1 Introduction

Software cost estimation is a continuous activity which often starts at the first stage of the software life cycle and continues throughout the life time. Since software cost estimation affects most software development activities, it has become a critical practice in software project management. The importance of accurate cost estimation has led to extensive research efforts onto estimation methods in the past decades. These methods can be classified into three basic types (Angelis and Stamelos 2000): expert judgment (Jorgensen 2004, 2005, 2007), algorithmic estimation (Jun and Lee 2001; Heiat 2002; Pendharkar et al. 2005; Van Koten and Gray 2006), and analogy based estimation (Shepperd and Schofield 1997; Auer et al. 2006; Lee and Lee 2006; Chiu and Huang 2007; Li et al. 2007; Li and Ruhe 2008)

The analogy based estimation (ABE) was first proposed by Shepperd and Schofield (1997) as a valid alternative to expert judgment and algorithmic estimation. ABE is partially motivated by the obvious connections between project managers making estimation based on the memories of past similar projects and the formal use of analogies in Case Based Reasoning (CBR) (Kolodner 1993). The fundamental principle of ABE is simple: when provided a new project for estimation, the most similar historical projects (analogies) are retrieved, the solutions (cost values) of the retrieved projects are used to construct a ‘retrieved solution’ to the new project, with the expectation that the cost values of the retrieved projects will be similar to the real cost of the new project.

However, the adjustment on the retrieved solution is of necessity since it can capture the differences between the new project and the retrieved projects, and refine the retrieved solution into the target solution (Walkerden and Jeffery 1999). In the literature, many works (Walkerden and Jeffery 1999; Jorgensen et al. 2003; Chiu and Huang 2007; Li et al. 2007; Li and Ruhe 2008) have been focusing on the adjustments to the retrieved solution. However, most of these adjustment mechanisms are based on predetermined linear forms without learning ability to adapt to more complex situations such as non-normality. In addition, these adjustment techniques are limited to the numeric features despite that the categorical features also contain valuable information to improve the cost estimation accuracies (Angelis et al. 2000). In contrast, software project datasets often exhibit non-normal characteristics (Pickard et al. 2001) and contain large proportion of categorical features (Sentas and Angelis 2006; Liu and Mintram 2005).

To improve the existing adjustment mechanisms, we propose a more flexible non-linear adjustment with learning ability and including categorical features. The Non-linearity adjusted Analogy Based Estimation (NABE) is realized by adding a non-linear component (Artificial Neural Network) onto the retrieved solution of the ABE system. In this approach, the ordinary ABE procedure is first executed to produce an un-adjusted retrieval solution to the new project. Then, the differences between the new project’s features and its analogies’ features are treated as inputs to ANN model to generate the non-linear adjustment. Finally, the retrieved solution and the adjustment from ANN are summed up to form the final prediction.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the related work on the adjustments of analogy based cost estimation, the detailed comparisons of the existing adjustment mechanisms and how they are related to the properties of the project datasets. Section 3 describes the details of non-linearity adjusted ABE system (NABE). Section 4 presents four real world data sets and the evaluation criteria for experiments. Section 5 provides an illustrative example of the application procedure of NABE. In Section 6, the NABE is tested on the real world datasets and is compared against the linear adjusted ABEs, ANN CART and SWR. In Section 7, eight artificial data sets are generated and a systematic analysis is conducted to explore how the model accuracies are related to dataset properties. In Section 8, the threats to validity are presented. The final section presents the conclusions and future works.

2 Related Work and Motivations

2.1 Related Work

Analogy based software cost estimation is essentially a case-based reasoning (CBR) approach (Shepperd and Schofield 1997). This approach identifies one or more historical projects that are similar to the present project and then derives the cost estimates from the similar projects. Generally, the ABE consists of four parts (Fig. 1): a case/project data base, a similarity function, a retrieved solution and the associated retrieval rules (Kolodner 1993).

Fig. 1
figure 1

The general framework of analogy based estimation

Figure 1 shows that the retrieved solution function is a crucial component in ABE, since it obtains the adjustment and produces the final prediction. Retrieved solution has a general mathematical form shown the following formula:

$$\hat C_x = g\left( {C_1 ,C_2 , \ldots ,C_n } \right)$$

where Ĉ x denotes the estimated cost for the new project x, C i is the cost value of the ith closest analogy to project x, and n denotes the total number of closest analogies. The retrieved solution function (1) only includes the ‘cost’ values as its variables while other project features such as ‘lines of source code’ and ‘function points’ do not appear in this function. In the literature several retrieved solutions have been proposed, such as un-weighted mean (Shepperd and Schofield 1997; Jorgensen et al. 2003), weighted mean (Mendes et al. 2003), and median (Angelis and Stamelos 2000; Mendes et al. 2003). However, these solution functions can be rarely directly applied to predict Ĉ x . Instead, they need to be adjusted in order to fit the situations of the new project (Walkerden and Jeffery 1999). Therefore the adjustment mechanisms should first identify the differences between the new project (features) and the retrieved projects (features) and then convert these differences into the amount of change in the cost value. In the literature, many adjustment techniques have been proposed:

Walkerden and Jeffery (1999) first proposed the linear size adjustment. This approach performs a linear extrapolation along a single metric—the number of function points (FP) which is supposed to be strongly correlated with the project cost.

$$\hat C_x = \frac{{FP_x }}{{FP_{CA} }}C_{CA} $$

where Ĉ x denotes the estimated cost of a new project x, C CA is the cost value of the closest analogy (CA) or the most nearest neighbor, FP x is the number of function points of the new project x, and FP CA is the number of function points of the closest project. However, this adjustment technique may not be applicable when the size measure is not function point or there are many size measures other than function points such as the size measures of website projects (Mendes et al. 2001). Thus, based on Walkerden and Jeffery’s work, Mendes and Mosley (2003) further extended the naive form into an arbitrary number of size related features with multiple closest analogies.

$$\hat C_x = \frac{1}{K}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {\frac{1}{Q}\left( {\sum\limits_{p = 1}^Q {\frac{{s_{qx} }}{{s_{qi} }}C_i } } \right)} $$

where C i is the project cost of the ith closest analogy, K is the total number of retrieved closest analogies, s px is the qth size related feature of the new project x, s pi is the qth size related feature of the ith closest project, and Q is the total number of size related features. In a later study, Kirsopp et al. (2003) conducted an empirical investigation into the above two types of linear adjustments on ABE system.

Later, Jorgensen et al. (2003) proposed the ‘Regression Toward the Mean’ (RMT) adjustment mechanism:

$$\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\hat C_x = FP_{CA} \times \hat P_x } \hfill \\ {\hat P_x = P_{CA} + \left( {M - P_{CA} } \right) \times \left( {1 - r} \right)} \hfill \\ \end{array} $$

where \(\hat P_x \) denotes the adjusted productivity (Productivity = Cost / Function Points) of the new project x, P CA is the productivity of the closest analogies, M is the average productivity of the similar projects, and r is the historical correlation between the non-adjusted analogy based productivity and the actual productivity as a measure of the expected estimation accuracy. This method can also be regarded as an extension of Walkerden and Jeffery’s model, as it adjusts the ratio P CA =C CA /FP CA in (2) by adding a component (MP CA ) × (1−r) representing ‘regression toward the mean’.

At a later stage, heuristic method has been applied onto adjustment techniques. Chiu and Huang (2007) proposed Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize a linear adjustment model:

$$\hat C_x = C_{CA} + Adj$$

where C CA denotes the cost value of the closest analogy, \(Adj = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^m {\alpha _i \times \left( {s_{xi} - s_{CAi} } \right)} \) is the linear adjustment term, S xi is the ith feature of the new project x, and S CAi denotes the ith feature of the closest analogy. Genetic Algorithm is used to optimize the coefficients α i in this equation.

More recently, the categorical features are included into the adjustment model. Li et al. (2007) and Li and Ruhe (2008) proposed AQUA and AQUA+ for cost estimation. In their works, the following similarity adjusted solution function is proposed:

$$\hat C_x = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {\left[ {\frac{{Sim\left( {x,i} \right)}}{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {Sim\left( {x,i} \right)} }} \cdot C_i } \right]} $$

where C i is the project cost of the ith closest analogies, Sim(x, i) is the similarity between project x and its ith analogy, and K is the total number of closest analogies. The similarity measure Sim(x, i) can deal with both numerical and categorical features. In AQUA, the similarity measure assigns equal weights to the project features to eliminate the impact of different features, while AQUA+ employs the rough set approach to weight each project feature.

2.2 Motivations

Subsequent to the short descriptions of the published adjustment techniques, we present the motivations of this study in this section. Table 1 characterizes each adjustment method from six aspects. The first column contains the source of the adjustment. The second column is the type of function (linear / non-linear) that the adjustment bases on. The third column describes the type of project feature used in the adjustment function. The fourth column indicates whether the categorical features are considered in the adjustment. The fifth column shows whether the adjustment function can learn from the training dataset to approximate a complex relationship. The last column presents the number of closest analogies (one / multiple) used in the adjustment function. The reasons for selecting these criteria are as follows. The function type reflects the basic structure of the adjustment model. The adjustment feature, categorical feature, and number of analogies together determine the inputs of adjustment model. The learning ability indicates whether the adjustment mechanism has the flexibility to adapt to complex relationships.

Table 1 Comparison of published adjustment mechanisms

We can tell from Table 1 that most works are restricted on the linear functions without learning ability except the GA adjusted approach (Chiu and Huang 2007) and most works do not consider the categorical features except the similarity adjusted function (Li et al. 2007; Li and Ruhe 2008). To improve the adjustments mechanism, we propose the more flexible non-linear adjustment mechanism with learning ability and incorporating categorical features.

On the other hand, three relevant dataset characteristics are considered in our study: non-normality, categorical feature, and dataset size. These properties are likely to be relevant to the differences between the adjustment models. First, the non-normality is a commonly referred characteristic cross the software engineering datasets (Pickard et al. 2001). Many existing studies (Myrtveit and Stensrud 1999; Shepperd and Kadoda 2001; Mendes et al. 2003) have considered the non-normality as an influential factor to the accuracies of the models including analogy based methods. Generally, the higher degree of non-normality leads to lower modeling accuracy. This property appears to relate to the function type of the adjustment models since the linear models usually work well under the normal condition and non-linear models with adaptive abilities seems to produce better results under non-normal conditions. Several application studies of ANN in other research fields show that ANN model or ANN based models are robust to the non-normal datasets (Guh 2002; Chang and Ho 1999; Cannon 2007) and theoretically ANN is capable to approximate arbitrary relationships (Lawrence 1994). Therefore, it is expected that ANN based adjustment might enhance ABE model’s robustness to non-normality.

Given the fact that categorical features frequently appear in software engineering datasets (Sentas and Angelis 2006; Liu and Mintram 2005) and they may enclose useful information which could distinguish the projects (Angelis et al. 2000), many papers start to incorporate the categorical feature into consideration (Angelis et al. 2000; Sentas et al. 2005; Li et al. 2007; Li and Ruhe 2008). However, most existing adjustment techniques do not consider categorical features. NABE aims incorporate categorical features into adjustment mechanism for improvement of total performance. Therefore, the appearance of categorical features is regarded as one important data set property in our study.

The dataset size is also an influential factor on ABE methods. The ABE system retrieves the similar cases from the historical project dataset. The dataset with more projects could provide larger searching space for ABE. If the data is not very heterogeneous, it might lead to a higher chance for good prediction. Several papers (Auer et al. 2006; Shepperd and Kadoda 2001; Shepperd and Schofield 1997) studied dataset size as one major factor on the accuracy of analogy based method. In both Shepperd and Schofield’s paper and Auer’s paper, the authors analyzed the trends in estimation accuracy as the datasets grow. While in Shepperd and Kadoda’s work, they confirmed that ABE benefits from having larger training sets. In addition, Shepperd and Kadoda also found that ANN can achieve better performance from large training sets. Hence, the dataset size seems to have some connection with the learning ability of ANN and ABE.

As discussed above, dataset characteristics have large impacts on the estimation results and therefore it is more fruitful to identify which is the preferable estimation system in a particular context rather than to search for the ‘best’ prediction system for any case.

3 Artificial Neural Networks for Non-Linear Adjustment

In this section, a detailed description of the non-linear adjusted analogy based estimation (NABE) is presented.

First of all, the non-linear component—ANN is briefly introduced. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is one type of machine learning technique that have played an important role in approximating complex relationships (Lawrence 1994). Due to its excellent approximation capability, ANN has been widely applied for software cost estimation research (Gray and MacDonell 1997; Heiat 2002; De Barcelos Tronto et al. 2007).

In the ANN architecture there are typically three layers: the input layer, the hidden layers, and the output layer. All the layers are composed of neurons. The connections between neurons across layers represent the transmission of information between neurons. ANN has the following mathematical form:

$$y = y\left( x \right) = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^J {w_j } f\left( {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^I {v_{ij} f\left( {x_i } \right) + \alpha _j } } \right) + \beta + \varepsilon $$

where x is an I-dimensional vector with {x 1 , x 2 , …, x I } as its elements, f(·) is the user defined transfer function, ɛ is a random error with 0 as mean, J is the total number of hidden neurons, v ij is the weight on the connection between the ith input neuron and the jth hidden neuron, α j is the bias in the jth hidden neuron, w j is the weight on the connection between the jth hidden neuron and the output neuron, and β is the bias in the output neuron. The weights and biases are determined by the training procedure which minimizes the training error. The commonly used training error function Mean Square Error (MSE) is presented as follow:

$$E = \frac{1}{I}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^I {\left( {t^s - y^s } \right)^2 } $$

where γ s is the output of the network when the sth sample is the ANN input, and t s is the sth training target. The classical Back Propagation (BP) algorithm is often used to update the weights and biases to minimize the training error.

As shown by formula (7), ANN has three user-defined parameters: the number of hidden layers, the number of hidden nodes and the type of transfer function. These parameters have a major impact on ANN’s prediction performance (Hagan et al. 1997). Among these parameters, one hidden layer is often recommended since multiple hidden layers may lead to an over parameterized ANN structure. For the number of hidden nodes, too few hidden nodes can compromise the ability of network to approximate a desired function. On the contrary, too many hidden nodes can lead to over-fitting. In our study, ANN is used as the adaptive non-linear adjustment component in NABE system. The NABE method and its system procedure are described in Section 3.1.

3.1 Non-linear Adjusted Analogy Based System

From the explanations in Section 2, the adjustment mechanism should capture the ‘update’ that transforms the solution from the retrieved projects into the target solution. Based on the linear adjustment model proposed by Chiu and Huang (2007), we extend the linear adjustment model to the following additive form:

$$\hat C_x = C_{w/o} + f\left( {s_x ,S_k } \right)$$

where f( . ) is an arbitrary function approximating the update that is necessary to change the retrieved solution into the target solution (in our study, f( . ) is the ANN model), s x is the feature vector of project x, S k is the feature matrix of the K closest analogies and C w/o is the cost value obtained from the ABE without adjustment (or the retrieved solution).

The NABE system consists of two stages. In the first stage NABE system obtains the retrieved (un-adjusted) solution and trains the non-linear component—ANN. In the second stage the non-linear component is used to produce the update and then the update is added up with the retrieved solution to generate the final prediction.

3.1.1 Stage I—Training

The procedures of stage I are shown in Fig. 2. The jackknife approach (Angelis and Stamelos 2000) (also known as leave one out cross-validation) is employed for the training of the non-linear adjustment (ANN). For each project in the training dataset, the following steps are performed:

  1. Step 1:

    the ith project is extracted from the training dataset as the new project being estimated, and the rest projects are treated as the historical projects in ABE system.

  2. Step 2:

    the ABE system finds the K closest analogies from the historical projects by the similarity measure. In this study, the Euclidean distance is used to construct the similarity function Sim(i, j):

    $$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{{Sim\left( {i,\;j} \right) = 1} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{Sim\left( {i,\;j} \right) = 1} {\left[ {\delta + \sqrt {\sum\limits_{q = 1}^Q {Dist\left( {s_{iq} ,s_{jq} } \right)} } } \right]}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left[ {\delta + \sqrt {\sum\limits_{q = 1}^Q {Dist\left( {s_{iq} ,s_{jq} } \right)} } } \right]}}} & {\delta = 0.0001} \\ {Dist = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\left( {s_{iq} - s_{jq} } \right)^2 } \hfill \\ {1,} \hfill \\ {0,} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.} & {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {if\;s_{iq} \;and\;s_{jq} \,are\,numeric} \hfill \\ {if\;s_{iq} \,and\;s_{jq} \,are\,categorical\;and\;s_{iq} = \;s_{jq} } \hfill \\ {\;if\;s_{iq} \,and\;s_{jq} \,are\,categorical\;and\;s_{iq} \ne \;s_{jq} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \\ \end{array} $$

where i represents the project being estimated, j denotes one historical project, S iq is the qth feature value of project i, S jq denotes the qth feature value of project j, Q is the total number of features in each project and δ = 0.0001 is a small constant to prevent the situation that \(\sqrt {\sum\limits_{q = 1}^Q {Dist\left( {s_{iq} ,s_{jq} } \right)} } = 0\). In our similarity function, we use un-weighed Euclidean distance to eliminate the impacts of different feature weights.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Training stage of the ANN adjusted ABE system with K closest analogies * AK means the K th closest analogy of project i

After obtaining the K analogies, the retrieved solution (cost value) to the ith project is generated. For the sake of simplicity, the un-weighted mean (Shepperd and Schofield 1997) is used as retrieved solution in this study.

  1. Step 3:

    after obtaining the retrieved solution, the inputs and the training target are prepared to train the ANN model in (9). The inputs of ANN are the residuals between the features of project i and the features of its K analogies. The training target of ANN is the residual between the ith project’s real cost value and the retrieved solution from its K analogies:

    $$C_i - \sum\limits_{k = 1}^K {\frac{{C_k }}{K}} = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^J {w_j } f\left( {\sum\limits_{k = 1}^K {\sum\limits_{q = 1}^Q {v_{kqj} f\left( {s_{iq} - s_{kq} } \right) + \alpha _j } } } \right) + \beta + \varepsilon $$

The left hand side of (11) is the training target: the difference between the real cost of project i and the retrieved solution of project i. The right hand side of (11) is the ANN model with s iq as the qth feature of project i, s kq as the qth feature of its kth analogy (if s iq and s kq are categorical features, then s iq s kq = 1 when s iq = s kq , and s iq s kq = 0 when s iq s kq ), with w j , v kqj , α j and β as ANN weights and biases, with f(·) as the transfer function, with J as the number of hidden neurons, with K as the total number of analogies, and with Q as the total number of features in each project. For example, if the ith project’s real cost is 40 and the retrieved solution is 21, then the targeting output of ANN is 40–21 = 19.

  1. Step 4.

    given the inputs and the targeting output, the Back Propagation (BP) algorithm is performed to update the parameter in (11) to minimize the training error MSE (8).

After repeating the above procedure to all the projects in training dataset, the training stage is completed and the system moves to the testing stage.

3.1.2 Stage II—Predicting

The predicting stage is illustrated in Fig. 3. At this stage, a new project x is presented to the trained NABE system. Then, a set of K analogies are retrieved from the training dataset by applying (10) to calculate the similarities. After obtaining the K analogies, the retrieved solution function is used to generate the un-adjusted prediction, and the differences between features of project x and its K analogies are inputted into the trained ANN model to generate the adjustment. Finally, the ABE prediction and the ANN adjustment are summed up as the final prediction:

$$\hat y\left( x \right) = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^K {\frac{{C_k }}{K}} + \sum\limits_{j = 1}^J {w_j } f\left( {\sum\limits_{k = 1}^K {\sum\limits_{q = 1}^Q {v_{kqj} f(s_{xq} - s_{kq} ) + \alpha _j } } } \right) + \beta $$
Fig. 3
figure 3

Predicting stage of the ANN adjusted ABE system with K closest analogies * AK means the K th analogies of project x

For a better illustration of the NABE system procedure, an application example is given in Section 5. Before the example, the accuracy evaluation criteria and the real world datasets are presented in Section 4.

4 Evaluation Criteria and Data Sets

The evaluation criteria and real world data sets for experiments are presented in Section 4.1 and Section 4.2 respectively.

4.1 The Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation criteria are essential to the experiments. In the literature, several quality metrics have been proposed to assess the performances of estimation methods. More specifically, Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE), PRED(0.25) (Conte et al. 1986), and Median Magnitude of Relative Error (MdMRE) (Jorgensen et al. 1995) are three popular metrics.

The MMRE is defined as below:

$$\begin{array}{*{20}l} {MMRE = \frac{1}{n} \times \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {MRE} } \hfill \\ {MRE = \left| {\frac{{C_i - \hat C_i }}{{C_i }}} \right|} \hfill \\ \end{array} $$

where n denotes the total number of projects, C i denotes the actual cost of project i, and Ĉ i denotes the estimated cost of project i. Small MMRE value indicates the low level of estimation error. However, this metric is unbalanced and penalizes overestimation more than underestimation.

The MdMRE (Kitchenham et al. 2001) is the median of all the MREs.

$$MdMRE = median\left( {\left| {\frac{{C_i - \hat C_i }}{{C_i }}} \right|} \right)$$

It exhibits a similar pattern to MMRE but it is more likely to select the true model especially in the underestimation cases since it is less sensitive to extreme outliers (Foss et al. 2003). The PRED(0.25) is the percentage of predictions that fall within 25% of the actual value.

$$PRED\left( {0.25} \right) = \frac{1}{n} \times \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\left( {MRE \leqslant 0.25} \right)} $$

The PRED(0.25) identifies cost estimations that are generally accurate, while MMRE is a biased and not always reliable as a performance metric. However, MMRE has been the de facto standard in the software cost estimation literature. In addition to the metrics mentioned above, there are several metrics available in the literature, such as Adjusted Mean Square Error (AMSE) (Burgess and Lefley 2001), Standard Deviation (SD) (Foss et al. 2003), Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) (Foss et al. 2003), and Logarithmic Standard Deviation (LSD) (Foss et al. 2003).

4.2 Data Sets

Four well known real world datasets are chosen for experiments. The Albrecht dataset (Albrecht and Gaffney 1983) is a popular dataset used by many recent studies (Shepperd and Schofield 1997; Heiat 2002; Auer et al. 2006). This dataset includes 24 projects developed by third generation languages. Eighteen out of 24 projects were written in COBOL, four were written in PL1, and two were written in DMS languages. There are five independent features: ‘Inpcout’, ‘Outcount’, ‘Quecount’, ‘Filcount’, and ‘SLOC’. The two dependent features are ‘Fp’ and ‘Effort’. The ‘Effort’ which is recorded in 1,000 person hours is the targeting feature of cost estimation. The detailed descriptions of the features are shown in Appendix A. The descriptive statistics is presented in Table 2. Among these statistics, the ‘Skewness’ and ‘Kurtosis’ are used to quantify the degree of non-normality of the features (Kendall and Stuart 1976). It is noted that Albrecht is a relatively small dataset with high order non-normality comparing to the rest three datasets.

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of all features of Albrecht dataset

The Desharnais dataset was collected by Desharnais (1989). Despite the fact that Desharnais dataset is relatively old, it is one of the large and publicly available datasets. Therefore it still has been employed by many recent research works, such as Mair et al. (2000), Burgess and Lefley, (2001), and Auer et al. (2006). This data set includes 81 projects (with nine features) from one Canadian software company. Four of 81 projects contain missing values, so they have been excluded from further investigation. The eight independent features are ‘TeamExp’, ‘ManagerExp’, ‘Length’, ‘Language’, ‘Transactions’, ‘Entities’, ‘Envergure’, and ‘PointsAdjust’. The dependent feature ‘Effort’ is recorded in 1,000 h. The definitions of the features are provided in Appendix B. The descriptive statistics of all features are presented in Table 3. Table 3 shows that Desharnais is a larger dataset with relatively lower order non-normality comparing with Albrecht dataset.

Table 3 Descriptive statistics of all features of Desharnais dataset

The Maxwell dataset (Maxwell 2002) is a relative new dataset and has already been used by some recent research works (Sentas et al. 2005; Li et al. 2008b). This dataset contains 62 projects (with 26 features) from one of the biggest commercial banks in Finland. In this dataset, four out of 26 features are numerical and the rest features are categorical. The categorical features can be further divided into ordinal features and nominal features, and they have to be distinguished. When calculating the similarity measure, the ordinal features are treated as ‘numerical features’ since they are sensitive to the order while the nominal features are regarded as ‘categorical’ type. (See formula (10))

In Maxwell dataset, the numerical features are ‘Time’, ‘Duration’, ‘Size’ and ‘Effort’. The categorical features are ‘Nlan’, ‘T01’-‘T15’, ‘App‘, ‘Har’, ‘Dba’, ‘Ifc’, ‘Source’ and ‘Telonuse’. The ordinal features are ‘Nlan’, and ‘T01’-‘T15’. The nominal features are ‘App’, ‘Har’, ‘Dba’, ‘Ifc’, ‘Source’ and ‘Telonuse’. The definitions of all the features are presented in Appendix C. The descriptive statistics of all features are provided in Table 4. It is shown that Maxwell is a relative large dataset with relatively lower order non-normality and larger proportion of categorical features comparing with Albrecht set and Desharnais set.

Table 4 Descriptive statistics of all features of Maxwell data set

The ISBSG (International Software Benchmarking Standards Group) has developed and refined its data collection standard over a ten-year period based on the metrics that have proven to be very useful to improve software development processes. The latest data release of this organization is the ISBSG R10 data repository (ISBSG 2007a) which contains totally 4,106 projects (with 105 features) coming from 22 countries and various organizations such as banking, communications, insurance, business services, government and manufacturing.

Due to the heterogeneous nature and the huge size of the entire repository, ISBSG recommends extracting out a suitable subset for any cost estimation practice (ISBSG 2007b). At the first step, only the relevant features characterizing projects should be considered to create the subset. Thus, we select out 14 important features (include project effort) suggested by ISBSG (ISBSG 2007b): ‘DevType’, ‘OrgType’, ‘BusType’, ‘AppType’, ‘DevPlat’, ‘PriProLan’, ‘DevTech’, ‘ProjectSize’ (consisting of six sub features: ‘InpCont’, ‘OutCont’, ‘EnqCont’, ‘FileCont’, ‘IntCont’, and ‘AFP’), and ‘NorEffort’. Then, the projects with missing values in any of the selected feature are excluded from the subset. Afterward, a further step is taken to refine the subset. In ISBSG dataset, project data quality is rated and only projects with A or B rating are used in published research works. Therefore the projects with the ratings other than A and B are excluded from the subset. Moreover, since the normalized effort (‘NorEffort’) is used as the target for estimation, the risk of using normalized effort should be noted. For project covering less than a full development life cycle, normalized effort is an estimate of the full development effort and this may introduce biasness. Hence the normalized ratio (normalized effort / summary effort) is used to refine the project subset. As suggested by ISBSG that the ratio up to 1.2 is acceptable (ISBSG 2007b), we filter out the projects with normalized ration larger than 1.2. Finally, the subset is further reduced to the projects with ‘Banking’ as ‘OrgType’. After all, the above procedures results to a subset with 118 projects.

The definitions of the project features are presented in Appendix D. The descriptive statistics of all features are summarized in Table 5. Table 5 and Appendix D show that the ISBSG subset is the largest dataset with high order non-normality and large proportion of categorical features comparing with the datasets above.

Table 5 Descriptive statistics of all features of ISBSG data set

5 Application Example of NABE

This section presents an application example of the NABE system on Albrecht dataset.

5.1 Stage I—Training

  1. Step 1,

    suppose project i is used as the training target for the non-linear component (all feature values are normalized in to region [0, 1]).









Project i








  1. Step 2,

    the ABE algorithm searches through the training dataset for the K = 1 analogy of the project i. Suppose that the retrieved closest analogy is project j:









Project j








  1. Step 3,

    the training target and inputs are calculated for the ANN component. The target output is: (project i’s effort)—(project j’s effort) = 0.17–0.12 = 0.05; the inputs of ANN are the features of project i subtracting the corresponding features of project j:















  1. Step 4,

    the back-propagation algorithm is performed to train ANN by using the target and inputs from step 3.

Step 1 to step 4 are repeated cross all the projects in the training set. The trained ANN model is the non-linear adjustment that adapts to the relationship that transforms the retrieved solution to the target solution.

5.2 Stage II—Predicting

Suppose a new project x is being estimated and the effort value of this project is unknown.









Project x








The ABE system firstly retrieves the closest analogy: project k from the training dataset.









Project k








Therefore, the effort = 0.08 is the retrieved solution. Then the residuals between the feature values of project x and the feature values of project k are calculated and inputted into the ANN model.















After processing the inputs, the ANN generates an output = 0.07, according to its network structure obtained from the training stage. At last, the final prediction is produced by adding the ANN output to the retrieved solution (0.08 + 0.07 = 0.15).

6 Experiments and Results

In this section, the proposed NABE is tested on the four datasets introduced in Section 4, comparing with the linear adjusted ABEs and other estimating methods including ANN, CART and SWR. In Section 6.1, the experiments design and the methods parameterizations are presented. From Section 6.2 to Section 6.5 the experimental results on the four datasets are summarized and analyzed.

6.1 Experiments Design

6.1.1 Three-Fold Cross Validation

Prior to the experiments setup, all types of features are normalized into [0, 1] by dividing each feature value by that feature range, similarly to ANGEL (Shepperd and Schofield 1997). The three-fold cross-validation is used to assess the accuracies of the methods, similarly to Briand et al. (1999), Jeffery et al. (2001), and Mendes et al. (2003). Under this scheme, the data set is randomly divided into k = 3 equally sized subsets. At each time, one of the three subsets is used as the testing set exclusively for evaluating model prediction, and the rest two subsets are integrated to form a training set which is only used to construct the estimating model. This process is repeated three times and each subset has been used as testing set only one time. Finally the average training error and testing error across all three trials are computed. The advantage of cross validation scheme is that it matters little how the data is divided since every data point is assigned into a test set exactly once, and into a training set twice.

6.1.2 Experiments Procedures

After determining the cross-validation scheme, the following procedures are performed to validate the proposed NABE system with comparisons against other methods on each dataset.

  1. 1.

    The performances of NABE are analyzed on both training set and testing set by varying the K number of analogies from 1 to 5 while keeping the similarity measure as the formula in (10) and the retrieved solution function as the ‘un-weighted mean’. The reason for changing K values is that K is an important parameter which determines the number of inputs to the non-linear adjustment. The similarity measure and retrieved solution are fixed because the focus of this study is on non-linear adjustment but these two parameters may not have direct impacts to the non-linear adjustment.

  2. 2.

    The optimal K value of the training practice (K minimizes the MMRE on training set) is selected to configure NABE for comparisons. Similarly, the best variants of other methods on the training sets are also obtained to compare with NABE. The training and testing results are summarized and analyzed.

  3. 3.

    The Wilcoxon signed-rank tests (α = 0.05) are performed to quantitatively identify the significance of difference in each pair-wised comparisons on testing sets.

6.1.3 Methods Specifications

Many cost estimation techniques are included for comparisons. They are: the standard ABE (Shepperd and Schofield 1997), the Linear size adjusted ABE (LABE) (Walkerden and Jeffery 1999), Regression toward the mean adjusted ABE (RABE) (Jorgensen et al. 2003), GA optimized linear adjusted ABE (GABE) (Chiu and Huang 2007), Similarity adjusted ABE (SABE) (Li and Ruhe 2008), and other popular cost estimation methods including the Classification and Regression Trees (CART) (Stensrud 2001), the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (Mair et al. 2000) and Stepwise Regression (SWR) (Mendes et al. 2003).

To eliminate the impacts from different parameters, all types of ABE methods are implemented with fixed similarity measure (Euclidean) and retrieve solution (un-weighted mean). The only changeable parameter K number of analogies varies from 1 to 5. It is noted that, in SABE method the un-weighted similarity function is applied since the feature weighting is not included in this study.

For ANN, there are generally three parameters: the number of hidden nodes, the number of hidden layers and the types of hidden transfer functions. In our study, only one hidden layer is considered in order to avoid the over-parameterized ANN structure. The number of hidden nodes is chosen from the set {1, 3, 5, 7, 10} and the type of hidden transfer function is chosen from the set {Linear, Tan-Sigmoid, Log-Sigmoid}. Every combination of hidden node and hidden transfer function is evaluated on the training data. The optimal combination (minimize MMRE) is used for testing and comparisons.

The CART (Brieman et al. 1984) is a non-parametric and tree structured analysis procedure that can be used for classification and regression. When the tree structure is applied for numerical targets they are often called regression trees. CART has the following advantages: the capability of dealing with categorical features, the easily understandable diagram of complex data and the ability to identify the major subsets in the total dataset (Srinivasan and Fisher 1995). The construction of the CART involves recursively splitting the data set into (usually two) relatively homogeneous subsets until the terminate conditions are satisfied. The best tree is obtained by applying cross-validation on the training set using a spread minimization criterion. The best tree model is used in testing and comparisons.

For the stepwise regression method (SWR), the optimal regression model is determined from the forward stepwise procedure on the training dataset. Then the optimal linear equation is used in testing and comparisons. When the categorical features appear in the dataset, the optimal scaling (or CATREG) technique by Angelis et al. (2000) is utilized to build regression model based on both numerical and categorical features.

Finally, the random model (RAND) is also included in the comparisons as the control group to produce the estimation by randomly selecting any project’s cost value from the dataset (training set or testing set).

All the methods are implemented via MATLAB code. The ANN component in NABE system and the ANN method in comparisons are trained by BP algorithm. The MSE error in (8) is use to determine how well the network is trained. The training stops when the MSE drops below the specified threshold = 0.01 in this study.

6.2 The Results on Albrecht Dataset

This section presents the results and comparisons on Albrecht dataset. Table 6 summarizes the three-fold cross validation results of NABE with different K values. It is observed that the setting K = 4 minimizes the training MMRE. Thus, the NABE system with K = 4 is chosen for the comparisons with other methods. In order to provide more insight on the magnitude of adjustment proposed by ANN, the ratios of absolute adjustment / non-adjusted values are calculated across the testing sets. The mean value of these ratio is 0.41 by NABE system with K = 4.

Table 6 Results of NABE on Albrecht dataset

Table 7 collects the training and testing results of the best variants of all cost estimation models. The configurations for ABE based methods are K = 2 for ABE, K = 3 for RABE, K = 1 for LABE, K = 2 for GABE and K = 1 for SABE. The testing results in Table 7 show that the NABE achieves the best values in MMRE, PRED(0.25) and MdMRE. Among other types of ABEs, LABE obtains the smallest MMRE, ABE achieves the maximum PRED(0.25), and SABE has the minimal MdMRE. In addition, it is noted that all methods have better performances than the random model. Another interesting observation is that some testing results are better than the training results. Some published cost estimation works (such as Chiu and Huang (2007) and Huang and Chiu (2006)) also reported similar patterns. This may be due to the fact that the machine learning techniques are data driven methods and they learn from examples without any knowledge of the model type. If the testing data happens to fit well to the model constructed on training data, then it is possible to have better testing results than training results.

Table 7 Accuracy comparison on Albrecht dataset

To further analyze the testing performances, we draw out the box plots of absolute residuals, because absolute residuals are less sensitive to bias than the asymmetric MRE values (Stensrud et al. 2003). The plots in Fig. 4 show that NABE has a lower median, a shorter inter-quartile range, and fewer outliers than other methods. It is also observed that the distributions of absolute residuals are heavily skewed. This implies that the standard t-test is no longer valid for significance testing. Thus, the assumption-free Wilcoxon signed-rank tests are performed instead. The p-values of Wilcoxon signed-rank tests are summarized in Table 8.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Boxplots of absolute residuals on Albrecht dataset

Table 8 NABE vs. other methods: p-values of the Wilcoxon tests and the improvements in percentages

Table 8 summarizes the p-values of Wilcoxon tests of NABE versus other method. Four paired comparisons have p-values smaller than 0.05. They are NABE v.s. RABE, NABE v.s. GABE, NABE v.s. CART, and NABE v.s. SWR. In addition, the improvements of NABE to other methods in terms of MMRE values are presented in Table 8. Four of the MMRE improvements are larger than 30% and the largest improvement is 60% on CART. The smallest improvement is 6% on LABE.

6.3 The Results on Desharnais Dataset

In this section, we present the results on Desharnais dataset in a way that similar to the presentations on Albrecht dataset. Table 9 illustrates the training errors and testing errors of NABE with regard to different K values. The K = 2 achieves the minimal training MMRE, thus NABE with K = 2 is chosen for comparisons with other methods. The average of the radios of (absolute adjustment / non-adjusted prediction) is 0.03 on the testing sets.

Table 9 Results of NABE on Desharnais dataset

Table 10 summarizes the training and testing errors of the best variants of all cost estimation models. The optimal parameters for ABE based methods other than NABE are: ABE with K = 1, RABE with K = 1, LABE with K = 1, GABE with K = 2 and SABE with K = 4. The testing results show that NABE achieves smallest MMRE and MdMRE, and second largest PRED(0.25). Among other types of ABEs, GABE obtains the smallest MMRE, RABE achieves the largest PRED(0.25) and the minimal MdMRE. It is also observed that the differences between NABE and other methods are not as apparent as those on Albrecht datasets. This observation maybe attribute to the characteristic of Desharnais dataset: moderate non-normality. It implies that all methods tend to perform equally good when the data set is close to normal distribution. As to the control group, all other methods have better predictions than the random model.

Table 10 Accuracy comparisons on Desharnais dataset

For further analysis, the box plots of absolute residuals on testing datasets are presented in Fig. 5. The plots in Fig. 5 show that NABE’s median is close to those of RABE, ANN and SWR; NABE has the shortest inter-quartile range, NABE gets five outliers while SABE and CART have fewer ones though their outliers are more extreme. The distributions of absolute residuals are skewed and therefore Wilcoxon tests are used to quantitatively investigate the differences between NABE and other methods.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Boxplots of absolute residuals on Desharnais dataset

In Table 11, the p-values from the Wilcoxon tests are presented together with the improvements on MMRE. Six out of eight p-values are larger than 0.05, and the rest two p-values are NABE vs. LABE = 0.02 and NABE vs. CART = 0.03. All the MMRE improvements are not larger than 30%. The largest improvement is 30% on SWR while the smallest improvement is 7% on GABE. These observations confirm the previous observation that on Desharnais dataset NABE does not perform significantly better than most methods and the performances of different methods are very close.

Table 11 NABE vs. other methods: p-values of the Wilcoxon tests and the improvements in percentages

6.4 The Results on Maxwell Dataset

This section presents the results and comparisons on Maxwell dataset. Table 12 presents the three-fold cross validation results of NABE with different K values. The best setting K = 3 which minimizes the training MMRE is chosen for comparisons with other methods. The mean of the radios of (absolute adjustment / non-adjusted prediction) is 0.37 on the testing sets.

Table 12 Results of NABE on Maxwell dataset

Table 13 presents the training and testing accuracies of different cost estimation models. The results from best variants of all methods are collected in this table. The configurations for ABE based methods are: ABE with K = 3, RABE with K = 3, LABE with K = 2, GABE K = 3 and SABE K = 4. The results show that NABE achieves best testing MMRE, PRED(0.25) and MdMRE. Among other types of ABEs, SABE obtains the smallest MMRE, LABE achieves the largest PRED(0.25), and SABE has the minimal MdMRE. As to the control group, all other methods seem to be better than the random model

Table 13 Accuracy comparisons on Maxwell dataset

To further analyze the testing results, we draw out the box plots of absolute residuals. The plots in Fig. 6 show that NABE has a median close to those of GABE and SABE; NABE has a inter-quartile range close to those of GABE, SABE and CART; NABE gets five outliers while RABE, GABE, ABE, ANN and SWR have fewer outliers though some of their outliers are more extreme. The distributions of absolute residuals suggest the Wilcoxon tests to identify the differences between NABE and other methods.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Boxplots of absolute residuals on Maxwell dataset

Table 14 summarizes the p-values of Wilcoxon tests and the improvements on MMRE values. Four out of eight p-values are smaller than 0.05. Two of the MMRE improvements are larger than 30%. The largest improvement is 48% on CART and the smallest improvement is 7% on GABE. These observations confirm the finding that NABE performs significantly better than other methods except SABE and GABE, on Maxwell dataset.

Table 14 NABE vs. other methods: p-values of the Wilcoxon tests and the improvements in percentages

6.5 The Results on ISBSG Dataset

In this section, we present the results and comparisons on ISBSG dataset. Table 15 illustrates the training and testing errors of NABE with different K values. The K = 2 achieves the minimal training MMRE and therefore NABE with K = 2 is chosen for comparisons with other methods. The mean value of the radios of (absolute adjustment / non-adjusted prediction) is 0.43 on the testing sets, which is close to those on Albrecht data set and Maxwell data set.

Table 15 Results of NABE on ISBSG dataset

Table 16 summarizes the comparisons among the best variants of different cost estimation models. The optimal parameters for ABE based methods are: ABE with K = 3, RABE with K = 3, LABE with K = 1, GABE with K = 3 and SABE with K = 5. The results show that the NABE achieves best testing MMRE, PRED(0.25), and MdMRE. Among other types of ABEs, SABE obtains the smallest MMRE, RABE achieves the largest PRED(0.25) and the minimal MdMRE. Comparing to the control group, all methods appear to be better than the random model.

Table 16 Accuracy comparisons on ISBSG dataset

The box plots of absolute residuals on testing sets are provided for further analysis. The plots in Fig. 7 show that NABE achieves a lower median, the shorter inter-quartile range than other methods. Another observation is that all methods are prone to extreme outliers. This maybe attribute to the fact that ISBSG dataset were collected inter-organizationally and internationally. Due to the diverse sources of data, even two similar projects might have quite different amount of cost. In the next step, Wilcoxon tests are used to assess the differences between NABE and other methods.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Boxplots of absolute residuals on ISBSG dataset

In Table 17, the p-values from the Wilcoxon tests are presented together with the improvements on MMRE. In this table, all p-values are not larger than 0.05. As to the MMRE improvement, four MMRE improvements are larger than 30%. The largest improvement is 48% on RABE while the smallest improvement is 14% on SWR.

Table 17 NABE vs. other methods: p-values of the Wilcoxon tests and the improvements in percentages

Besides the three-fold-cross validation, we conduct a different round of testing on ISBSG dataset. In this experiment, we select the test subset to consist of 33% more recent projects (completed in year 2000 and 2001) and the training subset to consist of 66% older projects (completed from year 1993 to 1999), because this would provide a more realistic setting: in real life applications the experimenter of NABE would train the method on old projects and apply it to the incoming projects. The results on training and testing subsets are summarized in Table 18. It is shown that most methods achieve better results than in three-fold cross-validation. NABE achieves best results under all error metrics. Among other ABEs, ABE obtains the smallest MMRE, and LABE achieves the largest PRED(0.25) and the minimal MdMRE. Comparing to the control group, all methods appear to perform better than the random model.

Table 18 Accuracy comparisons on ISBSG dataset

7 Analysis on Dataset Characteristics

In Section 6, results and comparisons are presented on each real dataset individually. However, the results vary dramatically from one dataset to another. For instance, NABE is statistically better than RABE on ISBSG dataset (p = 0.02) but their performances are statistically equal to each other on Desharnais dataset (p = 0.28). This is probably due to the fact that model accuracies are not only affected by the parameters selections but also affected by other factors such as the dataset characteristics (Shepperd and Kadoda 2001). In this section, we conduct a systematic investigation in order to explore the relationship between model accuracy and the dataset characteristics, and identify under which conditions NABE is the preferred prediction system and under what conditions other methods is also recommendable.

Table 19 summarizes a set of characteristics of the real world datasets. The columns in this table list the dataset ID, the number of projects, total number of features, the number of categorical features, and average of absolute skewness and kurtosis of each feature. The skewness and kurtosis values together reflect the degree of non-normality of the dataset.

Table 19 Characteristics of the four real world datasets

This table provides some insights to each dataset. It is shown that software dataset often exhibits a mixture of several characteristics such as skewness and excessive outliers (kurtosis). These characteristics do not always appear in the same degree. In some cases they are moderate such as the Albrecht dataset, while in other cases they are severe such as the ISBSG dataset. It is also noted that the data sets are largely contrast to each other, for example Albrecht dataset has a relatively small size and small proportion of categorical features while Maxwell dataset is larger and has large proportion of categorical features. However, based on only the real world datasets, there are still some difficulties for a systematic analysis. The real dataset properties are uncontrollable and the real world datasets can not cover the full range of the combinations of the properties being studied.

Artificially generated dataset by simulation (Pickard et al. 2001; Shepperd and Kadoda 2001) is a feasible solution to the above difficulties. This approach generates artificial dataset from predefined distributions and equations. The simulated dataset provides the researcher with more control over the characteristics of a dataset. Especially, it enables the researcher to vary one property at a time and thus allows a more systematic exploration of the relationship between dataset characteristics and model accuracies. As a simple but powerful tool for empirical evaluations, this technique has been frequently implemented by several recently published studies (Myrtveit et al. 2005; Li et al. 2008a).

Besides the simulation approach, bootstrapping (Efron and Gong 1983) is often used to produce artificial datasets to study the uncertainties in the predictions (Angelis and Stamelos 2000). Its principle is to generate several new datasets with the same size as the original dataset by randomly sampling original data with replacement. Each new dataset may have some items from the original dataset appearing more than once while some not appearing at all. However, bootstrapping is not considered for artificial dataset generation in this study. The reason is that our study mainly emphases on varying dataset properties to investigate the relationships between dataset properties and model accuracies but bootstrapping only generates a series of datasets based on original data and offers limited variability to change the dataset properties. On the other hand, the simulation technique provides a more explicit control over the dataset properties such as adjusting the distribution parameters to vary the skewness and kurtosis of the variable distribution.

In Section 7.1, we simulate eight artificial datasets to match the eight different combinations of the three data characteristics. Due to the computational limits, we only considered two levels for each characteristic: such as Large/Small for the ‘Dataset size’, Large/Small for the ‘Proportion of categorical features’, and Severe/Moderate for the ‘Non-normality’.

7.1 Artificial Datasets Generation

In this section, we present the procedures of artificial datasets generation. We extend Pickard’s equation of artificial dataset generation in this work. Other types of simulation techniques for artificial dataset are also available in the literature. For more details, readers can refer to Shepperd and Kadoda (2001), Foss et al. (2003), and Myrtveit et al. (2005).

Based on Pickard’s method, we simulate the combinations of characteristics from the equation (16):

$$y = 1000 + 6x_1 sk + 3x_2 sk + 2x_3 sk + 5x_4 sk + 10x_5 sk + x_6 sk + e$$

The independent variables are x 1 sk, x 2 sk, x 3 sk, x 4 sk, x 5 sk, and x 6 sk. Among them, x 1 sk, x 2 sk, and x 3 sk are continuous variables, and x 6 sk is categorical variable. The first variable x 1 sk is treated as the feature ‘function point’ for the linear adjustment methods. The last term e in (16) is the normally distributed noise with mean 0 and variance 1. To simulate different proportions of categorical features (Large/Small), x 4 sk and x 5 sk are defined as categorical variables for the situation of large proportion (50%) while x 4 sk and x 5 sk are set to be continuous to represent the situation of small proportion of categorical features (16.7%).

The non-normality is represented by skewness and outliers (kurtosis). For the continuous variables, the skewnesses are generated by five independent Gamma distributed random variables x 1′, x 2′, x 3′, x 4′, and x 5′ with scale parameter θ = 2 and shape parameter k = 3 representing the moderate skewness, and θ = 2 and k = 1 for the severe skewness. For the categorical variables, the moderate skewnesses are simulated by the independent discrete random variables x 4′, x 5′, and x 6′ with the distribution {P(X = 1) = 0.1; P(X = 2) = 0.1, P(X = 3) = 0.5, P(X = 4) = 0.2, P(X = 5) = 0.1} and the severe skewnesses are simulated by the distribution {P(X = 1) = 0.7; P(X = 2) = 0.1, P(X = 3) = 0.1, P(X = 4) = 0, P(X = 5) = 0.1}. To vary the magnitude of the independent variable, we then multiply x 1′ by ten to create variable x 1 sk, x 2′ by three to create x 2 sk, x 3′ by 20 to create x 3 sk, x 4′ by five to create the variable x 4 sk, x 5′ by two to create x 5 sk, and x 6′ by one to create x 6 sk. The outliers are generated by multiplying or dividing the dependent variable y by a constant. We select 1% of the data points to be the outliers. Half of the outliers are obtained by multiplying while half of them are obtained by dividing. For the moderate outliers, we set the constant value as 2, while for the severe outliers, six is chosen to be the constant.

For dataset sizes, we generate 400 projects to form the large sized dataset and 40 projects to construct the small sized dataset. Table 20 summarizes the properties of the eight artificial datasets.

Table 20 Artificial datasets and properties

7.2 Comparisons on Modeling Accuracies

The experimental procedures presented in Section 6.1.2 are applied on all artificial datasets. The comparisons between NABE and other models are presented first, since the relative performances of NABE to other methods could provide more insights about how to choose appropriate cost estimation method under a certain condition. Table 21 summarizes the results of Wilcoxon signed rank tests. These significance tests assess the differences between the absolute residuals of NABE’s predictions and the absolute residuals of other methods’ predictions. The confidence limit is set at α = 0.05. In Table 21, the entry with ‘Y’ indicates that NABE performs significantly better than the method located in this entry’s corresponding column. The last column summarizes the total number of ‘Y’s in each row (dataset).

Table 21 Comparative performance of NABE to other methods

The results in Table 21 show that NABE achieves better performance than all rest methods on datasets #4 and #8. Both have large proportions of categorical features and severe non-normality. This observation suggests that NABE might be the best choice among all methods in our study, when the dataset is highly non-normal and with large proportion of categorical features. This observation also confirms the findings on ISBSG dataset which has similar properties to dataset #8. Another interesting observation is that NABE obtains the equally good predictions to other methods on dataset #1 which has small size, small number of categorical features and moderate non-normality. Comparing to the real world datasets, Dataset #1’s properties are closest to those of Desharnais set on which NABE also performs equally to other methods except LABE and CART.

The analysis above clarifies the conditions under which NABE is preferable to other methods. To further study the relationship between dataset property and model accuracy, we analyze the model predictions under single dataset characteristic.

7.3 Analysis on ‘Size’

Table 22 summarizes the testing MMREs of each cost estimation model on the artificial datasets grouped under different ‘size’. The results show that, NABE achieves the lowest MMREs on dataset #2, #4, #5, #6, #7, and #8. It is also observed that the dataset size might largely influence the prediction accuracies. More specifically, almost all the methods obtain smaller MMRE values on larger datasets.

Table 22 Testing MMREs under different dataset size

To further investigate the ‘size’ property, we compare the absolute residuals of predictions using the small datasets and the large datasets. The difference is tested by using the Mann-Whitney U test setting the confidence limit at α = 0.05, since the sample sizes are not equal (40 data points vs. 400 data points). The results are presented in Table 23. The entry with ‘Y’ means the difference between the datasets pair in its row is significant when using the model in its column. Table 23 shows that a larger dataset size may significantly reduce prediction error measured by absolute residuals. Most approaches including NABE could benefit from having larger datasets. However, SWR seems to be un-influenced by the dataset size. This maybe attribute to the fact that SWR constructs a hyperplane from the data with only a few critical data points. This finding also confirms the suggestion from Shepperd and Kadoda (2001) that for the machine learning methods large dataset size could reduce the prediction errors when other properties are fixed.

Table 23 Mann-Whitney U tests of dataset size influences

7.4 Analysis on ‘Proportion of Categorical Features’

This section presents the analysis on the proportion of categorical features. Table 24 is essentially a re-arrangement of the rows in Table 22. In Table 24, the artificial datasets are grouped under different ‘proportion of categorical features’. It is observed that large proportion of categorical features may have negative impacts on the prediction accuracy. This finding is reflective of the fact that categorical features may have less statistical power compared with numerical features (Kirsopp et al. 2003).

Table 24 Testing MMREs under different proportions of categorical features

Table 25 presents the results of Wilcoxon signed rank tests with confidence level at α = 0.05 on the absolute residuals of predictions using the datasets with smaller number of categorical features and the datasets with larger number of categorical features. In general, all methods are more or less affected by this property. Among them, NABE, SABE and SWR are least sensitive to the categorical values. The probable reason is that CATREG technique is adopted in SWR model, and NABE and SABE both can make use of the categorical features in their adjustment mechanism.

Table 25 Wilcoxon tests of proportion of categorical features influences

7.5 Analysis on ‘Degree of Non-Normality’

This section provides the analysis on degree of non-normality. Table 26 is also a re-arrangement of the rows in Table 22. In Table 26, the artificial datasets are grouped under different ‘degree of non-normality’. It is noted that most methods obtain larger MMRE values under severe non-normal conditions. This indicates a trend that the increase of non-normality may result in a decrease of the prediction accuracy. However, NABE appear least sensitive to non-normality while SWR seems to be most sensitive to non-normality. This observation supports our argument in Section 2.2 that ANN could enhance ABE’s robustness to non-normal data.

Table 26 Testing MMREs under different degrees of non-normality

Table 27 presents the results of Wilcoxon signed rank tests with confidence level at α = 0.05 on the absolute residuals of predictions using moderate non-normal datasets and severe non-normal datasets. The results confirm the finding from Table 26 that NABE is least sensitive to non-normality while SWR is most sensitive to the non-normal property. Table 27 also can partially support Shepperd and Kadoda’s (2001) argument that ABE is preferred to SWR if the dataset contains large proportion of outliers.

Table 27 Wilcoxon tests of non-normality influences

7.6 Summary of Analysis

This section summarizes the findings from the real world datasets and artificial datasets:

  • Generally, NABE achieves better MMRE, PRED(0.25), and MdMRE values than most cost estimation methods on the four real world datasets. Its prediction performances (in terms of absolute residuals) are significantly better than other methods in 18 out of totally 32 comparisons (eight methods × four datasets = 32 comparisons). For the artificial datasets, NABE achieves the lowest MMRE values on six out of eight datasets. Its performances in terms of absolute residuals are significantly better than other methods in 29 out of totally 64 comparisons.

  • More specifically, NABE outperforms other methods on ISBSG dataset, artificial dataset #4 and artificial dataset #8. All have large proportion of categorical features and severe non-normality. This observation indicates that NABE could largely improve ABE on the dataset with high degree non-normality and large proportion of categorical features.

  • NABE obtains equally good accuracies to most methods on Desharnais dataset and artificial dataset #1. This indicates that NABE may not be an ideal option on the dataset of small size, small proportion of categorical features and moderate non-normality comparing with other linear based adjustment mechanisms. Besides accuracy, simplicity is also a critical criterion for model evaluation. Especially, when the models are equally accurate, the simpler ones become more preferable.

  • There are significant relationships between the successes of NABE and dataset properties. First, the large size can generally improve NABE’s performance. Second, comparing with linear based adjustments NABE appears to be less sensitive to the proportion of categorical features and the degree of non-normality.

8 Threats to Validity

This section presents the comments on the validities of our study based on the internal threats to validity and external threats to validity.

8.1 Internal Validity

The threats to internal validity include the following aspects: to focus on different adjustment mechanisms, we pre-determined the similarity measure and the retrieved solution function in ABE system. However, there are many other options. For the similarity measures there are alternatives based on Manhattan and Minkowski distances (Mendes et al. 2003; Huang and Chiu 2006; Li and Ruhe 2008), and for the retrieved solutions there are weighted mean and median (Angelis and Stamelos 2000; Mendes et al. 2003).

Moreover, feature selection (Kirsopp et al. 2003) and project selection (Li et al. 2008a) are important preprocessing steps of ABE method since there are often many irrelevant features and noisy projects in the software engineering datasets. The possibility of further improvement of the NABE systems also lies in the appropriate selection of relevant features and representative projects.

Furthermore, missing values often appear in the software engineering datasets. Many studies (Myrtveit et al. 2001; Strike et al. 2001; Jonsson and Wohlin 2006; Song and Shepperd 2007) have proposed different data imputation techniques to recover missing data by estimating replacement values. However, the miss values are excluded from our study. This might cause some difficulties for practitioners to apply the proposed NABE system to the datasets with missing values. For example during the ISBSG subset preparation, we realize that missing values cause the deletion of too many projects.

8.2 External Validity

The external validity represents the possibilities of generalizing the findings of our comparative studies.

The threats to external validity are as follows. First, the limitations on real world datasets make some difficulties to generalize our findings. Although the four real world datasets largely contrast to each other (from the simplest Albrecht to the largest and most complex ISBSG), additional real world datasets are required for a more comprehensive evaluation of our method. For the artificial datasets, eight artificial datasets are systematically generated to match the eight combinations of the three dataset properties in this study. However, other types of dataset characteristics such as multi-collinearity (Shepperd and Kadoda 2001) and heteroskedasticity (Pickard et al. 2001) may also influence the performance of NABE. Further studies on additional dataset characteristics are necessary to increase the external validity from this aspect.

Moreover, the non-linear adjustment proposed in our study is based on artificial neural networks; but other types of non-linear approximations such as Radius Basis Functions (Hardy 1971) and Support Vector Machines (Vapnik 1995) can also be employed as the non-linear adjustment. They may achieve better performance than ANN does, since they have fewer parameters than ANN and they have the regularization mechanism to prevent the over-fitting problem confronted by ANN. The reason to choose ANN in this study is that it has been widely accepted in cost estimation literature and it has the flexibility to adapt to complex relationships and the capability to process the categorical inputs.

9 Conclusions and Future Works

Analogy based estimation is one of the most widely studied methods in the software cost estimation literature. Given a new project, the ABE system retrieves similar projects from its historical project database and derives the cost prediction from the similar projects. The adjustment to the retrieved solution is of necessity since the adjustment recognizes the difference between the new project and historical information, and refines the retrieved solution into the target solution. However, most published adjustment mechanisms are based on predetermined linear forms without learning ability to adapt to more complex situations. In addition, these adjustments techniques often restrict to numeric features despite that the categorical features contain valuable information to improve the cost estimation accuracies. Moreover, given the fact that software project datasets often exhibit non-normal characteristics, it is hard to approximate the relationships among the projects by linear adjustments.

To improve the adjustments mechanism, this paper proposes a more flexible non-linear adjustment mechanism with learning ability and incorporating categorical features. The non-linearity adjusted Analogy Based Estimation (NABE) is implemented by adding a non-linear component (Artificial Neural Network) onto the retrieved solution of the ABE system. The proposed NABE is validated on four real world datasets with the comparisons against the published linear adjusted ABEs and three well established methods: CART, ANN and SWR. The results and comparisons show that NABE generally achieves best MMRE, PRED(0.25) and MdMRE values on the real world datasets.

To answer the question: under what conditions NABE is preferred, we generate eight artificial datasets to analyze the relationships between model accuracies and dataset characteristics (non-normality, categorical feature, and dataset size). The analyses show that NABE performances significantly better than other methods on the artificial datasets with severe non-normality and large proportion of categorical features.

In the domain of cost estimation, the lessons learnt via this study are as follows:

  • The non-linear based adjustment to ABE system is generally an effective approach to extend ABE’s flexibility on complex datasets and improve the accuracy of ABE.

  • NABE is likely to be a more accurate method than other types of ABE methods on the dataset with high degree of non-normality and large proportion of categorical features.

  • On the dataset with a relatively small size, a relatively small proportion of categorical features and a moderate non-normality, NABE may not be an ideal option, since it is likely to have equal accuracy to other ABE methods and it has a more complex structure than other ABE methods.

  • There are strong relationships between the successes of NABE and dataset properties (non-normality, categorical feature, and dataset size). Thus, the practitioners should be aware of the tradeoffs among datasets properties, model complexity and model accuracy, when implementing NABE.

There are some limitations of NABE. The similarity measure and retrieved solution function are pre-determined in this study. Future works can be done to investigate the sensitivities of these ABE parameters. Moreover, additional real world datasets and additional dataset characteristics can be explored to enhance the external validity of the current work. Thirdly, other types of non-linear approximators such as RBF and SVM could be considered in the future works.