1 Introduction

English is widely recognized as a global language of communication and has become a key skill for success in various fields of study and work. AI has been increasingly utilized in many fields, including education, in recent years. One area where AI could transform teaching and learning is through the use of chatbots as an educational tool. Chatbots are computer programs that use AI to imitate human conversation. When it comes to teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL), chatbots have the potential to offer students a personalized, interactive, and captivating learning experience. Specifically, ChatGPT has demonstrated positive results in tasks related to natural language processing, including generating text and translating languages (Maddigan & Susnjak, 2023).

The use of AI technology in education has gained increasing attention in recent years. AI-powered language models such as ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, have been applied in various language learning scenarios, including language tutoring, language generation, and language translation. ChatGPT has shown the potential in improving language learning outcomes and enhancing the learning experience (Bishop, 2023; Chen, et al.,2020; Topsakal and Topsakal, 2022).

Technology in language education offers several advantages, including personalized learning experiences and access to authentic language materials (Hwang, et al., 2010; Warschauer and Healey, 1998; Shaaban and Mohamed, 2023). AI-powered language learning tools can adapt to learners’ individual needs, while multimedia content can create an immersive learning environment. However, it is important to remember that technology cannot replace human interaction and traditional language teaching methods. Instead, technology should be used to supplement and enhance language learning practices, with teachers and educators playing a crucial role in guiding learners’ use of technology (Chapelle, 2007; Zhao, 2022).

The rapid growth of ChatGPT has raised concerns among academics, particularly after the New York Department of Education banned the program due to worries about academic integrity breaches. This, coupled with an increase in reports of student cheating, has sparked discussions on the impact of ChatGPT on education. Ethical concerns have been amplified by ChatGPT’s ability to pass professional and licensing exams. Faculty members must be aware of the advantages, limitations, and ethical considerations associated with technology in academia, including plagiarism, academic integrity breaches, and intellectual property theft. However, little is known about faculty members’ experiences and perceptions of ChatGPT as a language-learning tool. Understanding students’ experiences with AI technology in language learning is critical to effectively integrating these tools into language education programs and improving language learning outcomes (Chen, et al., 2020; Hargreaves, 2023; Sun & Hoelscher, 2023).

A significant contribution of this study is its contribution to ongoing discussions about artificial intelligence (AI) in language education. An AI-based chatbot called ChatGPT was used in this study to examine the potential advantages and disadvantages of using it in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning and to determine how it can improve EFL teachers’ efficiency. This study provides insights into ChatGPT’s potential benefits and drawbacks in EFL teaching and learning, as well as ways in which it can support teachers throughout the day. These insights can inform EFL educators, policymakers, and researchers in their efforts to develop effective and ethical approaches to incorporating AI technology into language education (Kohnke, 2023; Zhao, 2022). Additionally, this study is significant because it acknowledges the controversy surrounding the use of ChatGPT and its potential ethical implications, including privacy concerns and perpetuating language biases and stereotypes. By addressing these concerns, this study contributes to the larger conversation around the responsible integration of AI in education.

The ChatGPT language model has the potential in improving language learning, but its application in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and teacher experiences with it are not well-understood. This study aims to investigate ChatGPT’s potential in EFL teaching and uncover opportunities and obstacles associated with integrating AI-based chatbots in classrooms. Findings may inform the creation of more effective and efficient AI-based educational tools in EFL teaching while addressing concerns regarding responsible AI integration in education. By assessing EFL faculty members’ perceptions of ChatGPT’s usefulness, this research seeks to provide insight into the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI-based chatbots into EFL classrooms. The study aims to accomplish its objectives by addressing the following questions:


What are the specific advantages of ChatGPT in language learning, as identified by EFL faculty members?


What are the most commonly reported disadvantages of using ChatGPT for language learning among EFL faculty members?


In what ways can ChatGPT be integrated into EFL teaching to enhance the learning experience for students, as perceived by EFL faculty members?

2 Literature review

An artificial intelligence system is a computer system that has a human-like intelligence, such as the ability to perceive images, make decisions, translate languages, and recognize speech (Radford, et al., 2019; Russel & Norvig, 2010). It can also be defined as a branch of computer science that deals with creating machines that are intelligent enough to complete tasks autonomously. AI is the use of algorithms and statistical models to enable machines to perform tasks typically performed by humans (Yu & Hwang, 2021). The use of AI in language has gained widespread attention in recent years, with researchers exploring its potential for enhancing student language proficiency (Zheng, Li, & Liu, 2020). However, the ethical considerations of AI-based language learning systems must also be considered (Drukker, et al., 2020; Russel & Norvig, 2010).

AI has been transforming education since the 1960s, with intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive learning, and educational games. In language teaching, AI provides feedback on writing and speaking skills, and AI-powered language learning tools are widely used in schools and universities. As technology advances, AI promises even more sophisticated tools in the future, making it essential for modern education (Lee, 2023; Mohamed & Shabaan, 2021; Wang, et al., 2023). ChatGPT was launched by OpenAI in November 2022 and has gained popularity for generating written content like stories, poems, and essays. However, it has limitations and has become a subject of academic interest, with administrators forming task teams and organizing institution-wide meetings to discuss its implications (Aydin & Karaarslan, 2022; O’Connor, 2022; Van Dis, et al., 2023).

AI has a fascinating history in language learning, dating back several decades. In 1966, Joseph Weizenbaum created ELIZA, a computer program for language learning that allowed users to engage in simple conversations with a psychotherapist. Despite its limitations, ELIZA demonstrated the potential of AI in language learning. Since then, a wide range of language learning applications have been developed using AI, including personalized feedback and support from language tutors (Colak et al., 2008), and language assessment tools that evaluate learners’ proficiency and identify their strengths and weaknesses. AI has been a catalyst for exciting developments and innovations in language learning, and will likely continue to evolve and advance, resulting in even more effective and innovative language-learning tools.

The use of AI in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Saudi Arabia has gained attention in recent years as technology has rapidly advanced and the demand for improved language education has increased. In the past, traditional methods such as classroom lectures and textbook-based learning were the norm in language education. However, with the advent of AI and the development of AI-powered language learning tools, the education sector in Saudi Arabia has seen a shift towards the integration of technology in language teaching (Abalkheel, 2022; Alsadoon ,2021; Alzahrani, 2022; Khan, et al., 2022).

Saudi Arabia’s “Vision 2030” plan aims to increase the country’s digital economy by 50% by 2025 and emphasizes the importance of improving education quality and technology access (Al-Abdullatif & Alsubaie, 2022; D’Cunha, 2022). AI has been integrated into EFL classrooms in Saudi Arabia with mixed reactions, as some believe it can enhance language learning while others have concerns about technology dependence (Alsamadi, et al., 2021). Despite these concerns, research is being conducted to explore the impact of AI on language proficiency and learning outcomes. AI-powered language learning tools have become increasingly popular and hold great promise for transforming EFL teaching (Liu, et al., 2022). It is important to consider ethical concerns and limitations associated with the use of technology to ensure that students receive a personalized and effective language learning experience.

Recent years have seen an increase in the use of technology in language education. With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies, language learning tools have become more accessible, affordable, and effective. Technology can play a significant role in facilitating language learning and enhancing the learning experience. Researchers have found that AI-powered language learning tools can enhance language learning outcomes. By using AI-powered language learning tools, students can be provided with a more personalized learning experience, increase motivation and engagement, and acquire new vocabulary and grammar skills more effectively (Warschauer & Healey, 1998; Warschauer, 2003; Hwang, et al., 2012).

Language education is increasingly reliant on technology, and AI-powered language learning tools can offer a number of benefits. For optimal results, technology needs to be used thoughtfully and strategically, alongside traditional language teaching practices. The comparison of AI-powered language learning tools with traditional language teaching methods has been the subject of much research in recent years. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in language education has increased due to the advancement of technology and the growing demand for more personalized and efficient language learning experiences. In comparison with traditional language teaching methods, AI-powered language learning tools offer several advantages, such as 24/7 availability, real-time feedback, and adaptability to individual learning styles (Huang, et al., 2023; Kuleto, et al., 2021).

AI-powered language learning tools are more effective than traditional methods in promoting language acquisition. Language learning apps offer personalized and interactive experiences, enhancing pronunciation and speaking fluency (Jia, et al., 2022; Ruan, et al., 2021). However, traditional language teaching methods remain essential for a personal, human-centered approach to language learning that builds skills in conversation and cultural understanding. Collaboration and social interaction among students are also important for language development (Alharbi, 2023; Zhao, 2022). Chatbots and virtual tutors are increasingly used to enhance language proficiency, but a balance between AI-powered tools and traditional methods is necessary. AI implementation raises ethical concerns such as privacy, fairness, transparency, accountability, and human control. Ensuring a robust privacy policy and obtaining informed consent from users is crucial for addressing privacy concerns. As technology advances, research on the impact of AI-powered language learning tools on language skills is of great interest (Ali, 2020; Ilkka, 2018; Ruan, et al., 2021; Tawil, 2019).

Fairness is a crucial ethical consideration in language learning with AI algorithms designed to prevent discrimination, biases, and errors. Transparency is also essential, with language learning tools powered by AI being transparent about algorithms and data use. Accountability is another key ethical concern, with AI companies being held accountable for their performance and transparent about outcomes. AI should support and enhance human learning rather than replace teachers, with human dignity, autonomy, and privacy guiding the use of AI in language learning (Fletcher, et al., 2021; Tawil, 2019).

AI’s use in language learning has garnered significant attention recently, with researchers and educators examining the benefits and drawbacks of integrating AI tools into language instruction (Fig. 1). Benefits of AI in learning English include:

  1. 1.

    Personalized Learning: AI language learning tools can provide customized learning experiences for each individual student, considering their learning style, pace, and language proficiency level. This level of personalization has been shown to improve student motivation and engagement (Alzahrani, 2022; Bhbosale, et al.,2020; Xia, et al., 2023).

  2. 2.

    Immediate Feedback: AI tools can provide immediate feedback on language usage and pronunciation, allowing students to quickly correct their mistakes and improve their skills (Fu, et al., 2022; Iliashenko, et al., 2019).

  3. 3.

    Accessibility: AI language learning tools are often easily accessible through digital devices and the internet, making it possible for students to practice their language skills anywhere and anytime (Kang & Kang, 2022).

However, there are also disadvantages to using AI in language learning:

  1. 1.

    Lack of Human Interaction: While AI tools can provide instant feedback, they cannot replicate the human interaction and support that traditional language classes offer. This can result in a lack of emotional and cultural connection between students and the language they are learning (Ebadi & Amini, 2022; Iliashenko, et al., 2019).

  2. 2.

    Bias and Discrimination: There are concerns that AI language learning tools may perpetuate existing social biases and discrimination in language use (Wei & Niemi, 2023).

  3. 3.

    Limited Language Exposure: AI tools often rely on pre-programmed data sets and algorithms, which may not expose students to the full range of language use and diversity in real-life situations (Alam, 2022; Kuleto, et al., 2021).

Fig. 1
figure 1

The advantages and disadvantages of AI in EFL learning

To conclude, the use of AI can be advantageous and disadvantageous when it comes to learning a foreign language. The factors listed above must be carefully considered by educators and researchers when deciding whether AI tools should be incorporated into language instruction.

Studies have demonstrated that AI-powered language learning tools can be effective in supporting language acquisition (Chang, et al., 2022; Hang, et al., 2022). In one study, an AI-powered language tutor was found to help Korean English language learners improve their writing skills, with students who used the AI tutor showing significant improvements in grammatical accuracy and writing fluency (Chang, et al., 2022). Another study compared the effectiveness of AI-powered language learning tools with traditional language teaching methods, finding that students who used AI-powered tools demonstrated greater improvements in language skills compared to those who received traditional language instruction (Hang, et al., 2022). These findings suggest that AI-powered language learning tools can be a valuable addition to language education, providing learners with a more efficient and effective way to acquire language skills.

According to a study by Holmes and Tuomi (2022), AI-powered language learning tools, such as chatbots, can greatly enhance the language learning process by providing immediate feedback and personalized learning experiences. The study also revealed that these tools can increase learners’ motivation and engagement in learning a new language. Additionally, a recent study by Al-Abdullatif and Alsubaie (2022) explored the effectiveness of AI-powered language learning tools in teaching Arabic as a foreign language. The study found that these tools can significantly enhance students’ grammar and vocabulary skills in Arabic and provide a more personalized learning experience, making it easier for learners to understand and retain new language concepts.

One study conducted by Qasem et al. (2023) found that faculty members perceived chatbots as a useful tool for enhancing students’ language skills and promoting active learning. Another study by Kohnke (2023) reported that faculty members believed that chatbots could provide personalized feedback to students and help them improve their writing skills. Moreover, a study by Hew et al. (2023) revealed that faculty members appreciated the convenience and accessibility of chatbots in providing instant feedback to students. They also believed that chatbots could help reduce their workload and save time. However, some concerns were raised regarding the effectiveness of chatbots in teaching English. For instance, some faculty members expressed concerns about the accuracy of the language generated by chatbots and their ability to understand the nuances of human language (Sun & Hoelscher,2023; Tlili, et al., 2023).

AI-powered language learning tools have promising outcomes in supporting language acquisition, enhancing writing skills, grammatical accuracy, and fluency, outperforming traditional teaching methods. Chatbots offer personalized experiences, immediate feedback, and boost motivation and engagement in language learning. They assist learners in acquiring new vocabulary and improving grammar and vocabulary skills. Concerns about chatbots’ language generation accuracy and understanding of human language nuances have been raised. Despite these concerns, faculty members consider chatbots as a useful tool for enhancing language skills, promoting active learning, and reducing workload. However, there is a research gap in the specific insights and recommendations of EFL faculty members regarding ChatGPT’s potential benefits, drawbacks, and integration into teaching practices. Addressing this gap could provide valuable input for developing effective language learning tools and pedagogical practices.

3 Methodology

This study examined faculty members’ perceptions of ChatGPT as a tool for learning languages through a survey research design. The purpose of an in-depth interview is to elicit detailed, in-depth information, both in person and via email, about the participant’s experiences, perspectives, attitudes, and opinions (Seidman, 2006). In-depth interviews were conducted to gather rich, detailed data about the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT, how it can enhance the learning experience for EFL students, how it can complement traditional teaching methods, and how it can support EFL teachers in their day-to-day work. The data were analyzed using survey content analysis to identify themes and patterns, providing insights into the potential role of ChatGPT in EFL education.

Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia, have banned ChatGPT due to concerns about its misuse and negative impacts. However, in this study, the participants had access to a Telegram bot with similar functions to ChatGPT, which allowed us to explore the potential advantages and disadvantages of using AI-based chatbots for language education.

3.1 Participants

The study selected ten English as a Foreign Language (EFL) faculty members from Northern Border University using purposive sampling, based on their subject matter expertise and willingness to participate in in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method in which participants are chosen based on predetermined criteria or objectives (Schreuder, et al., 2001).

As can be seen in Table (1), a group of ten experts with significant experience and expertise in Applied Linguistics and Curriculum and EFL instruction were interviewed to explore the potential of an AI-based chatbot (ChatGPT) for EFL teaching. Participants in all of these fields held graduate degrees, either an MA or a Ph.D., demonstrating high levels of specialized training and knowledge. Participants were interviewed to determine their perceptions and opinions about using an AI-based chatbot to teach EFL. Participants were a mix of early career and more seasoned professionals with varying levels of experience, including both males and females. They provided valuable insights and perspectives on the potential of AI-based chatbots in EFL teaching and their implications.

Table 1 Participants Characteristics

3.2 Data collection

Data on faculty members’ perceptions of ChatGPT as a language-learning tool were collected through in-depth interviews, both in person and via email. The interviews lasted approximately 25 min each and were audio recorded and transcribed for analysis. Email interviewing was utilized in this study, which offers convenience, speed, and affordability, as well as access to a large pool of potential participants. While this technique has some challenges, it is a useful and efficient method for qualitative research, particularly when face-to-face or telephone interviews are impractical due to time limitations, financial constraints, or geographical barriers (Meho, 2006).

3.3 Data analysis

The process of analyzing the transcribed interviews was conducted with great care and rigor, utilizing a qualitative content analysis approach. The data was meticulously read and coded to identify relevant themes and patterns that were pertinent to the research questions at hand. These codes were then further categorized into more extensive themes, which were carefully analyzed to explore any potential relationships and connections between themes and subthemes. Ultimately, this thorough and systematic approach enabled us to gain a deep and insightful understanding of the data, providing robust insights and valuable contributions to the research field.

3.4 Ethical considerations

The study was conducted with the informed consent of all participants, and confidentiality and anonymity were maintained at all times. A withdrawal from the study was not penalized for participants at any time.

4 The study tools

4.1 Interview

In this study, ten EFL faculty members were selected as participants for in-depth interviews. The interviews aimed to explore the faculty members’ perceptions of ChatGPT as a language learning tool and its potential to enhance EFL students’ learning experience. The first question asked the participants to describe the advantages of using ChatGPT in language learning. The second question asked whether the participants had encountered any disadvantages while using ChatGPT for language learning. The third question focused on how ChatGPT could be used to enhance EFL students’ learning experience. The fourth question asked about the potential for ChatGPT to complement traditional EFL teaching methods, such as textbooks and lectures. The fifth question explored how ChatGPT could support or improve the efficiency of EFL teachers in their day-to-day work. The sixth question focused on any concerns the participants may have had about using ChatGPT in the EFL classroom, such as potential ethical or privacy issues. The final question asked how the participants see the role of ChatGPT evolving in the field of EFL education in the future. The responses to these questions were analyzed to gain insight into the faculty members’ perceptions of ChatGPT as a language learning tool and its potential to support EFL students and teachers.

To ensure question validity, a jury validation process involved experts in the field reviewing the questions. This method of content validation can help to ensure that the questions accurately measure the construct being studied and can increase confidence in the study’s results. The experts can evaluate the questions for their relevance, comprehensiveness, and clarity, and suggest modifications if necessary to improve the validity of the questions. Overall, this process can enhance the credibility and rigor of the study.

5 Results

This is a set of questions designed to gather EFL faculty members’ perceptions towards using ChatGPT in teaching English as a foreign language. The questions aim to explore the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT as a language learning tool, the potential impact of ChatGPT on the learning experience, the complementariness of ChatGPT with traditional EFL teaching methods, and the efficiency benefits of using ChatGPT for EFL teachers. The interviewees are also asked to address any concerns they may have about using ChatGPT in the EFL classroom, such as ethical and privacy issues, and to provide their vision of the future role of ChatGPT in the field of EFL education.

6 Pros and cons of ChatGPT as a language learning tool

The ten teachers’ results indicate a mixed perspective on the benefits and drawbacks of using ChatGPT for language learning. Table 2 illustrates their views on the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT as a language learning tool.

Table 2 Teachers’ perceptions of ChatGPT as a language learning tool

As can be seen from the above table the study findings highlight both the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT as a language-learning tool. Advantages include real-time interaction and feedback, personalized language instruction, a vast knowledge base, natural language processing capabilities, the ability to generate human-like responses and engagement, and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, participants suggest that it would be beneficial to train teachers on how to effectively utilize ChatGPT in language instruction. However, disadvantages include a lack of human connection and personalization, the potential for inaccurate or inappropriate responses, difficulties in understanding context and meaning, limitations in pronunciation and intonation feedback, cultural insensitivity, cheating tool, and technical limitations. Additionally, ChatGPT may not be the most appropriate or reliable tool as it lacks the ability to provide accurate citations and references.

6.1 Enhancing the learning experience for EFL students through the use of ChatGPT

Teachers have different perspectives on how ChatGPT can enhance the learning experience for EFL students. Teacher 1 says “ChatGPT is a valuable tool for providing personalized and interactive language practice, which can help students develop their conversational skills and increase their confidence in using English”. According to the responses of Teachers 2 and 5, ChatGPT has the potential to transform language assessment by offering students precise and prompt feedback on their language skills. Teachers 3 and 6 believe that ChatGPT can provide students with ample opportunities for language exposure and practice, irrespective of their location or schedule. Teacher 4 perceives ChatGPT as a tool that can boost student motivation and engagement in the language learning process, leading to a more dynamic and positive learning environment. Overall, the integration of ChatGPT into the EFL curriculum has the potential to provide students with a new and exciting way of learning English that can have a significant impact on their language proficiency and overall success.

6.2 How can ChatGPT enhance traditional EFL teaching methods?

Teachers believe that ChatGPT can complement traditional EFL teaching methods such as textbooks and lectures in different ways. Teacher 1 said “I believe that ChatGPT can complement traditional EFL teaching methods by providing students with a more personalized and interactive learning experience. Students can learn language from textbooks and lectures, but ChatGPT helps them apply and practice what they’ve learned in real-life situations. Through ChatGPT, students can improve their speaking and listening skills, and receive instant feedback and guidance on their language performance.” Teachers 2 & 6 believe that ChatGPT can enhance traditional EFL teaching methods by providing students with additional opportunities for language practice and exposure, as well as more diverse and dynamic language input. Teachers 3&5 views ChatGPT as a complementary tool that can support traditional EFL teaching methods by providing students with additional language exposure and practice outside of the classroom. Teacher 4&9 sees ChatGPT as a valuable supplement to traditional EFL teaching methods that can provide students with a more engaging and interactive learning experience and a more comprehensive and well-rounded language learning experience. Overall, the integration of ChatGPT into EFL teaching methods can provide students with a more dynamic and effective language learning experience that can enhance their overall language proficiency.

6.3 Can ChatGPT support or improve the efficiency of EFL teachers in their daily work?

The participants believe that ChatGPT can support and improve the efficiency of EFL teachers in different ways. Teacher 1 views ChatGPT as a powerful tool for language assessment and feedback, which can save time and effort for teachers and provide more accurate and immediate feedback to students. Teachers 2&7 sees ChatGPT as a way to engage students in language practice and exposure outside of the classroom, which can enable teachers to use their class time more effectively. Teacher 3 views ChatGPT as a tool that can provide students with a personalized and interactive language learning experience and help teachers to enhance student engagement and motivation. Teachers 4&5 believe that ChatGPT can provide a new and exciting way of delivering language instruction, which can increase student motivation and success. Overall, the integration of ChatGPT into EFL teaching methods can support teachers in their day-to-day work by providing them with new and effective tools for language instruction and assessment that can improve student language proficiency and success.

Teacher 6 believes that ChatGPT can help EFL teachers to provide more individualized instruction to students, stating, “With ChatGPT, teachers can offer more tailored feedback and guidance to each student, which can address individual learning needs and promote better language acquisition.” Teacher 8, on the other hand, expresses some concerns about ChatGPT’s potential impact on EFL teachers, saying, “While ChatGPT can be a useful tool, I worry that some teachers may become too reliant on it and lose sight of the importance of human interaction in language learning. It’s crucial that we continue to prioritize the development of strong teacher-student relationships and effective communication in the classroom.”

6.4 ChatGPT’s ethical and privacy concerns

The participants have concerns about using ChatGPT in the EFL classroom. Teacher 5 expressed concerns regarding the ethical and privacy implications of using ChatGPT in the EFL classroom, stating that “we need to be very careful about the kind of language biases and stereotypes that could be perpetuated through the use of AI in language learning, as well as the potential for privacy violations and data protection concerns.” This echoes the sentiments of Teachers 2, 3, 4, and 8, who also highlighted these concerns. The teachers emphasized the importance of EFL teachers being aware of these issues and taking steps to mitigate them, such as promoting independent language learning and practice, protecting student privacy, and fostering critical thinking skills. In conclusion, the use of ChatGPT in the EFL classroom should be approached with caution, and its potential benefits should be weighed against the potential negative impacts on language learning and development.

6.5 The future development of ChatGPT’s role in EFL education

Additionally, the study participants envision the role of ChatGPT evolving in different ways in the field of EFL education in the future. Teacher 1 says “I see ChatGPT playing an increasingly central role in EFL education in the future. As AI technology continues to advance, I believe ChatGPT will become a more sophisticated and effective tool for language instruction and assessment, providing students with personalized and interactive language learning experiences.” Teachers 3& 7 see ChatGPT becoming a central tool for language instruction and assessment, a more integrated component of EFL teachers’ daily work, a tool for teacher training, a tool for enhancing language exposure and cultural understanding, a tool for language immersion programs, and a tool for enhancing language accessibility and equity. They believe that as AI technology continues to advance, ChatGPT will play a more important role in providing students with personalized and effective language learning experiences, while also serving as a resource for language teachers.

In addition, Teacher 8 expresses, “I can see ChatGPT becoming a valuable resource for EFL teachers in creating lesson plans and designing activities that cater to individual student needs. It can also assist in grading and provide insights into student progress, allowing teachers to better track and address areas of difficulty.” Similarly, Teacher 9 comments, “I think ChatGPT has the potential to be used in language assessment and exam preparation, allowing for more accurate and efficient grading and feedback. It can also help bridge language barriers and facilitate communication between EFL students and native speakers, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.” These perspectives suggest that ChatGPT could have a wide range of uses and benefits in the field of EFL education in the future. In contrast, Teacher 10 comments, “Based on the current state of AI technology, I am skeptical about the ability of ChatGPT to fully replace human language teachers in the future. While it can be a useful tool, it cannot replicate the unique perspectives and experiences that human teachers bring to the classroom.”

7 Discussion

This discussion explores the potential of ChatGPT, an AI-based chatbot, in enhancing English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching by examining the perceptions of EFL faculty members. The study identifies the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT as a language-learning tool and provides insights into its best use for EFL teaching. The discussion will summarize the study’s findings and their implications for the use of ChatGPT in EFL teaching.

The study’s first research question on the effectiveness of ChatGPT in enhancing EFL learning is supported by the findings. The study’s findings suggest that ChatGPT can effectively enhance EFL learning through the advantages it provides, such as real-time feedback, personalized instruction, a vast knowledge base, natural language processing, human-like responses, and cost-effectiveness. These findings are consistent with previous research by Jia et al. (2022) and Qasem et al. (2023). However, it is important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT in language instruction. In order to fully capitalize on the potential benefits of ChatGPT, it is recommended that teachers receive professional development on how to effectively incorporate this tool into their teaching practices. Previous research has highlighted the potential advantages of incorporating technology into language teaching methods, including the enhancement of language proficiency and fluency, increased opportunities for language exposure and practice, improved student motivation and engagement, and a more tailored and interactive learning experience (Al-khresheh, et al., 2022; Chen, et al., 2020; Topsakal & Topsakal, 2022; D’Cunha, 2022; Holmes and Tuomi, 2022). In conclusion, the study suggests that the appropriate and cautious use of ChatGPT can enhance EFL learning, and teacher professional development can play a key role in facilitating this process.

According to the participants of the study, integrating ChatGPT into EFL teaching methods has the potential to enhance the efficiency of EFL teachers. By providing new and effective tools for language instruction and assessment, ChatGPT can facilitate personalized and interactive language learning experiences, offer tailored feedback and guidance, and enable students to practice language skills outside the classroom. The incorporation of chatbots like ChatGPT with other teaching methods can result in time and effort savings for teachers, increased student motivation and success, and improved language acquisition. However, it is essential to acknowledge concerns regarding potential overreliance on ChatGPT. Researchers have emphasized the importance of maintaining strong teacher-student relationships and effective communication in the classroom (AlKhayat, 2017; Alsadoon, 2021; Kasneci, et al., 2023). Thus, while ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize EFL teaching, it should be used as a supplement to traditional teaching methods, and teachers should continue to play a vital role in the language learning process.

Regarding the research second question, the current research findings on the potential drawbacks of Chatbots in language education are consistent with previous studies (Lee & Kim, 2021; Zhao, 2022). ChatGPT’s limitations may include a lack of personalization, inaccurate or inappropriate responses, and difficulties providing adequate feedback on critical language components. Despite these limitations, ChatGPT has the potential to support and enhance EFL teachers in their daily work (Ruan, et al., 2021; Zhao, 2022). However, careful consideration of the disadvantages of AI-based tools is crucial when integrating them into language education contexts (Ali, 2020; Aydın & Karaarslan, 2022; Bhbosale, et al., 2020; Cotton, et al., 2023; O’Connor, 2022; Van Dis, et al., 2023). Teachers must assign tasks that require critical thinking and knowledge application to prevent cheating. Still, the use of ChatGPT may hinder effective communication in real-life situations and negatively impact language learning by becoming a crutch for learners. Therefore, it is essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons of such tools when incorporating them into language teaching and learning environments. Additionally, some teachers express concerns about ChatGPT’s potential negative impact, such as over-reliance on the tool and the loss of the importance of human interaction in language learning (Qadir, 2022).

Additionally, the results highlight the potential ethical and privacy concerns of using ChatGPT in the EFL classroom. These findings suggest that teachers need to be aware of these concerns and take appropriate measures to mitigate them. The ethical concerns include perpetuating language biases and stereotypes, while privacy and data protection concerns include the potential for student data to be compromised. These findings suggest that while ChatGPT may offer benefits in language learning and development, its use should be approached with caution, and measures should be taken to ensure its benefits are maximized while minimizing potential negative impacts. By acknowledging and addressing these concerns, EFL teachers can ensure that the use of ChatGPT is ethical and promotes responsible technology use (Mhlanga, 2023).

Regarding the research third question, the results of this study suggest that EFL teachers perceive ChatGPT as a valuable tool for complementing and enhancing traditional EFL teaching methods. These findings are consistent with previous studies that have explored the potential of AI-based technologies in language learning and teaching. For example, research has shown that chatbots can improve students’ language learning outcomes by providing them with personalized and adaptive learning experiences (Ebadi & Amini, 2022). Additionally, chatbots have been shown to increase students’ motivation and engagement in language learning, which can lead to more effective learning outcomes. Moreover, the results of this study highlight the importance of integrating technology in language learning and teaching. Technology, such as ChatGPT, can provide students with additional opportunities for language practice and exposure, as well as more diverse and dynamic language input, which can enhance their overall language proficiency (Sun & Hoelscher,2023). These findings are consistent with the current trend in language education, which emphasizes the importance of incorporating technology into language teaching and learning to improve students’ language proficiency and engagement.

The results suggest that ChatGPT has the potential to play a significant role in the future of EFL education. The study participants envision ChatGPT becoming a more integrated and sophisticated tool for language instruction and assessment, capable of providing personalized and interactive language learning experiences for students. ChatGPT could also serve as a resource for teachers in creating lesson plans, designing activities, grading, and tracking student progress. Furthermore, ChatGPT could promote cultural exchange and understanding by facilitating communication between EFL students and native speakers. However, the participants also acknowledge the limitations of ChatGPT, as it cannot fully replace human language teachers and could have potential negative impacts on language learning if not used appropriately. Thus, the future development and implementation of ChatGPT in EFL education should be carefully considered and approached with caution to maximize its benefits while minimizing potential negative impacts (Rudolph, et al., 2023).

It is important to acknowledge the limitations of AI-powered language learning tools, despite their potential to enhance language acquisition and promote personalized and interactive learning experiences. One significant issue is the accuracy of the language generated by these tools, particularly in relation to idiomatic expressions, cultural references, and nuances of human language. This may cause learners to develop incorrect language habits, hindering their ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations. Additionally, AI-powered language learning tools may not be suitable for all learners, particularly those who prefer a more human-centered approach to language learning or those who lack access to the necessary technology. Therefore, it is crucial to consider both the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI-powered language learning tools and integrate them into a broader pedagogical framework that considers the needs and preferences of diverse learners and contexts.

EFL teachers have varying perspectives on the use of ChatGPT in language learning (Fletcher, et al., 2021). While ethical concerns and potential negative impacts exist, the use of ChatGPT in EFL teaching offers benefits such as personalized and interactive language practice, revolutionizing language assessment, and providing unlimited opportunities for language exposure and practice. However, its integration must be approached with caution and consideration to ensure the benefits are maximized while minimizing negative impacts. EFL teachers should be aware of its advantages and disadvantages, take steps to mitigate potential negative impacts, and promote critical thinking skills and protect student privacy. Future research could explore how ChatGPT can be integrated into specific language learning contexts and examine its effects on student motivation and engagement. The use of ChatGPT can provide teachers with new and effective tools for language instruction and assessment that can improve student language proficiency and success.

7.1 Limitations

The study has made significant contributions to the literature on AI-powered language learning tools in EFL teaching. However, its small sample size and context-specific nature limit the generalizability of the findings to other populations and contexts. Future research should include a more diverse sample of participants from various EFL contexts to enhance the external validity of the study and provide a more comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT’s impact on language learning. Additionally, the study did not include the perspectives of EFL students, the primary users of ChatGPT, which could have provided critical insights into their experiences and attitudes towards ChatGPT. Future research should consider incorporating the perspectives of EFL students to provide a more comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT’s impact on language learning.

The study did not evaluate the long-term impact of using ChatGPT on language proficiency and skill development, despite the potential benefits for enhancing language proficiency and motivation. It remains unclear whether these effects are sustainable over time. A longitudinal study that tracks the language proficiency and skill development of EFL students who use ChatGPT over an extended period could provide more comprehensive insights into the potential benefits and drawbacks of using ChatGPT in EFL teaching. Although valuable insights have been gained from the study, its limitations must be acknowledged. Future research that addresses these limitations could provide more comprehensive insights into ChatGPT’s impact on language learning, thereby enabling educators to make informed decisions about the use of AI-powered language learning tools in their teaching practices.

7.2 Recommendations

The study’s results and constraints lead to the following suggestions for future research and implementation:

  1. 1.

    Conduct further research to investigate the effectiveness of ChatGPT in improving language proficiency and skill development over an extended period of time.

  2. 2.

    Explore the perspectives of EFL students, teachers, and other stakeholders to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of ChatGPT on language learning and teaching.

  3. 3.

    Develop guidelines and protocols for the ethical and responsible use of ChatGPT in EFL teaching and learning.

  4. 4.

    Provide professional development opportunities for EFL teachers to learn how to integrate ChatGPT into their teaching methods effectively.

  5. 5.

    Design ChatGPT with cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in mind to avoid perpetuating language biases and stereotypes.

  6. 6.

    Consider the limitations of ChatGPT, such as its inability to provide personalized feedback on pronunciation and intonation, when designing language curricula and assessments.

7.3 Pedagogical implications

The findings of this study have significant pedagogical implications for EFL teachers and language education professionals. The use of ChatGPT in language education can provide personalized and interactive language learning experiences for students, allowing for real-time interaction and feedback, access to a vast knowledge base, and natural language processing capabilities. However, teachers must be cautious in their integration of AI technology, given the potential ethical concerns such as privacy and data protection, the perpetuation of language biases and stereotypes, and the risk of over-reliance on AI systems by students.

In light of these implications, it is recommended that EFL teachers consider integrating ChatGPT as a tool for enhancing their language instruction and assessment practices. This can be done by incorporating ChatGPT in language practice activities and homework assignments, creating interactive language games and exercises, and incorporating AI-based assessments to provide more accurate and immediate feedback to students. Additionally, language education professionals can work with AI developers to ensure that ChatGPT is designed to be culturally sensitive, inclusive, and respectful of students’ privacy and data protection.

Furthermore, the use of ChatGPT can also support EFL teachers in their day-to-day work by providing new and effective tools for language instruction and assessment that can improve student language proficiency and success. It is recommended that EFL teachers undergo training on how to effectively integrate AI technology into their language teaching practices, including best practices for AI-based language assessment, cultural sensitivity, and the responsible use of AI technology in the classroom.

8 Conclusion

The present study aimed to investigate the experiences and perspectives of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) faculty members from Northern Border University regarding the use of AI-powered language learning tools in their teaching practices. The findings of this study corroborate previous research that has highlighted the potential of AI-powered language learning tools to enhance student language proficiency and motivation and to provide personalized and engaging learning experiences. However, this study also underscores the need to consider the limitations and ethical concerns associated with the use of technology in language education and to strike a balance between technology-based and traditional language teaching methods.

These findings are consistent with the growing body of literature on the integration of AI in language education. Recent studies have shown that AI-powered tools can have a positive impact on language learning outcomes, including increased vocabulary acquisition, improved pronunciation, and greater student engagement. However, these studies have also highlighted the importance of careful consideration of the ethical and pedagogical implications of using AI in language education.

This study emphasizes the critical role of teachers and language educators in guiding learners’ use of technology for language learning. With the increasing prevalence of AI-powered language learning tools in language classrooms, it is crucial for educators to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate these tools into their teaching practices. This study contributes to the current discourse on AI integration in language education by providing insights into the experiences and perspectives of EFL faculty members regarding the use of AI-powered language learning tools. It highlights both potential benefits and challenges, underscoring the need for further research to explore the impact of AI on student language proficiency and learning outcomes, as well as the role of teachers in guiding learners’ use of technology for language learning.