1 Introduction

Quality evaluation of current source code artifacts of software releases can aid with quality predictions for future releases. For example, quality evaluation can be done by investigating the link between internal source code properties, such as complexity, and external quality attributes in current releases; this would help with predicting the risk levels of source code artifacts of varying complexity in future releases. Figure 1 shows the relationship between measurable internal source code properties and external quality attributes. The relationship between internal properties and external quality attributes is also highlighted in ISO/IEC-25010 (2010).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Relationship of internal and external attributes

Quality is a multidimensional and, quite too often, a context dependent concept. ISO/IEC-25010 (2010) provides different perspectives of quality and also describes characteristics that can be used to assess both internal and external software quality attributes. Quality in our context is expressed by the collective set of external software quality attributes that we gather from studies that show an empirical link between the attributes and measures.

Quantitative analysis of internal source code properties can be done using static or dynamic measures. Static measures are used during static analysis, i.e., analysis of the systems structure, and dynamic measures are used during dynamic analysis, i.e., evaluation of system behavior during execution (ISO/IEC/IEEE-24765 2010). In this study we conducted a systematic literature review on measures useful for static quantitative quality analysis of internal properties of source code of object-oriented systems. Dynamic measures were excluded in the review, as their performance heavily relies on the system and execution environment, hence their utility is very context dependent. Performance of static measures is less likely to be influenced by environmental factors and hence are more likely to be useful across more contexts than dynamic measures.

Software measures in general can be placed into three categories (Fenton and Pfleeger 1998): project measures (those associated with, for example, project activities and milestones), process measures (those used for measuring certain activities associated with the software development life-cycle e.g. development process) and product measures (i.e. those that measure the resultant artifacts from process activities, e.g. source code). In the context of our systematic literature review, the product is the source code of object-oriented systems. The product measures are measures that can be derived from analysis of internal properties of source code of such systems.

A plethora of studies have been conducted on object-oriented quantitative quality analysis. The aim of this study is two-fold. First, we identify and gather measures, obtainable from the source code of object-oriented systems, that have been empirically evaluated and linked to external quality attributes, or proxies of external quality attributes, of object-oriented systems. Second, we evaluate the consistency of the link between measures and external quality attributes across studies.

The remainder of this paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 outlines related work. Section 3 provides a description of the research methodology. The steps taken to identify primary studies are described in Section 4 and validity threats are presented in Section 5. Results and analysis are provided in Section 6 and Section 7, respectively. The discussion is presented in Section 8, and conclusions in Section 9.

2 Related Work

Fundamentally, structured programming principles differ from object-oriented programming paradigms. Since the emergence of object-orientation, measures tailored specifically for the paradigm have been proposed in literature. The most well-known sets of measures that emerged from the need to evaluate unique characteristics inherent in object-oriented systems are the Chidamber and Kemerer measures (Chidamber and Kemerer 1991; Chidamber et al. 1998), Lorenz and Kidd measures (Lorenz and Kidd 1994), MOOD measures (Abreu and Carapuça 1994; Abreu et al. 1995) and QMOOD measures (Bansiya and Davis 2002). The measures are summarized in Table 1 and the grouping used in the table is adapted from the categorization used by Bansiya and Davis (2002) for the QMOOD measures. Bansiya and Davis (2002) categorizes the QMOOD measures according to the properties quantified by the measures. Grouping for the other measurement suites in Table 1 is according to the description of each measure in (Chidamber and Kemerer 1991; 1994) for Chidamber and Kemerer measures, and in Abreu and Carapuça (1994) for MOOD measures, and in Harrison et al. (1997) for Lorenz and Kidd measures.

Table 1 Measurement suites and internal properties

2.1 Common Measurement Suites

2.1.1 Chidamber and Kemerer Measures

Chidamber and Kemerer (1991) proposed a measurement suite, commonly known as the C&K measurement suite, for measuring internal properties of object-oriented systems in 1991. The measures were developed after the empirical work conducted in collaboration with a company that was developing software using the object-oriented programming language C++. The intent for proposing the suite was to provide a set of measures for quantitatively evaluating complexity and size aspects that are inherit in object-oriented systems (Chidamber and Kemerer 1991).

2.1.2 Lorenz and Kidd Measures

Lorenz and Kidd (1994) proposed measures, often referred to as the L&K suite, for evaluating external characteristics of object-oriented systems using the internal properties complexity, size and inheritance. The number of measures proposed by Lorenz and Kidd (1994) are vast and the main difference between the measures and the C&K measures is in the simplicity for deriving the measures. L&K measures are direct and easier to derive as most of them can be derived through a simple counting process for example “number of instance variables in a class” (Xenos et al. 2000).

2.1.3 MOOD Measures

In 1994, Abreu and Carapuça (1994) proposed the suite MOOD measures (Metrics for Object Oriented Designs). The main purpose for these measures is to enable quantitative quality evaluation of internal characteristics that are unique to object-oriented designs. The measures are obtainable during the design phases to facilitate with identifying design flaws early in the software development life cycle (Abreu and Carapuça 1994; Olague et al. 2007). The measures are intended for a quantitative evaluation method using an inside-out approach (Abreu and Carapuça 1994), i.e., linking internal properties to external quality characteristics through quantitative evaluation.

2.1.4 QMOOD Measures

Similarly to the C&K, L&K, and the MOOD measures, the QMOOD were also designed taking into consideration the unique internal characteristics of object-oriented designs. QMOOD is a model that was developed with more of a top-down approach (Bansiya and Davis 2002). Quality attributes defined in the ISO/IEC-9126 (2001) are used to define quality and are then linked to certain internal attributes inherent in object-oriented designs. Measures for internal properties provided in the model are a combination of newly proposed measures and measures obtained through a literature survey. Bansiya and Davis (2002) also go further and propose, as well as validate, quality prediction models built using internal properties for six external product characteristics: reusability, flexibility, understandability, functionality, extendibility and effectiveness.

2.1.5 Summary

The underlying assumption for the proposal of these measurement suites and other object oriented measures is that there is a direct or indirect link between internal properties and the external characteristics of a software product; and there is an assumption that these measures can quantify the internal properties in a meaningful way. However, the relationship or the extent of the relationship between external quality attributes and measures of internal properties can vary from context to context. In addition, external quality attributes can depend on different combination of internal properties and measures; and measures can be used to measure different combination of internal properties; and can also be directly or indirectly linked to different external quality attributes. As a result, there is a plethora of studies dedicated to proposing or investigating these links.

2.2 Related Literature Reviews

Relevant reviews were identified by conducting a series of search runs that consisted of different combination of search terms in Google scholar, Compendex and Inspec databases. The search terms used were: “object-oriented”, “review”, “systematic review”, “systematic literature review”, “quality”, “evaluation”, “prediction”. After identifying the related reviews, we searched through the reference list of these papers in search of additional reviews. Both these steps were performed to identify as many reviews as possible that are related to our study.

The closest in objectives to our study is the one by Briand and Wüst (2002). The study aimed to investigate the usefulness of measures of object-oriented internal structures. The measures were investigated on their usefulness in predicting fault-proneness and effort, e.g., development effort, either individually or as a set/combination of measures. In the study the measures for internal properties unique to object-oriented systems such as coupling, size, cohesion and inheritance are the independent variables. Fault-proneness and effort are the dependent variables. Results from the study show that measures of coupling, complexity and size properties are found to be better predictors of fault-proneness than those of inheritance and cohesion properties. Size properties are identified as the most ideal predictors of effort. Fault-proneness is the most investigated proxy for external quality amongst studies that use correlation statistical analysis methods. Whereas for experimental studies the most investigated link was between the internal properties inheritance and the external characteristics maintainability and understandability. One notable difference between the study by Briand and Wüst (2002) and our study is the systematic approach we adopted for our research methodology and the gap in years since their study. The study by Briand and Wüst was conducted a decade ago and it is more of a literature survey rather than a systematic literature review. In addition our study is much broader since we consider more attributes for quality.

Genero et al. (2005) conducted a survey on object-oriented measures that can be used for measuring internal quality of UML class diagrams for external quality prediction. In the paper the authors identify and analyze existing measures on their capability to measure UML entities and attributes. The identified measures are also classified according to internal properties that they measure. Genero et al. also conducted an analysis on the validation methods used in different studies as well as tools useful for extracting and calculating the measures. Results from the survey show fault-proneness as the most investigated proxy for external quality characteristics and that definitions of measures as well as their usefulness is not consistent across studies.

Riaz et al. (2009) conducted a systematic literature review of studies reporting on measures and prediction methods for maintainability. The review identified 15 primary studies. From the primary studies, they identified 45 useful predictors of maintainability that included the well-known LOC measure and measures from the C&K set (LCOM, DIT, NOC, RFC and WMC). Out of the 15 papers 12 papers proposed prediction models, and the most used techniques were regression analysis methods. Results from the review revealed that measures useful for predicting maintainability characteristics were those that measured complexity, coupling and size properties.

Catal and Diri (2009) performed a systematic literature review on fault prediction studies that were published between 1990 and 2007. From their 74 primary studies they found that method level measures (e.g., McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity (McCabe 1976) and Halstead measures (Halstead 1977)) are predominantly used for fault prediction. In the case of class-level measures, which are applicable to object-oriented programs, e.g., the set of measures discussed in Section 2.1, they observed that there has been a change in the percentage of papers that use them before and after 2005. In terms of techniques for building prediction models, there is a prevalent and growing interest in the use of machine learning methods for fault prediction. In comparison to before 2005, they observed a slight increase in the use of machine learning methods, and a slight decrease in studies that use statistical methods.

Xenos et al. (2000) present results from a literature survey they conducted to identify measures applicable for object-oriented systems. Included in the survey are measures that were initially introduced for systems developed using traditional methodologies, i.e. structured programming. Thus, the measures listed in the paper include traditional measures, such as LOC, and measures inherent in object-oriented systems, i.e. class, method, coupling, inheritance and system measures. Xenos et al. evaluated the measures with the goal of helping practitioners in selecting appropriate measures. The evaluation was based on seven aspects, which included effort of extracting and implementing the measures, as well as accuracy of the measures. The object-oriented measures evaluated included the MOOD, QMOOD, L&K and the C&K measures. The following measures had a positive assessment for all seven criteria: NIV, NCM, NMI, NMO and PRC (from L&K), and NPA and NPM (from the QMOOD measurement set) and CBO and RFC (from C&K). Nevertheless, Xenos et al. (2000) did not specifically focus on the predictive ability of the measures.

Saxena and Saini (2011) reviewed 14 studies on fault-proneness published between 1995 and 2010. The study results showed that regression analysis methods are the most used prediction methods and the C&K measures are the most evaluated individually as independent variables in studies for fault-proneness prediction. In their review they found that the most inconsistent of the measures were the two inheritance measures, DIT and NOC. DIT was not significant in six of the studies and NOC in five studies. However, these results were only obtained from eleven studies and hence it is a small sample to deduce a definitive evaluation of the performance or usefulness of the different measures.

Malhotra and Jain (2011) performed a literature review of empirical studies that report on the relationship between object-oriented measures and fault-proneness that were published between 1998 and 2010. Though some studies proposed new measures, they found that most of the measures used in the studies were from the C&K, MOOD, QMOOD, and L&K measurement suites (that are described in Section 2.1) as well as the coupling and cohesion measures proposed by Briand et al. Across their primary studies on fault-proneness, Malhotra and Jain made similar observations to those reported by Saxena and Saini (2011) regarding the most common measurement suit being the C&K measures and the most common statistical methods being regression methods. They did, however, observe that there has been an increase in the use of machine learning methods, such as, decision tree, support vector machine, neural networks, etc.

Whereas Malhotra and Jain (2011) limited their review specifically on object-oriented measures, Radjenović et al. (2013) performed their review on a wider scale and included studies that have empirically validated all types of measures for software fault prediction. Apart from not limiting to any specific type of measures, their search strategy covered all papers published until 2011. Even though the review was not limited to any specific types of measures, Radjenović et al. found that object-oriented measures were used the most for fault prediction across all of their primary studies. From the studies that used object-oriented measures, the C&K measures appeared the most frequent and they report that they perform better than the MOOD and QMOOD measures. From the C&K measures, Radjenović et al. observed that CBO, RFC and WMC performed better than LCOM, DIT and NOC in fault prediction. LCOM had a weak ability of predicting faults, and DIT and NOC were unreliable for fault prediction. They also observed that the QMOOD measures are better suited for fault prediction than the MOOD measures; and from the QMOOD measures, the CIS and NOM measures were better at predicting faults than the other measures. Radjenović et al. also found that the most used methods for building models for software fault prediction, in order of frequency across studies were regression methods, machine-learning methods and correlation analysis methods. Please note that Ragjenovic et al. only focused on the linkage between measures of internal attributes and a single proxy of an external attribute (fault proneness), whereas our study considers several proxies and/or external quality attributes.

With the many studies already done on software measures (Kitchenham 2010), our study adds to the body of knowledge by providing an aggregation, using vote-counting, on the consistency and usefulness of the measures across empirical studies on quality evaluation of object-oriented systems. The necessity of this kind of review and aggregation is also noted by Kitchenham (2010). Our study also differs from other studies as our study has a wider and more diverse perspective than the other related reviews. This is mainly because we do not limit our review to measures associated to a specific external quality attribute or internal property, e.g., cohesion. The rationale is that we aim to identify the various empirical studies that have been conducted in relation to the link between measures and external quality attributes.

3 Research Methodology

A systematic literature review (SLR) facilitates in identifying and collecting key papers in a particular area of interest, and evaluating and interpreting the reported discussions and findings (Kitchenham and Charters 2007). The purpose of such a review is to obtain an overall inclusive impact or influence of contribution of the collected studies (Kitchenham and Charters 2007). This SLR aims at aggregating and analyzing measures that have been empirically linked with quality of object-oriented source code. The steps proposed by Kitchenham and Charters (2007) were followed for this SLR. The following are the objectives of the review:

  • Identify external quality attributes that have been empirically evaluated through source code analysis of object-oriented programs;

  • Identify measures obtainable from source code that have been used to evaluate external quality attributes of object-oriented programs through empirical methods (case studies or experiments);

  • Aggregate relationships between external quality attributes and the associated code measures that have been established for quality analysis of object-oriented programs and evaluate the strengths of evidence behind these relationships.

3.1 Research Questions

Building from the study aims and objectives, the following main research question and four sub-questions drive this SLR:

  • RQ1: How are measures derived from source code of object-oriented programs used to evaluate or predict external quality attributes of object-oriented systems in empirical studies?

  • RQ 1.1: Which external quality attributes have been linked with object-oriented measures in empirical studies?

  • RQ 1.2: Which methods are used to estimate/predict the external quality attributes from the source code measures?

  • RQ 1.3: Which source code measures are used to evaluate external quality attributes of object-oriented programs? RQ 1.4: What is the overall efficacy of object-oriented measures to link with external quality attributes across empirical studies?

3.2 Data Sources and Search Strategy

3.2.1 Keywords

Our search terms included key source code attributes essential for quality analysis of object-oriented programs (Chidamber and Kemerer 1991; Chidamber et al. 1998; Lorenz and Kidd 1994; Bansiya and Davis 2002; Kanellopoulos et al. 2010): abstraction, cohesion, complexity, composition, coupling, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, messaging, size and volume.

Search terms are placed into 6 clusters: product, analysis process, programming language paradigm, internal properties, external quality evaluation and study method. The names used for the clusters represent the different aspects, relevant to this review, covered by the search terms. Electronic databases have differing underlying models and search interfaces, and this may limit the reusability of search strings (Dybå et al. 2007; Brereton et al. 2007). Placing search strings in clusters helped in tailoring search strings to suit search functionalities offered by different electronic databases and also facilitated in identifying additional keywords, e.g., synonyms. Table 2 contains the clusters and the keywords.

Table 2 Cluster and categorization of keywords

Using the information provided in Table 2 the resultant search string takes the following form: Cluster1 AND Cluster2 AND Cluster3 AND Cluster4 AND Cluster5 AND Cluster6.

3.2.2 Data Sources

A search for relevant literature was conducted on the metadata, in particular, on the title, abstract and keywords. The electronic databases used to search for relevant literature were ACM, Compendex and Inspec, IEEE and Scopus. These databases were selected based on the following criteria:

  • Coverage of relevant studies (Dybå et al. 2007; Brereton et al. 2007);

  • Availability of a functionality to export search results.

In an experience report based on an SLR conducted in the area of agile methods, (Dybå et al. 2007) found that electronic databases relevant to software engineering research, such as ScienceDirect and Wiley Science (Brereton et al. 2007), returned similar search results as ACM, Compendex and IEEE. Hence, ScienceDirect and Wiley Science databases were excluded in our review. In addition, Scopus was selected since it claims to be the largest abstract database for peer-reviewed papers. Table 17 in Appendix A shows the search strings used to find for relevant material in each database.

3.3 Study Selection

3.3.1 Inclusion and Exclusion

The criterion for inclusion and exclusion are as follow:

  • Only peer-reviewed research articles are included, i.e., only articles published at workshops, conferences and journals, are included;

  • An article should have empirical work illustrating the link between measures and external quality attributes, i.e., the work should involve the use of actual data;

  • Measures discussed in the article should be related to external quality attributes and obtainable directly from the source code (of object-oriented programs), or if obtainable from internal properties of object-oriented designs they should be judged to be obtainable from the source code of object-oriented programs;

  • Articles should have empirical work using measures (as stated in the previous bullet) to relate (including correlation), evaluate, predict or validate at least one external quality attribute or a proxy of an external quality attribute.

Papers that did not fulfill all four of the aforementioned criteria were excluded. The recently published ISO standard on quality, ISO/IEC-25010 (2010), was used to identify potential external quality attributes that the attributes described in the empirical studies could be traced to.

Exclusion of papers consisted of two steps. In step 1, the exclusion of irrelevant papers was conducted by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria on the titles and abstracts. Two researchers reviewed each paper. The first author reviewed all papers whilst the other reviewers were assigned one third of the papers each. Before the papers were distributed to reviewers, all papers were sorted alphabetically by the articles’ author lists to ensure that the researchers would review articles written by the same authors. These steps facilitated the identification of duplicate studies or studies reporting identical empirical results. Table 3 depicts the strategy for deciding whether to include or exclude an article based on reviewers assessments.

Table 3 Inclusion and exclusion strategy

In step 2, papers were assessed based on their full-text and excluded based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two of the authors were recognized as having substantially more experience in the area of object-oriented measures. Thus to reduce inclusion or exclusion of papers based on bias, papers were distributed in such a way that each paper was reviewed by a more experienced and lesser experienced reviewer in the area. The strategy shown in Table 3 was used for determining inclusion or exclusion or resolving assessment discrepancies between reviewers. The next activity was the quality assessment of the primary studies.

3.3.2 Study Quality Assessment

A quality assessment procedure was applied on the papers’ full-text covering the following aspects: research design, data analysis, measures, results and conclusions.

The study quality assessment checklist consisting of 12 questions covering the aforementioned aspects was developed to operationalize the quality assessment activities. The checklist is based on the rigor of reporting and covers the following main perspectives: how well the reviewer is able to understand the research steps taken; details on how the link between object-oriented measures and external quality attributes (or the proxy) was established; and the traceability of the research steps and the study findings and conclusions. Grading of each question was done on a three point scale: yes (weighing two points - indicating that data for the specific question is clearly available), somewhat (weighing one point - data is vaguely available) and no (weighing zero points - indicating that data is unavailable). The questions are tabulated in Table 4.

Table 4 Quality assessment checklist

As suggested by Kitchenham and Charters (2007), Cohen’s Kappa statistics was used to measure and evaluate homogeneousness between the more and lesser experienced reviewer. Kappa statistics measure the level of agreement between observers (or in this case reviewers) i.e. the inter-observer variability (Landis and Koch 1977; Henningsson and Wohlin 2005). The closer the kappa coefficient is to 1 the higher the agreement level between the observers. The next step was the data extraction.

3.4 Data Extraction

To help achieve the overall aim of the study, data extraction from primary studies was conducted on two main levels: individual measures and prediction models.

3.4.1 Data for Individual Measures

To help with assessing links between individual measures and external quality attributes, the following information was extracted:

  • Measures obtainable from the object-oriented source code;

  • Internal properties measured by each measure;

  • External quality attributes or proxies of external quality attributes;

  • Method used to link measures of internal properties to external quality attributes;

  • Research methodology and study context;

  • Dataset(s).

A “proxy” of an external attribute is an attribute used as a surrogate or as a “stand-in” for an external quality attribute. For example fault-proneness can be used as a surrogate of the external quality attribute, reliability. For the purpose of this study we extracted proxies and/or external quality attributes as reported in the studies.

3.4.2 Data for Prediction Models

To help with understanding measures usefulness for building models for quality prediction, the following information was extracted:

  • Prediction model (i.e. set of measures obtainable from source code);

  • Internal properties measured by each measure in the prediction model;

  • Method used for building the prediction model;

  • External quality attributes or proxies of external quality attributes linked to the prediction model;

  • Validation method used for the prediction model;

  • Research methodology and study context;

  • Dataset(s);

  • Predictive ability results of the prediction model, for example, performance indicators from confusion matrix results (Jia et al. 2009) or R-squared values.

If in a particular study more than one prediction model is evaluated, or if a comparison is done between different models, the data that is extracted from the study is of the model that out-performs the other model(s). Data synthesis of individual measures was done using a vote-counting approach.

3.5 Data Synthesis: Vote-Counting

Vote-counting (method) was conducted in this study to understand the consistency of the relation that measures have with external quality attributes as reported across empirical studies. The approach helps in understanding the ability of a measure to predict certain quality attributes by combining results from individual empirical studies (Pickard et al. 1998). Vote-counting is done for studies that report significance level tests, i.e. p-values (Pickard et al. 1998). In terms of the relation between the measure and the external quality attribute or a proxy of an external quality attribute, the significance levels denote either a positive, negative or a non-significant relation (Pickard et al. 1998).

The statistical significance test results extracted and combined from the empirical studies are those done using p-values. The significance levels often used are 0.05 and 0.01. A positive or negative significant relationship indicates “success” (Pickard et al. 1998), i.e., suggesting a link between a measure and an external quality attribute. Thus a p-value less than 0.05 or 0.01 (depending on the level used in the study) denotes a success; and a p-value greater than 0.05 or 0.01 indicates failure or non-significant. The vote-counting procedure is thus done for the three possible outcomes as reported in the studies: positive, negative and non-significant outcomes. These outcomes denote the effect of the measures and proxies of external quality attributes or external quality attributes.

For each study that investigated the relationship between several measures and/or several external attributes, each measure-attribute pair is considered, i.e., counted, separately as an outcome. Different aspects of data, e.g., severity levels of defects, are also considered separately as outcomes.

A cut-off point is often used in vote-counting for rejecting a hypothesis that there is no effect between two variables (Pickard et al. 1998). We use a cut-off point of 50 % of outcomes to reject the hypothesis that a measure has no effect on the external quality attribute or proxies of that external quality attribute. We believe that practitioners and researchers would benefit from (or are interested in) identifying measures that have been empirically evaluated in many studies and have been significant in more than half the studies.

4 Conducting the Review

Table 5 contains the years covered and the number of search results retrieved for each database. Evaluation of the cumulative search results (from a total of 1356 papers) revealed 677 duplicates, 20 lecture slides and 25 editorials that were removed using the Endnote and the Jabref reference manager tools. This left 634 potentially relevant studies.

Table 5 Search process

The next step in the review process was the study selection process. This involved screening and removing irrelevant papers from the remaining 634 papers, based on title and abstract. After that, papers that remained were then screened and removed based on the their full-text.

4.1 Inclusion and Exclusion Process

The initial step in the exclusion of irrelevant papers was performed by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria on the titles and abstracts of 634 papers. A total of 410 irrelevant papers and 17 duplicates were found and removed. This left 207 papers. An attempt was then made to obtain full-text of the remaining papers. After downloading from databases and emailing authors for papers we could not obtain from the databases, we were unable to obtain full-text for three papers and we were unable to find the English versions of seven other papers. This left 197 papers as potential primary studies.

In the next step, the 197 papers were evaluated on their relevance based on their full-text using the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of 197 papers, four duplicates were found and 90 papers were found to be irrelevant. As a result, 103 papers remained. We then re-reviewed the remaining 103 papers to ensure that our list of primary studies contained studies that could be traced to at least one external quality attribute described in ISO/IEC-25010. Four papers were found to not have conducted an investigation of an external quality attribute or proxy in the context of object-oriented source code quality. Thus we were unable to map the papers to attributes defined in the new ISO standard ISO/IEC-25010. These four papers were excluded. Finally, 99 papers were selected as primary studies.

4.2 Study Quality Assessment Process

Quality assessment of the 99 studies was done concurrently with the full-text inclusion and exclusion process. As a result, the authors of this paper applied the quality assessment criteria to the full-text of the same papers that they evaluated during the inclusion and exclusion process.

Using the evaluation of Kappa statistics proposed by Landis and Koch (1977) the strength of the level of agreement between reviewers was generally moderate. The results of the kappa statistics are tabulated in Table 6. In Table 6 the more experienced reviewer is referred to as ME and the less experienced as LE.

Table 6 Kappa results of quality assessment process

Figure 2 summarizes steps taken to obtain primary studies.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Study selection process

5 Validity Threats

5.1 Selection Bias

It is possible to miss or exclude relevant papers during a literature review and this can significantly affect the results. During each step that involved the exclusion of papers, methods were implemented to ensure that relevant papers were not inadvertently excluded. To begin with, the identification of search terms and the formulation of search strings involved the use of a validation set to evaluate search results and to identify additional search terms. A validation set is a list of articles that should be identified by the search procedure. The papers in the validation set were chosen by identifying relevant articles in Google scholar, and by identifying relevant papers that have cited the seminal paper from Chidamber and Kemerer (1994). This procedure also helped in the formulation of suitable Boolean expressions for search strings.

Formulation of the inclusion and exclusion criteria involved two pilot runs to remove ambiguities in the criteria and to improve homogeneity between reviewers. The piloting emulated the planned inclusion and exclusion process, which was done on the papers title and abstract, so as to reduce inconsistencies between the first author and the other authors prior to the actual process. After each pilot the first author’s assessment results were compared against the other authors’ assessment results. A meeting was conducted to discuss contrasting interpretation of the assessment criteria and disparities in the assessment results after the first round of piloting. Amendments were duly made to the criteria to remove ambiguities before the second round of piloting. A meeting to discuss inconsistencies and to polish certain vague areas in the criteria also followed the second round of piloting. During this second meeting it was uncovered that disagreements that arose during the piloting were related to the definition of certain essential terms such as source code. Definitions were thus formally made and agreed upon, and all researchers agreed that no more piloting was needed.

Selection bias can also result in excluding relevant papers. To minimize primary study selection bias during assessment of the papers full-text division of papers was done in such a way that two authors that had lesser experience in the area of object-oriented quality assessment would not review the same papers. Thus authors that reviewed each paper consisted of both a more and a lesser experienced reviewer. In cases with a discrepancy between two reviewers, a meeting was conducted to discuss differences and to determine inclusion or exclusion of the paper. If the reviewers were unable to reach an agreement over the inclusion or inclusion of the paper, a third person would review the paper. The third reviewers’ assessment would be used to determine inclusion or exclusion of the paper.

A quality assessment checklist was developed and a pilot was conducted to check for homogeneity in terms of usage and interpretation of the checklist between reviewers. After each pilot a meeting was held to discuss effectiveness and rigor of the quality criteria. During the meetings, disagreements in evaluation between the reviewers were discussed with the goal of reaching a consensus on how to approach certain vagueness or missing details found in certain papers. The meetings were also used to discuss necessary changes to the quality criteria with the goal of removing ambiguities and redundancies in the assessment criteria. The same arrangement of authors for reviewing the full-text papers used in the inclusion and exclusion process was also used for the quality assessment process.

5.2 Reviewer Bias

The rationale for measures in terms of what they intend to measure can be context dependent, and interpretation of measures and results may vary across studies (Lincke et al. 2008). Implication of results is also influenced by the dependency that measures have on the tools used for extraction. That is, results for software quality evaluation are influenced by the definition of the measures and the measurement process (Lincke et al. 2008). Measurement process, definition of the measures and interpretation of the results are subject to reviewer bias.

Furthermore, external quality attributes investigated in studies can be abstract and not explicitly stated. For example, some studies may report findings on external quality attribute proxies such as change-effort or number of bad smells. This leaves the association of the proxy discussed in the paper to a specific external quality attribute up to the interpretation and subjective views of individuals. To ensure that the studies were aligned to an appropriate external quality attribute, reviewers re-reviewed the papers after the full-text assessment. During this activity, papers were ordered in an alphabetic order by author names and split amongst the reviewers such that each paper was reviewed by two reviewers that consisted of a more experienced and lesser experienced reviewer. As a result of the ordering, some reviewers reviewed some papers they had included during the full-text assessment. The reviewers extracted the external quality attributes and their proxies as stated in the studies.

In cases where the external quality attribute were not clearly stated, the reviewers used the study contexts and proxies discussed in the paper and the external quality attributes defined in ISO/IEC-25010 (2010) to derive the most appropriate external quality attribute. As a result of this re-review, three paper were identified as candidates for exclusion as they did not meet the inclusion criteria, i.e., the proxy was not clear and the external quality could not be derived. These papers were returned to the full-text assessment reviewers of the papers so they could re-review the papers and determine if they agree or disagree with the new review from the other reviewers. For two of the papers the full-text assessment reviewers agreed to exclude. For the other paper, one full text assessment reviewer agreed to exclude whilst the other wanted to include. A meeting was held between all four reviewers during which this paper was discussed and a consensus was reached to include the paper. This re-review step is indicated in Fig. 2 after the full-text assessment step.

5.3 Vote-Counting Bias

There are a lot of publicly available datasets, for example, open source projects, which researchers often use for their investigations, e.g., relationship between a complexity measures and a reliability proxy like post release faults. Often researchers end up using the same dataset for their investigations in different empirical studies. As a result, some measures may be investigated on the same dataset in different empirical studies. Vote-counting results for such measures can be biased and may not be indicative of the usefulness of the measure since they have only been investigated and re-investigated on the same dataset.

During the vote-counting process, if a measure was investigated on the same dataset, we took into consideration the difference in the way the dataset was used in the studies. For example, some studies may categorize the dataset by fault severity levels, and some may not, or some studies may use use only one version of the system whilst another study uses several. We also took into consideration the difference in the method used to investigate the link between the measure and the attribute under study, e.g., univariate linear/logistic regression, or artificial immune recognition system, or decision trees, etc. Thus, results from several studies that investigate the same measure using the same characteristics of a dataset, with the same statistical method, were counted as one result.

It may also occur that studies report contradicting outcomes for certain measures, i.e., positive significance in one study and negative significance in another. This may result in misleading vote-counting results. We alleviated this problem by complementing the vote-counting results with a plot of the sum of positive and negative significant results against the number of clear results or against the number of datasets (see Figs. 6 and 7). The resultant plot provides a visual of the overall direction of the relationship between the measure(s) and the quality attribute(s) reported by the empirical studies. This helps to compare the consistency, usefulness and strength of evidence of a measure in comparison to the other measures according to vote-counting results of reports from empirical studies.

6 Summary of Primary Studies

6.1 Primary Studies

The 99 primary studies and the citation from the reference list are tabulated in Table 7. This representation of primary studies and references is adapted from a separate study by Díaz et al. (2011). From hereon, each primary study is referred to using the ID in Table 7.

Table 7 Studies and references

6.2 Quality Assessment Results

The quality of each paper was assessed by two reviewers. Each reviewer could give a maximum of 24 points to a paper; hence the maximum possible score for the quality assessment for each paper was 48. Scores for the primary studies range between 17 and 48, i.e., 35 % and 100 %. Only 9 out of 99 papers scored below half of the possible total score. Percentile rankings of the scores are highlighted in Fig. 3. Studies within the 25 % percentile scored very low on the data analysis and the results and conclusion aspect from our quality assessment checklist (see Table 4 in Section 3). In most cases the studies omitted discussions on certain analysis information that if not considered can potentially skew findings such as analysis of outliers during the statistical analysis. Most of the studies within this percentile also did not discuss study validity threats, which makes it difficult for the reader to understand trustworthiness of the reported findings or if other factors may have influenced the study results (Robson 2011).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Distribution of quality scores

6.3 Publication Venues and Years

Figure 4 shows the distribution of primary studies by publication years and venues. As depicted in Fig. 4 the list of primary studies constitute of papers published from 1996 onwards. The figure also highlights the year some of the well-known measures were proposed in relation to the publication years of the primary studies. Journal publications constitute of 60 % of all primary studies. 79 % of the studies were published after 2002 (the year QMOOD measures were published). Figure 4 shows that in recent years there has been a growing number of conference and journal publications investigating the relationship between object-oriented measures and quality.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Publication venues and years

Figure 4 shows that the earliest empirical studies that we found on object-oriented measures and quality is five years after the publication of the C&K measurement suite. This led us to investigate the most commonly used measurement suites. Table 8 shows the number of primary studies, a total of 82 studies, that used at least one of the common measurement suits C&K, L&K, MOOD and QMOOD, or a combination of them. The other studies did not use these measurement suites. Despite other measures being proposed in literature, C&K measures appeared in most of our primary studies (80 % of the primary studies).

Table 8 Measurement suites from primary studies

There is one other set of measures proposed by Briand et al. (1997) that is not included in Table 1 that we found in some of the primary studies. These measures, however, do not measure diverse properties as the other measurement sets in Table 1. The measures were proposed to primarily measure coupling properties. Most of the primary studies used at least one of the measures from C&K, L&K, MOOD, QMOOD, and/or Briand et al. (1997) (84 % of the primary studies).

6.4 Research Methodology and Study Contexts

Table 9 provides a classification of the primary studies according to the study contexts and the research methods described in the studies. “Experiment students” in Table 9 refers to studies that used subjects from academia. “Experiment professionals” refers to studies conducted using subjects with multiple years of experience in their respective field. Archival analysis refers to a study conducted using historical data that was systematically collected and stored (Robson 2011). We found some studies that use more than one dataset, of either the same or different context or research method. Such studies are denoted with DSn in Table 9, where DS refers to dataset, and n is the number of datasets associated with that context and research method. In this case dataset refers to the software release, the system or the project described in the studies.

Table 9 Research method and contexts

With regards to the study context categorization in Table 9 we found that the studies under the context open metrics database and archival analysis, use the KC1 NASA dataset or dataset from the PROMISE repository. Most of the studies under the open source and archival analyses use Eclipse and Mozilla. Table 10 provides a list of datasets that was used in at least two papers from the primary studies.

Table 10 Most common datasets

Catal and Diri (2009) found that the use of publicly available datasets in fault-proneness prediction studies increased from 31 % to 52 % after 2005. Our study results provide a more longitudinal view and wider perspective of quality attributes across studies. We found that between 1996 and 2012, 57 % of the studies used publicly available datasets, i.e., open metrics database or open source. This is well short of the 80 % proposed by Catal and Diri as being the “ideal level” for helping the research community to validate each others findings.

7 Results and Analysis

7.1 External Quality Attributes (RQ1.1)

The mapping of the external quality attributes, the related proxies and the primary studies is shown in Table 11. Only 3 % (3 out of 99) of the primary studies investigated more than one external quality attribute. These studies are S1 (that is traced to reliability and maintainability), S20 (that is traced to reusability, testability, flexibility, functionality, extendibility, effectiveness, understandability) and S33 (that is traced to changeability and maintainability) and they appear in Table 11 under all the external quality attributes that they investigated.

Table 11 Studies and external quality attributes

As shown in Table 11, maintainability is the second most investigated external quality attribute. However, some of the other external quality attributes traced to studies in Table 11 can be linked to maintainability particularly in the context of source code quality. For example, understandability can be linked to maintainability because in order to successfully test, change and maintain, one would need to analyze and understand the source code artifacts. In addition, ISO/IEC-25010 (2010) links reusability, testability and changeability to maintainability.

For the purposes of our analysis, studies for changeability, testability and understandability are perceived as surrogates for maintainability in the context of source code quality, and are thus traced to maintainability studies. Furthermore, using definitions of reusability, flexibility and extendibility from ISO/IEC-25010, and given the context of source code quality and the descriptions in the corresponding studies traced to these attributes, we also link the studies for these attributes to maintainability aspects.

To summarize, Fig. 5 provides a graphical representation of the link between maintainability and the other external quality attributes. The interpretation of Fig. 5 is also supported by some of our study data. For example, there are two studies regarding the external quality attribute changeability that use the effort as a proxy. On the other hand, we have a study regarding maintenance effort as an external quality attribute.

Fig. 5
figure 5


This grouping results in all studies being traced to four main external quality attributes: reliability, maintainability, effectiveness and functionality.

7.1.1 Reliability Studies

Most of the studies, 68 out of 99 (69 %), are traced to reliability. Most of the studies traced to reliability are linked to fault-proneness. Fault-proneness is the most investigated proxy across all the proxies for external quality attributes across all primary studies. 47 % (47 out of 99) of the primary studies were on fault-proneness. In studies traced to reliability the most measured property is coupling. Followed by size, complexity, cohesion, inheritance, stability, polymorphism, encapsulation, abstraction and messaging properties in that order. The complexity measure RFC and the inheritance measure DIT appear most frequently across studies that link measures, individually, to proxies for reliability; followed by CBO (a coupling measure), NOC (an inheritance measure), WMC (a complexity measure) and LOC (a size measure). Measures for abstraction, encapsulation, messaging, polymorphism and stability were very few or they appeared in only one or two studies.

7.1.2 Maintainability Studies

31 % (31 out of 99) of the primary studies are traced to maintainability. Most of the measures we found in the studies for maintainability measured complexity properties. The properties measured, from the property most measured to the least, are: inheritance, complexity, coupling, size, encapsulation, cohesion, hierarchies and polymorphism.

7.1.3 Functionality and Effectiveness Studies

There is only one primary study, and it is the same study, that is traced to both functionality and effectiveness (i.e., 1 % of the primary studies). The study uses measures from the QMOOD suite which consists of measures that quantify abstraction, cohesion, coupling, complexity, composition, encapsulation, inheritance, messaging, polymorphism and size properties.

7.2 Prediction Models (RQ1.2)

To identify useful measures for building effective prediction models, we only analyzed models that were both validated and had their predictive abilities explicitly reported in the primary studies. None of the models extracted for effectiveness and functionality met this criterion. The validation method and predictive abilities for some of the models for reliability and maintainability were reported. All models that did not meet the criterion are listed in Appendix B.

7.2.1 Reliability

The validation methods and the predictive ability were reported for 59 % (29 out of 49) of the models extracted from reliability studies. More models extracted were built from regression models (30 out of 49) followed by those built using machine learning methods (19 out of 49).

Tables 12 and 13 provide the list of the prediction models that had the validation method and their predictive ability clearly stated in the studies. The predictive ability shown in the table, rightmost column, is the information provided in the related study (the study ID is shown in the leftmost column). A total of 29 from 49 models extracted from reliability studies had a validation method stated and the predictive ability reported. 62 % of these 29 models were built using regression methods and 38 % were built from machine learning methods. Most of the models contained at least one C&K Footnote 1 measure. The coupling measure CBO, appears most frequently in the prediction models. Followed by the complexity measure RFC, the inheritance measure NOC, and then the size measure LOC.

Table 12 Reliability: prediction methods
Table 13 Maintainability: prediction models

7.2.2 Maintainability

Six out of 18 (33 %) models extracted from maintainability studies had both the validation and predictive ability reported. Interestingly there is one instance found, S97, in which a model consists of measures that quantify the same property, i.e., cohesion. All the other measures consists of measures that quantify different properties.

7.3 Vote-Counting (RQ1.3 and RQ1.4)

Studies traced to effectiveness and functionality were too few to conduct a meaningful analysis. Thus vote-counting was not conducted for studies traced to these attributes. Vote-counting was only done on studies traced to reliability and maintainability.

Significant levels reported in the studies are shown by denoting significant at 0.01 with either “++” (if the relationship is positive), “– –” (if the relationship is negative), and those significant at 0.05 are denoted by “+” (if the relationship is positive), “–” (if the relationship is negative). In cases where the results are not statistically significant this is denoted by “0”. We also show, under the column heading “Unclear”, the number of studies that do not provide any clear results due to issues in study design, execution, or reporting particularly pertaining to the statistical significance levels (e.g., missing p-values and/or statistical significance levels).

7.3.1 Reliability

Given the number of the primary studies traced to reliability, there are too many measures extracted from these studies. We analyzed measures that were investigated in the most datasets, and across the most number of papers. Thus we analyzed measured that were investigated under differing contexts depicted in Table 9. To help us perform the analysis we identified measures that had been investigated across 5 different papers and evaluated on at least 10 datasets. The vote-counting results are tabulated in Table 14 and they are sorted by the “Significant” column.

Table 14 Vote-counting: reliability studies

Some measures show contradicting results, i.e., both positive and negative outcomes. The complexity measure WMC, the size measure LOC, and the cohesion measure LCOM5 show a majority of positive outcomes, as well as some negative outcomes. Given that there is a large number of significant positive relationship outcomes, the negative results for WMC, LCOM5 and LOC could be considered as outliers. On the other hand, the size measure NPM, the inheritance measure NOC, the coupling measure OCAEC, and the three cohesion measures LCOM3, TCC and LCOM4, also show contradictory results in terms of the direction of the relationship with reliability and they also have a large number of instances in which they are not significant. Thus, from Table 14, it is difficult to conclude on the link as well as the direction of the relationship between the measures (NPM, NOC, OCAEC, LCOM3, TCC and LCOM4) and reliability.

The only two inheritance measures in Table 14 show poor relationship with reliability. They have been evaluated on a large number of datasets, but there are more not significant outcomes than there are significant outcomes. Coupling and cohesion measures seem to perform better than inheritance measures. Though cohesion and coupling measures do have measures that show good link with reliability and have a large number of significant outcomes. But there are also some cohesion and coupling measures that are not significant in a large number of outcomes. In general, we can observe from Table 14 that complexity measures perform better than measures of other properties. Each complexity measure is significant in more than half of the outcomes. Using 50 % as the cutoff point for the vote-counting results, there is a potential link between the following measures and reliability: OMMIC, VG (McCabe), OCAIC, WMC (or WMC-McCabe), AMC, NOM, MPC, LCO, RFC, CBO, NPM, LCOM3 and LCOM2.

Figure 6 Footnote 2 shows two figures that denote the strength of evidence for each measure using the vote counting results in Table 14. Figure 6a shows the distribution of all the vote-counting results found in the reliability studies. This includes unclear results as well as clear results, i.e., positive, negative and non-significant results. Figure 6b shows the distribution of the clear results only and shows measures that have a much stronger evidence and/or have much better consistency in terms of their relationship with reliability. The line in both figures is drawn to indicate measures that were investigated on at least 10 datasets and had at least two-thirds positive and/or one-third negative results. The purpose is to identify measures that have been investigated in a large number of datasets and that also show a better link with reliability attributes than the other measures, i.e., measures that appear above the line. The measures that appear above the line in both figures are complexity, size and coupling measures; none of the cohesion and inheritance measures are above the line.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Vote-counting from reliability studies: strength of evidence. Top: All votecounting results. Bottom: Vote-counting of clear results only

7.3.2 Maintainability

The number of studies traced to maintainability were significantly less than those for reliability. Most of the measures extracted from maintainability were only evaluated in one study. The vote-counting results tabulated in Table 15 only shows results for measures that appeared in more than one primary study, and were significant in at least one dataset. Data in the table is sorted by the “Significant” column.

Table 15 Vote-counting: maintainability studies

It can be observed from Table 15 that the inheritance measures DIT and NOC have been evaluated on many datasets, but they show the weakest link with maintainability. This is similar to the observation made for reliability for these two measures. With significant outcomes in half of the datasets and non-significant outcomes in the other half, the inheritance measure NMO also shows a weak link with maintainability.

The size measure NC, has been investigated on too few datasets to determine its strength of relationship with maintainability. However, another size measure LOC shows good link with maintainability. Complexity, coupling and cohesion measures that appear in Table 15 also seem to have a good link with maintainability.

Overall, coupling, complexity and size measures seem to have a better relationship with maintainability than inheritance measures. There is a potential link between the following measures and maintainability (i.e., they are above 50 % used as the cutoff point for the vote-counting results): ICH, CAMC, NOM, LCOM5, LOC, DAC, MPC, WMC/WMC-McCabe, RFC, CBO, LCOM1, TCC and LCOM2.

Figure 7 shows the distribution of the clear results only, i.e., positive, negative and non-significant results for the measures from maintainability studies. There are insufficient numbers of studies on maintainability to draw conclusions. Nevertheless, Fig. 7 shows that there is a potential link between maintainability, and measures that quantify complexity and cohesion properties.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Vote-counting from maintainability studies: strength of evidence

7.3.3 Summary of Vote-Counting

Table 16 depicts the potential relationship between measures and external quality attributes. The table is sorted by the internal properties measured. Measures included in the table are those that show a significant relationship in one direction in over 50 % of the datasets in Tables 14 and 15. Measures linked to effectiveness and functionality are excluded from the table because vote-counting was not done for the measures. The symbol “+” denotes a potential positive relationship between the measure and the external quality attribute(s). It does not necessarily mean that measures that are not included in the table or those in the table but do not have a corresponding “+” symbol do not have a link with reliability or maintainability. We did not find enough supporting evidence to link the measure with reliability and/or maintainability.

Table 16 Relation between measures and external quality attributes

Table 16 shows that the following measures have a potential positive relationship with both reliability and maintainability: complexity measures NOM, WMC and RFC, coupling measures CBO and MPC, cohesion measures LCOM2 and LCOM5, and size measure LOC.

Inheritance measures seem to have the weakest relation with reliability and maintainability. The inheritance measures NOC and DIT have been extensively investigated but they are not significant in a much larger number of datasets than those in which they are significant for both reliability and maintainability. For example, for reliability studies NOC is significant in 29 % and not significant in 39 %, and DIT is significant in 25 % and not significant in 43 % of the datasets. The two measures also have a large number of non-significant results for maintainability. The other inheritance measure that appears in Table 15, NMO, is also not significant in 50 % of the datasets. Though the measures of other properties, e.g., cohesion, complexity, coupling and size, show contradictory direction of relation on a few outcomes for reliability, their relationship with reliability and maintainability is much more consistent than for inheritance measures.

However, given that inheritance measures, as well as others that are not significant in over 50 % datasets, do have instances in which they are significant for reliability and/or maintainability, this could indicate that the usefulness of some measures is context dependent.

8 Discussion

The overall goal of our SLR was to identify useful object-oriented measures for quality assessment. The results of our SLR show that an overwhelming number of empirical studies can be traced to reliability and maintainability. Most of the studies are on fault-proneness (a reliability proxy). This could be linked to that system defects, faults, and or failures are often more readily available than data for, e.g., development or maintenance effort. Apart from reliability and maintainability, there was only a single study that could be traced to other attributes (effectiveness and functionality). Thus a meaningful analysis could only be performed for maintainability and reliability studies.

The results of our SLR also shows that all or a subset of the measures can be used to build effective prediction models for reliability and maintainability. However, our vote-counting results suggest that measures for complexity, cohesion, coupling and size are more reliable when investigating reliability and maintainability than inheritance measures. Similar findings have been reported in other studies (Saxena and Saini 2011; Riaz et al. 2009).

Results from our systematic review suggest that inheritance measures have a weak link with reliability and maintainability across studies, particularly the two inheritance measures DIT and NOC. This is consistent with findings from Briand and Wüst (2002), Saxena and Saini (2011), Radjenović et al. (2013). These two measures are evaluated extensively in reliability and maintainability studies. For maintainability a majority of the studies (62–72 %) show that there is no significant relationship with DIT and NOC. For reliability there are a many unclear results, but in outcomes showing clear results the measures are not significant in a majority of the datasets (57–63 %).

Our results further corroborate other findings in fault-proneness studies. Two decades after their initial publication, measures from the C&K measurement suite are still the most used or investigated object-oriented measures (i.e., 79 % of the primary studies). Their popularity is also noted in other studies (Kitchenham 2010; Malhotra and Jain 2011; Saxena and Saini 2011; Radjenović et al. 2013). The other measurement suites, L&K, MOOD, QMOOD and those from Briand et al. (1997) appear in 29 % (29 out of 99) of the primary studies. Regression and machine learning methods were the most commonly used methods for building prediction models across studies. Similar findings have been reported in reviews for fault-proneness studies and maintainability studies (Riaz et al. 2009; Catal and Diri 2009; Malhotra and Jain 2011; Radjenović et al. 2013). However, the predictive ability of some of the models was not reported, thus making it difficult to assess the usefulness of the models. In particular, the evaluation and/or validation results for a majority of the models from maintainability was missing. This information would help practitioners or researchers to understand the usefulness of certain models in a particular study.

Etzkorn et al. (1997) report on how the different approaches for computing LCOMn measures can produce different results. Our SLR results corroborates the findings of Etzkorn et al. (1997). In particular, the vote-counting results show that variations of LCOMn show different strengths of relation across reliability and maintainability. Thus, it is possible that the inconsistent outcomes for some measures could be linked to the difference in methods or tools used for extracting the measures across studies (Genero et al. 2005; Kitchenham 2010; Lincke et al. 2008). A similar argument could be made for inheritance measures. This is because there are some outcomes for inheritance measures that show significant results across studies for both reliability and maintainability, though fewer than not significant outcomes. The few significant outcomes for inheritance measures could potentially mean that inheritance measures are more context depend than measures of other properties. Confounding factors, such as, violations on the use of inheritance rules, programming style, and the programming language are some aspects that can contribute to varying results for inheritance measures across studies (Harrison and Counsell 1998). Hence there is a need to carry out further investigations to improve understanding on the extent of the effect of confounding factors on inheritance measures.

Finally, results of our SLR suggest that during quality assessment initiatives it may be more effective to spend more time collecting measures that quantify complexity, cohesion, coupling and size properties than those for inheritance properties. However, measures for inheritance properties should not be disregarded entirely because they may be necessary in certain quality assessment contexts. Thus, an attempt should be made to understand which, and how, object-oriented constructs have been utilized in a given system. This information can be obtained from those directly involved with developing the system. Caution should also be taken when only using (object-oriented) source code measures for quality prediction, because factors that impact quality differ from system to system. For example, team structure and team strategy can vary across development settings, and studies show that such organizational characteristics have an impact on quality (Karus and Dumas 2012; Ramasubbu et al. 2012). Therefore, practitioners should take such contextual information and confounding factors into consideration and not use object-oriented measures blindly.

9 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper reports on a systematic literature review conducted to identify measures that are obtainable from source code of object-oriented programs and to investigate their links with quality as reported in empirical studies. Primary studies are traced to five external quality attributes: reliability, maintainability, effectiveness and functionality.

Results from our systematic literature review suggest that there is an overwhelming number of studies that can be traced to reliability compared to other external quality attributes. More investigations on studies on other quality attributes would be helpful to understand the link between internal properties of object-oriented programs and various aspects of quality. 70 % of the primary studies were traced to reliability and 31 % of the studies were traced to maintainability; whilst studies traced to (or considered as surrogates for) effectiveness and functionality constituted of 1 % of the primary studies.

According to the vote-counting results, measures for complexity, cohesion, coupling and size show better consistency on their relationship with reliability and maintainability attributes across the primary studies than inheritance. Measures that quantify inheritance properties show poor links to reliability and maintainability. Though inheritance measures are used in some of the prediction models found in reliability and maintainability studies, there is evidence that models that do not include these measures are useful as well. Thus the usefulness of inheritance measures maybe more context dependent than measures of other properties.

In summary, a meaningful analysis could only be performed for reliability and maintainability, because there were too few studies traced to effectiveness and functionality. Measures that quantify complexity, cohesion, coupling and size can be useful indicators for reliability and maintainability during quality assessment activities for object-oriented systems. Using regression and machine learning methods, a combination of all or a subset of these measures can be used to predict reliability and maintainability related concerns. Measures that quantify other properties, such as inheritance and cohesion, show poor links to reliability and maintainability.

For future work we urge researchers to diversify the types of external quality attributes that they investigate. As highlighted in the previous paragraph, there are very few studies that can be traced to external quality attributes other than reliability and maintainability. Quality is a multifaceted concept, and practitioners would be interested in understanding the link between object-oriented measures and a wider range of external quality attributes. Another possible future work would be to investigate the consistency of the relation between measures and quality attributes across certain types or sizes of datasets.

It is also important to enable other researchers to validate ones work and findings. For this reason, Catal and Diri (2009) emphasized the need to use publicly available data to enable the research community to validate and compare each others’ findings. In our review, we found that just 57 % (out of 99) of the primary studies used publicly available datasets. In similar vein as (Catal and Diri 2009), we would therefore like to urge researchers to use publicly available datasets in their empirical studies. We should point out that we are not proposing to neglect private datasets. But rather urging the use of publicly available datasets, which can be done together in the same study with private datasets. This would make it easier to compare findings from different settings.

Model validation results were seldom found in the primary studies. Lack of this information makes it difficult to determine usefulness of a model or how successful a prediction model was/is in a given study. Riaz et al. (2009) reported a similar finding and concern for prediction models found in maintainability studies.

Measures such as the C&K measures have been extensively investigated. More studies using these measures may not add much to the body of knowledge. Perhaps, a meta-analysis could be performed specifically on the usefulness of the C&K measures. To enrich the body of knowledge future studies should make an effort to investigate other sets of measurement suites. We see a need to empirically investigate other measures, since there are many source code measures that have not been sufficiently investigated empirically.

There are some measures that show a significant relationship with external quality attributes in one direction in some outcomes but are not significant in a large number of outcomes. This could be an indicator that some measures might be suitable in certain contexts only, e.g., certain characteristics in a system. This may need further investigation.