1 Introduction

This study examines how to geo-parse social media data to make it more readily usable for applications such as tracking news events, political unrest, or disaster response by providing a geographic overview. Our algorithm suite could be a companion to ones that mine social media streams for user opinions, health trends, or political opinions, for example.

Microblogs are one form of social media. Microblogging services include Orkut, Jaiku, Pownce, Yammer, Plurk and Tumblr, as well as Twitter. Their text is “micro” because the entries are short. To conform to space constraints, the writing is often abbreviated, and informal. The Twitter limit is 140 characters, or about 25 words. We use data from Twitter, the second most popular social network as of this writing, and the ninth most popular site on the entire web.Footnote 1

1.1 Geoparsing location and significant applications

Geoparsing is the process of automatically identifying locations named within text. Examples of geoparsers are the Yahoo! Placemaker, MetaCarta, the geoparser for the Drupal content management system, and the Unlock system from the University of Edinburgh.Footnote 2 These parse mostly toponyms, which we define as gazetteer-type entries of towns, cities, states, provinces and countries.

“Location” comes from the Latin lōcatiō, which translates roughly as place or site of something that happens. This is relevant since our premier application is disaster response, and many disaster response-related tweets give location to show where a disaster happened. We held a preliminary investigation into precisely what constitutes a location in a Twitter message. We asked people to tag locations in 300 messages, and we developed a definition of location in part based on the results of this pilot study [6].

The solution our algorithm provides is novel. It does what others do not by identifying not only toponyms, but also local streets and buildings. It is for this reason that we do not use one of the standard geo-tagged corpora as are mentioned in [14]. Applications such as the system to mine microblogs for local event information [34], and the earthquake detection system that uses Twitter to map the bounds of an earthquake [23], recognize the need for greater location precision. In light of the informal nature of the medium, we identified places that might be misspelled or abbreviated, as might appear in Twitter messages [6].

Our algorithm parses location names. Other researchers have parsed words that have location significance, such as people’s names (Angela Merkel for Germany), demonyms (Irish for Ireland), events (Summer 2012 Olympics for London, England), dialect (“grandpappy,” used in Appalachian region of the U.S.). Even words without locational properties may be connected with regions [39]. These methods are legitimate means to locate messages, and at a later stage, might be combined with our place name approach to geo-locate a larger number of messages.

The more precise the location, the more precise the geographical maps describing events can be. Our focus and data sample concern crisis informatics. It has been shown that information search and spread intensifies during emergency events, and that the information produced by social media may be heterogeneous and scattered [32]. A review of social media for crisis informatics appears in [37].

1.2 Finding location of the social message author

We can geo-locate the author of the tweet by consulting the user-registered location or GPS-coordinates associated with the tweet. Data mining methods regularly resort to the user-registered location that accompanies a tweet. However, one study indicated that that field is completed by only 66 % of users, and when they do register, they might complete it at the level of city or state [7].

Those who tweet on GPS-enabled mobile devices may have precise latitude and longitude associated with the tweet if they opt for the service.Footnote 3 We found, however, that geographic coordinates accompanied only 0.005 % of a sample of the New Zealand earthquake tweets.Footnote 4 Those tweets that do come with geographic coordinates tend to be from platform-dependent applications such as UberSocial for the Android (formerly UberTwitter and Twidroyd), and Echofon for the iPhone and Mac.

1.3 Methodology: finding location of message content

We follow the artificial intelligence approach that combines intelligence from many shallow methods [21]. Our methods presently do not find hypotheses that compete because our work is still in progress and we are still experimenting with new techniques. If different techniques to find location did come up with competing hypotheses, we would find a confidence value for each result, to give the result location that exhibited the highest score the location that would be associated with the Twitter message. Our methods are lexico-semantic pattern recognition to identify streets and abbreviations, lexico-semantic matching enriched with gazetteer for spell checking and toponym identification, and machine learning for abbreviation disambiguation and to find buildings (through a third-party algorithm).

1.4 Importance of place references that are local

Types of tweets that tend to be rich in place names are news, commentary, and notices about events or problem areas. What types of tweets tend to include place names that are local? We have informally examined sets of 4000 or more tweets that were mined for a city (Pittsburgh in 2011), an event of large scale (2011 hurricane Irene that crossed several U.S. states), and a disaster of city scale (2011 earthquake in Christchurch, NZ; 2011 fire in Austin, Texas; 2010 and 2011 fires in California). We have found that only the city-scale crises are rich in reference to places that are local.

In what context do people tweet about local streets and buildings? Table 1 gives examples of disaster-related tweets with references to local places. Tweets were sent just following the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Table 1 Typical local place references in crisis-related tweets. Christchurch earthquake, New Zealand, 2011

While the total number of these local references is small, as shown in Table 2, the information could be important to disaster response. Preliminary inspection has shown that many of these are info-bearing messages that have been re-posted (re-tweeted), and are therefore shown by the Twitter cohort themselves to be significant or reliable. This could be a fruitful area of further study. A tweet can contain any number of terms in any of our four categories, but our Table 2 statistics assume that each term belonged to only one category.

Table 2 In tweets following the February 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake, percentages show how many of the 2000-tweets sampled include references to local streets and buildings, toponyms or abbreviations and acronyms
Table 3 Error analysis of buildings from the New Zealand training set, providing tweets and building names correctly and incorrectly identified, as well as building names missed by our algorithm

1.5 Questions guiding research

Our purpose is to find locations in Twitter messages, even if those locations are misspelled or abbreviated. We are particularly interested in geo-locating at the level of city and within a city. We seek references to places that are geo-locatable: named streets and addresses, buildings and urban spaces, in addition to neighborhoods, city, state and country toponyms, and abbreviations for any of these.

We combine lexico-semantic pattern recognition for the identification of streets and some buildings and abbreviations, along with conditional random fields (in third-party Named Entity Recognition software), and geo-matching from gazetteer resources to identify places. Our hybrid approach encompasses techniques that others have treated separately. Papers have appeared on what a location is [35], how to identify abbreviations [2, 19] vs. how to identify acronyms [4, 20], how to identify possible disambiguation text [9] and how to choose the best disambiguation expansion [31].

Questions guiding our research are:

  • Can we automatically identify streets and street addresses?

  • Can we automatically identify geo-locatable local buildings and urban spaces?

  • Can we automatically identify local places referenced by abbreviations as might be found in space-constrained, informal microtext?

Key contributions of this paper include a multi-faceted approach to identifying local streets, buildings and place abbreviations in Twitter messages. The paper proceeds with a review of related work. Next we describe the data we used for this study, and we introduce our research with our working definition of location. Then we present the architecture of our geoparsing algorithm, followed by a detailed description of how the algorithm works (with a step-by-step presentation in Appendix 1 and 2). We present sample output that demonstrates strengths and weaknesses of our algorithm and discuss means to optimize. We describe our evaluation on unseen tweets, and compare the results to that produced by a standard geoparser, Yahoo Placemaker, along with statistics showing algorithm effectiveness. We acknowledge limitations, and conclude with suggestions for future work.

2 Related work: identifying location

Geo-parsing is a form of information retrieval (Geo-IR). There are various approaches to retrieve, or in this case, identify, locations. This section is organized around the question of how location words are identified: according to syntax (NER), terms or objects or people associated with a location, exact match with location words in a gazetteer, or inference from encyclopedia reference or by probabilistic matching between location abbreviation or acronym and the extended word or phrase that serves to disambiguate.

2.1 Geo-locating text based on classifying noun types (NER)

Geo-parsing entails identifying types of locations. Identifying locations is a sub-problem of identifying all named entities, and so extracting location is often discussed in the context of Named Entity Recognition (NER). The proper nouns which represent locations may be extended to languages, events or landmarks associated with locations such as “French” or “Eiffel Tower” for France [13, 34] and may be identified by combining a K-Nearest Neighbor classifier with a linear Conditional Random Fields classifier to find named entities. The Liu et al. method achieved an F1 of 78.5 % for location entities in tweets [17, p.365]. Named Entity Recognition evaluation is typically cited in terms of recall and precision. Some systems allow the recall–precision spectrum to be shifted toward either end of the spectrum, since setting one factor high tends to sacrifice the other. Standard Named Entity Recognition tools perform less well on microtext than on text, and a Latent Dirichlet Algorithm has been found to achieve fairly good results [30].

2.2 Geo-locating text based on language models

Kinsella et al. [12] draw upon the language modeling approach of Ponte and Croft [29] to create a function to describe probabilistic distribution. The Kinsella group estimated the distribution of terms associated with a location, and then estimated the probability that a tweet was associated with that location. Their language model approach succeeded at the city level at up to 65 % accuracy, but returned results at the neighborhood level in only 24 % of cases (pp. 65–66). Eisenstein et al. built a model to predict the region of the tweet author according to author’s choice of vocabulary and slang. Their model could identify authors to the correct state in 24 % of cases [5]. Cheng et al. used a language model to identify the region of the tweet’s author to within 100 miles of the author’s actual location, and the model worked for 51 % of authors [3].

2.3 Geo-locating text based on gazetteer matching

Lieberman et al. provided a survey of geolocation methods for text [15], although there are specific methods that have been used for Twitter. Paradesi combined Named Entity Recognition and gazetteer methods in her TwitterTagger [26]. The system first assigned part-of-speech tags to find proper nouns, and then compared noun phrases per tweet to the United States Geological Survey gazetteer to identify locations. The system identified nouns that seemed to be places by looking for a spatial indicator such as a preposition found before the location name. TwitterTagger research does not consider what sorts of places are found in tweets, however, and therefore does not account for abbreviations.

2.4 Geo-locating text by association with related geo-tagged documents

Watanabe et al. identified local places to the level of specificity of a building, generating their own gazetteer of places with geographic coordinates by extracting place names from geo-tagged Japanese tweets [38]. They used the information from the geo-tagged tweets to identify places named in tweets that do not have geotags, and they grouped tweets according to shared topic keywords that were generated within a short time and within a limited geographic area. Their system detected local events to an accuracy of 25.5 %. Jung proposed that location for a tweet could be inferred by merging Twitter conversations between people into a single document and using associations among individual tweets to improve recognition of location and other entities [10].

2.5 Geo-locating by association with author’s geographic coordinates

Event-based detection systems that use Twitter may rely on individual tweet geo-referencing, as in the Mapster system [18], and the TwitInfo system [19]. The problem is that this Twitter-provided feature is voluntary and few people use it presently, so only a tiny fraction of tweets include latitude and longitude.

2.6 Geo-locating text based on abbreviations and acronyms

Geo-locating text given only location abbreviation or acronym entails first identifying abbreviations and acronyms, and then disambiguating them. An earlier paper by Park and Byrd [27] considered the combination of finding and disambiguating abbreviations, although identifying and disambiguating abbreviations and acronyms are commonly separate research topics.

2.6.1 Identifying abbreviations

Abbreviations in microtext may differ from those in full length documents in that the microtext abbreviations might be lower case without punctuation, and might squeeze non-standard word shortenings to fit the microtext space limit. Pennell and Liu [28, p.5366] defined three forms of abbreviation: those made by character deletion (ex: tmor—for “tomorrow”), substitution (2nite—for “tonight”), or some combination of deletion and substitution (2sday—for “Tuesday”). In the geographical abbreviations that are our focus, our data exhibits mostly the abbreviation by deletion with letters missing.

The often non-standard form of microtext abbreviations makes creating a match list an imperfect strategy, although that was the method used for document abbreviations by Ammar et al. who created a list of abbreviations plus their expansions from the Internet [2], and Vanopstal et al. who disambiguated medical abbreviations based on each article’s abstract [36]. A match list of standard abbreviations and Twitter abbreviations is of limited help.

Instead, to identify location abbreviations and acronyms, we followed the method of Adriani and Paramita [1]. Our algorithm checks before and after each word for cues such as prepositions (in, near, to), or compass direction (west, south), or distance (5 km from). We save instances found with these heuristics to use in a second pass over the same data in order to find abbreviation instances that do not benefit from context.

2.6.2 Disambiguating abbreviations and acronyms

Figuring out what an abbreviation stands for is called abbreviation expansion or disambiguation. Difficulties with this task include that a single abbreviation may stand for more than one concept. Worse, in Twitter, the full form of the abbreviation might be stated nowhere. One approach is that of Jung, who linked tweets to find disambiguation data [10]. This approach has already proven its utility in that Ireson and Ciravegna [9] showed that they could achieve better results resolving locations in social media when they included social network data. In our case, we mine for candidate disambiguation word(s) in any tweet from 1 to 5 days prior to the tweet with the abbreviation or acronym.

Pairing the mined abbreviation/acronyms with disambiguation candidates is generally accomplished by supervised learning. We created a system which learns rules from training examples of how to pair abbreviations and acronyms with their expansions. The problem has been attempted using Conditional Random Fields [16], Maximum Entropy modeling [25], Hidden Markov Models [33], the Tilburg Memory-Based Learner [4], and Support Vector Machines and other classifiers [22]. The selection of the appropriate long form for the short form has been accomplished in the limited domain of programming code using a most frequent expansion (MFE) technique so see how many times a short form was matched to a long form [8]. It has also been solved using scored rules [24], but this was in medical texts where the abbreviations are mostly standard.

3 Study data

Because we intend that one of the uses of local parsing of tweets will be to aid in disaster response and recovery, we selected tweets from a 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, and a 2011 wildfire in Austin, Texas in the United States. Our data represent a random sample from Twitter’s publically available Spritzer feed, that itself represents only a fraction of Twitter messages. The data include some repetitive posts of the same message, by the same or different people, called “retweets”. Since even a small alteration in a retweet precludes it from duplicating an earlier tweet, we did not remove retweets. In addition, retweets can provide us with more information about the significance of the topic being tweeted because if many people post the same message, it is likely important.

Our Christchurch tweets were collected using either the #eqnz hashtagFootnote 5 or tweets whose user-registered location is Christchurch, New Zealand, and time-stamped from noon (a little more than an hour before the earthquake), to 5:24 pm local time after the earthquake. Our annotated data was just less than 4000 tweets following the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake. We developed the algorithm based on 1987 of these New Zealand tweets, leaving 2000 tweets for algorithm evaluation. Our Austin tweets were collected on the basis of at least one of the keywords “TX, Texas, Austin, Bastrop, evacuate, fire” that were tweeted between September 5–7, 2011.

4 Our definition of place in tweet context

4.1 Arriving at a definition of location in tweet text

Our definition of location in a tweet is based upon our preliminary study [6]. We used a sort of grounded theory approach in arriving at a definition, so that instead of hypothesizing a definition, we let the data speak for itself. We gave participants a few hundred tweets and asked them to tag what they believed to be locations. Then we discussed discrepancies among their resulting tags. From this study, we (1) arrived at a definition of place in a tweet, and (2) developed instructions as to how to assign location to a tweet to guide further annotations and ensure consistency.

4.2 Examples of location in a tweet

Locations may appear as nouns (sometimes misspelled), or adjectives, or possessives. Examples below show each of our location categories as they appear in actual tweets. Distance or direction are included along with the building, toponym or abbreviation for added precision. Footnote 6

Streets or addresses

  • 18 Bismark Dr.

  • The 4 avenues

Buildings or urban spaces

  • BNZ in Riccarton

  • Art Gallery bus stop


  • Wisconsin’s

  • New Zealand News Service

  • #Christichurch

  • Canterbury residents

  • Dunedin City council

  • Takapuwahia

  • “Christchurch” welcomes you

  • 10 miles SE of Newhall

Place abbreviations or acronyms

  • LA

  • AKL (Auckland)

  • U.K.

  • 10 km SE of Chch

The above examples are clearly recognizable as place names—except for the metonym (“Christchurch welcomes you”). Metonyms are figures of speech in which one concept substitutes for another. Metonyms for place names are particularly common, in that place names may substitute, for example, for the people who live in a place, or for the government of a place. Leveling and Hartrumpf [13] have a method to recognize metonyms, but it requires context, which is thin in Twitter. We believe that the artificial intelligence required to disentangle metonym from place name given the limited tweet context would be considerable, and so present research considers these as place names. Besides, human annotators did not invariably distinguish between metonym and actual place, so we allow the algorithm to do the same. Lieberman and Samet [14] also considered metonyms to be toponyms.

4.3 What does not constitute a location for the purposes of data mining?

Excluded from our definition of location are vague place references such as “city center”, “uptown” or “downtown.” They are not readily geo-locatable because their boundaries are not easily agreed upon. Our algorithm therefore does not mine such references.

Places that cannot be geo-located without more information

  • central city

  • in the burbs

  • welfare centres

  • tower junction

  • cordoned off area

  • a garden

  • a dead end street

  • a Christchurch mansion

Part of a URL or @mention

  • @SkyNewsAust (“Aust” for Australia is not a place)


  • Aussies


  • “city” (when it is implied but not stated that the city refers to Christchurch)

  • places preceded by a possessive pronoun (mine, their), relative pronoun (which, what), demonstrative pronoun (this)

Our definition of location presently does not include instances of “city,” even though we know by reading the tweet that, in most cases, “the city” refers to the city where the event is occurring. This problem is known as co-reference analysis, and has been handled in the general case by off-the-shelf packages such as the Illinois co-reference package, or the BART co-reference resolution package if sufficient context is available.Footnote 7

5 Method

The diagram (Fig. 1) shows the flow of tweet data through the geoparsing algorithm. The diagram starts with an interface to allow users to enter search parameters for the tweets, although presently the tweets are pre-collected. Processing includes the identification of streets, buildings and toponyms, and location abbreviations. These steps are sequential. The next version of the algorithm, however, has been designed so that the steps execute concurrently for faster execution (see footnote 18). The output consists only of those tweets which have mined locations, along with the location word(s).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Diagram shows flow of tweets through our algorithm

The street, building and spell-check are in Java, with an abbreviation script in Python, since this is a coding language well-suited to text manipulation. The tweets are in JSON originally, and we use a .txt file with one tweet per line as input to our algorithm. We run the algorithms in sequence, and each time the data is processed, we send results listing the tweet and all location matches we were able to find. The abbreviation module output indicates which abbreviation disambiguates to which long word.

6 Local geo-parsing

The purpose of our algorithm, as mentioned in the Introduction, is to geo-locate tweet content so that a tweet can be associated with as precise a location as possible. This section describes our algorithm’s external resources and processing method. It then gives examples from preliminary processing to show what worked initially and what we improved before we ran an evaluation.

6.1 Lexico-semantic approach for streets, buildings, toponyms (detail in Appendix 2)

Three separate processes identify streets, buildings and toponyms. The streets and to some extent buildings are identified by means of lexico-semantic pattern recognition. The toponyms are identified by means of gazetteer matching as well as open-source Named Entity Recognition software. Mis-spellings are corrected through an open-source spell check program.

External resources

We have selected resources for their compactness rather than their comprehensiveness to optimize processing. Selection of more comprehensive resources should yield as least as good if not better results, although additional optimization strategies would be needed to gain processing speed.

Dictionaries, etc.

External resources include dictionaries and word lists. We use an English dictionary to distinguish between location abbreviations and words that are fewer than six characters. We use also an abbreviation dictionary, a Twitter dictionary, and a list of building types.Footnote 8 The place list contains all entries from New Zealand and Australia from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) gazetteer that is used in conjunction with a filter list of common words. This is so that place names that are common words, such as Lawrence, New Zealand, will not be mistaken for the first name Lawrence which might occur more frequently in the data than the place of the same name.

Third party programs that are part of the algorithm include the Named Entity Recognition software OpenCalais, a Part of Speech Tagger developed specifically for Twitter, (see footnote 19) and a spell check algorithm.

Spell check

The procedure starts with a third-party spell correction algorithm. We experimented with the Java implementation of the Norvig algorithm,Footnote 9 and our preliminary tests have shown it to work well identifying mis-spellings in tweets. We fortify the spell check with (a) gazetteer entries from the county or counties of the event and with (b) buildings, urban spaces and streets from the data set that appear several times (we require three or more repetitions of the same place name so that we do take a mis-spelling as a name).

Examples of how the spell correction algorithm is working:

figure c

Our algorithm retains both the given and the corrected spelling of a word to check against the gazetteer as potential matches. That way, if the spell check algorithm made a change, even if the change were wrong, we would have an alternative spelling to look for matches with the gazetteer.


This is a Named Entity Recognition (NER) open source software with a web service API from Thomson Reuters. We use it to find buildings, or what OpenCalais calls “facilities,” as well as toponyms. We supplemented it with a building types list from Wikipedia so that it would find a wider range of buildings.Footnote 10 OpenCalais is useful because it can identify locations that aren’t in our gazetteer and it can automatically disambiguate standard location abbreviations (e.g. UK to United Kingdom). Problems with OpenCalais are that it seems to rely very heavily on capitalization of words, and capitalization is not always grammatical in Twitter messages. Because the “micro” shortenings of microblogs encourage the use of clipped, ungrammatical sentences, aspects of OpenCalais that rely on sentence structure tend to fail. We found that we were able to improve results by matching against our own building list.

6.2 Machine learning for abbreviations and acronyms (detailed in Appendix 1)

Identify short words

The algorithm disqualifies as abbreviations those short words that match to the dictionary, and it disqualifies abbreviations that are not place-related by matching against dictionaries of abbreviations. It uses tweet context to indicate which abbreviations are place-related. Cues are preceding prepositions, semantic proximity to a cardinal direction (NE, south, etc.), or semantic proximity to a distance term (yard, mile, kilometer, etc.). Once an abbreviation is recognized as place abbreviation, it is retained and added to a match list so that the same abbreviation lacking context will be identified correctly.

Identify disambiguation phrases

We identify candidate disambiguation phrases according to time, mining tweet text that is time stamped before the time stamp of the tweet with the abbreviation. Candidate phrases that include verbs, according to the part-of-speech tagger, are disqualified, as we are searching for location names, of which most are nouns. Preliminary examination indicated that location names include verb only rarely. Note that this method of gathering disambiguation phrases has been discontinued in the next version of the algorithm since an inadequate number of disambiguation phrases was found.

The next step was to use a classifier to associate the mined abbreviations and acronyms with the correct disambiguation text. The New Zealand tweet sample contained insufficient examples to train a classifier. Because we sought non-standard location abbreviations as are found in the space-constrained Twitter rather than using abbreviation lists for states, countries and postal codes, we needed to create our own examples. Some of our training data is included in Appendix 3.

Machine learning attributes

We do not know automatically whether the short word mined is an abbreviation (bldg. → building) or acronym (ESB → Empire State Building). Hence, we created attributes for both, and included both in the training data. A full list of the attributes we devised appears in Appendix 1. Examples of attributes are “first letter match” (for either abbreviation or acronym), “second letter word match” in which the second letter of the short word corresponds to the second letter of the disambiguation phrase (for acronym), and “same order of letters” (for either abbreviation or acronym).

Machine learning training data

Abbreviations and acronyms we created follow rules of abbreviation such as the short word preserves the order of the full word, and rules of acronym such as the first letter of each word of the long corresponds to each letter of the short, minus stop words.Footnote 11 We created 406 non-standard abbreviations for locations. We aimed for abbreviations and acronyms that were not entirely novel, so we checked by searching Twitter and the web to verify that the abbreviation we had created had been used by at least one person previously.

Machine learning algorithm

We used the C4.5 decision tree algorithm (the earlier version of J48 in Weka) to classify short words with candidate long words, and create a model we can use to pair short with long words. We then use the per-node probabilities in the decision tree to rank matches at every node such that each abbreviation will have a best match disambiguation, aiming for the correct disambiguation to be ranked the highest. Creating a classifier with the same attributes but with a much larger set of training data would create a classification model that is more generalizable.


Our classifier model achieves 87.9 % accuracy, with the number of instances at 406. The accuracy statistic is (True positive + True negative)/(True positive + True negative + False positive + False negative). Weka produces a kappa statistic corresponding to the accuracy of 0.748. A statistic of 1.0 would be complete agreement of instances with classes, so our model is quite good.

6.3 Approach examined via error analysis of training data

We ran training data iteratively, performing a separate error analysis for identification of buildings, streets, toponyms and abbreviations. When we conducted each error analysis, we considered whether we could correct not just a particular error (which would be overfitting), but whether we could anticipate and prevent similar errors, without introducing other types of errors.

In Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 below for streets, buildings, toponyms and abbreviations, we provide an equal number of type 1 and type 2 errors as demonstration, although this balance is not statistically representative of errors found in our training data.

Table 4 Error analysis of streets from the New Zealand training set that shows street names correctly and incorrectly identified, as well as streets that have been missed by our algorithm
Table 5 Error analysis of toponyms from the New Zealand training tweets that were correctly and incorrectly identified, as well as toponyms that our algorithm missed
Table 6 Location abbreviations and acronyms from the New Zealand training tweets that our algorithm has mined correctly and incorrectly

Table  3 shows errors in identifying buildings. Overall, our building errors were mostly type 1 omissions. We missed in many cases the first of two buildings that were named in conjunctive pairs (building y and building z, for example). Our algorithm made type 2 errors when it mined non-specific buildings from the building types list that we did not consider geolocatable. We reduced this error by adding a rule that we do not mine a building word if it is unmodified and is the first word in a tweet.

The complete analysis of streets showed that we were identifying every instance of the abbreviation of “saint” as a street name. This we fixed by downloading a list of saints’ namesFootnote 12 and adding the rule that if a saint’s name is found after “st,” the word should not be identified as a street. Saints’ names will not be a point of confusion in all countries, so this is not a core problem for algorithm generalizability.

Some errors with the building as well as the street routines were solved by greater attention to punctuation. Initially, we stripped the original tweets of punctuation before processing, but this led to mining phrases illogically. Once we preserved splits made by periods, colons, semicolons, and parentheses, we took fewer false positives.

A more difficult problem is algorithmic identification of streets and roads that are non-specific. The heuristic that we do not mine a phrase as a street if the street indicator word is preceded by a preposition or short word prevents only a fraction of these errors. So, for example, none of these were identified as streets or roads: “down to street,” “end street,” “due to road,” “information about road”. Even with these fixes, our errors in street identification are predominantly false positives. Some examples from the training set appear in Table 4.

The algorithm finds toponyms both using OpenCalais and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency gazetteer. In the case of identifying toponyms and abbreviations, our errors are mostly omission errors (type 1), as shown in Tables 5 and 6. Toponym misses mostly are the result of references to toponyms (such as Hornby and Ferrymead in Table 5) that are not in the gazetteer. We added a local gazetteer to reduce the number of omissions.

Our approach to identifying abbreviations performed well, but in some cases was unable to distinguish which abbreviations were locations. We added a line of code so that an abbreviation identified more than three times as a place (by following a place preposition or proximal to a cardinal direction or distance word) is added to a match list of place abbreviations. Examples of errors from our training set appear in Table 6.

Our approach to disambiguating the abbreviations was flawed by the fact that the correct disambiguation result might be present, without invariably listing first. To bring the best disambiguation word or phrase to the top, therefore, we introduced part of speech tagging, where disambiguation phrases with verbs were excluded,Footnote 13 and disambiguation phrases were preferred that included geographical regions (gazetteer matches) or geographical features (hill, mount, heights, etc.).

7 Evaluation experiments

7.1 Creating the gold standard for tweet geo-tags

A manually-created gold standard for locations that appear in the Christchurch, New Zealand, and Austin, Texas, USA tweet data sets is used to score the algorithm. This section describes how we created the gold standard, and how we demonstrated coding reliability.

Each of two participants was given the same set of tweets and a blank spreadsheet with columns for street, building, toponym, and abbreviation. Each participant was given also the same instructions as to what constitutes a location in a tweet (as arrived at by preliminary testing), and examples of what to include in each category. They completed their location coding independently. (Tweets without locations have no location codes.) Then their codes were assembled into a spreadsheet for tweet-by-tweet comparison.

An independent adjudicator determined the location(s) when the two participants did not assign the same location(s) to a tweet. The adjudicator thus considered more carefully the tweets in which locations were found than those in which locations were not found, and this might have been the source of some omission error. The adjudicator decided discrepancies between the two participants’ codes based upon the instructions (also given the participant coders) that defined a location in a tweet. Many of the discrepancies, however, seem to be that one coder had simply overlooked a location that the other coder had noticed. The adjudicated list of locations in the tweets is referred to as the gold standard.

7.2 Demonstrating the gold standard’s reliability with intra-coder agreement

We wish to show that the adjudicated annotations are consistent among themselves within a tweet set, measuring intra- rather than inter-coder agreement. The same adjudicator worked with both tweet sets. Thus, reliability with one set suggests reliability among both sets.

We tested reliability by asking the adjudicator to annotate the same 500-tweet subset of the participants’ coded data at two different times, with a 6-week interval between. The interval between the coding sessions was long enough that the tweet codes would not remain in memory.

We allowed partial agreement to count favorably in considering whether the adjudicated codes from the two sessions were actually in agreement. We count 60 % similarity or higher as agreement, as is found in larger decision-making where a majority rather than a unanimity is required.Footnote 14 Note that in comparing the codes for these two sessions, most of the codes did match exactly, and in some instances, the codes matched, but their categorization (as toponym vs. building, for example) did not. These were included within the 60 % partial agreement in that what the adjudications are measuring ultimately are not categories but the coded locations themselves. The algorithm does not output location in categories at all—the categories are introduced only to compare relative accuracy among the different types of location-mining.

The percentage accuracy between the two sessions appears in Table 7.

Table 7 Evaluation of per-tweet intra-coder consistency for the adjudicated annotations with a 6-week interval between the coding sessions (N=500)

Percentage accuracy is a fairly weak measure of reliability in that it does not account for agreement owing to chance in this particular data set. Nor does percentage accuracy account for the uneven distribution of location codes across the street, building, toponym and abbreviation categories.

We used percentage accuracy because the kappa statistic often used to measure rater agreement is not recommended to measure reliability owing to the nature of the codes and how we score the codes, and owing to the nature of the data itself. The nature of the codes is such that there are very many different location codes in especially the toponym category which might affect the calculation of kappa. Per-tweet scoring of location codes allows a partial match (with 60 % agreement) to be counted as a match if it does not fit kappa rigor. In addition, the many more tweets without location than with location, and hence without codes, would reduce the value of kappa, in an effect known as “prevalence”.Footnote 15

The number of people performing the coding independently, the adherence to a formerly arrived at definition of location in a tweet, along with the demonstration of reliability of intra-coder adjudications demonstrate the gold standard’s reliability.

7.3 Scoring the algorithm output

Precision and recall

Information retrieval can be scored by match with an accepted standard using precision and recall statistics, and their combination into the F measure. Definitions are:

\( \mathrm{Precision}=\frac{tp }{tp+fp } \) :

tp = true positive, fp = false positive

\( \mathrm{Recall}=\frac{tp }{tp+fn } \) :

tp = true positive, fn = false negative

$$ \mathrm{F} =\frac{\ 2\ \mathrm{P}\mathrm{R}}{{\ \mathrm{P} + \mathrm{R}}} $$

Location categories for scoring

The algorithm output is tweet + location(s). However, we divided the manual output results into separate categories for streets, buildings, toponyms, and abbreviations so that we could score each part of the algorithm separately. After which, the four separate parts are averaged in a combined score.

Difficulties in scoring by category are that some names are found in multiple location categories. For example, Stone Oak simultaneously names a street (Stoneoak Drive in Texas), a building (the Stone Oak Ranch apartments in Austin, Texas), and a toponym (a neighborhood in Round Rock, Texas). The statistics must be viewed with this in mind.

7.4 Results of our geo-parsing algorithm on unseen data

The algorithm attained the results in Table 8 on the New Zealand test set of tweets. The algorithm attained an F of .85 for streets, an F of .86 for buildings, an F of .96 for toponyms, and an F of .92 for abbreviations. We could take statistics separately for the spell correction portion of the algorithm. We explained above that the spell checker, fortified with a gazetteer, identifies words and place names it believes to be misspelled, as well as words that are clipped or multiple words together squashed without spaces as are sometimes found in Twitter. If we count words like “christch” and “christc” as misspellings (rather than abbreviations), we have a recall of 0.935. The spell check algorithm identified “Iadho” and corrected to “Idaho” one of the location words in the tweets, bringing its precision to 1. The spell check algorithm therefore performed at an F of 0.966 for the New Zealand tweet set.

Table 8 Tweets from the New Zealand testing set (N = 2000) evaluated against manually geo-tagged data with respect to Recall, Precision, and F Measure

7.4.1 Comparison of our algorithm to Yahoo Placemaker

Yahoo Placemaker is a geo-parsing service that tags location words in free text. We ran the same tweets through Placemaker to compare to our algorithm. Results appear in Table 9.

Table 9 Yahoo Placemaker results on the same New Zealand data set (N=2000) that we used to evaluate our algorithm

We are unable to score the precision (and therefore also the F measure) for Placemaker in identifying abbreviations because of the way that algorithm works. Placemaker does not output location abbreviations; instead, it outputs the toponym that correspond to those abbreviations. We can use the manual annotations to measure true positives (“place abbreviations found that are actually place abbreviations”) and false negatives (“place abbreviations that should have been found but were not”) that we require for recall. But we cannot determine the false positives (“abbreviations found that are not abbreviations for place”) that we require for measuring precision because these are not Placemaker output.

7.5 Our algorithm with another data set to show generalizability

We wish to show that our algorithm is effective when applied to another set of crisis tweets. We had hand-annotated a set of tweets from a 2011 fire in Austin, Texas, using the same annotation method as for the New Zealand set. The adjudicated annotations were used for scoring the algorithm. Results of the algorithm are in Table 10. The combined F for streets, buildings, toponyms and abbreviations and acronyms was 0.71. Our recall is low with respect to streets because our algorithm does not find Texas highways in the tweets, and such highways were absent in the training set we used to create the street-identification of the algorithm. Our recall is low for buildings because our heuristics are largely semantic and do not rely on syntax. We are correcting this difficulty in the subsequent version of the algorithm.

Table 10 Austin fire tweets from 2011 (N = 3331) demonstrates algorithm generalizability (combined BSTA of 0.71)

7.6 Results of the abbreviation disambiguation algorithm on unseen data

The use of precision in word sense disambiguation (WSD) systems is often scored using partial credit. We introduced partial credit of 0.5, between 1 (correct) and 0 (incorrect), in scoring for abbreviation disambiguation. We would give partial credit, for example, when the correct disambiguation word appears within the 5-word phrase presented as the result.

Our score for abbreviation disambiguation is low because the correct disambiguation word or phrase is not found in most tweets as a candidate to match to the abbreviation. Our results for the New Zealand tweet set (N = 2000) were 0.51 recall, and 0.49 precision, which gives an F of 0.50. We have removed this part of the routine in the subsequent version of the algorithm.

8 Discussion

8.1 Improving identification of places

Errors of omission (type 1)

Our heuristics in the building/street/toponym sub-routines do not use semantics to the extent that they could. Therefore, certain words that have non-geographic alternate meanings such as “park” or “square” must be omitted so that we do not find false positives. The result is that we do not find tweets that include references to such places.

Perhaps most important for the goal of the algorithm, we miss local places that are not found in the National Geospatial Agency gazetteer. We tried to correct this by including a more specific gazetteer from the domain region,Footnote 16 but this introduced a great many false positives, many of which were caught by our filter lists. Our next version of the algorithm uses a much more comprehensive gazetteer which will miss fewer local toponyms.

Errors of commission (type 2)

In one intended use of this algorithm for finding tweets with location information that are relevant to a crisis, errors of omission are more serious than errors of commission. This is because finding commission errors would entail finding places incorrectly output as errors by the algorithm, whereas finding omission errors would require returning to the tweets themselves to look for locations that were missed.

Errors of redundancy

We use both OpenCalais and an excerpt from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency gazetteer to find toponyms. Occasionally, the same toponym is found twice. But because we also collect locations on different hierarchical levels, such as Lyttelton Port, and Lyttelton, we cannot remove such repetitions. Redundancy errors may be corrected at the application level with the heuristic that if a tweet is mapped to a particular location, it should not map the same tweet to the same location more than once.

8.2 Extent to which our work will generalize

Our algorithm performed better on the testing set of Christchurch crisis tweets that resembled the training set (combined street, building, toponym, abbreviation F = 0.90) than on the crisis tweets from Austin, Texas (combined street, building, toponyn, abbreviation F = 0.71). We can improve results in the next generation of our algorithm by using techniques that rely more on syntax and machine learning than on lexico-semantic pattern recognition.

We expect that our work will be greatly useful to those mining microtext. The Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) added a microblog track in 2011, complete with a large database of tweets that may be downloaded for research purposes. Studies of Named Entity Recognition (NER) particular to Twitter are becoming more commonplace, and improved location recognition will help. We offer our hand-annotated tweets to other researchers for continued study.Footnote 17

9 Future work

We welcome others to propel this research by refining our work or going beyond. We plan to follow many of the research directions here.

9.1 User input

Present experiments use a pre-collected data set. A serviceable program, however, will ask the user to specify search parameters in the actual Twitter stream. For example, the user might input a city of interest, and time period and keyword or phrase. Tweets conforming to those parameters would then be geo-parsed.

9.2 Widening methods to geo-locate tweets

Many tweets have no indication of place. In the 3331-tweet subset of our Austin data set for which we have full metadata, 39.2 % of tweets have no location in tweet text, in user-registered location field or in GPS coordinates. We are beginning initial tests to use the social network to geo-locate messages.

9.3 Results display/visualization


The ultimate goal of this work is to place tweets on a map. The assignment of geographic coordinates is called geo-coding. We are experimenting with methods to assign the correct coordinates to a named place based on gazetteer lookup. How this will be done for streets and buildings requires further investigation.

Mapping to show relevance and uncertainty

We will be able to associate a location with a tweet to a degree of certainty. Moreover, some tweets have more than one location. Our map should reflect uncertainty in the tweet location, and it would be useful to limit the map to tweets that are relevant.

9.4 Run in close to real time

We intend to modify the algorithm so that it is able to process tweets in close to real time. Initial results have been encouraging, as we have been able to reduce processing time from minutes to seconds. Scaling up has required alterations to the two-module design, external resource management, and data load balancing.Footnote 18

9.5 Generalizability

Our approach could be adjusted to identify locations in tweets of other languages. Even so, differences in naming of streets and addresses among cultures must be respected. Many streets in Japan are not named, for example, and Japanese addresses might be written from largest to smallest geographical entity as opposed to the way addresses are written in the West.