
Agricultural activities around the world demand large amounts of pesticides, among which the organophosphates (OPs) are the most commonly used to increase crop yields and to control livestock ectoparasites. Their sales are estimated at 34% of the total pesticides in the world (Singh and Walker 2006). Over the last 60 years, approximately 150 OP chemicals have been used to protect crops, livestock, and human health. From the millions of tons of pesticides applied annually at a worldwide level, liquid and solid wastes are generated. In addition, the containers for these chemicals are transferred directly, without control, into the environment, particularly into the soil and water, and, therefore, are a risk to the environment and public health due to their toxicity (Schwarzenbach et al. 2010; Aktar et al. 2009; Pimentel 2005).

In addition, in a number of developing and transitional countries, there are more than half a million tons of obsolete, unused, banned, or outdated pesticides, which endanger the environment and the health of millions of people. In the absence of a clear strategy for obsolete pesticide management, significant amounts of obsolete pesticides have been stockpiled over the years in developing countries (Dasgupta et al. 2010).

In 29 of the 33 states of Mexico, there are about 26,725.02 l and 147,274 kg of obsolete stored pesticides, both liquid and solid. In addition, there are 28 reports of pesticide-contaminated sites in 15 states of the Mexican Republic and 500 m3 of highly polluted soils. Furthermore, approximately 7000 tons of empty pesticide containers could be produced annually (Ortiz-Hernández et al. 2011). Owing to the damage caused to the environment and human health, and the existence of obsolete pesticides, it is necessary to develop technologies that guarantee pesticide elimination in a safe, efficient, and economical way.

Among the technologies that currently exist, there are those that apply physical treatments, such as adsorption and percolator filters, and chemical treatments, such as advanced oxidation, inverse osmosis, and incineration. These treatment options are not usually available in developing countries (Karstensen et al. 2006). However, a treatment method that promises to be efficient, economical, and safe is biological treatment through reactions catalyzed by enzymes of specific microorganisms. This kind of treatment has been developed to provide a methodology that is safer and more economical than conventional treatments, and to avoid additional damage to the environment. Biological processes have been used to treat wastes and sites polluted with pesticides (Moens et al. 2004; Khan et al. 2004; Yair et al. 2008). Biodegradation of these pesticides provides a cheap and efficient solution for their final disposal or for the treatment of agricultural soils, contaminated water, or polluted ecosystems (Yair et al. 2008). In 1973, the first bacteria with the capability of degrading organophosphorus compounds were described (Sethunathan and Yoshida 1973; Singh 2009). Since then, a number of different genera have been identified, and enzymes involved in pesticide degradation have been widely studied.

A great number of bacterial species that degrade OP pesticides has been reported. Such bacteria are capable of degrading the latter because of the presence of some enzymes, mainly related to the phosphotriesterase, which is capable of hydrolyzing OP pesticides through a nucleophilic attack on phosphorous central atom in the molecule. The hydrolysis is essential for complete degradation of OP pesticides and phosphotriesterase activity is the first and the most important step in the detoxification of OP waste or OP-contaminated sites (Yáñez-Ocampo et al. 2009; Sorgob and Vilanova 2002; de la Peña et al. 2006).

Cell immobilization has been employed for biological removal of pesticides because it confers the possibility of maintaining catalytic activity over long periods of time (Richins et al. 2000; Chen and Georgiou 2002; Martin et al. 2000). Whole-cell immobilization has been shown to have remarkable advantages over conventional biological systems using free cells, such as the possibility of employing a high cell density, the avoidance of cell washout, even at high dilution rates, easy separation of cells from the reaction system, repeated use of cells, and better protection of cells from harsh environments. Previous reports have suggested that this higher productivity results from cellular or genetic modifications induced by immobilization. There is evidence indicating that immobilized cells are much more tolerant to perturbations in the reaction environment and less susceptible to toxic substances, which makes immobilized cell systems particularly attractive for the treatment of toxic substances like pesticides (Ha et al. 2008). In addition, the enhanced degradation capacity of immobilized cells is due primarily to the protection of the cells from inhibitory substances present in the environment. The degradation rates for repeated operations were observed to increase for successive batches, indicating that cells became better adapted to the reaction conditions over time (Ha et al. 2009).

Yáñez-Ocampo et al. (2009) reported removal efficiencies of methyl-parathion (MP) and tetrachlorvinphos (TCV) of 40% and 50%, respectively, by a bacterial consortium grown in suspension in a liquid medium of mineral salts with a mixture of these pesticides. In the same study, it was found that bacterial immobilization on volcanic rock significantly increases the removal efficiency by up to 66% for both pesticides. Compared with microbial cultures in suspension, cell immobilization can increase the length of time of bacterial catalytic activity; in addition, bacterial immobilization on porous supports allows cells to tolerate high concentrations of toxic compounds (Martin et al. 2000; Santacruz et al. 2005; Galíndez-Nájera et al. 2009).

The TPUFRs have been successfully used in industrial effluent treatment, as well as for hazardous waste mixtures, such as pesticides, hydrocarbons, and polychlorinated biphenyls. This system, based on the formation of biofilm on porous supports, can work under aerobic and anaerobic conditions; sludges are not formed as a byproduct of this method, and biomass and material are recovered and reused. Bacteria of the genus Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, Acinetobacter, and other members of the Enterobacteriaceae family have the ability to produce compounds with adhesive and biosurfactant properties, allowing them to be fixed to surfaces. This also facilitates the bioavailability of some compounds with a low solubility. In addition, an up-flow system operates with the recirculation of wastes through several cycles, increasing the removal efficiency (Jajuee et al. 2007; Singh and Walker 2006; Jin-Woo et al. 2002).

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the removal efficiency of MP and TCV by a bacterial consortium immobilized on tezontle in an up-flow packed bed bioreactor.

Materials and methods

Tezontle description

Tezontle (in Nahuatl, tezt means rock and zontli means hair) is a native volcanic rock of Morelos state (central Mexico). This rock is highly porous, provides a large contact surface, and can also be sterilized and reused. The presence of micropores allows the establishment of bacterial microcolonies (Godon et al. 1997). Other characteristics of tezontle include density, 2.24–2.93 g/ml; water retention capacity, 12.91–43.3%; total porosity, 37.91–63.8%; pH, 6.88–7.35; organic material, 0%; Ca: 22.0 mg/l; Mg: 10.09 mg/l; K, 2.74 mg/l; and P: 0.31 mg/l (Yáñez-Ocampo et al. 2009; Galíndez-Nájera et al. 2009). The tezontle rocks were broken using a metal hammer to obtain fragments that were sifted using a 3-mm mesh sieve. These particles of tezontle were sterilized three times in an autoclave at 121°C for 20 min and then left to rest for 24 h.

Organophosphate pesticides

Methyl-parathion—MP (O,O-dimethyl O-4 nitrophenyl phosphorotioate) and tetrachlorvinphos—TCV (phosphoric acid, 2-chlore-1-(2,4,5-trichlorephenyl) dimethyl ester, vinyl) are authorized OP pesticides used in Mexico’s livestock and agricultural industries. These substances were purchased from Chemservice (99% purity) ( Reactive grade ethyl acetate was used as a solvent for pesticide extraction; HPLC grade methanol from Mallinckrodt Baker Inc. (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA) was used to inject samples into the gas chromatograph. All other chemicals were of reagent grade and were obtained from J.T. Baker, Mexico City.

Culture medium composition

A mineral salt medium (MSM) described by O’Reilly and Crawford (1989) was modified and used for the cultivation of the consortium, which had the following composition (in g/l): 0.82 K2HPO4; 0.19 KH2PO4; 0.20 MgSO4·7H2O; 2.0 KNO3; 0.99 (NH4)2SO4; and 2 ml/l of a trace element solution with a composition of (in g/l): 2.8 H3BO3; 2.55MnSO4·H2O; 0.17 CuSO4·5H2O; CoCl2·6H2O, 2.43; and 0.25 ZnSO4·7H2O. The pH of the medium was 7 ± 0.05. The carbon sources tested were pesticides, and the nitrogen source was ammonium and nitrate salts.

Bacterial consortium

The bacterial consortium used in this study was previously isolated from agricultural soils from Morelos State (central Mexico), where OP pesticides had been constantly applied. The isolated consortium had an adaptation process during several weeks, using mineral medium without an additional carbon source, plus untreated OP pesticide wastes generated from livestock dipping operations containing an OP pesticide mixture. This consortium was subcultured and continuously improved by the selection pressure. The consortium was formed for 14 bacterial strains (Yáñez-Ocampo et al. 2009).

Tezontle-packed up-flow reactor (TPUFR)

The pesticide removal experiments were conducted in a bench-scale up-flow tubular column reactor with a 6-cm inner diameter, a height of 35.4 cm, and a 1000 cm3 nominal volume (Nv). The column reactor consisted of a feed tank, a feed pump, and the column itself with an inlet and an outlet. It was constructed with high-quality sterilization-resistant glass. The column reactor was loaded to 70% Nv with volcanic rocks of an average diameter of 2.5 mm. This was considered as the packing volume (Pv)

Preliminary experiments were conducted to standardize the peristaltic pump operation by testing different conditions for flow rate (l/h), hydraulic residence time (h), tezontle packing density and times, and favorable growth media for bacterial colonization on tezontle (data not shown).

The empty volume (Ev) was calculated from the difference between the column Nv and the Pv:

$$ {\text{Ev}} = {\text{Nv}} - {\text{Pv}}. $$

The Ev was used to calculate the hydraulic residence time (HRT) of the pesticides in the packed column, using the following equation:

$$ {\text{HRT}} = {\text{Ev }}\left( {\text{l}} \right)/{\text{Flow }}\left( {{\text{l}}/{\text{h}}} \right). $$

Biofilm formation on tezontle particles in TPUFR

Tripticasein soy (TS) broth (Bioxon, Becton–Dickinson, Mexico) was used for promoting the formation of biomass. The previously adapted consortium was cultured in Petri dishes with TS agar for 24 h at 28°C to obtain the bacterial inoculum. After that, the consortium was inoculated in flasks containing 50 ml of TS broth and a mixture of MP–TCV at a final concentration of 25 mg/l. These flasks were incubated for 72 h at 28°C with 100 rpm shaking. After that, the biomass was collected by centrifuging at 1000×g for 20 min and then discarding the supernatant. The biomass was used for the inoculation of the experimental bioreactor packed with particles of tezontle that had previously been sterilized as described above, containing TS broth, MP at final concentration of 25 mg/l, and TCV at final concentration of 10 mg/l. This bioreactor was incubated for 7 days at room temperature to promote the formation of a biofilm and the colonization of tezontle particles. After this period, the culture medium was removed to eliminate excess broth and the biomass in suspension. The particles of tezontle were washed with a sterile solution of 0.5% NaCl. To confirm bacterial immobilization, tezontle particles were collected, treated, and observed with a Carl Zeiss EVO®40 scanning electron microscope, according to methods adapted from a previous report (Yáñez-Ocampo et al. 2009) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Scanning electron micrographs of tezontle colonized by the consortium. a Control without biomass, bd tezontle particle colonized with biofilm at 40, 20, and 2 μm, respectively

Degradation experiments in TPUFR

After the biofilm was formed in the TPUFR, different flows were evaluated (3.51, 2.19, 1.41, and 0.936 l/h), and as a result, four hydraulic retention times (HRT) were investigated (0.085, 0.136, 0.212, and 0.320 h). The initial pH of the bioreactor was 7.0. The reactor was operated at room temperature (approximately 25°C). A Kitasato flask was connected to the column via a peristaltic pump. All silicone tubing used was Masterflex type (Cole Parmer 96400-35). The liquid from the top of the column was recycled through the inlet positioned at the bottom of the column (Bianchi et al. 2008).

The influent of the system was placed at the base of the column to ensure the homogenization of the mineral salt medium supplemented with 10 mg/l of TCV and 25 mg/l of MP. The effluent was located 5 cm from the top of the column and was connected to a 1000-ml Kitazato flask that stored the culture medium for recirculation.

As a control, a sterile TPUFR without biomass was installed. For its sterilization, a column packed with volcanic rock was treated with 0.5% nitric acid for 24 h, then washed three times with distilled water, and finally, autoclaved at 15 kg/cm2 at 121°C for 20 min; all of this was done to remove organic matter and microorganisms. Sterilization was intermittent and was repeated three times, with 24-h interval between each sterilization cycle.

After the reactor was started, at different time intervals during the experiment, a 2-ml aliquot was collected from the Kitasato flask and placed in glass tubes. To extract both OP pesticides, these samples were extracted three times with equal volumes of ethyl acetate; after 1 min of vortexing, the organic phase was removed and filtered using glass wool and anhydrous sodium sulfate-packed glass funnels. This operation was performed sequentially. The filtrates were mixed, evaporated, and then reconstituted in 1 ml of HPLC grade methanol for analysis by GC/MS.

Analytical methods

Both MP and TCV were quantified by gas Trace GC chromatograph coupled to a Polaris Q Thermo Finnigan mass spectrometer (GC–MS) using the EPA8141 method under the following conditions: equity column-5; 30 m × 0.25 mm ID; 0.25 μm, oven at 120°C (3 min) and at 270°C at 5°C/min, injector 250°C, MSD detector, scan range 45–450 amu, 325°C transfer line, helium flow 30 cm/s @ 120°C, injection 1.0 μl, splitless (0.3 min), splitless liner, and double taper.

Pesticide adsorption on tezontle

The pesticide adsorption on tezontle was measured according to the methods described in a previous report (Yáñez-Ocampo et al. 2009).

Growth of consortium immobilized on tezontle

The growth of the consortium immobilized on tezontle was measured by counting viable cells. One tezontle particle was placed in a glass tube with 1 ml of 0.4 M potassium phosphate solution. Vigorous homogenization was applied for approximately 1 or 2 min. Serial dilutions of this solution were carried out, and 0.1 ml was inoculated in TS agar for 24 h at 28 ◦C. Finally, the number of colony-forming units was recorded as CFU/tezontle.

MP and TCV removal in TPUFR

To evaluate pesticide removal from the culture medium, the removal percentage, removal rate, and removal efficiency of both pesticides were calculated. In addition, the residual concentration data versus TPUFR operating time data were plotted.

The value of delta OP (ΔOP) was calculated to evaluate the performance of pesticide removal by the TPUFR. This value allows knowing the percent of each OP removed for each hydraulic residence time (HRT) in the packed reactor. The ΔOP was calculated as the difference between the initial concentration (Iop) and the residual concentration (Rop) for each HRT. ΔOP was calculated for each HRT and was expressed as a percentage.

$$ \Updelta {\text{OP}} = {\text{Iop}}-{\text{Rop}}. $$

The percentages of removed MP and TCV in each flow were transformed using an angular transformation (arcsen√yi) and analyzed using the general linear models procedure; through an analysis of variance with a factorial arrangement of treatments. Post-hoc analysis of differences in means was conducted with the Tukey test (α = 0.05) (SAS Institute 2003).

Toxicity evaluation of the treated effluent in TPUFR

The toxicity of the effluent from the TPUFR subjected to the mixture of pesticides was evaluated by an acute toxicity test using the earthworm Eisenia foetida as a biological model. This procedure was conducted according to Olvera-Velona et al. (2008). After 24 and 48 h of exposures, muscular effects in the worms were observed, such as decreased coordination and stiffness. The mortality of the organisms after 72 h of exposure was evaluated simultaneously. The data were analyzed using chi-squared test (α = 0.05). The conditions of the experiment are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Experimental design of acute toxicity tests

Results and discussion

Biological removal of MP and TCV in the TPUFR

The OP pesticide removal was evaluated in the TPUFR, and the results were compared between the TPUFR control (without cells) and experimental TPUFR (with immobilized consortium).

Figure 2a and b show the concentration of MP and TCV during the TPUFR operation at different tested flows. The amount of pesticides removed from the culture medium by the immobilized consortium in the experimental TPUFR was significantly greater than in the TPUFR control. The biological activity of the immobilized bacterial consortium was the main factor responsible for the removal of MP and TCV. During the first 8 h of TPUFR operation, the pesticide concentration decreased, apparently as a function of increasing flow rate. Under the 3.51-l/h flow, changes in the OP pesticide concentrations were not as evident as in the 0.936-l/h flow, suggesting that the catalytic activity of the consortium requires more contact time with pesticides to carry out transformation reactions (Sheeja and Murugesan 2002; Rama Krishna and Ligy 2009). High flow rates could limit the spread of the pesticides and, thereby, the degradation ability of a biofilm system (Mansee et al. 2000; Schmid et al. 2001).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Removal of a MP and b TCV in the TPUFR control without biofilm (superior) and in the TPUFR with immobilized bacterial consortium (below)

In parallel, the adsorption of the pesticides by tezontle in the control TPUFR was quantified. The percentage of adsorption of MP was 9%, while it was 6% for TCV. Santacruz et al. (2005) and Mondragón-Parada et al. (2008) reported adsorption percentages of phenol and simazine on this type of volcanic rock as 8.12% and 4.0%, respectively. The amount of adsorption observed in our experiment was similar to and consistent with these previous reports,because of the presence of an aromatic ring in the molecular structure of the OP pesticides tested. When these pesticides are hydrolyzed, phenolic groups could form and then be absorbed by tezontle.

Owing to the catalytic activity of the consortium used in this study, the removal of both MP and TCV may depend on the chemical composition and structure of each of these compounds (Rama Krishna and Ligy 2009). Ortiz-Hernández et al. (2003) found that the molecular weight of pesticides was inversely proportional to enzymatic activity (PM in comparison with TCV). They found that there was steric hindrance of TCV degradation by Flavobacterium ATCC 27 551, which only degraded 8% of the TCV added to culture medium, in contrast to its ability to degrade other OP pesticides. The molecular structure of TCV probably confers a higher degree of recalcitrance because of the presence of a chlorinated ring. Singh and Walker (2006) reported that the biodegradation of several OPs depends on the chemical structure related to where the phosphotriester bond is present, which is the case also of MP, TCV, ethyl parathion, and chlorpyrifos.

Evaluation of the biological removal efficiency of MP and TCV in the TPUFR

Table 2 shows the results of the evaluation of the TPUFR with the biofilm obtained at 8 h. The population of the bacterial consortium remained viable during the four HRTs evaluated. However, a decrease in the bacterial population of 1011–109 CFU/tezontle particle was observed. This phenomenon could have been the result of biomass dragging due to the increased shear stress (friction) caused by both the stream flow of 3.51 l/h (0.083 h HRT) and the biofilm on the porous support. Increased flow can create unstable conditions in the TPUFR, such as biofilm detachment and low diffusion through the substrate (Morgan-Sagastume and Noyola 2008; Mondragón-Parada et al. 2008).

Table 2 Evaluation of TPUFR with immobilized cells after 8 h of operation

The removal percentage of both pesticides was higher with a longer contact time between the solution of pesticides and the immobilized consortium. Thus, with an HRT of 0.83 h (the lowest), the removal percentage was approximately 35% for MP and 37% for TCV, whereas with a longer HRT, removals up to 72% and 75% were achieved for MP and TCV, respectively. This situation may have been caused by an increase of the organic load. When flow increases (l/h) and the initial concentration of pesticides (mg/l) remains constant, the mass by time unit (mg/h) that is transferred into the packed column increases, saturating the consortium’s catalytic activity, resulting in a low efficiency in the removal of both pesticides (Hallas et al. 1992; Burton 2001; Li et al. 2005).

The removal efficiencies of MP and TCV with an HRT of 0.313 h was significantly different (α = 0.05) in comparison with the other three HRTs studied, and it was the highest removal percentage observed. With an HRT of 0.083 h, we found that the removal percentage of pesticides was significantly lower (α = 0.05). In the present study, 75.45% TCV removal was achieved; the initial concentration of 10 mg/l allowed a better removal efficiency over that reported by Yáñez-Ocampo et al. (2009), where the initial concentration of TCV was 25 mg/l (water solubility = 11 mg/l). Thus, in this study, we obtained higher removal efficiency, suggesting an effect of bioavailability, particularly for TCV. From a practical point of view, it is important to know the concentration of pesticide wastes before applying a biological treatment to establish appropriate treatment strategies (Struthers et al. 1998; Mulchandani et al. 1999).

Apparently, the proportion of the biological removal of both pesticides in each HRT was the same, which represents an advantage from a practical point of view because mixtures of pesticide residues are generated daily, and pesticides are used at different concentrations (Konstantinou et al. 2006). In this study, it was observed that the investigated consortium grew and maintained its viability; in addition, it removed the mixture of two OP pesticides efficiently.

Table 2 shows the values of ΔOP calculated for MP and TCV expressed as the percentage of pesticides removed in each HRT in the TPUFR with the immobilized consortium. The relationship between ΔOP and HRT is an approximation of the pesticide proportion that is removed each time it is recycled and travels through the TPUFR to be transformed. While the HRT decreased from 0.313 to 0.083 h, the number of passages of the mixture of pesticides increased; however, this does not mean that degradation was more efficient. Therefore, when the mixture of pesticides remains at a time of 0.313 h, the removal of MP and TCV was significantly higher (α = 0.05). Based on our experimental results, under the experimental conditions of this study, we suggest that the biological treatment of mixtures of OP pesticides in a TPUFR could be more efficient using an HRT longer than 0.313 h, which can be achieved by lowering the flow. TCV and MP pesticides were removed at different rates with an HRT of 0.313 h, such that MP was removed more rapidly. This suggests that the enzymes responsible for pesticide removal have a greater affinity for MP than TCV (Buchbinder et al. 1998).

The removal rates were calculated, assuming their equivalence with the reaction rate of the enzymes involved in pesticide degradation. The results presented in Table 2 show the rates of the removal of pesticides in the TPUFR. These results indicate that reaction rates do not change with the HRT evaluated, although they are greater in the case of MP. The highest removal rates were 2.7 mg/l*h for MP and 0.94 mg/l*h for TCV, which were found at an HRT of 0.313 h and a flow of 0.936 l/h. This confirms that with a slow flow, we can obtain better removal. According to Morgan-Sagastume and Noyola (2008) and Mondragón-Parada et al. (2008), an increase in flow can create unstable conditions in a TPUFR system, such as biofilm detachment and lower diffusion of pesticides.

In previous reports, in cultures carried out in a batch reactor, we found removal percentages of 41, 72, and 66% for MP and 53, 65, and 47% for TCV using suspended, alginate-immobilized and tezontle-immobilized consortia, respectively (Yáñez-Ocampo et al. 2009). In this study, we showed that using a TPUFR with an immobilized consortium, it was possible to achieve more than 70% removal of a pesticide mixture, in an economical and efficient way.

Acute toxicity test with Eisenia foetida

Following biological treatment of the mixture of OP pesticides in the TPUFR, the detoxification of the effluent was evaluated through toxicity tests using Eisenia foetida as an indicator organism. The results are shown in Fig. 3a–c at 0, 24, and 48 h of exposures, respectively. The percentage of the affected individuals diminished gradually in the TPUFR effluent after biological treatment times of 0, 4, and 8 h. This behavior suggests that as a result of the biological removal process, the effluent is detoxified. The TPUFR effluent toxicity control was also assessed, and the percentage of worms exhibiting an effect of the treatment was still 90% after 48 h of exposure. Eisenia foetida proved to be an appropriate biological model to evaluate the toxicity of the effluent treated with TPUFR because the symptoms of exposure were expressed conspicuously in this species.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Acute toxicity of organophosphates (stiffness and muscular incoordination) on Eisenia foetida, after being exposed to 0, 24, and 48 h to the effluent of the treatments. TPUFR control Effluent from the bioreactor control (tezontle sterile, mineral salts medium, and the mixture of MP and TCV); 0 h, 4 h, and 8 h, treatment times of pesticide mixture in TPUFR with immobilized bacteria, DW Distilled water–methanol (0.4% v/v)

As a part of the toxicity test, the mortality of the worms was quantified after 72 h of exposure to each of the treatments (Fig. 4). The mortality of the worms exposed to the control TPUFR effluent was 65%. This value was due to the non-biodegraded pesticides present; in the case of distilled water (DW), the mortality percentage was 20%, which was due to starvation because worms were kept unfed during the experiment.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Mortality (%) of Eisenia foetida after 72 h of exposure to the mixture of MP and TCV of bioreactor effluent. TPUFR control Effluent from the bioreactor control (tezontle sterile, mineral salts medium, and the mixture of MP and TCV); 0 h, 4 h, and 8 h, treatment time of pesticide mixture in TPUFR with immobilized bacteria, DW distilled water–methanol (0.4% v/v). Different letters express significant statistical differences (α = 0.05)

In addition, worms exposed to the treated effluent for 0, 4, and 8 h of treatment in the TPUFR with the immobilized consortium of a biofilm on tezontle were observed to exhibit mortality rates that decreased significantly to levels that can be compared to treatment with distilled water.


The bacterial consortium immobilized in a biofilm on tezontle exhibited a considerable capacity for the removal of MP and TCV, which are the pesticides widely used in agriculture and stockbreeding in Mexico. Through the operation of a TPUFR colonized by a bacterial consortium, a mixture of two OPs was successfully removed and detoxified. Acute toxicity tests with Eisenia foetida confirmed the detoxification of the solution containing the mixture of pesticides.