Dear reader,

As the world weather ductus day, grey hound Snowden, all bright Obama, disputed K-ras Putin and gyrus Cairo pyramidalis attract your attention, be aware and find out the powerful path where the sentinel seasoning shadows learn to fly: cloud per cloud, be was now then, individually, historically, clue cumbering melt mingling density blowing fume, future ashore. Into motion comes the thought. Here, not far distance from the sky, appears from where fell in close remembrance the spectrum umbrella rainbow center line based ceremony: there is something to care. Most importantly, it is and it says and it shows all about you. Adore the adonai adorno aftermath before the unspoken words torah out into up ani shad sound to tune temper the anna gracias groove of anu towards the ilion temple of pentateuch in the way of particular penny lane water pipe offerings. We need a change. Coin melts the iron. Wind opens the window. Manifestation forces. The archaic well hides, as the ocean shows, what the river fell as mirror of soil, land, heaven and stars. Dilution tastes. Milky way offerings tie the famous logos phonetical cow to the why axis of pollution. Any model starts. Reflux this ease. Is is aton? Oh see res. In the beginning was the burb, and the burb was with chandrasoma (body of moon). At night the moon fell out of the gullet. Feel free to ask the asterisk! Never stop to straddle the stars! Never stop to put into question! Swallow the moon. Pills hide. Within the continuous cosmic cycle the pick out breath still images and lines out origin, being and end. Skin folds told shines in linger light glory of destiny. Trahere the forgotten ex Gaia demonstrated the tragedy. Into being came to reason how and why, good and bad, right or wrong riding you far off the reach to even smell any of the purity of it all, hidden behind what you perceive, through sounds your now. Recall major sensing and bring yourself into the thoughtful bright light of minor mood to selflessly stream out into the concert of winds as they shackle the woods of your tree and the leaves climb the rim of your horizon. Make it easy and ivory glance the spoken. The high is the low of the other way.

As a consequence of the inability of the small-minded physicians to consider and translate the very essence, the tube to sack esophagogastric junction resides as a mystery within the bright lemon light of misunderstanding (Fig. 1). Having light does not necessarily mean that you see. Due to the lack of greed, ignorance and selfishness, the moon stopped to swallow the body unseen, stopped the hidden limos and started to peel off the fog, clouds and secret layers of the lemon to bring into our attention the uncovered, uncensored taste of the tale: it is never too lethe for myths and epos. What has been taken for stomach comes first gastric cardia in fact represents the gullet goes giggling dilated distal esophagus and explains why early gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is sensed without heartburn, but as epigastric pain, wheezing, coughing and asthma (Fig. 2). NERDs are more open for echos than ERDs. As the atypical becomes typical the essence seems to come into the reach of our understanding. Tragodia, the he goat song: as part of the mask it helps to witness the morphologic manifestation of reflux. Fix it tight with the oncos. GERD models myths of creation and how we witness the world: as a continuous process of hide and reveal. The dilated platform for malignant development serves as the target for cancer prevention. Otherwise the load allows less than 10 % 5 year survival in other words of oncology.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Optical biopsy of the esophagogastric junction obtained in a person with heartburn. Antegrade view towards the squamocolumnar junction (white to salmon) and the level of the rise of “gastric type folds”, the so-called “gastric cardia”. Since it looks like stomach it is usually taken as stomach. Histopathology of biopsies obtained from these folds reveals the hidden essence and shows columnar lined esophagus. As a pseudos the term “cardia” humbugs the uncritical observer and prevents one from uncovering the essence. The image mirrors the idea of the author to search for the essence of a being before drawing any conclusions. (Image obtained using Storz Endoscopy equipment)

Fig. 2
figure 2

Endoscopy of the esophagogastric junction. Retrograde view towards the outlet of the esophagus. The valve enclosing the endoscope is usually considered as “gastric cardia”. Histopathology of biopsies obtained from the valve show that what is taken for “cardia” in fact represent dilated columnar lined esophagus, i.e., the dilated distal esophagus. Considering the essence means to uncover the hidden and tune its relevance for our well-being. (Image obtained using Storz Endoscopy equipment)

The mystery remains, why the majority of physicians in Austria and abroad are still unable to open their swing to prevent. The sun is out there, well taken. As it shines, radiation burns. Span the protective umbrella to mingle the moon. Give it the easy smile of prevention. Personality matters. Insecurity provokes. Gaia nourishes AND tastes. It seems these physicians do not care because they are NOT interested. You always see, what you want to see, irrespective of the endoscope. In their minds, the word “patient” stands for “Go out of my office and pay”. Unheard and disconnected from ANY ground bubble the boats. Water is full of passion and smell. The jude jelly ignorant fishermen expert surgeons, gastroenterologists, radiologists, oncologists, pulmologists, endoscopists, internists, cardiologists, ENT, apple eye docs, stomatologists and whatsoever being out of the logos amigos collect, sample and stool out greed guided ugly stinking masses of carbonated reflux provoking beverage PubMed literature. May it hopefully serve as the ground for the essence plant beautiful flower wood garden of Academos to speak into our existence, in the future of the model. Mind minds. Clean water nourishes the understanding. Concentration kills. Therefore, the essence may shine into our being. Foster holistics to avoid separation, night, anger and fear. It could be you, tomorrow. Say day!!