
The painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala) and the milky stork (M. cinerea) are migratory birds of southern Asia. Painted storks are indigenous to the subcontinent of India, Indochina, and Southeast Asia, whereas milky storks are natives of Malaysia, Thailand, and northwest Indonesia (Ali and Ridley 1987; Hancock et al. 1992; Urfi 2010; Birdlife International 2008). As natural habitats are lost, the numbers of both species are declining, and they are listed as near-threatened species (Birdlife International 2008). In Malaysia, no wild milky stork population has been found in recent years, and a breeding program was initiated by Wetlands International and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks of Peninsular Malaysia in an effort to breed these native storks at reserve mangrove forests (Li et al. 2006). Both of these storks were captive bred at the Malaysian National Zoo (Zoo Negara) for conservation purposes. Recently, birds with intermediate traits of the two species have been observed at the breeding site of the zoo, and these were suspected to be their hybrids. From a distance, these hybrids could be mistaken for one of the parental species, but on closer inspection, they have slightly different plumage patterns and colorations. Though hybridization in birds has been detected frequently using plumage patterns and colorations, in many bird species morphological traits alone are not sufficient to differentiate hybrids clearly. Therefore, molecular methods have become the main tools (Stenzler et al. 2004; Huang et al. 2004; Gonzalez et al. 2005). Use of both genetic and morphological data has been recommended for hybrid identification (Jorstad et al. 2007). Here, we compared individual DNA fingerprinting data and morphological data to identify these stork hybrids.

For DNA fingerprinting, the Malaysian Wildlife veterinary team collected the blood of these storks on cards for Fast Technology Analysis (FTA, Whatman) of nucleic acid. FTA cards are small (128 × 74 mm), with two or four rings in the middle; they are coated with antimicrobial agents, protein lysis agents, and cell lysis agents, designed especially for blood collection at ambient temperatures. These cards are easy to transport and store without ice and are convenient to carry during field trips (Dutton 2005). DNA quality on FTA cards has proven reliable for various uses, such as genotyping with microsatellite markers, simple tandem repeat (STR) markers, and specific markers (Drescher and Graner 2002; Kakihara et al. 2005; Fujita and Kubo 2006; Carr and Appleyard 2008), sexing passerine birds with sex-linked microsatellite markers (Gutiérrez-Corchero et al. 2002), and isolating microsatellites of Kirtland’s warblers (King et al. 2005). Microsatellite marker primers usually generate smaller DNA fragments (< 1,000 bp); dominant marker primers usually generate a wide range of fragments, from smaller (100 bp) to larger (> 1,000 bp). Thus far, there is no record of blood from these cards being used to amplify dominant markers, which usually generate larger DNA fragment sizes.

The genetic structure of painted storks and milky storks in Malaysia is unknown; therefore, this is a fundamental genetic study. We used the primers of a wide range of dominant markers and codominant markers to test DNA isolated from blood collected on FTA cards, aiming to amplify both random regions and microsatellite repeat regions of the genome in order to search for diagnostic markers. These markers were used with direct simple PCR without the need to know prior DNA sequences and without enzymatic digestion. We chose wood stork (M. americana) microsatellite primer pairs to obtain codominant markers (Bussche et al. 1999; Tomasulo-Seccomandi et al. 2003) and primers that would amplify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and random amplified microsatellite (RAM), also known as ISSR (inter simple sequence repeat) dominant markers (Williams et al. 1990; Zietkiewicz et al. 1994; Callejas et al. 2005; Santos et al. 2011). The multilocus bands generated by dominant markers are scored as present or absent, without distinguishing between heterozygous and dominant homozygous (Valera et al. 2007) individuals. Cross-species microsatellite primers amplify codominant markers at the conserved regions of repeated sequences within the genus and flanked homologous loci of a related species (Primmer et al. 1996, 2005). Wood stork microsatellites were used to cross-amplify the genomes of painted storks, milky storks, and the suspected hybrids.

Our objective in this study was to identify diagnostic markers amplified from extracted DNA of blood collected on FTA cards for hybrid detection. The genetic results generated by these markers would be used to compare with the morphological characters of the storks and their suspected hybrids.

Materials and Methods

Phenotypic Characterization

The Malaysian Wildlife veterinarian team and the bird breeders of the zoo sampled full-grown storks (2 years and older) for morphological examination and DNA fingerprinting during the breeding season. The distinguishable plumage characteristics of the two species can be observed only at the full-grown adult stage. The juveniles of both stork species and their hybrids have very similar morphologies; they are all grayish fluffs and therefore could not be identified easily by the zoo breeders. Painted and milky storks have similar appearances (Khoo 2006; Urfi 2010; Birdlife International 2008): Both species are 3′ in height, with a long yellowish bill and a pair of long wading legs. During the breeding season, the forehead of both species turns deep red, and the bill turns deep yellow. During the nonbreeding season, the painted stork has an orange forehead, long yellowish bill, white body with a black bar across its breast, systematic black and white markings on the wings, black covert feathers on the wings, and some deep pink feathers on its back. The milky stork has a dark-pinkish forehead, long pale pinkish–yellowish bill, black covert feathers on the wings, and an all-white body. The suspected hybrids are similar to the pure breeds, but with slight differences of feather patterns and coloration. Photographs were taken for each phenotypic trait based on slight variations of plumage characteristics. Each trait was observed in detail, compared, recorded, and compiled into a plumage characteristic data set.

Sampling and DNA Extraction from Blood Collected on FTA Cards

Blood was drawn invasively from the lower legs of the storks with a 5 ml syringe by the Malaysian Wildlife veterinarian team; 1 ml was dropped onto a ring of the FTA card and allowed to dry at room temperature. According to their phenotypic characters, 15 hybrids were sampled. Blood specimens of 31 painted storks and 40 milky storks were collected as references. The FTA cards were stored at room temperature, in tightly closed metal tins, to prevent the dried blood from being eaten by tropical rats and insects. Whatman’s protocol ( recommended a fast way to extract DNA from these cards in which a disc of 1–3 mm was punched out using a Scientific Puncher (Harrison), rinsed with Whatman purification agents, and then washed with 1× TE buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl, 0.1 mM Na2 EDTA). Each disc can be used only once with 50 μL PCR mixture. We did not use the Whatman method because each disc was used for one PCR reaction and our samples were limited. Instead, we extracted DNA from blood collected on FTA cards using DNA purification kits (Promega), with modifications as described by Yee et al. (2008). In this way, the DNA extracted from each 3 mm disc could be used for 50–100 PCR reactions, thus allowing us to maximize the use of blood samples from these endangered birds for molecular marker typing.

Marker Screening and Individual Fingerprinting

We screened and optimized 44 primers, 6 of which were identified as generating diagnostic markers. The diagnostic markers were WSU09U/WSU09L (M. americana microsatellite), WSU13U/WSU13L (M. americana microsatellite) (Tomasulo-Seccomandi et al. 2003), Operon D-03 (RAPD), Operon D-05 (RAPD), LR7 (long RAPD), and RAM2 (5′-anchored ISSR primer). The optimized PCR mixture consisted of 1× PCR buffer (Promega), 5.5 mM MCl2 (Promega), 0.5 mM dNTPs (Promega), 2.5 U polymerase Taq (Promega), 10–20 ηg DNA, 0.3–0.5 μM primers (Table 1), with ddH2O to 15 μL, overlaid with 5–10 μL mineral oil (molecular grade). The optimized thermocycler programs were of two sets, one for microsatellite markers and the other for dominant markers. The PCR of the microsatellite markers was optimized in an MJ thermocycler (MJ-PTC 200, USA). The programming profile was predenaturing at 94°C for 3 min; followed by 30 cycles of 94°C for 20 s, 45°C for 20 s, and 72°C for 45 s; with a final extension at 72°C for 5 min. The PCR of the dominant markers was optimized in a Techne thermocycler (Techne-TC 412, USA). The programming profile was predenaturing at 94°C for 3 min; followed by 30 cycles of 94°C for 25 s, annealing temperature (Table 1) for 25 s, 72°C for 50 s; and a final extension of 72°C for 5 min. The products of Operon D-03 and D-05 primers were electrophoresed on 3% agarose gels at 70 V. The products of LR7 were electrophoresed on 4% agarose gels at 75 V. The products of RAM2 were electrophoresed on 5% agarose gel at 80 V. The products of WSU09U/WSU09L and WSU13U/WSU13L were electrophoresed on 6% Metaphor agarose (Cambrex) gels at 90 V (Table 1).

Table 1 Primers used in this study

Each locus was scored as present (1) or absent (0) for the multilocus markers. The banding patterns produced by all loci from each marker for each species population were compared. Reproducible diagnostic markers were chosen according to consistent bands that differentiated pure storks from the hybrids. The banding patterns showed either fewer bands or extra bands in the two pure storks or hybrids, and consistent stutter bands were observed (Primmer et al. 1996, 2005; Callejas et al. 2005).


Individual DNA Fingerprinting

Of the 44 primers optimized, 15 were wood stork microsatellite primer pairs, 10 were RAPD (10 bp, Operon set D), 7 were long RAPD (15–20 bp), and 12 were RAM (15–18 bp) primers. All the DNA samples from pure storks and 10 hybrids were amplified, but 5 hybrid samples could not be amplified. The diagnostic markers (loci) generated banding profiles (Table 2). Some unique loci present in painted or milky populations were observed in some of the hybrid individuals. On the other hand, some loci were exclusive to hybrids and not found in either painted or milky birds. Overall, two distinctive sets of genetic data were obtained, one for each of the two pure storks and another for the hybrids.

Table 2 Banding patterns of loci generated by diagnostic marker primers for DNA fingerprinting of three stork populations

The single-locus marker of WSU09U/WSU09L amplified alleles of 550 and 600 bp. The 550 bp allele appeared in all pure and hybrid individuals, but the 600 bp allele was seen only in painted and some hybrid individuals. The microsatellite primer pair WSU13U/WSU13L had eight alleles, of which four (270, 300, 500, and 600 bp) were shared by both species and hybrids. Alleles of 400 and 800 bp appeared in painted only, and alleles of 900 and 1,000 bp were unique to the milky species. Some hybrid individuals showed alleles unique to either the painted or milky species, and others showed unique alleles of both species. These two pairs of cross-species microsatellites produced homologous loci shared by all three populations, suggesting that the hybrids were hybrids of painted and milky storks, in that the microsatellites of a species amplified the genomes of other species within the genus (Primmer et al. 1996).

The monomorphic banding pattern produced by RAPD primers Operon D-03 and Operon D-05 could not discriminate between painted and milky species; however, fewer bands were seen in the hybrids, thus clearly distinguishing them from the species. Long RAPD primer LR7 and 5′-anchored ISSR primer RAM2 generated polymorphic banding patterns in the three populations, and some loci were shared among them. For LR7, extra bands of 300, 400, and 500 bp appeared only in hybrids. The exclusive bands of 650, 1,000, 1,800, and 3,000 bp produced by RAM2 were found only in hybrids. These distinctive extra bands in the hybrid population amplified by RAM2 and LR7 were used as tangible diagnostic bands to differentiate hybrids.

Comparison of Phenotypic Traits of Hybrids

The fingerprinting results were matched with the morphological traits for each of the hybrid birds, confirming that these birds with intermediate morphological phenotypes were hybrids. We found that these hybrids expressed a range of phenotypic traits intermediate between the two putative parental species. There was no case of a particular hybrid phenotype or of a hybrid with a dominant painted or milky phenotype. We compared two main phenotypic traits in detail (Table 3). The first was color tones of deep pink feathers on the back of the painted storks, and we found that some hybrids had pale pinkish feathers or no pink feathers. The second trait was the systematic, clear wing pattern of the painted storks. We found that some hybrids had nonsystematic, unclear black and white markings on their wings, unlike pure painted storks.

Table 3 Comparison of plumage traits in painted and milky storks and their hybrids

We recorded six morphological types of hybrids (Table 3): (1) all-white body of a milky stork and a few very pale pinkish feathers on the back; (2) nonsystematic unclear spotted black markings on the wings and a few pale pinkish feathers on the back; (3) nonsystematic unclear black and white markings on the wings, a black bar across the breast, and a few pale pinkish feathers on the back; (4) nonsystematic unclear black and white markings on the wings, a black bar across the breast, and no pink feathers on the back; (5) grayish body, grayish forehead, deep gray wing, yet looks like either a painted stork or a milky stork; (6) grayish body, pale yellowish forehead, deep gray wings, and yet looks like either a painted stork or a milky stork. Types 5 and 6 were unusual-looking hybrids, and there were only a few of them.


We have demonstrated that both dominant and codominant markers can be genotyped using DNA extracted from blood collected on FTA cards. Even large DNA fragments of 3,000 bp were amplified from these DNAs using primers for RAM dominant markers. It was also shown that all microsatellites of M. americana (wood stork) could be amplified using FTA–DNA of M. cinerea (milky stork), M. leucocephala (painted stork), and their hybrids. This is the first report of amplification of the genomic DNA of M. leucocephala and M. cinerea by microsatellite primer pairs of M. americana. Five of the hybrid samples were not amplified by the diagnostic or other optimized primers. As primers usually work on parental and F1 hybrids only, not on later generations (Mebert 2008), we suspected that these five samples belonged to a later generation of hybrids. Hence, samples of blood collected on FTA cards could be analyzed for both dominant and codominant DNA markers and are not limited to microsatellite markers only. This also implied that multilocus markers could be used as diagnostic markers to obtain fundamental genetic information to identify hybrids. Being small and easy to carry at ambient temperature during long field trips, FTA cards were used to collect blood samples of most Malaysian wildlife species, including wild birds. Yet, many FTA-card samples were not processed for molecular marker typing because of lack of information on the proper use of such samples. Our finding has opened the way for FTA Malaysian wildlife samples to be analyzed for many molecular markers.

In the Malaysian National Zoo, the wading birds of various species and genera were bred as free-flying birds at a large central lake. According to the traditional biological species concept, different species should be reproductively isolated from one another (Moore 1997; Arnold 1997; Mebert 2008). Hence, storks of different species should not interbreed though they lived in the same habitat. Based on the hybrid plumages of birds 5 and 6, the bird breeders in the zoo presumed that they could be hybrids between Malaysian storks and the Indian stork, Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus). There was only one Lesser Adjutant at the breeding site, but unexpectedly it interbred with painted or milky storks. Slightly larger than painted or milky storks, this Indian stork has a dark gray body, bald head, and shorter bill. There is no other stork species at the site with dark feathers. These unusual hybrids have the look and size of painted or milky storks along with a grayish body and deep gray wings, the predominant features of a Lesser Adjutant. Further studies need to be conducted to confirm this, as unfortunately we do not have access to samples of pure Lesser Adjutant for DNA analysis.

The advantage of molecular tools over phenotypic trait observations is that they can be used to identify hybrids at the nestling stage. Phenotypic traits can be examined only at the adult stage, when the plumage characteristics of each stork species have fully developed. At present, the potential effects of hybridization on wild bird populations in South and Southeast Asia are largely unknown from a genetic perspective. Male hybrid birds are often fertile and able to interbreed with females (Haldane 1992). Based on plumage patterns and colorations, hybrids of painted storks and milky storks were discovered in the reserved wetlands of Thailand (Bird Conservation Society of Thailand) and Singapore (Nature Society of Singapore). Thus far, no genetic data have been gathered from these hybrids. Our method can be helpful to detect the hybrids of painted and milky storks at nestling or adult stages, at the reserve wetlands and zoos in Southeast Asia. The basic genetic information obtained using these markers in this study would be helpful for zoo breeders and conservation agencies to monitor and reduce hybridization so as to conserve the genotypes of the pure species.

In conclusion, dried blood on FTA cards has been proven to be a reliable source of DNA for typing various kinds of molecular genetic markers such as RAPD, RAM (ISSR), and single-locus microsatellite markers. Even large DNA fragments (3,000 bp) produced by primers for dominant markers could be amplified from blood collected on FTA cards, thus allowing for more choices of markers to be typed using these easily transported and stored blood samples (especially relevant for the study of wildlife genetics). In our study, to discriminate pure species from hybrids of painted and milky storks clearly, both genetic and morphological data were applied together. This confirmation of the validity of using hybrid morphologies with genetic data was crucial information to assist zoo staff in the visual identification of stork hybrids physically for proper management of their breeding programs.