
Biological clock system consists of three components: environmental inputs such as light entrainment, a timing system of approximately 24 h (pacemaker) (Welsh et al. 2010), and clock outputs such as melatonin release whose primary function is to transduce light and dark information to whole body physiology (Arendt 2005). Melatonin is a regulator of sleep-wake cycle, an effective antioxidant, endogenous synchronizer and mitochondrial function protector. The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the light entrained circadian clock localized in the brain, regulates neuronal, endocrine and behavioral rhythms (Welsh et al. 2010) through a network of interconnected transcriptional and translational feedback loops. These feedback loops autoregulate the expression of both positive and negative clock components and their protein products through coordinated expression of various clock genes such as clock, bmal1, per1, per2, per3, cry1, cry2, rorα, rev-erbα etc. CLOCK and BMAL1 are the positive transcriptional activators, which bind to enhancer sequences of clock controlled genes (CCGs) and negative transcriptional factors (PER and CRY). PER and CRY proteins generate circadian rhythm by disrupting the activity of CLOCK/BMAL1 complex (Ko and Takahashi 2006; Mohawk et al. 2012).

Age-related changes in the SCN may lead to circadian dysfunction such as decline in circadian neural activity (Nakamura et al. 2011), decrease in the amplitude of the circadian body temperature rhythms (Weinert 2010), altered serotonin rhythms in SCN (Jagota and Kalyani 2010), neuropeptide content and GABAergic network of the SCN (Hofman and Swaab 2006; Palomba et al. 2008) as well as altered SCN sensitivity (von Gall and Weaver 2008; Jagota and Kalyani 2010; Manikonda and Jagota 2012). Melatonin production, amplitude and its pulsatile release from pineal gland decreases upon aging (Karasek 2004). Disturbed circadian melatonin rhythm have profound effects on the health and well-being of the elderly subjects (Poeggeler 2005; Wu and Swaab 2005). Disruption of Per2 and Bmal1 in mice has been related by some workers with alterations in behavioral rhythms, development of malignant tumors, metabolic syndrome (Kunieda et al. 2006) and premature aging (Kondratov et al. 2009). Neonatal SCN tissue implantation have been reported to improve circadian rhythmicity and longevity in aging hamsters (Hurd and Ralph 1998)

Modulation of mammalian circadian system by melatonin has been reported by many workers (Reiter et al. 2010) with an entrainment effect on activity rhythms, phase shifts and synchronization of rhythmicity (Jagota 2012). In addition melatonin effects has been reported to restore pinealectomy induced changes (Kolker et al. 2002) and suppression of behavioral phenotype of the CLOCK mutant (Shimomura et al. 2010). Melatonin was also reported to have two distinct effects on the SCN: phase shifting and acute inhibition of SCN electrical activity (Liu et al. 1997; Jin et al. 2003). In addition we have reported earlier the differential effects of melatonin in restoration of daily rhythms of serotonin (Jagota and Kalyani 2010), antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation (Manikonda and Jagota 2012). We report here aging results in differential alterations in daily rhythms of expression of various clock genes (rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1) and therapeutic effects of melatonin in restoration of such age induced alterations.

Materials and methods

Animals: Male Wistar rats of three age groups: Group I: 3 months (m), Group II: 12 m and Group III: 24 m, i.e. with life spans 12.5, 50 and 95–100 % respectively were studied. Average life span for rats is approximately 24 m though maximum can be even 30 m. Each group (n = 48) was further divided into three groups of 16 animals each, i.e., (A) control (B) melatonin treated (MT) and (C) vehicle control. All rats were kept individually in polypropylene cages contained within well ventilated light proof environmental cabinets isolated in animal facility. They were maintained at room temperature 23 ± 1 °C and relative humidity 55 ± 6 % in LD 12:12 [lights on: 06:30 A.M. Zeitgeber time (ZT-0) and lights off: 6:30 P.M. (ZT-12)] for 2 weeks prior to experiment. Food and water were provided ad libitum. During handling of animals in dark dim red light was used. Cage changing was done at random intervals. All experiments were performed as per Institutional Animal Ethics.

SCN tissue preparation

Animals were sacrificed by decapitation and the brains were dissected out carefully at various time points. 500 μ brain slices were made using rat brain slicer (Zivic Instruments; Pittsburg, USA) and the SCN was carefully punched out with the help of a sharp scalpel (Jagota and Reddy 2007).

Melatonin administration

30 μg/kg body weight of melatonin was administered in 10 % ethanol in physiological saline subcutaneously at 1 h before the onset of darkness (ZT-11) for 11 days to Group IB, IIB and IIIB (Pazo et al. 2002; Jagota and Kalyani 2010). Group IC, IIC and IIIC animals were similarly injected with 10 % ethanol in physiological saline. On 12th day rats of variable age groups were sacrificed at ZT-0, 6, 12, and 18 (n = 4 at each time point) and SCN was dissected out.

RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis

Total RNA was extracted from SCN (1-2 mg) tissue by TRI reagent, following the manufacturer’s protocol (Sigma). Isolated RNA was then dissolved in 20 μl diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)-treated water. The amount of extracted RNA was quantified by measuring the optical density (OD) at 260 and 280 nm with Nano drop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fischer) (Chomczynski and Sacchi 2006). Extracted RNA (2 μg) was then used for cDNA synthesis using Bio-Rad iScript cDNA synthesis kit following manufacturer’s instructions. The cDNA was then diluted to 1:20 in RNase free water and aliquots of 8 μl were used for the further analysis (Kamphuis et al. 2005).

Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR)

The m-RNA expression of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 were measured by relative qRT-PCR by the SYBR Green (Applied Biosystems, Foster, USA) detection method. 40 ng of cDNA from each sample was used for qRT-PCR analysis. All the clock genes studied and β-actin were amplified separately using the same group of 1st strand cDNA template from each sample. Successful reverse transcription was confirmed for all samples by performing PCR amplification of the internal control β-actin. Real-time specific primers for the clock genes studied as well as for internal control β-actin were selected as per Kamphuis et al. 2005. Primer sequences for various clock genes used in the present study were β-actin: forward-AGCCATGTACGTAGCCATCC, reverse-CTCTCAGCTGTGGTGGTGAA, rPer1: forward-TCTGGTTCGGGATCCACGAA, reverse-GAAGAGTCGATGCTGCCAAAG, rPer2: forward-CACCCTGAAAAGAAAGTGCGA, reverse-CAACGCCAAGGAGCTCAAGT, rCry1: forward-AAGTCATCGTGCGCATTTCA, reverse-TCATCATGGTCGTCGGACAGA, rCry2: forward-GGATAAGCACTTGGAACGGAA, reverse-ACAAGTCCCACAGGCGGT, rBmal1: forward-CCGATGACGAACTGAAACACCT, reverse-TGCAGTGTCCGAGGAAGATAGC. PCR amplification was carried out using 2× Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) in the ABI-PRISM 7500 real time PCR machine (Applied Biosystems). The PCR reaction setup includes 10 μl of 2× Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems), 1 μl of 10 pmol forward primer, 1 μl of 10 pmol reverse primer and 8 μl (40 ng) of cDNA in a total reaction volume of 20 μl. Manufacturer’s universal thermal cycling conditions were followed for gene amplification. Dissociation curves showed a single amplified product and the absence of primer-dimer formation. Cycle threshold (Ct) values were obtained from the exponential phase of PCR amplification. The expression of clock genes were normalized with the expression of β-actin (∆Ct = target gene Ct − β-actin Ct) that is the relative quantity of target m-RNA expression in each sample is equals to 2−∆Ct (Livak and Schmittgen 2001).

Data analysis

Statistical analysis: Data was analyzed using Jandel Scientific Sigma stat software by one way ANOVA followed by Post hoc Dunkan’s test for multiple comparisons of all parameters determined at variable time points within an age group. The melatonin treated groups were compared with respective control groups by Student’s t test.

In addition correlation analysis was also done between various parameters (Muradian et al. 2002; Manikonda and Jagota 2012). Effect of melatonin administration on pair wise correlation between mean light (ZT-0, 6,12) and dark (ZT-12, 18, 24/0) phase levels of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 in various age groups 3, 12 and 24 m in rat SCN was also done.


Age induced alterations in daily rhythms and levels of expression of various clock genes

Expression levels of various clock genes such as rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 were measured at different time points such as ZT-0, 6, 12 and 18 in 3, 12 and 24 m rat SCN.

The daily rhythm in rPer1 gene expression in 3, 12 and 24 m rat SCN was observed. Maximum and minimum expression levels of rPer1 were observed at ZT-6 and ZT-0 in the 3 m, at ZT-18 and ZT-6 in the 12 m and ZT-0 and ZT-12 in the 24 m old animals respectively. The maximum expression of rPer1 was phase delayed in 12 m but phase advanced in 24 m rat SCN by 12 and 6 h respectively in comparison to 3 m SCN. The rPer1 maximum expression levels were also delayed by approximately 6 h in the 24 m in comparison to the 12 m animals (Figs. 1, 2). The rPer1 mean 24 h levels decreased in 12 m and increased in 24 m but the change from 3 to 24 m was not significant. However, daily pulse in 24 m increased significantly by about 2.65 and 5.4 fold compared to 3 and 12 m respectively (Fig. 3; p ≤ 0.05).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Effect of melatonin administration on levels and rhythmicity of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 genes in the aging rat SCN in 3, 12 and 24 months. Each value is mean ± SEM (n = 4), p ≤ 0.05 and expressed as relative gene expression. p a ≤ 0.05; p b ≤ 0.05, p c ≤ 0.05 and p d ≤ 0.05 (where a, b, c and d refers to comparison with ZT-0, ZT-6, ZT-12 and ZT-18 respectively within the group) p w ≤ 0.05 (where w refers to comparison of gene levels at same time point in vehicle group in same age group)

Fig. 2
figure 2

Effect of melatonin administration on various clock gene expression onset and offset of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 gene expression rhythm are indicated by and respectively. The maximum and minimum gene expression for these genes have been indicated by and respectively. Green markings indicate phase restoration for onset and offset as well as time point of maximum and minimum gene expression with melatonin administration in 12 and 24 m in comparison to 3 m vehicle. (Color figure online)

Fig. 3
figure 3

Effect of melatonin administration on mean 24 h levels and Daily Pulse of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 genes in the aging rat SCN in 3, 12 and 24 months rat SCN. Each value is mean ± SEM, p ≤ 0.05 and expressed as mean relative gene expression. P p ≤ 0.05 (where p refers to comparison with age matched vehicle group). P q ≤ 0.05 (where q refers to comparison with 3 m vehicle group)

The rPer2 expression in SCN was rhythmic with maximum and minimum levels at ZT-12 and 18; ZT-18 and 12; ZT-12 and 0 in 3, 12 and 24 m respectively (Figs. 1, 2). The rPer2 mean 24 h levels in 24 m were decreased by 0.27 and 0.11 fold compared to 3 and 12 m respectively, whereas daily pulse in 12 m has been increased by about 2.78 and 1.86 fold compared to 3 and 24 m respectively (Fig. 3; p ≤ 0.05).

The rCry1 and rCry2 expression showed daily rhythm in both the 3 and 12 m old rat SCN. However in 24 m old animals, the expression of both rCry1 and rCry2 could be detected only at ZT-12. The maximum and minimum levels of rCry1 and rCry2 were observed at ZT-12 and ZT-0 respectively in 3 m whereas in 12 m the expression peak was at ZT-18 with 6 h phase delay (Figs. 1, 2). Mean 24 h levels of rCry1 were increased in 12 m by about 5.95 fold compared to 3 m and then decreased in 24 m by about 0.28 fold compared to 12 m. Daily pulse of rCry1 in 12 m significantly decreased by about 0.02 fold compared to 3 m. Mean 24 h levels of rCry2 increased in 12 m by about 6.54 fold compared to 3 m and then decreased in 24 m by about 0.35 fold compared to 12 m. Daily pulse of rCry2 in 12 m has been decreased by about 0.07 fold compared to 3 m (Fig. 3; p ≤ 0.05).

Daily rhythm of rBmal1 was observed in 3 m with maximum levels at ZT-18 and minimum at ZT-0, in 12 m daily rhythm persisted and maximum levels were observed at ZT-6 and minimum at ZT-12 indicating approximately 12 h advance compared to 3 m. rBmal1 levels could be detected only at ZT-12 in 24 m but not at any other time points studied (Figs. 1, 2). There was no significant difference in mean 24 h levels of rBmal1 of 3 and 12 m SCN; however levels decreased significantly by 0.3 fold by 24 m. Daily pulse of rBmal1 in 12 m decreased by about 0.005 fold compared to 3 m (Fig. 3; p ≤ 0.05).

Pair wise correlation analysis (Fig. 4; p ≤ 0.05) revealed the statistically significant positive correlation between rPer2 and rCry1; rPer2 and rCry2; rCry1 and rCry2 in both light and dark phase in 3 and 12 m. This correlation was abolished in both light and dark phase of 24 m. Positive correlation between rPer2 and rBmal1; rCry1 and rBmal1; rCry2 and rBmal1 was observed in light phase of both 3 and 24 m. However in dark phase in 3 m there was significant reduction in the positive correlation of rBmal1 with rCry1 and rCry2 and became negative with rPer2. However in 12 m dark phase such correlation was not significantly different from light phase though these were abolished in both light and dark phase of 24 m. Negative correlation between rPer1 and rCry1; rPer1 and rCry2 in light phase present in 12 m was found to be abolished in 24 m.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Effect of melatonin administration on pair wise correlation between mean light (ZT-0, 6,12) and mean dark (ZT-12,18, 24/0) phase values of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 in various age groups 3, 12 and 24 months (m) in rat SCN. Each value is correlation coefficient values between the parameters. * Indicates statistically significant value between parameters (p < 0.05). Negative value indicates negative correlation between parameters. Red colour dotted markings indicate restoration of correlation coefficient values between the parameters with melatonin administration in 24 m in comparison to 3 m vehicle whereas Cyan colour indicate restoration closer to 12 m vehicle. (Color figure online)

Effect of melatonin administration on age induced alterations of various clock gene expression levels and daily rhythms

Effect of melatonin administration was studied on rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 gene expression levels and daily rhythms in SCN in 3, 12 and 24 m old rats. There were no significant differences in control and vehicle treated animals such as IA and IC, IIA and IIC, IIIA and IIIC.

Maximum and minimum expression levels of rPer1 in 3 m MT were at ZT-6 and ZT-0 respectively, same as that of 3 m vehicle group. In 12 m MT daily rhythm of rPer1 persisted and maximum levels were observed at ZT-12 instead of ZT-18 which has been observed in case of 12 m vehicle group, thus phase of the rhythm has been advanced by approximately 6 h compared to 12 m vehicle group, leading to partial restoration of the phase of rhythm which is comparable to 3 m vehicle group. In 24 m MT rPer1 daily rhythm persisted and maximum levels were observed at ZT-6 instead of ZT-0 which has been observed in case of 24 m vehicle group, thus phase of the rhythm has been delayed by approximately 6 h compared to 24 m vehicle group, leading to restoration of the phase of rhythm that is comparable to 3 m vehicle group (Figs. 1, 2). Upon melatonin administration the rPer1 mean 24 h levels increased by 2.5 and 2.05 fold in 3 and 12 m compared to 3 and 12 m vehicle group respectively, whereas daily pulse could be restored in 12 m MT compared to 12 m vehicle group (Fig. 3).

In 3 m MT, the maximum and minimum expression levels were at ZT-6 and ZT-0 respectively in case of rPer2, rCry1 and rCry2, thus advancing the phase of the daily rhythm by approximately 6 h compared to 3 m vehicle group. Maximum expression levels in 12 m MT for rPer2, rCry1 and rCry2 were observed at ZT-12 instead of ZT-18 in 12 m vehicle group indicating approximately 6 h phase advance with MT. Thus there was phase restoration comparable to 3 m vehicle group. Daily rhythm and pattern of rPer2 persisted in 24 m MT and the levels were increased at ZT-12 compared to the same time point in 24 and 3 m vehicle group. Melatonin could restore the daily rhythm of rCry1 and rCry2 in 24 m and at ZT-0, maximum expression levels were observed which indicates approximately 12 h phase advance and 6 h phase delay compared to 3 and 12 m vehicle group respectively (Figs. 1, 2). Mean 24 h levels of rPer2 and rCry1 increased in all the three age groups by melatonin compared to age matched vehicle groups. The increase was about 10.5, 3.42 and 39.33 fold in case of rPer2 and 16.51, 2.15 and 8.1 fold in case of rCry1 in 3, 12 and 24 m MT compared to 3, 12 and 24 m vehicle group respectively. However, daily pulse of rPer2, rCry1 and rCry2 has been decreased in 12 and 24 m MT compared to 12 and 24 m vehicle group respectively by about 0.63 and 0.27 fold in case of rPer2, 0.01 and 0.33 fold in case of rCry1 and 0.01 and 0.36 fold in case of rCry2 (Fig. 3).

Maximum and minimum expression levels for rBmal1 in 3 m MT group were observed at ZT-0 and ZT-12 indicating approximately 12 h phase advance compared to 3 m vehicle group. Maximum levels were observed at ZT-18 in 12 m MT that is 12 h phase advance compared to 12 m vehicle group, and leading to daily rhythm phase restoration that is comparable to 3 m vehicle group. Restoration of rBmal1 daily rhythm has been achieved in 24 m upon melatonin administration with maximum levels at ZT-0, showing approximately 6 h phase delay compared to 3 m vehicle group (Figs. 1, 2). Upon melatonin administration the mean 24 h levels significantly increased by 3.86, 3.23 and 11.25 fold in 3, 12 and 24 m MT compared to 3, 12 and 24 m vehicle group respectively. However, daily pulse is significantly decreased in 3 and 12 m MT by about 0.002 and 0.18 fold compared to 3 and 12 m vehicle group respectively (Fig. 3; p ≤ 0.05).

Correlation analysis (Fig. 4; p ≤ 0.05) revealed that there was no change in the pair wise correlation between rPer2 and rCry1; rCry1 and rCry2; rPer2 and rCry2 in both light and dark phase in 3 and 12 m. In 24 m, positive correlation between rCry1 and rCry2 has been restored as compared to 3 and 12 m vehicle group. Significant positive correlation between rPer1 and rCry1; rPer1 and rCry2 were observed in both light and dark phase of 3 and 12 m, which has become negative correlation in the light phase of 24 m.


The maximum levels of m-RNA expression of rPer1 were observed in light phase, rPer2, rCry1 and rCry2 at onset of darkness and rBmal1 in subjective midnight in 3 m rat SCN. Thus rBmal1 was phase opposed to rPer1. The expression of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 in 3 m rat SCN was found to be in agreement with reports of earlier workers (Abe et al. 1998; Yan et al. 1999; Park and Kang 2004).

The daily rhythm of rPer1 in 24 m rat SCN showed 6 h phase advance compared to 3 m. The maximum levels of rPer2 expression were observed at ZT-12 in both 3 and 24 m rat SCN, though with significant decrease in 24 m. The alterations in rPer1 and rPer2 in aged rats could be compared to aged mice (Weinert et al. 2001). Unaltered mean 24 h levels of rPer1 and reduced mean 24 h levels and altered expression profile of rBmal1 in 12 and 24 m rat SCN were similar to unaltered Per1 levels and decreased and altered expression profile of Bmal1 observed in the SCN of aging hamsters (Kolker et al. 2003; Wyse and Coogan 2010; Duncan et al. 2013). Approximately 6 h phase delay was observed in the daily rhythm of rPer2 with a phase advancement of 6 h for rCry1 and rCry2 with arrhythmicity in rBmal1 expression in 24 m rat SCN in the present study could be related to age-related pathologies observed in old age. Interestingly Bmal1 knockout animals have been reported to be arrhythmic (Bunger et al. 2000) with reduced lifespan and a number of age related pathologies (Kondrotov et al. 2006).

The phase delay of 12 h for rPer1 and 6 h for rPer2, rCry1 and rCry2 with 12 h phase advance for rBmal1 was found in 12 m rat SCN. In 24 m old rat SCN rPer1 and rPer2 daily rhythm persisted but rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 daily rhythm was abolished. Though rPer1 and rPer2 daily rhythm persisted (Fig. 1), the mean levels as well as daily pulse had been significantly altered in 24 m (Fig. 3). In addition to this there was robust change in the daily onset and offset of rhythm as well as time points of maximum and minimum levels of expression of various genes in 12 and 24 m rat SCN (Fig. 2). Such desynchronization and alteration could be responsible for age related pathologies as described by some researchers (Kondrotov et al. 2006).

There was increase in mean 24 h levels of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 m-RNA expression upon melatonin administration in 3, 12 and 24 m rat SCN. Interestingly some workers have reported significant increase in Bmal1 and AVP mRNA expression by 14.6 and 14.8 % respectively during the whole circadian period in adult rat SCN after melatonin injection (Poirel et al. 2003). Reduced amplitude in the activity-rest rhythm and altered sleep quality in aged ring doves was reported to improve after melatonin administration (Garau et al. 2006). A unique single melatonin injection in the late subjective day ZT-12 (CT-11.5) had been reported to inhibit the SCN metabolic activity (Cassone et al. 1987). In addition phase shifting the clock in vivo (Warren et al. 1993) as well as phase advancing the light induced expression of c-fos in the adult rat SCN were also reported upon melatonin administration (Sumova and Illnerova 1996).

Increase in the amplitude of the daily rhythms of clock genes upon melatonin administration could be related to increased amplitude of the circadian pacemaker system by melatonin through feedback regulation (Armstrong and Redman 1991). Melatonin could also effect clock gene expression such as Rev-erbα, Bmal1 and nuclear orphan receptor genes in the adult rat SCN as reported by some workers (Poirel et al. 2003; Agez et al. 2009). Phase shifting of the circadian rhythm by melatonin in the SCN has been reported to be mediated through Protein Kinase C (PKC) activation (Dubocovich and Markowska 2005). Resetting of circadian rhythms could be through PKC mediated phosphorylation of CLOCK (Shim et al. 2007) and PKCα had been shown to interact with BMAL1 in a circadian manner. CLOCK and BMAL1 could be ultimately affected by melatonin induced activation of PK-C (Robles et al. 2010) and thus in turn regulating the expression of Per, Cry, Clock, Bmal1 and other CCGs.

Phase advancement in the daily rhythm pattern of rPer2, rCry1 and rBmal1 upon melatonin administration in 3 m old SCN was observed. Earlier it has been reported that single melatonin injection at CT-11 may have effect 24 h later but not immediately on clock gene expression thus relating to post-translational than transcriptional mechanisms (Yasuo et al. 2002; Poirel et al. 2003). Interestingly, the phase advance of rPer1, rPer2, rCry1 and rCry2 m-RNA expression in 12 m melatonin treated SCN could be compared to the phase advancing effect of melatonin on c-fos rhythm (Sumova and Illnerova 1996).

The correlation analysis revealed positive correlation between the negative clock components i.e. between rPer2 and rCry1; rPer2 and rCry2; rCry1 and rCry2 in both light and dark phase of 3 m. This positive correlation persisted in 12 m, though was abolished in 24 m in both light and dark phase. It has been reported that the negative clock components (PER and CRY) forms a repressor complex which regulates the expression of their own genes as well as CCGs (Mohawk et al. 2012). The disruption of positive correlation between these negative regulators in 24 m could be correlated to the abolished daily rhythm of rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1. Such differential alterations in the daily rhythm pattern and levels of these clock genes could be correlated to the age related phase desynchronization at the network level and electrophysiological arrhythmia at the single cell level (Farajnia et al. 2012) and changes in sleep and circadian timing of SCN in mice (Biello 2009). Melatonin administration resulted in partial restoration of correlation between rPer2 and rCry1; rPer2 and rCry2 and significantly robust restoration of positive correlation between rCry1 and rCry2. The restoration of such correlation could be responsible for daily rhythm restoration of rCry1 and rCry2 in 24 m MT group. Negative correlation between rPer1 and rCry2; rPer1 and rCry1 observed in light phase of 24 m MT group was similar to light phase of 12 m. Thus melatonin restored clock gene expression in 24 m comparable to 12 m indicating differential restoration of the stoichiometric interactions among various clock genes.

Thus exogenous melatonin administration for 11 days at ZT-11 resulted in differential restoration of the phase of rPer2, rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 daily rhythm in 12 m old SCN but not in 24 m. We have reported earlier the restoration of daily rhythms of Serotonin in middle age group rat SCN with MT (Jagota and Kalyani 2010). The daily rhythms of lipid peroxidation and antioxidants could also be restored with MT in rat liver 12 m group (Manikonda and Jagota 2012). This could be due to reduced sensitivity of SCN to melatonin with aging rat (von Gall and Weaver 2008), due to decrease in melatonin receptors (Sanchez-Hidalgo et al. 2009). Melatonin had been reported to act via non genomic action i.e. receptor independent action. This property could be responsible for restoration of levels and rhythms of various clock gene expressions. In addition daily rhythm of rCry1, rCry2 and rBmal1 were restored in 24 m old SCN thus indicating differential effects of melatonin in restoring levels and rhythms of various CCGs.