp2C–H in the region between 750 and 950 cm−1. a SOLO of zigzag GNR. b DUO of armchair GNR. SOLO, SOLO without influence of sp3C–H; SOLO’, SOLO next to sp3C–H group; SOLO’’, SOLO between two sp3C–H groups; DUO, DUO without the influence of sp3C–H; DUO’, DUO next to sp3C–H groups; DUO’’, DUO between two sp3C–H groups

Relationships between the peak positions of stretching vibration of sp2C–H and the length of sp2C–H on GNRs

Figure 11a, c, and d shows the change in the structural size of Zig 2CH2 and Zig 8CH2 by introducing methylene groups into zigzag GNR. The length of zigzag GNR in the transverse direction from the leftmost carbon atom to the rightmost carbon atom of the GNR increased by 1.53% in the presence of eight methylene groups (Fig. 11a and c). On the other hand, the longitudinal length of zigzag GNR decreased by 1.49% in the presence of eight methylene groups, but Zig 6CH2 increased by 2.36% (Fig. 11d), showing no correlation with the vertical length. In the case of sp3CH3 in SOLO (zigzag edge) of zigzag GNR, no correlation with the number of methyl groups was observed in both the transverse and the longitudinal directions.

Figure 11
figure 11

Dimensional change of zigzag GNRs with/without methylene and methyl groups. a Structures of Zig, Zig 2CH2, and Zig 8CH2 as examples to show the dimensional change. b Structures of Zig, Zig 2CH3, and Zig 8CH3 as examples to show the dimensional change. c Change of length in the transverse direction (length of GNR). d Change of length in the longitudinal direction (width of GNR)

Figure 11b, c, and d shows the change in the structural size of Zig 2CH3 and Zig 8CH3 by introducing methyl groups into zigzag GNRs. Compared with zigzag GNR without sp3C–H (Zig), the length of transverse changed by only + 0.05% in the presence of sp3C-H on zigzag GNR (Fig. 11b). Also, the difference between Zig without methylene groups and Zig with methylene groups (Zig 2CH2, 4CH2, 6CH2, and 8CH2) was obvious from Fig. 11c. Besides, the longitudinal length changed to -0.25% (Zig 2CH3) and -0.55% (Zig 8CH3) as the number of methyl groups increased (Fig. 11b). However, in Fig. 11d, the plot of Zig 6CH3 deviated from the tendency. The change in the longitudinal length with the number of methyl groups on zigzag GNR was small compared to zigzag GNR with methylene groups (Fig. 11d). The detailed reason for the deviation is explained in supplementary material.

Figure 12 shows the distance between a hydrogen atom of sp3C–H and another hydrogen atom of the neighboring sp2C–H on armchair GNRs. By the introduction of methylene groups, the distance between the hydrogen atom of sp2C–H in arm' and the hydrogen atom of the methylene group was 0.197669 nm (Fig. 12b). The average distance between hydrogen atoms of sp2C–H in arm” and hydrogen atoms of methylene groups was 0.197411 nm. Therefore, the distance of hydrogen atoms between sp2C–H in arm’ and sp3C–H was longer than that between sp2C–H in arm” and sp3C–H (Arm 8CH2) (Fig. 12b). On the other hand, by the introduction of methyl groups, the averaged distance of hydrogen atoms of sp2C–H in arm' and hydrogen atoms of the methyl groups was 0.203147 nm (Arm 4CH3) (Fig. 12c). The average distance between hydrogen atoms of sp2C–H in arm” and hydrogen atoms of methyl groups on both sides was 0.214451 nm (Arm 8CH3) (Fig. 12c). Thus, the distance of hydrogen atoms between sp2C–H in arm” and sp3C–H (Arm 8CH3) was longer than that between sp2C–H in arm’ and sp3C–H (Arm 4CH3).

Figure 12
figure 12

The distance between a hydrogen atom in sp3C–H and the neighboring hydrogen atom in sp2C–H positioned at arm' and arm". a Arm. b Arm CH2. c Arm CH3

Comparison of GNRs with different aspect ratios

Figure 13 shows the simulated IR spectra of zigzag GNRs with different aspect ratios and the peak positions were compared with those of zigzag GNRs in Fig. 7. The order of the aspect ratio was Zig 1 (Fig. 13) < Zig (Fig. 7) < Zig 2 (Fig. 13). In the 600–1000 cm−1 region of Fig. 13a, SOLOs of Zig 1 and Zig 2 were observed at 898 and 896 cm−1, respectively, which were almost the same as that of Zig in Fig. 7 (898 cm−1). Thus, the peak position of SOLO is unchanged regardless of the length of GNRs. The presence of methylene groups resulted in a lower wavenumber shift from SOLO of Zig 1 (898 cm−1) to SOLO' of Zig 1_2CH2 (882 cm−1). The introduction of methylene groups into SOLO on Zig 2 (896 cm−1) resulted in the appearance of SOLO and SOLO' with lower wavenumber shifts to 845, 861, and 888 cm−1 and a higher wavenumber shift to 901 cm−1 (Zig 2_4CH2). The peak of SOLO of Zig at 898 cm−1 in Fig. 7a was also split by the introduction of 2CH2 into the SOLO, producing S' at 903 and 885 cm−1. The peak of SOLO of Zig 2 was also split into higher and lower wavenumber shifts at 901 and 888 cm−1 by the introduction of 4CH2, respectively (Fig. 13a). However, the reason for these splits is unclear. In the presence of methyl groups, the vibration of SOLO of Zig 1 (898 cm−1) was shifted to a lower wavenumber of 879 cm−1 of SOLO' in Zig 1_2CH3. The peak position of SOLO of Zig 2 (896 cm−1) was also shifted to a lower wavenumber of 893 cm−1 in Zig 2_4CH3. Besides, the peak position was shifted to a lower wavenumber at 853 cm−1 in the presence of two methyl groups on both sides of SOLO. The slight shift in Zig 2_4CH3 was probably due to the low density of methyl groups in Zig 2_4CH3 compared to that in Zig 1_2CH3.

Figure 13
figure 13

Calculated IR spectra of zigzag GNRs with different aspect ratios. a 600–1000 cm−1. b 1000–1800 cm−1. c 2700–3200 cm−1. Names of structures are written inside the frame and the corresponding structures are shown at the right side of this figure. Black circle, C=C; White circle, C=C and sp2C–H related to sp3C–H; White square, symmetric sp3C–H stretching; Black square, asymmetric sp3C–H stretching; White triangle, other sp3C–H stretching; D, DUO; D’, DUO next to one sp3C–H group; S, SOLO; S’, SOLO next to one sp3C–H group; S’’, SOLO between two sp3C–H groups; arm, armchair edges; zig, zigzag edges; zig’, zigzag edges next to one sp3C–H group; zig’’, zigzag edges between two sp3C–H groups; z-l, zig-like edges; z’-l, zig’-like edges. The blue-colored region in (b) indicates semicircle stretching of C=C and the red-colored region indicates quadrant stretching of C=C. The yellow-colored region indicates mixtures of semicircle and quadrant stretching of C=C

Figure 13b shows that the quadrant stretching vibrations of C=C were observed at 1571–1620 cm−1 for Zig 1 and 1555–1617 cm−1 for Zig 2. As explained earlier, the quadrant stretching vibrations of C=C were observed at 1570, 1595, and 1618 cm−1 for Zig in Fig. 7b. In Zig (Fig. 7b), the introduction of methylene groups decreased the conjugation and shifted the peak position of the quadrant stretching of C=C to lower wavenumbers basically (Zig 2CH2-8CH2). The quadrant stretching of C=C at 1571–1620 cm−1 in Zig 1 in Fig. 13b also shifted to lower wavenumbers of 1533–1615 cm−1 (Zig 1_2CH2) due to the introduction of the methylene groups. Zig 1 in Fig. 13b also showed a lower wavenumber shift of quadrant stretching vibration of C=C from 1571–1620 cm−1 to 1533–1615 cm−1 (Zig 1_2CH2) by the introduction of the methylene groups, while Zig 2 showed a slight shift from 1555–1617 cm−1 to 1551–1613 cm−1 (Zig 2_4CH2) (Fig. 13b). The reason why only Zig 2_4CH2 showed a different trend from GNRs in Fig. 7b and Zig 1 in Fig. 13b is that the density of methylene groups was low due to its large aspect ratio, and no clear shift was observed.

The peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C did not change after the introduction of methyl groups (Fig. 7b) because the conjugated system was not influenced by the presence of methyl groups, as explained earlier. Thus, the peak positions of the quadrant stretching vibration of C=C of Zig 1 in Fig. 13b were almost unchanged from 1571–1620 cm−1 (Zig 1) to 1587–1622 cm−1 (Zig 1_2CH3), and those of Zig 2 were also almost unchanged from 1555–1617 cm−1 to 1554–1617 cm−1 (Zig 2_4CH3).

In the region at 2700–3200 cm−1 of Fig. 13c, the sp2C–H stretching vibrations of zig on Zig 1 and Zig 2 were observed at 3023 and 3029 cm−1, respectively. Besides, the sp2C–H stretching vibration of zig on Zig of Fig. 7, whose GNR length is between lengths of these two GNRs (Zig 1 and Zig 2), was observed at 3026 cm−1. In other words, as the GNR length increases, the stretching vibration at the zig position tends to shift to the higher wavenumber. As shown in Fig. 9, the shift of stretching vibration of sp2C–H is correlated with the sp2C–H bond length in addition to the force constant. The longer the length of the GNR is, the shorter the sp2C–H bond length at the zig position becomes. For example, the sp2C–H bond length at the zig position in Zig was 1.0878 Å, whereas the sp2C–H bond length at the zig position in Zig 1, which has a shorter GNR length, was 1.08798 Å. In Zig 2, which has a longer length of GNR, the sp2C–H bond length at the zig position was slightly shorter (1.0877 Å), confirming the trend that the higher wavenumber shift becomes in a lower GNR.

In Fig. 5, stretching vibrations of the sp2C–H of zig on ANT and TET were observed at 3015 and 3018 cm−1, respectively, showing the same higher wavenumber shift as GNR. Similar to the trend observed in the GNRs in Fig. 7, the peak position of zig in Zig 1 (3023 cm−1) showed a lower wavenumber shift of 15 cm−1 to zig' position (3008 cm−1) in Zig 1_2CH2 where a methylene group is introduced into Zig 1. The zig' position of Zig 2_4CH2, in which a methylene group was introduced into Zig 2, was observed at 3013 cm−1 and showed a lower wavenumber shift of 16 cm−1 from 3029 cm−1 of zig of Zig 2. In Zig 2_4CH2, where a methylene group was introduced into Zig 2, the peak position of zig' in Zig 2 (3013 cm−1) showed a further low wavenumber shift to 3008 cm−1 at the zig'' position sandwiched between two methylene groups. A higher wavenumber shift of 36 cm−1 was observed from 3023 cm−1 at zig to 3059 cm−1 at zig' position in Zig 1_2CH3, and a higher wavenumber shift of 37 cm−1 to 3066 cm−1 was observed in Zig 2_4CH3. The peak position of zig'' sandwiched between two methyl groups showed a higher wavenumber shift to 3109 cm−1 in Zig 2_4CH3.

The symmetric stretching vibrations of sp3C–H in methylene groups of Zig 1_2CH2 and Zig 2_4CH2 were observed at 2834–2858 cm−1, and the asymmetric stretching vibrations were observed at 2877–2912 cm−1 (Fig. 13c). The difference between the peak positions of the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of the methylene group was 19 cm−1 for Zig 1_2CH2 (Fig. 13c) and 16–20 cm−1 for Zig 2CH2-6CH2 (Fig. 7c), but 78 cm−1 in Zig 2_4CH2 (Fig. 13c). Besides, the differences between the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of sp3C–H in methylene groups of 512DH-TET in Fig. 5 and 910DH-ANT in Fig. S11 are in the range of 93–99 cm−1, which is even wider than that of Zig 2_4CH2. These differences can be partly attributed to the structural distortion because the structures of Zig 2_4CH2, 512DH-TET, and 910DH-ANT were bent at the position of the methylene group on each structure.

In the stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methyl groups, the difference between the symmetric stretching vibration of Zig 1_2CH3 (2892 cm−1) and the asymmetric stretching vibration (2935 cm−1) was 43 cm−1. The differences between the peak positions of symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations were in the range of 40–42 cm−1 for Zig 2CH3-8CH3 in Fig. 7c. On the other hand, the difference between the symmetric stretching vibration (2882 cm−1) and the asymmetric stretching vibration of Zig 2_4CH3 (2848 cm−1) was 66 cm−1. In other words, the difference increased with increasing the length of GNR.

Peak positions of out-of-plane bending vibration and in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H on GNRs and reference compounds influenced by sp3C–H

Tables 1 and 2 show the various types of sp2C–H vibrations obtained by harmonic calculation and experimental measurement in this work and the peak positions from references. Table 1 shows assignments of peak positions of the out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H and the in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H on zigzag GNRs and reference compounds with zigzag edges. For all of the reference compounds in Table 1, the reported peak positions and the experimental peak positions of this study agree well. In the out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H, SOLO'(cv) vibration in Zig 2CH2 and Zig 2CH3, which has not been reported previously, is observed on the lower wavenumber than the peak position of SOLO. By comparing peak positions of the reference compounds and GNRs in Table 1, the peak positions of in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H of the reference compounds are lower than those of GNRs by 10–20 cm−1. In Figs. S20 and S21, it can be observed that the electron density on sp2 carbon at zigzag positions is higher than that of the reference compounds. The more electrons involve in the bond, the shorter the bond becomes and the higher the force constant becomes, resulting in the higher peak position of zig on GNR than that on reference compounds by about 10–20 cm−1.

Table 1 Assignment of peak positions of out-of-plane bending vibration and in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H on zigzag edges of GNRs and reference compounds
Table 2 Assignment of peak positions of out-of-plane bending vibration and in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H on armchair edges of GNRs and reference compounds

Table 2 shows assignments of the peak positions of the out-of-plane bending vibration and in-plane stretching vibration of sp2C–H on armchair edges of GNRs and reference compounds. Comparing the experimental peak position of CHR in this work with the reported peak position of naphtho[2,3-a]pyrene [44], the experimental peak position of DUO of naphtho[2,3-a]pyrene (828 cm−1) is observed at the higher wavenumber than that of CHR (817 cm−1), and the experimental peak position of arm of naphtho[2,3-a]pyrene (3064 cm−1) is observed at the lower wavenumber than that of CHR (3084 cm−1).

Peak positions of sp3C–H on GNRs and reference compounds

Tables 3 and 4 show various types of vibrations of sp3C–H obtained by calculation and experimental measurement in this work and the peak positions from references. Table 3 shows assignments of peak positions for symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H on zigzag edges of GNRs and reference compounds. Comparing the peak positions of symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methylene groups between zigzag GNRs (Zig 2CH2-6CH2) and reference compounds with zigzag edges (512DH-TET and 910DH-ANT), the peak positions are largely shifted from 2850–2868 cm−1 (Zig 2CH2-6CH2) to 2832 cm−1 (512DH-TET and 910DH-ANT). On the other hand, in asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H, the wavenumbers shift significantly from 2866–2888 (Zig 2CH2-6CH2) to 2931 (512DH-TET) and 2925 cm−1 (910DH-ANT) (Table 3). Comparing the peak positions of symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methyl groups of GNRs (Zig 2CH3-4CH3) with zigzag edges and those of reference compound with zigzag edges (1M-ANT), the peak positions are slightly shifted lower from 2888–2889 (Zig 2CH3-4CH3) to 2886 cm−1 (1M-ANT) (Table 3). Thus, it can be confirmed that methylene groups have a greater effect on the peak position of the stretching vibration of sp3C–H than methyl groups because methylene groups are positioned inside the skeleton of GNRs and affected conjugated systems.

Table 3 Assignment of peak positions for symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H on zigzag edges of GNRs and reference compounds
Table 4 Assignment of peak positions for symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H on armchair edges of GNRs and reference compounds

Table 4 shows assignments of the peak positions for symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H on armchair edges of GNRs and reference compounds. By comparing armchair GNRs and reference compounds with armchair edges, the peak positions of the asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H are significantly different depending on the structure compared to the symmetrical stretching vibration of sp3C–H. For example, comparing the calculated peak positions of symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methylene groups between armchair GNRs (Arm 4CH2-16CH2) and a reference compound with an armchair edge (910DH-PHEN), the calculated peak position is shifted slightly from 2853–2858 (Arm 4CH2-16CH2) to 2861–2869 cm−1 (910DH-PHEN). On the other hand, comparing the calculated peak positions of the asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methylene groups between armchair GNRs (Arm 4CH2-16CH2) and a reference compound with an armchair edge (910DH-PHEN), the calculated peak positions of armchair GNRs (2908–2914 and 2941–2960 cm−1) are much broader than that of 910DH-PHEN (2931 cm−1).

In terms of methyl groups, by comparing GNRs with reference compounds, peak positions of the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H are similar for any structures because the conjugated system was maintained in opposition to methylene groups. For example, comparing the calculated peak positions of symmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methyl groups between armchair GNRs (Arm 2CH3-8CH3) and a reference compound with armchair edges (4M-CHR), the calculated peak position of Arm 2CH3-8CH3 (2875–2888 cm−1) is slightly lower than that of 4M-CHR (2889 cm−1). Comparing the peak positions of asymmetric stretching vibration of sp3C–H in methyl groups between armchair GNRs (Arm 2CH3-8CH3) and a reference compound with armchair edges (4M-CHR), the calculated peak positions of Arm 2CH3-8CH3 (2977–2993 cm−1) are slightly higher than that of 4M-CHR (2974 cm−1).


Experimental peak positions of the IR spectra of GNRs containing sp3C–H were estimated by calculating zigzag and armchair GNRs containing sp3C–H at different positions with the aid of experimental and calculated IR spectra of reference compounds containing sp3C–H. In in-plane stretching vibrations of sp2C–H in the range of 2950–3150 cm−1, the peak position of sp2C–H changed in the presence of the adjacent methylene and methyl groups, influencing the bond length of sp2C–H. By the introduction of methylene groups into zigzag GNRs, the peak positions of stretching vibrations of sp2C–H are shifted to lower wavenumbers as the sp2C–H bond length increased, whereas, by the introduction of methyl groups into zigzag GNRs, the peak positions were shifted linearly to a higher frequency as the sp2C–H bond length decreased. The degree of the shift was higher in sp2C–H sandwiched between two sp3C–H groups than in sp2C–H adjacent to only one sp3C–H group. Thus, the introduced position of sp3C–H on zigzag GNRs can be estimated from the degree of the peak shift. On the other hand, it is difficult to specify the introduced position on armchair GNRs in the range of 2950–3150 cm−1 because the peak positions were close to each other.

In the region of 1000–1800 cm−1, the difference in the peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C was observed between zigzag GNRs containing either methylene or methyl groups. The peak of 1595–1618 cm−1 in zigzag GNR shifted to 1520–1645 cm−1 in zigzag GNR containing methylene groups, whereas zigzag GNR containing methyl groups was almost unchanged from 1583–1624 cm−1. Similarly, the peak position of quadrant stretching of C=C on armchair GNR shifted significantly from 1593 cm−1 to 1570–1580 cm−1 for armchair GNR containing methylene groups, whereas the shift was small for armchair GNR containing methyl groups (1593–1598 cm−1). The large shift of methylene groups relates to the reduction of the conjugated system. Thus, the presence of methylene groups can be confirmed by the lower wavenumber shift of quadrant stretching of C=C.

In the out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H in the region of 600–1000 cm−1, the introduction of methylene and methyl groups into zigzag GNRs shifted the peak position of out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H at SOLO (898 cm−1) into lower wavenumbers of 892–903 cm−1 (SOLO’) by the influence of one methylene group on one side of sp2C–H and 843–893 cm−1 (SOLO’) by the influence of one pair of neighboring methyl groups on one side of the sp2C–H of SOLO’. SOLO’ was further shifted to lower wavenumbers of 870–892 cm−1 (SOLO’’) by the influence of methylene groups on both sides of the sp2C–H and to 843–852 cm−1 (SOLO’’) by the influence of two pairs of methyl groups on both sides of a pair of sp2C–H groups on SOLO positions. The introduction of methyl groups into armchair GNRs shifted the peak position of out-of-plane bending vibration of sp2C–H of DUO (813 cm−1) into 830–841 cm−1 (DUO’), whereas that of methylene groups did not shift the peak position. The further introduction of methyl groups on both sides of DUO into armchair GNRs shifted further into 843–900 cm−1 (DUO’’), and the further introduction of methylene groups also shifted the peak position of DUO into 797–817 cm−1. From these results, the types of sp3C–H, the introduced positions of methylene and methyl groups, and the density of those functional groups can be estimated.