The research literature that compares the instructional effectiveness of dynamic visualizations (e.g., animations, simulations, and videos) versus static visualizations (e.g., still illustrations, slides, and photographs) is inconclusive. Although the overall findings of two relevant meta-analyses (Berney and Bétrancourt 2016; Höffler and Leutner 2007) suggest that dynamic visualizations are better instructional materials, there is an important caveat to consider before forming a definitive conclusion: many of the studies comparing dynamic versus static visualizations (including those cited in both meta-analyses) have included some methodological flaws. The issue of methodological flaws has been documented previously by several researchers. For example, Tversky et al. (2002) suggested that these comparative studies sometimes made unfair matches favoring animated depictions. In a more recent review, Castro-Alonso et al. (2016) identified seven biases (appeal, variety, media, realism, number, size, and interaction) that are not always controlled for in these types of studies. Despite such warnings, much dynamic–static research continues failing to control for moderating variables.

In this article, we extend these methodological concerns and argue that a lack of control for characteristics of the participants (e.g., see McCrudden and Rapp 2017), the intervention (e.g., Castro-Alonso et al. 2016), and the methodology (e.g., Mayer 2017) may also hinder dynamic–static visualizations research. In particular, we argue that gender deserves more attention as a participant characteristic. For example, the lack of attention for gender is shown in experimental studies (e.g., Garland and Sanchez 2013; Schnotz et al. 1999; Wang et al. 2011) and reviews (e.g., Castro-Alonso et al. 2016; Tversky et al. 2002) that have not mentioned the gender variable when comparing instructional visualizations. Many of the empirical studies even fail to provide the gender ratios for the whole sample or the individual conditions being compared. This call for consideration of gender in visualization research matches recent views on cognitive load theory (see Bevilacqua 2017) that argue for greater investigation of the differences between females and males in cognitive processes.

In this study, we investigated the evidence for a gender imbalance in research studying learning from dynamic versus static instructional visualizations. The gender imbalance is representative of the participant samples where many instructional visualization studies are conducted, namely with education and psychology undergraduate students (cf. Isacco et al. 2016), in which males are notably underrepresented. This imbalance is typically not considered as an issue. Therefore, to investigate whether different gender ratios produce different effects, we conducted a meta-analysis of dynamic versus static visualizations and used the percentage of females as a possible moderator.

A secondary aim of this study was to investigate other potential moderators of dynamic versus statics instructional effectiveness, especially those identified by cognitive load theory research (e.g., Castro-Alonso et al. 2016; Höffler and Leutner 2007; Paas and Sweller 2012; Wong et al. 2018). Therefore, in addition to gender, we explored those variables that can be categorized as characteristics of the participants (spatial ability and educational level), the intervention (type of task, learning domain and topic, and media compared), and the methodology (gender ratio per condition and whether pretests and reliability measures were reported). These moderators are described next.

Participant Characteristics


In addition to exploring if gender was imbalanced or neglected in the dynamic–static studies, we also investigated the percentage of females in the samples as a potential moderator for the meta-analysis. Although females and males tend to be similar in many academic aspects, they sometimes differ in variables related to learning from visualizations. For example, Zell et al. (2015) reported meta-syntheses of different meta-analyses about gender differences. When analyzing 30 meta-analyses (3611 effects) about cognitive variables (e.g., attention, memory, and problem solving), they observed that the gender differences presented an overall effect size of d = 0.22. The authors concluded that, although this is a small effect, it was calculated with averages, and usually larger gender differences appear between top scorers (e.g., Hedges and Nowell 1995).

Thus, gender can be influential in the effectiveness of instructional interventions (see also Bevilacqua 2017), particularly among high achievers. From the potential gender cognitive variables that can influence the learning from visualizations, we focus on spatial ability (see Höffler 2010; see also Wong et al. 2018), due to its large documented impact. This second participant characteristic is described next.

Spatial Ability

Although the spatial ability construct includes many visual and spatial subabilities (e.g., Hegarty et al. 2006; Höffler 2010; Linn and Petersen 1985; Uttal et al. 2013; Voyer et al. 1995), almost exclusively mental rotation and mental folding are used in studies of instructional visualizations and gender differences. As defined by Linn and Petersen (1985), mental rotation is the ability to mentally rotate or flip shapes quickly and accurately, and mental folding (also termed spatial visualization) is the ability to perform mental transformations of spatial information.

The findings generally indicate a male advantage for spatial ability tasks, which tends to be larger for mental rotation than for mental folding tasks (e.g., Linn and Petersen 1985; Stephenson and Halpern 2013; Voyer et al. 1995). For example, the study of meta-analyses by Zell et al. (2015) showed that mental rotation was among the cognitive abilities with the largest gender differences (d = 0.57), in favor of males. For the analyses of this study, we explored if spatial ability impacted differently on learning from dynamic or static visualizations.

As training can enhance spatial ability (see Uttal et al. 2013), it is often argued that the gender differences in spatial ability can be explained by females having less practice than males in early spatial experiences (e.g., Jirout and Newcombe 2015; Newcombe et al. 1983; see also Voyer and Jansen 2017). In other words, spatial ability is dependent on development. As spatial ability may moderate the dynamic–static studies, and as it may depend on the development (exposure) of students, we also considered developmental age (educational level) as another possible moderator for the visualization studies.

Educational Level

The literature shows that dynamic visualizations and animations are often enjoyed and have a positive impact on learning for school children (e.g., Bétrancourt and Chassot 2008), university students (e.g., Jaffar 2012), and adults (e.g., Türkay 2016). However, sometimes (e.g., Mahmud et al. 2011) enjoyment does not translate into learning. We, therefore, explored if the dynamic versus static comparisons presented different effect sizes in school children of different ages and university students.

Intervention Characteristics

Type of Task

Based on the work of David C. Geary, cognitive load theory researchers have highlighted the importance of differentiating between two type of tasks that the human species has evolved to manage differently: that is, the more primitive biologically primary tasks, which have evolved in humans to help in their ancient survival as a species; and the more current biologically secondary tasks, which have been culturally necessary to function in contemporary society (Geary 1995, 2007). Primary tasks (e.g., to manipulate things or to gesture) are learned quickly, as we have evolved a mind to acquire this information easily. In contrast, secondary tasks (e.g., to read or to understand graphs) tend to be learned slowly, as we have not evolved the mechanisms to acquire them effortlessly. Because of these differences, the easier primary tasks require less cognitive effort than the harder secondary tasks (Paas and Sweller 2012; see also Sweller et al. 2011).

In this meta-analysis, we considered instructional visualizations depicting these two types of tasks. We focused on areas where considerable research into dynamic versus statics comparisons has been completed. As such, the secondary tasks selected focused on the educational fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In comparison, the primary tasks chosen regarded object manipulations and similar manipulative–procedural tasks.

We also explored possible interactions between the dynamic versus static format, type of task, and spatial ability (see Table 1). For STEM tasks, there are conflicting arguments in making a prediction if spatial ability is more helpful for processing dynamic or static visualizations (see Mayer et al. 2005). On the one hand, the mental animation theoretical perspective (Hegarty 1992; see also Höffler 2010) suggests that dynamic are easier visualizations to process. Thus, spatial ability is more helpful when studying static materials, as it aids inferring the movements of the depicted STEM contents. Because a dynamic format already shows the movements, and seeing is easier than inferring, the mental animation rationale suggests that spatial ability is less necessary with dynamic depictions.

Table 1 Different perspectives to predict which visualization is easier and in which spatial ability is more helpful

On the other hand, the perspective based on the overwhelming processing (Lowe 2003; see also Lowe 1999) and the transient information effect proposed by the cognitive load theory (see Ayres and Paas 2007; Castro-Alonso et al. 2018b) predicts that dynamic are more difficult visualizations to process, particularly those containing transient information. The transient information perspective suggests that spatial ability is a key to coping with the challenging cognitive demands of images that leave the screen before being processed. As a static format does not contain information that disappears before being processed, it allows more time for restudying information, and therefore, learning under these static conditions is easier and requires less spatial ability. A summary of these opposite theoretical perspectives is provided in Table 1.

For manipulative–procedural tasks, we also explored interactions between the dynamic versus static format and spatial ability. The human species has evolved to learn these primary tasks more easily because they have been fundamental to survive and thrive. Arguably, since these tasks have been learned by our ancestors, it is likely that today, the best way to learn these tasks is in similar learning conditions to those of our forefathers. In support, diverse evidence (e.g., Press et al. 2005; Shimada and Oki 2012; VanArsdall et al. 2015) has shown that the natural scenarios of prehistoric ages are better learning conditions for these tasks, rather than more modern and artificial scenarios. For example, for modern humans to learn imitative hand actions and manipulations, other humans should be better teaching agents than robots (e.g., Press et al. 2005; see also Cracco et al. 2018). The type of movement shown is also critical, as the fluent movement of manipulations activates to a greater extent our evolved imitative systems, as compared to paused or unnatural motions (e.g., Shimada and Oki 2012; see also Matthews et al. 2007). This effect also has links to the literature showing that autonomously moving objects are better memorized than nonmoving elements (e.g., Bonin et al. 2014; VanArsdall et al. 2015). For the current analysis of dynamic versus static visualizations, this unnaturalness perspective (see Table 1) suggests that dynamic are easier visualizations to learn from, and thus, spatial ability is more helpful to deal with static images that do not present the natural movement for manipulations that we evolved to learn more easily (see also Paas and Sweller 2012).

In this meta-analysis, we explored which of the opposite theoretical perspectives outlined above would most apply to STEM tasks. In other words, we investigated if dynamic or static visualizations would be more effective for learning STEM tasks. Also, for manipulative–procedural tasks, we explored whether dynamic visualizations would be more effective than the static depictions.

Learning Domain

In addition to the general distinction between STEM and manipulative–procedural tasks, these categories contain subgroups. Among the STEM topics, the meta-analysis by Berney and Bétrancourt (2016) revealed trends (nonsignificant differences) in which more technological domains (e.g., aeronautics, informatics, mathematics, and mechanics) presented smaller effects favoring animation over statics, as compared to other fields (e.g., biology, chemistry, natural sciences, and physics). In this study, we also expected differences within STEM disciplines. Among manipulative–procedural tasks, we explored if manipulations or procedures regarding the syllabi would be different to manipulative–procedural tasks not related to school or university syllabi.

Media Compared

As reviewed in Castro-Alonso et al. (2016), the instructional media used to present the visualizations could affect the dynamic versus static comparisons. The literature has provided mixed evidence for the best educational medium. One example, supporting paper over digital media (computer and mobile devices), is the meta-analysis by Delgado et al. (2018). This analysis of over 170,00 school and university participants revealed an overall small effect size of the paper material being more effective for reading comprehension. In contrast, and on a much smaller scale, Nikou and Economides (2016) provided an example supporting computer over paper media. The authors investigated 66 high school students (49% females) learning physics (electromagnetism) through three different media conditions: (a) pen-and-paper, (b) computer, and (c) mobile device. Results showed that only the computer and mobile device produced higher knowledge gains from pre- to posttests. In our moderator analyses, we expected different outcomes when using the same medium to present the visualizations (e.g., computer dynamic vs. computer statics), as compared to when employing different media (e.g., computer dynamic vs. paper statics).

Methodological Characteristics

Following the research agenda proposed by Mayer (2017), which called for the need to improve the methodological rigor of educational multimedia research, we investigated three variables that sometimes lack in dynamic versus static comparisons. First, we contrasted studies reporting the gender distribution per compared groups, against studies that did not report it and could only be assumed they had a distribution representative of the whole sample (as the participants were randomly assigned to the groups). Second, we compared studies including or not including a pretest as a measure of prior knowledge of the participants. Last, we also explored if reporting a reliability measure of the learning tests, as compared to not reporting these data, affected the dynamic versus static comparisons.

Research Questions and Hypotheses

In the present meta-analysis, we examined the following research questions: (a) How does gender moderate the effects of dynamic versus static visualizations? (b) Are the effects of dynamic versus static visualizations moderated by other variables, including participants, intervention, and methodological characteristics?

To answer these research questions, we tested the following hypotheses:

  • Gender is a participant characteristic that moderates the effects of dynamic versus static visualizations (Hypothesis 1).

  • Spatial ability and educational level are participant characteristics that moderate the effects of dynamic versus static visualizations (Hypothesis 2).

  • Type of task and learning domain are intervention characteristics that moderate the effects of dynamic versus static visualizations (Hypothesis 3).

  • Media compared is an intervention characteristic that moderates the effects of dynamic versus static visualizations (Hypothesis 4).

  • Methodological characteristics moderate the effects of dynamic versus static visualizations (Hypothesis 5).


Selection Criteria

For the meta-analysis, a study was deemed eligible for inclusion if it:

  1. 1.

    Was published between 1990 and 2017.

  2. 2.

    Was written in English.

  3. 3.

    Was a peer-reviewed journal article.

  4. 4.

    Compared, in a between-subjects design, the learning effects of at least one dynamic visualization with at least one static visualization, depicting either a STEM or a manipulative–procedural task. We excluded text-only formats and mixed conditions in which both dynamic and static visualizations were included in the same group. By “dynamic,” in addition to common dynamic visualizations such as videos and animations, we also considered depictions that other researchers have called “static–sequential” (e.g., Imhof et al. 2011) or “successive static” (e.g., Lowe et al. 2011).

  5. 5.

    Included an experimental design in which participants were randomly assigned to groups. We excluded the studies in which this random assignment was not explicitly stated.

  6. 6.

    Consisted of sole school or university samples.

  7. 7.

    Reported measurable outcomes of performance, such as retention and transfer tests.

  8. 8.

    Included sufficient data to allow for effect size calculations.

  9. 9.

    Reported the gender ratio for the total sample.

Literature Search and Selection of Studies

We used the query animation OR animated AND (visualization OR picture) as keywords to conduct a comprehensive and systematic search on the following electronic databases: ProQuest–ERIC, ProQuest–APA (PsycARTICLES and PsycINFO), and Web of Science (Social Sciences Citation Index, SSCI, Categories: Education & Educational Research; Education, Scientific Disciplines; Psychology, Educational; and Psychology, Experimental). The databases search procedure returned a total of 1470 articles. Following removal of duplicates, 1269 studies remained.

There were two filtering phases to determine whether these studies should be included in the meta-analysis or not. In the first filtering phase, we applied the nine inclusion criteria when screening the abstract of the articles, to determine eligibility for further examination. Two authors of the present study read 145 abstracts (approximately 10% of the total) to adjust the inclusion criteria and confirm that their rater agreement was 100%, before screening the total of abstracts. After inspecting all the abstract, 1107 results were excluded, and full-text copies were obtained for the 162 articles that passed the first filtering phase. Disagreements between both authors were discussed until consensus was reached.

In the second filtering phase, the two authors reviewed the full-text copies by applying the selection criteria stated above and excluded further 125 publications. Revealing that gender can be overlooked in these studies, many articles (72, 58% of the total) were discarded because they did not report the gender ratio for the total sample (criterion 9, see above). In fact, 48 studies met all inclusion criteria except for this information of the gender composition. This omission was observed both in earlier studies (e.g., Ardac and Akaygun 2005; Chanlin 2001; Hays 1996; Williamson and Abraham 1995) and in more current evidence (e.g., Chen et al. 2015; Schwartz and Plass 2014; Wang et al. 2011). In total, 37 articles from the databases met all inclusion criteria and were retained in this meta-analysis.

In addition, we searched the reference sections of five classic papers (Ayres and Paas 2007; Höffler et al. 2010; Lowe 2003; Mayer et al. 2005; Tversky et al. 2002), and three meta-analyses (Berney and Bétrancourt 2016; Höffler 2010; Höffler and Leutner, 2007) which investigated the effects of animated and static pictures. These reports added eight eligible studies that met all inclusion criteria. We also included one additional study (Lusk and Atkinson 2007) that met the criteria.

In total, 46 articles were included in the meta-analysis. These articles included 82 effect sizes comparing dynamic and static visualizations. From the k = 82 comparisons, 19 (23% of the total) investigated school students, and 63 (77%) investigated university participants. Also, 60 (73%) corresponded to STEM and 22 (27%) to manipulative–procedural tasks. A summary of the selection of articles is provided in the flow diagram in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flow diagram of the selection of studies

Next, the selected articles were carefully read, to extract relevant data for the meta-analysis. First, the two authors in parallel read the same ten experiments (approximately 10% of the total) and obtained a rater agreement of 100%. Then, each author read and coded approximately half of the remaining articles. After all the data was collected, all authors agreed on the relevant information and the coding.

Extraction of Effect Sizes

For each study included in this meta-analysis, we calculated Cohen’s d effect size, a standardized estimate of the difference in achievement scores between students who studied with dynamic visualizations compared with those who studied with static-only visualizations. Cohen’s d was computed as the difference between the mean scores of the dynamic and static groups divided by the pooled standard deviations of the two groups. Because differential sample sizes across studies may bias the effect size obtained by Cohen’s d, Hedges’ g (Hedges and Olkin 1985) was computed and reported throughout this meta-analysis as an unbiased estimate of the standardized mean difference effect size. Throughout this meta-analysis, a positive effect size indicates benefits of dynamic visualizations over static visualizations. Conversely, a negative effect size indicates that students who learned with static formats outperformed those who learned with dynamic visualizations.

Data Analysis

Throughout the data analyses, we followed standard guidelines for conducting a meta-analysis (Adesope et al. 2017; Bernard et al. 2009; Lipsey and Wilson 2001). We analyzed data with Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) 2.2.064 (Borenstein et al. 2008) and IBM™ SPSS™ version 24 for Windows. The weighted mean effect sizes were aggregated to form an overall weighted mean estimate of the effect of learning with dynamic presentations (i.e., g+). The use of weighted mean effect sizes allowed more weight to be assigned to studies with larger sample sizes. The significance of each weighted mean effect size was determined by its 95% confidence interval. When the lower limit of a confidence interval was greater than zero, a positive mean effect size was interpreted as indicating a statistically significant result in favor of the dynamic visualization. When both limits of a confidence interval were smaller than zero, the negative mean effect size was interpreted as indicating a statistically significant result in favor of the static visualization.

Homogeneity of variance was examined by the QB statistic to assess if the observed effect sizes that were combined into a mean all estimated the same population effect size. The CMA software reported QB and its concomitant p value for each subcategory to determine if the distribution of effect sizes within each subcategory was homogeneous or not. We used the I2 statistic computed by CMA to more comprehensively interpret the result of the homogeneity test (Higgins and Thompson 2002; Huedo-Medina et al. 2006). I2 value of 0% indicates no observed heterogeneity, and larger values show increasing heterogeneity. Researchers have suggested that percentages of around 25% (I2 = 0.25), 50% (I2 = 0.50), and 75% (I2 = 0.75) should be interpreted to mean low, medium, and high heterogeneity, respectively (Higgins and Thompson 2002).


A total of 46 research reports yielding 82 independent effect sizes (N = 5474) were analyzed. Three studies produced outlying effect sizes (Z > 3.3). Because the three studies met all inclusion criteria and were methodologically similar to other studies in our distribution, a decision was made to retain the studies in this meta-analysis, but we windsorized the effect sizes by adjusting them to values closer to the next-largest or next-lowest effect size in our distribution, as recommended by Tabachnick and Fidell (2018). Figure 2 shows the distribution of effect sizes for the meta-analysis after the three outliers were windsorized. The effect sizes (M = 0.20, SD = 0.57) are mainly clustered between − 0.40 and 0.80 standard deviations. These data suggest that in most studies the group that learned with dynamic learning materials outperformed the groups that learned with static visualizations.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Distribution of the 82 effect sizes (M = 0.20, SD = 0.57)

Table 2 shows a summary of the variables coded for each study, including the study identification, the percentage of females in the whole experimental sample of the study, the spatial ability measured and its positive effect for the dynamic or the static visualization, the educational level of the sample, the learning domain and topic, whether the media compared between visualizations was the same or different, whether the gender percentage in each compared group was reported or not, whether a pretest was included in the experiment, and the associated unbiased effect size (Hedges’ g). The top of the table includes the 35 articles of STEM learning tasks, and the bottom part shows the 11 articles of manipulative–procedural tasks.

Table 2 Descriptive information and effect sizes for the coded studies (separated for STEM and manipulative–procedural tasks)

Overall Effect of Dynamic Versus Static Visualizations

Table 3 shows the overall effect of the meta-analysis. The table includes the number of participants (N) in each category, the number of effect sizes (k), the weighted mean effect size (g+) and its standard error (SE), the 95% lower and upper confidence intervals (CI), the results of a test of homogeneity (QB) with its associated degrees of freedom (df) and probability (p), and the percentage of variability that could be attributed to true heterogeneity or between-studies variability (I2). The same format was used for Tables 4 and 5.

Table 3 Overall effect and weighted mean effect sizes for participant characteristics
Table 4 Weighted mean effect sizes for intervention characteristics
Table 5 Weighted mean effect sizes for methodological characteristics

As shown in the first row of Table 3, there is an overall (N = 5474; k = 82) statistically significant positive effect of learning with dynamic visualizations (g+ = 0.23), which corresponds to a small size (Cohen 1988). In other words, there is an overall advantage of learning from dynamic visualizations as compared to static visualizations.

The overall distribution was highly heterogeneous, QB(81) = 252.64, p < 0.001, I2 = 68%. The total variability that could be attributed to true heterogeneity or between-studies variability was 68%, indicating that 68% of the variance was between-studies variance (i.e., could be explained by study-level covariates) and 32% of the variance was within-studies based on sampling error. This heterogeneity suggests that there was more variability among the independent effect sizes than would be expected for samples from a single population. Significant heterogeneity warrants robust exploration of study features that may moderate the overall effect. Hence, moderator analyses were conducted. Tables 3, 4, and 5 show the results of these moderating factors, which we describe next.

Participant Characteristics

Below the overall effect, Table 3 presents the weighted mean effect sizes for three characteristics of participants as moderator variables: percentage of females in the samples, spatial ability favoring which type of visualization, and educational level of the participants. The median for the percentage of females in the samples was 60%. We took a median split to compare studies including 59% or less females versus studies with 60% or more females (see Table 3). Dynamic visualizations were associated with statistically significant effect sizes for studies that had 59% or less females (g+ = 0.36), but not for studies with 60% or more females (g+ = 0.07). The between-levels difference was statistically significant, QB(1) = 28.41, p < 0.001. Post hoc analysis revealed that dynamic visualizations with studies that had 59% or less females were associated with higher weighted mean effect size and were significantly different than studies that had 60% females or more. This is our most important finding, as it supports our claim that different gender ratios affect the comparisons of dynamic and static visualizations. The result suggests that in samples with less female representation, dynamic visualizations are advantageous, but this advantage may disappear in samples with more females. In other words, males may benefit more from dynamic visualizations than females.

A second participant characteristic considered as a moderator was which visualization was preferentially favored by spatial ability. As shown in Table 3, most of the studies in our meta-analysis (k = 63, 77% of the total effects) did not measure any spatial ability (see also Table 2). From the studies that did measure any spatial ability, statistically significant benefits for dynamic over static visualizations tended to be higher in the studies in which the ability favored both types of visualizations (g+ = 0.30). In other words, the studies that revealed that the dynamic format was more effective than the static (k = 9, 11%) were those in which spatial ability was helpful to learn from both formats. Table 3 also indicates that fewer studies (k = 5, 6%) showed that spatial ability favored learning from static visualizations. We could not find any study in which spatial ability helped to learn only from dynamic presentations. In all, these results are more supportive of the theoretical perspectives (see Table 1) termed as mental animation (STEM tasks) and unnaturalness (manipulative–procedural tasks).

We exercise caution with findings about spatial ability because the majority of the studies did not measure any type of these abilities. That is why we did not consider the different spatial abilities assessed (mental rotation in three and in two dimensions, mental folding, and other spatial abilities or aggregated scores) for moderator analyses. However, as shown in Table 2, mental folding (MF) was the most assessed spatial ability (k = 8, 10%) and mental rotation in two dimensions (MR2D) was the least investigated (k = 2, 2%).

The last participant moderator analyzed was the educational level of the students. As shown in Table 3, dynamic visualizations produced statistically significant benefits over static presentations when used by elementary school, middle school, and university samples of students. The between-levels difference of educational level was statistically significant, QB(4) = 11.47, p = 0.02. Showing an age or educational level effect, the dynamic visualizations were more effective for elementary school students (g+ = 0.53), than for middle school students (g+ = 0.44), than for university students (g+ = 0.19).

Intervention Characteristics

Table 4 shows the weighted mean effect sizes for three characteristics of the interventions: type of task, learning domain, and media compared. Regarding the type of task, most of the effect sizes concerned STEM tasks (k = 60, 73%) and the manipulative–procedural tasks were less represented (k = 22, 17%). For both tasks, dynamic visualizations were statistically more effective than static formats, representing small effect sizes (g+ = 0.24 for STEM, and g+ = 0.18 for manipulative–procedural), without between-levels significant differences. These results support both the mental animation and unnaturalness theoretical perspectives.

The second intervention characteristic of Table 4 concerns learning domain (see also Table 2). For STEM tasks, there were four domains: biology and medicine science (B, k = 11, 13%); physics and chemistry science (P, k = 23, 28%); geology and other sciences (G, k = 11, 13%); and technology, engineering, and mathematics (T, k = 15, 18%). For manipulative–procedural tasks, there were two domains: syllabi (S, k = 8, 10%) and nonsyllabi (NS, k = 14, 17%). Because the between-levels difference was statistically significant, QB(5) = 12.95, p = 0.02, the domains showed that dynamic visualizations were more effective than statics in different degrees. For STEM, geology and other sciences (g+ = 0.38) and biology and medicine science (g+ = 0.27) showed higher effects than physics and chemistry science (g+ = 0.19) and technology, engineering, and mathematics (g + = 0.15). For manipulative–procedural, nonsyllabi (g+ = 0.34) was significantly higher than syllabi (g+ = 0.01). In short, dynamic visualizations seem to be best for biology and medicine science, geology and other sciences, and for manipulative–procedural tasks outside the syllabi.

Similarly, concerning media compared, a group of studies investigated the effects on the same medium (k = 75, 91%), while much fewer investigations concerned different media (k = 7, 9%). All studies on the same medium compared computer dynamic versus computer static visualizations. Different media research involved either television dynamic versus 35 mm slide statics (Swezey et al. 1991) or computer dynamic versus paper statics (Mayer et al. 2005, 2007). The between-levels difference was statistically significant, QB(1) = 20.74, p < 0.001. Post hoc analysis revealed that, when the medium was the same (computers), dynamic visualizations were associated with higher weighted mean effect size (g+ = 0.26) and were significantly different than when the visualization media was different. In fact, for different media, the effects were in the opposite direction, showing that statics outperformed dynamic (g+ = − 0.20). In conclusion, dynamic visualizations outperformed static visualizations to a greater extent when they were compared in computers, than when they were shown in different media. In contrast, in different media, statics (in paper or slides media) were more effective than dynamic visualizations (in computers or television). As with spatial ability, due to the small number of studies using different media, these findings should be interpreted cautiously.

Methodological Characteristics

Table 5 presents the effect size variations related to the methodological quality of the research. This includes whether or not the studies included three variables: the gender percentage for every experimental condition, pretests to show prior knowledge differences, and reliability data for the learning measures.

Concerning the first methodological characteristic, Table 5 shows that there were more studies not reporting the gender ratio per compared groups (k = 64, 78%), as compared to those that explicitly mentioned how each experimental condition was represented by females and males (k = 18, 22%). These two groups did not show significantly different weighted mean effect sizes for dynamic over statics. In other words, dynamic visualizations produced statistically significant benefits over static presentations regardless of whether studies reported gender distributions for every compared group (g+ = 0.21) or not (g+ = 0.23).

Table 5 also shows that there were more studies reporting pretests (k = 50, 61%) than those not reporting pretests (k = 32, 39%). As the between-levels difference was not significant, it can be concluded that dynamic presentations produced statistically significant differences over statics regardless of if pretests were used (g+ = 0.26) or not (g+ = 0.19).

Concerning the last methodological characteristic, there were more studies not reporting reliability measures (k = 51, 62%) than those reporting them (k = 31, 38%). Table 5 shows that dynamic presentations produced statistically significant benefits regardless of whether reliability measures were reported or not. However, the between-levels difference was statistically significant, QB(1) = 13.77, p < 0.001. Post hoc analysis revealed that, in studies that reported reliability of their learning test, dynamic presentations were associated with higher weighted mean effect size (g+ = 0.32) and were significantly different than studies that did not report reliability of their outcome measures (g+ = 0.12).

How Valid Are the Findings? Examining Publication Bias

We examined the potential publication bias of the meta-analysis favoring published studies that report statistically significant effect sizes. We examined this threat to the validity of our findings through three approaches computed with the CMA software. First, the funnel plot (which reveals the estimates of the unbiased effect size compared with the standard error) showed a symmetrical distribution around the weighted mean effect. These symmetric funnel plots suggest the absence of publication bias (Duval and Tweedie 2000). Second, Egger’s linear regression test (Egger et al. 1997) was used to more fully investigate the results of the funnel plot through an examination of the unbiased effect sizes and standard errors. Results of this test further corroborated the result of the funnel plot, clearly showing the absence of publication bias (p = 0.42). Third, a “classic fail-safe N” test (e.g., Rosenthal 1979) was performed to determine the number of null effect studies needed to raise the p value associated with the average effect above an arbitrary alpha level (set at α = 0.05). Results from classic fail-safe N test revealed that 974 additional qualified studies would be required to invalidate the overall effect size found in this meta-analysis. These three different tests suggest that findings from the present meta-analysis are not threatened by publication bias to the extent that it could invalidate the findings.


The main aim of this study was to investigate a possible gender imbalance in the research about dynamic and static visualizations. We conducted a meta-analysis to explore if different gender ratios produced different effects on these comparisons. As a secondary goal of the meta-analysis, other potential moderators, besides gender, were also investigated.

The meta-analysis of 46 studies and 82 independent comparisons (N = 5474) revealed an overall small effect size (g+ = 0.23) of dynamic visualizations being more effective learning tools than static visualizations. This finding is consistent with the two previous meta-analyses that compared dynamic to static visualizations and also found effects favoring the dynamic formats. As such, the analysis by Höffler and Leutner (2007) of 26 studies and 76 comparisons showed an overall medium effect size (d = 0.37), and the analysis by Berney and Bétrancourt (2016) of 61 studies and 140 comparisons showed an overall small effect size (g+ = 0.23) in the same directions as our current study. Nevertheless, as found in those meta-analyses, we also observed significant heterogeneity between the effect sizes, indicating that different variables were influencing these results. Moderator analyses were conducted for participant, intervention, and methodological characteristics, as discussed next.

Participant Characteristics

The main participant characteristic in this study was gender. The meta-analysis revealed that dynamic visualizations with studies that had 59% or less females showed a significantly higher mean effect size than studies that had 60% females or more. This result supports our main claim that a gender imbalance may affect the comparisons investigating the learning effectiveness of dynamic and static visualizations. Specifically, the finding suggests that in samples with less females (and more males), dynamic visualizations are advantageous, but this advantage may disappear in samples with more females (and less males). In other words, males may benefit more from dynamic visualizations than females. This is opposite to the single study included in this meta-analysis in which gender was an independent variable (Wong et al. 2015). As shown in Table 2, the study measured university students attempting a manipulative–procedural task with Lego blocks. Although the overall effect of the two experiments reported in the study showed advantages for dynamic visualizations (nonsignificant effects, see Table 2), static visualizations were more beneficial for males, and dynamic presentations were more beneficial for females (not reported here). In contrast, our present meta-analysis showed that dynamic visualizations might be more beneficial for males. The direction of effects, supporting either the dynamic or the static visualization as more effective for a certain gender, warrants further investigations.

Nevertheless, the key finding, supporting Hypothesis 1, is that learning from dynamic or static visualizations was influenced by the gender of the student. This result aligns with the comments by Bevilacqua (2017) that cognitive load theory should investigate the gender effects in cognitive processes. Regrettably, when conducting the literature search for this meta-analysis, we observed that gender was often neglected as a potential variable for instructional visualization research. For example, many studies (48), including recent ones (e.g., Chen et al. 2015; Schwartz and Plass 2014; Wang et al. 2011), were not included in our analyses solely because they failed to provide the gender ratio of the sample. Also, many included comparisons (k = 64, 78%) did not give details about the gender ratio for every compared group (see also “Methodological Characteristics”). In consequence, we believe that cognitive load theory, and other theoretical approaches, should include gender when researching instructional visualizations.

In addition to gender, another participant variable investigated as a potential moderator was spatial ability. Results showed that in cases where the dynamic visualizations were mostly effective, spatial ability (commonly, mental folding) was equally effective for improving learning from dynamic and static visualizations. Hence, the beneficial role of dynamic visualizations may surpass the beneficial role of spatial ability. In addition, we could not find any study showing that spatial abilities were only helpful for dynamic visualizations (without also being helpful for static visualizations). Nevertheless, as only 23% (k = 19) of the effects in this meta-analysis included some measure of spatial ability, any conclusions concerning this variable need further investigation.

Regarding the educational level moderator, we observed that the dynamic visualizations were more effective for elementary school students than for middle school students than for university participants. In other words, there appears to be a decline in the instructional effectiveness of dynamic visualizations as students develop. As the literature has shown positive motivational and learning effects for dynamic visualizations presented to students from all ages (e.g., Bétrancourt and Chassot 2008; Höffler and Leutner 2007; Mahmud et al. 2011), this lower effect for more adult students was not predicted. In all, there is partial support for Hypothesis 2, as the educational level was a moderator in the effectiveness of dynamic versus spatial visualizations, but for spatial ability, further investigation is needed.

Intervention Characteristics

Comparing the effects of STEM and manipulative–procedural tasks, it was observed that dynamic visualizations were more effective than static visualizations for both tasks equally. For STEM tasks, the two meta-analyses included had considered mostly studies about STEM tasks, as the meta-analysis by Höffler and Leutner (2007) included 77% of STEM studies and the meta-analysis by Berney and Bétrancourt (2016) incorporated 90% of studies about STEM tasks. As those analyses showed an overall advantage of dynamic visualizations, the results are consistent with our current findings of an advantage of dynamic visualizations for STEM tasks. Concerning the theoretical perspectives of Table 1, this dynamic advantage aligns better with the mental animation perspective (dynamic are easier for secondary tasks) than with the perspectives presented as the overwhelming processing or the transient information effect of cognitive load theory (static are easier for secondary tasks).

For manipulative–procedural tasks, the meta-analysis by Höffler and Leutner (2007) revealed the largest effects favoring dynamic visualizations (d = 1.06) when the tasks involved procedural–motor knowledge. Our current study shows the same direction of effects favoring dynamic formats for manipulative–procedural tasks, although our effect size is smaller (g+ = 0.18). The differences in effect sizes are largely due to the differences in defining procedural–motor knowledge, as compared to our manipulative–procedural tasks. In any case, the results align with the unnaturalness theoretical perspective shown in Table 1 (dynamic are easier for primary tasks).

Regarding learning domain for the STEM tasks, dynamic visualizations may be more effective for biology and medicine science, and geology and other sciences, as compared to the more technology-oriented tasks of technology, engineering, and mathematics. A similar trend (nonsignificant) was reported in the meta-analysis by Berney and Bétrancourt (2016), in which dynamic visualizations were less effective in the technological domains (e.g., informatics, mathematics, and mechanics), as compared to other scientific fields (e.g., biology, chemistry, and natural sciences). For the manipulative–procedural tasks, dynamic visualizations were more effective for nonsyllabi tasks than for syllabi tasks. A possible explanation is that the nonsyllabi tasks that we included may have been more biologically primary (e.g., knot tying, paper folding, Lego assembling) than the more secondary syllabi tasks (e.g., writing and troubleshooting problems in an engine). Hence, it is possible that these nonsyllabi tasks activated more the evolved mechanisms to deal better with dynamic visualizations than with static visualizations (unnaturalness perspective of Table 1). In short, there is partial support for Hypothesis 3, as learning domain was a moderator in the effectiveness of dynamic versus spatial visualizations, but the type of task was not.

The last intervention characteristic provided evidence that not under all conditions dynamic visualizations are better than the static formats. Only when the visualizations were compared in the same computer medium, dynamic was advantageous. In contrast, when the comparisons were made with different media, there was a better performance of the static visualization (in paper or 35 mm slides) as compared to the dynamic format (in computers or television). As these comparisons always showed statics in a medium without screens, this suggests that screen media (computers and television) may be less effective than paper or slides. Recently, the meta-analysis by Delgado et al. (2018) also showed that paper material was more effective than digital resources (computer and mobile devices) for the task of reading comprehension. This supports Hypothesis 4, as the media being compared was a moderator in the effectiveness of dynamic versus spatial visualizations. However, the small number of comparisons employing different media that we included (k = 7, 9%) hinders reaching a strong conclusion.

Methodological Characteristics

Following the suggestion for improving methodological rigor by Mayer (2017), we assessed three methodological characteristics that could affect the overall advantage of dynamic visualizations: (a) reporting the gender ratio per experimental conditions, (b) including a pretest to measure prior knowledge of the participants, and (c) including reliability measures for the learning tests.

For the first variable, it was a concern that the majority of the comparisons (k = 64, 78%) did not report the gender ratio per experimental conditions. As this meta-analysis concludes that a gender imbalance affects dynamic versus statics research, not reporting the gender ratio in every condition that is compared should be avoided in future investigations. Despite this concern, whether the studies reported these data or not did not significantly change the advantage of dynamic over static visualizations.

In contrast to the above concern, it was encouraging that most of the comparisons (k = 50, 61%) included pretests to control for prior knowledge differences, although again this variable was not influential, as dynamic visualizations presented similar advantages in studies with or without the use of pretests.

Last, it was also a concern that most of the effects compared (k = 51, 62%) were from studies that did not report the reliability of their learning measures. In this case, this methodological variable was influential, as those studies reporting the reliability of their learning tests showed larger effects favoring dynamic over static visualizations. This is a reassuring result, as it is indicating that the positive effects of dynamic visualizations were also present (in fact, they were higher) when the studies employed more strict learning measures with reliability scores. Altogether, there is weak support for Hypothesis 5: only reporting reliability measures was a moderator in the effectiveness of dynamic versus spatial visualizations, but neither reporting gender per condition nor reporting pretests moderated the effects.

Limitations and Future Directions

One limitation of the present study concerns the stringent inclusion criteria that we had to use to investigate the effects of a gender imbalance in the samples. The criteria (e.g., criterion 9) meant that many dynamic versus static studies with different spatial ability measures were discarded. Future research may investigate how different spatial abilities (cf. Castro-Alonso et al. 2018a) affect the effectiveness of learning visualizations.

A second limitation is that we did not consider other moderating variables, such as level of realism, interaction features, and similar variables that are known to affect learning from visualizations (see Castro-Alonso et al. 2016). This was beyond the scope of the present study, but in future studies, gender differences could be considered by controlling for these other moderating variables.

Last, the university samples included were largely drawn from many different disciplines. A future direction is to compare these gender differences and spatial ability effects in different disciplinary areas, such as those requiring more spatial ability (e.g., geometry or physics) versus those requiring less (e.g., history or literature).


In this meta-analysis, we have provided additional evidence of the positive effects of dynamic visualizations for learning, and have shown that many moderators are involved, including variables of participants, intervention, and methodology. From these moderators, we noted that gender is a key participant characteristic to consider when investigating the instructional effectiveness of dynamic and static visualizations. As many studies have not included gender as a variable, this may have had a major influence on visualizations studies and may be a significant factor in explaining why instructional dynamic and static visualizations seem to vary in their effectiveness. Our findings support that dynamic visualizations may be more effective for males than for females. Future studies controlling the gender variable will provide further evidence to inform visualizations and possibly cognitive load theory research. To control gender, we recommend that these future studies (a) include an equal gender proportion in every condition being compared or (b) employ the same number of females and males.