1 Introduction and motivation

Software quality assurance (SQA) consists of monitoring and controlling the software development process to ensure the desired software quality at a lower cost. It may include the application of formal code inspections, code walkthroughs, software testing, and software fault prediction (Adrion et al. 1982; Johnson Jr and Malek 1988). Software fault prediction aims to facilitate the allocation of limited SQA resources optimally and economically by prior prediction of the fault-proneness of software modules (Menzies et al. 2010). The potential of software fault prediction to identify faulty software modules early in the development life cycle has gained considerable attention over the last two decades. Earlier fault prediction studies used a wide range of classification algorithms to predict the fault-proneness of software modules. The results of these studies showed the limited capability of the algorithm’s potentials and thus questioning their dependability for software fault prediction (Catal 2011). The prediction accuracy of fault-prediction techniques found to be considerably lower, ranging between 70% and 85%, with high misclassification rate (Venkata et al. 2006; Elish and Elish 2008; Guo et al. 2003). An important concern related to software fault prediction is the lack of suitable performance evaluation measures that can assess the capability of fault prediction models (Jiang et al. 2008). Another concern is about the unequal distribution of faults in the software fault datasets that may lead to the biased learning (Menzies et al. 2010). Moreover, some issues such as the choice of software metrics to be included in fault prediction models, effect of context on prediction performance, cost-effectiveness of fault prediction models, and prediction of fault density, need further investigation. Recently, a number of software project dataset repositories have became publicly available such as NASA Metrics Data ProgramFootnote 1 and PROMISE Data Repository.Footnote 2 The availability of these repositories has encouraged undertaking more investigations and opening up new areas of applications. Therefore, the review of state-of-art in this area can be useful to the research community.

Among others, some of the literature reviews reported in this area are Hall et al. (2012), Radjenovic et al. (2013), Kitchenham (2010). In Kitchenham (2010) reported a mapping study of software metrics. The study mainly focused on identifying and categorizing influential software metric research between the periods of 2000 and 2005. Further, author assessed the possibility of aggregating the results of various research papers to draw the useful conclusions about the capability of software metrics. Author found that lot of studies have been performed to validate software metrics for software fault prediction. However, lack of empirical investigations and not use of proper data analysis techniques made it difficult to draw any generalized conclusion. The review study did not provide any assessment of other dimensions of the software fault prediction process. Only studies validating software metrics for software fault prediction have been presented. The review only focused on the studies between 2000 and 2005. However, after 2005 (since the availability of the PROMISE data repository), lots of research have been done over the open source projects, which is missing in this review study. In Catal (2011), investigated 90 papers related to software fault prediction techniques published during the period from 1990 to 2009 and grouped them on the basis of the year of publication. The study has investigated and evaluated various techniques for their potential to predict fault-prone software modules. His appraisal of earlier studies has included the analysis of software metrics and fault prediction techniques. Later, the current developments in fault prediction techniques have been introduced and discussed. However, the review study discussed and investigated the methods and techniques used to build the fault prediction model without considering any context or environment variable over which validation studies were performed.

Hall et al. (2012) have presented a review study on fault prediction performance in software engineering. The objective of the study was to appraise the context of fault prediction model, used software metrics, dependent variables, and fault prediction techniques on the performance of software fault prediction. The review included 36 studies published between 2000 and 2010. According to the study, fault prediction techniques such as Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression have produced better fault prediction results, while techniques such as SVM and C4.5 did not perform well. Similarly, for independent variables, it was found that object-oriented (OO) metrics produced better fault prediction results compared to other metrics such as LOC and complexity metrics. This work also presented the quantitative and qualitative models to assess the software metrics, context of fault prediction, and fault prediction techniques. However, they did not provide any details about how various factors of software fault prediction are interrelated to and different from each other. Moreover, no taxonomical classification of software fault prediction components has been provided. In another study, Radjenovic et al. (2013) presented a review study related to the analysis of software metrics for fault prediction. They found that object-oriented metrics (49%) were the highest used by researchers, followed by the traditional source code metrics (27%) and process metrics (24%) as the second and third highest used metrics. They concluded that it is more beneficial to use object-oriented and process metrics for fault prediction compare to traditional size or complexity metrics. Furthermore, they added that process metrics produced significantly better results in predicting post-release faults compared to static code metrics. Radjenovic et al. extended the Kitchenham’s review work (Kitchenham 2010) and assessed the applicability of software metrics for fault prediction. However, they did not incorporate other aspects of the software fault prediction that may affect the applicability of software metrics.

Recently, Kamei and Shihab (2016) presented a study that provides a brief overview of software fault prediction and its components. The study highlighted accomplishments made in software fault prediction as well as discussed current trends in the area. Additionally, some of the future challenges for software fault prediction have been identified and discussed. However, the study did not provide details of various works on software fault prediction. Also, advantages and drawbacks of existing works on software fault prediction have not been provided.

In this paper, we explore various dimensions of software fault prediction process and analyze their influence on the prediction performance. The contribution of this paper can be summarized as follows. Various available review studies such as Catal (2011), Hall et al. (2012), Radjenovic et al. (2013) focused on a specific area or a dimension of the fault prediction process. Also, a recent study Kamei and Shihab (2016) has been reported on software fault prediction, but this work has only provided a brief overview of software fault prediction, its components, and discussed some of the accomplishments made in the area. In contrary, our study is focusing on the various dimensions of the software fault prediction process. We identify various activities involved in software fault prediction process, and analyze their influence on the performance of software fault prediction. The review focuses on analyzing the reported works related to these involved activities such as software metrics, fault prediction techniques, data quality issues, and performance evaluation measures. A taxonomical classification of various techniques related to these activities is also presented. It can be helpful in the selection of suitable techniques for performing activities in a given prediction environment. In addition, we have presented the tabular summary of existing works focused on the discussion on advantages and drawbacks in these reviewed work. Statistical study and observations have also been presented.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the overview of the software fault prediction process. In Sect. 3, we present information about the software fault dataset. It includes detail of software metrics, project’s fault information, and meta information about the software project. Section 4 has the information of methods used for building software fault prediction models. Section 5 contained the detail of performance evaluation measures. Section 6 has the results of statistical studied and observations made involving the finding of our review study. Section 7 has the discussion of the presented review work. Section 8 highlighted some key challenges and future works of software fault prediction. Section 9 presented the conclusions.

2 Software fault prediction

Software fault prediction aims to predict fault-prone software modules by using some underlying properties of the software project. It is typically performed by training a prediction model using project properties augmented with fault information for a known project, and subsequently using the prediction model to predict faults for unknown projects. Software fault prediction is based on the understanding that if a project developed in an environment leads to faults, then any module developed in the similar environment with similar project characteristics will ends to be faulty (Jiang et al. 2008). The early detection of faulty modules can be useful to streamline the efforts to be applied in the later phases of software development by better focusing quality assurance efforts to those modules.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Software fault prediction process

Figure 1 gives an overview of the software fault prediction process. It can be seen from the figure that three important components of software fault prediction process are: Software fault dataset, software fault prediction techniques, and performance evaluation measures. First, software fault data is collected from software project repositories containing data related to the development cycle of the software project such as source code and change logs, and the fault information is collected from the corresponding fault repositories. Next, values of various software metrics (e.g., LOC, Cyclomatic Complexity etc.) are extracted, which works as independent variables and the required fault information with respect to the fault prediction (e.g., the number of faults, faulty and non-faulty) work as the dependent variable. Generally, statistical techniques and machine learning techniques are used to build fault prediction models. Finally, the performance of the built fault prediction model is evaluated using different performance evaluation measures such as accuracy, precision, recall, and AUC (Area Under the Curve). In addition to the brief discussion on these four aforementioned components of software fault prediction, upcoming sections present detailed reviews on the various reported works related to each of these components.

3 Software fault dataset

Software fault dataset that act as training dataset and testing dataset during software fault prediction process mainly consists of three component: set of software metrics, fault information like faults per module, and meta information about project. Each of three are reviewed in detail in upcoming subsections.

3.1 Project’s fault information

The fault information tells about how faults are reported in a software module, what is the severity of the faults, etc.? In general, three types of fault dataset repositories are available to perform software fault prediction (Radjenovic et al. 2013).

Private/commercial In this type of repository, neither fault dataset nor source code is available. This type of dataset in maintained and used by the companies within the organizational use. The study based on these datasets may not be repeatable.

Partially public/freeware In this type of repository only the project’s source code and fault information are available. The metric values are usually not available (Radjenovic et al. 2013). Therefore, it requires that the user must calculate the metric values from the source code and map them to the available fault information. This process requires additional care since calculating metric values and mapping their fault information is a vital task. Any error can lead to the biased learning.

Public In this type of repository, the value of metric as well as the fault information both are publicly available (Ex. NASA and PROMISE data repositories). The studies performed using datasets from these repositories can be repeatable.

The fault data are collected during requirements, design, development, and in various testing phases of the software project and are recorded in a database associated with the software’s modules (Jureczko 2011). Based on the phase of the availability of the fault information, faults can be classified as pre-release faults or post-release faults. Sometime dividing faults into separate severity categories can help software engineers to focus their testing efforts on the most sever modules first or to allocate the testing resources optimally (Shanthi and Duraiswamy 2011).

Some of the projects’ fault datasets contained information on both number of faults as well as severity of faults. Example of such datasets are KC1, KC2, KC3, PC4, and Eclipse 2.0, 2.1, 3.0 etc. from the PROMISE data repository.

3.2 Software metrics

For an effective and efficient software quality assurance process, developers often need to estimate the quality of the software artifacts currently under development. For this purpose, software metrics have been introduced. By using metrics, a software project can be quantitatively analyzed and its quality can be evaluated. Generally, each software metric is related to some functional properties of the software project such as coupling, cohesion, inheritance, code change, etc., and is used to indicate an external quality attribute such as reliability, testability, or fault-proneness (Bansiya and Davis 2002).

Figure 2 shows the broad classification of software metrics. Software metrics can be grouped into two classes-Product Metrics and Process Metrics. However, these classes are not mutually exclusive and there are some metrics, which act as product metrics as well as process metrics.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Taxonomy of software metrics

(a) Product metrics Generally, product metrics are calculated using various features of finally developed software product. These metrics are generally used to check whether software product confirms certain norms such as ISO-9126 standard. Broadly, product metrics can be classified as traditional metrics, object-oriented metrics, and dynamic metrics (Bundschuh and Dekkers 2008).

  1. 1.

    Traditional metrics Software metrics that were designed during the initial days of emergence of software engineering can be termed as traditional metrics. It mainly includes the following metrics:

    • Size metrics Function Points (FP), Source lines of code (SLOC), Kilo-SLOC (KSLOC)

    • Quality metrics Defects per FP after delivery, Defects per SLOC (KSLOC) after delivery

    • System complexity metrics “Cyclomatic Complexity, McCabe Complexity, and Structural complexity” (McCabe 1976)

    • Halstead metrics n1, n2, N1, N2, n, v, N, D, E, B, T (Halstead 1977)

  2. 2.

    Object-oriented metrics Object-oriented (OO) metrics are the measurements calculated from the softwares developed using OO methodology. Many OO metrics suites have been proposed to capture the structural properties of a software project. In Chidamber and Kemerer (1994) proposed a software metrics suite for OO software known as CK metrics suite. Later on, several other metrics suites have also been proposed by various researchers such as Harrison and Counsel (1998), Lorenz and Kidd (1994), Briand et al. (1997), Marchesi (1998), Bansiya and Davis (2002), Al Dallal (2013) and others. Some of the OO metrics suites are as follows:

    • CK metrics suite “Coupling between Object class CBO), Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM), Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT), Response for a Class (RFC), Weighted Method Count (WMC) and Number of Children (NOC)” (Chidamber and Kemerer 1994)

    • MOODS metrics suite “Method Hiding Factor (MHF), Attribute Hiding Factor (AHF), Method Inheritance Factor (MIF), Attribute Inheritance Factor (AIF), Polymorphism Factor (PF), Coupling Factor (CF)” (Harrison and Counsel 1998)

    • Wei Li and Henry metrics suite “Coupling Through Inheritance, Coupling Through Message passing (CTM), Coupling Through ADT (Abstract Data Type), Number of local Methods (NOM), SIZE1 and SIZE2” (Li and Henry 1996)

    • Lorenz and Kidd’s metrics suite “PIM, NIM, NIV, NCM, NCV, NMO, NMI, NMA, SIX and APPM” (Lorenz and Kidd 1994)

    • Bansiya metrics suite “DAM, DCC, CIS, MOA, MFA, DSC, NOH, ANA, CAM, NOP and NOM” (Bansiya and Davis 2002)


  3. 3.

    Dynamic metrics Dynamic metrics refer to the set of metrics which depends on the features gathered from a running program. These metrics reveal behavior of the software components during execution, and are used to measure specific runtime properties of programs, components, and systems (Tahir and MacDonell 2012). In contrary to the static metrics that are calculated from static non-executing models. The dynamic metrics are used to identify the objects that are the most run-time coupled and complex objects. These metrics give different indication on the quality of the design (Yacoub et al. 1999). Some of the dynamic metrics suites are given below:

    • Yacoub metrics suite “Export Object Coupling (EOC) and Import Object Coupling (IOC)” (Yacoub et al. 1999).

    • Arisholm metrics suite “IC_OD, IC_OM, IC_OC, IC_CD, IC_CM, IC_CC, EC_OD, EC_OM, EC_OC, EC_CD, EC_CM, EC_CC” (Arisholm 2004)

    • Mitchell metrics suite “Dynamic CBO for a class, Degree of dynamic coupling between two classes at runtime, Degree of dynamic coupling within a given set of classes, \(R_{I}\), \(R_{E}\), \(RD_{I}\), \(RD_{E}\)” (Mitchell and Power 2006)

(b) Process metrics Process metrics refer to the set of metrics, which depends on the features collected across the software development life cycle. These metrics are used to make strategic decisions about the software development process. They help to provide a set of process measures that lead to long-term software process improvement (Bundschuh and Dekkers 2008).

We measure the effectiveness of a process by deriving a set of metrics based on outcomes of the process such as- Number of modules changed for a bug-fix, Work products delivered, Calendar time expended, Conformance to the schedule, and Time and effort to complete each activity (Bundschuh and Dekkers 2008).

  1. 1.

    Code delta metrics “Delta of LOC, Delta of changes” (Nachiappan et al. 2010)

  2. 2.

    Code churn metrics “Total LOC, Churned LOC, Deleted LOC, File count, Weeks of churn, Churn count and Files churned” (Nagappan and Ball 2005)

  3. 3.

    Change metrics “Revisions, Refactorings, Bugfixes, Authors, Loc added, Max Loc Added, Ave Loc Added, Loc Deleted, Max Loc Deleted, Ave Loc Deleted, Codechurn, Max Codechurn, Ave Codechurn, Max Changeset, Ave Changeset and Age” (Nachiappan et al. 2010)

  4. 4.

    Developer based metrics “Personal Commit Sequence, Number of Commitments, Number of Unique Modules Revised, Number of Lines Revised, Number of Unique Package Revised, Average Number of Faults Injected by Commit, Number of Developers Revising Module and Lines of Code Revised by Developer” (Matsumoto et al. 2010)

  5. 5.

    Requirement metrics “Action, Conditional, Continuance, Imperative, Incomplete, Option, Risk level, Source and Weak phrase” (Jiang et al. 2008)

  6. 6.

    Network metrics “Betweenness centrality, Closeness centrality, Eigenvector Centrality, Bonacich Power, Structural Holes, Degree centrality and Ego network measure” (Premraj and Herzig 2011)

A lot of work is available in the literature that evaluated the above mentioned software metrics for software fault prediction. In the next sub-section, we have presented a through review of these works and have also summarized our overall observations.

Table 1 Summarized studies related to software metrics

Observations on software metrics

Various work have been performed to analyze the capabilities of the software metrics for software fault prediction. With the availability of the NASA and PROMISE data repositories, the paradigm has been shifted and the researchers started performing their studies using open source software projects (OSS). The benefit of using OSS is that it is easy for anyone to replicate the study and verify the finding of the investigation. We have performed an extensive review of the various studies reported in this direction, as summarized in Table 1. The table summarizes the metrics evaluated, context of evaluation capability of for which evaluation performed, techniques used for evaluation, and advantages and disadvantages of each study. We have drawn some observations from this literature review as discussed below.

  • It was found that software developed in the open source environment possesses different characteristics compared to the software developed in the commercial environment (Menzies et al. 2010). So, the metrics performing satisfactory in the one environment may not perform same in the other.

  • After 2005, some software metrics suites such as code change metrics, code churn metrics, developer metrics, network metrics, and socio-technical metrics have been proposed by various researchers (Nachiappan et al. 2010; Premraj and Herzig 2011; Jiang et al. 2008; Matsumoto et al. 2010). Some empirical investigations have also been performed by the researchers to evaluate these metrics for fault prediction process. It was found that these metrics have significant correlation with fault proneness (Krishnan et al. 2011; Ostrand et al. 2004, 2005; Premraj and Herzig 2011).

  • A lot of studies have evaluated OO metrics (specifically CK metrics suite) for their performance in software fault prediction. Most of the studies confirmed that CBO, WMC, and RFC are the best predictors of faults. Further, most of the work (Li and Henry 1993; Ohlsson et al. 1998; Emam and Melo 1999; Briand et al. 2001; Gyimothy et al. 2005; Zhou and Leung 2006) analyzing LCOM, DIT, and NOC reported that these metrics are having a weak correlation with software fault prediction. Some other OO metrics suites like MOODS and Lorenz and Kidd’s are also evaluated by the researchers (Tang et al. 1999; Lorenz and Kidd 1994; Martin 1995). But, more studies are needed to establish the usefulness of these metrics.

  • Earlier studies (Hall et al. 2012; Shivaji et al. 2009) showed that the performance of the fault prediction models vary in accordance with the used sets of metrics. However, none of the metrics set was found that always provides the best results regardless of the classifier used.

  • Some works (Shivaji et al. 2009; Nagappan et al. 2006; Elish et al. 2011; Rathore and Gupta 2012a) found that combination of metrics from different metrics-suites produced significant results for fault prediction. Like, Shin and Williams (2013) used complexity, code churn, and developer activity metrics for fault proneness prediction and concluded that combination of these metrics produced relatively better results. In another study, Bird et al. (2009) combined the socio-technical metrics and found that a combination of metrics from different sources increased the performance of the fault prediction model.

  • Many studies (Zhang 2009; Zhang et al. 2011) have been reported that investigating the correlation between size metric (LOC) and fault proneness. Ostrand et al. (2005) built the model to predict fault density using LOC metrics and found that LOC metric have significant correlation with prediction of fault density. In another study, Zhang (2009) concluded that there is sufficient statistical evidence that a weak but positive relationship exists between LOC and defects. However, Rosenberg (1997) pointed out that there is negative relationship between defect density and LOC. In addition, they concluded that LOC is the most useful feature in fault prediction when combined with other software metrics. In another study, Emam and Melo (1999) demonstrated that there is a simple relationship exist between class size and faults, and there is no threshold effect of class size in the occurrences of faults.

  • The use of complexity metrics for building fault prediction model has been examined by various researchers (Li and Henry 1993; Zhou et al. 2010; Olague et al. 2007; Briand et al. 1998). Some of the studies (Zhou et al. 2010; Olague et al. 2007) confirmed the predictive capability of complexity metrics, while others reported the poor performance of these metrics (Binkley and Schach 1998; Tomaszewski et al. 2006). In the study, Olague et al. (2007) reported that the complexity metrics have produced better fault prediction results. Further, it was found that less commonly used metrics like SDMC and AMC are good predictors of fault proneness compared to metrics like LOC and WMC. Zhou et al. (2010) reported that when complexity metrics are used individually, they exhibited the average predictive ability. While, the explanatory power of complexity metrics has increased when they are used with LOC metric.

  • Various studies have been performed to evaluate the appropriateness of process metrics for fault proneness (Devine et al. 2012; Moser et al. 2008; Nachiappan et al. 2010; Nagappan and Ball 2005; Nagappan et al. 2006; Radjenovic et al. 2013). Devine et al. (2012) investigated various process metrics and found that most of the process metrics are positively correlated with faults. In another study, Moser et al. (2008) performed a comparative study of various process metrics with code metrics and found that process metrics are able to discriminate between faulty and non-faulty software modules and are better compared to source code metrics. While, Hall et al. (2012) found that process metrics have not performed well compared to OO metrics.

It is observed that there are differences in the results of various studies performed on the set of metrics. Possibly, it is due to the variation in the context in which the data is gathered, the usage of dependent variable (such as fault density, fault proneness, pre-release faults, and post-release faults) during the studies, the implication of linear relationship, and in the performance measures used for evaluation.

3.3 Meta information about project

Meta information about project contained the information of various characteristics (properties) of software project. It consists various set of informations such as the domain of software development, the number of revisions software had, etc. as well as consist information of the quality of the fault dataset used to build fault prediction model. Figure 3 shows various attributes of the meta information about the project.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Meta information of the software project

3.3.1 Contextual information

Context of fault prediction seems to be a key element to establish the usability of the fault prediction models. It is an essential characteristic as in different contexts, fault prediction models may perform differently and the transferability of models between contexts may affect the prediction results (Hall et al. 2012). The current knowledge about the influence of context variables on the performance of fault prediction models is limited. Most of the earlier studies did not pay much attention on the context variables before building the fault prediction model and as a result, selection of a fault prediction model in a particular context is still equivocal. Some of the basic contextual variables/factors that apply to the fault prediction models are given below (Hall et al. 2012):

  • Source of Data It gives the information about software project dataset over which the study was performed. For example, whether the dataset is from public domain or from the commercial environment. The source of the dataset affects the performance of the fault prediction models. The performance of fault prediction model may varies when transfer to the different datasets.

  • Maturity of the System Maturity of the system refers to the versions (age) of the software project over which it evolved. Usually, a software project developed over the multiple releases to sustain the changes in the functionality. Maturity of the system has a notable influence on the performance of the fault prediction model. Some model performs better than others do for a new software project.

  • Size The size of the software project is measure in terms of KLOC (Kilo lines of code). The faults content also varies with the size of the software and it is more likely that the fault prediction model produces different results over the software of different sizes.

  • Application Domain Application domain indicates the development process and the environment of the software project. Since, different domains use different development practices and it may affect the behaviour of the fault prediction model.

  • The Granularity of Prediction The unit of code for which prediction has performed known as the granularity of the prediction. It can be faults in a module (class), faults in a file or faults in a package, etc. It is an important parameter since comparing the models having different level of granularity is a difficult task.

Observations on contextual information

The context of fault prediction model has not been comprehensively analyzed in the earlier studies. Some researchers reported the effect of the context over the fault prediction process (Alan and Catal 2009; Calikli et al. 2009; Canfora et al. 2013; Zimmermann et al. 2009), but it is not adequate to make any generalized argument. Hall et al. (2012) analyzed 19 papers in their SLR study related to context variables and found evidence that context variables affect the dependability of fault prediction model. They evaluated the papers in terms of, “the source of data, the maturity of the system, size, application area, and programming language of the system(s) studied”. They suggested that it might be intricate to predict faults in some software projects compare to others because they may have a different fault distribution profile relative to the other software projects. They found that the large sized software projects increase the probability of faults detection compare to small one. In addition to this, they found that maturity of the system has a little or no difference on the model’s performances. Also, suggested that there is no relationship between the model performance and the programming language used or the granularity level of prediction.

Calikli et al. (2009) reported that source file level defect prediction improved the verification performance, while decreased the defect prediction performance. Menzies et al. (2011) concluded that instead of looking for the general principles that apply to many projects in empirical software engineering, we should find the best local lessons that are applicable to the groups of similar types of projects. However, Canfora et al. (2013) reported that the multi-objective cross-project prediction outperformed the local fault prediction. The above discussion leads to the conclusion that the context of the fault models has not been adequately investigated and still there is an ambiguity about their use and applicability. It is therefore necessary to perform studies that analyze the effect of various context variables on fault prediction models. This will help researchers to conduct replicated studies and increase the knowledge of the users to select the right set of techniques for the particular context of the problem.

3.3.2 Data quality issues

The quality of fault prediction model depends on the quality of the dataset. It is a crucial step to obtain a software fault dataset with reasonable quality in the fault prediction process. Typically, the fault prediction studies are performed over the datasets available in the public data repositories. However, ease of availability of these datasets can be dangerous as the dataset may be stuffed with unnecessary information that leads to deteriorate the classifier performance. Moreover, most of the studies reported results without any scrutiny of the data and assume that the datasets are of reasonable quality for prediction. There are many quality issues associated with software fault datasets that we need to handle/remove before using them for the prediction (Gray et al. 2011).

  • Outlier Outliers are the data objects that do not meet with the general behavior of the data. Such data points, which are different from the remaining data are called outlier (Agarwal 2008). Outliers are of particularly important in the fault prediction since outliers may indicate the faulty modules also. Any arbitrary removal of such points may leads to insignificant results.

  • Missing Value Missing value deals with the values that are left blank in the dataset. Some of the prediction techniques are automatically deal with the missing values and no especial care is required (Gray et al. 2011).

  • Repeated Value Repeated attributes occur where two attributes have identical values for each instance. This effectively results in a single attribute being over described. For the data cleaning, we remove one of the attributes, so that the values are only being represented once (Gray et al. 2011).

  • Redundant and Irrelevant value Redundant instances occur when the same features (attributes) describe multiple modules with the same class label. Such data points are problematic in the context of fault prediction, where it is essential that classifiers be tested upon data points independent of those used during training (Gray et al. 2011).

  • Class Imbalance Class imbalance represents a situation where certain type(s) of instances (called as minor class) are rarely present in the dataset compared to the other types of instances (called as major class). It is a common issue in prediction, where the instances of major class dominate the data sample as opposed to the instances of the minor class. In such cases, learning of the classifiers may be biased towards the instances of major class. Moreover, classifiers can produce poor results for the minor class instances (Moreno-Torres et al. 2012).

  • Data shift Problem Data shifting is a problem where the joint distribution of training data is differed from the distribution of testing data. Data shift occurs when the testing (unknown) data experience an event that leads to a change in the distribution of a single feature, a combination of features (Moreno-Torres et al. 2012). It has an inauspicious effect of the performance of the prediction models and needs to be corrected before building any prediction model.

  • High Dimensionality of Data High dimensionality of the data is a situation where data are stuffed with the unnecessary features. Earlier studies in this regard have confirmed that a high number of features (attributes) may lead to lower classification accuracy and higher misclassification errors (Kehan et al. 2011; Rodriguez et al. 2007). Higher dimensional data can also be a concern for many classification algorithms due to its high computational cost and memory usage.

Table 2 Summarized studies related to data quality issues

Observations on data quality issues

Table 2 listed the studies related to data quality issues. Recently, the use of machine-learning techniques in software fault prediction has been increased extensively (Swapna et al. 1997; Guo et al. 2003; Koru and Hongfang 2005; Venkata et al. 2006; Elish and Elish 2008; Catal 2011). But, due to the issues associated with NASA and PROMISE datasets (Gray et al. 2000; Martin 1995), the performance of the learners are not up to the mark. The results of our literature review show that data quality issues have not been investigated adequately. Some of the studies explicitly handled data quality issues (Calikli and Bener 2013; Shivaji et al. 2009), but they are very few (Shown in Table 2). The mostly discussed issues are “high data dimension”, “outlier”, and “class imbalance” (Rodriguez et al. 2007; Seiffert et al. 2008, 2009; Alan and Catal 2009), while other issues like “data shifting”, “missing values”, “redundant values” have been ignored by earlier studies.

In the study, Gray et al. (2011) acknowledged the importance of data quality. They highlighted the various data quality issues and presented an approach to redeem them. In another study, Shepperd et al. (2013) analyzed five papers published in the IEEE TSE since 2007 for their effectiveness in handling data quality issues. They found that the previous studies handled data quality isseus insufficiently. They suggested that researchers should specify the source of the datasets they used and must report any preprocessing scheme that helps in meaningful replication of the study. Furthermore, they suggested that researchers should invest efforts in identifying the data characteristics before applying any learning algorithm.

4 Methods to build software fault prediction models

Various techniques for software fault prediction are available in the literature. We have performed an extensive study of the available software fault prediction techniques and based on the analysis of these techniques a taxonomic classification has been proposed, as shown in Fig. 4. Figure shows various schemes that can be used for software fault prediction. A software fault prediction model can be built using the training and testing datasets from the same release of the software project (Intra-release fault prediction), from different releases of the software project (Inter-release fault prediction) or from the different software projects (cross-project fault prediction). Similarly, a software fault prediction model can be used to classify software modules into faulty or non-faulty categories (binary class classification), to predict the number of faults in a software module, or to predict the severity of the faults. Various machine learning and statistical techniques can be used to build software fault prediction models. The different categories of software fault prediction techniques shown in Fig. 4 are discussed in the upcoming subsections.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Taxonomy of software fault prediction techniques

Three types of schemes can be possible for software fault prediction:

Intra-release prediction Intra release refers to a scheme of prediction in which training dataset and testing dataset both are drawn from the same release or version of the software project. The dataset is divided into training and testing part and cross-validation is used to train the model as well as to perform prediction. In n-folds cross-validation scheme, each time (\(\hbox {n}-1\)) parts are used to train the classifier and rest one part is used for testing. This procedure is repeated n times and the validation results are averaged over the rounds.

Inter-release prediction In this type of prediction, training dataset and testing dataset are drawn from different releases of the software project. The previous release(s) of the software are used as training dataset and the current release is used as testing dataset. It is advised to use this scheme for fault prediction, as the effectiveness of the fault prediction model can be evaluated for the unknown software project’s release.

Cross-project/company prediction The earlier prediction schemes make the use of historical fault dataset to train the prediction model. Sometimes, a situation can arise that the training dataset does not exist, because either a company had not recorded any fault data or it is the first release of the software project, for which no historical data is available. In this situation, for fault prediction, analysts would train the prediction model from another project’s fault data and use it to predict faults in their project, and this concept is named as cross-project defect prediction (Zimmermann et al. 2009). However, there have been only little evidence that fault prediction works across projects (Peters et al. 2013). Some researchers reported their studies in this regards, but the prediction accuracy was very low with high misclassification rate.

Generally, a prediction model is used to predict the fault-proneness of software modules in one of the three categories: Binary class classification of faults, number of faults/fault density prediction, and severity of fault prediction. A review of various techniques for each of the category of fault prediction discussed in the upcoming subsections.

4.1 Binary class prediction

In this type of fault prediction scheme software modules are classified into faulty or non-faulty classes. Generally, modules having one or more faults marked as faulty and modules having zero faults marked as non-faulty. This is the most frequently used types of prediction scheme. Most of the earlier studies related to fault prediction are based on this scheme such as Swapna et al. (1997), Ohlsson et al. (1998), Menzies et al. (2004), Koru and Hongfang (2005), Gyimothy et al. (2005), Venkata et al. (2006), Li and Reformat (2007), Kanmani et al. (2007), Zhang et al. (2007, 2011), Huihua et al. (2011), Vandecruys et al. (2008), Mendes-Moreira et al. (2012). A number of researchers have used various classification techniques to build the fault prediction model including statistical techniques such as Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, supervised techniques such as Decision Tree, SVM, Ensemble Methods, semi-supervised techniques such as expectation maximization (EM), and unsupervised techniques such as K-means clustering and Fuzzy clustering.

Different works available in the literature on the techniques for binary class classification are summarized in Table 3. It is clear from the table that for binary class classification, most of the studies have used statistical and supervised learning techniques.

Table 3 Works on binary class classification

Observations on binary class classification of faults

Various researchers built and evaluated fault prediction models using a large number of classification techniques in the context of binary class classification. Still, it is difficult to make any general arguments to establish the usability of these techniques. All techniques produced an average accuracy between 70% and 85% (approx.) with lower recall values. Overall, it was found that despite some differences in the studies, no single fault classification technique proved superior to the other techniques across different datasets. One reason for the lower accuracy and recall value is that most of the studies have used fault prediction techniques as black box, without analyzing the domain of the datasets and suitability of techniques for the given datasets. The availability of the data mining tools like Weka also worsens the situation. Techniques such as Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression seem to perform better because of their simplicity and easiness for the given dataset. While, techniques such as Support Vector Machine produced poor results due to the complexity of finding the optimal parameters for fault prediction models (Hall et al. 2012; Venkata et al. 2006). Some of the researchers have performed studies comparing an extensive set of techniques for software fault prediction and have reported that the performance of techniques vary with the used dataset and none of the technique always performed the best (Venkata et al. 2006; Yan et al. 2007; Sun et al. 2012; Rathore and Kumar 2016a, c). Most of the studies evaluated their prediction models through different evaluation measures, thus, it is not easy to draw any generalized arguments out of them. Moreover, some issues such as skewed dataset and noisy dataset have not been properly taken care of before building fault prediction models.

4.2 Prediction of the number of faults and fault density

There have been few efforts analyzing fault proneness of the software projects by predicting the fault density or the number of faults in given software such as Graves et al. (2000), Ostrand et al. (2005), Janes et al. (2006), Ganesh and Dugan (2007), Rathore and Kumar (2015b), Rathore and Kumar (2015a). Table 4 summarized the studies related to the number of faults prediction. From table it is clear that for the number of faults prediction, most of the studies have used regression based approaches.

Table 4 Works related to number of fault/fault density prediction

Observations on the prediction of number of faults and fault density

Initially, Graves et al. (2000) presented an approach for the number of faults prediction in the software modules. Fault prediction model has been built using a generalized linear regression model and using software change history metrics. The results found that the prediction of number of faults provides more useful information rather than predicting modules being faulty and non-faulty. Later, Ostrand et al. reported a number of studies predicting number of faults in a given file based on LOC, Age, and Program type software metrics (Ostrand et al. 2005, 2004, 2006; Weyuker et al. 2007). They proposed a negative binomial regression based approach for the number of faults prediction and argued that top 20% of the files are responsible for 80% (approx.) of the faults and reported results in this context. Later, Gao and Khoshgoftaar (2007) reported a study, investigating the effectiveness of the count models for fault prediction over a full-scale industrial software project. They concluded that among the different count models used, the zero-inflated negative binomial and the hurdle negative binomial regression based fault prediction models produced better results for fault prediction. These studies reported some results to predict fault density, but they did not provide enough logistics that can prove the significance of the count models for fault density prediction. As well as the selection of a count model for an optimal performance is still equivocal. Moreover, the earlier studies made the use of some change history and LOC metric without providing any appropriateness of these metrics. One more issue is that the quality of fault prediction models were evaluated by using some hypothesis testing and goodness of fit parameters. Therefore, it is difficult to compare these studies on common comparative measure to draw any generalized arguments.

4.3 Severity of faults prediction

Different studies related to the prediction of severity of fault have been summarized in Table 5. Only few works are available in the literature related to the fault severity prediction such as Zhou and Leung (2006), Shatnawi and Li (2008), Sandhu et al. (2011). First comprehensive study for severity of fault prediction has been presented by Shatnawi and Li (2008). They performed the study for Eclipse software project and found that object-oriented metrics are good predictor of fault severity in software project. Later, some other researchers also predicted the fault severity, but they are very few and do not lead to any generalized conclusion. One problem with fault severity prediction is the availability of the datasets. Since, the severity of the fault is a subjective issue and different organizations classified faults into different severity categories accordingly.

Table 5 Works related to severity of faults prediction

5 Performance evaluation measures

Various performance evaluation measures have been reported in the literature to evaluate the effectiveness of fault prediction models. In a broad way, evaluation measures can be classified into two categories: Numeric measures and Graphical measures. Figure 5 illustrates taxonomy of performance evaluation measures. Numeric performance evaluation measures mainly include accuracy, specificity, f-measure, G-means, false negative rate, false positive rate, precision, recall, j-coefficient, mean absolute error, and root mean square error. Graphical performance evaluation measures mainly include ROC curve, precision-recall curve, and cost curve.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Taxonomy of performance evaluation measures

5.1 Numeric measures

Numerical measures are the most commonly used measures to evaluate and validate fault prediction models (Jiang et al. 2008). The detail of these measures is given below.


Accuracy measures the probability of correctly classified fault-prone modules. But, it does not tell anything about incorrectly classified fault free modules (Olson 2008).

$$\begin{aligned} Accuracy= \frac{TN+TP}{TN+TP+FN+FP} \end{aligned}$$

However, the accuracy measure is somewhat ambiguous. For ex., if a classifier has achieved an accuracy of 0.8, then it means that 80% of the modules are correctly classified, while the status of the remaining 20% modules are remain unknown. Thus, if we are interested in misclassification cost also then accuracy is not a suitable measure (Jiang et al. 2008).

Mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE)

The MAE measures the average magnitude of the errors in a set of prediction without considering their direction. It measures accuracy for continuous variables. The RMSE measures the average magnitude of the error. The difference between the predicted value and the actual value are squared and then averaged over the sample. Finally, the square root of the average is taken. Usually, MAE and RMSE measures are used together to provide a better picture of the error rates in fault prediction process.

Specificity, recall and precision

Specificity measures the fraction of correctly predicted fault-free modules. While sensitivity also known as recall or probability of detection (PD), measures probability that a module contained fault is classified correctly (Menzies et al. 2003).

$$\begin{aligned} Recall= & {} \frac{TP}{TP+FN} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Specificity= & {} \frac{TN}{FP+TN} \end{aligned}$$

Precision measures the ratio of correctly classified faulty modules out of the modules classified as fault-prone.

$$\begin{aligned} Precision= \frac{TP}{TP+FP} \end{aligned}$$

Recall and specificity measures show the relation between type I and type II errors. It is possible to increases recall value by lowering precision and vise-versa (Menzies et al. 2007). Each of these three measures has independent consideration. However, the actual significance of these measures occurs when they use in combination.

G-mean, F-measure, H-measure and J-coefficient

To evaluate the fault prediction model for the imbalance datasets, G-means and F-measure, J-coefficient have been used. “G-mean1 is the square root of the product of recall and precision”. “G-mean2 is the square root of the product of recall and specificity” (Kubat et al. 1998).

$$\begin{aligned} G\textendash mean1= & {} \sqrt{(}Recall*Precision) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} G\textendash mean2= & {} \sqrt{(}Recall*Specificity) \end{aligned}$$

F-measure provides the trade-off between classifier performances. It calculates the harmonic mean of precision and recall (Lewis and Gale 1994).

$$\begin{aligned} F\textendash measure= \beta *\frac{Precision*Recall}{Precision+Recall} \end{aligned}$$

In fault prediction, sometime a situation may occur that a classifier is achieving higher accuracy by predicting major class (non-faulty) correctly, while missing out the minor class (faulty). In this case, G-means and F-measure provide more honest scenario of prediction.

J-coefficient combines the performance index of recall and specificity (Youden 1950). It is defined by equation 8.

$$\begin{aligned} J\textendash coefficient= Recall+Specificity-1 \end{aligned}$$

The value of J-coefficient \(=\) 0 implies that the probability of predicting a module faulty is equal to the false alarm rate. Whereas, the value of J-coefficient > 0 implies that classifier is useful for predicting faults.


The false positive rate is the faction of fault free modules that are predicted as faulty. The false negative rate is the ratio of module being faulty but predicted as non-faulty to total number of modules that are predicted as faulty.

$$\begin{aligned} FPR= & {} \frac{FP}{FP+TN} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} FNR= & {} \frac{FN}{TP+FN} \end{aligned}$$

5.2 Graphical measures

Graphical measures incorporated the techniques that show the visual trade-off of the correctly predicted fault-prone modules to the incorrectly predicted fault-free modules.

ROC curve and PR curve

Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve visualizes a trade-off between the number of correctly predicted faulty modules to the number of incorrectly predicted non-faulty modules (Yousef et al. 2004). In ROC curve, x-axis contained the False Positive Rate (FPR), while the y-axis contained the True Positive Rate (TPR). It provides an idea of overall model’s performance by considering misclassification cost, if there is an unbalance in the class distribution. The entire region of the curve is not important in software fault prediction point-of-view. Only, the area under the curve (AUC) within the region is used to evaluate the classifier performance.

In PR space, the recall is plots on the x-axis and the precision is on the y-axis. PR curve provides a more honest picture when dealing with high skewed data (Bockhorst and Craven 2005; Bunescu et al. 2005).

Cost curve

The numeric measures as well as ROC curve and PR curve ignored the impact of misclassification of faults on the software development cost. Certifying considerable number of faulty modules to be non-faulty raises serious concerns as it may result in the increment of a development cost due to the increase in fault removal cost of the same in the later phases. Jiang et al. (2008) have used various metrics to measure the performance of fault-prediction techniques. Later, they introduced cost curve to estimate the cost effectiveness of a classification technique. Drummond and Holte (2006) also proposed cost curve to visualize classifier performance and the cost of misclassification. Cost curve plots the probability cost function on the x-axis and the normalized expected misclassification cost on the y-axis.

Observations on performance evaluation measures

There are many evaluation parameters available that can be used to evaluate the prediction model performance. But, the selection of the best one is not a trivial task. Many factors influence the selection process such as how the class data is distributed, how the model built, how the model will use, etc. The comparison of different fault prediction model performance for predicting fault-prone software modules is the least studied areas in the software fault prediction literature (Arisholm et al. 2010b). Some of the works are available in the literature related to the analysis of the performance evaluation measures. Jiang et al. (2008) compared various performance evaluation measures for software fault prediction. Study found that no single performance evaluation measure able to evaluate the performance of fault prediction model completely. Combination of different performance measures can be used to calculate overall performance of fault prediction models. It is further added that rather than measuring model classification performance, we should focus on minimizing the misclassification cost and maximizing the effectiveness of software quality assurance process. In another study, Arisholm et al. (2010a) investigated various performance evaluation measures for software fault prediction. The results suggested that selection of best fault prediction technique or set of software metrics is highly dependent on the used performance evaluation measures. The selection of common evaluation parameters is still a critical issue in the context of software engineering experiments. The study suggested the use of performance evaluation measures that are closely linked to the intended, practical application of fault prediction model. Lessmann et al. (2008) also presented a study to evaluate performance measures for software fault prediction. They found that relying on accuracy indicators to evaluate fault prediction model is not appropriate. AUC was recommended as a primary indicator for comparing studies in software fault prediction.

Review of the studies related to performance evaluation measures suggests that we need more studies evaluating different performance measures in the context of software fault prediction. Since, the problems in the software fault prediction domain have inherited different issues compare to other’s datasets, such as imbalance dataset, noisy data, etc. In addition, we need to focus more on the evaluation measures that incorporate misclassification rate and cost of erroneous prediction.

6 Statistical survey and observations

In the previous sections, we have presented an extensive study related to various dimensions of software fault prediction. The study and analysis have been performed with respect to software metrics (Sect. 3.1), data qualities issues (Sect. 3.3.2), software fault prediction techniques (Sect. 4), and performance evaluation measures (Sect. 5). Corresponding to each of the study, the observations and research gaps identified by us are also reported. Overall observations drawn from the statistical analysis of all these studies are shown in Figs. 6, 7 and 8.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Observations drawn from the software metrics studies

Various observations drawn from the works reviewed for software metrics are shown in Fig. 6.

  • As shown in Fig. 6a, object-oriented (OO) metrics are most widely studied and validated (39%) by the researchers, followed by process metrics (23%). The complexity and LOC metrics are the third largest set of metrics investigated by the researchers. While, combinations of different metrics (12%) least investigated by the researchers. One possible reason behind the high use of OO metrics for fault prediction is that traditional metrics (like Static code metrics, LOC metrics, etc.) did not capture the OO features such as inheritance, coupling, and cohesion, which are the root of the modern software development practices. Whereas, OO metrics provide the measure of these features that help in the efficient OO software development process (Yasser A Khan and El-Attar 2011).

  • As Fig. 6b shows that 64% of the studies used public datasets and only 36% used private datasets. While, a combination of the both types of datasets are the least used by studies (8%). Since, public datasets provide the benefit of replication of the studies and are easily available. It attracts the huge number of researchers to use the public datasets to perform their studies.

  • It is revealed from Fig. 6c that the highest numbers of studies used statistical methods (70%) to evaluate and validate software metrics. While, only 30% of the studies used machine-learning techniques.

  • It is clear from the Fig. 6d that capability of software metrics in predicting fault proneness has investigated by the highest number of researchers (61%). Only 14% of the studies investigated in the context of the number of fault prediction. While, 25% of the studies investigated other aspects of software fault prediction.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Research focus of the studies related to data quality

Various observations drawn from the works reviewed for data quality issues are shown in Fig. 7.

  • As shown in Fig 7a, high data dimensionality is the primary data quality issue investigated by the researchers (39%). Class imbalance problem (23%) and outlier analysis (15%) are the second and third highly investigated data quality issues.

  • As Fig. 7b shows that 63% of the studies investigated data quality issues have used public datasets and only 37% of the studies have used private or commercial datasets.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Observations drawn from the studies related to software fault prediction techniques

Various observations drawn from the works reviewed for software fault prediction techniques are shown in Fig. 8.

  • It is shown in Fig. 8a that for performance evaluation measures, accuracy, precision and recall (46%) are the highest used by the researchers. AUC (15%) is the second highest used performance evaluation measure, while cost estimation (3%) and G-means (12%) are the least used by the researchers. The earlier researchers (before 2006–2007) have evaluated fault prediction models using simple measures such as accuracy, precision, etc., while, recent paradigm has been shifted to the use of performance evaluation measures such as cost curve, f-measure, AUC, etc. to evaluate fault prediction models (Jiang et al. 2008; Arisholm et al. 2010a).

  • It is clear from Fig. 8b that supervised learning methods are the highest used by the earlier studies (44%) for building fault prediction models followed by statistical methods (40%). The reason behind the high use of statistical methods and supervised learning techniques for building fault prediction model is that they are simple to use and did not involve any complex parameter optimization. While, techniques like SVM, Clustering, etc. require a level of expertise before using them for fault prediction (Malhotra and Jain 2012; Tosun et al. 2010).

  • Figure 8b shows that semi-supervised (5%) and unsupervised (11%) techniques have been used by fewer numbers of researchers. Since, the typical fault dataset contained the software metrics (independent variables) and the fault information (dependent variable). This makes it easy and suitable to use the supervised techniques for fault prediction. However, the use of semi-supervised and unsupervised techniques for fault prediction has increased recently.

  • Figure 8c revels that 77% of the researchers have used public datasets to build fault prediction models and only 23% have used private datasets.

7 Discussion

Software fault prediction helps in reducing fault finding efforts by predicting faults prior to the testing process. It also helps in better utilization of testing resources and helps in streamlining software quality assurance (SQA) efforts to be applied in the later phases of software development. This practical significance of software fault prediction attracted a huge amount of research in this area in last two decades. The availability of open-source data repositories like NASA and PROMISE has also encouraged the researchers to perform studies and to draw out general conclusions. However, a large part of the earlier reported studies provided insufficient methodological details and thus made the task of software fault prediction difficult. The objective of this review work is to find the various dimensions of software fault prediction process and to analyze the works done in each of the dimension. We have performed an extensive search in various digital libraries to find out the studies published since 1993 and categorized them according to the targeted research areas. We excluded the papers from our study, which are not having the complete methodological detail or are not having experimental results. This leads us to narrow down our focus on the relevant papers only.

We observed that definition of software fault proneness is highly complex and ambiguous, and can be measured in different ways. A fault can be identified in any phase of software development. Some faults remain undetected during the testing phase and forwarded to the field. One needs to understand the difference between pre-release and post-release faults before doing fault prediction. Moreover, the earlier prediction of faults is based on the binary class classification. This type of prediction provides an ambiguous picture of prediction, since, some modules are more fault-prone and require extra attention compared to the others. The more practical approach to the prediction should be based on the classification of the software modules based on the severity level of faults and prediction of the number of the faults. It can help to narrow down the SQA efforts to more severe modules and can result in a robust software system.

We have analyzed various studies reported for software fault prediction and found that the methodology used for software fault prediction affects the classifiers performance. There are three main concerns need attention before building any fault prediction model. First is the availability of a right set of datasets (detailed observations are given in Sect. 3.3.2 for data quality issues). It was found that fault datasets have lots of inheriting quality issues that lead to the poor prediction results. One needs to apply proper data cleaning and data preprocessing techniques to transform the data into the application context. In addition, fault prediction techniques needed to be selected according to the fault data in hand. Second is the optimal selection of independent variables (software metrics). A large number of software metrics are available. We can apply some feature selection techniques to select a significant set of metrics (detailed observations are given in Subsection 3.2.1 for software metrics). Last, the selection of fault prediction techniques should be optimized. One needs to extract the dataset characteristics and then select the fault prediction techniques based on the properties of the fault dataset (detailed observations are given in Subsection 4 for fault prediction techniques). Many accomplishments have been made in the area of software fault prediction, as highlighted throughout the paper. However, one question still remains to be answered, “why there has not been no big improvements or changing subproblems in software fault prediction”. As discussed in their work, Menzies et al. (2008) showed that techniques/approaches used for fault prediction hit the “performance ceiling”. Simply using better techniques does not guarantee the improved performance. Still, a large part of the community focuses on proposing or exploring new techniques for fault prediction. The author suggested that leveraging training data with more information content can help in breaking this performance ceiling. Next, most of the researchers focused on finding the solutions that are useful in the global context. In their study, Menzies et al. (2011) suggested that researchers should firstly check the validity of their solutions in the local context of the software project. Further, authors concluded that rather than seeking general solutions that can be applied to many projects, one should focus on finding the solutions that are best for the groups of related projects. The problem with fault prediction research does not lie in the used approaches, but on context in which fault prediction model build, performance measures used for model evaluation, and lack of the awareness of handling data quality issues. However, systematic methodologies are followed for software fault prediction, but a researcher must select a particular fault prediction approach by analyzing the context of the project and evaluate the prediction approach in the practical settings (e.g., how much effort do defect prediction models reduce for code review?) instead of only improving precision and recall.

8 Challenges and future directions in software fault prediction

In this section, we present some challenges and future directions in the software fault prediction. We also discuss some of the works done earlier to undertake these challenges.

(A) Adoption of software fault prediction for the rapidly changing environment of software development like Agile based development In recent years, the use of agile based approaches such as extreme programming, scrum, etc. has increased in software development and it has widely replaced the traditional software development practices. In conventional fault prediction process, historic data collected from the previous releases of the software project is used to build the model and to predict the faults in the current release of the software project. However, in agile based development, we follow very fast release cycle and hence sometimes enough data is not available for the early releases of the software project to build the fault prediction model. Therefore, it is needed to develop the methodologies that can predict faults in the early stages of software development. To solve this problem, Erturk and Sezer (2016) presented an approach that uses the expert knowledge and fuzzy inference system to predict faults in the early releases of software development and uses the conventional fault prediction process once the sufficient historic data is available. More such studies are needed to adopt the software fault prediction for agile-based development.

(B) Building fault prediction model to handle evolution of code bases One of the concerns with software fault prediction is the evolution of code bases. Suppose, we built a fault prediction model using a set of metrics and used it to predict the faults in given software project. However, some of these faults are fixed afterwards. Now, software system has evolved to accommodate the changes, but there may be the case when the values of the used set of metrics did not change. In that case, if we reuse the built fault prediction model, it will re-raise the same code area as fault-prone. This is a general problem of fault prediction models if we use the code metrics. Many of the studies presented in Table 1 (Sect. 3.2) used code metrics to build the fault prediction models. To solve this problem, it is needed to select the software metrics based on the development process and self-adapting measurements that capture already fixed faults. Recently, some researchers such as Nachiappan et al. (2010) and  Matsumoto et al. (2010) proposed different sets of metrics such as software change metrics, file status metrics, developer metrics, etc. to build the fault prediction models. The future studies need to be done by using such software metrics to build the fault prediction models that capture the difference between two versions of the software project.

(C) Making fault prediction models more informative As Sect. 4 shows that many researchers have built fault prediction models for predicting software modules begin faulty and non-faulty. Only a few researchers focused on predicting number of faults and severity of faults. From the software practitioners perspective, sometimes it is beneficiary to know the modules having a large number of faults rather than simply having faulty or non-faulty information. It is often valuable for the software practitioner to know the modules having the largest number of faults since it would allow her/him to better identify most of the faults early and quickly. To solve this challenge, we need to make fault prediction models that are providing more information about the faultiness of software modules such as number of faults in a module, ranking of modules fault-wise, severity of a fault, etc. Some researchers such as Yang et al. (2015), Yan et al. (2010), Rathore and Kumar (2016b) presented their studies focusing on predicting ranking of software modules and number of defects prediction. Some studies related to fault prediction showed that a few number of modules contains most of the faults in software projects. Ostrand et al. (2005) presented a study to detect number of faults in top 20% of the files. We need more such type of studies to make the fault prediction models more informative.

(D) Considering new approaches to build fault prediction models As reported in Sect. 4, majority of fault prediction studies have used different machine learning and statistical techniques to perform the prediction. Recent results indicated that this current research paradigm, which relied on the use of straightforward machine learning techniques, has reached its limit (Menzies et al. 2008). In the last decade, use of ensemble methods and multiple classifier combination approaches for fault prediction has gained considerable attention (Rathore and Kumar 2017). The studies related to these approaches reported better prediction performance compared to the individual techniques. In their study, Menzies et al. (2011) also suggested the use of additional information when building fault prediction models to achieve better prediction performance. However, there remains much work to do in this area to improve the performance of fault prediction models.

(E) Cross-company versus with-in company prediction The earlier fault prediction studies generally focused on the use of historical fault data of software project to build the prediction model. To employ this approach, a company should have maintained a data repository, where information about the software metrics and faults from the past projects or releases are stored. However, this practice is rarely followed by the software companies. In this situation, fault data from the different software project or different company can be used to build the fault prediction model for the given software project. The earlier reported studies related to this area found that the fault predictors learned from the cross-company data are not performing up to the mark. On the positive side, many researchers such as Zimmermann et al. (2009), Peters et al. (2013) have reported some studies to improve the performance of cross-company prediction. There remains much work to do in this area. We still need to handle issues such as selection of suitable training data for the projects without historic data, why fault prediction is not transitive, how to handle the data transfer of different project, etc. to make the cross-company prediction more effective.

(F) Use of search based approaches for fault prediction Search based approaches include the techniques from metaheuristic search, operations research and evolutionary computation to solve software fault prediction problem (Afzal 2011). These techniques model a problem in terms of an evaluation function and then use a search technique to minimize or maximize that function. Recently, some researchers have reported their studies using search based approaches for fault prediction (Afzal et al. 2010; Xiao and Afzal 2010). The results showed that an improved performance can be achieved using search based approaches. However, search based approaches typically require large number of evaluations to reach the solution. In Chen et al. (2017) presented a study to reduce the number of evaluations and to optimize the performance of these techniques. In future, researchers need to perform more studies using these approaches to examine what is the best way to use these approaches optimally. Such research can have a significant impact on the fault prediction performance.

9 Conclusions

The paper reviewed works related to various activities of software fault prediction such as software metrics, fault prediction techniques, data quality issues, and performance evaluation measures. We have highlighted various challenges and methodological issues associated with these activities of software fault prediction. From the survey and observations, it is revealed that most of the works have concentrated on OO metrics and process metrics using public data. Further, statistical techniques have been mostly used and they have mainly worked on the binary class classification. High data dimensionality and class imbalance quality issues have been widely investigated and most of the works have used accuracy, precision, and recall to evaluate the fault prediction performance. This paper also identified some challenges that can be explore by researchers in the future to make the software fault prediction process more evolved. The studies, reviews, survey, and observations enumerated in this paper can be helpful to the naive as well as established researchers of the related field. From this extensive review, it can be concluded that more studies proposing and validating new software metrics sets by exploring the developers properties, cache history and location of faults, and other software development process related properties are needed. The future studies can try to build fault prediction models for cross-project prediction that can be useful for the organizations with insufficient fault project histories. The results of reviews performed in this work revealed that the performance of the different fault prediction techniques vary with different datasets. Hence, the work can be done to build the ensemble models for software fault prediction to overcome the limitations of individual fault prediction techniques.