1 Introduction

The advancements in networking technologies and miniaturization of computing and communication devices have enabled plethora of applications that generate large volumes of spatio-temporal data pertaining to both: (a) mobile users locations; and (b) additional contexts associated with the temporal and spatial dimension. Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) such as Instagram and Twitter generate large scale geo-spatial datasets capturing human behavior at unprecedented volume and level of detail [16]. This, in turn, created opportunities to uncover various patterns created by mobile human users, to better understand different motion plans in various application scenarios [54], such as: inferring latent mobility patterns [1]; personalized recommendation of Point Of Interests (POI) [6] or suggesting next location to visit [12]; geo-aware maximization of influence [32], etc.

A crucial task to enable better understanding of the behavior of mobile users in multiple applications is the trajectory classification [18, 37]. Examples of patterns related to a collection of spatio-temporal trajectories include descriptions of values for mobility-related attributes such as stationary or moving; driving or walking; conducting activities (e.g., dining while stationary; listening to news while driving); etc. – which have recently spurred the topic of trajectory semantic inference [15]. Many of the traditional trajectory classification works leverage techniques aiming at understanding the activity patterns and transportation modes of users given the history of visited locations. Typical tools include Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN), and Conditional Random Fields (CRF). Complementary to this, a body of works addressed the problem of discovering the characteristics of a single user or a group of users, relying on Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Bayesian probabilistic graph models, targeting applications such as POI recommendation [6] and trip planning [10].

Part of the motivation for this work is based on the observation that the existing bodies of work have not addressed the problem of linking trajectories to their corresponding generating users. This is an important problem in many LBSN-type of applications like, for example, ride-sharing (bike, car) platforms. On the one hand, the users provide large volumes of trajectories data in terms of (location, time) sequences, however, their identities are usually protected for the sake of privacy. On the other hand, the ability to correlate such trajectories to users may enable more informed decision-making in personalization of, e.g., marketing campaigns. Moreover, from a complementary perspective, such linking could help in detecting potential criminals, based on values from similar types of sparse mobility data such as the transient phone signals as well as other check-in events – i.e., a presence at a location corresponding to a particular Point of Interest (POI), possibly with semantic features available from a POI database.

The Trajectory-User Linking (TUL) problem was first studied in [20], where threefold challenges were identified: (1) the number of classes/labels (unique mobile users) is way larger than the number of possible motion patterns in trajectory classification; (2) the sparsity of trajectories, users usually visit a few popular locations among thousands. In addition, the data may involve noise and outliers that can affect the performance of TUL; (3) TUL differs from many traditional mobility pattern-recognition problems in that it requires extracting and analyzing various features from trajectories [48], which entails both the curse of dimensionality, as well as the invasion of user privacy.

The solution proposed in [20] – TULER (TUL via Embeddings and Recurrent Neural Networks) – achieves high classification accuracy, however, it fails to address one of the most important issues in mining LBSNs data, i.e., the sparsity of a user-location check-ins. For example, the sparsity of the Gowalla dataset [13] is about 99.98% [59]. Additionally, mining and characterizing individual motion patterns requires a large number of labeled trajectory data – the lack of which is another setback of most LBSNs studies [54].

Since numerous factors – such as transportation modes; priorities (job, family, friends), etc. (cf. [21]) – may influence human mobility patterns, users trajectories are often approximated with models like random walk [9] or Lévy flight [41]. While human mobility is associated with spatial and temporal constraints that follow reproducible scaling laws, the number of independent parameters characterizing the human movement can be quite large. Moreover, growing evidence suggests that the existing parameter-based scaling law studies on spatio-temporal datasets are limited and affected by the domain of explored datasets, i.e., the results from mobile phone data are not generalizable to LBSNs data, and vice versa.

The above facts are at the heart of the motivation for investigating the Trajectory Distribution Approximation (TDA) – a novel trajectory pattern recognition problem in the areas of both human mobility and social networks. TDA has a similar task with traditional statistics-based scaling law discovery problem – that is, uncovering the basic human mobility patterns. However, it learns the individual trajectory probability distribution directly from the data and fits the underlying characteristic of its mobility patterns, rather than quantitatively analyzing various factors and random variables – e.g., displacement distribution [9], rank distribution [4], etc. – that affect users motion. We postulate that an efficient TDA solution should satisfy four desiderata: (1) Ability to capture the natural features determining the individual moving patterns; (2) Enable generating synthetic trajectories of a particular person, once the characteristics of his moving patterns are learned; (3) Ensure theoretical soundness of the method for guiding the training process and testing the results of trajectory generation; and (4) The synthetic trajectories should improve the performance of other supervised trajectory classification problems, such TUL in LBSNs.

One appealing methodology for tackling the TDA problem are the generative models – in particular, Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN) [22]. Essentially, a GAN is a minimax game between a generator and a discriminator seeking to match the distributions of both the generated and the real data. Unfortunately, the existing GAN based methods – both continuous GANs (e.g., used for image generation [11]) or discrete ones (e.g., used for sequence modeling [50] and text generation [53]) – can not be directly applied to the TDA problem. The main reason is that the true semantics of the generated trajectories can not be identified neither by the GAN discriminators nor by a human labor directly. For example, the generated images or sentences may be easily discriminated from the realistic-looking ones by manual identification of an ordinary person without any supervision. However, when it comes to the generated POIs forming a trajectory from real locations visited by a user, the end result may consist of indistinguishable patterns of a synthetic trajectory. Moreover, as mentioned, the LBSNs datasets are usually too sparse to characterize an individual mobility patterns, not to mention the extremely imbalanced label (user) distribution in LBSNs datasets, both of which require an elastic generator to prevent model collapse – a problem commonly occurring in the existing GANs, largely due to insufficient data.

To tackle this problem, we introduce the TGAN (Trajectory Generative Adversarial) network, which consists of two adversarial training neural networks: (1) a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [24] network employed as a POI sequence generator; and (2) a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [28] playing the role of discriminator. The generator learns the trajectory representation and progressively fits the underlying trajectory distribution of a particular person, after which the synthetic trajectories with intrinsic invariance and global coherence are generated, preserving the long-term dependencies of POIs. The discriminator, on the other hand, takes the responsibility of distinguishing the generated trajectory from the real ones and guides the training of the generator. These two jointly trained neural networks in a two-player game iteratively optimize both sides and learn individual motion patterns and spatio-temporal distribution, until convergence. In addition to improving the TUL, TGAN can also directly evaluate the quality of the trajectory generation, and the synthetic data could be incorporated to improve the supervised trajectory classification accuracy by augmenting the labeled trajectories and balancing the label distribution.

Following are the main contributions of this work:

  1. (1)

    We introduce a novel formalization of the TUL problem from the perspective of TDA, and we discuss its positioning in the context of TULER – an RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) based solution to the TUL problem.

  2. (2)

    We present the first comprehensive TDA solution – TGAN (Trajectory Generative Adversarial Network) which: (a) fulfills the aforementioned four properties of TDA; and (b) sidesteps the problems in existing GANs.

  3. (3)

    We provide omprehensive experimental evaluations conducted on real-world datasets, which illustrate the benefits of TGAN over the existing approaches.

We note that our earlier work [20] introduced and addressed the TUL problem – however, this study presents a significant extension of it: both the novel TDA variant of the problem as well as the TGAN approach for the solution.

The rest of this article is structured as follows: we review the related work in Section 2 and Section 3 formalizes the TUL problem and present the main methodology behind TULER RNN. Section 4 formalizes the problem of TDA and provides the TGAN solution to data sparsity. Experimental evaluations quantifying the benefits of our solutions are presented next (Section 5), followed by concluding remarks and directions for future work.

2 Related work

We now review the related literature and position our work in that context. There are three broad categories of approaches that we overview in the sequel.

Uncovering patterns characterizing human motion has been studied in traffic engineering [3], city planning [51] and many location-based applications [8]. Traditional motion pattern mining studies fall into four broad classes: (1) individual statistical patterns understanding: measuring and quantifying the models, e.g., continuous-time random-walk [9] or Lévy flight [21], accounting for characteristics of individual human trajectories [41]; (2) trajectory similarity mining: measuring the similarity or distance between two trajectories, such as Dynamic Time Warping or Edit distance [17] – which may exploit the uniqueness and regularity of human mobility, and linking accounts across sites, etc.; (3) sequential and periodical pattern mining: finding (sub-)sequences and periodical motion patterns, enabling travel recommendation [10], life pattern understanding [42] and trajectory classification [20] and next location prediction [6]; (4) trajectory classification: recognizing trajectories as different types of motion patterns, such as Biking, Bus, Driving, and Walking in transportation classification [55] and Occupied, Nonoccupied and Parked in taxi status inference [58]. The key task involved is to extract representative spatio-temporal features in trajectories. They are different from the complex TUL problem because of the large number of labels (users) and the interleaving sub-trajectories among users.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have achieved great successes in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, especially since the introduction of memory units to networks, such as LSTM [24] and GRU [14]. It has been widely applied to text classifications [30, 33], where the number of labels/classes is relatively small. Most of them are binary (e.g., IMDBFootnote 1 dataset), while few have more (but at most 20) classes – e.g., FudanFootnote 2 dataset. This is substantially less than a typical TUL setting. In addition, the sufficient corpus is usually available in the task of text classification, which can alleviate the data sparsity issue that is severe is TUL.

Despite the large body of works in individual trajectory parameterizing and semantic trajectory mining – the TDA problem has not been formally defined and investigated. Our proposed TGAN methodology is different from conventional trajectory models in that it: (1) requires to match individual motion patterns and trajectories distribution; and (2) may generate synthetic trajectories that augment the training data to improve the location-based applications such as clustering and classification. To our best knowledge, TGAN is the first attempt to perform such trajectory distribution approximation.

A recent approach to augment the initial TUL settings and solution was presented in [57]. Essentially, a generative model was proposed to mine human mobility patterns, relying on the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) [26] paradigm, and an architecture consisting of three RNNs (encoder, intermediate RNN and decoder) plus a semi-supervised classifier was presented. However, the work in [57] is, in a sense, orthogonal to this work, from two perspectives: (1) it aims at learning the implicit hierarchical structures of trajectories, whereas we focus on the TDA problem, as well as generation of synthetic trajectories datasets; (2) we rely on GAN paradigm and the architecture also employs CNN (in the discriminator).

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have gained a tremendous successes in natural image generation [22]. Recently, GANs has also been used as a tool for modeling sequential data [50] and generating text [53]. However, few efforts have been conducted towards modeling human trajectories with adversarial networks that confront: (1) the sparsity problem of check-ins inherent in trajectory data; (2) extremely longer trajectory sequences than other generated discrete samples, such as sentence in natural language; and (3) the lack of metrics for evaluating the trajectory generation results. TGAN not only provides a complementary approach to traditional scaling law based trajectory models by approaching the latent trajectory distribution of users, but may also inspire potential novel location-based applications – e.g., adversarial trajectory based recommendation and privacy protection.

3 Trajectory-user linking

We now turn the attention to formalizing the TUL problem, and discuss the intricacies of TULER – our proposed method.

3.1 Problem settings

Let \(T_{u_{i}} = \{l_{i1}, l_{i2}, ..., l_{in}\}\) denote a trajectory generated by the user ui corresponding to a particular time interval, where lij (j ∈ [1,n]) is the location/POI at time tj for the user ui (\(\in \mathcal {U})\), in a suitable coordinate system (e.g., longitude + latitude, or a Cartesian coordinate system after a suitable projection: \((x_{l_{ij}}, y_{l_{ij}})\)). In this paper, each lij is considered as a check-in.

Definition 1

Trajectory-User Linking (TUL): A trajectory Tk = {l1,l2,...,lm} for which it is not known who was the user generating it, is called unlinked. Assume that we are given a number of unlinked trajectories \(\mathcal {T} = \{T_{1}, ..., T_{m}\}\) generated by some of the users in the set \(\mathcal {U} = \{u_{1}, ..., u_{n}\}\) (mn). We call a solution to TUL problem the mapping that assigns unlinked trajectories to the users: \(\mathcal {T} \mapsto \mathcal {U}\).

Our proposed solution (TULER) works as follows: each unlinked trajectory is first divided (i.e., segmented) into a collection of sub-trajectories based on a fixed time interval [5]. Subsequently, we represent and characterize each trajectory using trajectory embedding via trained RNN models, with a capability to mitigate the curse of dimensionality problem. Finally, we build a multi-class classification model to link these trajectories to users. The overall architecture of TULER is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Architecture of the proposed method TULER. TULER first learns check-in embeddings \(\textbf {T} \in \mathbb {R}^{|C| \times d}\) using all trajectories. Then a RNN model will be trained to characterize latent patterns of linking trajectories to users. Finally, a user of an unlinked trajectory is inferred

3.2 Segmentation and check-in embedding

To capture the rich semantics content of the trajectories and increase the computational efficiency, we segment each trajectory \(T_{u_{i}}\) into k consecutive sub-trajectories \(T_{u_{i}}^{1}, ..., T_{u_{i}}^{k}\). Such a segmentation process can be done by various methods, e.g., based on the semantic meaning and shape of the trajectories [54]. For simplicity, we adopt the method used in [34] in this paper, although other methods are possible, e.g., re-sampling in frequency domain (cf. [5]) – which we defer to our future work.

To alleviate the sparsity issue and dimensionality curse, we represent each check-in with a low-dimensional vector \(\textbf {v}_{l_{t}} \in \mathbb {R}^{d}\) rather than a traditional location representation method such as one-hot. We obtain the check-in trajectory representation \(\textbf {T} \in \mathbb {R}^{|C| \times d}\) using the similar technique implemented in word embeddings [35], where |C| is the number of all unique check-ins across all trajectories, d is the dimensionality in the lower dimensional space. Specifically, we maximize the probabilities of check-ins given their neighboring locations in trajectories.

Figure 2 shows the distribution of check-ins in two real-world LBSN datasets from [13], which follow a power-law distribution. Using check-in embedding can somehow address the sparsity issue as discussed above. In addition, it can mitigate the overfitting problem especially when the amount of training instances is small.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Frequency count of check-ins from real-world datasets

More specifically, the embedding of a check-in lt is to infer its conditional probability given the context check-ins \(\mathcal {C}(l_{t})=l_{t-w} : l_{t+w}\), where w is the size of sliding window of each sub-trajectory. To better embed our check-in into a low dimensional representation \(\textbf {v}_{l_{t}} \in \mathbb {R}^{d}\), the probability \(p(l_{t} | \mathcal {C}(l_{t}))\) is defined by the softmax function as:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} p(l_{t} | \mathcal{C}(l_{t})) \prod\limits_{l^{\prime} \in \mathcal{C}(l_{t})} p(l_{t} | l^{\prime}) \prod\limits_{l^{\prime} \in \mathcal{C}(l_{t})} \frac{\exp({\textbf{v}_{l_{t}}} \cdot \textbf{v}_{l^{\prime}})}{{\sum}_{l^{\prime\prime} \in C} \exp({\textbf{v}_{l^{\prime\prime}} \cdot \textbf{v}_{l^{\prime}}})} \end{array} $$

3.3 Trajectory characterization

Part of the problem in trajectory characterization stems from the fact that splitting the original trajectories into sub-trajectories even with a shorter duration, may still result in denser check-ins in some of the sub-trajectories. To address this issue (long-term variable-length location sequences), we incorporate several variants of well-known RNN models, i.e., LSTM [24] and GRU [14], as well as the stacked and bidirectional RNNs, into TULER. These are aiming at controlling the input and output of trajectory embeddings. We provide a brief description of the use of LSTM and GRU model used in TULER next.

3.3.1 TULER with LSTM

Given a sub-trajectory T = {l1,l2,...,lk}, let ht− 1, ht and \(\tilde {h}_{t}\) denote the respective last, current and candidate embedding state. The LSTM model that we incorporated in TULER is implemented as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} i_{t} &=& \sigma(W_{i} \textbf{v}^{t}(l_{i}) + U_{i} h_{t-1} + V_{i} c_{t-1} + b_{i}), \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} f_{t} &=& \sigma(W_{f} \textbf{v}^{t}(l_{i}) + U_{f} h_{t-1} + V_{f} c_{t-1} + b_{f}), \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} o_{t} &=& \sigma(W_{o} \textbf{v}^{t}(l_{i}) + U_{o} h_{t-1} + V_{o} c_{t} + b_{o}) \end{array} $$

where it, ft, ot and b respectively denote the input gate, forget gate, output gate and bias vector. Also, σ denotes the logistic sigmoid function; the different gate parameters are specified by the matrices W, U and V (\(\in \mathbb {R}^{d \times d}\)); and vt(li) is the embedding of the check-in location li. The memory cell ct is updated by partially replacing the existing memory unit with a new cell ct as follows:

$$ c_{t} = f_{t} c_{t-1} + i_{t} \tanh(W_{c} \textbf{v}(l_{i}) + U_{c} h_{t-1} + b_{c}) $$

Then, the trajectory embedding is updated as:

$$ h_{t} = o_{t} \odot \tanh(c_{t}) $$

where σ(⋅) and tanh(⋅) denote the sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent function, and ⊙ denotes the entry-wise product.

3.3.2 TULER with GRU

TULER with GRU models the trajectory embedding using extra gating units, in a similar spirit to the LSTM method, however, it does so without separated memory cells. The state of ht is updated by a linear interpolation between the last state ht− 1 and the candidate state \(\tilde {h_{t}}\) in the following manner:

$$ h_{t} = (1 - g_{t}) h_{t-1} + g_{t}\tilde{h}_{t} $$

where gt is the update gate, deciding by how much the unit will updates its activation:

$$ g_{t} = \sigma(W_{z} \textbf{v}^{t}(l_{i}) + U_{z} h_{t-1}) $$

The computation of the candidate state \(\tilde {h}_{t}\) is much like a traditional RNN unit:

$$ \tilde{h}_{t} = \tanh(W \textbf{v}^{t}(l_{i}) + U (s_{t} \odot h_{t-1})) $$

with st denoting the set of reset gates; computed, in turn, very similarly to updating the gate, as:

$$ s_{t} = \sigma(W_{s} \textbf{v}^{t}(l_{i}) + U_{s} h_{t-1}) $$

3.3.3 Variants

We now discuss the implication of having certain variants of TULER (i.e., LSTM/GRU and Bidirectional LSTM [43]) stacked. The peculiarity of a stacked LSTM/GRU, is that the hidden state of a given unit in layer n, is subsequently used as an input to the unit in the layer n + 1 – except, at a same time step. The main objective of multi-RNN stacking is to grasp the longer check-in dependencies of a trajectory.

There is a drawback to stacking, though – the training time of a stacked TULER increases exponentially with the number of layers. An option to alleviate this issue is to use Bidirectional LSTM by running two LSTMs in parallel: (1) on the sequential check-in embedding vectors, and (2) on the reverse embedding vectors. As it turns out, this may yield a substantial reduction in the time for training the model, in comparison with the general and stacked LSTM/GRU based TULER. We note that the performance of using different types of deep TULER is discussed in Section 5.

3.4 Trajectory-user linking

Linking the trajectories to the corresponding users is done by using a softmax output layer to calculate the corresponding estimated user distribution:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} p(\hat{u}(l_{u}) = i |l_{u}; \kappa) = \frac{\exp\{B_{i} h_{u} + b^{i}\}}{{\sum}_{j=1}^{|u|} \exp\{B_{j} h_{u} + b^{j}\}}, \forall i = 1, \cdots, |u| \end{array} $$

The interpretaion of the symbols in the equation above is as follows: – \(\hat {u}(l_{u})\) is the predicted user of lu and hu is the final hidden state of RNN module; – the weight matrix \(B \in \mathbb {R}^{d\times |u|}\) and bias vector \(b \in \mathbb {R}^{1\times |u|}\) are the corresponding parameters in the softmax layer; Bi indicates the i-th column of B and bi indicates the i-th element of b; lastly, κ = {W,U,V,B,b} denotes the set of parameters that need to be learned.

To learn the parameters in the quintuple κ with respect to the given objective function, we proceed as follows. Given a user u and his trajectory sequence lu = l1,l2,...,lm, we train the TULER to maximize the log-likelihood with respect to κ with:

$$ u(l_{u}) \mapsto \sum\limits_{l_{u} \in \mathbb{U}} \log p(u | l_{u}, \kappa) $$

where u and \(\mathbb {U}\) denote the ground-truth user of trajectory lu and the training data, respectively. A stochastic gradient descent is used in each step, in order to estimate the parameter set κ:

$$ \kappa \leftarrow \kappa + \alpha \frac{\partial \log p(u | l_{u}, \kappa)}{\partial \kappa} $$

where α is the learning rate.

Lastly, we proceed with the minimization of the following cost function:

$$ {\varPhi}(l_{u_{i}}, \tilde{l}_{u_{i}}) = - \sum\limits_{i=1}^{|l|} \sum\limits_{j=1}^{|u|} u \log(\tilde{l}_{i}^{j}) $$

where \(\tilde {l}_{i}^{j}\) is the predicted trajectory embedding vector.

After both of the models – the embedding one and the RNN have been trained, we construct the TULER model. Its embedding layer is used to encode the semantics of check-ins, initialized with the corresponding trained weights. A random initialization is used for the stacked or bidirectional layer of RNN and the softmax of the model, while all the parameters are being fine-tuned on the labeled data.

4 Adversarial synthesis trajectory generation

We now present the main results of the TGAN based solution, starting with an overview of GAN, and a formal definition of the TDA problem, and following with the details of our proposed method TGAN. Lastly, we discuss the evaluation and training details.

4.1 Generative adversarial nets

To make the paper self-contained, we now present an overview of the relevant background of GAN and WGAN.

4.1.1 Generative adversarial nets (GAN)

The main objective of Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN) is to obtain the equilibrium between a discriminator D and a generator G by optimizing the following minimax objective [22]:

$$ \mathcal{L}_{\textit{GAN}} (p_{x}, p_{g}) = \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{x \sim p_{x}} [\log D(x)] + \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{z \sim p_{g}} [\log \left( 1 - D(G(z)) \right)] $$

where px is the data distribution and pg is the model distribution. The \({}_{GAN}\) is then maximized with respect to D(x) and minimized with respect to D(G(z)). The generator G takes a prior noise distribution \(z \sim p(z)\) (e.g., uniform or Gaussian) as input and produces a sample G(z) in the data space using a deep neural network, such as Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) [22]. The discriminator D – normally another neural network such as CNN or MLP – plays the role of classifier and represents the probability that a certain sample comes from the true data distribution px or the generator G. In practice, the parameters of the generator and the discriminator networks are updated in an alternating fashion, based on stochastic gradient descent (SGD) [39]. It has been demonstrated that this game achievesa global equilibrium if and only if pg(x) = px(x), and the optimal discriminator is D(x) = px(x)/(px(x) + pg(x)) [22]. That is, if the optimal discriminator is found in each iteration, minimization of the resulting loss function of the generator implicitly leads to minimization of the lower bound on the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) .

4.1.2 Optimal transport and WGAN

We note that, as demonstrated in [2], the strong probability distances (such as KL divergence and JSD) between px and pg may no longer provide useful gradients forthe generator and correspondingly result in model collapse. This is an implication of the optimal discriminator becoming perfect, and its gradient will be zero almost everywhere. More importantly, this is the case for many real applications where both px and pg have supports that are disjoint or lie on low dimensional manifolds. To address this issue, Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) was proposed [2]. It uses the Earth-Mover distance (EMD), denoted W(q,p), as the measure of the distance between two distributions (rather than JSD in “regular” GAN), which is informally defined as the minimum cost (mass times transport distance) of transporting mass in order to transform one distribution q to another distribution p.

Optimal Transport

The theory of Optimal Transport (OT) problem, in addition to Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD), has induced a rich class of divergences between probability distributions, among which two main formulations (i.e., Monge’s and Kantorovich’s) were developed in the past century [27]. In the machine learning field, Kantarovich’s formulation is more popular since it is more general and also covers the case of discrete masses (in our case, trajectories).

More formally, let \(\mathcal {X}\) be a metric space (e.g., \(\mathcal {X} = \mathbb {R}^{n}\)) endowed with a metric \(d_{\mathcal {X}}\). A coupling π of px and pg is a probability distribution on \(\mathcal {X} \times \mathcal {X}\) such that \(\pi (\mathcal {A}, \mathcal {X}) = p_{x}(\mathcal {A})\) and \(\pi (\mathcal {X}, \mathcal {A}) = p_{g}(\mathcal {A})\) for all Borel probability measures (\(\mathcal {A} \subseteq \mathcal {X}\)) with finite moments of order k, i.e., \({\int \nolimits }_{\mathcal {X}}\rho (X,Y)^{k}d{p_{x}}(x) < \infty \) and \({\int \nolimits }_{\mathcal {X}}\rho (X,Y)^{k}d{p_{g}}(x) < \infty \), \(\forall Y \in \mathcal {X}\), where ρ(X,Y ) is a distance function for any two instances in \(\mathcal {X}\). Kantorovich’s formulation of OT problem is defined as [45]:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \mathbf{W}^{k}(p_{x}, p_{g}) &= &\inf_{\gamma \in \prod (X \sim p_{x}, Y \sim p_{g})} \mathbb{E}_{(X,Y) \sim \gamma} [\text{cost}(X, Y)] \\ &= &\left( \inf_{\gamma \in \prod (X \sim p_{x}, Y \sim p_{g})} \iint_{\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{X}} \rho(X,Y)^{k} d\pi (X, Y) \right)^{\frac{1}{k}} \end{array} $$

where cost(X,Y ) is any measurable cost function and \(\prod (X\sim p_{x}, Y \sim p_{g})\) is a set of all joint distributions γ(X,Y ) of (X,Y ) (all coupling of px and pg) whose marginals are respectively px and pg. Intuitively, γ(X,Y ) indicates how much mass must be transported from X to Y in order to transform the distribution px into the distribution pg. A particularly interesting case is when \((\mathcal {X}, \rho )\) is a metric space and cost(X,Y ) = ρ(X,Y )k for k ≥ 1. The k-th root of Wassk is called the k-Wasserstein distance, which is then the cost of the optimal transport plan. In the case of k = 1 (1-Wasserstein distance), it refers to the EMD and the following Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality theorem holds for representing EMD as a form of integral probability metric [46]:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \inf_{\gamma \in \prod (X, Y )} \iint \rho(X,Y) d\pi (X, Y) = \sup_{f\in \mathcal{F}_{L}} \left( {\int}_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) d{p_{x}(x)} - {\int}_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) d{p_{g}(x)}\right) \end{array} $$

where \(\mathcal {F}_{L}\) is the class of all bounded 1-Lipschitz functions on space \((\mathcal {X}, \rho )\). One of the core merits of this dual representation is that both infimum and supremum exist. That is, the optimal coupling π can be obtained by minimizing the value on the LHS of Eq. 16, while any optimal function \(f^{*} \in \mathcal {F}_{L}\) satisfies f(X) − f(Y ) = ρ(X,Y ) for all (X,Y ) in the support of π, which is attained by maximizing the RHS of Eq. 16.

Wasserstein GAN (WGAN)

WGAN has been recently proposed in [2], and the aim is to learn the generator network for any random vector such that the Wasserstein distance is minimized between the resulting distribution pg of the generated samples and the real distribution gx underlying the observed data points. Replacing JSD with 1-Wasserstein distance , which is known to induce a much weaker topology than JSD (and other strong distances), yields a more sensible distance function and provides stable gradients. This, in turn, renders WGAN to be better suited for generative modeling.

Formally, the utility function of the minimax game of WGAN is:

$$ \mathcal{L}_{\textit{WGAN}} (p_{x}, p_{g}) = \min_{G} \max_{D \in \mathcal{D}} \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{x \sim p_{x}} [D(x)] - \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{z \sim p_{g}} [D(G(z))] $$

where \(\mathcal {D}\) is any subset of 1-Lipschitz functions on \(\mathcal {X}\). Minimizing above objective w.r.t. the generator parameters minimizes the EMD W(q,p), i.e., \({}_{\textit {WGAN}} (p_{x}, p_{g}) \leq \text {Wass}^{1}(p_{x}, p_{g})\). The loss of the generator in WGAN \({}_{g}\) is:

$$ \mathcal{L}^{g}_{{\textit{WGAN}}} = - \mathbb{E}_{z \sim p_{g}} [D(G(z))] $$

and the loss of the discriminator (or more precisely, the critic [2] since it is a real-valued function here and is no longer trained to classify) is:

$$ \mathcal{L}^{d}_{\textit{WGAN}} = \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{z \sim p_{g}} [D(G(z))] - \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{x \sim p_{x}} [D(x)] $$

This family of functions \(\mathcal {D}\) is specified in [2] via neural networks, and then weight clipping is used to enforce Lipschitz continuity.

WGAN-Gradient Penalty (GP)

However, as Arjovsky et al. note, the networks’ capacities become limited due to the weight clipping and there could be gradient vanishing problems in the training. In the later work [23], they present more concrete examples to illustrate the perils of the weight clipping and propose an alternative way of imposing the Lipschitz continuity by introducing a gradient penalty term into discriminator as:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \mathcal{L}^{d}_{WGAN-GP} = \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{z \sim p_{g}} [D(G(z))] - \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{x \sim p_{x}} [D(x)] + \lambda \mathop{\mathbb{E}} \limits_{\hat{x} \sim p_{\hat{x}}} [(\lVert \nabla_{\hat{x}} D(\hat{x}) \rVert_{2} - 1)^{2}] \end{array} $$

where the last term is the constraint with a penalty on the gradient norm of the discriminator output w.r.t. its input, an alternative way to enforce the Lipschitz constraint, and \(p_{\hat {x}}\) is defined as the distribution over \(\hat {x}=\delta x +(1-\delta )y\) for \(\delta \sim U[0,1]\), i.e., a straight line between two points respectively from real data distribution px and generator distribution pg [23].

We note that recent works introduce additional penalty into WGAN-GP for improving the training of WGAN, e.g., [38, 47]. Since how to improve WGAN is not the main concerns of this work, we leave the investigating and comparison of various regularization methods as future work.

4.1.3 Trajectory distribution approximate

In this paper we consider a trajectory-user linking problem from a perspective of TDA, formally defined as:

Definition 2

Trajectory Distribution Approximation (TDA): Given a trajectory dataset \(\mathcal {T}\) produced by a set of users \(\mathcal {U}\), the task of a TDA is to generate a specific number of trajectories G(ui) (e.g., using GANs) for each \(u_{i} \in \mathcal {U}\) to approximate the underlying trajectory distribution of each user for ultimately improving the performance of mapping \(\mathcal {T} \mapsto \mathcal {U}\). The number of generated trajectories for users is not mandatory to be equal in TDA, which can be allocated to balance the label distribution in the dataset.

Note that the generative model used in TDA is not limited to GANs. One could employ other sophisticated generative models such as Hidden Markov Chians (HMM) [7] Variational Auto-Encoders (VAE) [26] or PixelRNN [44] for synthetic trajectory generation.

4.2 TGAN model – overview and main components

The main aspects of the TGAN model for trajectory distribution approximation are shown in Figure 3. The TGAN model is inspired by the recent advances in WGAN [2] and TULER [20], and consists of three parts. First, the generator samples from a Gaussian distribution (pg) and generates synthetic trajectories using a LSTM network. Next, the generated and real trajectories are fed into a CNN discriminator that classifies them into real or fake, and feedbacks the generator to update the distribution pg. The generated trajectory classified as real will be considered as a new training sample to augment the training set.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Overview of TGAN: To augment an existing training set (trajectories with known users generating them), we initially generate trajectories based on some randomly picked distributions (e.g., uniform or Gaussian) using a LSTM-based generator. The likelihood of them being sampled from a true distribution of specific users is determined based on the discriminator (e.g., a CNN network), trained on the existing real trajectories. During the process, the initial distribution is increasingly optimized to approximate the underlying distribution. After convergence (reaching the equilibrium between the generator and the discriminator), all subsequently generated trajectories together with real ones will be used as the final training pool to learn user-trajectory mapping

Specifically, the underlying trajectory distribution of a user ui can be expressed as px(ui), under which we build the following three models which, when combined, can help addressing the TUL problem:

Generative Trajectory Model G

it attempts to generate a sequence of check-ins \(\widetilde {T} = \{l_{1},..., l_{k}, ..., l_{m}\}, l_{k} \in {}\), where \({}\) is the vocabulary of candidate check-ins (the POIs user ui has visited). At each time step k, the generator produces a check-in lk. The goal of this model is to approximate the true distribution of trajectories corresponding to user ui as much as possible.

Discriminative Trajectory Model D

aims at discriminating the generated trajectory sample from the real ones and provides the guidance for improving the generator. It is in fact a binary classifier characterized by a CNN and produces a probability indicating how likely a generated sample is produced upon a real distribution px(ui).

Trajectory-User Linking Model

Footnote 3L: in essence, this is a multi-class classification model used to link the trajectories, both synthetic and real, to users who generated them. Similar to [20], TUL model is a RNN based neural network learning the intrinsic moving patterns of users.

However, due to the nature of non-continuity and non-differentiability of the classical GAN, the gradient cannot be back-propagated to the generator. Trajectory is inherently constituted of discrete tokens (POIs). Thus, we first embeds POIs in a continuous low-dimensional space (c.f Section 3.2) which makes the step of discrete tokens generating differentiable.

4.3 Trajectory synthesis

We now proceed with discussing each component of TGAN in a greater detail.

Trajectory Generator

TGAN employs a LSTM as the generator to learn a latent vector z upon which a synthetic trajectory \(\widetilde {T}\) is generated. The probability of generating a trajectory with a length of h is

$$ p(\widetilde{T}|z) = p(l_{1}|z)\prod\limits_{t = 2}^{h} p (l_{t}|l_{1}, \cdots, l_{t-1}, z) $$

where lt is the tth location in \(\widetilde {T}\) and l1 is sampled from some distribution (e.g., a Gaussian being used here). At each time step (t ≥ 2) of the generating process, we seek to estimate a probability distribution over all the possible next POIs in the vocabulary given the previous locations using a LSTM [24].

To generate a trajectory, the generator takes lt from the input sequence and lt− 1 from the output POI probability distribution at the previous step, combined with previous hidden state ht− 1 to update the hidden state ht, on top of which a softmax layer is used to produce the POI samples. All the other POIs in the trajectory are sequentially generated using the RNN, based on the previously generated locations – until the end-of-trajectory token. Note that in order to obtain a fully-differentiable generator, the input to the LSTM at each time step is the POI embedding vector vt for lt.

Note, however, that if we sample each lt from its conditional distribution on the previously generated POIs, the performance of the generator would deteriorate as the trajectory becomes longer, due to the generation divergence of the POIs. To alleviate this problem, we leverage a procedure proposed in [31], called Professor Forcing (PF), for matching the generative trajectory with the ground-truth sequence during training. The basic idea of PF is to train the RNN generator to behave (both in its output and hidden states) the same as the input regardless of whether real training sequences or its self-generated ones are fed. Thus, we train two RNN models which share parameters with each other to produce the POIs – however, different from the original PF approach, we do not differentiate between the two RNN models. Thus, instead of directly discriminating the closed-loop (i.e., the generative) and open-loop (i.e., real trajectory training) distribution used in [31], we leverage PF as a joint training process to pretrain the RNN generator, followed by a CNN based discriminator that distinguishes the generated trajectories from the real data.

Trajectory Discriminator

The generator deterministically transforms a latent vector into a length h trajectory through a LSTM, where a softmax nonlinearity at the output is directly passed into a discriminator. The discriminator architecture we choose for TGAN is based on a convolutional neural network, similar to the choices of critic in WGAN [31] and discriminator in SeqGAN [50]. It involves 2 convolution layers and 2 max-pooling operations over the entire trajectory – represented by a matrix \(\textbf {D} \in \mathbb {R}^{d \times L}\), where the trajectory has length of L and would be padded with 0 if necessary. On top of the convolutional feature vector, a softmax layer is leveraged to produce a probability representing the likelihood of a trajectory being generated from a real user or from the generator.

We also note that RNN has been widely used in modeling discriminator in sequential GAN, e.g., text generation [53]. However, since the generator (as well as the TULER later used for evaluating) are deployed with RNNs, we prefer to introduce variety into TGAN to alleviate the imbalance problem between generator and discriminator inherent in GAN – because training a too strong discriminator may prevent or early-stop updating the generator. In addition, we use trajectory embedding in TGAN to address the non-differentiability of the discrete variables generation in RNN generator, while an alternative method is Gumbel-softmax [25] which can also make the steps of discrete tokens generating differentiable. Furthermore, unlike text or dialogue generation which can be estimated by language syntax and coherence in a reinforcement manner [53], the semantics of generated trajectories can not be directly evaluated due to the sparsity of the check-ins and the lack of “reward” for the generated ones.

4.4 Generation evaluation and training details

As discussed above, in addition to discriminator used as a constraint and guidance of generator, we should include another method to evaluate the performance of individual trajectory generation. In this work, we employ the TUL task [20], which aims at identifying and linking trajectories to users who generate them, as the generation performance evaluation. That is, we augment the training trajectory data of each user with the generated trajectories and test the TUL accuracy. The basic idea of this choice is that if we can correctly approximate individual trajectory distribution with TGAN, the TUL accuracy should be improved using the augmented training set.

Specifically, we use a Bi-directional RNN [43] for the TUL classification, in which we run two LSTMs in parallel: one is on the sequential check-in embedding vectors, and the other is on the reverse embedding vectors. We note that although Bi-directional RNN performs best for the TUL task in [20], we also evaluate TUL with other TUL classification methods and our experiments show that TGAN can, to varying extent, improve the performance of both neural networks based TUL and the baselines introduced in [20] such as LCSS and SVM.

We train TGAN to generate trajectories for each user, in which the discriminator is a binary classifier to determine how likely a trajectory being generated from a real underlying distribution. This may incur a high computation complexity due to training G and D separately for each user – especially so when the number of users (labels) is large. An alternative method is to incorporate labels in TGAN using a semi-supervised learning [40], where generated samples are added to dataset with a new label “fake” (y = K + 1, where K is the original number of labels).

We note that although the label-including method in [40] demonstrates certain efficiency in image classification, we found that this does not improve the performance of TUL; and even decreases the linking accuracy for some methods. Essentially, the method simply adds samples from the generator to the data set and labels them as “fake” which, thereafter, is to be minimized when learning the classifiers. The rationale behind this approach is that we can now learn from unlabeled data, as long as we know that it corresponds to one of the K classes of real data – which is therefore maximized during training. Also, it may benefits the training efficiency by adding the negative (“fake”) samples, since the discriminator can directly distinguish them with the label.

However, we can leverage this method as a pre-training process – i.e., to train a model to initialize the G and D for each user trajectory generation.

Due to the sparsity of LBSN datasets, we generate trajectories in an incremental way – the generator starts producing sequences of length 1 and increases to length 2 and 3 and until the maximum length of L. We also leverage a parameter α(1 ≤ αL) to control the length of the generated trajectory. In addition, we use another random binary parameter β to indicate the generation conditioned on a ground truth (i.e., whether an actual trajectory or not) after reaching the equilibrium. For trajectory generation, we train the generator using the RMSProp algorithm with a learning rate at 0.55 × 10− 3 and the decay rate at 0.9.

Finally, note that in both TGAN and TUL implementations, we concatenate all check-in locations of each user to form a trajectory which will be further divided into sub-trajectories based on time intervals. To capture richer semantics of individual moving patterns, and for fairness in our experimental evaluation (i.e., comparison with [20]), we set the time interval to 6 hours.

5 Experimental evaluation

We now proceed with describing first the settings and metrics used over several real-world datasets in our experiments, and then present in detail the experimental observations regarding the advantages of our proposed methods, both TULER and TDA.

5.1 Settings and metrics

All models were implemented in tensorflow on Ubuntu 16.04 operating system. The machine is a server with two Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630, 128GB memory, and a single GTX 2080Ti GPU. Following are the specifications of the neural networks and training setup used in TGAN:

  • The POI embedding leverages Skip-gram model with window size of 10 and negative samplings with size 10.

  • The dimensionality of POI embedding is 100.

  • The generator G:

    • LSTM has one hidden layer with 200 neuron units.

    • The dropout rate is 0.5 and the batch size is set to 50.

  • The discriminator D:

    • The CNN for discriminator is a 1-D CNN

    • It has 2 convolution layers followed by 2 max-pooling operations.

  • The training time ratio of D and G is 5 : 1, that is, we simultaneously train 5 iterations of D as well as 1 iteration of G to obtain a rapid-growth discriminator compared to the generator – when the discriminator is too poor, the gradient propagating into the generator RNN could be detrimental.

  • For each user in the dataset, we use TDA to adaptively generate approximately half of their existing training trajectories and incorporate them into our TUL training.


The performance of TGAN-based trajectory generation is evaluated on the TUL task, for which several methods have already been proposed – e.g., Longest Common Sub-Sequence (LCSS), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), SVM with linear kernel and Bi-directional RNN (Bi-TULER). We use two metrics for evaluating the quality of TUL solutions – ACC@K and macro-F1:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \text{ACC}@K&=& \frac{\textit{\# correctly identified trajectories @K}}{\textit{\# trajectories}} \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \text{macro-F1} &=& 2 \times \frac{\textit{macro-P} \times \textit{macro-R}}{\textit{macro-P} + \textit{macro-R}} \end{array} $$

both of which have been widely used in earlier works (cf. [20]). The purpose of ACC@K is to evaluate the trajectory-user linking precision, whereas macro-F1 is the typical harmonic mean of the precision@1 (macro-P) and recall@1 (macro-R). We compare the result of TUL with and without TGAN to validate the performance of our trajectory approximation methods.

5.2 Datasets

Three publicly available LBSN datasets were used in our experiments: Gowalla, Brightkite [13] and Geolife [56]. Most of the users have very sparse check-ins in the original datasets which makes the TUL impossible for those users having only several check-ins in a long period, e.g., a month. For Gowalla and Brightkite, we selected top 201 and 92 users who have most check-in data, respectively. For each user, we concatenate all check-in locations to form a trajectory which will be further divided into sub-trajectories based on the time interval we define (i.e., 6 hours). We note that this is a relatively large dataset for testing classification models. For example, the widely used text classification datasets are either binary (e.g., IMDB dataset) or have at most 14 classes (e.g., DBpedia dataset) – which is much less than the number of classes (users) in the TUL settings. We then used 90% of data for training (and generation) and 10% for testing, similarly to [20].

For Geolife dataset, 20% of the data was chose (randomly) for generation, which was fed into TGAN to learn the trajectory distribution, and the other 80% were left for testing. The reason of this partition is that the daily trajectories of the users in Geolife are relatively stable and 20% of training data (combined with generated trajectories) are enough to capture the trajectory distribution of the users. Just as importantly, if more trajectories are used in training (correspondingly the testing data decreases), the generated trajectories may not fit the distribution of data for testing very well even though TGAN correctly matches the training data. This phenomenon happens because of the conflicts of TGAN and TULER and the data characteristics. First, TGAN tries to match the trajectory distribution of training data while the goal of TULER is to accurately classifying the test trajectories by learning the motion patterns of training data. Imagine an extreme case that we use 99% data of a user for training TGAN and use 1% for testing the TGAN via a TUL model. No matter how better we match the training data (and therefore generate more plausible trajectories and learn a better TUL model), it cannot assure that the TULER can be more accurate on the 1% data that randomly selected for testing. Moreover, unlike Gowalla and Brightkite which are sparse and irregular, the data in Geolife is relatively stable and dense (regular daily travel data captured by GPS equipments), a small portion of which can train a good learner to distinguish the mobility patterns. Finally, since the trajectory in the original Geolife dataset contains only the GPS points (longitude and latitude), we cluster all points to obtain 3,646 POIs – that is, we save the two digits after the decimal point of longitude and latitude. The summary of datasets used in our experiments is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Attributes description of datasets. U: the number of users; S/T: the number of trajectories in the training/testing set; C: the number of unique check-ins; tr: the range of the number of check-ins across all sub-trajectories

5.3 Baselines

To demonstrate the superior performance of TULER, we define several baselines in the sequel:

  • LCSS: The Longest Common Sub-Sequence [49]: It is widely used to measure the trajectory similarity by matching the longest common sub-trajectory between two trajectories via dynamic programming. In this work, LCSS is used as a solution to the TUL problem for the purpose of linking an unlinked testing sub-trajectory to the user of its most similar trajectory among all trajectories.

  • LDA: Linear Discriminant Analysis-based: LDA has demonstrated a great performance in many text classification tasks. In this paper, we embed the trajectory into one-hot vectors following the method proposed in [29], and then we use Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to decompose the within-class scatter matrix. We note that other alternative matrix solvers – e.g., eigenvalue decomposition and least squares – have also been tested but are not reported here due to their lower performance in comparison with SVD in our experiments.

  • SVM: Support Vector Machine: We applied SVM on trajectory embeddings as a multi-class classifier. We observed that the linear kernel shows a superior performance over the other kernels such as RBF and Gaussian.

  • Hidden Markov Model (HMM): A classical dynamic Bayesian network in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved hidden states.

  • Random Forest (RF): We utilize the multi-class classification algorithm based on random forest to predict the generator for each trajectory.

  • Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT): GBDT is a boosting-based machine learning model that ensembles a set of ”weak classifiers” for classifying trajectories, and is widely used in competitions such as Kaggle and KDDCup.

  • Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP): An MLP constitutes the simplest and most traditional architecture for classification.

We note that TULER also has five variants based on different types of RNN models, one layer of RNN with LSTM or GRU (TULER-LSTM and TULER-GRU), stacked RNNs (TULER-LSTM-S and TULER-GRU-S) and Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-TULER).

We omit the comparison to another recent work TULVAE [57], which addresses the TUL problem with hierarichical variational autoencoders [26] in a semi-supervised manner, due to the unfair comparison reason, i.e., TGAN learns the underlying human mobility in a totally unsupervised manner. Furthermore, there is a fundamental difference between TGAN and TULVAE: TGAN is a trajectory generation method aiming at augmenting the sparse LBSN dataset with synthetic trajectories, while TULVAE tries to addressing the data sparsity problem by leveraging the unlabeled data.

To illustrate the benefits of TGAN, we compare it with two baselines that could be used to generate individual trajectories. The first one is continuous-time Random Walk (RW) [9] which samples randomly from the visited POIs of individuals at each time step. The second model is Markov Chain (MC) which we learn the adjacent POI transition probability to generate trajectories.

5.4 Results on trajectory-user linking

We first report the experimental results on Trajectory-User Linking.

5.4.1 Empirical results

Before delving into the details of the performance comparisons between our proposed approach and baselines, we first visualize the outcomes of randomly selecting several trajectories from two different datasets and their predicted users using TULER (See Fig. 4). Figures 4a and c show that TULER successfully identifies the trajectories produced by user No.119 and No.19, respectively. However, it fails to do so for the trajectories generated by user No. 79 and No. 97 in Fig. 4b and d (marked as red ×). This is mainly due to the extreme sparsity of the sequences, with only 1 or 2 check-ins involved. This is a still an open and challenging problem in TUL. That is, how can we understand the sparse check-in trajectories? A natural idea is to incorporate more characteristics of trajectories and the first extensions would be to include the timestamps of check-ins (which might help reduce the complexity).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Examples of inferring users of trajectories using TULER

Table 2 lists the common guidelines of choosing values for parameters as well as the optimal ones, tuned for both TULER and baselines. The results in the rest of this section are reported based on these optimal parameter values (unless otherwise specified).

Table 2 The list of parameters and values used in this paper

5.4.2 Performance comparison

The performance comparison between TULER and baselines (the best is shown in bold, and the second best is underlined) are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 for Gowalla and Brightkite, respectively.

Table 3 Performance of various methods on the dataset of Gowalla
Table 4 Performance of various methods on the dataset of Brightkite

We observe that on Gowalla dataset, our model TULER with Bidirectional LSTM consistently outperforms the other methods in terms of accuracy, while the TULER with one layer of LSTM achieves the best result with respect to the Macro-F1 metric. Specifically, Bi-TULER yields 36.9%, 28.1% and 13.8% improvement compared to LCSS, LDA and SVM on ACC@5 metric.

Similar performance by TULER also holds on the Brightkite dataset. As can be seen, TULER-LSTM and Bi-TULER achieve the best and the second best results in terms of accuracy, respectively. LDA obtains the highest Macro-F1, but TULER based methods still achieve comparable results.

We note that we have observed something counter-intuitive in the results: namely, the stacked TULER (such as stacked LSTM and GRU) – which primarily aims at capturing characteristics of longer trajectory sequences – actually falls behind the one layer TULER, as well as the Bi-TULER (although each of them outperforms the baselines). A possible explanation is that the trajectory segmentation in TULER has truncated the original long trajectories into short sub-trajectories – whereas for longer trajectories, stacked TULER performs the best.

One could be tempted to hypothesize that the length of the trajectory is what affects the performance of TULER – however, upon running additional experiments we observ that the situation is more complicated, as illustrated by Fig. 5. Firstly, after the truncation (i.e., within 6 hours), most of the trajectories have ≤ 6 POIS. This may have some intuitive justification in the sense that most individuals would not check-in to more than 6 POIs within 6 hours. Secondly, one can not readily claim that there is a simple relationship between the length of the trajectories and TUL results. One of the main reasons is that the lenght of the trajectories is not evenly distributed – i.e., the number of trajectories in the dataset significantly decreases with the trajectories’ length (cf. Fig. 5a). This, in turn, implies that one cannot simply claim that the performance of TUL will decrease with the trajectory length. We also note that the impact of the length is twofold: (1) the longer the trajectory, the more context/patterns we can draw from the training data – and, therefore the better performance of TUL; (2) the performance of the TULERs, which are RNN based models, may decrease with the length of the trajectories (c.f Fig. 5b), especially when the testing trajectories are very different than the training data. Thus, in additoin to sophisticated TULER models, improving the TUL performance may require investigating the dependies on dataset characteristics.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Impact of trajectory length (Gowalla). The X-axes in both sub-figures indicate the length in terms of 6-hours segments

5.4.3 Model robustness

Some parameters like the number of iterations and learning rate might have significant impact on the model performance. Figure 6 illustrates that the accuracy of TULER is proportional to the number of iterations. In addition, a small value of learning rate (e.g., 0.95 × 10− 3 ) can obtain a higher classification accuracy.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Sensitivity of parameters under TULER-LSTM

5.5 Results on trajectory generation

We now present our evaluation of the effects of TDA solution for the TUL problem.

5.5.1 Case study

We first present a visualization study of several trajectories from Geolife dataset and the effect of TGAN. Figure 7 illustrates: (a) A successful TUL case: a dense trajectory by user No.35. (b) A Failed TUL case: some check-ins with red ‘×’ marked are not correctly linked to their user No.62. (c) A generated trajectory using TGAN for user No.62 (dashed arrows). (d) TGAN incorporates the generated trajectory in (c) into training and successfully link all check-ins in (b) to user No.62 (equivalently classify the trajectory into user No.62). The Bi-directional RNN is employed for TUL here.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Visualization examples of using TGAN to improve TUL on Geolife data

5.5.2 Quantitative observations

We also quantitatively evaluate the model performance in terms of ACC@K and micro-F1 on three datasets. Bi-TULER is chosen since it is proved to perform well overall from previous results. Table 5 summarizes the following observations: (1) TGAN improves the TUL accuracy across all TUL methods with generating adversarial trajectories. The improvement originates from learning the underlying individual trajectory distribution and augmenting the size of training data, which supports our initial motivation; (2) the performance of TGAN relies on individual motion patterns and the characteristics of datasets. For example, TGAN greatly improved the TUL results on Geolife dataset especially using Bi-directional RNN – 88.6% for ACC@1 and 155.6% for Macro-F1. The reason is that the trajectories in Geolife are densely and periodically distributed, compared to the sparse check-ins in Gowalla and Brightkite; although, as can be observed, TGAN still achieves satisfactory improvement on the later two datasets.

Table 5 Performance comparison of Trajectory-User Linking (TUL) on three datasets

There still remains one question not answered yet: the quality of generated trajectories for TUL comparing to some heuristic methods, such as Random Walk (RM) and Markov Chain (MC) methods. The results, illustrated in Fig. 8, demonstrate the superiority of TGAN on TUL in terms of ACC@1 for all three datasets. Note that it requires time for TGAN to achieve the best performance while learning the underlying mobility patterns – which also means that as the training proceeds, TGAN converges to an equilibrium between the generator and the discriminator.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Performance comparison of TUL using TGAN with two baselines: RW and MC

In fairness, we note that TGAN does have overheads in terms of running time for the training, in comparison with RW and MC. What we observed while running our experiments is that: (1) RW would only require a few seconds for sampling (i.e., generating) the trajectories; (2) MC model is also rather efficient in constructing the transition probability matrices (i.e., approximately 20-25 minutes); (3) TGAN, in contrast, would require up to a couple of hours of training time for matching the trajectories distribution and synthesizing the trajectories. However, in practice, the overhead of the offline training time in TGAN is amortized by the benefits of the accuracy offered when classifying a trajectory, as well as the relevant enrichment of the datasets.

6 Concluding remarks

We addressed the Trajectory-User Linking (TUL) problem – an important task for many LBSN applications, targeting the identification of potential users who could have generated location-based trajectories. We presented an RNN based model called TULER which, unlike traditional models mainly based on trajectory similarity measurement and classification, is designed to capture the dependency of check-ins and to infer the latent patterns of user-trajectory interactions. Experiments conducted on three publicly available datasets show that TULER achieves the significant performance improvement, when compared to state-of-the-art baselines.

In addition, to alleviate data sparsity problem during the training phase of TUL, we introduced the Trajectory Distribution Approximation (TDA) problem and proposed the TGAN – a generative adversarial samples-based individual trajectory generation algorithm. TGAN learns the underlying moving patterns of the users, aiming to improve the performance of identifying human mobility. TGAN is a first attempt towards addressing the TDA problem and, as demonstrated, it can be an effective way with augmenting the training trajectories in location-based datasets.

Our ongoing works focuses on two aspects. Firstly, we would like to improve the TGAN performance to target different applications in a more context-aware manner about the datasets – e.g., LBSN in regular vs. abnormal circumstances, such as crowd after concerts or games [36, 52]. Secondly, we plan to investigate the issue of formally incorporating the uncertainty in the TUL problem [19].