
All-solid-state lithium secondary batteries using inorganic materials attract much attention from the viewpoint of safety and reliability. In particular, bulk-type solid-state cells, which are composed of electrode and electrolyte powders, have an advantage of achieving large energy density. Key materials to realize bulk-type lithium batteries are a solid electrolyte with high Li+ ion conductivity and an electrode with high capacity.

We have developed the Li2S–P2S5 glass–ceramic electrolytes, which showed high conductivity of 10−3 S cm−1 at room temperature and wide electrochemical window of more than 5 V [1, 2]. Bulk-type solid-state In/LiCoO2 cells with the electrolytes exhibited high capacity of 100 mAh g−1 for 500 cycles at room temperature [3].

Lithium sulfide (Li2S) is the indispensable component of solid electrolytes. In addition, it is also useful as an active material with high capacity; Li2S is the final product after discharge process of sulfur electrode with high theoretical capacity (1,672 mAh g−1) in Li/S batteries [48]. It is difficult to apply Li2S as well as S to solid-state cells because of their insulative nature. The S and Li2S particles were thus activated as an active material by adding Cu and consecutive ball-milling [911]. All-solid-state Li–In/S–Cu cells with Li2S–P2S5 solid electrolytes showed excellent cycling performance and retained high capacity of 650 mAh g−1 for 20 cycles at room temperature [10]. The cells using Li2S–Cu electrodes also worked as a rechargeable battery with the initial capacity of ca. 500 mAh g−1 [11]. The Li2S–P2S5 electrolyte used for solid-state batteries includes a Li2S component and thus the electrolyte itself has a potential utilization as an active material by adding Cu particles.

Bulk-type solid-state cells are usually assembled using composite electrodes composed of three kinds of powder materials: an active material, a solid electrolyte, and a conductive additive (such as acetylene-black). The design of the composite electrodes is very important to secure favorable solid–solid contacts with continuous conducting paths of lithium ions and electrons [12]. In order to improve energy density of solid-state batteries, it is useful that lithium ion can be electrochemically extracted from not only an active material but also the Li2S–P2S5 electrolyte in the composite electrode. The Cu-added Li2S–P2S5 material would play a role as an active material besides an electrolyte with lithium ion conduction path.

In the present study, composite materials were prepared by mixing Li2S–P2S5 electrolyte and Cu powders. Electrochemical properties of the Li2S–P2S5–Cu composite material were investigated as a working electrode in all-solid-state cells. The possibility of using the Li2S–P2S5 component as an active material in the composite electrode was investigated. Structural change of the electrode during charge–discharge cycles was analyzed by using ex situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy.


The 80Li2S·20P2S5 (mol.%) glass–ceramic electrolyte with high conductivity of 10−3 S cm−1 at room temperature was prepared by mechanical milling and heat treatment [1]. The 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrode powder was obtained by grinding in an agate mortar of copper, the 80Li2S·20P2S5 solid electrolyte, and acetylene-black with the weight ratio of 38/57/5, which is a typical ratio of the composite electrode in bulk-type solid-state cells [3] in the case of replacing copper with an active material; the weight ratio corresponds to the molar ratio of Li2S/Cu = 48/52. The composites at the different compositions of Li2S/Cu = 75/25, 86/14, and 100/0 were also obtained for comparison. The morphology of the composites was investigated by a scanning electron microscope (SEM; JEOL, JSM-5300) coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX; JEOL, JED-2001).

All-solid-state cells of In/80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte/80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrode were fabricated. The 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite powder as a working electrode and the solid electrolyte powder were put together in a polycarbonate tube and then were pressed under 360 MPa to obtain a bilayer pellet. An In foil as a counter electrode was pressed under 120 MPa on the obtained bilayer pellet. After releasing the pressure, the three-layer pellet was sandwiched by two stainless-steel disks as current collectors to form two-electrode cells. The cells were charged and discharged under a constant current density of 64 µA cm−2 at 25 °C in an Ar atmosphere using a charge–discharge measuring device (BTS-2004, Nagano Co.). In order to analyze charge–discharge mechanism of the composite electrodes in all-solid-state cells, XRD and Raman measurements of the working electrode after charge–discharge tests were carried out using a XRD diffractometer (M18XHF22-SRA, Mac Science) with CuKα radiation and a Raman spectrometer (RMP-210, JEOL) with green laser (wavelength: 532 nm).

Results and discussion

Figure 1 shows the SEM image (a) and the EDX mapping images of S (b) and Cu (c) of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite with the molar ratio of Li2S/Cu = 48/52. The composite powders prepared are partially aggregated to form secondary particles with the size of 1–20 µm. Mapping images about S and Cu elements show the presence of the 80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte and Cu particles, respectively, and suggest that the electrolyte and Cu particles are located individually but both particles have a close contact with each other.

Fig. 1
figure 1

SEM image (a) and EDX mapping images of S (b) and Cu (c) of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite with the molar ratio of Li2S/Cu = 48/52

Figure 2 shows the initial charge–discharge curves of the all-solid-state cells In/80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte/80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu at the current density of 64 µA cm−2; the molar ratios of Li2S/Cu in the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composites are (a) 100/0, (b) 86/14, (c) 75/25, and (d) 48/52. The cell capacity was described as the normalized capacity by the weight of 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu. It was difficult for the cell (a) using the 80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte without Cu as a working electrode to be charged and discharged, indicating that the 80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte itself is electrochemically inactive. On the other hand, the cells using the composite electrodes by mixing Cu and 80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte were initially charged and then discharged. It is noteworthy that the 80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte was partially used as an active material by the addition of Cu. The initial charge profile showed one plateau, while the discharge profile showed two plateaus. The increase of Cu content in the composites enhanced the charge–discharge capacity of the cells. The composite electrode with Li2S/Cu = 48/52 (d) showed the largest initial capacity; the charge and discharge capacities were ca. 150 and 110 mAh g−1, respectively.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Initial charge–discharge curves of the all-solid-state cells In/80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu at the current density of 64 µA cm−2; the molar ratios of Li2S/Cu in the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrodes are a 100/0, b 86/14, c 75/25, and d 48/52

The charge–discharge mechanism of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrodes was examined by ex situ XRD measurements. Figure 3 shows the XRD patterns of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrode with Li2S/Cu = 48/52 before (a) and after the charge to 3.0 V (b), after the discharge from 3.0 to 1.2 V (c), and after the discharge from 3.0 to 0 V (d). Before charge (a), the XRD peaks attributable to Cu and the 80Li2S·20P2S5 glass–ceramic electrolyte, consisting of Li2S and thio-LISICON analog [1] crystals, were observed. The intensity of the peaks due to Cu decreased and the peaks due to Li2S in the electrolyte disappeared after charge to 3.0 V (b). The peaks due to Cu1.8S newly appeared at this stage. After discharge from 3.0 to 1.2 V ((c), the endpoint of the first plateau), the XRD pattern was almost the same as that before discharge (b). The peaks due to Cu1.8S disappeared and then the peaks due to Li2S and Cu1.96S appeared after discharge to 0 V ((d), after the second plateau).

Fig. 3
figure 3

XRD patterns of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrode with Li2S/Cu = 48/52 before (a) and after the charge to 3.0 V (b), after the discharge from 3.0 to 1.2 V (c), and after the discharge from 3.0 to 0 V (d)

The XRD results suggest the following reaction mechanism of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrode. At the initial charge process, LixCuyS domains would be formed by reaction between Cu and Li2S and then lithium ions are deintercalated from the LixCuyS domains to finally form Cu1.8S. Lithium insertion to Cu1.8S to form LixCu1.8S is a possible process at the first discharge plateau. A similar discharge mechanism is reported in a cell using the CuS electrode [13], in which the first discharge plateau corresponds to the formation of LixCuS by lithium insertion to CuS; the XRD patterns of LixCuS are almost the same as those of CuS. Further lithium insertion to LixCu1.8S produced Cu1.96S and Li2S at the end of the second discharge plateau.

Copper sulfide Cu1.8S was formed during the initial charge process and then Cu1.8S worked as active materials during a consecutive discharge process. The increase of the Cu content in the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrode would lead to the formation of large Cu1.8S active domains and thus the increase of initial cell capacity as shown in Fig. 2. The thio-LISICON analog (Li3+5zP1−zS4) in the solid electrolyte was possibly used in electrochemical reaction. However, structural change of the thio-LISICON analog was not clearly observed by ex situ XRD measurements as shown in Fig. 3; structural analyses by several spectroscopic techniques are needed to clarify the role of thio-LISICON analog in electrochemical reaction.

Figure 4 shows cycle performance of the all-solid-state cells In/80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte/80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu with molar ratio of Li2S/Cu = 48/52 and 75/25. A constant current density of 64 µA cm−2 was used. Although larger initial capacity was obtained in the cell using the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu electrode with Li2S/Cu = 48/52 as shown in Fig. 2, the cell with Li2S/Cu = 75/25 exhibited better cycle performance and retained the capacity of about 60 mAh g−1 after 50 cycles. The capacity of the cell with Li2S/Cu = 48/52 drastically decreased during charge–discharge cycling, and the cell showed about 30 mAh g−1 after 50 cycles.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Cycle performance of the all-solid-state cells In/80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu with molar ratio of Li2S/Cu = 48/52 and 75/25. A constant current density of 64 µA cm−2 was used

To elucidate a potential reason of capacity fading, structure of the composite electrode before and after charge–discharge cycles was analyzed by XRD and Raman techniques. Figure 5 shows XRD patterns (a) and Raman spectra (b) of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrode with Li2S/Cu = 48/52 before cycling and after the 1st and 50th cycles. The XRD peaks due to Cu1.96S were observed after the 1st cycle (the 1st discharge), while the peaks due to Cu1.8S, which was the product after the 1st charge as shown in Fig. 3, were observed after the 50th cycle (the 50th discharge). The intensity of the peaks due to Cu was considerably decreased and the peaks due to Li2S disappeared after the 50th cycle. The Raman peak at 420 cm−1, which is attributable to PS4 3− ions in the thio-LISICON analog (in the electrolyte) [14], was observed in the Raman spectra of the composite electrode before and after the 1st cycle. After the 50th cycle, the peak at 470 cm−1 was newly observed in addition to the PS4 3− peak. The peak at 470 cm−1 is attributable to several copper sulfides CuxS (x = 1.0, 1.8, and 2.0) [15, 16]. Structural analyses suggest that gradual reaction of Li2S in the electrolyte and Cu during charge–discharge for 50 cycles formed large copper sulfide domains, which play a role in preventing lithium ion conduction path supplied by the electrolyte. Lack of lithium ion conduction in the composite electrode is a possible reason of capacity fading of the electrode with Li2S/Cu = 48/52 as shown in Fig. 4. On the other hand, the electrode with Li2S/Cu = 75/25 exhibited better cycling performance in an all-solid-state cell. Figure 6 shows Raman spectra of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrodes with Li2S/Cu = 75/25 and 48/52 after charge–discharge for 50 cycles. In the cell using the electrode with Li2S/Cu = 75/25, the Raman peak due to copper sulfides at 470 cm−1 was also observed, but the peak intensity was considerably lower than that in the cell with Li2S/Cu = 48/52. The decrease of Cu content in the electrode is useful for preventing excess formation of copper sulfide domains during cycling and it would bring about good cyclability of the cell using the electrode with Li2S/Cu = 75/25.

Fig. 5
figure 5

XRD patterns (a) and Raman spectra (b) of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrode with Li2S/Cu = 48/52 before cycling and after the 1st and 50th cycles

Fig. 6
figure 6

Raman spectra of the 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu composite electrodes with Li2S/Cu = 75/25 and 48/52 after charge–discharge for 50 cycles. The spectrum of CuS is also shown for comparison


The 80Li2S·20P2S5 solid electrolyte with the addition of Cu was used as an active material with lithium source in all-solid-state cells. Of course, the electrolyte itself was electrochemically inactive and the cell was not charged and discharged. It was revealed that the 80Li2S·20P2S5 electrolyte functioned as an active material by the addition of Cu. The increase of the Cu content in the composite electrode 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu enhanced initial charge–discharge capacity of the cells. The initial discharge capacity of 110 mAh g−1 (normalized by the weight of 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu), which corresponds to 400 mAh g−1 (normalized by the weight of Li2S), was obtained in the cell using the composite electrode with the molar ratio of Li2S/Cu = 48/52. The formation of LixCuyS active domains on the initial charge process is responsible for the cell capacity. The composite electrode with the molar ratio of Li2S/Cu = 75/25 exhibited better cycle performance and retained the capacity of 60 mAh g−1 of 80Li2S·20P2S5–Cu, which corresponds to 170 mAh g−1 of Li2S. A composite electrode including not only active material powders but also solid electrolyte powders is indispensable for operating bulk-type solid-state batteries. Partial use of the Li2S–P2S5 electrolytes as an active material by adding Cu is effective in increasing energy density of the batteries.