
For molecular simulations to reliably predict, guide, and help explain experiment, these simulations require force fields of sufficient accuracy, adequate sampling of the relevant biomolecular motions (convergence) and a correct representation of the experimental conditions. Failures in any of these areas yield results which disagree with experiment. We may be tempted to blame disagreement with experiment on just one of these areas—force fields are perhaps the most common scapegoat, sometimes with good reason [15]—but any or all of the three may be a weak point. And, in some sense, adequate sampling is the weakest link. Until sampling is adequate, equilibrium properties computed from a simulation remain biased by the system’s starting state and no meaningful comparison with experiment is possible [6]. With an inadequate force field or a poor representation of the experimental conditions, results will disagree with experiment, but will be robust and improvement is relatively easy, but not so with inadequate sampling.

Many important biomolecular motions take place with characteristic timescales far longer than typical simulation timescales (even sidechain motions in the core of a protein can take hundreds of microseconds [7]), so one might expect that the literature would devote substantial attention to testing the adequacy of sampling in typical applications of molecular simulations to binding. However, this does not seem to be the case. Many errors get blamed on force field deficiencies, and perhaps more attention gets devoted to these, but at least in my own work on protein-ligand binding, the vast majority of the “accuracy” problems I have seen can be traced back to specific sampling problems, suggesting (at least in these systems) sampling may be a leading cause of error and thus that these are really problems of precision. Ligand binding modes are slow to change, presenting problems for binding mode prediction [6, 811]; protein conformational changes even at the single sidechain level can be slow, hurting the quality of computed binding free energies [1214]; slow motion of waters into and out of binding sites can hurt convergence and thus apparent accuracy [3, 6, 15]; and unsampled protein conformational changes can also introduce errors [6]. Even ionic motions [16] and slow internal conformational changes in small molecules can pose problems [1719]—on occasion, conformational energy barriers may be 14 k B T even in small molecules [1819]. These are all problems of timescales—typical simulations span the range of nanoseconds to (in heroic efforts) milliseconds [20], while important timescales for bimolecular rearrangements can be substantially longer—so these problems are perhaps not surprising.

Some recent efforts push the envelope in terms of simulation timescales, extending these out to milliseconds in some cases [20], with binding studies on the microsecond timescale [21, 22], which provides some grounds for enthusiasm. But even sidechain motions in the cores of proteins can be microsecond or slower events, while larger conformational changes and protein folding run even slower [7]. Perhaps as second-length simulations arrive on the scene in (hopefully) the next 25 years, we can be confident that sampling is adequate, but even then, we may begin seeing coupling between protein folding and ligand binding (such as in intrinsically disordered proteins) and sampling may still be a concern.

Given the potential for inadequate sampling, careful assessment of sampling is crucial for progress in the area. History demonstrates the importance of careful tests. Early work on binding prediction (using alchemical free energy calculations and other free energy techniques) saw some apparent high profile successes, resulting in considerable early enthusiasm which waned when it quickly became clear that the approach often yielded unreliable results that could be wildly wrong. This led to a lost decade (most of the 1990s) where these techniques saw relatively few applications outside of some of the key groups originating the techniques. Enthusiasm bounced back since 2001 or 2002. Obviously, this is less than ideal—steady (even if slow) progress is preferable.

To avoid similar cycles of enthusiasm, we must honestly assess sampling for adequacy. Despite the fact that many important biomolecular motions are almost guaranteed to be slower than typical simulation timescales, typical applications to biomolecular systems tend not to look very closely at this issue. In the best case scenario, a research group might begin multiple simulations from an identical set of starting structures to see whether they yield dramatically different results. This is better than no checking at all, but it is hardly a strenuous test of convergence, since these could all be starting in the same local minimum of the free energy landscape and remain trapped in that minimum on simulation timescales.

How should researchers look for convergence problems? Straightforward tests include starting from dramatically different starting structures (different crystal structures of the target receptor, or different homology models of the receptor, or substantially different structures generated from replica exchange type techniques [16], or several different potential ligand binding modes [6, 8, 23]), looking carefully for structural transitions, such as the number of sidechain torsional transitions in each residue around a binding site in a receptor (and when this number is small but nonzero, it suggests inadequate sampling); and looking at cycle closure errors when computing free energies (such as in relative free energy calculations [24, 25]). More subtle convergence problems will certainly crop up as we push simulations to larger systems and longer timescales, and these may be harder to detect but of no less importance. In general, researchers should begin analysis with the assumption that typical simulation results remain unconverged, then construct simple tests to try and build up some confidence that results really are converged.

Force fields are undoubtedly important for accuracy, but inadequate sampling and convergence prevents meaningful comparison with experiment, so force fields can’t even be accurately tested. In binding and free energy studies where we have obtained reasonable convergence, RMS errors relative to experiment have typically been in the 1–2 kcal/mol range [6, 8, 18, 2527]. These levels of accuracy suffice for some benefits in discovery applications [25], depending on the workflow. Thus, a major bottleneck towards more widespread use of these techniques may not be force fields but rather convergence. With adequate sampling, we can quantitatively assess the accuracy of a particular force field, identify deficiencies, and improve it. Without adequate sampling, there is no such path forward.

Hence, simulations face a choice. We would like to plunge ahead and produce accurate and insightful results on a vast range of systems, and checking for convergence is hardly glamorous. But we must think more long-term. Where do we want to be in 25 years? Lack of short-term attention to convergence will yield simulation results which are irreproducible and unreliable, and follow-up work in the future will demonstrate this. If simulation is to gain trust and acceptance as a tool, convergence tests are essential. Otherwise, as we dash on to larger and larger systems, we will leave a trail of demonstrably poor convergence in our wake, fostering substantial backlash against simulations and moving them away from being a tool that sees widespread use.