
Molecular similarity searching is based on the “similar property principle” [1], which states that molecules with similar structures should exhibit similar properties [2]. This principle is reflected in neighbourhood behaviour [3], whereby structurally similar molecules to a molecule of known bioactivity are likely to exhibit the same activity. Similarity searching is widely used in classification studies in the academic and industrial communities to identify compounds for further testing (often referred to as “virtual screening”) [4].

The first step in a classification study is to locate molecules in chemical space using an informatics-based description of the molecule. Descriptors are usually classified by their dimensionality. One-dimensional descriptors use properties such as volume and log P [5]. Two-dimensional descriptors are derived from the connection table [6], whilst three-dimensional descriptors use geometric information from molecular structures in 3D space [7]. Probably the most commonly used descriptors are those found in 2D fingerprints [8, 9]. Such descriptors are usually binary in nature and typically encode the presence or absence of substructural fragments. More recently, there has been a shift towards circular substructure descriptors such as Extended Connectivity Fingerprints (ECFPs) and Functional Class Fingerprints (FCFPs), as provided by Scitegic in Pipeline Pilot [10]. One study using all of these fingerprints was carried out by Hert et al. [11]. They used a dataset of 102,000 molecules, composed of 11 different activity classes taken from the MDL Drug Data Report (MDDR) [12]. Their work focused on a comparison of topological descriptors for similarity-based virtual screening using multiple bioactive reference structures. They concluded that circular substructure fingerprints were more effective than fingerprints based on hashing, dictionaries or topological pharmacophores. Circular fingerprints have also been applied to the prediction of pK a values and metabolic sites, of which a review was recently compiled [13].

On a similar theme, Bender et al. [14] developed a circular substructure fingerprint. It describes the environment of each atom in the molecule by generating a fingerprint that takes into account the Sybyl atom types of its neighbouring atoms at one and two bonds’ distance. A count vector of the occurrences of the atom types at a given distance from the central atom is constructed and results in a fingerprint with the number of count vector entries equal to the number of atoms in the molecule. The generation of this fingerprint is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of the “MOLPRINT 2D” circular fingerprints used in this study. For each heavy atom of the molecule, the type and number of atoms at a given number of separating bonds is kept in the descriptor

Feature selection is considered the second step. The aim of this step is to obtain the features which are most relevant to the study. Examples of feature selection methods include genetic algorithms, information gain, gain ratio and the Gini Index [15]. Feature selection has been found to reduce noise in datasets and improve classification performance [16].

In the third step, the molecular structures are then partitioned in chemical space using algorithms. Some of the most successful classification results in chemoinformatics have come from the field of machine learning. This field is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience [15]. In the domain of chemoinformatics, these methods are used to build models based on molecules assigned to a training set; these models are then used to predict properties or classify test set molecules into categories. A large number of machine learning methods exist. Our work concerns MOLPRINT 2D [14]. The MOLPRINT 2D method generates circular substructure fingerprints and uses information gain based feature selection; the selected features are then used by the Naive Bayes Classifier to predict the expected class of a molecule in a test set. These circular substructure fingerprints have also been used as descriptors for input into an inductive logic programming method (ILP) and a hybrid support vector machine/inductive logic programming method (SVILP) for the purpose of classification [17, 18].

To date, MOLPRINT 2D has been applied successfully to a variety of datasets and applications in the literature. Its debut was in 2004 [14], where it was used to classify molecules taken from the Briem/Lessel dataset (957 ligands) [19]. The performance of MOLPRINT 2D was compared to several other methods, such as feature trees and Daylight fingerprints, in its ability to retrieve five sets of active molecules seeded in the MDDR. In 2004, MOLPRINT 2D was applied to the Hert/Willett (102K) set [11, 20]. The objective of that work was to compare the performance of MOLPRINT 2D against alternative search methods [21] in their ability to retrieve active molecules. It was found that MOLPRINT 2D achieved considerably better results than binary kernel discrimination in combination with Unity 2D fingerprints.

More recently, in 2006, the method has been applied to two different datasets. The first is the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) 2005 Prohibited List [22], where MOLPRINT 2D was used to classify molecules taken from WADA [23] and the corresponding MDDR activity classes. This work compared MOLPRINT 2D with two other machine learning algorithms, random forest (RF) and k Nearest Neighbour (kNN). It was found that MOLPRINT 2D had the highest recall of positives but the lowest precision (recall and precision are defined in section “Measures of performance”). The second example was the use of MOLPRINT 2D to classify a dataset of ∼20 K molecules taken from the MDDR into different categories based on bitterness [24]. The aim was to identify important substructural features within the molecules necessary in discriminating bitter from non-bitter molecules. MOLPRINT 2D was able to predict 72% of the bitter compounds correctly. It is important to note that in neither of these studies was the the active/inactive MOLPRINT 2D cut-off score optimised, an improvement we introduce in this paper (see section “MOLPRINT 2D (MP2D)”).

One of the first successes of ILP in chemoinformatics was its application to the prediction of structure–activity relationships [25]. That work used a learning program called GOLEM, which enabled the authors to obtain better prediction results than the Hansch linear regression for the classification of trimethoprim analogues binding to Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase. In 1996, King et al. [26] used ILP with 2D descriptors on 229 aromatic and heteroaromatic nitro-compounds to predict mutagenic activity. ILP has also been used very recently to predict mutagenic activity in Xa inhibitors [27]. Ensemble methods are now becoming more popular in ILP, where the advantages of two methods are combined together to compensate for any shortcomings present in individual models. An earlier example of this ensemble methodology was demonstrated by Pompe et al. [28]. They used an ILP system in conjunction with a naive Bayesian classifier, and compared the results to a traditional ILP method. They showed that in certain domains the ILP-Bayesian methodology clearly outperformed more traditional methods. They believed this was due to the learner being able to detect strong probabilistic dependencies within the data if they existed. Other examples include: bagging [29], bootstrapping and boosting [30]. Over the last few years there has, however, been a growth in the use of support vector machines as a general purpose classification tool. In the field of molecular informatics, [31, 32] it has been shown to outperform other machine learning methods such as artificial neural networks and C5.0 decision trees. The facts that SVMs are very sophisticated robust classification tools and that there has been little coverage in the literature on SVILP models in the domain of chemoinformatics are just two reasons why we use ILP models and SVILP in this work.

In this work, we compare MOLPRINT 2D circular substructure fingerprints in combination with the Naive Bayes Classifier, ILP and SVILP using the Hert/Willett dataset. The following section “Methods”, gives details of the materials and methods used in this work, the results are presented and discussed in section “Results and discussion”. Section “Conclusion” summarises our conclusions.


Dataset and descriptor generation details

The Hert/Willett dataset [11] was taken from the MDDR (2003.01 version) and contains molecules from 11 different activity classes. The active molecules were augmented with 94,290 inactive molecules. The inactives are molecules taken from the MDDR which are listed in the Hert/Willett dataset, but are not considered to be a member of any of the 11 activity classes. This lead to a dataset of 101,828 molecules. The breakdown of the data can be found in Table 1.

Table 1 MDDR activity classes used in the study

The molecules were retrieved in SDF format and converted to Sybyl mol2 format using OpenBabel 2.0.1 [33] with the −d option to delete hydrogen atoms. The datasets were divided into three training and test sets for each activity class (F1–F3). In each case 100 active and 100 inactive molecules were randomly selected for the training set. The remaining actives and inactives were used as two separate test sets. MOLPRINT 2D fingerprints were generated for these molecules. This process was repeated for all 11 activity classes.

Circular fingerprint description

An illustration of the descriptor generation step, applied to an aromatic carbon atom is shown in Fig. 1. The distances (“layers”) from the central atom are given in brackets. In the first step, Sybyl mol2 atom types are assigned to all atoms in the molecule. In the second step, count vectors from the central atom (here C〈0〉) up to a given distance (here two bonds from the central atom) are constructed. MOLPRINT 2D fingerprints are then binary presence/absence indicators of count vectors of atom types.

MOLPRINT 2D (MP2D): Feature selection

The second step of MP2D after the fingerprints have been generated is to select features. The information content of individual atom environments was computed using the information gain measure of Quinlan [34, 35]. In essence, higher information gain is related to better separation between active and inactive structures. The information gain, I, can be written as:

$$ I = S-\sum\limits_{\upsilon} \frac{|D_\upsilon|}{|D|}S_\upsilon $$


$$ S=-\sum\limits^{1}_{i=0}{p_{i}}\hbox{log}_2 p_{i} $$

S is the information entropy, S υ is the information entropy in data subset υ, |D| is the total number of data points, |D υ| is the number of data points in subset υ, and p i is the proportion of positive (if i = 1) and negative examples (if i = 0) in S. In each run 40 features were selected. This work was then repeated using 250 features.

MOLPRINT 2D (MP2D): Classification

The Naive Bayes Classifier relies on the assumption that features are independent [15]. Given a training set of feature vectors (F) which contain features f i and class labels (CL), a Bayesian classifier is able to predict the class a new feature vector belongs to, based on which class has the highest conditional probability \({P(CL_{\upsilon}|{\mathbf F}).}\)

$$ P(CL_{\upsilon}|{\mathbf F})=\frac{P(CL_{\upsilon})P ({\mathbf F}|CL_{\upsilon})}{P({\mathbf F})} $$

The equation shown below is the one we use in this work to perform our classification study. Molecules are represented by their feature vectors F, and the logarithm of the resulting ratio \({P(CL_1|{\mathbf F})/P(CL_2|{\mathbf F})}\) is used to determine the class label of the molecule. The default MP2D score assigns molecules to class 1 if this logarithm is greater than zero and to class 2 if less than zero. If a given feature from a molecule is not present in one of the data subsets CL 1 or CL 2, the probability of class membership would drop to zero, meaning either class is equally likely.

$$ \frac{P(CL_1|{\mathbf F})}{P(CL_2|{\mathbf F})}=\frac{P(CL_1)}{P(CL_2)}{\prod_{i}} \frac{P(f_i|CL_1)}{P(f_i|CL_2)} $$

In previous work [22], one of the main problems found with MP2D is that it overpredicts false positives. To reduce the number of false positive predictions, in this work, we optimised the MP2D cut-off score for the active/inactive partition in each of the training sets based on obtaining the highest Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC).

$$ \hbox{MCC} =\frac{t_p t_n-f_p f_n}{{\sqrt{(t_p+f_p)(t_p+f_n)(t_n +f_p)(t_n+f_n)}}} $$

The optimised cut-off scores were subsequently used on the test set to determine whether a molecule was predicted active or inactive.

Figure 2 simply shows two distributions of MP2D scores. The first distribution CL 2, is shown in red and represents scores for inactive molecules. The second distribution CL 1, in blue, is for actives. The black line represents the optimum MP2D cut-off score.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Optimising MOLPRINT 2D active/inactive cut-off scores. Generally a trade-off between true positives (at the expense of false positives) and true negatives (at the expense of false negatives) is given when the Bayes Classifier is employed


Inductive Logic Programming learns logic rules from background knowledge and experimental observations [36]. The observations are the positive and negative examples that are, respectively the more active and less active molecules. The background knowledge is chemical fragments which could be either two- or three-dimensional. The ILP algorithm had been implemented in CProgol [37]. CProgol randomly selects a positive example and constructs hypotheses using the provided background knowledge. For each hypothesis it calculates the compression which is defined as follows:

$$ C=P-N-L $$

C is the compression, P and N are the number of positives and negatives covered by the hypothesis and L is the length of rule which is simply the number of fragments in the hypothesis. Compression is a measure of the power of the hypotheses constructed by the program. In the first step, the algorithm chooses only the best rule with maximum compression which is called the general rule. The calculation is continued on the next positive example, but the redundant (repetitive) examples relative to the new background knowledge are removed. After training is completed, the program applies the rules derived from the training set to the “external” (hypothetical) test set. Figure 3 schematically explains ILP for an example dataset of N positives.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematic reprensentation of ILP. Starting with general rules covering as many instances as possible, rules are iteratively refined to cover as many instances of the training dataset as feasible in every step

One of the major strengths of logic-based structure activity relationships is that the program is able to construct chemical fragments in the form of logic relations using the basic atom and bond information. For instance, an OH group can be defined as:

oh(M):- atom(M, A, o, sp 3), atom (M, B, h, h), bond (M, A, B, 1).

That means: a molecule (M) has an OH group if it has a sp 3 oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom and the bond between these two atoms is single. A and B are used to label each atom. In the current study we have used the pre-processed background knowledge where all of the fragments have been prepared for the ILP calculations. Logic rules have one of the following formats: (1) active(A):-fragment(A) (2) active(A):-fragment1(A), fragment2(A) (3) active(A):-fragment(A), fragment2(A), fragment3(A). In type 1, molecule A is active if it has fragment1; in type 2, molecule A is active if it has fragment1 and fragment2; in type 3, molecule A is active if it has fragment1, fragment2 and fragment3.

We have done separate studies using ILP and SVILP for toxicology and activity predictions. One article on toxicology prediction is expected to be published soon. The logic rules are interpretable and this is one of the main advantages of the logic-based Structure Activity Relationships (SAR) with respect to the other methods. The description of the rules is beyond the scope of this article because of the number of rules and number of targets.

Support vector logic programming (SVILP)

Support vector inductive logic programming (SVILP) is a machine learning method that combines the advantages of a support vector machine (SVM) with ILP [18]. ILP is used to learn logic rules as explained in the last section, however, all of the hypotheses constructed by ILP that have positive compression are collected for quantification. Therefore SVILP, unlike ILP, is not dependent on the general rules. The number of collected rules is dependent on the size of the dataset, the complexity and the diversity of the molecules. In the current study, for the same number of molecules in the training sets, the number of rules varies from less than 100 to about 1,000 for different targets. Figure 4 shows the SVILP algorithm. Molecules are in rows (M 1... M n ) where n is the number of molecules, and rules are in columns (X 1... X m ) where m is the number of features. The first column is the value of observed activities (if available) or in case of classification, +1 for positive and −1 for negatives (Y). Rules are considered as features and a value of “1” is considered if the rule covers the molecule, otherwise a value of “0” is designated. The result is a binary matrix, Fig. 4. The support vector machine is then used for classification or regression. In this study we used SVMLight for classification [38]. For all calculations in this work, we used an SVM with a linear kernel and all the default parameters provided in SVMLight.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Schematic reprensentation of SVILP

Measures of performance

We generated a (2 ×  2) confusion matrix for each of the three runs (F1–F3) and repeated this process for each activity class. The measures we have used to assess the classification results are recall, specificity, precision, the F-measure and the Matthews Correlation Coefficient (previously defined in sections “MOLPRINT 2D (MP2D): Feature selection and MOLPRINT 2D (MP2D): Classification”).

$$ \hbox{Recall}=\frac{t_{p}}{{t_{p}+f_{n}}}\quad \hbox{Specificity} = \frac{t_{n}}{t_{n}+ f_{p}} $$
$$ \hbox{Precision} =\frac{t_{p}}{t_{p}+ f_{p}}\qquad \hbox{F-measure}=\frac{2*\hbox{Recall}*\hbox{Precision}} {\hbox{Recall} + \hbox{Precision}} $$

t p is simply the number of true positives, that is molecules of a particular activity being classified as exhibiting that activity. t n represents inactive molecules not of the activity under question correctly predicted. f p and f n represent the number of molecules incorrectly predicted to be active and inactive, respectively.

Kendall’s W coefficient

We have also applied Kendall’s W Coefficient of Concordance [39] to compare the inter-rater agreement between the 11 activity classes and the results for each classifier. In this study, each classifier is an object and each activity class is a rater. The Kendall’s W Coefficient can be interpreted as a coefficient of agreement among raters. The coefficient W ranges from 0→ 1. A value of 1 indicates complete inter-rater agreement, 0 indicates complete disagreement.

Receiver operating characteristic curve

Here we have simply calculated the area under the ROC curve, for each activity class, run (F1–F3) and machine learning method. It is the most commonly used method in the machine learning community, and gives an indication of the likelihood that a classifier will assign a higher score to a positive example than a negative example if one from each class were picked at random.

Enrichment factor

The enrichment factor (EF) is a measure of the ratio of the number of active molecules retrieved in a test set in comparison to what would have been expected if the molecules were selected at random at a given percentage of the ranked test set.

NOAMR = Number of active molecules retrieved

NEBR = Number of active molecules expected by random


In this work we have calculated the EF value for the top 1% and 5% of the ranked test set.

McNemar’s test

McNemar’s test [40] evaluates the significance of the difference between two methods. In comparison between method 1 and 2, A is the number of times both methods have correct predictions; B is the number of times method 1 has a correct prediction and method 2 has a wrong prediction; C is the number of times method 2 has a correct prediction and method 1 has a wrong prediction; D is the number of times both methods have incorrect predictions; the McNemar’s χ2 can then calculated as shown below.

$$ \chi^2 =\frac{(B-C)^2}{(B +C)} $$

Statistical significance is then evaluated by finding the probability associated with that χ2 value using a reference table. The difference is considered to be significant if p  <  0.05. B and C in the above equation are calculated separately for actives and inactives and since the number of inactives in this calculation (∼94 K) is far more than the number of actives (200–1,300), larger B and C values are found for inactives. It is concluded that the significance test is dominated by the inactives. The values of B and C for inactives, however, could be scaled down using a function:

$$ f=\frac{\hbox{number of actives}} {\hbox{number of inactives}} $$

by using this function, the actives and inactives now have an equal contribution to the McNemar significance test.

Results and discussion

All results are summarised in Figs. 512 below and the breakdown is given in Table 2. The results presented here have been averaged over three runs (F1–F3) and have been calculated using the optimised thresholds with respect to MCC on the training set. Table 3 gives information on the McNemar’s test results, comparing every method against every method for each activity class. Supplementary information on the optimised MP2D scores can be found in supplementary Table 4. Information on how well the Naive Bayes Classifier performed using a default cut-off value of zero can be found in supplementary Table 5. In supplementary Table 5 we present the recall, specificity, precision, F-measure and MCC values for the default Naive Bayes Classifier. The recall is higher on average using the default MP2D cut-off, however the specificity, precision, F-measure and MCC values are considerably lower on average. These trends are due to the lower MP2D cut-off score in the default model, which means that more molecules are classified as being active, resulting in an increase in the recall of positives.

Table 2 Recall, specificity, precision, F-measure, Matthews correlation coefficient, area under the ROC curve and enrichment factors taken at 1% and 5% of the ranked database all averaged over three runs. AUC, EF at 1% and EF at 5% values have been omitted from this table for the ILP method on the basis that it predicts molecule class using a binary system with no score component
Table 3 Results of McNemar’s significance test. p is the two-tailed probability; BM is the better method in a pair-wise comparison. A method is considered to be significantly better if p  <  0.05

MP2D shows the highest overall recall of positives, coming top in eight of the 11 classes (Fig. 5). The results show that more homogeneous classes such as thrombin inhibitors (A37110, 0.42), substance P antagonists (A42731, 0.40) and HIV protease inhibitors (A71523, 0.45) have a considerable enhancement in recall using MP2D (values in the brackets represent the activity class code and average intra-class Tanimoto similarity using the Unity 2D fingerprints [11]). MP2D using only 40 features however performs particularly badly for the A78331 and A78374 classes. This may be due to the molecular skeletal diversity of the cycloxygenase (COX) inhibitors and the protein kinase C inhibitors [11]. The poor performance in these two classes could however be attributed to the fact that the 40 features selected in the filtering stage may not be enough to differentiate active from inactive molecules using the Naive Bayes Classifier. In contrast, the SVILP method tends to perform second best in this measure with the ILP coming in last. The ILP method also found the A78331 and A78374 classes the hardest to predict, however only a little dip in performance was noted.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Recall for each activity class and method. While ILP and SVILP show broadly similar performance across the datasets, the Naive Bayes Classifier shows much smaller recall on cyclooxygenase and protein kinase C inhibitors (classes A78331 and A78374)

The SVILP method appears to have the highest specificity (Fig. 6), being ranked first on six out of the 11 occasions. The ILP method gave the best results for the A06235 and A07701 classes, whilst MP2D retrieved the most negatives for A78331 and A78374 activity classes. One possible explanation for the low recall but high specificity using MP2D with 40 features with the A78331 and A78374 classes is that it could be a result of the low MP2D scores assigned to the active molecules. Given that the optimised cut-off scores are positive, this means fewer molecules will be classified as being positive and more as negative; effectively this means MP2D with 40 features classifies a lot of molecules in these two classes as false negatives, hence a lower recall and higher specificity.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Specificity for each activity class and method. Again, ILP and SVILP show broadly similar performance across all activity classes. As opposed to the previous recall plot, the cyclooxygenase and protein kinase C inhibitor datasets show very high specificity, thus the Naive Bayes Classifier represents a different trade-off position than the other methods

When considering precision (Fig. 7), SVILP performs better than the other two methods. Notable differences for the A31420 and A71523 classes in comparision to the other methods were found. The precision for MP2D is considerably lower than the other methods except for the A31432 and A78374 activity classes. The highest precision is observed for the renin inhibitor dataset (A31420), which has previously been shown to be atypical in size and thus easier to separate [41]. In general, the precision of predicting positives shown in Table 2 is very low. However, if one considers that the ratio between active and inactive molecules in this dataset is around 1:100, values exceeding 0.01 are better than random.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Precision for each activity class and method. Here, wide variability is observed both across methods and datasets. Highest precision is observed for the renin inhibitor dataset (A31420), which has previously been shown to be atypical in size and thus easier to separate [41]

The F-measure is a measure that combines both recall and precision. Figure 8 shows that the SVILP method is the best overall using this measure. This method ranks first in seven out of the 11 classes. MP2D is the best for the A31432 and A78374 classes. There is no significant difference between SVILP and MP2D with 250 features for the A06233. These observations were supported by the McNemar’s test results given in Table 3. The McNemar’s test showed that in nine out of the 11 classes the SVILP method outperformed the other methods. MP2D with 250 features was favoured for the A31432 activity class using the McNemar’s test. The probability was 0.21 indicating no significant difference between MP2D with 250 features and SVILP and was reflected in the F-measure scores of 0.266 and 0.184 for MP2D with 250 features and SVILP, respectively. The McNemar’s test also supports the fact that there is little difference in performance across the A06233 class using SVILP and MP2D with 250 features (probability 0.64).

Fig. 8
figure 8

F-measure for each activity class and method. While similar results are observed across classes and methods, the most profound drop is with the Naive Bayes Classifier applied to the 5HT1A agonists and HIV protease inhibitors

It can be seen from Fig. 9, that again the SVILP method appears to dominate the field in terms of MCC value. On seven occasions the SVILP performed the best. Particularly high results came from the A31420 class with the SVILP obtaining an MCC value of 0.63. The A06245 and A07701 classes were found to have the lowest MCC values. MP2D has the highest MCC values with the A31432 and A78374 classes. These results are in line with those for the F-measure, as would be expected, given the similar nature of the two performance measures.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Matthews Correlation Coefficient for each activity class and method. The results are fairly consistent with the previous performance measures, with the renin inhibitors having the spoil of the high values, whilst the cyclooxygenase and protein kinase C inhibitors show much more reserved estimates

In general, it is evident from these graphs that we see a divide in performance, with the SVILP and MP2D method with 250 features performing better than average, whilst MP2D with 40 features and the ILP models perform worse than average. These results are supported by the Kendall’s W Coefficient of Concordance, with W coefficients of 0.71, 0.50, 0.81, 0.84 and 0.87 when using recall, specificity, precision, the F-measure and MCC as measures for the activity classes to act as raters to rank the four classification methods. The coefficients indicate there is a high level of inter-rater agreement between the ranks assigned to each classifier for each activity class and performance measure. The χ2 probability associated with these values was p  <  0.05 in all cases. This simply means the results in Table 2 are statistically significant for these performance measures. The McNemar’s test results in Table 3 support the conclusion that the SVILP method is the best classifier, in nine out of the 11 classes the SVILP method outperformed the other two methods. A31432 and A42731 were the only activity classes where MP2D outperformed the SVILP method. In all cases bar the A42731 class, SVILP was significantly better than MP2D with 40 features. When compared to MP2D with 250 features, SVILP was the best method over all activity classes except A31432. In general the level of significance for the difference in performance was a lot lower than in comparison between SVILP and MP2D with 40 features, indicating in general MP2D with 250 features is a better classifer than MP2D with 40 features.

Two example ROC curves are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. The first graph is for the A31432 dataset taken on the second run (F2). From Table 2 it can be seen that this dataset had the second highest average area under the curve (AUC), with values ranging from 0.92 to 0.99, which compare well with the ideal result of 1 (perfect classifier). A value of 1 indicates that no false positives and false negatives are present in the ranked test set. This effectively means that all the true positives were found at the top of the ranked database, with all true negatives coming lower; where the ranking is established based on a sorted list of scores (highest at the top). The area under the curve in this work was calculated using the trapezium rule. The values of 0.92 and 0.99 represent the proportion of the area of the ideal curve covered using our classifiers. Comparable area under the curve is achieved for the A31420 and A42731 datasets. Figure 11 shows a ROC curve for the A78331 dataset taken on the second run. The area under this curve for MP2D using 40 features is 0.73, the average AUC for MP2D using 40 features is 0.66. The A78331 and A78374 datasets were the most disappointing of all the runs, however the results are still far superior to an area of 0.50 expected if the molecules were to be sorted at random.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Sample ROC plot for the second run of the A31432 activity class shows very steep ascents, in line with retrieving a large number of actives in the first few percent of the ranked database. These curves are close to the perfect case scenario

Fig. 11
figure 11

ROC curve for the second run of the A78331 activity class. These curves are considerably less steep than those in Fig. 10, however the enrichment when compared to random is still great

Fig. 12
figure 12

Enrichment factor at the top one and five percent of the ranked database. Similar trends in enrichment factor are found as was the case for previous measures. The A06245, A07701 and A78331 classes have lower enrichment whilst higher values are noted from the A31420, A31432 and A71523 classes

The EFs at 1% and 5% shown in Table 2 and Fig. 12 illustrate that the EF in general is higher at 1% than 5% and that the enrichment results for the SVILP method are better than either result by MP2D. The only anomalous result is the surprisingly low EF at 1% for MP2D using the renin inhibitor class. Here the average enrichment factor is only 12 compared to SVILP’s 79, yet the AUC values are very comparable. The explanation is that firstly the renin test set is large (1,030), this would result in more active molecules being expected to be in the top 1% (10) rather than say four molecules with the A07701 activity class, hence the enrichment is partly dependent upon the size of the activity class. Secondly, after viewing the individual breakdown of the MP2D scores it became evident that some inactive molecules were assigned higher scores than any of the active molecules. This led to the actives falling lower in the rankings, hence we see a low enrichment at 1%. However, when we move to 5% we see the EF has increased to 19 in line with the 5% EF of SVILP, indicating that the vast majority of the active molecules in the renin test set fall in the top 2–5%. In fact, MP2D with 250 features retrives 976 active molecules out of 1,030 in the top 5% of the test set (5% of 1,030 = 51.5, the EF at 5% is 18.96 therefore 18.96 × 51.5 = 976 active molecules). This result compares favourably to previous work [20], in that 94.44% of actives were retrieved for the renin dataset in the top 5% of the test set (which equates to 973 actives).

We had considered classifying the datasets using an SVM on its own. However, in an unpublished study, we found that the model based on the chemical fragments and SVM was unstable and some of the features acted as noise. It is thus imperative that a powerful feature selection method is used before testing all structural features using an SVM. ILP not only selects the best features, but it also combines the features and generates new information and in this article we have shown that it gives a substantial improvement across most measures of performance.


On the datasets examined here, which comprise 11 activity classes and about 102,000 structures, Support Vector Inductive Logic Programming outperforms both the optimised Naive Bayes Classifier and the standard Inductive Logic Programming with regard to the F-measure, which takes both recall and precision into account. SVILP is, for seven out of the 11 activity classes, the superior method, with six of the classification differences being significant in McNemar’s test at a confidence level of p  <  5%. SVILP is a very recently presented method which adds a support vector machine after common ILP procedures. We thus present a combination of previous machine learning methods which improves results over considering individual features independently (such as the Naive Bayes Classifier) as well as over Inductive Logic Programming only. While previously the unoptimised Bayes Classifier was shown to perform very well in molecular classification studies, these results suggest that the optimised Bayes Classifier performs better. However, despite this improvement, the Support Vector Inductive Logic Programming is able to extract additional knowledge from the data, thus improving classification results further.