
Landscapes throughout the tropics are increasingly dominated by agriculture (Achard et al. 2002). In such landscapes, agroforests often represent the only habitat with considerable tree cover (Schroth et al. 2004) and may be important refuges for tropical biodiversity (Rice and Greenberg 2000; Donald 2004; Schroth et al. 2004). Assessments of tropical biodiversity that have included agroforests have often found high levels of species richness within these systems, even resembling that of undisturbed tropical forests for certain groups (e.g., Perfecto et al. 1997; Lawton et al. 1998; Schulze et al. 2004; Pineda et al. 2005; Shahabuddin et al. 2005).

However, species-rich tropical agroforests are increasingly subject to modifications that involve reductions in shade tree diversity and thinning or even the complete removal of shade canopies. Such losses of agricultural heterogeneity are expected to increase the yields of the main crops (Johns 1999; Belsky and Siebert 2003; Zuidema et al. 2005), but decrease the diversity of most animal groups within the agroforests, including ants (Perfecto et al. 2003; Armbrecht et al. 2004; Philpott and Foster 2005), bees (Klein et al. 2002), beetles (Perfecto et al. 1997), butterflies (Perfecto et al. 2003) and birds (Perfecto et al. 2003).

There are two main reasons why the modifications of the shade canopy can result in biodiversity losses. First, reductions of shade tree diversity represent a form of habitat simplification that promotes a few ‘winner’ plant and animal species at the cost of many pristine ‘loser’ species (McKinney and Lockwood 1999). This increasing habitat homogeneity can drive biodiversity loss as the availability of nesting sites declines (Klein et al. 2002 for bees; Armbrecht et al. 2004 and Philpott and Foster 2005 for ants) and important food plants disappear (Perfecto et al. 2003 for fruit-feeding butterflies; Waltert et al. 2004 for birds). Second, the reduction or complete removal of the shade canopy is usually accompanied by changes in temperature and humidity that may indirectly lead to decreases in particularly ant diversity (Perfecto and Vandermeer 1996; Armbrecht et al. 2005) by favoring ecologically dominant ant species (Room 1971; Gibb and Hochuli 2003), which can even lead to cascades of further biodiversity losses (O’Dowd et al. 2003).

Studies on biodiversity conservation in agroforests that also included beta diversity, have found considerable differences in faunal composition between pristine forests and coffee or cacao dominated agroforests. These studies mostly focused on insects (e.g., Armbrecht et al. 2005; Pineda et al. 2005; Shahabuddin et al. 2005) but such a large turnover from natural to cultivated forests has also been found for birds (Waltert et al. 2004). Despite the wealth of studies on the role of agroforestry in biodiversity conservation, it remains largely unknown to what extent agroforests can support forest fauna, and how this faunal component responds to changing shade canopy management (but see Perfecto et al. 2003; Armbrecht et al. 2005).

In the tropics, ants and beetles are the major contributors to the richness of canopy dwelling insect fauna (e.g., Erwin 1982; Lawton et al. 1998). Moreover, ants are dominant elements of tropical ecosystems because of frequent interactions with other insect groups and include abundant predators, decomposers and herbivores (Room 1971; Majer 1972, 1976; Majer et al. 1994; O’Dowd et al. 2003). Nevertheless, the diversity of ants and beetles in cacao dominated agroforests still remains poorly studied, particularly in the context of biodiversity conservation (but see Room 1971; Majer 1972, 1976; Majer et al. 1994; Delabie et al. this issue for cacao ants).

We examined ants and beetles in the lower part of the canopy of natural forests and cacao dominated agroforests in order to investigate the following two questions concerning the role of shaded agroforests in the conservation of biodiversity: (i) Do agroforests resemble natural forests in terms of the ant and beetle assemblages in the lower canopy? and (ii) Does modification of the shade canopy of agroforests affect the diversity of forest and non-forest species within these two groups? The systems selected for our study were in the margin area of a large natural rainforest in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, a major cacao producing region (Potter 2001) and a major biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al. 2000). By distinguishing between ‘forest’ and ‘non-forest’ species of two important insect groups in tropical canopies, we provide a quantification of the proportion of species richness that is possibly native to forest habitats that can also be supported by agroforests. Whereas biodiversity may overall remain high, forest species may be particularly sensitive to changing management practices.

Materials and methods

Study site

This study took place in and around the village of Toro in the Kulawi Valley, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (1°30′24′′ S, 120°2′11′′ E, 800–900 masl). Toro is located at the western border of the unfragmented, 231,000 ha Lore Lindu National Park, about 100 km south of Palu, the capital city of Central Sulawesi. The region has an annual average (±SE) temperature of 24.0 (±0.16)°C and a mean monthly rainfall of 143.7 (±22.74) mm. There are no clear seasonal fluctuations. The natural vegetation of the National Park around the village is submontante rainforest.

The agricultural landscape in the region is highly heterogeneous, consisting of a patchy mosaic of pasture, hedges and cacao dominated agroforests, which is typical for the region. Cacao production in the region increased strongly in the 1990s when large areas of coffee agroforests were converted to cacao agroforests (Potter 2001). Cacao agroforests in the Toro village are owned and managed by small-scale farmers. Shade tree management in the region is dynamic and farmers generally planned to remove shade trees in the opinion that this would increase cacao production.

We defined a priori three types of agroforests, which represented a gradient of shade tree diversity but were comparable in terms of basal area and stem density (Table 1 and Gradstein et al. 2007):

  1. (i)

    Cacao agroforests with diverse, natural shade trees that had been retained from previously undisturbed forest when it was thinned and underplanted with cacao trees (DNS). Cacao agroforestry was the first form of cultivation in these sites (since 8–15 years). These agroforests still had high numbers of native shade trees, and even some endemic species.

  2. (ii)

    Cacao agroforests with shade tree stands dominated by various species of planted shade trees (DPS). These sites had a longer history of cultivation (longer than 20 years e.g., as coffee agroforests) and trees from the previous forest cover were all replaced by various planted fruit and timber trees that provided the owners with non-market products. Among these trees were some native (including a few endemic) species.

  3. (iii)

    Cacao agroforests with a low diversity of planted shade trees (SPS). These sites also had a longer history of cultivation (longer than 20 years e.g., as coffee plantations). Management of these agroforests was aimed at maximum cacao productivity. Shade was provided predominantly by the non-indigenous leguminous trees Gliricidia sepium and Erythrina subumbrans that are nitrogen fixing. Some native timber or fruit tree species were also grown, none of which were endemic.

Table 1 Characteristics of the tree flora of natural forest and three types of cacao agroforests at the study sites in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, averaged per habitat type (means ± SE)

We selected four replicates of each of the three types of cacao agroforests. Sites were selected based on the age of the cacao trees, which was on all sites between 7 years and 10 years. At the time of this study agroforestry was non-intensive in each site, with little use of fertilizers and pesticides. Farmers regularly pruned trees and weeded the plantations (2–3 times per year).

Additionally, four forest sites (NF) were selected close to the village, but well within the national park and representative for the submontane forest in the area. These forest sites were part of the continuous Lore Lindu National Park and at least 300 m away from forest sites where selective logging occurred. Selective logging was allowed in the national park’s margins, only by local people and only for local timber use. In the selected sites minor rattan extraction occurred. The sites had more than 50 tree species per 0.25 ha and a basal area (m2/ha) that was high compared to other primary forests in Southeast Asia. The forest sites had significantly higher basal areas and stem densities than the agroforests (Table 1, Gradstein et al. 2007).

The minimum distance between study sites was 300 m and the maximum distance was about 5 km. All sites were between 850 m and 1,100 m above sea level. The agroforests did not have sharp borders with other habitat types, but gradually changed into other forms of land-use. The agroforests formed a continuous band along the forest margin. Boundaries between agroforests were arbitrary based on ownership. Therefore, we marked core areas of 30 × 50 m in the middle of each site. Land-use and types of shade tree stands did not change within these areas. Sites of different habitat types were geographically interspersed so that none of the habitat types were spatially clustered.

The percent canopy cover above the cacao layer was estimated using a spherical densiometer. Canopy cover was estimated at two spots around each studied tree and the mean of these two estimates per tree was used in the analyses.

Collecting ants and beetles from small, lower canopy trees

Within the marked core areas, four trees were selected, which were of similar age and size. These were cacao trees in the agroforests (n = 48, height: 3.4 ± 0.56 m standard error) and small, shade-dwelling lower canopy trees (n = 15, height: 6.3 ± 1.90 m) in the natural forest sites with canopy sizes similar to those of the selected cacao trees. At one forest site, ants and beetles from only three trees could be sampled due to a technical problem.

In order to characterize the forest insect fauna as completely as possible, we sampled insects on a diverse set of trees in the forest understory. The 15 trees in the forest sites were identified by R. Pitopang (Herbarium Celebense, Palu, Indonesia) and belonged to 14 species of 10 families. Only on one occasion, two subject trees in one forest site were of the same family. None of the forest trees were recorded flowering or fruiting at the time the sampling took place. At the time of the survey, cacao in the region was between a main flowering and a harvesting period, although minor flowering and fruiting occurred throughout the year.

Lower canopy dwelling ant and beetle fauna was sampled using canopy knockdown fogging, which is an effective and widely used technique for collecting arthropods from tree crowns (Perfecto et al. 1997; Lawton et al. 1998). With a SwingFog TF35, a fog of 1% pyrethroid insecticide (Permethrin) was blown horizontally into the target canopy to avoid collecting insects from higher canopy layers. Killed arthropods were collected from a 4 square meter sheet of white canvas placed directly under each tree. We randomly selected one site per day and sampled all four trees between 8:00 and 9:00 at the time of day of lowest wind speed and rainfall probability from December 17 2003 to January 1 2004.


To date, the extremely high species richness of tropical regions remains largely undescribed by taxonomists and the insect fauna in Indonesia is no exception (Basset 2001). Therefore, we chose to sort the collected insects into units based on external morphology (morphospecies). Ant sorting was carried out by Indonesian ant specialist Akhmad Rizali (IPB Bogor, Indonesia), based on literature (Bolton 1994) and reliable digital resources (e.g., and Identifications of beetles were carried out by Boris Büche and Christoph Bayer (Berlin, Germany). Where necessary, beetle morphospecies were sorted based on genitalia preparations. All morphospecies were photographed and posted on the Internet ( and through which specialists were contacted internationally for identifications based on the photographs (see acknowledgements) and for further taxonomic work.

In our quantifications of faunal turnover between the natural forest sites and the agroforests, we categorized species as ‘forest species’ when they occurred on any of the selected trees (n = 15) in the forest sites and as ‘non-forest species’ if they were only found on cacao trees. We acknowledge that the resulting summed amount of ‘non-forest species’ could be an overestimate that could decrease if more forest sites are sampled. Therefore, we only compare amounts of ‘non-forest species’ on the tree or site level.

Data analysis

From the observed species richness per site we calculated first order Jackknife estimators for species richness. Observed species richness in field studies is typically an underestimate of the actually occurring number of species (Colwell and Coddington 1994), which calls for the use of species richness estimators (see also Schulze et al. 2004). We calculated the Bray-Curtis similarity index for each pair-wise site comparison as a measure for between-site similarity of ant and beetle assemblages. This similarity index ranges between 0 (no shared species) and 1 (fully similar community composition) and takes abundances of species into account. Using the Bray-Curtis similarity indices we conducted a multidimensional scaling (MDS) to obtain a two-dimensional representation of the similarities between species composition at the study sites (Shahabuddin et al. 2005). MDS is a powerful method for ordinating similarity matrices as it is independent of the type of data distribution. The accompanied stress value of an ordination indicates the goodness of fit of the scaling to the similarity matrix. Stress values of 0.20 and lower indicate a good fit (StatSoft Inc. 1984–2004). The first order Jackknife estimator for total species richness and the Bray-Curtis index for faunal similarity served well in comparable studies (Schulze et al. 2004; Armbrecht et al. 2005).

The effects of habitat types (forest and three types of cacao agroforests) on observed and estimated species richness per site were tested in one-way ANOVA’s. To test for effects of forest conversion to cacao agroforests on species richness and abundance per tree, we used general linear models (GLMs) with habitat type as a fixed factor and trees nested within sites. The effect of shade cover was only tested within the agroforests (12 sites and 48 trees, pooled across the three types of agroforests) in a GLM with habitat type as a fixed factor, trees nested within sites and canopy cover included as a covariate. Trees and sites were in all models entered as random factors. Post-hoc tests were conducted using Tukey’s HSD (honestly significantly different) tests.

Data were square root transformed where necessary to achieve normal distribution of model residuals. Arithmetic means are given ± one standard error. The species richness estimator and similarity indices were calculated using EstimateS 7.0 (Colwell 2004). All other analyses were carried out using Statistica 7.0 (StatSoft Inc. 1984–2004).


Upper canopy cover in the agroforests ranged from 82.3 ± 1.65% to 42.5 ± 7.46%. This was significantly less than in any of the natural forest sites (F (3, 56) = 32.0, P < 0.001, Table 1). Further, canopy cover in agroforests with planted shade was significantly less than in the agroforests with natural shade.

Effects of cacao agroforestry and shade management on ant and beetle communities

In total 3,247 ants were collected (55% of all arthropods) belonging to 6 subfamilies, 18 genera and 44 species (Appendix 1). The five most common species (Table 2) made up 34% of all ants collected and were encountered in both the forest sites and agroforests. The observed species richness per site did not differ between forest and agroforests (F (3, 12) = 1.64, P = 0.23, Fig. 1a), and the same was true for the estimated species richness (F (3, 12) = 2.68, P = 0.09, Fig. 1a).

Table 2 Total abundance of the five most common ant species (34% of all collected ant individuals) in natural forest and three types of cacao agroforests in central Sulawesi
Fig. 1
figure 1

Means and standard errors of species richness of ants (a) and beetles (b) in the lower canopy of four habitat types in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: natural forest (NF), cacao agroforests with diverse natural shade trees (DNS), cacao agroforests with diverse planted shade trees (DPS) and cacao agroforests with simple shade tree stands dominated by one or two species (SPS). Bars are observed values and circles are first order Jackknife estimators

In total, 15 ant species (75% of all ant species recorded in the forest sites) were recorded in both the forest sites and in agroforests. However, the multidimensional scaling (MDS) of the Bray-Curtis similarity indices (Fig. 2a) showed that the ant fauna of cacao in agroforests was distinct from that of forest lower canopy trees. Moreover, agroforests with natural shade had a distinct ant community from that of agroforests with shade tree stands dominated by one or two species of planted leguminous trees.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Multidimensional scaling plots based on Bray-Curtis similarity indices for ant (a) and beetle (b) species assemblages observed in the lower canopy of four habitat types in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (four sites each): natural forest (NF), cacao agroforests with diverse natural shade trees (DNS), cacao agroforests with diverse planted shade trees (DPS), and cacao agroforests with simple shade tree stands dominated by one or two species (SPS). The stress values are 0.20 or lower, indicating a good fit of the scaling with the similarity index

Ant species richness and abundance per tree did not differ between forest and cacao trees (overall averaged species richness: 3.8 ± 0.26, F (3, 55.3) = 1.57, P = 0.21; overall averaged abundance: 51.4 ± 7.46, F (3, 55) = 0.27, P = 0.85, Fig. 3a). Overall ant species richness on cacao trees was, however, negatively affected by decreasing shade cover (R 2 = 0.09, P = 0.02).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Effect of forest conversion on the species richness of ants (a) and beetles (b) per tree in natural forest sites (NF) and cacao agroforests with diverse forest shade (DNS), diverse planted shade (DPS) and simple planted shade (SPS) in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (means and standard errors). Black bars indicate forest species, white bars indicate other species. Different letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05

A total of 633 beetles were collected (10% of all arthropods) belonging to 37 families and 209 species (Appendix 2). The five most abundant beetle species (Table 3) made up 30% of all beetles and none of them was among the species collected from the lower canopy trees in the forests. Neither the observed species richness per site (F (3, 12) = 2.03, P = 0.16, Fig. 1b) nor the estimated species richness (F (3, 12) = 1.92, P = 0.18, Fig. 1b) differed between forest and agroforest sites.

Table 3 Total abundance of the five most common beetle species (30% of all collected beetle individuals) in natural forest and three types of cacao agroforests in central Sulawesi

Only five forest beetle species (12.5% of all species recorded in the forest sites) were recorded on cacao. The MDS of the Bray-Curtis similarity indices (Fig. 2b) showed a sharp distinction between the beetle fauna of cacao trees in agroforests and that of lower canopy trees in the forest sites. Moreover, agroforests with natural shade trees had a distinct faunal assemblage from that of the agroforests with shade tree stands dominated by one or two species of planted leguminous trees.

On a per tree basis, beetle species richness did not differ between forest and cacao trees (overall average: 6.2 ± 0.63, F (3, 55) = 2.30, P = 0.09, Fig. 3b). Conversely, beetle abundance on cacao trees under simple planted shade (15.9 ± 3.26) was significantly higher than on lower canopy forest trees (4.7 ± 0.91; F (3, 55) = 3.37, P = 0.02, Fig. 3b). Changes in canopy cover affected neither species richness nor abundance of beetles on cacao trees (species richness: R 2 = 0.09, P = 0.21; abundance: R 2 = 0.04, P = 0.12).

Responses of forest versus non-forest ant and beetle species to shade canopy composition and openness

The richness of non-forest ant species increased on cacao under shade tree stands that were dominated by planted leguminous trees (F (2, 41) = 3.66, P = 0.03, Fig. 3a), whereas the species richness of forest ants on cacao trees was unaffected by shade tree composition (F (2, 41) = 1.07, P = 0.35, Fig. 3a). However, the number of forest ant species on cacao trees declined significantly with increasing openness of the shade canopy (R 2 = 0.22, P < 0.001, Fig. 4), whereas the effects of shade thinning on the richness of non-forest species were not significant (R 2 < 0.001, P = 0.96).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Relationship between canopy cover (%) and the number of forest ant species observed per cacao tree in three types of cacao agroforests in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The relationship was not significantly different between the three types of agroforests

Because the five beetle species that were shared between forest and agroforestry sites represented only 5% of all beetle individuals collected from cacao (Fig. 3b), we did not distinguish between forest and non-forest species in further analyses.


The species richness of ants and beetles was similar on cacao trees in shaded, cacao dominated agroforests and on lower canopy trees in forest sites, thus underlining the potential of such agroforests for maintaining tropical insect species richness. However, there was a sharp distinction in the composition of ant and beetle communities across forest and agroforestry sites. Hence, without information on the identity of species, species richness comparisons may lead to erroneous conclusions concerning the actual conservation potential of agroforests.

Ant species that occurred in the four forest sites were well represented in the 12 agroforests, with 75% of the species observed in the lower canopy of the forest being also observed on cacao trees. These results may be explained by the fact that ant species can profit from the nesting availabilities that are still offered by shaded agroforests (Armbrecht et al. 2004; Philpott and Foster 2005). In contrast, forest beetle communities changed drastically from forest lower canopy to cacao trees in agroforests. Only 12.5% of the beetle species recorded on the forest trees was also found on cacao trees, and these shared species made up only 5% of all collected beetle individuals. Thus, the replacement of forest by agroforests has pronounced effects on the ant and beetle communities. Conservation on the species level strongly depended on the taxon examined. Whereas forest beetles were almost completely replaced by non-forest species, forest ant species were comparably well preserved in the cacao agroforests.

The effect of agroforestry management on forest and non-forest beetles and ants depends on whether management changes the diversity of shade trees or the cover of shade canopy. Firstly, reduced habitat heterogeneity may drive species losses in that complex, heterogeneous habitats harbour higher species richness than simple, homogeneous habitats (McKinney and Lockwood 1999; Armbrecht et al. 2004). In our study, the reduction of shade tree diversity increased habitat homogeneity. Ant and beetle communities on cacao under homogeneous, planted shade were distinct from those on cacao shaded by trees from the original forest. The reduced shade tree diversity, however, did not affect total ant and beetle species richness per site and per tree, which suggests that none of the shaded agroforests were under such intense management that species richness per se was threatened. Such threats are known to occur in conversions to zero-shade cacao plantations or annual crops (Perfecto et al. 1997; Schulze et al. 2004; Armbrecht et al. 2005; Shahabuddin et al. 2005). Moreover, the richness of non-forest ant species even increased on cacao trees in agroforests shaded by just leguminous trees, compared to the other two types of agroforests. Similarly, the reduction of shade tree diversity led to an increase in beetle abundance (almost only non-forest species), but not species richness, which suggests that a few beetle species also profited from increasing shade tree homogeneity.

The species that profit from more intensive shade management are least interesting from a conservation point of view and are unlikely to be threatened by conversions of forests to agroforests. For example, the invasive Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes (Smith 1857; O’Dowd et al. 2003) was rarely found at forest sites, but was abundant under planted shade tree stands (Table 2). Additionally, the most wide-spread and abundant beetle species (10% of all beetles collected) on cacao in our study was a leaf beetle of the genus Monolepta jacobyi (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) that was only found on cacao trees (Table 3), although it did not feed on its leaves but was the most important herbivore on the planted shade tree species Erythrina subumbrans (Leguminosae) (M. M. Bos and B. Büche unpublished data).

Secondly, more intensive management of agroforests is often accompanied by the thinning of shade tree stands (e.g., Perfecto et al. 1997; Klein et al. 2002). In our study, planted trees created less shade than natural trees. Ant and beetle abundance and beetle species richness per tree were not affected by increasing canopy openness, whereas ant species richness declined when the canopy became more open, particularly because of the strong response of forest ant species. Responses of ants to microclimatic changes that are associated with shade thinning—higher temperatures and lower humidity—are known, and a reduction in shade levels has been found to increase dominance by a few ant species (Room 1971; Perfecto and Vandermeer 1996; Gibb and Hochuli 2003).


Shaded agroforests that are dominated by cacao in the lower canopy appear to contribute to the conservation of ant and beetle species richness. However, biodiversity assessments should include direct comparisons with adjacent natural forests to avoid overestimates of actual conservation potential of agroforests for forest fauna. Our results support previous studies (e.g., Waltert et al. 2004; Armbrecht et al. 2005; Shahabuddin et al. 2005) that showed that forest species are often sensitive to the changes in habitat characteristics that accompany the conversion of natural forests into agroforests. Highly diverse taxonomic groups such as beetles may show drastic species turnover after conversion to agroforests. In contrast, shaded agroforests may be a suitable surrogate habitat for native ant communities, but management also matters in that forest ants suffer from reduced canopy cover, possibly because of altered interactions with ecologically dominant species that are promoted by the accompanied changes in the microclimate.

Ant and beetle assemblages in the cacao agroforests were dominated by species of low conservation priority that are unlikely to be threatened by the ongoing destruction of tropical rainforests. The different responses to the same agroforest modifications of the ecologically important ants and beetles emphasize the need to use multiple taxa as indicator organisms for habitat destruction and effects of conservation strategies. Shaded agroforests can support a high diversity of ants and beetles, but few forest species in the case of beetles, so conservation plans should primarily build upon the protection of natural forests, complemented by well-shaded agroforests.