1 Introduction

Methanol is an important source for the production of many various chemicals and can be used as a fuel, source of hydrogen for fuel cells and as a safe carrier of energy. Commercially methanol is produced from synthesis gas (CO, H2) mainly over Cu/ZnO catalysts [1, 2]. Additionally, copper—zinc oxide catalysts are used in many reactions, such as: synthesis of higher alcohols, the methanol steam reforming and water gas shift reaction. Many workers [3, 4] confirmed that activity of catalysts in methanol synthesis increases with the enhancement of metallic copper surface area until reaching a maximum at molar ratio Cu/ZnO equal 8. Additionally Fujitani et al. [5] established that not only Cu+ ions are essential for methanol synthesis but also metallic copper phase is active in this reaction and Cu+/Cu0 ratio determined the specific activity of this system.

In the present work the influence of noble metal (Ag, Au) addition on physicochemical and catalytic activity of copper dispersed on binary oxide CrAl3O6 support were investigated. The obtained samples were characterized by BET, TPRH2 and XRD techniques and their activity for methanol synthesis from H2, CO and CO2 mixture under atmospheric pressure using gradientless reactor were investigated.

2 Experimental

2.1 Preparation of Catalysts

Catalysts were prepared by wet aqueous impregnation method. To prepare support precursor CrAl3O6 chromium and aluminium nitrates were used. The ammonia co-precipitated mixture of chromium and aluminium hydroxides with molar ratio Cr:Al = 1:3 were dried and calcined 3 h in air at 400 °C. The obtained material represented well mixed binary oxide with chemical formula CrAl3O6. Metals phases (Cu, Au, Ag) were introduced on support surface by wet impregnation method with appropriate aqueous solution of their nitrates and HAuCl4 and then the supported catalysts were dried and finally calcined in air at 400, 700 and 900 °C. Also the samples of supports Al2O3 and CrAl3O6 were calcined in the same conditions. The composition of supported catalysts can be represented by formula 1% Me to (5,10, 20)% Cu/CrAl3O6 where Me = Au or Ag. The binary oxides corresponding to following chemical formula: CuCrO4, Ag2CrO4, and CuAl2O4 were prepared from appropriate nitrates of silver, copper, aluminium and chromium with suitable molar ratio.

2.2 Methods of Catalysts Characterization

2.2.1 The Specific Surface Area and Porosity

The specific surface area and porosity (BET) for catalysts and their supports were determined with automatic sorptometr Sorptomatic 1900. Samples were prepared at 250 °C during 12 h evacuation and after that low temperature nitrogen adsorption–desorption measurements were carried out.

2.2.2 Temperature Programmed Reduction

The Temperature programmed reduction (TPRH2) measurements were carried out in automatic TPR system AMI-1 in the temperature range 25–900 °C with the linear heating rate 10 °C/min. Samples (weight about 0.1 g) were reduced in hydrogen stream (5% H2 to 95% Ar) with the gas volume velocity 40 cm3/min. Hydrogen consumption was monitored by a thermal conductivity detector.

2.2.3 In situ Temperature Programmed and Conventional XRD Phase Analysis

Approximately 150 mg of sample which had been ground in an agate mortar, was packed in the glass ceramics (Macor) sample holder. The gas mixture 5% H2 to 95% Ar was used as a reducing reagent for binary oxide support CrAl3O6. The sample was heated at a nominal rate of 2 °C/min. The high-temperature wide-angle X-ray diffraction data were collected using a PANalytical X’Pert Pro diffractometer equipped with an Anton Paar XRK900 reactor chamber every 50 °C starting from 50 °C and ending at 850 °C. The sample was scanned from 15° to 80° 2θ. A PANalytical X’Celerator detector based on Real Time Multiple Strip technology capable of simultaneously measuring the intensities in the 2θ range of 10–90° was used.

Room temperature powder X-ray diffraction patterns were collected using a PANalytical X’Pert Pro MPD diffractometer in Bragg–Brentano reflecting geometry. Copper CuKα radiation from a sealed tube was utilized. Data were collected in the range 5–90° 2θ with step 0.0167° and exposition per one step of 27 s. Due to the fact that raw diffraction data contain some noise, the background during the analysis was subtracted using Sonneveld and Visser algorithm [6] and next the data were smoothed using cubic polynomial [7]. All calculations were done with X’Pert High Score Plus computer program [8].

2.2.4 Catalytic Activity Test

CO/CO2 hydrogenation tests were carried out using gradientless reactor. Process was carried out under atmospheric pressure in the temperature range 200–520 °C, and reagents were analysed by GC (chromatograph). Catalysts (weight about 0.5 g) were reduced for 2 h in a flow of pure H2 at 300 °C and atmospheric pressure, before activity tests. The catalysts were cooled to the reaction temperature (260 °C) and then the inlet flow was switched to reaction mixture of H2, CO and CO2 with molar ratio 4:2:1, respectively. The steady-state activity measurements were taken after at least 12 h on stream. The analysis of the reaction products were carried out by on line a gas chromatograph equipped with FID detector and 10% Carbowax 1500 on Graphpac column. The concentrations of CO and CO2 were monitored by GC chromatograph equipped with TCD detector (120 °C, 130 mA), and Carbopshere 60/80 (90 °C) column.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Specific Surface Area Measurements

BET results for the calcined supports (Al2O3, Cr2O3, CrAl3O6) are provided in Table 1. The highest specific surface area has alumina oxide (237 m2/g) calcined at 400 °C. The bioxide CrAl3O6 is characterized by substantially lower specific surface area (157 m2/g) in comparison to Al2O3. The increase of calcination temperature to 700 and 900 °C causes further decrease of surface area for Al2O3 and CrAl3O6 due to their sintering and recrystalization.

Table 1 BET surface area for supports: CrAl3O6, Al2O3, Cr2O3 calcined 3 h in air at different temperature

3.2 Phase Composition

X-ray diffraction patterns for CrAl3O6 support reduced in atmosphere of hydrogen in function of temperature are presented in Fig. 1. The broad XRD reflexions confirming highly disordered amorphous character of obtained bioxide CrAl3O6 and small quantities of α-Cr2O3 phases are evident during reduction run [9]. The anticipated reduction effect up to 450 °C connected with the reduction of Cr6+ to Cr3+ is weakly visible on XRD patterns, what confirm that crystalline CrO3 is reduced during this step. On the other hand the presence of amorphous superficial chromate like species can not be ruled out. Moreover, the lack of significant changes of phase composition during the reduction, confirm that decomposition of the CrAl3O6 and its segregation on α-Al2O3 and α-Cr2O3 not occur. These facts confirm high stability of this system.

Fig. 1
figure 1

XRD powder spectra “in situ” reduction of CrAl3O6

The Cr(VI) polychromate—type oxospecies having different bonding with the support surface have been observed in the case of low Cr loading alumina-supported chromium catalysts [10]. The presence of α-Cr2O3 crystalline phase was observed for higher chromium content [11, 12]. During calcinations in air the analogical α-Cr2O3 and Cr(VI) oxospecies are postulated for nominal CrAl3O6 support in our work.

XRD patterns for the monometallic (5%Me/CrAl3O6, where Me = Cu, Ag, Au) supported catalysts are illustrated in Fig. 2. XRD reflections recorded for silver supported catalysts calcined 4 h in air at 400, 700 and 900 °C show besides of the amorphous Al2O3 phase silver chromate and copper chromite (Ag2CrO4 [13], CuCr2O4 [14]), and α-Cr2O3 phases [9]. Amin et al. [15] confirmed the existence of spinel phase CuCr2O4 recorded for Cu/Cr/CeO2 catalyst after its calcinations [16, 17]. XRD analysis confirmed the formation of Ag2CrO4 and α-Cr2O3 phases in supported Ag/Cr2O3 catalysts obtained by calcining a mixture of chromic oxide gel and silver nitrate [13], were conducted and XRD analysis confirmed the formation of Ag2CrO4 and α-Cr2O3 phases. On the XRD data recorded for gold supported (5%Au/CrAl3O6) catalysts calcined at 400, 700 °C only CrAl3O6, metallic gold [15] and α-Cr2O3 [9] phases were observed.

Fig. 2
figure 2

XRD patterns for monometallic copper, silver and gold catalysts supported on CrAl3O6 calcined at 400, 700, 900 °C

For all copper supported catalysts the presence of copper chromite spinel-like structure (CuCr2O4) [15, 18], and small quantities of α-Cr2O3 were observed [9]. The same spinel phase CuCr2O4 and the formation of CuO phase were confirmed in copper-chromate (III) catalysts studied in work [15] where authors confirmed that the catalysts with the highest chromium content show the presence of crystalline CuCr2O4 phase but some α-Cr2O3 phase is still visible. In our work we obtained the similar results, catalysts with high copper content show considerable quantity of CuO, α-Cr2O3 and CuCr2O4 phases.

The XRD data recorded for 1%(Ag, Au) to 20%Cu/CrAl3O6 supported catalysts calcined in air at various temperature are presented in Fig. 3. The CrAl3O6 bi-oxide structure copper chromite CuCr2O4 [18], phases were confirmed for catalysts calcined at 400 and 700 °C. Additionally for silver doped copper catalysts the presence of silver chromate (VI) (Ag2CrO4) [13] and AlCrCuO4, Cu2Al4O7, γ-Al2O3 phases were detected. The presence of copper oxide CuO was not established for catalysts with small content of copper (1%Ag to 5%Cu/CrAl3O6), probably due to their high degree of dispersion and small sizes of crystallites. The XRD data recorded for catalysts with high content of copper (20% Cu) showed presence of copper oxide CuO. This fact suggests that CuO phase can exist for of 1%Ag to 5%Cu supported catalysts but it is not experimentally observed due to low sensitivity of XRD method. The 1%Ag to (5, 10, 20)%Cu supported catalysts also did not show the presence of metallic silver crystallites [19].

Fig. 3
figure 3

XRD patterns for bimetallic Cu–Ag, Cu–Au catalysts supported on CrAl3O6 calcined in air at 400, 700, 900 °C

The XRD results for 1%Au to 20%Cu supported catalysts calcined at 400 and 700 °C show reflections corresponding to metallic gold [20], and spinel structures AlCrCuO4, CuAl2O4 and CrAl3O6 phases. The quantity of spinel structure Cu(II)Cr(III)O4 as well as Cu(II)O phase copper oxide phases grow for catalysts with higher content of copper. The increase of calcination temperature from 400 to 700 °C causes sintering for all samples and appearing the new CuAlCrO4 phase.

3.3 Temperature Programmed Reduction Studies

The result of TPR measurements for CrAl3O6, 10%CrO3 to 90%α-Al2O3, α-Cr2O3 and appropriate bioxides–chromates (IV) of silver and copper are shown in the Fig. 4. CrAl3O6 shows one wide reduction effect located in temperature range 300–420 °C independently on calcination temperature. This effect is assigned to the reduction of previously oxidized Cr(VI) superficial chromate like groups CrO4 2−. However this TPR effect observed for binary oxide is connected with atomically dispersed Crx+ (3 > x < 6) atoms on support surface or presence highly amorphous CrO3 phase not visible by XRD method. The increase of calcination temperature causes decrease of hydrogen consumption due to temperature induced dissociative decomposition of previously formed CrO3 chemically bonded to γ-alumina or α-Cr2O3 surface. The reduction process for samples calcined at 400 °C: α-Cr2O3, mechanical mixture of CrO3 with α-Al2O3 (corundum), and copper and silver chromates (III) are shown on the remaining TPR curves in Fig. 4. The comparison of TPR profiles allows to conclude that the same species Cr6+ are reduced in all above cases. Relatively small TPR effect observed for α-Cr2O3 can be explained by low contribution of superficial Cr6+ species. The remaining three TPR curves representing copper (II) and silver chromate and copper (II) aluminate samples show the reduction effects taking place in the temperature range 200–400 °C which can be assigned to redox transformations leading to metallic phases: Cu2+ → Cu0 and Ag+ → Ag0, respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

TPR profiles for chromium oxides, CrAl3O6, CuAl2O4, CuCr2O4, Ag2CrO4 calcined in air at various temperature

Comparable results by Kanervo and Krause [21] investigating the reduction of chromium catalysts CrO x /Al2O3 showed one reduction effect in varying temperature range of reduction. Additionally they suggested that location and consumption of hydrogen depends on chromium loading and they conclude that alumina support can stabilize Cr6+ species involved in reversible redox process Cr(VI) <=> Cr(III). Chromium ions Cr6+ can be reduced also to Cr2+ when they are present on the α-Cr2O3 surface or supported on silica [22]. However water can re-oxidize back Cr2+ → Cr3+ so key factor is the efficiency of water removal. In most cases after reduction the final products are Cr3+ ions.

The TPR results for silver and gold supported catalysts are presented in Fig. 5. Gold addition does not change the original CrAl3O6 TPR profile a lot and in fact it is identical before and after gold introduction. The addition of silver results in a shift of TPR peak maximum of hydrogen consumption in lower temperature region. The two TPR maxima of hydrogen uptake were observed: first located at 200 °C and attributed to the reduction of non-stoichiometric silver oxide AgO x . The second TPR effect at 300 °C is assigned to the reduction of Ag2(I)Cr(VI)O4. The presence of these phases was confirmed by XRD technique what is in good agreement with TPR data obtained for this catalytic system.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Influence of calcination temperature on TPR profiles of Au/CrAl3O6 and Ag/CrAl3O6

TPR profile recorded for (5, 10, 20) %Cu/CrAl3O6 are presented in Fig. 6. In the case of 5%Cu/CrAl3O6 supported catalysts we can observed one reduction effect connected with the copper chromate (III) CuCr2O4 reduction.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Influence of calcination temperature on TPR profiles of Cu/CrAl3O6

The reduction temperature for CuO species is situated in the temperature range from 200 to 250 °C according to some literature data [2325]. The obtained reduction profile for monometallic copper catalyst 5%Cu/CrAl3O6 is observed at about 250 °C, what it is in good accordance with literature data [26]. From XRD data recorded for this catalyst (see Fig. 2) one can postulate that the reduction peak should be assigned to copper oxide CuO or copper chromate CuCrO4 reduction. Jones and McNicol [26] confirmed that combination of copper oxide with first-row transition metal ion (Cr) produces the same TPRH2 profile as that obtained from reduction of CuO species.

The TPR profile recorded for 10%Cu and 20%Cu/CrAl3O6 supported catalysts show two unresolved peaks can be observed on the reduction profile. First effect can be attributed to the copper oxide CuO reduction; second one can be connected with copper (II) chromate (III) reduction. The significant decrease of reduction effects was observed with the growth of calcination temperature for all samples. This fact can be explained by thermally induced dissociative decomposition of copper and chromium (VI) oxides and significant sintering of samples.

The TPR results for copper catalysts promoted by silver and gold are shown in Fig. 7. Bimetallic silver–copper and gold–copper catalysts reveal intermediate reduction behavior between appropriate monometallic catalysts. Addition of gold or sliver results in the decrease of maximum temperature of reduction. The increase of copper load results in growth of reduction Cu(II)Cr(III)O4 reduction. The difference in TPR profiles is observed for gold doped series catalysts. The occurring high temperature effect can be connected to the reduction of copper aluminate CuAl2O4.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Influence of calcination temperature on TPR profiles of 1%Ag to Cu/CrAl3O6 and 1%Au to Cu/CrAl3O6

3.4 Activity Tests

The methanol synthesis tests were carried out on monometallic (5, 10, 20%) Cu/CrAl3O6 and bimetallic 1%(Au or Ag) to 5%Cu/CrAl3O6 catalysts under atmospheric pressure in gradientless reactor using H2:CO:CO2 mixture. The temperature characteristics of catalytic activity of mono and bimetallic catalysts expressed in mol CH3OH g cat. −1 h−1 are presented in Figs. 8 and 9. Results show that catalytic activity increases with growth of copper content. The most effective catalyst for methanol synthesis seems to be 20%Cu/CrAl3O6 and its high activity can be explained by the presence of high acceptability of copper ions Cu+ being the active sites on the catalyst surface. Lower activity for 5% and 10% Cu supported catalysts in comparison to CrAl3O6 bioxide support can be probably explained by the fact that almost entire copper is in the state of copper (II) chromite (CuCr2O4). Copper catalyst promoted by silver showed the significant improvement of the catalytic activity for 5%Cu/CrAl3O6 catalyst probably due to formation of silver chromate (VI) Ag2CrO4 compound during preparation step which seems to be active in methanol synthesis. Copper catalysts promoted by gold does not influence on activity of Cu/CrAl3O6 catalysts. Additionally silver ions can create active sites on catalysts surface. The selectivity to methanol decreased with increasing temperature, which was related to the growth of the participation of the endothermic reaction of reverse water gas shift reaction playing crucial role in methanol synthesis reaction:

$$ {\text{CO}}_{2} + {\text{H}}_{2} \to {\text{CO}} + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}\quad \Updelta H_{{298\,{\text{K}}}} = + 49.8{\text{ KJ}}/{\text{mol}} $$
Fig. 8
figure 8

Catalytic activity of CrAl3O6 and monometallic supported catalysts

Fig. 9
figure 9

Catalytic activity of copper, bimetallic 1%Ag to 5%Cu and 1%Au to 5%Cu supported catalysts

The maximum of methanol yield is located in temperature range 320–460 °C. Further increase of reaction temperature leads to the significant fall of catalyst activity in methanol synthesis.

4 Conclusions

  1. 1.

    TPR reduction effect observed for CrAl3O6 support itself is attributed to the reduction of previously oxidized surface species Cr(VI) → Cr(III).

  2. 2.

    Introduction of copper or silver on CrAl3O6 support surface leads to the formation of appropriate oxides CuO, Ag2O and copper chromite (CuCr2O4) and silver chromate (Ag2CrO4) during catalyst calcination.

  3. 3.

    TPR profiles for highly loaded monometallic Cu/CrAl3O6 and bimetallic Ag–Cu/CrAl3O6 supported catalysts represent the reduction of copper and/or silver oxides and depending on calcination temperature silver chromate and copper chromite.

  4. 4.

    XRD patterns after catalyst calcination in air confirmed the presence of following oxidic forms: monooxides—amorphous Al2O3, α-Cr2O3, CuO and Ag x O, bioxides—Cr x Al1−x O6, CuAl2O4, CuCr2O4, Ag2CrO4 and ternary oxide AlCrCuO4 and metallic gold phase.

  5. 5.

    Support CrAl3O6 alone is active in methanol synthesis. The most active appeared 20%Cu/CrAl3O6 and 1%Ag to 5%Cu/CrAl3O6 catalysts.